Important Information: Maintenance
Important Information: Maintenance
Important Information: Maintenance
Table of Contents
Flushing Cooling System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-1
Following Complete Submersion . . . . . . . . . 1B-1
Salt Water Submersion
(Special Instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-1
Submerged While Running
(Special Instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-1
Submerged Engine (Fresh Water)
Plus Special Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-1
Fuel System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-2
Out-of-season Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-2
Out-of-season Battery Storage . . . . . . . . . . 1B-2
Detonation: Causes And Prevention . . . . . . 1B-3
Compression Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-4
Water Pressure Check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1B-4
WARNING 1. With Sport Jet in the water, start the engine and
let it warm up to operating temperature.
As a safety precaution, when boat is in storage,
remove positive (+) battery cable. This will 2. Disconnect the fuel line. When the engine starts
eliminate possibility of accidental starting of to stall quickly spray Quicksilver Storage Seal
engine and resultant overheating and damage to into each carburetor throat. Continue to spray
engine from lack of water. until engine dies from lack of fuel.
In preparing for out-of-season storage, two precau- 3. Remove spark plugs and inject a five second
tions must be considered: 1) The engine must be spray of Quicksilver Storage Seal around the in-
protected from physical damage caused by freezing side of each cylinder. Manually turn engine over
trapped water and 2) the engine must be protected several times to distribute Storage Seal
from rust, corrosion and dirt. throughout cylinders. Reinstall spark plugs.
The following storage procedures should be fol- 4. Drain and refill drive housing unit and stator as-
lowed to prepare the Sport Jet for out-of-season sembly with Quicksilver Hi Performance Gear
storage or prolonged storage (two months or long- Lube as explained in “Jet Pump” section (see
er). Table of Contents).
5. Clean engine thoroughly including all accessi-
ble powerhead parts and spray with Corrosion
CAUTION and Rust Preventive.
Never start or run the Sport Jet (even
6. Lubricate all lubrication points.
momentarily) without water circulating through
the cooling system to prevent damage to the 7. To prevent freeze damage drain the speedome-
unit. ter system of water completely before storage.
FUEL SYSTEM Remove tubing from speedometer fitting and
blow through tubing to remove water.
IMPORTANT: Gasoline containing alcohol (etha-
nol or methanol) can cause a formation of acid 8. Store battery as outlined in Out-of-Season Bat-
during storage and can damage the fuel system. tery Storage following:
If the gasoline being used contains alcohol, it is IMPORTANT: Check and refill housings with
advisable to drain as much of the remaining gas- Quicksilver Hi Performance Gear Lube before
oline as possible from the fuel tank, remote fuel storage to protect against possible water leak-
line, and engine fuel system. age into housings which is caused by loose lu-
Fill the fuel system (tank, hoses, fuel pump, and car- bricant vent or fill plug. Inspect gaskets under
buretors) with treated (stabilized) fuel to help pre- lubricant vent and fill plugs replacing any dam-
vent formation of varnish and gum. Proceed with the aged gaskets before reinstalling plugs.
following instructions. Out-of-Season Battery Storage
Portable Fuel Tank: Pour the required amount of
1. Remove battery as soon as possible and re-
Quicksilver Gasoline Stabilizer (follow instruc-
move all grease, sulfate and dirt from top sur-
tions on container) into fuel tank. Tip fuel tank
back and forth to mix stabilizer with the fuel. face.
2. Cover plates with distilled water, but not over
3/16 in. (5 mm) above perforated baffles.