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Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

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A review on compressed air energy storage: Basic principles, past

milestones and recent developments
Marcus Budt a,⇑, Daniel Wolf b, Roland Span c, Jinyue Yan d,e
Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety, and Energy Technology UMSICHT, Division: Energy, Osterfelder Str. 3, 46047 Oberhausen, Germany
Heliocentris Industry GmbH, R&D Clean Energy Solutions, Rudower Chaussee 29, 12489 Berlin, Germany
Thermodynamics, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Universitätsstr. 150, 44805 Bochum, Germany
School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Teknikringen 42, SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden
School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, Mälardalen University, SE-721 23 Västerås, Sweden

h i g h l i g h t s

 A review on the variety of CAES concepts and their historical background is given.
 An extensive classification and comparison of different CAES types is carried out.
 The concept of exergy is applied to enhance the fundamental understanding of CAES.
 The importance of accurate fluid property data for the design of CAES is examined.
 General aspects on CAES applications and upcoming R&D challenges are discussed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Over the past decades a variety of different approaches to realize Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
Received 18 December 2015 have been undertaken. This article gives an overview of present and past approaches by classifying and
Received in revised form 18 February 2016 comparing CAES processes. This classification and comparison is substantiated by a broad historical back-
Accepted 20 February 2016
ground on how CAES has evolved over time from its very beginning until its most recent advancements. A
Available online 7 March 2016
broad review on the variety of CAES concepts and compressed air storage (CAS) options is given, evalu-
ating their individual strengths and weaknesses. The concept of exergy is applied to CAES in order to
enhance the fundamental understanding of CAES. Furthermore, the importance of accurate fluid property
Compressed air energy storage
data for the calculation and design of CAES processes is discussed. In a final outlook upcoming R&D chal-
Energy storage lenges are addressed.
Energy system Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
2. A brief history. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
2.1. How it all began . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
2.2. How the idea spread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
3. General concept of compressed air energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
3.1. Cycle efficiency of CAES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
3.2. A simple exergetic approach to CAES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
3.3. Real gas properties of air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
4. Diabatic compressed air energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
4.1. Huntorf plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
4.2. McIntosh plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259

⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +49 208 8598 1293; fax: +49 208 8598 1423.
E-mail address: (M. Budt).
URL: (M. Budt).
0306-2619/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 251

5. Adiabatic compressed air energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

5.1. High-temperature processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
5.2. Medium-temperature processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
5.3. Low-temperature processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
6. Isothermal compressed air energy storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
7. Compressed air storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
8. Conclusions and outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266

1. Introduction was submitted by F.W. Gay to the US Patent Office [3]. However,
until the late 1960s the development of compressed air energy
Today the storage of electricity is of increased importance due storage (CAES) was pursued neither in science nor in industry. This
to the rise of intermittent power feed-in by wind power and pho- can be ascribed to the lack of necessity for grid connected energy
tovoltaics. Here, air can serve as a suitable storage medium by storage. It changed in the 1960s with the introduction of baseload
compressing it using an electrically driven compressor. At any later generation in form of nuclear power and ever larger lignite coal
point in time the stored compressed air can be released and recon- fired power plants. Suddenly, there was an economic case to store
verted to electricity by means of a turbine generator – a very sim- inexpensive off-peak power from baseload generation capacities
ple process already being applied for decades. There are various and transfer it to peak-load hours. Where possible this added value
approaches to realize this seemingly simple process. Each process was taken advantage of by the installation of pumped hydro
has its individual strengths and drawbacks, which have not been energy storage (PHES) plants. Nevertheless, PHES relies on suitable
analyzed and compared thoroughly so far. topological condi-tions, which limit its application to mountainous
The present article attempts to give an overview on present and regions. In 1969, the need for storage capacity in northern
past approaches by classifying and comparing CAES processes. This Germany led to the decision to develop a CAES plant in this partic-
classification and comparison is substantiated by a broad historical ular region. The decision was supported by suitable geological for-
background on how compressed air energy storage (CAES) has mations for storing large amounts of compressed gas in available
evolved over time. The concept of exergy is applied to CAES in underground salt domes. These salt domes were already used to
order to enhance the fundamental understanding of CAES. Further- build caverns reliably hosting large amounts of compressed natural
more, reasons are given why the usage of accurate fluid property gas. Furthermore, there was a need for black start capability for the
data is especially important for the calculation and design of CAES northern German grid, which could be provided by CAES, too [4]. It
processes. To summarize, the authors focus on both, theory and is interesting to mention that the initial wording for the CAES tech-
technology of CAES. Economic aspects are explicitly excluded nology by that time was still different. The utility Nordwest-
because of their strong dependence on country-specific and deutsche Kraftwerke (NKW), which decided to build Huntorf,
short-term changing market conditions as well as on the political chose the acronym ASSET to label the new technology. ASSET stood
and regulatory framework. Due to that, an in-depth review of CAES for Air Storage System Energy Transfer plant indicating the utility’s
economics would exceed the purpose of this article by far. Never- basic intention for the storage plant [5]. The technology supplier
theless, some general economic aspects of CAES applications are BBC Brown Boveri instead came up with the term ‘‘Gas Turbine
discussed wherever appropriate. Air Storage Peaking Plant” highlighting that CAES was basically
derived from gas turbine technology serving as a peak-load capac-
2. A brief history ity. None of the acronyms by that time is still in use today. The
technical achievements connected to the development of the
In the manufacturing industry compressed air is broadly Huntorf plant still exist and will be described in greater detail in
applied. Here, it is used either as an energy carrier for various pro- Section 4.1.
cesses like drilling or carving or it serves as a process fluid carrier
e.g. for cleaning or varnishing. Either way, compressed air is gener- 2.2. How the idea spread
ated almost exclusively on site by employing electrical energy. In
Germany, for example, currently 16 TW hel are consumed annually Stimulated by the Huntorf project, the general interest in CAES
to provide compressed air for industrial purposes, which amounts technology began to rise by the mid-1970s [2,6]. Different from
to about 2.5% of the German overall electricity consumption [1]. Europe, as the Huntorf plant was clearly industry driven, the US
Looking at utility scale energy supply, compressed air has never Department of Energy (DOE) initiated both an R&D and a pre-
been established as an energy carrier. In comparison to electricity, demonstration program for developing CAES, which was coordi-
gas and heat, its power density is lower and transportation losses nated by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) from
are higher, which can be considered the main reason for this situ- the late 1970s to early 1980s [7,8]. The research and development
ation. Nevertheless, compressed air has been and still is applied as (R&D) of the program focused on the following two major issues:
a storage medium for electrical energy at utility scale. Fig. 1 shows
projects and R&D efforts over time, which will be described in  Long-term reservoir stability criteria for CAES operating
detail later on. conditions.
 Feasibility of so-called second-generation CAES concepts
2.1. How it all began including adiabatic CAES (A-CAES) aimed at minimizing the
use of petroleum fuels for firing.
The fundamental idea to store electrical energy by means of
compressed air dates back to the early 1940s [2]. By then the At the end of the research program diabatic CAES (D-CAES)
patent application ‘‘Means for Storing Fluids for Power Generation” was considered a technically feasible near-term technology. As a
252 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

Fig. 1. Timeline of CAES R&D and industrial efforts; projects are not exhaustive and limited to the largest installations.

consequence, the responsibility for further R&D was transferred to The first project of this group was the Seneca CAES project
the industry financed Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI). planned by NYSEG at the east coast of the USA, which was canceled
Development of second generation CAES like hybrid, adiabatic or in 2012 due to economic aspects [17]. In California PG&E is plan-
isothermal CAES (I-CAES, compare Sections 6) was postponed ning a 300 MWel D-CAES with a reserve for 10 h of rated power
and linked to a successful implementation of D-CAES in the USA. stored in porous rock formations. The plant is intended to be in
Among the different types of second generation CAES, PNNL con- operation in 2020–2021 [18]. Sacramento Municipal Utility District
sidered A-CAES the most suitable and promising technology [9]. carries out feasibility and conceptual engineering analyses for a
However, EPRI considered a hybrid CAES plant with a single- wind farm coupled small D-CAES (15–50 MWel) as well as for
stage thermal energy storage (TES) and additional gas firing the one or more 135 MWel plants [19,20]. In Texas two plants have
most promising second generation solution based on the earlier been announced by Apex CAES, at the Bethel Energy Center near
extensive study by Glendenning et al. [7]. Dallas and the Matagorda Energy Center near Houston [21]. New
One outcome of the pre-demonstration program was a planned York Power Authority (NYPA) is planning a utility scale D-CAES
installation of a 220 MWel D-CAES with heat recuperation1 and a and has recently completed the design, performance and thermo-
water-compensated underground cavern2 at the Soyland Power dynamic studies on a small-scale D-CAES with about 10 MWel of
Cooperative Inc. [10]. Contracts were already signed, but in 1982 rated power and a storage capacity of 4.5 h by using steel pipes
the utility decided not to build the plant. The cancelation was offi- as aboveground CAS [22]. Further projects still on their way are
cially justified by a more moderate growth in electricity demand an aboveground D-CAES on Hawaii [23] and a 100–300 MWel plant
than expected [11]. The first CAES plant in the USA was actually built by Nebraska Public Power District storing the air inside the Dakota
in 1991 at the McIntosh site [12]. Operating utility was and still is porous sandstone formation, which is currently in test operation
the Alabama Electric Cooperative, while by the year 2008 the name [24]. In Europe there are also plans for D-CAES plants. A 330 MWel
changed to PowerSouth Electric Cooperative. The plant’s technical plant consisting of two 165 MWel trains is to be built in Larne,
achievements will be described in Section 4.2. The McIntosh plant Northern Ireland using an underground salt formation for storage.
led to interest in CAES technology by several US utilities like the Ten- And further locations in UK, Germany, Denmark and the Nether-
nessee Valley Authority and the Hawaiian Electric Co. but none of lands have already been identified [25].
them seriously attempted to set up a commercial facility [13]. In Despite the recent initiatives, both in industry and science,
2001, a CAES project was announced using a depleted limestone no more large scale CAES plants have been constructed after the
mine at Norton, Ohio [14]. The mine offers a total volume of approx. McIntosh plant so far. Looking at the USA again, the development
9.6 million m3. To make full use of this huge reservoir nine 300 MWel of second generation CAES is still not being pursued after all. The
turbines of the type Alstom ET11NM would have to be applied paradigm of EPRI to promote only CAES concepts to be built with
allowing for a continuous generating operation of 2 days [14,15]. no or just little development effort is being maintained. Only very
However, the Norton project has not been realized so far. In Decem- slight attempts toward little or no fuel consuming CAES are made
ber 2006 Alstom, as the main generating equipment provider, when EPRI announced to bring A-CAES back into focus [26]. How-
withdrew supply support citing insufficient internal resources. ever, at a smaller scale serious attempts are being undertaken in
Dresser-Rand [16] joined the consortium as new equipment sup- the USA toward near-isothermal CAES without fuel consumption.
plier. In November 2009, the rights to further develop the Norton Several start-up companies are developing prototypes in the range
CAES facility were purchased by the US utility FirstEnergy Genera- of hundreds of kW installed power applying reciprocating piston
tion Corp.3 In 2013, FirstEnergy put the further development of the engines to compress and expand air [27]. Air temperatures are kept
project on hold due to unfavorable electricity wholesale market low by directly injecting spray water or foam into the compression
prices. Beside this long term running project there are several com- chamber. This concept is described in more detail in Section 6. To
panies that published plans for D-CAES plants in the USA more summarize, the main driver behind the increasing interest in CAES
recently. recently is totally different from the mentioned drivers leading to
Huntorf and McIntosh. While at the time of Huntorf and McIntosh
1 aspects such as black start capability and economic optimization
Heat recuperation is a means of fuel saving by reusing the heat of the exhaust
gases: compare Section 4.2. by transferring cheaper baseload power toward peak hours were
A water compensated cavern allows for gas storage at almost constant pressure: important, today the need for the balancing of intermittent renew-
compare Section 7. able energy RES power feed-in can be considered the main driver
Source: Ohio Power Siting Board 99-1626-EL-BGN, toward CAES.
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 253

The main criterion for categorization is the question how heat is

Compressed Air Energy Storage handled during compression and prior to expansion of the air.
In D-CAES the heat resulting from air compression is wasted to
the ambient by cooling down the compressed air; therefore an
external heat source is needed for the discharging process to pre-
vent condensation in and icing of the expansion machinery by pre-
heating the compressed air upstream of the expander. In A-CAES
diabatic adiabatic isothermal the heat of compression is captured in additional TES devices and
is utilized prior to expansion to prevent the need for other heat
sources during the discharge phase. In contrast to D-CAES and A-
CAES concepts, heat of compression is to be minimized or even
prevented in I-CAES concepts. Technological implementations as
well as further information on individual aspects and current pro-
D-CAES I-CAES jects for each of these subclasses are presented in Sections 4,5, and
without TES with TES
6, respectively.
The different CAES concepts differ widely regarding quantita-
Fig. 2. Compressed air energy storage concepts classified by their idealized change tive parameters such as cycle efficiency, energy density and
of state: (D(diabatic)-, A(adiabatic)-, I(isothermal)-CAES). start-up time as well as regarding qualitative parameters like their
status of development and fields of application. Table 1 gives an
Nevertheless, the ability of CAES to compensate for fluctuating overview of these parameters of three classes of CAES.
renewable energies was already mentioned as early as 1976 by
[6] and later on in 1981 in [28], although without being of major 3.1. Cycle efficiency of CAES
importance at that time. This has now changed dramatically with
a significant penetration of intermittent renewable energies such D-CAES is not a mere storage technology, but a hybrid electric-
as wind and photovoltaics in the electricity supply system in many ity generation and storage technology. Consequently, a direct com-
countries around the world. CAES is perceived to be a key enabling parison of cycle efficiencies of D-CAES with those of mere storage
technology for the integration of such intermittent renewable technologies like PHES, batteries, flywheels, etc. including A-CAES
resources [29,30]. Bearing this new incentive for the future appli- and I-CAES is misleading. In order to discharge, D-CAES plants
cation of CAES in mind, a four year European research AA-CAES4 require additional heat which is usually provided by combustion
project was initiated back in 2003 [31]. The aim of this project was of natural gas or light oil. This means two input energy streams
to develop an A-CAES plant with 70% cycle efficiency overcoming exist – electrical energy for driving the compressors Ein,el and ther-
the low cycle efficiency of D-CAES. Main outcome of the project mal energy for heating-up the air before expansion Ein,th. Therefore,
was a conceptual plant layout for a 300 MWel A-CAES plant. Despite different approaches exist to calculate the cycle efficiency gcyc_eff of
the interest of several European utilities, this type of A-CAES has not D-CAES. A broad overview of these approaches is given in [34]. The
been realized so far. The main obstacle seems to be the considerable most common approach is to consider both input energy streams
development effort related to the adiabatic compressor and to the as charging energy according to Eq. (1); another approach is to
TES together with the very limited number of installations to be lower the value of the thermal energy contribution by a reference
expected (compare Section 5). efficiency according to Eq. (2) [35].
The very beginning of the 21st century can be seen as the point
in time when R&D on CAES technology has been resumed on a Eout;el
gcyc ¼ ð1Þ
broader level. All different types of CAES plant concepts known eff 1
Ein;el þ Ein;th
today have their origin in this decade. A detailed description of Eout;el  Ein;th  greference
these further developments is given in Sections 6. However, first gcyc eff 2 ¼ ð2Þ
a view on the general aspects of CAES is given in Section 3.
Both approaches have their own strengths and weaknesses.
gcyc_eff_2 leads to a cycle efficiency which uses the efficiency of a
3. General concept of compressed air energy storage virtual thermal power plant with the same source and amount of
thermal input energy as a reference. In case of D-CAES using natu-
The basic concept of CAES is rather simple. The storage is ral gas as additional energy input, suitable reference efficiency val-
charged by the use of electrically driven compressors, which con- ues would be those of other common gas firing conversion
vert the electric energy into potential energy, or more precisely technologies such as open and combined cycle gas turbines or
exergy, of pressurized air. The pressurized air is stored in CAS vol- internal combustion engines. Taking into account this reference
umes of any kind (see Section 7) and can then be released upon efficiency value, Eq. (2) results in a storage cycle efficiency compa-
demand to generate electricity again by expansion of the air rable to those of mere storage technologies. Fig. 3 shows the
through an air turbine. dependency of gcyc_eff_2 on the chosen greference. gcyc_eff_1 on the other
Today, a huge variety of different CAES concepts exist at differ- hand is just dependent on the measureable energy streams and is
ent levels of development, aiming at different applications and therefore useful to compare the efficiencies of different D-CAES
owning individual strengths and weaknesses. A general classifica- plants among each other. Therefore, gcyc_eff_1 will be used in the fol-
tion of the whole group of CAES concepts is shown in Fig. 2. lowing paragraphs and in Section 3.
Depending on the targeted idealized process, CAES technologies In Table 1, a cycle efficiency of gcyc_eff_1 = 0.54 is given for a con-
are differentiated into diabatic, adiabatic and isothermal concepts. temporary D-CAES plant. This value corresponds to the McIntosh
plant (compare Section 4.2). In order to generate 1 kW h of electri-
cal energy output Eout,el, the McIntosh plant requires 0.69 kW h of
The acronym stands for Advanced Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage. The
project was carried out under the European Commission (FP5). http://cordis.europa.
electrical energy Ein,el to drive the compressor and 1.17 kW h of
eu/search/index.cfm?fuseaction= proj.document&PJ_LANG=EN&PJ_RCN=6061072& thermal energy Ein,th to heat up the air before expansion [12]. Thus,
pid=0&q=34A768288EFDC4A6169EF7E515783632&type=sim. it becomes clear that in the McIntosh D-CAES plant more electricity
254 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

Table 1
Comparison of technical parameters for different CAES concepts according to [32] (enhanced by data from [33]).

Diabatic Adiabatic Isothermal

Cycle efficiency Today Goal Today Goal Today Goal
(AC to AC) 0.54 0.6 – 0.7 0.38 0.8
Energy density 2–15 kW h/m3 0.5–20 kW h/m3 1–25 kW h/m3
(per m3 of CAS)
Start-up time 10–15 min 5–15 min <1 min
Power range 5 MW–1 GW 1 MW–1 GW 5 kW–1 GW
Development status Application/Demonstration Research/Demonstration Research/Demonstration

1.00 commonly operated at close to ambient temperature and heat is

ηcyc_eff_1 stored in a separate device as shown in Fig. 5. As long as the heat
ηcyc_eff_2 transfer in the ideal heat storage device is reversible (heat transfer
0.80 with negligible temperature gradients), the separation of heat and
0.70 air storage does not result in any difference.
Section 3.3 will highlight that it is important to consider real gas

behavior of humid air for the design of CAES devices. However, to

facilitate the fundamental understanding of the process, air is trea-
0.40 ted as dry ideal gas with the specific gas-constant RL = 0.287101 kJ/
0.30 (kg K) and a constant specific isobaric heat capacity of cop = 1.007 kJ/
(kg K) in this section. The resulting isentropic exponent is
jo = 1.3998. With this assumption specific enthalpy h0 and specific
0.10 entropy s0 differences between a state at T, p and ambient condi-
0.00 tions become
0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
o o
ηreference h ðT; pÞ  h ðT a ; pa Þ ¼ cpo  ðT  T a Þ ð5Þ
s ðT; pÞ  s ðT a ; pa Þ ¼ cpo  lnðT=T a Þ  RL  lnðp=pa Þ
o o
Fig. 3. Cycle efficiency of the D-CAES McIntosh calculated according to the
discussed approaches.
Under these conditions, the electrical energy required to run an
can be discharged Eout,el than is necessary for charging, Ein,el. This is ideal adiabatic compressor is equal to the exergy flow of the com-
a unique feature for any D-CAES plant demonstrating its hybrid pressed air E_ air and becomes
status of being partially a peak generating technology and partially
Pel ¼ E_ air ðT; pÞ ¼ m _  eair ðT; pÞ
an electrical energy storage (EES) technology. In contrast, all 2 3
remaining compressed air based EES technologies listed in Table 1
6      7
are mere EES technologies. For the non-diabatic CAES plant types,
_ 6 7
T T p
¼m 6T a  cpo   1  ln þT a  RL  ln 7 ð7Þ
no additional thermal energy Ein,th is involved in the process. Sim- 4 Ta Ta pa 5
ilar to any pure EES technology such as, e.g., electrochemical bat- |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} |fflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflfflffl}
temperature related contribution pressure related contribution
teries, only electrical input and output energy is involved.
Consequently, for non-diabatic CAES the amount of electricity to Dividing the specific exergy eair into temperature and pressure
be discharged Eout,el is smaller than that for the charging Ein,el and related contributions will be helpful for analyzing the CAES process
the calculation of cycle efficiency gcyc_eff can be simplified as later on.
follows: Due to the term ln(T/Ta), which results from the temperature
dependence of entropy, the temperature related contribution to
gcyc eff ¼ ð3Þ the exergy of the compressed gas is smaller than the enthalpy
increase, Eq. (5). This enthalpy increase is usually referred to as
Assuming a cycle efficiency of gcyc_eff = 0.7, as it is indicated in ‘‘heat of compression”. Though this term is thermodynamically
Table 1 as a future goal for A-CAES plants, an electrical charging not correct, it will be used in order to be consistent to the com-
energy of 1.43 kW h would be necessary in order to discharge monly used denomination. The same applies to the term ‘‘heat
1 kW h. storage”. Actually energy is stored as internal energy or enthalpy
of a storage material; thermodynamically the term heat only refers
3.2. A simple exergetic approach to CAES to the temperature gradient driven transport of energy from gas to
storage material and vice versa.
To illustrate the fundamentals of CAES, it is advantageous to For an adiabatic compressor, temperature and pressure after
consider thermodynamic principles of a simplified system in compression are related by
quasi-stationary operation. In a thermodynamic study, an A-CAES  jo 1
plant can be simplified to the following system as shown in Fig. 4. p jo
T ¼ Ta  ð8Þ
In charging mode, air is compressed from ambient temperature pa
Ta and pressure pa to temperature T and pressure p by an adiabatic Fig. 6 shows the development of temperature and specific
compressor. The first law of thermodynamics yields exergy of the compressed air throughout a compression starting
_  ðhðT; pÞ  hðT a ; pa ÞÞ at ambient conditions. Both curves increase continuously, but not
Pel ¼ m ð4Þ
linearly. At a pressure of 5 MPa the specific exergy of adiabatically
For the ideal reversible process, the electrical power Pel required compressed air already exceeds 50% of the specific exergy at
to compress an air mass flow m _ is completely recovered when the 20 MPa.
compressed air is expanded again. The cycle efficiency of the rever- Assuming that the air is cooled down to ambient temperature in
sible process is 100%. For practical reasons the air storage device is the heat storage device and with ho(T,p) = ho(T,pa) for an ideal gas,
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 255

(a) Charging Mode (b) Discharging Mode

ambient air, compressed air, compressed air, ambient air,
Ta, pa T, p air air T, p Ta , p a
adiabatic adiabatic
storage storage
compressor expander
device device

electrical power electrical power

Fig. 4. Simplified system of charging (a) and discharging mode (b) of an A-CAES plant.

ambient air, compressed air, compressed air,

Ta, pa adiabatic T, p heat Ta, p air
compressor/ storage storage
expander device device

electrical power

Fig. 5. Simplified system of an A-CAES plant with a separate heat storage device.

1400 1200 100

Storage at Tad
Storage at 300 K
1200 1000
Spec. exergy / (kJ/kg)

Volumetric exergy / (MJ/m3)

Temperature / K

1000 800

800 600

600 400

400 200
Specific exergy
200 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10
Pressure / MPa Pressure / MPa

Fig. 6. Temperature and specific exergy of dry air adiabatically compressed from Fig. 8. Exergy stored in an ideal A-CAES process per volume of air supplied to the air
ambient conditions to the given pressure. storage device (differential calculation).

the heat flow Q_ Storage stored becomes equal to the electrical power
supplied to the compressor:

Q_ Storage ¼ Pel ¼ m
_  cpo  ðT  T a Þ ð9Þ
Contribution to Exergy / %

The exergy flow related to any heat flow is related to the tem-
60 perature at which heat is transferred. It is zero at ambient temper-
ature and approaches the value of the heat flow at very high
temperature; in thermal power plants, the average temperature
40 of heat supply is chosen as high as possible to enable high efficien-
cies. However, the temperature at which heat is stored has no
influence on the efficiency of ideal A-CAES plants, it only affects
the relative size of the two terms in Eq. (7). Fig. 7 illustrates the dis-
Temperature contribution
Pressure contribution tribution of exergy between the temperature related term and the
0 pressure related contribution to exergy. At low storage tempera-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
ture, which corresponds to a low pressure in A-CAES, the share
Pressure / MPa
of exergy stored in pressure is dominant. If the air is compressed
Fig. 7. Distribution of the exergy of adiabatically compressed air between the to more than about 8.3 MPa in the ideal A-CAES process, the tem-
temperature and the pressure related contribution to exergy, see Eq. (6). perature related contribution to exergy becomes dominant. In any
256 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

compressed air, compressed air, compressed air,

ambient air, compressed air,
heat Ta, pi T, p heat Ta, p
Ta, pa adiabatic Ti, pi adiabatic air
storage compressor/ storage storage
device, expander device, device
stage 1 stage 2

electrical power, electrical power,

stage 1 stage 2

Fig. 9. Simplified system of an A-CAES plant with multiple stages.

50 100 back to ambient temperature in a first heat storage device. This

Pressure, Single Stage
45 Volumetric Exergy, Single Stage
90 way, the exit temperature of the second compression stage
Pressure, Two Stages
Volumetric Exergy, Two Stages
becomes equal to the exit temperature of the first compression
40 80

Volumetric exergy / (MJ/m3)

Pressure, Three Stages stage, T = Ti. For a given compressor exit temperature, the electrical
Volumetric Exergy,Three Stages
35 70 power stored per mass of air is equal to the number of stages mul-
Pressure / MPa

30 60 tiplied by the power stored in the single stage process with the
same compressor exit temperature. The total pressure ratio equals
25 50
the pressure ratio of the single stage process with the same com-
20 40
pressor exit temperature to the power of stages used. If the air is
15 30 stored at a temperature close to ambient temperature again, the
10 20 volumetric exergy increases dramatically due to the high storage
pressure – the required storage volume becomes very attractive
5 10
but now the high storage pressures limit the technical application.
0 0 Fig. 10 shows the development of storage pressure and volumetric
300 350 400 450 500 550 600
Temperature / K exergy plotted over the compressor outlet temperature for ideal
A-CAES processes with one to three stages. The practical problems
Fig. 10. Exergy stored per volume of air supplied to the air storage device related to the large heat capacity required for thermal storage
(differential calculation, 300 K storage temperature) and storage pressure for ideal
devices at low storage temperatures are not solved by processes
A-CAES processes with one to three stages, plotted over the compressor outlet
temperature. with multiple stages, unless storage temperatures are chosen low
enough to use water as a very cheap storage material.
In I-CAES processes, the temperature during compression is ide-
case, the complete exergy can be recovered during expansion – ally kept equal to ambient temperature. Only the pressure related
storage pressure and storage temperature have no influence on part of the exergy in Eq. (7) is transferred to the air. The power
the cycle efficiency of an ideal A-CAES process. required to run the compressor is correspondingly lower. A heat
However, even without considering irreversibility, low charging flow equal to the power of the compressor has to be eliminated
pressures have a negative effect on the size of the storage devices. at ambient temperature. Since heat at ambient temperature has
Fig. 8 shows the exergy stored in one cubic meter of adiabatically no exergy, this kind of continuous cooling does not result in exergy
compressed air at a certain pressure. Without a dedicated heat losses. During expansion, the same amount of heat has to be sup-
storage device, the volumetric exergy of compressed air (which is plied continuously to the process at ambient temperature again, to
at adiabatic compression temperature in this case) increases ensure expansion at constant temperature. This way, the electrical
almost linearly with pressure. If the air is cooled down to a temper- power used to run the compressor during charging is completely
ature close to ambient in an ideal heat storage device after com- recovered during discharging; the ideal cycle efficiency of I-CAES
pression, the volumetric exergy increases disproportionately with systems is 100%. However, common technical devices cannot real-
pressure. In a single stage A-CAES process, high storage pressure ize compression and expansion processes at a constant tempera-
and consequently a high compressor outlet/heat storage tempera- ture. Research on I-CAES processes focusses on the development
ture is essential to limit the size of the air storage device. Similar of machinery that comes as close to an isothermal compression
considerations hold for the heat capacity, and thus the mass, and expansion as possible [36].
required for the storage material in the heat storage device. With In D-CAES processes, compressed air is stored at close to ambi-
increasing temperature difference between charged and dis- ent temperature and heat is supplied by combustion of fuel during
charged status (T and Ta for the ideal storage device), less heat expansion (Fig. 11). During charging, the heat of compression is
capacity is required to store a certain amount of energy. removed in a cooler and is completely wasted unless it is used
In practical applications, adiabatic compression is limited to otherwise, for example in combined heat and power concepts.
rather low pressures due to technical limitations regarding the By cooling down the compressed air to ambient temperature,
temperature at the compressor outlet. To realize pressures attrac- the temperature contribution to exergy as shown in Fig. 7 is lost;
tive for air storage, intercooling has to be introduced. If the only the pressure related part of the exergy is utilized during
extracted heat is not utilized, exergy is wasted; the process expansion. From Fig. 7 it becomes obvious that high storage pres-
becomes irreversible and the cycle efficiency falls below 100%. To sure is thermodynamically disadvantageous for D-CAES concepts.
avoid this limitation, processes with multiple stages can be intro- However, as shown before, low storage pressure is technically
duced (Fig. 9). unattractive because it results in large air storage devices. Since
With the idealized assumptions made in this section, the inter- gas turbines allow for higher turbine inlet temperatures than the
mediate pressure level of a two-stage A-CAES process has to be highest compressor outlet temperatures that have technically been
chosen in a way that the pressure ratios of both stages are equal, realized, the temperature of the air can be raised above the com-
pi/pa = p/pi. After the first stage, the compressed air is ideally cooled pressor outlet temperature in the combustion chamber. This way
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 257

Charging Mode

ambient air, compressed air, compressed air,

Ta, pa T, p Ta, p air
adiabatic cooling storage
compressor device

electrical power waste heat

Discharging Mode
ambient air, compressed air, compressed air,
Ta, pa T, p Ta, p
adiabatic combustion
expander chamber

electrical power fuel

Fig. 11. Simplified system of a D-CAES plant.

Air / Water, xH2O = 0.01 - 0.50
Ts,ideal - Ts,real / K

0.1 MPa

2 1 MPa

10 MPa
300 350 400 450 500 550
Saturation temperature Ts,real / K

Fig. 12. Relative deviations between isobaric heat capacities of dry air, which were Fig. 13. Deviations between saturation temperatures calculated based on a
calculated using ideal gas [38] and real gas [40] property models, see also [37,39]. simplified saturation model and based on a recent reference model [41].

more electrical power is gained during expansion, but at the only Eq. (4) holds for real air, too. However, the general findings,
expense of further increased losses. In this case, the air leaves such as the distinction of temperature and pressure related contri-
the expander at a temperature above ambient temperature even bution to stored exergy, the process dependent relations between
under ideal conditions and exergy gets lost with the flue gas, unless storage pressure and volumetric exergy of the stored air, and the
this exergy is utilized in some kind of exhaust-heat recovery fact that high cycle efficiencies do not require high storage temper-
system. atures can be translated into real processes and are helpful for the
Thermodynamically, D-CAES concepts become more attractive discussion in Sections 3–6.
if the compression is carried out isothermally at ambient temper-
ature or, as a technical approximation, with multiple intercoolers. 3.3. Real gas properties of air
This way the power required to drive the compressor is reduced,
ideally to the pressure contribution to the exergy, see Eq. (7). Dur- In most applications in energy technologies, air is treated as an
ing expansion, this power can be regained effectively. However, ideal gas. Well established standards define how properties for air
existing D-CAES plants work with adiabatic compression and have to be calculated under this assumption [37–39]. Both the pre-
expander exit temperature well above ambient temperature. Cycle vailing standards set by VDI (Verein Deutscher Ingenieure) [37]
efficiencies are correspondingly poor. and by ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) [39]
Real CAES processes deviate significantly from the results use a plot like the one depicted in Fig. 12 to illustrate the limits
shown in this section. Irreversibilities in all sub-processes are by of the ideal gas assumption. For dry air, Fig. 12 shows relative
far not negligible and the relations given and used to generate deviations between isobaric heat capacities calculated for dry air
the figures hold only for ideal gas with constant heat capacity – as ideal and as real gas; the isobaric heat capacity is used as an
258 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

example for technically relevant thermodynamic properties. Devi- 290 MW [5]. A second one with 110 MW output power was built
ations between ideal and real gas increase with increasing pressure in McIntosh/Alabama in the USA in 1991 [12]. Both plants are of
and decrease with increasing temperature. For a typical adiabatic the D-CAES type, use solution mined salt caverns as CAS, and have
compression process starting at ambient temperature ideal gas successfully been in operation up to now. Moreover, several smal-
models may be applied up to high pressure, because the air heats ler installations in the form of demonstration projects exist in
up during compression – deviations from the ideal gas assumption Japan and Italy. Most of them are not in operation anymore.
remain technically acceptable throughout the compression pro- In the following, technical characteristics of the Huntorf and
cess. However, this assumption does not hold if the air is cooled McIntosh plants will be presented.
down at high pressure, as is done in all kinds of CAES processes.
In this case, deviations between ideal and real gas models become
inacceptable and ideal gas models cannot be used for accurate 4.1. Huntorf plant
technical calculations.
To consider real gas effects, the ASME standard [39] suggests In the Huntorf plant ambient air is compressed in an intercooled
that a model representing an ideal mixture of real gases should process by two separate turbo-compressor units to a maximum
be used. For dry air, this model yields accurate results in the tem- pressure of 72 bar. Before it is stored in the CAS, the air is recooled
perature and pressure range relevant for CAES. However, CAES uses again (Fig. 14). The intercooled two-stage compression process
humid air as working fluid. Water contained in the ambient air is limits exergy losses of the diabatic process design without heat
condensed during inter- and final cooling of the compressed air. storage device, but still more than 25% of the exergy supplied as
Optimized concepts with heat storage have to humidify the electrical energy during compression is wasted due to cooling.
reheated air before expansion to increase the mass flow in the The CAS consists of two solution mined salt caverns with a total
expansion devices and to utilize the stored heat efficiently. Thus, storage volume of about 310,000 m3. The CAS is made up of two
the saturation temperature of humid air at elevated pressure is caverns to guarantee high availability by facilitating plant opera-
an important parameter in designing a CAES process. tion even when one of the caverns is being maintained. During
In simplified property models, the saturation temperature is operation, the caverns never reach ambient pressure again, being
commonly calculated using the ideal gas/pure liquid assumption, cycled between approximately 46 and 72 bar. In emergency cases,
which implies that saturation is reached when the partial pressure the expansion train can be operated below 46 bar, too. Identical to
of water in humid air is equal to the vapor pressure of water at the the compression process (Comp), expansion (Exp) is carried out in
corresponding temperature. Fig. 13 shows deviations between two separate units in series. When the air leaves the cavern in
saturation temperatures calculated according to this simplified expansion mode, it is first throttled down to a constant pressure
assumption Ts,ideal and saturation temperatures Ts.real calculated of approx. 42 bar before entering the high pressure (HP) combus-
using a recent reference model for thermodynamic properties of tion chamber (point (1) in Fig. 14) [5]. Throttling of the air results
humid air and combustion gas like mixtures [41]. While deviations in considerable exergy losses but allows for constant pressure
are technically acceptable up to pressures of about 1 MPa, devia- operation of the HP combustion chamber and the HP turbine.
tions at higher pressure may lead to substantially suboptimal Downstream of the HP combustion chamber (2) the air now heated
designs – an overestimation of saturation temperatures by several up to 490 °C by the specific heat qHP-C is being expanded down to
K is not acceptable for accurate process design. Appropriate real about 10 bar in the HP turbine (3), which is a derivate of a steam
gas models have to be used to design high-pressure CAES processes. turbine. On this pressure level the air is heated up again to
A number of thermodynamic models have been published for 945 °C in the low pressure (LP) combustion chamber by the specific
the calculation of humid air properties. Goff and Gratch [42] and heat qLP-C before entering the LP turbine. Both components are
later Hyland and Wexler [43] developed virial models with second based on conventional gas turbine technology.
and third binary cross-virial coefficients fitted to experimental In 2006, after 28 years of operation, the whole expansion train
data. The virial equation of state by Rabinovich and Beketov [44] was retrofitted. One retrofit measure was to lower the inlet tem-
uses cross-virial coefficients calculated from theoretical models perature of the HP turbine (2) from 550 °C to now 490 °C, keeping
based on intermolecular interactions with the use of the the inlet pressure as before. In the LP combustion chamber, the
Lennard-Jones potential. Ji and Yan [45] used a modified Redlich– process parameters were raised from 10 bar/825 °C to
Kwong cubic equation of state in combination with correlation 13 bar/945 °C (4). As a consequence, the output power could be
equations for the enthalpy and entropy of the ideal gas for the increased from 290 MW to 321 MW [51]. The exergy of the exhaust
description of humid air up to 20 MPa and 573 K. Lately, ab initio gas leaving the LP turbine at approximately 480 °C (5) is still not
models for several water–gas mixtures (see e.g. [46] for the system utilized in any way.
water + nitrogen) were developed, from which second cross-virial As can be seen in Fig. 15 as well as in the process scheme of
coefficients are calculated. Detailed descriptions of different mod- Fig. 14, compression and expansion train are connected to each
els and experimental data available for thermophysical properties other by the electric machine. In this way, the electric machine acts
of humid air are given in [47–49]. More recently, reference models as both, electric motor and- generator (M/G), and is coupled to the
treating humid air as mixture of the main air components and turbomachinery trains via a clutch on each side. Since the high
water were published [41,50]. Software solutions implementing pressure compressor works at elevated rotational speed, it is cou-
these models are available. Due to their numerical complexity, pled by a gear box [52].
the reference models may not be used directly in all applications. In recent years, the Huntorf plant has been operated as a reserve
However, they provide a sound basis to check the accuracy of indi- plant providing tertiary control reserve and for internal portfolio
vidual solutions for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of optimization. Moreover, the plant has black start capability and
humid air. is able to provide reactive power, too. The provision of reactive
power and frequency regulation can be performed even when
the plant is neither charging nor discharging by opening both
4. Diabatic compressed air energy storage clutches. In this way, the synchronous machine can be operated
idling in parallel to the grid. The described field of application leads
The world’s first CAES plant was put into operation in 1978 near to a small number of generator operational hours in the range of
the northern German village of Huntorf with an output power of 200 h per year [51].
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 259

HP Comp

LP Comp M/G HP Exp LP Exp

2 3 4 5


Compressed Air Storage (CAS) T


Fig. 14. Simplified process scheme and T,s-diagram of the expansion process of the Huntorf plant according to [32].

Despite this high density of innovations, a safe plant operation

at high availability could be realized [51,53].

4.2. McIntosh plant

In 1991, 13 years after the installation of the Huntorf plant, a

second large scale D-CAES plant was realized in McIntosh/Alabama
[54]. The basic arrangement applying a motor generator in a single
shaft design is essentially the same as in the Huntorf plant as
depicted in Fig. 16. Even an underground mined salt cavern was
chosen for the CAS. In contrast to the Huntorf plant, the CAS con-
sists of only one large salt cavern with a total volume of
538,000 m3 [55].
Similar to the Huntorf plant the McIntosh plant has no device
for heat storage. However, multiple-stage intercooling reduces
exergy losses during compression further. The usage of an
exhaust-heat recuperator (Rec) poses the main difference and
advancement compared to Huntorf. During expansion mode, the
still hot exhaust gases of the LP expander (370 °C) are used to pre-
heat the compressed air flowing out of the cavern. In this way the
compressed air is heated to about 295 °C by the specific heat qrec
before entering the HP combustion chamber, where the specific
heat qHP-comb is added too. After expansion in the HP expander
the air is reheated in the LP combustion chamber by the specific
heat qLP-comb to increase the power output of the LP expander. How-
ever, the exergy remaining in the exhaust gas is increased as well,
because the pressure ratio of the LP expander is by far too small to
cool down the exhaust gas to a temperature close to ambient tem-
perature. The recuperator is applied as a simple form of exhaust-
heat recovery to limit the exergy losses which would result from
Fig. 15. View of the machine hall of the Huntorf CAES plant (Courtesy of E.ON the hot exhaust gas otherwise. Fig. 17 gives a comparative over-
Kraftwerke). view using T,s-diagrams of the expansion process of the McIntosh
plant (black line) and Huntorf plant (grey line). The left diagram
compares the Huntorf and McIntosh expansion processes before
As a first-of-its-kind plant the Huntorf CAES plant came up with the Huntorf retrofit in 2006. The diagram on the right hand side
some unique features being implemented for the first time [51]: of Fig. 17 shows the same comparison after the Huntorf retrofit
with modified turbine inlet parameters [12,51].
– Compressed air storage in solution mined salt caverns. The dotted arrow in the left diagram in Fig. 17 indicates the
– High pressure combustion chamber. transfer of heat of the exhaust gases qrec. In doing so, the cold inlet
– High pressure expansion turbine and gas turbine with fast start- air of the McIntosh plant is heated up from (1), (2). Consequently,
up capability. only the remaining enthalpy difference from 295 °C to the
– Power ratio motor/generator of one to five. HP-turbine inlet temperature of 538 °C has to be provided by
260 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

HP MP Comp LP M/G LP Exp HP Exp



Compressed Air Storage (CAS)

Fig. 16. Simplified process scheme of the McIntosh plant according to [32].

T qLP-comb T qLP-comb

qHP-comb qHP-comb

qrec qrec
qrec qrec

s s

Fig. 17. T,s-diagrams of the expansion process of McIntosh (black line) and Huntorf (grey line) before (left diagram) and after (right diagram) the Huntorf retrofit according to
[32]; absolute temperatures are indicated in Table 2.

combustion of natural gas, which in turn leads to fuel savings. The A-CAES without thermal energy storage (TES)
Huntorf expansion process (grey line) does not come up with any The simplest way to reuse the temperature related part of the
exhaust heat recuperation at all. exergy of the compressed air is to store the hot air itself inside a
By comparing the two diagrams in Fig. 17 to each other, the combined thermal energy and compressed air storage volume
impact of the retrofit in the Huntorf plant becomes visible. The (Fig. 18a). Due to the high temperatures already reached at rather
HP turbine inlet temperature of the Huntorf plant (grey line) was low pressure ratios these concepts require highly temperature
lowered by the retrofit below that of the McIntosh plant (black resistant storage volumes. Adiabatically compressed ambient air
line). On the other hand the LP turbine inlet temperature was sig- for example heats up to about 277 °C if reversibly compressed just
nificantly increased to about 70 °C above the McIntosh tempera- to a moderate pressure of 10 bar. Most of the CAS discussed so far
ture, leading to a net rise in turbine power output. In Table 2 are not able to withstand these temperatures (more details in Sec-
important plant parameters are displayed for both, the Huntorf tion 7). Therefore, A-CAES without TES are restricted to rather low
and the McIntosh plant. storage pressures and consequently to low energy densities as well
There are two striking aspects in the parameter comparison [56,57].
given in Table 2. First of all the McIntosh cycle efficiency is consid- This type of A-CAES has only been realized at laboratory scale so
erably higher than that of the Huntorf plant, reaching 54% instead far [58] and a commercial application cannot be expected in the
of 42%. Technically, this can be explained mainly by the application near future due to considerable material requirements for the
of a recuperator which is completely omitted in the Huntorf plant. CAS device which have to be met to provide a safe and secure plant
Only at second sight general technology advances in component operation. Furthermore, as a consequence of the relatively low
efficiencies made during the 13 years between the two plant density of hot compressed air, a huge surface has to be protected
installations can be accounted. Nevertheless, the operational against heat losses. Both issues imply high initial cost [32].
regime of the McIntosh plant requires the cycle efficiency to be A-CAES with thermal energy storage (TES)
as high as possible. When taking a look at the charging and dis- The limitations of A-CAES without TES described above lead to
charging period in Table 2, it becomes clear that McIntosh was the use of a dedicated TES device in most of the A-CAES concepts
designed to perform load shifting on a weekly basis [12]. The Hun- (Fig. 18b). By removing the temperature related part of the exergy
torf plant on the other hand with its short charging and discharg- from the air stream, the cooled pressurized air can be stored in a
ing period was primarily designed to provide reserve power and CAS of any kind (see Section 7). Additionally, much higher final
blackstart capability where high efficiency is of minor importance pressures can be addressed and higher energy densities can be
[52]. reached. Typical final pressures of A-CAES are at least 60 bar. This
value is taken as the basis for the following statements.
5. Adiabatic compressed air energy storage The most important parameter of A-CAES is the chosen storage
temperature. It has a direct influence on the system engineering as
As already stated in Section 3, A-CAES store the heat of com- well as on the operating behavior of the whole storage plant. In
pression and reuse it during the discharging process. As shown in contrast, cycle efficiency is hardly dependent on the absolute stor-
Fig. 18, this can theoretically be done in two ways. age temperature (Fig. 19). The slight decrease in cycle efficiency
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 261

Table 2  Low-temperature processes with storage temperatures below

Comparison of technical parameters of operating D-CAES plants (data source: 200 °C.

Huntorf McIntosh
Plant 5.1. High-temperature processes
Operating utility E.ON Kraftwerke PowerSouth
Cycle efficiencya 0.42 0.54 The concept of high-temperature A-CAES with single-stage TES
Energy input for 1 kW hel 0.8 kW hel/ 0.69 kW hel/ (Fig. 20) was already discussed during the development of the first
energy output 1.6 kW hgas 1.17 kW hgas
Energy content (related to 642 MW h 2640 MW h
diabatic processes [7,63]. At that time, D-CAES were rated as tech-
power output) nically and economically advantageous and no further develop-
Planning – construction – 1969–1978 1988–1991 ment was carried out. The concepts were picked up again in
commissioning 2003 by a European research project which resulted in the high-
Compression temperature concept called AA-CAES [31,47,64–67].
Compressor manufacturer Sulzer (today MAN Dresser-Rand In the AA-CAES concept (Fig. 20) ambient air is compressed to a
moderate pressure of 2.4 bar and is then recooled. To this point, the
Max. el. input power 60 MW 50 MW
Max. air mass flow rate 108 kg/s Approx. 90 kg/s temperature related part of the exergy of the compressed air is
Compressor units 2 4 wasted to the ambient. This happens for two reasons. On the one
Charging time (at full load) Approx. 8 h Approx. 38 h hand, the inlet temperature of the second compression stage can
Storage be adjusted and this directly affects the storage temperature and
Cavern construction company KBB PB-KBB further decouples the following process from ambient conditions.
Cavern pressure range 46–72 bar 46–75 bar On the other hand, this recooling minimizes the compression work
Cavern volume 310,000 m3 538,000 m3
needed to reach the final pressure and actually increases the cycle
Expansion efficiency. Without recooling, the outlet temperature of the air
Turbine manufacturer BBC (today Alstom) Dresser-Rand
Max. el. output power 321 MW 110 MW
after expansion would be considerably above ambient temperature
Control range (output) 100–321 MW 10–110 MW due to irreversibilities of the applied turbomachinery. Thus, an
Discharging time (at full load) Approx. 2 h Approx. 24 h exergy loss is unavoidable, and dumping the temperature related
Start-up time (normal/ 14/8 min 12/7 min part of the exergy after the first compression stage is the most
favorable way to deal with this unavoidable exergy loss. The fol-
Max. mass flow rate 455 kg/s 154 kg/s
HP turbine inlet 41.3 bar/490 °C 42 bar/538 °C lowing compression up to the final pressure of 65 bar is carried
ND turbine inlet 12.8 bar/945 °C 15 bar/871 °C out without any additional cooling. This leads to an outlet temper-
Exhaust gas temperature 480 °C 370 °C (before ature of around 580 °C. The pressurized air flows through a packed
recuperator) bed TES (see Section 7). Here, the temperature related part of the
In the case of D-CAES plants cycle efficiency is not identical to AC/AC cycle exergy of the air is transferred to the solid thermal storage media.
efficiency as given for the other pure EES technologies, since additional firing is Afterwards the air is conditioned by an additional cooler and enters
required for discharge (compare Section 3). the CAS with defined temperature and pressure. During the dis-
charging process the air flows through the same TES device in
reverse direction and is thereby heated up to a temperature of
with lower storage temperatures is a result of exergy losses occur-
approximately 570 °C. Afterwards the hot pressurized air is
ring from additional heat exchange processes (Section 3.2) [59].
expanded to ambient pressure in a generator-coupled turbine
Corresponding to the considerable differences in terms of sys-
(Fig. 21).
tem engineering, TES technology and the resulting operating
Since 2010, the former AA-CAES concept has been developed
behavior, three process types can be distinguished. As shown in
further in the research projects ‘ADELE’ (2010–2013) and ‘ADELE-
Fig. 19, this can be done in the following way:
ING’ (2013-present) [60,68]. The major strength of these concepts
is their high cycle efficiency of up to 70% [69,70]. However, to actu-
 High-temperature processes with storage temperatures above
ally build such storage plants two major challenges have to be
400 °C.
overcome. On the one hand, a high-temperature TES withstanding
 Medium-temperature processes with storage temperatures
the combination of thermal and mechanical stress requires special
between 200 °C und 400 °C.
materials as well as complex system engineering [71,72]. On the

M Comp Exp G M Comp Exp G

Heat- and Compressed Air Thermal Energy Storage (TES)


Compressed Air Storage (CAS)

(a) A-CAES without TES (b) A-CAES with TES

Fig. 18. Basic concepts of A-CAES according to [32].
262 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

0.8 system, condensed water should be reinjected into the process

0.7 2 2 1
5 during discharge in a suitable way; see Section 3.3 for a brief dis-
5 cussion on suitable property models.
Cycle efficiency [-]

4 3 With regard to energy economics the reaction time of a storage
technology is a major parameter since storage devices with shorter
0.4 reaction times are able to participate in additional, lucrative mar-
0.3 kets [73]. Talking about CAES, the dominating reaction time is
the start-up time of the system from cold conditions. Due to ther-
mal stress, high-temperature A-CAES plants need 10–15 min for a
start-up process if the tolerable thermal gradients are respected
Low- Medium- High-temperature processes
0.0 [32]. In terms of start-up times, high-temperature A-CAES are as
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
flexible as gas turbines, but rather slow compared to PHES, which
Storage temperature [°C]
are able to start-up within two minutes [74].
Fig. 19. Predicted cycle efficiencies of A-CAES depending on storage temperature
(1 = [60], 2 = [32], 3 = [33], 4 = [61], 5 = [62]) based on [59].
5.2. Medium-temperature processes

A-CAES concepts with two-stage TES and therefore lower tem-

peratures have also been discussed since the beginning of CAES
M Comp Exp G development [7,75,76]. In order to avoid the need for extensive
research and development efforts, the process temperature is low-
ered below 400 °C by transferring the temperature dependent part
of the exergy of the compressed air to TES devices twice (Fig. 22).
The slightly lower cycle efficiency (compare Fig. 19) is compen-
sated by the applicability of the off-the-shelf compressor-
technology and TES media like molten salt or thermal oil which
M Comp
are already used in similar applications [77]. Thermal storage in
conventional or PCM-filled packed bed TES is possible as well
[69,78,79]. Due to these advantages, medium-temperature pro-
cesses are also in the focus of current research [32,68,80]. Beside
these technical advantages, the economically relevant start-up
time is still in the range of 10–15 min due to high thermal stress
Fig. 20. Block diagram of a high-temperature A-CAES [32] as it was designed in the [32].
AA-CAES project. In the medium-temperature A-CAES shown in Fig. 22, ambient
air is compressed to 2.4 bar in a first stage and is further com-
pressed to 19 bar in a second stage after intermediate recooling
65 bar 2.4 bar 1 bar (see also Fig. 23). The air leaves the second stage at about 380 °C
and is cooled down again by flowing through a first TES device
773 and an aftercooler. Afterwards the air is compressed to the final
pressure and thus heated up to about 380 °C again, followed by
Temperature T [K]

673 heat exchange in a second TES device and storage in the CAS. The
discharge process involves two expansion stages with preheating
573 by the two TES devices [32].

5.3. Low-temperature processes

Basically, the idea to use storage temperatures below 200 °C is
not new [7], but detailed concepts are results of current research
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 [33,59,61,81–84]. The major advantages of low-temperature
A-CAES are the applicability of liquid TES media, which can be
Entropy s [kJ/kgK]
pumped and which enable the use of common heat exchangers,
Fig. 21. T,s-diagram of a high-temperature A-CAES in AA-CAES layout (data source: and the applicability of off-the-shelf compression and expansion
[32]). devices. To reach low storage temperatures in combination with
still acceptable energy density, heat transfer after every single
stage is used (Fig. 24). As a further advantage, storage plants of this
other hand, there is no electrically driven compressor available off- kind would be able to start-up within 5 min, which allows the par-
the-shelf that operates at the high-outlet temperature planned in ticipation in additional energy markets [33].
AA-CAES. In general such machinery is technically feasible but a A basic concept of a low-temperature A-CAES plant with liquid
considerable engineering effort is needed to apply knowledge from TES media and two tank TES is shown in Fig. 24. Depending on the
gas turbine technology to an electrically driven compressor. state of charge, the liquid is stored inside the hot tank in case of
As in all other A-CAES concepts, humidity in the air will con- charged storage or inside the cold storage tank otherwise. During
dense in the TES and/or in heat exchangers. Depending on ambient the charging and the discharging process, the liquid is pumped
conditions and process layout, the related enthalpy of condensa- through the heat exchangers to cool or preheat the air, respec-
tion may have a considerable and frequently neglected impact on tively. Such an active TES system requires more advanced control
heat balances. To avoid mismatches in the energy balance of charg- compared to passive TES systems, but enables enhanced process
ing and discharging, and to optimize the power output of the control as well.
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 263

M Comp
Exp Exp G


M Comp

M Comp CAS

Fig. 22. Block diagram of a medium-temperature A-CAES (Ref. [32]).

150 bar 19 bar 12 bar 2.4 bar 1 bar perature is limited to about 132 °C at a final pressure of 200 bar
Expansion (Fig. 25) [82].
6. Isothermal compressed air energy storage
Temperature T [K]

I-CAES try to prevent temperature increase in the compressors
573 during charging and temperature drop during discharging in the
expansion devices. All I-CAES concepts known so far are based on
473 piston machinery since these machines can perform a comparably
slow compression or expansion process which leaves enough time
373 for heat exchange processes inside the machinery itself. For exam-
ple, the heat exchange can be carried out using additional heat
273 exchange surfaces and a liquid piston [85]. Another way is to spray
5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
liquids into the plug room of a common piston machine or the
Entropy s [kJ/kgK]
compression of a pre-mixed foam [86].
Fig. 23. T,s-diagram of a medium-temperature A-CAES (data source: [32]). The concept of I-CAES was implemented in so called hydro-
pneumatic energy storage first. In these devices a liquid is used
to compress the gas. In the case of closed cycle hydro-pneumatic
energy storage (C-HyPES) this is achieved by pumping a liquid,
The concept shown in Fig. 24 is designed to work with five com- for example hydraulic oil, into the storage tank, where the gas vol-
pressor and expander stages and heat exchange between each of ume is reduced, which in turn causes a rise in gas pressure
these. The pressure ratio of each stage is identical and storage tem- (Fig. 26). When electricity is needed, the gas pressure is released

M Comp Comp Comp Comp Comp




Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp G

Fig. 24. Block diagram of a low-temperature A-CAES [82].

264 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

200 bar 69 bar 24 bar 8.3 bar 2.9 bar 1 bar air and water together inside an aboveground steel pipe CAS (com-
Expansion pare Section 7) has been in test operation since the end of 2013.
773 In particular in open cycle concepts (O-HyPES) effects related to
the humidity of ambient air and to the saturation water content of
Temperature T [K]

673 air at operating conditions have to be taken into account carefully.

Condensate may affect the properties of the used hydraulic oil and
573 the cooling capacity of sprayed water is closely related to evapora-
tion which may be followed by condensation once a higher
473 pressure-level is reached.

373 7. Compressed air storage

273 Compressed air can be stored either at constant volume (iso-

5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8
Entropy s [kJ/kgK] choric) or at constant pressure (isobaric). In case of constant vol-
ume storage, the pressure varies and thus indicates the state of
Fig. 25. T,s-diagram of a low-temperature A-CAES (data source: [82]). charge. The most common example of isochoric storage is a steel
pressure vessel or, at large scale, a salt cavern. Constant pressure
storage requires a varying volume to maintain pressure at a con-
by letting the liquid flow in reverse direction through the pump stant level while charging and discharging. In this case, the volume
turbine (P/T), which now acts as a turbine driving the generator indicates the state of charge. Constant pressure storage can techni-
[32]. The major drawback of C-HyPES is their low energy density. cally be realized using, e.g., a hydraulically compensated reservoir
For this reason these systems have not been built commercially, where pressure is kept approximately constant by a second reser-
yet, but are subject to investigation at laboratory scale [85,87]. voir of liquid at elevated geodetic height as depicted in the center
To overcome the drawbacks of C-HyPES, an open cycle concept of Fig. 27 [32].
(O-HyPES) combines the higher energy densities of air–air systems The major drawback of isochoric CAS is their effect on the com-
with the advantages of applying a liquid as working medium. In an pression and expansion machinery. These machines have to follow
O-HyPES system, air is compressed by a liquid piston before enter- the changing pressure and are therefore not operating in their
ing the CAS at high pressure (Fig. 26). This concept requires at least design pressure ratio, which leads to lower efficiencies. In case of
two alternating cylinders, where a liquid can be pumped into and D-CAES using an isochoric CAS, like the plants in Huntorf and
out of, and a system of valves allowing a cyclic air supply and McIntosh, the cavern pressure above the tolerable pressure of the
release [32]. combustion chamber even has to be throttled (Section 4.1). Latest
In contrast to the closed cycle system, O-HyPES has been real- D-CAES concepts overcome the exergy loss due to throttling by the
ized not only at laboratory scale [88] but has been further devel- implementation of flexible expander stages between CAS and the
oped to a utility scale storage unit. A first pilot plant with a rated first combustion chamber [25]. Isobaric storage volumes do not
power of 2 MW was built in Texas and has been in test operation affect the machinery in that way, but are more complex and not
since 2012 [89]. widespread.
In both concepts charging and discharging power is limited by In principle, isochoric and isobaric CAS are both applicable
the heat exchange surface formed by the liquid surface in contact above- and underground. Aboveground CAS can be built of steel
with the gas. At high power, temperature gradients increase and or sandwich material tanks or pipes. Even concrete storage vol-
the efficiency of the no longer isothermal process decreases. This umes are possible when thinking of lower final pressures. The
limitation can be overcome by spraying water into the compres- major characteristics of aboveground CAS are:
sion chamber, which results in a huge water surface in contact
with the gas [27]. This way an efficient heat transfer is reached  installable widely location-independent,
and the use of common piston technology becomes possible. Of  high pressure difference resulting in high energy densities
course, corresponding piston compressors/expanders have to be realizable,
modified to withstand the water content inside. Latest result of  high specific investment costs,
this research is the compression of a pre-mixed foam to further  high land consumption even at moderate storage sizes,
increase the heat transfer [86]. A first full-scale prototype storing  need for regular pressure and security tests.

Air Air


Oil Oil

M/G P/T Oil


Fig. 26. Simplified process scheme of a C-HyPES (left) and an O-HyPES (right) [32].
M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268 265


Air Liquid Air


isochoric isobaric cryogenic

storage storage storage

Fig. 27. Different types of air storage devices according to [32].

For the application of underground CAS a variety of choices To summarize, it can be stated that compressed air storage in aqui-
exists. In general, each underground cavity, which is able to with- fers is generally feasible, but was not employed so far on a com-
stand the needed pressure and which is air tight, can be used. Solu- mercial basis, essentially due to the high risks of not being
tion mined salt caverns, gas fields or mine shafts are just some successful in drilling and in the site selection process. In the USA
possibilities. Major characteristics of all these CAS are: new interest in aquifers for CAES arose at the Dallas Center Iowa
aquifer structure. Careful site examination by acoustic geophysical
 low aboveground land consumption, logs and model based analysis was undertaken [96]. Nevertheless
 low specific investment costs, the project was canceled because test results with the first well
 depending on usable geology, show much lower volume flow than planned [97].
 limited pressure difference due to rock mechanic stability. Since geologic salt formations do not exist in Japan, the Japa-
nese focus is on using exploited mines as compressed air reservoir.
For large scale CAS systems, salt caverns are the dominating One site is reported at Kamioka in the Gifu prefecture using a for-
technology as they are the only choice implemented for com- mer zinc mine at 1000 m depth for testing purposes [98]. A closed
pressed air energy storage in commercial application so far; the volume of 200 m3 was created by sealing a part of the mine by a
behavior of pressurized salt caverns has been known from the stor- concrete plug. The cavern is filled to a maximum pressure of
age of natural gas for decades. Both existing D-CAES plants use 7 bar, but air tightness could not be achieved since no measures
solution mined salt caverns as isochoric CAS [12,53]. Construction for sealing the interior of the cavern were undertaken. Another
of salt caverns is a state of the art procedure. The salt formations Japanese testing cavern uses a former coal mine at Sunagawa in
they are built in are air tight by nature as long as the temperature the Hokkaido prefecture [99]. The Sunagawa cavern is located at
of the stored air stays below the site specific and depth dependent a depth of 450 m with a volume of 1600 m3. Unlike the Kamioka
maximum allowed temperature. To keep the cavern stable, there is cavern, the walls are equipped with concrete segments and
also a demand for a minimum operation pressure to withstand the back-filling concrete. Air tightness is successfully kept by an inner
outer forces from the surrounding rock [90]. The air in the cavern rubber sheet allowing for air pressures up to 80 bar [100]. Further-
can generally be considered saturated with water at cavern pres- more, [101] reports on a successful test of a CAES tank at 20 bar in
sure and temperature. Condensation and evaporation of water in an urban environment. The tank is made of reinforced concrete
the cavern can be highly relevant for the stability of the cavern. lowered into a shaft to a depth of 200 m. In Germany a project con-
An isobaric salt cavern was planned for a D-CAES is the USA, but sortium examined the feasibility of exploited mines for CAES pur-
has never been constructed, just as the plant itself [10]. Based on poses [102]. A current project in Switzerland investigates the use
experience with the use of isobaric salt caverns for the storage of of unused tunnels [103]. Beside these, the use of lined rock caverns
hydrogen (Teesside, UK), there are still CAES concepts encompass- (LRC) is another option for storing gas underground [104,105]. This
ing the use of isobaric salt caverns with brine shuttle ponds concept is being examined for CAES purposes as well [106].
[91,92]. Another possibility to construct isobaric CAS is placing the stor-
The use of other geological underground formations has so far age volume not just below ground but under water. These so called
just been tested but has never been used commercially for air stor- subsea CAS use the geodetic height of the seawater above to realize
age. Aquifer storage tests were carried out especially in the USA in a volume changing storage system at constant pressure. This can
the early 1980s. A good overview on results of a field test at the be done by direct contact of water and air in a solid structure con-
Pittsfield aquifer is given in [93,94]. Air injection and withdrawal structed at the sea ground or by the use of flexible balloons fixed to
generally was found to be feasible at Pittsfield, but various wells the ground. These separate air and water physically and change
would have been needed to reach the air flow required, which their volume depending on the amount of air inside them [107].
would have led to increased drilling costs. In Europe, Italy showed Recently, an underwater CAES reference facility has been applied
some interest in aquifers for CAES purposes as well. In 1986, a test in Toronto using an underwater air storage in Lake Ontario [108].
installation was put into operation at Sesta using an aquifer in a Beside the isochoric and isobaric storage of compressed air,
geothermal region at an underground temperature of 110 °C [95]. there is also the possibility to store the air as a liquid at cryogenic
266 M. Budt et al. / Applied Energy 170 (2016) 250–268

temperatures (Fig. 27). This technology has the following major  Site independent and low cost air reservoirs are needed.
characteristics:  Decentralized CAES plants could be implemented at off-grid
locations and might help to solve the challenges of renewable
 installable location-independent, energy feed-in on the low voltage grid level.
 low specific investment costs,  Heat storage devices with high power and energy densities are
 low land consumption due to high energy density, needed for the realization of A-CAES.
 need for liquefaction of the air.  (Turbo) machinery capable of being used as compressor and
turbine (comparable to pump-turbines of PHES plants) could
The use of cryogenic storage requires a change in energy con- reduce the CAPEX of CAES.
version technology as well. This so called liquid air energy storage  Motor-generators for direct driven turbo machinery at elevated
(LAES) technology is not only related to CAES but also to air sepa- rotational speed could increase the efficiency of compression
ration facilities. LAES layouts can be subdivided in diabatic, adia- and expansion processes.
batic and isothermal processes, just like CAES layouts. As the  Tools for detailed simulations including, e.g., the performance of
focus of this paper is on CAES technology, LAES is mentioned just heat storage devices, effects related to humidity, part-load and
for the sake of completeness. Detailed information can be found dynamic operation of machinery, and finally of course the eco-
in the work of the Centre for Low Carbon Futures [109] and further nomic performance for realistic annual charge/discharge pro-
literature [110–114]. files need to be developed to enable fast and profound
decisions when a storage technology has to be chosen for a cer-
8. Conclusions and outlook tain application in a certain market scenario.

In contrast to frequently published and cited expectations, CAES Beside these more technical issues the further development of
has not become a widespread storage technology competitive to renewable energy feed-in will be crucial for the implementation
PHES in the past decades. A variety of both technical and economic of CAES plants. From a higher point of view, the implementation
reasons for the limited success of CAES can be identified. Some of of a broad mix of storage technologies will be necessary with
these reasons are general by nature, some are specific for certain increasing amounts of renewable energies. Herein, CAES, as a tech-
national power grids and markets. The following list indicates nology that is able to shift energy in the timeframe of some hours
some frequently cited reasons without being exhaustive. up to several days, fills the gap between short-term battery and
Economic aspects: long-term conversion storage technologies like Power-to-Gas (PtG).
However, the implementation and operation of storage tech-
 The changing conventional mix of power plants, together with nologies has to be economic. E.g. short-term battery storage
the rise of large quantities of grid connected photovoltaics devices are in economic operation in some applications already
decreases the peak/off-peak price spread, which negatively today. They are used in off-grid and self-consumption applications
affects the profitability of grid connected storage, especially as well as for the provision of ancillary services on the lower grid
those in energy shifting applications like CAES. levels. Mid-term technologies, like CAES, with typical energy shift-
 With combined cycle gas turbines (CCGT) and fast starting hard ing timelines from several hours to days might be used for similar
coal plants more economical flexibility options in comparison business cases in the near future and for energy shifting later on.
the D-CAES have arisen over the decades. Energy conversion storage technologies (e.g. PtG) will be needed
 CAES show lower cycle efficiencies than PHES or batteries. for long-term storage in the long run, if we assume that further
 A variety of measures like grid extension, more transparent development of intermittent renewable energies will result in sig-
ancillary services market and integration of decentralized gen- nificant amounts of excess energy not only over some hours during
eration by forming virtual power plants lead to comparably PV peak production but over several days as is the case for on- and
cheap short term flexibility reducing the need for grid con- especially offshore wind.
nected storage short to mid-term. Nevertheless, newly built and economically operated CAES
plants will probably be smaller than the existing ones. Huge plants
Technical aspects: like in Norton or still R&D-intensive high-temperature A-CAES pro-
cess types will follow later on. This can already be observed in the
 There is still no off-the-shelf machinery available that is suit- field of I-CAES plants. Here, modular and decentralized pilot plants
able for highly efficient CAES plants, especially not for high- in the one-digit megawatt scale are in operation today. Other types
temperature adiabatic ones. of CAES which focus on huge plants have not set up operation yet.
 Geological restrictions and uncertainties arose in exploring suit- At small to medium scale, it is easier to overcome economic barri-
able sites for underground CAS. ers for technology development – development costs are smaller
and larger markets are expected in terms of deployed units. The
Despite the current unfavorable framework conditions CAES is a ability to provide ancillary services, multifunctional market partic-
comparably cheap storage technology for a typical discharge per- ipation and off-grid solutions will be needed to set up business
iod of several hours to days. Such discharge periods today lack cases for CAES in the next years.
an economic case in various countries and markets due to the
aspects indicated above. Nevertheless, CAES might become very Acknowledgement
attractive once there is an actual technical need and business case
for such discharge periods in the power markets of the next The short version of the paper was presented at CUE2015 on
decades. Nov. 15–17, Fuzhou, China.
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