21.1 VLAN Introduction
21.1 VLAN Introduction
21.1 VLAN Introduction
This chapter describes Arista’s VLAN implementation and MAC address tables.
Sections in this chapter include:
• Section 21.1: VLAN Introduction
• Section 21.2: VLAN Conceptual Overview
• Section 21.3: VLAN Configuration Procedures
• Section 21.4: VLAN Configuration Commands
VLAN Conceptual Overview Chapter 21: VLANs
Important! Be cautious when using allowed VLAN lists or trunk groups to ensure that the VLAN topology is
consistent with any Layer-2 control protocol topology, or unpredictable results can occur.
VLAN traffic is carried through Ethernet or LAG ports. A port’s switchport mode defines the number of
VLANs for which the port can carry traffic.
• Access ports carry traffic for one VLAN – the access VLAN. Access ports associate untagged
frames with the access VLAN. Access ports drop tagged frames that are not tagged with the
access VLAN.
• Trunk ports carry traffic for multiple VLANs. Tag frames specify the VLAN for which trunk ports
process packets.
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Conceptual Overview
VLAN Configuration Procedures Chapter 21: VLANs
• This command creates VLAN 45 and enters VLAN configuration mode for the new VLAN.
switch(config)#vlan 45
Use the name (VLAN configuration mode) command to assign a name to a VLAN.
• These commands assign the name Marketing to VLAN 45.
switch(config)#vlan 45
switch(config-vlan-45)#name Marketing
switch(config-vlan-45)#show vlan 45
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------
45 Marketing active Et1
To change a VLAN’s state, use the state command in VLAN configuration mode.
• These commands suspend VLAN 45. VLAN traffic is blocked on all switch ports.
switch(config)#vlan 45
switch(config-vlan-45)#state suspend
switch(config-vlan-45)#show vlan 45
VLAN Name Status Ports
---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------
45 Marketing suspended
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Procedures
• These commands create a VLAN 333 and then set the unicast policy to ‘drop’ and the multicast
policy to ‘log’ for the specific VLAN 333.
switch(config)#vlan 333
switch(config-vlan-333)#mac address forwarding unicast miss action drop
switch(config-vlan-333)#mac address forwarding multicast miss action log
• These commands display the VLAN policy that was defined when VLAN 333 is created.
switch(config)# show vlan 333 mac address forwarding
VLAN Configuration Procedures Chapter 21: VLANs
• These commands display the VLAN policy type that was defined when VLAN 333 is configured
with the ‘drop’ unicast policy and the ‘log’ multicast policy.
switch(config)#show vlan 333 mac address forwarding
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 1 as an access port.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport mode access
To specify the port’s access VLAN, use the switchport access vlan command.
• These commands configure VLAN 15 as the access VLAN for Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#switchport access vlan 15
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 1 through 3 as access ports that process untagged
frames as VLAN 5 traffic.
switch(config)#interface Ethernet 1-3
switch(config-if-Et1-3)#switchport mode access
switch(config-if-Et1-3)#switchport access vlan 5
switch(config-if-Et1-3)#show interfaces ethernet 1-3 vlans
Port Untagged Tagged
Et1 None 23,25
Et2 18 -
Et3 None 14
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Procedures
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 8 as a trunk port.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 8
switch(config-if-Et8)#switchport mode trunk
By default all VLANs are permitted on a port configured with ‘switchport mode trunk’. To limit the port’s
VLAN trunk list, use the switchport trunk allowed vlan command. Only VLANs in the allowed list will
be permitted.
• These commands configure VLAN 15, 20, 21, 22, 40, and 75 as the explicitly permitted VLAN trunk
list for Ethernet interface 12-16.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 12-16
switch(config-if-Et12-16)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 15,20-22,40,75
• These commands explicitly permit VLAN 100 through 120 to the VLAN trunk list for Ethernet
interface 14.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 14
switch(config-if-Et14)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100-120
To specify the port’s native VLAN, use the switchport trunk native vlan command.
• These commands configure VLAN 12 as the native VLAN trunk for Ethernet interface 10.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 10
switch(config-if-Et10)#switchport trunk native vlan 12
By default, ports send native VLAN traffic with untagged frames. The switchport trunk native vlan
command can also configure the port to send native VLAN traffic with tag frames.
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 10 to send native VLAN traffic as tagged.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 10
switch(config-if-Et10)#switchport trunk native vlan tag
VLAN Configuration Procedures Chapter 21: VLANs
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 12 as a trunk with VLAN 15 as the native VLAN.
The port’s trunk list includes all VLANs except 201-300.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 12
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport trunk native vlan 15
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport trunk allowed vlan except 201-300
• Assume that all ports on the switch are configured with switchport mode trunk similar to ethernet
1 and 2 shown below:
interface ethernet 1
switchport mode trunk
interface ethernet 2
switchport mode trunk
Further assume that VLAN 30 is not configured as part of a trunk group
switch#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Et1, Et2
30 vlan30 active Et1, Et2
Now configure VLAN 30 as part of trunk group 30:
switch(config)#vlan 30
switch(config-vlan-30)#trunk group 30
This updates the VLAN membership for VLAN 30.
switch#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Et1, Et2
30 vlan30 active
Note: Vlan 30 is no longer on Et1, Et2 i.e. it has been ‘pruned’ due to the trunk group command in
the vlan configuration.
To permit VLAN 30 on Et1 you need to associate the interface with the trunk group as follows:
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport trunk group 30
switch#show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Et1, Et2
30 vlan30 active Et1
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Procedures
The trunk group command is not additive to the allowed vlan command
interface ethernet 1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan 10
switchport trunk group trunk30
Vlan 30 will not be permitted on the interface as it is not listed in the allowed
vlan list.
• These commands configure Ethernet interface 12 as a dot1q tunnel port.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 12
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
To specify the dot1q-tunnel port’s access VLAN, use the switchport access vlan command. The port
then handles all inbound traffic as untagged VLAN traffic.
• These commands configure VLAN 60 as the access VLAN for Ethernet interface 12.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 12
switch(config-if-Et12)#switchport access vlan 60
Important! If dot1q tunneling is enabled on the interface, a TPID configured on the interface becomes irrelevant.
VLAN Configuration Procedures Chapter 21: VLANs
• In this provider bridging example, Ethernet interface 1 is the user network interface and Ethernet
interface 2 is the network-to-network interface. These commands configure dot1q tunneling on
Ethernet interface 1 and set the TPID of Ethernet interface 2 to 0x9100.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 1
switch(config-if-Et1)#switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switch(config-if-Et1)#interface ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)#switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if-Et2)#switchport dot1q ethertype 0x9100
In the above configuration, packets from Et1 to Et2 will undergo dot1q-tunneling (stacking of an
additional dot1q tag), with an outer TPID of 0x9100 at egress, while packets with outer TPID 0x9100
going from Et2 to Et1 will have the outer tag removed at egress.
• These commands enable traffic encapsulation for VLAN 200 traffic passing through Ethernet
interface 2/5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5/2
switch(config-if-Et5/2)#l2-protocol encapsulation dot1q vlan 200
• This command enables VLAN scaling on a port with an Ethernet interface 2.
switch# config terminal
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)# switchport vlan forwarding accept all
• This command disables VLAN scaling on a port.
switch# config
switch(config)# interface Ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)# no switchport vlan forwarding accept all
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Procedures
• This command enters VLAN-interface configuration mode for VLAN 12. The command also
creates VLAN 12 interface if it was not previously created.
switch#config t
switch(config)#interface vlan 12
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANs in ascending order starting with
switch(config)#vlan internal order ascending
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANs in descending order starting with
switch(config)#vlan internal order descending
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANs in descending order from 4094
through 4000.
switch(config)#vlan internal order descending range 4000 4094
VLAN Configuration Procedures Chapter 21: VLANs
• This command configures Ethernet interface 5 as a trunk port.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#switchport mode trunk
By default, the translation is bidirectional: packets ingressing an interface through VLAN A are
internally mapped to VLAN B; VLAN B packets egressing the same interface are mapped to VLAN A.
• These commands map Ethernet interface 5 traffic with dot1q tag 50 to bridging VLAN 60.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 50 60
• These commands provides multiple 1:1 VLAN mappings under an interface.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 50 60
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 61 71
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 62 72
• These commands translate only incoming packets.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation in 50 60
• These commands translate only egress packets.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#switchport vlan translation out 60 50
• These commands translate between VLAN 50 and the internal VLAN for Ethernet interface 5 (a
routed port).
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et5)# encapsulation dot1q vlan 50
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
When autostate is enabled, the VLAN interface will be up when:
• the corresponding VLAN exists and is in the active state.
• one or more layer 2 ports in the VLAN are up and in spanning-tree forwarding state.
• the VLAN interface exists and is not in a shutdown state.
Autostate is enabled by default. When autostate is disabled, the VLAN interface is forced to be active.
• The no autostate command disables autostate on the configuration mode interface. The no
autostate command is stored to running-config.
• The autostate command enables the autostate function on the configuration mode VLAN SVI by
removing the corresponding no autostate statement from running-config.
• The default autostate command restores the autostate default state of enabled by removing the
corresponding no autostate statement from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
no autostate
default autostate
Autostate should be disabled on SVIs configured as an MLAG local interface.
• These commands disable autostate on VLAN 100.
switch(config)#interface vlan 100
switch(config-if-Vl100)#no autostate
• These commands enable autostate on VLAN 100.
switch(config)#interface vlan 100
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-port-channel Configuration
Subinterface-Ethernet Configuration
Subinterface-port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
encapsulation dot1q vlan vlan_id
no encapsulation dot1q vlan
default encapsulation dot1q vlan
• vlan_id For VLAN translation, the ID of the external VLAN to be translated; for subinterface
configuration, the VLAN of the subinterface. Values range from 1 to 4094.
• These commands translate between VLAN 50 and the internal VLAN for Ethernet interface 5 (a
routed port).
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et5)# encapsulation dot1q vlan 50
• These commands assign packets ingressing on Ethernet interface 1/1 with VLAN ID 100 to
Ethernet subinterface 1/1.1.
switch(config)#interface ethernet1/1.1
switch(config-if-Et1/1.1)# no switchport
switch(config-if-Et1/1.1)#encapsulation dot1q vlan 100
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
interface vlan
The interface vlan command places the switch in VLAN-interface configuration mode for modifying
parameters of the switch virtual interface (SVI). An SVI provides Layer 3 processing for packets from
all ports associated with the VLAN. There is no physical interface for the VLAN.
When entering configuration mode to modify existing SVIs, the command can specify multiple
interfaces. The command creates an SVI if the specified interface does not exist prior to issuing the
command. When creating an SVI, the command can only specify a single interface.
The no interface vlan command deletes the specified SVI interfaces from running-config. The
default interface vlan commands remove all configuration statements for the specified SVI interfaces
from running-config without deleting the interfaces.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
interface vlan v_range
no interface vlan v_range
default interface vlan v_range
• v_range VLAN interfaces (number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges).
VLAN number ranges from 1 to 4094.
Internal VLANs: A VLAN interface cannot be created or configured for internal VLAN IDs. The switch
rejects any interface vlan command that specifies an internal VLAN ID.
• This example creates an SVI for VLAN 12:
switch(config)#interface vlan 12
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
l2-protocol encapsulation dot1q vlan vlan_id
no l2-protocol encapsulation dot1q vlan
default l2-protocol encapsulation dot1q vlan
• vlan_id the ID of the native VLAN. Values range from 1 to 4094.
• These commands enable 802.1Q encapsulation of traffic on VLAN 200.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5/2
switch(config-if-Et5/2)#l2-protocol encapsulation dot1q vlan 200
switch(s1)(config-if-Et5/2)#show active
interface Ethernet5/2
l2-protocol encapsulation dot1q vlan 200
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
mac address forwarding {unicast | multicast} miss action {drop | flood | log}
no mac address forwarding {unicast | multicast} miss action {drop | flood | log}
default mac address forwarding {unicast | multicast} miss action {drop | flood |
• unicast the unicast type of transmission.
• multicast the multicast type of transmission.
• drop the selected packets are dropped.
• flood the selected packets are flooded in the specific VLAN.
• log the selected packets are sent to the CPU for logging purpose.
VLAN policy configuration is supported on the Arista 7010, 7050 (excluding 7050SX3-48YC12,
7050CX3-32S, 7050QX2-32S, 7050SX2-72Q, 7050SX2-128, 7050TX2-128), 7060, 7250, and the
7300 series platforms.
VLAN policy is not supported in the following cases:
• STP, LLDP, and LACP packets
• VLAN policy configurations on VXLAN-enabled VLAN
• On a VLAN if IGMP snooping is configured with Multicast miss action is set to drop, then all
multicast packets received on that VLAN are dropped.
• These commands create a VLAN 333 and then set the unicast policy to ‘drop’ and the multicast
policy to ‘log’ for the specific VLAN 333.
switch(config)#vlan 333
switch(config-vlan-333)#mac address forwarding unicast miss action drop
switch(config-vlan-333)#mac address forwarding multicast miss action log
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
• These commands display the VLAN policy that was defined when VLAN 333 is created.
switch(config)# show vlan 333 mac address forwarding
• These commands display the VLAN policy type that was defined when VLAN 333 is configured
with the ‘drop’ unicast policy and the ‘log’ multicast policy.
switch(config)#show vlan 333 mac address forwarding
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
name label_text
no name
default name
• label_text character string assigned to name attribute. Maximum length is 32 characters. The
space character is not permitted in the name string.
• These commands assign corporate_100 as the name for VLAN 25, then displays the VLAN name.
switch(config)#vlan 25
switch(config-vlan-25)#name corporate_100
switch(config-vlan-25)#show vlan 25
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
25 corporate_100 active
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
pvlan mapping
The pvlan mapping command maps a switch virtual interface (SVI) available in the primary VLAN to
the secondary VLAN or VLANs in the VLAN configuration mode. The show pvlan mapping interfaces
command displays the list of mapped VLANs.
The no pvlan mapping and default pvlan mapping commands restore the default state of the private
VLAN mapping.
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
pvlan mapping {add | remove | vlan ID}
no pvlan mapping {add | remove | vlan ID}
default pvlan mapping {add | remove | vlan ID}
• add adding VLANs to the PVLAN mapping of the current VLAN interface.
• remove removing VLANs from the PVLAN mapping of the current VLAN interface.
• vlan ID The secondary VLAN IDs of the private VLAN mapping. The IDs range from 1 to 4094.
Related Commands
• show pvlan mapping interfaces
• These commands assign a secondary VLAN ID of 50 to the primary VLAN.
switch(config)#vlan 25
switch(config-vlan-25)#pvlan mapping 50
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
show dot1q-tunnel
The show dot1q-tunnel command displays the ports that are configured in dot1q-tunnel switching
mode. The switchport mode command configures the switching mode for the configuration mode
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show dot1q-tunnel [INTERFACE]
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
• <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
• ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
• loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
• management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
• port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
• vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
• vxlan vx_range VXLAN interface range specified by vx_range.
Valid range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and
• This command displays the ports that are configured in dot1q-tunnel switching mode.
switch>show dot1q-tunnel
dot1q-tunnel mode LAN Port (s)
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] switchport
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
• <no parameter> Display the switching status for all interfaces.
• ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
• loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
• management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
• port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
• vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the switching status for all interfaces.
switch(config)#show interface switchport
Default switchport mode: access
Name: Et5/1
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: static access
Operational Mode: static access
MAC Address Learning: enabled
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Static Trunk Groups:
Dynamic Trunk Groups:
Name: Et5/2
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: static access
Operational Mode: static access
MAC Address Learning: enabled
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Static Trunk Groups:
Dynamic Trunk Groups:
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
• This command displays the switching status of port channel interfaces 21 and 22.
switch>show interface port-channel 21-22 switchport
Name: Po21
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: tunnel
Operational Mode: tunnel
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 100 (VLAN0100)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Trunk Groups: foo
Name: Po22
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: tunnel
Operational Mode: tunnel
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Trunk Groups:
• This command displays the configured status of VLAN scaling for the Ethernet interface 2/1 port.
switch#show interface Ethernet 2/1 switchport
Name: Ethernet 2/1
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: trunk
Operational Mode: trunk
MAC Address Learning: enabled
Dot1q ethertype/TPID: 0x8100 (active)
Dot1q VLAN Tag: Allowed
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL
Static Trunk Groups:
Dynamic Trunk Groups:
Source interface filtering: enabled
VLAN forwarding mode: allConfiguredVlans
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] switchport backup-link
show interfaces switchport backup-link [module {Fabric f_num | Linecard lc_num |
Supervisor svr_num | Switchcard | <1-2> | <3-6>}]
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
• <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
• ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
• loopback l_range Loopback interface specified by l_range.
• management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
• port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
• vlan v_range VLAN interface range specified by v_range.
Valid e_range, l_range, m_range, p_range, and v_range formats include number, number
range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• module Displays interfaces of the specified module. Options include:
• Fabric f_num Displays interfaces of the specified fabric module. Value ranges from 1 to 6.
• Linecard lc_num Displays interfaces of the specified linecard module. Value ranges from 3
to 6.
• Supervisor svr_num Displays interfaces of the specified supervisor module. Accepted
values are 1 and 2.
• Switchcard Displays interfaces of switchcard modules.
• <1-2> Displays interfaces of the specified supervisor module.
• <3-6> Displays interfaces of the specified linecard module.
Display Values
• State Operational status of the interface. Values include:
• Up Spanning tree mode is backup, interface status is up.
• Down Spanning tree mode is backup, interface status is down.
• Inactive Configuration The spanning tree mode is not backup.
• Forwarding vlans VLANs forwarded by the interface. Depends on interface operation status
and prefer option specified by the switchport backup command.
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
• This command displays the configured switchport primary-backup pairs.
switch>show interfaces switchport backup-link
Switch backup interface pair: Ethernet3/17, Ethernet3/8
Primary Interface: Ethernet3/17 State: Inactive Configuration
Backup Interface: Ethernet3/8 State: Inactive Configuration
Preemption delay: 0 milliseconds
Mac move burst size: 0
Mac move burst interval: 20 milliseconds
Mac move destination: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
• This command displays interfaces of the module for linecard 4.
switch(config)#show int switchport backup-link module Linecard 4
Switch backup interface pair: Ethernet4/19/1, Ethernet4/19/2
Primary Interface: Ethernet4/19/1 State: Inactive Configuration
Backup Interface: Ethernet4/19/2 State: Inactive Configuration
Preemption delay: 0 milliseconds
Mac move burst size: 0
Mac move burst interval: 20 milliseconds
Mac move destination: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INTERFACE] trunk
• INTERFACE Interface type and numbers. Options include:
• <no parameter> Display information for all interfaces.
• ethernet e_range Ethernet interface range specified by e_range.
• management m_range Management interface range specified by m_range.
• port-channel p_range Port-Channel Interface range specified by p_range.
Valid e_range, m_range, and p_range formats include number, number range, or
comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• This command displays the trunk status for all interfaces configured in switchport trunk mode.
switch>show interfaces trunk
Port Mode Status Native vlan
Po1 trunk trunking 1
Po2 trunk trunking 1
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show interfaces [INT_NAME] vlans
• INT_NAME Interface type and number. Values include
• ethernet e_num Ethernet interface specified by e_num.
• management m_num Management interface specified by m_num.
• port-channel p_num Port-Channel Interface specified by p_num.
• This command displays the VLANs carried by all L2 ports.
switch>show interfaces vlans
Port Untagged Tagged
Et9 3910 -
Et11 3912 -
Et16 500 -
Et17 3908 -
Et18 3908 -
Po1 1 101-102,500,721,3000,
Po2 101 -
Po4 3902 -
Po5 3903 -
Po6 3992 -
Po7 661 -
Po8 3911 -
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show pvlan mapping interfaces
• This command displays information about the private VLAN mapping interfaces.
switch(config)#int vlan 50
switch(config-if-Vl50)#pvlan mapping 70
switch(config-if-Vl50)#show pvlan mapping interfaces
Interface Secondary Vlans
--------- ---------------
Vlan50 70
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
show vlan
The show vlan command displays the VLAN ID, name, status, and member ports of all configured
VLANs. The command only displays active ports by default; by specifying configured-ports, the
command displays all ports that are members of a configured VLAN regardless of their activity status,
including Ethernet ports that are members of a port channel.
Command Mode
Command Syntax
• VLAN_LIST List of VLANs displayed by command. Options include:
• <no parameter> all VLANs.
• v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
• id v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
• name v_name VLANs specified by the VLAN name v_name.
v_range formats include number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• PORT_ACTIVITY Ports listed in table. Options include:
• <no parameter> table displays only active ports (same as active-configuration option).
• active-configuration table displays only active ports.
• configured-ports table displays all configured ports.
Display Values
• Name The name of the VLAN.
• Status The status of the VLAN.
• Ports The ports that are members of the VLAN.
• This command displays status and ports of VLANs 1-1000.
switch>show vlan 1-1000
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active Po1
184 fet.arka active Cpu, Po1, Po2
262 mgq.net active PPo2, Po1
512 sant.test active Cpu, Et16, Po1
821 ipv6.net active Cpu, Po1, Po7
• This command displays the list of all the member interfaces under each SVI.
switch# show vlan
VLAN Name Status Ports
----- -------------------------------- --------- -------------------------------
1 default active
2148 VLAN2148 active Cpu, Et1, Et26
2700 VLAN2700 active Cpu, Et18
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan brief count
• This command displays the number of VLANs on the switch.
switch>show vlan brief count
Number of existing VLANs : 18
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan dynamic
• This command displays the source and quantity of dynamic VLANs on the switch.
switch>show vlan dynamic
Dynamic VLAN source VLANS
vmtracer-poc 88
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan internal allocation policy
• This command displays the internal allocation policy.
switch>show vlan internal allocation policy
Internal VLAN Allocation Policy: ascending
Internal VLAN Allocation Range: 1006-4094
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan internal usage
• This command displays the VLANs that are allocated to routed ports.
switch>show vlan internal usage
1006 Ethernet3
1007 Ethernet4
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Command Syntax
show vlan [VLAN_LIST] trunk group
• VLAN_LIST VLAN list. Options include:
• <no parameter> all VLANs.
• v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
• id v_range VLANs specified by v_range.
• name v_name VLANs specified by the VLAN name v_name.
Display Values
• Trunk Groups Trunk groups associated with the listed VLANs.
• This command displays the trunk group membership of all configured VLANs.
switch>show vlan trunk group
VLAN Trunk Groups
---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 first_group
40 second_group
100 third_group
101 middle_group
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
The state command configures the VLAN transmission state of the configuration mode VLAN.
• Active state: Ports forward VLAN traffic.
• Suspend state: Ports block VLAN traffic.
The default transmission status is active.
The no state command restores the default VLAN transmission state to the configuration mode VLAN
by removing the corresponding state command from running-config.
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
no state
default state
• OPERATION_STATE VLAN transmission state. Options include:
• active VLAN traffic is forwarded
• suspend LAN traffic is blocked.
• These commands suspend VLAN traffic on VLANs 100-102.
switch(config)#vlan 100-102
switch(config-vlan-100-102)#state suspend
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport dot1q ethertype ethertype
no switchport dot1q ethertype
default switchport dot1q ethertype
• ethertype ethertype number (TPID). Value ranges from 0x600 (1536) through 0xFFFF (65535),
and can be entered in decimal or hexadecimal notation. Value is stored and displayed in
hexadecimal form; the default value is 0x8100.
• These commands configure 0x9100 as the TPID of Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#switchport dot1q ethertype 0x9100
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport access vlan v_num
no switchport access vlan
default switchport access vlan
• v_num number of access VLAN. Value ranges from 1 to 4094. Default is 1.
• These commands assign VLAN 100 as the access VLAN to Ethernet interface 5.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)#switchport access vlan 100
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
switchport mode
The switchport mode command specifies the switching mode of the configuration mode interface. The
switch supports five switching modes: access, trunk, dot1q-tunnel, tap, and tool.
• Access switching mode: The interface is a member of one VLAN, called the access VLAN, as
specified by the switchport access vlan command. Tagged frames received on the interface are
dropped unless they are tagged with the access VLAN. Frames transmitted from the interface are
always untagged.
• Trunk switching mode: The interface may be a member of multiple VLANs, as configured by the
switchport trunk allowed vlan command. Untagged traffic is associated with the interface's
native VLAN, as configured with the switchport trunk native vlan command.
• Dot1q-tunnel switching mode: The interface treats all inbound packets as untagged traffic and
handles them as traffic of its access VLAN, as specified by the switchport access vlan command.
• Tap mode: The interface operates as a tap port. Tap ports receive traffic for replication on one or
more tool ports.The interface may be a member of multiple VLANs, as configured by the
switchport tap allowed vlan command. Untagged traffic is associated with the interface's native
VLAN, as configured with the switchport tap native vlan command.
Tap ports are in STP forwarding state and prohibit egress traffic. MAC learning, control plane
interaction and traps for inbound traffic are disabled.
• Tool mode: The interface operates as a tool port. Tool ports replicate traffic received by tap ports.
The interface may be a member of multiple VLANs, as configured by the switchport tool allowed
vlan command. MAC learning, control plane interaction and traps for inbound traffic are disabled.
Tool ports are in STP forwarding state and prohibit ingress traffic that uses port settings.
The status of switchport configured ports depends on the switch’s tap aggregation mode (which can
be viewed by using the mode (tap-agg configuration mode) command):
• tap aggregation mode enabled: tap and tool ports are enabled. Switching ports are errdisabled.
• tap aggregation mode disabled: tap and tool ports are errdisabled. Switching ports are enabled.
The no switchport mode and default switchport mode commands return the configuration mode
interface to its default setting as an access port by deleting the corresponding switchport mode
command from running-config.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport mode MODE_TYPE
no switchport mode
default switchport mode
• MODE_TYPE switching mode of the configuration mode interfaces. Options include:
• access access switching mode.
• dot1q-tunnel dot1q-tunnel switching mode.
• tap tap switching mode.
• tool tool switching mode.
• trunk trunk switching mode.
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Dot1q-tunnel switching mode is not available on Petra platform switches.
Tap aggregation (tap and tool modes) is available on FM6000 and Arad platform switches.
• These commands configure Ethernet 4 interface as a trunk port.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 4
switch(config-if-Et4)#switchport mode trunk
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport trunk allowed vlan EDIT_ACTION
no switchport trunk allowed vlan
default switchport trunk allowed vlan
• EDIT_ACTION modifications to the VLAN list.
• v_range Creates VLAN list from v_range.
• add v_range Adds specified VLANs to current list.
• all VLAN list contains all VLANs.
• except v_range VLAN list contains all VLANs except those specified.
• none VLAN list is empty (no VLANs).
• remove v_range Removes specified VLANs from current list.
Valid v_range formats include number, range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
• These commands create the trunk mode allowed VLAN list of 6-10 for Ethernet interface 14, then
verifies the VLAN list.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 14
switch(config-if-Et14)#switchport trunk allowed vlan 6-10
switch(config-if-Et14)#show interfaces ethernet 14 switchport
Name: Et14
Switchport: Enabled
Administrative Mode: trunk
Operational Mode: trunk
Access Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (inactive)
Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled
Trunking VLANs Enabled: 6-10
Trunk Groups:
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Note On platforms which support the use of port channels as mirror destinations, a port channel which is
being used as a mirror destination must not be assigned to an MLAG.
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport trunk group group_name
no switchport trunk group [group_name]
default switchport trunk group [group_name]
• group_name trunk group name.
• These commands assign port channel 4 to trunk group fe-1.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 4
switch(config-if-Po4)#switchport trunk group fe-1
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport trunk native vlan VLAN_ID
no switchport trunk native vlan
default switchport trunk native vlan
• VLAN_ID the ID of the native VLAN. Options include
• v_num VLAN number. Value ranges from 1 to 4094
• tag interface drops all untagged frames.
• These commands configure VLAN 100 as the native VLAN for port channel 21.
switch(config)#interface port-channel 21
switch(config-if-Po21)#switchport trunk native vlan 100
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Interface-Port-channel Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport vlan translation [DIRECTION] incoming_vlanid new_vlanid
no switchport vlan translation incoming_vlanid new_vlanid
no switchport vlan translation DIRECTION incoming_vlanid
default switchport vlan translation incoming_vlanid new_vlanid
default switchport vlan translation DIRECTION incoming_vlanid
• DIRECTION transmission direction of traffic to be translated.
• <no parameter> translates the specified VLAN IDs for transmitted and received traffic.
• in translates the specified VLAN IDs for received traffic only.
• out translates the specified VLAN IDs for transmitted traffic only.
• incoming_vlanid The VLAN ID to be translated. Value ranges from 1 to 4094.
• new_vlanid The new VLAN ID or bridging VLAN ID which will be used internally. Value ranges
from 1 to 4094.
• These commands translate only incoming packets, changing the VID to 2008 in the dot1q header
of packets ingressing on VLAN 201.
switch(config)# interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation in 201 2008
• These commands translate multiple VLAN mappings under an interface.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 5
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 50 60
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 61 71
switch(config-if-Et5)# switchport vlan translation 62 72
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
Command Mode
Interface-Ethernet Configuration
Command Syntax
switchport vlan forwarding accept all
• accept accepts packets for VLAN
• all all VLANs
• This command forwards and accepts all the packets of VLAN of ethernet interface 2.
switch(config)#interface ethernet 2
switch(config-if-Et2)#switchport vlan forwarding accept all
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
trunk group
The trunk group command assigns the configuration mode VLAN to a specified trunk group.
A trunk group is the set of physical interfaces that comprise the trunk and the collection of VLANs
whose traffic is carried on the trunk. The traffic of a VLAN that belongs to one or more trunk groups is
carried only on ports that are members of trunk groups to which the VLAN belongs. Switchport
commands specify the physical interfaces that carry trunk group traffic.
The no trunk group and default trunk group commands remove the configuration mode VLAN from
the specified trunk group by removing the corresponding trunk group statement from running-config.
If a trunk group is not specified, the commands remove the configuration mode VLAN from all trunk
Command Mode
VLAN Configuration
Command Syntax
trunk group name
no trunk group [name]
default trunk group [name]
• name a name representing the trunk group.
• These commands assigns VLAN 49 to the trunk group mlagpeer:
switch(config)#vlan 49
switch(config-vlan-49)#trunk group mlagpeer
Chapter 21: VLANs VLAN Configuration Commands
The vlan command places the switch in VLAN configuration mode to configure a set of virtual LANs.
The command creates the specified VLANs if they do not exist prior to issuing the command. A VLAN
that is in use as an internal VLAN may not be created or configured. The switch rejects any vlan
command that specifies an internal VLAN ID.
The default vlan and no vlan commands removes the VLAN statements from running-config for the
specified VLANs.
The exit command returns the switch to global configuration mode.
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
vlan vlan_range
no vlan vlan_range
default vlan vlan_range
• vlan_range VLAN list.
Formats include a name, number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges.
In MLAG configurations, VLANs operate as follows:
• The VLAN must be configured identically on both MLAG peer switches.
• The port-specific bridging configuration originates on the switch where the port is physically
located. This configuration includes the switchport access VLAN, switchport mode (trunk or
access), trunk-allowed VLANs, the trunk native VLAN, and the switchport trunk groups.
• This command creates VLAN 49 and enters VLAN configuration mode for the new VLAN:
switch(config)#vlan 49
VLAN Configuration Commands Chapter 21: VLANs
Command Mode
Global Configuration
Command Syntax
vlan internal order DIRECTION [RANGE_VLAN]
no vlan internal order
default vlan internal order
• DIRECTION VLAN allocation number direction. Options include:
• ascending allocates internal VLANs from lower VLAN bound to upper VLAN bound.
• descending allocates internal VLAN from upper VLAN bound to lower VLAN bound.
• RANGE_VLAN allocation range. Options include:
• <no parameter> 1006 (lower bound) to 4094 (upper bound).
• range lower upper specifies lower bound (lower) and upper bound (upper).
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANS from 3000 through 3999.
switch(config)#vlan internal order ascending range 3000 3999
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANS from 4094 through 1006.
switch(config)#vlan internal order descending
• This command configures the switch to allocate internal VLANS from 4094 down through 4000.
switch(config)#vlan internal order descending range 4000 4094
• This command reverts the allocation policy to its default (ascending, between 1006 and 4094).
switch(config)#no vlan internal order