Problems 44
Problems 44
Problems 44
4. In a Rutherford scattering
1, 2, 3 = straightforward, intermediate, experiment, alpha particles having kinetic
challenging energy of 7.70 MeV are fired toward a gold
nucleus. (a) Use energy conservation to
Section 44.1 Some Properties of Nuclei determine the distance of closest approach
between the alpha particle and gold
1. What is the order of magnitude of nucleus. Assume the nucleus remains at
the number of protons in your body? of the rest. (b) What If? Calculate the de Broglie
number of neutrons? of the number of wavelength for the 7.70-MeV alpha particle
electrons? and compare it to the distance obtained in
part (a). (c) Based on this comparison, why
2. Review problem. Singly ionized is it proper to treat the alpha particle as a
carbon is accelerated through 1 000 V and particle and not as a wave in the Rutherford
passed into a mass spectrometer to scattering experiment?
determine the isotopes present (see Chapter
29). The Note: Atomic masses are listed in 5. (a) Use energy methods to calculate
Table A.3 in Appendix A. magnitude of the the distance of closest approach for a head-
magnetic field in the spectrometer is 0.200 on collision between an alpha particle
T. (a) Determine the orbit radii for the 12C having an initial energy of 0.500 MeV and a
and the 13C isotopes as they pass through gold nucleus (197Au) at rest. (Assume the
the field. (b) Show that the ratio of radii gold nucleus remains at rest during the
may be written in the form collision.) (b) What minimum initial speed
must the alpha particle have to get as close
r1 m1 as 300 fm?
r2 m2
6. How much energy (in MeV units)
and verify that your radii in part (a) agree must an alpha particle have to reach the
with this. surface of a gold nucleus (Z = 79, A = 197)?
Assume the gold nucleus remains
3. Review problem. An alpha particle stationary.
(Z = 2, mass 6.64 × 10–27 kg) approaches to
within 1.00 × 10–14 m of a carbon nucleus (Z 7. Find the radius of (a) a nucleus of
2 He and (b) a nucleus of 92 U .
= 6). What are (a) the maximum Coulomb
force on the alpha particle, (b) the
acceleration of the alpha particle at this 8. Find the nucleus that has a radius
point, and (c) the potential energy of the approximately equal to half the radius of
alpha particle–nucleus system when the uranium 92 U .
alpha particle is at this point?
9. A star ending its life with a mass of
two times the mass of the Sun is expected to 14. Calculate the binding energy per
collapse, combining its protons and nucleon for (a) 2H, (b) 4He, (c) 56Fe, and (d)
electrons to form a neutron star. Such a star U.
could be thought of as a gigantic atomic
nucleus. If a star of mass 2 × 1.99 × 1030 kg 15. The iron isotope 56Fe is near the peak
collapsed into neutrons (mn = 1.67 × 10–27 of the stability curve. This is why iron is
kg), what would its radius be? (Assume generally prominent in the spectrum of the
that r = r0A1/3.) Sun and stars. Show that 56Fe has a higher
binding energy per nucleon than its
10. Review problem. What would be neighbors 55Mn and 59Co. Compare your
the gravitational force between two golf results with Figure 44.5.
balls (each with a 4.30-cm diameter), 1.00 m
apart, if they were made of nuclear matter? 16. Two nuclei having the same mass
number are known as isobars. Calculate the
11. From Table A.3, identify the stable difference in binding energy per nucleon
nuclei that correspond to the magic for the isobars 11 Na and 12 Mg . How do
23 23
12. Consider the stable isotopes in Table 17. Nuclei having the same mass
A.3 with abundances over 25.0%. That is, numbers are called isobars. The isotope
select the nuclei that are not radioactive and 139 139
57 La is stable. A radioactive isobar, 59 Pr ,
that occur in more than 25.0% of the atoms is located below the line of stable nuclei in
of each element in nature. Count the Figure 44.4 and decays by e+ emission.
number of these nuclei that are (a) even Z, 139 139
Another radioactive isobar of 57 La , 55 Cs ,
even N; (b) even Z, odd N; (c) odd Z, even
decays by e– emission and is located above
N; and (d) odd Z, odd N.
the line of stable nuclei in Figure 44.4. (a)
Which of these three isobars has the highest
13. Nucleus 1 has eight times as many
neutron-to-proton ratio? (b) Which has the
protons as nucleus 2, five times as many
greatest binding energy per nucleon? (c)
neutrons, and six times as many nucleons 139
Which do you expect to be heavier, 59 Pr or
as nucleus 2. Nucleus 1 has four more 139
neutrons than protons. (a) What are the two 55 Cs ?
20. Calculate the minimum energy 26. Determine the activity of 1.00 g of
required to remove a neutron from the Co. The half-life of 60Co is 5.27 yr.
20 Ca nucleus.
27. A freshly prepared sample of a
Section 44.3 Nuclear Models certain radioactive isotope has an activity of
10.0 mCi. After 4.00 h, its activity is 8.00
21. Using the graph in Figure 44.5, mCi. (a) Find the decay constant and half-
estimate how much energy is released life. (b) How many atoms of the isotope
when a nucleus of mass number 200 were contained in the freshly prepared
fissions into two nuclei each of mass sample? (c) What is the sample’s activity
number 100. 30.0 h after it is prepared?
22. (a) In the liquid-drop model of 28. How much time elapses before
nuclear structure, why does the surface- 90.0% of the radioactivity of a sample of
effect term –C2A2/3 have a negative sign? (b)
33As disappears, as measured by its
activity? The half-life of 33 As is 26 h. (b) Verify by substitution that this
differential equation has the solution
29. The radioactive isotope 198Au has a
half-life of 64.8 h. A sample containing this N2 t
λ1 λ 2
N 10 λ 1 λ 2 t
e λ 1 t
isotope has an initial activity (t = 0) of 40.0
μCi. Calculate the number of nuclei that
decay in the time interval between t1 = 10.0 This equation is the law of successive
h and t2 = 12.0 h. radioactive decays. (c) 218Po decays into
Pb with a half-life of 3.10 min, and 214Pb
30. A radioactive nucleus has half-life decays into 214Bi with a half-life of 26.8 min.
T1/2. A sample containing these nuclei has On the same axes, plot graphs of N1(t) for
initial activity R0. Calculate the number of Po and N2(t) for 214Pb. Let N10 = 1 000
nuclei that decay during the interval nuclei, and choose values of t from 0 to 36
between the times t1 and t2. min in 2-min intervals. The curve for 214Pb
at first rises to a maximum and then starts
31. In an experiment on the transport of to decay. At what instant tm is the number of
nutrients in the root structure of a plant, Pb nuclei a maximum? (d) By applying
two radioactive nuclides X and Y are used. the condition for a maximum dN2/dt = 0,
Initially 2.50 times more nuclei of type X are derive a symbolic equation for tm in terms of
present than of type Y. Just three days later λ1 and λ2. Does the value obtained in (c)
there are 4.20 times more nuclei of type X agree with this equation?
than of type Y. Isotope Y has a half-life of
1.60 d. What is the half-life of isotope X? Section 44.5 The Decay Processes
32. (a) The daughter nucleus formed in 33. Find the energy released in the alpha
radioactive decay is often radioactive. Let decay
N10 represent the number of parent nuclei at
time t = 0, N1(t) the number of parent nuclei
92 U 234
90Th 42 He
at time t, and λ1 the decay constant of the
parent. Suppose the number of daughter You will find Table A.3 useful.
nuclei at time t = 0 is zero, let N2(t) be the
number of daughter nuclei at time t, and let 34. Identify the missing nuclide or
λ2 be the decay constant of the daughter. particle (X):
Show that N2(t) satisfies the differential (a) X 28 Ni
equation (b)
84 Po X
(c) X 26 Fe e v
dN 2
1 N 1 2 N 2 (d) 48 Cd X 47 Ag v
109 109
7 N 42 He X 17
8 O (b)
44 Ru 42 He 94
42 Mo
60 Nd 2 He 140
58 Ce
The symbols in this reaction refer to nuclei. 41. Enter the correct isotope symbol in
Write the reaction referring to neutral each open square in Figure P44.41, which
atoms by adding one electron to both sides. shows the sequences of decays in the
Then use Table A.3 to determine the total natural radioactive series starting with the
energy released in this reaction. long-lived isotope uranium-235 and ending
with the stable nucleus lead-207.
38. Determine which decays can occur
(a) 20 Ca e 19 K
40 40
the activity of the other sample. The half-
life of nucleus X exceeds the half-life of
nucleus Y by 77.2 h. (a) Find the half-life of
each nucleus. (b) Use Table A.3 to identify
the two nuclei. (c) Nucleus X decays to
nucleus Y by an alpha-decay chain. How
many alpha-decay events are there in the
47. Natural gold has only one isotope,
43. Two radioactive samples consist of 197
79 Au . If natural gold is irradiated by a flux
nuclei X in one sample, and nuclei Y in the
of slow neutrons, electrons are emitted. (a)
other. The two samples have the same
Write the reaction equation. (b) Calculate
initial activity. After 0.685 h, the activity of
the maximum energy of the emitted
the sample containing nuclei X is 1.04 times
53. The radio frequency at which a
48. A beam of 6.61-MeV protons is nucleus displays resonance absorption
incident on a target of 13 Al . Those that between spin states is called the Larmor
collide produce the reaction precessional frequency and is given by
p 27
Al 27
Si n ΔE 2 B
13 14 f
h h
( 14 Si has mass 26.986 705 u.) Ignoring any
54. As part of his discovery of the
50. (a) Suppose 5 B is struck by an alpha neutron in 1932, James Chadwick
particle, releasing a proton and a product determined the mass of the newly identified
nucleus in the reaction. What is the product particle by firing a beam of fast neutrons, all
nucleus? (b) An alpha particle and a having the same speed, at two different
product nucleus are produced when 6 C is targets and measuring the maximum recoil
struck by a proton. What is the product speeds of the target nuclei. The maximum
nucleus? speeds arise when an elastic head-on
collision occurs between a neutron and a
51. Determine the Q value associated stationary target nucleus. (a) Represent the
with the spontaneous fission of 236U into the masses and final speeds of the two target
fragments 90Rb and 143Cs, which have mass nuclei as m1, v1, m2, and v2, and assume
89.914 809 u and 142.927 330 u, respectively. Newtonian mechanics applies. Show that
The masses of the other particles involved the neutron mass can be calculated from the
in the reaction are given in Table A.3. equation
52. Construct a diagram like that of (b) Chadwick directed a beam of neutrons
Figure 44.18 for the cases when I equals (a) (produced from a nuclear reaction) on
5/2 and (b) 4. paraffin, which contains hydrogen. The
maximum speed of the protons ejected was Some fraction of the energy of the incident
found to be 3.3 × 107 m/s. Because the particle is transferred to the compound
velocity of the neutrons could not be nucleus to conserve momentum. Therefore,
determined directly, a second experiment Eth must be greater than Q. (a) Show that
was performed using neutrons from the
same source and nitrogen nuclei as the M
E th Q1 a
target. The maximum recoil speed of the MX
nitrogen nuclei was found to be 4.7 × 106
m/s. The masses of a proton and a nitrogen (b) Calculate the threshold energy of the
nucleus were taken as 1 u and 14 u, incident alpha particle in the reaction
respectively. What was Chadwick’s value
for the neutron mass? 4
He 14
N 17
O 11 H
2 7 8