Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor: K. Harish

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K. Harish

Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering

Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology
Yamnampet,Ghatkesar Mandal,Medchal Dist,501301,Telangana,India

1. Abstract:

The 3D Ultrasonic fingerprint scanner has been developed by

Qualcomm and the Galaxy S10 and S10+ are the first in the
world to ship with it. The ultrasonic fingerprint sensor uses an
ultrasonic pulse and creates a highly detailed 3D reproduction
of scanned fingerprint where traditional fingerprint scanner
use photographic sensors and create 2D scan of fingerprint.
Qualcomm’s 3D in-display ultrasonic fingerprint scanner is based on
what used to be called Sense ID. Rather than existing photographic or
capacitive-based fingerprint scanners, ultrasonic fingerprint scanners
make use of very high-frequency ultrasonic sound. You can’t hear it,
but these waves are used to map out the details of the user’s fingerprint.
Fortunately, there’s no need to swipe, just touch the finger to the sensor
like the top of the line capacitive fingerprint scanners. Fig: Working of Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor

An ultrasonic fingerprint sensor works by bouncing a sonic 4. COMPARISON TO OTHER SENSORS
pulse wave off of your fingertip to create a three-dimensional
image. It's much more secure than optical in-display sensors A. Optical Fingerprint scanner:
and will work even if your fingers are greasy, dirty, or wet. This captures an image of the finger and requires light for
Using sound pressure waves, your fingerprint is mapped based doing so. That shiny ring of light around your finger when you
on the way these waves bounce back to the sensor. scan it on the OnePlus 6T isn’t just for show; it’s there to
illuminate your finger so the sensor (usually a camera) can
3. WORKING: take a photo. This scanner is the least reliable because any dirt
Qualcomm’s 3D in-display ultrasonic fingerprint scanner is or irregularity on your finger or surface, even a scratch, could
based on what used to be called Sense ID. Rather than existing result in a failed authentication. It’s also one of the easiest
photographic or capacitive-based fingerprint scanners, technologies to fool since all it needs is a 2D image of your
ultrasonic fingerprint scanners make use of very high- fingerprint.
frequency ultrasonic sound. You can’t hear it, but these waves
are used to map out the details of the user’s fingerprint. To
actually capture the details of a fingerprint, the hardware
consists of both a transmitter and a receiver. An ultrasonic
pulse is transmitted against the finger that is placed over the
scanner. Some of this pulse’s pressure is absorbed and some
of it is bounced back to the sensor, depending upon the ridges,
pores and other details that are unique to each fingerprint.
There isn’t a microphone listening out for these returning
signals. Instead, a sensor that can detect mechanical stress is
used to calculate the intensity of the returning ultrasonic pulse
at different points on the scanner.

Fig: Working of Optical Fingerprint Sensor

B. Capacitive Fingerprint scanner: away from malicious applications. Qualcomm’s setup is also
This is by far the most popular option. Unlike the optical designed to support the Fast Identity Online (FIDO) Alliance
scanner, a capacitive scanner uses capacitors (electricity) to protocols, which can be used for online password-less
take a snapshot of your finger. These sensors are far more authentication. FIDO does this without transferring any of the
reliable because they capture the 3D shape of your fingerprint confidential fingerprint information to the cloud or through
and not just its image. Most fingerprint scanners, including networks that could be compromised.
Apple’s TouchID, use this technology.

Fig : Benefits of Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor

Fingerprint scanners have become quite a secure alternative
Fig: Working of Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner to remembering countless user-names and passwords, and the
further roll out of secure mobile payment systems means that
these scanners are likely to become a more common and
C. Ultrasonic Fingerprint Scanner: crucial security tool in the future. The ease of access
This sensor goes deeper. Where the previous two examples facilitated by Biometrics is commendable. In the case of a
capture the surface of your finger, an ultrasonic scanner uses fingerprint scanner, all we have to do is swipe our finger on
sound waves to map the dermal layer of your skin, i.e. the the sensor. While in-display fingerprint sensors as a whole
layer just under the outer layer of skin. Because of this, these seem to be fussier than capacitive sensors, in-display
sensors are extremely accurate and almost impossible to fool. sensors may very well take over in the future, and ultrasonic
They’re also undeterred by dirt or scars. The sound waves are technology could lead the way.
typically around 200 kilohertz when measuring something like
a fingerprint. In general, ultrasonic fingerprint sensors can
have their advantages. They can sense “blood flow”. The new
fingerprint reader is “ultrasonic,” meaning that it uses sound
waves to detect a three-dimensional image of your
fingerprint. Those sound waves bounce off your finger and
return to the phone, allowing it to see the ridges of your print
as well as the depth of those valleys.

The sensor is just 0.15 millimeters thick and can scan
through up to 800 µm of glass and up to 650 µm of aluminum.
Therefore, the scanner can be embedded under the case or
under the display as we’re seeing in the Samsung Galaxy S10,
allowing for a more discrete look and thinner bezels. Because
the sensor uses ultrasonic waves, the sensor can also double
up as a health tracker that can record heart rate and blood flow. Fig: Applications of Ultrasonic Fingerprint Sensor
Additionally, there’s less chance of damaging the sensor or
exposing it to external tampering, and sweat or moisture on
the finger won’t interfere with the scanning process either. 7. REFERENCES:
Qualcomm’s processors are built with dedicated security tools, [1]. https://www.quora.com/What-is-ultrasonic-
including Cryptographic Accelerators, Key Provisioning fingerprint
Security, and a Trusted Execution Environment. This ensures [2]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhIyy-6iYHE
that the processing and storage of sensitive data are kept well
[3]. https://www.androidauthority.com/qualcomm-
[4]. https://www.androidauthority.com/how-fingerprint-
[5]. https://www.popsci.com/samsung-galaxy-s10-
[6]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICp5pZoudVo


K. Harish – I am an engineering student of second year

studying in Sreenidhi institute of science and technology.


This project was written by me and in my own words, except

for figures from published and unpublished sources.
Plagiarism ratio = 73:27

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