Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Yuthana Phimolsiripol, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand; and Food Innovation and Packaging
Center, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Panuwat Suppakul, Faculty of Agro-Industry, and Center of Advanced Studies for Agriculture and Food (CASAF), Kasetsart
University, Bangkok, Thailand; and Center for Intelligent Agro-Food Packaging, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dongguk
University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Basic Concept 1
Factors Affecting the Shelf Life Test 1
Understand the Product 1
Understand the Factors Affecting Product Quality 2
Identify the Critical Quality Based on Several Guidelines 2
Understand the Concerted Series 2
Types of Shelf Life Tests and Design 2
Static Tests 2
Accelerated Tests 2
Use/Abuse Tests 2
Storage and Sampling Design 2
Basic Design Sampling 3
Reverse Design Sampling 3
Semireverse Design Sampling 3
Storage Test and Trial Conditions 3
Storage Conditions 3
Commonly Used for Fixed-Storage Conditions 3
Samples for Storage Trials 3
Sampling Schedule 3
Kinetic Reactions 3
Accelerated Shelf Life Simulation 5
Steps of Accelerated Shelf Life Simulation 5
Arrhenius Model 5
Conclusion 8
References 8
Basic Concept
Nowadays, consumers are increasingly demanding high food quality, and they have corresponding expectations that the quality of
their food will be maintained at a high level during the period between purchase and consumption. Shelf life is an important attri-
bute of all foods, including raw materials, ingredients, and manufactured products. It is defined as the time during which the food
product will (1) remain safe; (2) be certain to retain desired sensory, chemical, physical, and microbiological characteristics; (3)
comply with any label declaration of nutritional data; and (4) be acceptable to the consumer (Earle and Earle, 2008).
For shelf life determination, the evaluator is required to understand basic food science and technology including food processing,
food analysis, food packaging, and statistical techniques. Shelf life studies must be carried out only when foods are correctly processed,
packed, and stored, ready for purchase and consumption (Steele, 2004). The end of shelf life can be determined from (1) relevant food
legislation; (2) guidelines given by enforcement authorities or agencies; (3) guides provided by independent professional bodies such
as IFT; (4) current industrial best practice; (5) self-imposed end-point assessment; and (6) market information.
Measurements are made every week in order to determine shelf life. (3) Highly stable foods (dried food, canned food, and frozen
food) – These are medium-to-long shelf life products that have received a thermal process or are maintained in specific conditions.
Measurements are made every week or monthly in order to determine shelf life.
Static Tests
Product stored under a given set of environmental conditions. This test requires a long time to observe changes and is expensive. It
gives no information on the effects of stress and comes the closest to distribution conditions.
Accelerated Tests
Product stored under a range of environmental conditions (usually temperature or relative humidity). The conditions of this test are
selected to cover the expected range encountered and can be achieved in a relatively short period of time. It also provides kinetic data,
and the test conditions should not alter the normal anticipated path affecting shelf life. The results must be interpreted with care.
Use/Abuse Tests
Product cycled through environmental variables. The test is used to assess the product and package as a unit. These tests use cycles of
variables that are equal to or beyond that expected under actual conditions. It is often used to determine the effects of transport.
Storage Conditions
The sample should be stored in several conditions including optimum conditions, typical or average conditions, and worst-case
Sampling Schedule
The sampling plan is depended on the typical shelf life: (1) Short-shelf life products: Up to 1 week (e.g., ready meals), samples can
be taken off daily for evaluation. (2) Medium-shelf life products: Up to 3 weeks (e.g., some ambient cakes and pastry), samples can
be taken off on days 0, 7, 14, 19, 21, and 25. (3) Long-shelf life products: Up to 1 year (e.g., some breakfast cereals), samples can be
taken off at monthly intervals or at months 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, and (perhaps) 18.
Kinetic Reactions
The simplest technique for shelf life testing is the kinetic reaction approach. To predict the shelf life, the kinetic data is used to eval-
uate how the deterioration process behaves as a function of time. It is the concept of quantification of the quality of food products
based on reaction change (Labuza and Riboh, 1982; Corradini and Peleg, 2007). The kinetic equation may be expressed as:
rA ¼ ¼ k½An
Following the chemical reactions, k is the kinetic constant, t is time, and n is order of reaction. The change in concentration A
of a component of interest is monitored. The quality factors [A] are usually quantifiable chemical, physical, microbiological, or
sensory parameters, such as the loss of a nutrient or characteristic of flavor or formation of an off-flavor. The time to reach the
value of the quality index (Ats ) at a specified condition (i.e., the shelf life) ts is inversely proportional to the rate constant at these
fq ðAts Þ
ts ¼
4 Techniques in Shelf Life Evaluation of Food Products
0 At A0 or At /A0
1 ln (At A0) or ln (At /A0)
2 1/At 1/A0
n (n s 1) (1/n 1)$ðAt1n A01n Þ
The forms of the quality function of the food for an apparent zero-, first-, second- or nth-order reaction are presented in Table 1
and Figure 1, which show the different patterns of the reaction orders. For zero-order reactions, the reaction rate is independent of
the concentration of a reactant. First-order reactions depend on a single reactant, and the exponent value is one. For second-order
reactions, the reaction rate may be proportional to one concentration squared or to the product of two concentrations (Labuza and
Riboh, 1982). Most reactions that are responsible for shelf life loss based on a characteristic physicochemical, chemical, or microbial
index include the following: zero order (e.g., frozen food overall quality, Maillard browning) and first order (e.g., vitamin loss,
oxidative color loss, microbial growth), as shown in Table 1 and Figure 1. Several published research has been applied to the kinetic
model to describe the temperature dependence. The quality parameters can be chemical properties such as peroxide value in extra
virgin olive oil (Calligaris et al., 2006); vitamin C loss in citrus juice concentrate (Burdurlu et al., 2006); hydrogen ion in coffee
liquids (Manzocco and Nicoli, 2007); physical property such as color loss in fresh-cut asparagus (Sothornvit and Kiatchanapaibul,
2009); weight loss in frozen bread dough (Phimolsiripol et al., 2011); or sensory property such as sensory attributes in frozen
shrimp (Tsironi et al., 2009).
The simplest and frequently used method to find the reaction order is the integration method (van Boekel, 2008). The
process starts from (1) guess reaction order; (2) integrate; (3) linearize by linear regression; (4) plot experimental data in line-
arized form; and (5) if data fit a straight line, then guess is right, if not start again. The simple selection is higher coefficient of
determination (R2), and slope is reaction rate constant. Determination of reaction order has been exemplified in Example 1 as
10 271
20 109
30 58
40 30.5
50 18
60 10
Techniques in Shelf Life Evaluation of Food Products 5
Time (days) Zero order (A) First order (ln A) Second order (1/A)
Food industries require a relatively short time to obtain the necessary information for determining the shelf life of their products.
For practical reasons, when the actual storage time is long, the industry usually uses accelerated test techniques that considerably
shorten the process of obtaining the necessary experimental data. Accelerated shelf life simulation will refer to any method that
is capable of evaluating product stability, based on data that is obtained in a significantly shorter period than the actual shelf
life of the product (Steele, 2004). As aimed at shortening the time required to estimate a shelf life, the concepts of accelerated shelf
life simulation include: (1) The assumption is that by storing food at a higher temperature, any adverse effect on its storage behavior
and hence shelf life may become apparent in a shorter time. (2) The shelf life under normal storage conditions can be estimated by
extrapolation using the data obtained from the accelerated determination.
Arrhenius Model
The Arrhenius model is a classical model that relates the rate of a chemical reaction to the changes in temperature. This model is
widely applied in several processing and storage tests as affected by temperature (Corradini and Peleg, 2007; Phimolsiripol et al.,
2008, 2011). The model is represented by:
k ¼ k0 exp ;
where k0 is the rate constant, Ea is the energy of activation, R is the gas constant (1.9872 cal mol1 K1 or 8.3144 J mol1 K1), and
T is the absolute temperature (Kelvin, K).
The Arrhenius equation can be put in standard slope-intercept form by taking the natural logarithm by:
ln k ¼ ln A Ea =RT or
ln k ¼ ln A ðEa =RÞ ð1=TÞ
h h h h
y ¼b þa x
The steps of the Arrhenius model for shelf life determination are as follows: (1) Find the reaction order following the kinetic
reaction concept as stated in the Section Kinetic Reactions. (2) Follow the Arrhenius relationship. (3) Plot the Arrhenius
6 Techniques in Shelf Life Evaluation of Food Products
Zero order
y = -4.5871x + 243.3
200 R² = 0.7522
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
First order
y = -0.0644x + 6.0818
5 R² = 0.9916
ln A
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Second order
0.1 y = 0.0018x - 0.0272
0.08 R² = 0.8758
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
relationship. (4) Fit the curve using linear regression. (5) Slope of plot between ln k versus 1/T is Ea/R. For instance, Arrhenius model
having been employed for shelf life prediction is demonstrated in Example 2.
Table 4 Rate constants for lipid oxidation assuming zero-order reaction kinetics of different
mayonnaise formulas
ln k
0.003 0.0031 0.0032 0.0033 0.0034 0.0035 0.0036 0.0037
1/T (1/K)
Figure 3 Arrhenius plot (ln k vs. 1/T ) for lipid oxidation (AV value) rate constants of different mayonnaise formulas during storage. A, 0% prop-
olis and 0% fish oil; ,, 0.25% propolis and 0% fish oil; D, 0.5% propolis and 0% fish oil; B, 0% propolis and 2% fish oil; *, 0.25% propolis and
2% fish oil; C, 0.5% propolis and 2% fish oil.
Table 5 Estimated kinetic parameters for the development of lipid oxidation during storage of different mayonnaise formulas
ln k0 (g oleic
Formula Propolis (%) Fish oil (%) Ea (kJ mol1) acid kg fat1 week1) R2
o o o
5C 35 C 55 C
Formula ln k ¼ ln k0 Ea/RT k (g oleic acid kg fat1 week1) A Ao ¼ kt Shelf life (week)
Results from this example showed that fish oil increased the development of lipid oxidation as reflected by a significantly
(p < 0.05) higher AV. Addition of propolis extract significantly reduced (p < 0.05) the high AV. The predicted shelf lives of mayon-
naise formulas 1 and 3 stored at 30 C will be 20 and 31 weeks, respectively, as calculated in Table 6. This confirmed that the addi-
tion of 2% propolis can extend the shelf life of mayonnaise by 11 weeks when compared to the control (no propolis).
Shelf life is very important for food products, and it must accommodate safety, quality, organoleptic, and appearance requirements
to assure customer acceptance. To determine the shelf life, accelerated is another option and the Arrhenius model is a classical
model that relates the rate of a chemical reaction to the changes in temperature. This model is widely applied in several processing
and storage tests as affected by temperature. However, it is concerned that shelf life determination is valid only for the exact product
composition, packaging, and processing conditions combination.
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Corradini, M.G., Peleg, M., 2007. Shelf-life estimation from accelerated storage data. Trends Food Sci. Technol. 18, 37–47.
Earle, M., Earle, R., 2008. Case Studies in Food Product Development. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
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