Ancheta vs. Guersey-Dalaygon (DIGEST)
Ancheta vs. Guersey-Dalaygon (DIGEST)
Ancheta vs. Guersey-Dalaygon (DIGEST)
Guersey-Dalaygon, respondent
G.R. No. 139868, June 8, 2006
Austria-Martinez, J.
Extrinsic fraud – fraudulent act committed outside trial of case that prevents defeated
party from exhibiting his side fully
1986 Constitution, Article XII, Sections 7-8 prohibits non-Filipinos from acquiring
public and private domain
American spouses Audrey O’Neill and W. Richard Guersey resided in Philippines for
30 years with adopted daughter Kyle Guersey Hill
Audrey’s will admitted to probate before Orphan’s Court of Baltimore and Court of
First Instance of Rizal in Special Proceeding No. 9625
o Bequeath entire estate to Richard
Richard married Candelaria Guersey-Dalaygon in 1981
Richard left will bequeathing entire estate to Guersey-Dalaygon and rights and
interests over A/G Interiors, Inc. to Kyle
o Admitted to probate in Oprhan’s Court of Ann Arundel, Maryland and
Regional Trial Court of Makati in Special Proceeding No. M-888
Ancillary administrator in Special Proceeding No. M-888 filed project of partition:
o 2/5 of Richard’s ¾ undivided interest in Makati property allocated to Guersey-
Dalaygon, 3/5 to Richard’s three children (Kyle, Kimberly, Kevin)
o Opposed by respondent on grounds of Maryland law that all property subject
of legacy is passed on to legatee
Respondent contended petitioner willfully breached his fiduciary duty, amounting to
extrinsic fraud
o Petitioner contended he acted in good faith and had no knowledge of State of
Maryland’s laws
1. Whether or not the law of the State of Maryland is applicable to the acquiring of
property in the Philippines
2. Whether or not petitioner committed extrinsic fraud
1. YES; Maryland laws apply
o Article 16 of Civil Code: national law of decedent is applicable; therefore
petitioner should have distributed Audrey’s estate according to terms of her
o Last Will and Testament was probated before Orphans Court in Maryland
o Audrey domiciled in the US – being foreign national, intrinsic validity is
governed by her national law
2. YES; petitioner’s breach of duty and fiduciary nature of petitioner combine to create a
circumstance tantamount to extrinsic fraud
o Failure to proficiently manage distribution dictated by applicable law
amounted to extrinsic fraud
o How can petitioner honestly presume Philippine laws apply when as early as
reprobate of Audrey’s will before trial court in 1982, already brought to fore
that Audrey was a US citizen