Background : There are issues that Health Center is still considered as a middle to
lower health service, unsatisfactory service, and the attitude of officers who arbitrarily
provide services that cause the Health Center got a bad view. Observations on 5 nurses
were still found the nurses who were still passive towards work, rarely smiled, and did
not care about their appearance. Transformational service as a service at the highest
level that is expected to be able to change customer character because it is able to
provide solutions to customer problems. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to
know the Transformational Service with Imogene King interpersonal system approach
and the effect to the quality of health service at Tanjung palas Health Center, Bulungan
District, North Kalimantan in 2018 2018. Method: This was a quantitative study with a
quasi-experimental research method with pre-post and control group design. The
sample of this study were patients at Tanjung Palas Health Center and Bumi Rahayu
Health Center, with total sample in the intervention group were 40 respondents and in
the control group were 40 respondents, used a simple random sampling technique and
analysis method of General Linear Model Repeated Measure (GLM-RM). Result: The
results of this study showed that there were significant figures at the level of health
services at Tanjung Palas Health Center. The mean values from measurement 1 to 4
were 76.20 from measurements 1 and d 88.29 in measurement 4 with a difference of
12.09. While the average value in the control group between measurements 1 and 4
were 75.93 and 83.44 with a difference of 07.51. From the difference in the average
value between the differences in quality of health services in measurements 1 and 4 in
the intervention group compared to the control group made conclusion that Ha
accepted. Conclusion: The Transformational Service model with Imogene King
interpersonal system approach was effective to improve the quality of health service at
Tanjung palas Health Center, Bulungan District, North Kalimantan in 2018.
Conclusion : The Transformational Service model with Imogene King interpersonal
system approach was effective to improve the quality of health service at Tanjung palas
Health Center, Bulungan District, North Kalimantan in 2018.
76 Jurnal Keperawatan Global, Volume 3, No 2, Desember 2018 hlm 58-131
Jenis Kelamin
1. Laki-laki 17 42,5 16 40 33 41,25
2. Perempuan 23 57,5 24 60 47 58,75
1. SMP 16 40 20 50 36 45
2. SMA 18 45 15 37,5 33 41,25
3. Perguruan 6 15 5 12,5 11 13,75
Berdasarkan tabel diatas,dalam hal intervensi terdapat sebanyak 24 (60%) dan
umur dari tabel diatas terlihat sebagian kelompok kontrol terdapat 23 orang
terbesar untuk kelompok kontrol berada (57,5%).
pada kategori 26 sampai 35 tahun, yaitu Dari segi pendidikan pada kelompok
sebanyak 14 orang responden (34,1%). kontrol terdapat 20 responden (50%) yang
Demikian pula untuk kelompok intervensi berpendidikan SMP, 15 responden
untuk kategori yang sama terdapat 12 (37,5%) yang berpendidikan SMA, dan 5
orang responden (29,3%). responden (12,5%) yang berpendidikan
Dalam hal jenis kelamin untuk kelompok Perguruan Tinggi. Sedangkan pada
kontrol terdapat 16 responden (40%) kelompok intervensi terdapat 16
berjenis kelamin laki-laki dan pada responden (40%) yang berpendidikan
kelompok intervensi sebanyak 17 SMP, 18 responden (45%) yang
responden (42,5%). Sedangkan untuk berpendidikan SMA dan 6 responden
jenis kelamin perempuan pada kelompok (15%) berpendidikan Perguruan Tinggi.
1. Pengukuran 1 76,20 10 4,760 0,743 65-86 74,69-77,70
2. Pengukuran 2 79,59 10 4,466 0,698 68-87 78,18-81,00
3. Pengukuran 3 89,24 10 4,928 0,770 76-99 82,69-85,80
4. Pengukuran 4 88,29 10 5,419 0,846 78-109 86,58-90,00
Pengukuran 1 75,93 10 4,150 0,648 65-85 74,62-77,24 20,50 0.000
Pengukuran 4 83,44 10 2,958 0,462 76-90 82,51-84,37 0,000
Tabel 4. Mutu pelayanan kesehatan pada Kelompok Intervensi dan Kelompok Kontrol
dari hasil Pengukuran 1 dan Pengukuran 4.
Tabel 5. Uji Normalitas data mutu pelayanan kesehatan pada kelompok intervensi dan
kelompok kontrol.