Lab Exercises: Creating Your First Resource
Lab Exercises: Creating Your First Resource
Lab Exercises: Creating Your First Resource
So, in the below diagram, showing 2 ways in which you can go ahead and begin the creation of a
If you are creating a specific resource such as a virtual machine, then you can go to Virtual Machines
and click on Add
3. Next you need to choose the underlying Operating system for your virtual machine. So in our
demo , we will choose Windows Server.
4. Choose the version of Windows required. In our example , we will choose Windows Server
Click on the Create button after you select the version of Windows you want.
5. Next you need to configure the basic settings for the virtual machine
1) So, first is the name for your virtual machine
2) Next is the underlying Disk type. Choose SSD for better performance for the underlying disk.
3) Give the user name which you will use to log into the Virtual Machine
4) Give the password. Remember the password, you will need this to log into the Virtual
5) Choose your subscription. Note that if you have created the Free account, it should show up
6) Next create the resource group. You can also choose an existing one if you already have one
in place
7) Choose the location for where your virtual machine needs to be placed.
8) Then click on the OK button
6. In the next screen you have to choose the size for the virtual machine. This will determine
one factor of how much you will pay for the virtual machine.
7. In the Settings screen, leave the main settings as they are. Just ensure the select the security
ports to allow incoming traffic. This will allow you to log into the Virtual Machine.
You can also disable boot diagnotics
Click on the OK button
8. And then in the final screen , just agree to the terms and conditions and then click on Create.
You will then get a notification in the right-hand corner showing that the deployment is taking place.
Once the deployment is succeeded, you will see a number of resources available in the All resources
9. Click on your virtual machine to get the details of your machine
10. To connect to the Virtual Machine , make sure you are in the Overview blade of your virtual
Then click on Connect and Download RDP file.
1. Here we will see how to setup a simple Wordpress instance using the AWS Marketplace
2. So, in the Azure portal, click on Create a resource. In the Azure Marketplace, just search for
5. Configure the basic settings as you would do for any virtual machine
6. Choose your virtual Machine size
7. Work with the settings in the same way as you would create a virtual machine which was
discussed in the earlier lab exercise
8. Understand the additional cost. This should be covered under the credit for the free trial
Once the virtual machine is in place , go to the Overview blade , take the public IP and browse for it.
You will then be presented with the configuration steps for Wordpress.
State of the Virtual Machine
1. To assign a static IP to your virtual machine, just go to the Public IP settings for the virtual
machine via the Overview blade
2. In the next screen you can change the Public IP address from Dynamic to Static
Click on the Save button to save the settings.
6. You will then be directed back to the main page for the Disks
Ensure to click on Save to ensure the new disk becomes part of the VM
7. Now if you go back to your Windows Virtual machine and then go to Disks , you will see the
new disk added
To delete a resource , there are multiple ways , so you can go to the resource and click on the Delete
Please note that sometimes, resources may not get deleted for various reasons. See the
notification section always to see the reason if a resource does not get deleted
1) Go to resource groups
2) Choose the Resource group
3) Click the Context menu to delete the resource group