DLP - FEB 14 ReadING and WritING
DLP - FEB 14 ReadING and WritING
DLP - FEB 14 ReadING and WritING
Department of Education
Region 02
Division of Cagayan
1. Give the meaning of evidence;
2. Formulate evidence/s as
support to claim through
writing; and
3. Identify the evidences of the
claims in a given text.
E. Developing Task:
mastery (Leads to
Formative One of the strands will be given the
Assessment) chance to give a claim about certain
issues in the environment/country.
The other strand will support the claim
of the former by providing evidence/s.
If the latter fails to provide evidence,
the former will give the needed
evidence, and receives the points.
I need your team leaders and let us
have a toss coin.
G. Making
generalizations What have you learned about Answers vary.
and abstractions evidence?
about the lesson
Why is it important to determine the
evidences of the given text?
Evidence from the text:
I. Additional
activities for Read the given text and find out the
application or remaining evidences that are present
remediation there.
SHS Coordinator