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B A N D 17 • 1972





© 1972 Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München

Satz und Druck: MZ-Verlagsdruckerei GmbH, Memmingen
Buchbindearbeiten: Endres, München

Als Habilitationsschrift auf Empfehlung des Fachbereichs

Neuphilologie der Universität Tübingen gedruckt
mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft


1. Preliminary Remarks 13
1. A i m s and Methods
2. M a t e r i a l and Procedures
2. Previous Work and Definition of the Subject 16
1. Definition of the V P C
2. Scope of the Definition
3. Terminology
4. Terminology for Parallel German V P C s
3. Criteria Used in the Study of the VPC 20
1. General Survey, Jespersen
2. Mitchell
3. L i v e
4. Carstensen
5. S v a r t v i k
6. Fräser
7. Fairclough
8. Bolinger, Erades
4. Aspects of the VPC which are not Discussed 27
1. Taxonomy, Syntax
2. Development

5. The VPC as a Frame for Semantic Investigation 29

2. R E C E N T W O R K I N S E M A N T I C S 30
1. Approaches to Semantics 30
1. Interpretative vs. Generative

2. E m p i r i c a l Study
3. Paradigmatic vs. Syntagmatic

2. Semantic Features
1. In Structural Semantics
2. In Transformational-Generative Grammar

3. Lexical Entries
1. Examples from Chomsky
2. Examples from Weinreich
3. Examples from K a t z
4. Examples from Bierwisch
5. Examples from Bendix
6. Examples from Fillmore
7. Examples from Anderson
8. Examples from B a u m g ä r t n e r

4. The Status of Semantic Features

1. A n y Modifier vs. Distinctive Features
2. Animate and Inanimate
3. W o r d Classes of Features and Definitions
/4. Selection Restrictions
1. General Remarks
2. Eat and its Selection Restrictions
5. W o r d - F i e l d , Archilexeme, Ciasseme
6. Syntactic and Semantic Features

5. Semantic Tests
1. General Remarks
2. The V W - T e s t
3. The Polarity-Test
4. The But-Test and the So-Test

6. Predicate Logic, Verbs, and Semantic Components

1. Transitive and Intransitive vs. 1-Place and
M a n y - P l a c e Verbs
2. Verbs and Predicates
3. The Component ,Cause*
4. The „Surface Verbs" Kill and Remind
5. Become, Be and H a v e
6. Designators vs. Formators, Semantic Formulas
7. The Goals of the Present Analysis

7. Semantic Analysis and Collocations

1. The Necessity of Including Collocations
2. Collocation and C o l l i g a t i o n
3. Collocation and Selection
8. Semantic Analysis and Idioms
1. Idiomaticity and F a m i l i ä r Collocations
2. Idioms and Constituent Structure
3. General Remarks on Idiomaticity
4. The Present Approach to Idiomaticity

3. T H E S E M A N T I C S T R U C T U R E O F V P C s A N D
1. General Remarks
1. W o r d - F o r m a t i o n and Zero-Derivation
2. Technical Questions of Presentation
3. Stylistic Questions, American English and
British English

2. Deadjectival VPCs
1. General Remarks, Suffixal and Zero-Derivatives
2. V P C s w i t h out
3. V P C s w i t h up
4. V P C s w i t h clean and clear
1. General Remarks
2. One-Place Verbs, Object Transfer
3. Two-Place Verbs
4. Remove and Empty
3. Denominal VPCs
1. General Remarks
2. Denominal Derivatives w i t h out
1. B E C O M E and C A U S E + B E
2. Instrumental Adverbials: T 1
3. Manner Adverbials
4. The N o u n as Object
3. Denominal Derivatives w i t h up
1. B E C O M E and C A U S E + B E : T 2, T 3
2. H A V E and C A U S E + H A V E : T 4, T 5
3. Instrumental A d v e r b i a l s : T 6, T 7
4. Manner A d v e r b i a l s : T 8
5. The N o u n as Object, Isolated Cases
4. Deverbal Derivatives 11:
1. Preliminary Remarks
1. V P C s which are not Deadjectival or Denominal
2. V P C s and Verb-Adjective Constructions
3. V P C s as a Case of D i v i d e d Allegiance
2. Deverbal V P C s w i t h out
1. Remove: T 9
2. Other cases
3. Deverbal V P C s w i t h up: T 10

5. Problems of Productivity 12!

1. General Remarks: Transformations, Restrictions,
2. Morphological Restrictions vs. Semantic Restrictions
3. Participial Adjectives 131
1. General Remarks
2. Participial Adjectives w i t h out
3. Participial Adjectives w i t h up
4. Zero-Derived Nouns 131
1. Productivity and Polysemy
2. Different Groups of Nouns
3. Types of Reference: General Remarks
4. Denotation and Types of Reference
5. Tests of P r o d u c t i v i t y
6. Nouns as Premodifiers?
5. P r o d u c t i v i t y and other Restrictions 152
1. ,Empty Verbs' and V P C s
2. Collocations w i t h it
6. Tests of P r o d u c t i v i t y \b\
1. Corpus Study
2. Three Types of Corpus Used
3. Other Sources of M a t e r i a l
4. Concluding Remarks on Productivity

6. VPCs and Prefixal Combinations 162

7. Simplex Verbs and VPCs 165

1. General Remarks: Kennedy, Live, Fräser, Meyer
2. Transitivity 168
1. Changes in Transitivity: Poutsma, Jespersen
2. The Feature Cause
3. Object Deletion
4. Object Transfer
5. Prepositional Phrase Reduction
6. Object Transfer, DifTerent Set of Objects,
Object Deletion
7. Figurative Usage
3. The Particle as a Locative A d v e r b i a l 177
1. Involving — D y n a m i c
2. Involving + D y n a m i c , Locative Pronouns, Point
of Reference
3. Position
4. Other Functions of the Particle 180
1. Aspect vs. M o d e of A c t i o n
2. Ingressiveness
3. Completive V P C s
4. Degree
5. Other A d v e r b i a l Functions

4. S E M A N T I C F E A T U R E S A N D W O R D - F I E L D S 190
1. General Remarks 190
1. Feature Analysis and Word-Formation
2. Overlapping Methods of Analysis
2. Semantic Features 192
1. Preliminary Remarks
1. Formators vs. Designators
2. Features and Tests
3. Effected Object, ± T o g e t h e r

2. V P C s w i t h out 197
1. Involving P O S I T I O N
2. Involving B E and B E C O M E
3. V P C s with up 203

1. I n v o l v i n g P O S I T I O N
2. I n v o l v i n g B E and B E C O M E
3. I n v o l v i n g H A V E
4. Features i n the V P C s and the Simplex Verbs
1. Features Contained i n the Simplex
2. Features not Contained i n the Simplex
5. The Status of the Features
3.Word-Fields 216
1. Word-Fields and Archilexemes
2. V P C s w i t h out
3. V P C s w i t h up

5. S U M M A R Y A N D C O N C L U S I O N S 222
t. Summary 222
1. Chapter One
2. Chapter Two
3. Chapter Three
4. Chapter Four
2. Conclusions 225
1. Concerning the V P C s
2. The Dictionary, Competence, Corpus Study
3. Transitivity
4. General Problems of Semantics
1. Interpretative, Generative, and Structural
2. Lexical Entries and Semantic Features
3. Predicates, Formators, and Designators
4. Collocations and Idiomaticity
3. Specific Results 228

4. General Observations 229

Studies of Verb-Particle Constructions 239
Dictionaries 242
LIST O F A B B R E V I A T I O N S 243


The present study was accepted as a „Habilitationsschrift" by

the „Fachbereich Neuphilologie" of the University of Tübingen
i n the spring 1971. A preprint version appeared i n 1971. In
its original, basic form it was completed i n December 1970.
The final version went to print i n March 1972. A number of
publications which either appeared or came to my knowledge
after 1970 have not influenced the study as thoroughly as
earlier research, but have a l l been duly considered i f mentioned
in the bibliography. A l l observations and results i n these
publications, including material concerning verb-particle con-
structions, have been incorporated here insofar as they seem
relevant to m y discussion. The preceding remarks hold espe-
cially for Bolinger (1971a), Meyer (1970b, 1971), Spasov
(1966), Sroka (1962, 1965). They are also v a l i d for a number
of theoretical articles, i n particular those concerning the recent
rapid development of generative semantics.
O n l y those books and articles which have directly influenced
my study have been included i n the bibliography. Examples
quoted from American sources are always given i n American
spelling. Single quotation marks are used throughout either for
technical terms or to explain the meanings of certain forms,
whereas double quotation marks are used i n their normally
accepted form.
A number of persons have helped me i n one w a y or another
to bring this book into the form i n which it is now going to
press. M y chief informant has been A n i a Viesel. Other native
Speakers who have generously given of their time to check the
data on verb-particle constructions are G l e n Burns (American
English), Michael C a r r , M u r i e l Keutsch, A l i s o n and Richard
Meredith. I also wish to express m y gratitude to A l l a n R .

James and D r . O l i v e r Grannis, who, at various stages, re-
vised the English of my manuscript.
I am very grateful to Professor R a n d o l p h Q u i r k , who gave
me the opportunity to use the flies of the Survey of English
Usage. For comments on various aspects of the study I am
indebted to Professor Eugenio Coseriu and D r . Dieter Kastov-
sky. I am particularly aware of the great debt I owe to Profes-
sor H a n s Marchand, without whose guidance and inspiration
this book w o u l d never have been written.
The „Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft" especially deserves
my gratitude for enabling me to pursue m y research while on
leave with a „ H a b i l i t a t i o n s s t i p e n d i u m " . It has also generously
subsidized the printing of this book.
Finally, I w o u l d like to thank m y wife for her patience,
constant encouragement, and invaluable help.

March 1972

C H A P T E R 1: I N T R O D U C T I O N

1.1. Preliminary Remarks

1.1.1. The verb-particle construction (in the following ab-

breviated as V P C ) is here regarded as a class of lexical items
which have a common morpho-syntactic surface structure. The
present study aims to develop methods for the description of
the underlying semantic structures. A t the same time it at-
tempts to describe the surface structure as thoroughly as
possible. The results of the empirical investigation are also
intended to provide data for theoretical considerations of
semantic problems. These results, to be read i n conjunction
with the discussion i n Chapter T w o , are intended to throw
some light on such questions as the Status of semantic features,
the form of lexical entries, semantic tests, and the nature of
idiomaticity and lexicalization. Certain ^andidates' for uni-
versal semantic features are set up. Other general problems
such as productivity, transitivity, object deletion, and object
transfer are dealt w i t h i n detail. A combination is used of
various methods which Supplement each other but which also
yield partly overlapping results. N o single method can be
applied to encompass the whole r ä n g e of V P C s . The construct-
ions are not treated as isolated lexical items but are always
syntagmatically described by means of their collocations w i t h
nominals. They are regarded as representing predicates i n the
sense of symbolic logic and are analysed into semantic compo-
nents. This leads to the postulation of semantic formulas
consisting of formators and designators. The semantic analysis
itself is carried out: 1) with the methods of word-formation,

Cf. McCawley (1968c: 268).

2) by means of the semantic formulas and semantic features,
3) w i t h the help of archilexemes and word-fields. The V P C s
are also compared to the corresponding prefixal combinations
and simplex verbs.
1.1.2. F o r the semantic analysis a collection of material
(cf. was set up which attempts to incorporate as many
currently used collocations w i t k _ o ^ j i n d up as possible. These
two particles were chosen because they are the most productive
ones and collocations w i t h them represent by far the largest
number of V P C s . The methods developed i n the analysis of
V P C s w i t h out and up can easily be adapted to collocations
w i t h other particles, as well as to the V P C s found i n other
languages, particularly German. The lists of V P C s i n Fräser
(1965) served as a starting point. They contain roughly 220
verbs collocating w i t h out and 900 collocating w i t h up . A l l
items mentioned were checked i n a variety of dictionaries
which were taken to represent contemporary British and
American usage (cf. 3.1.1.). I n addition, the dictionaries,
except for Webster s Third, were examined page b y page in
search for new items. Cross-references w i t h i n the dictionaries
and items used i n the definitions were used to verify and
enlarge the lists. Material from the monographs on V P C s ,
from books on current usage and verbal idioms, and from
grammars, was also included. The Survey of English Usage
and three other types of corpus (cf. 3.5.6.) yielded further
material for the semantic analysis. H o w e v e r , as every diction-
ary necessarily fails i n attaining the ideal goal of completeness,
this study also has to renounce such a claim, and reviewers
w i l l certainly find additional items which should have been
incorporated. The collection of material and the analysis are
comprehensive, but they can never be complete. Information

The number of collocations with out and up distinguished in
our study far exceeds these figures, since Fraser's lists have been
supplemented and many items are homonymous or polysemous.
Thus many V P C s which are counted as one item in Fraser's lists
are here split up into several V P C s according to semantic features
and collocation with different nominals.

as to the possible collocation of the V P C s with nominals was
gathered both from tests w i t h several native Speakers and
from the various dictionaries. A l l V P C s w i t h out and up
contained i n Fraser's lists were tested w i t h the help of one
British informant. She repeatedly disagreed w i t h collocations
quoted as examples i n the recent dictionaries . I n addition, a l l
items from Fräser which could not be supplied w i t h collocating
nominals from the Concise Oxford Dictionary, the Advanced
Learner's Dictionary or the Penguin English Dictionary were
tested w i t h two other British informants. The items which
were unfamiliar to a l l three native Speakers, and which also
could not be found i n Webster's Third, were then tested w i t h
the help of an American informant. O f these, 67 items w i t h
up and 6 items w i t h out were given a positive familiarity
rating. Despite their absence i n Webster's Third, they w i l l
therefore have to be regarded as belonging to American usage
only. 80 items w i t h up and 5 items w i t h out from Fraser's
material were u n k n o w n to a l l informants. I n addition to the
four persons mentioned, two further British Speakers acted as
informants to clarify certain doubtful cases of usage. A l l six
informants hold a university degree, and can therefore be
regarded as „ e d u c a t e d " Speakers. One result of the tests is the
recognition of the fact that there is a great deal of Variation
among informants (cf. 3.1.3.). Collocations of V P C s w i t h
nominals which seemed perfectly familiär to one informant, or
were quoted as examples i n the dictionaries, were often defin-
itely rejected as unacceptable by other native Speakers. Such
divided usage poses great problems for the detailed study of
selection restrictions. It would i m p l y the necessity to carry out

Cf. Bolinger (1971a: 17), where a number of examples given
as models of British usage in H i l l (1968) are rejected.
Viz. Air out (blankets), (mole) burrow out (tunnel), (criminal)
case out (place), dredge out (channel), mail out (letters), (bottom of
boat) rot out. For the notation used here cf. 3.1.2.
Viz. blacken out, pen out, pencil out, rhyme out, route out.
Note that this includes pencil out which is mentioned in Fräser
(1965: 126) as an example of a denominal derivative with out.
Cf. and the footnote on chalk out and crayon out.

tests on a large scale w i t h a l l items and a large number of
informants. F o r practical reasons this was impossible . A s it
was the principal aim of the tests to find nominals collocating
w i t h the V P C , the testing procedures were very simple. The
main techniques used were an evaluation test and what could
be called an ,elicitation test' . The V P C was produced in
isolation and the informant asked to give sentences or con-
structions i n which the item collocated w i t h nominals. C o l l o c a -
tions from the dictionaries were then offered and the informant
rated them as either acceptable or unacceptable, or gave them
a query score. In many cases the informants d i d not k n o w the
collocations w i t h out and up as quoted i n Fraser's lists. This
body of material, collected and tested i n the w a y just describ-
ed, served as the basis for the semantic analysis. O n l y a part of
this material can be presented here. Thus, i n the description of
deadjectival, denominal, and deverbal derivatives i n Chapter
Three, unanalysable idiomatic combinations are not discussed.
In Chapter Four, idioms are included, but V P C s which either
do not contain one of the features set up, or do not belong to
one of the word-fields, are not listed.

1.2. Previous Work and Definition of the Subject

1.2.1. A n investigation of the semantic structure of certain

linguistic elements has to begin w i t h a definition of the field

Cf. Carvell-Svartvik (1969: 52), where the relation of verbs
to prepositional phrases was tested with two informants in a corpus
of 10 000 running words: „The use of many informants, however,
raises other problems: there is not only the difficulty of finding
enough Willing and suitable „naive" subjects with sufficient time
at their disposal, but also that of test-condition control, which
increases with the number of informants". For problems of accepta-
bility cf. Lipka (1971c).
„Compliance tests" as described in Quirk-Svartvik (1966) were
not used. Testing procedures are also described in Quirk (1966),
Greenbaum (1968, 1969a, 1969b), Bünting (1969).

under study. The verb-particle construction i n English (and
also i n German) can be regarded as a particular surface struc-
ture shared by a large number of lexical items with various
word-formative and semantic structures. In our study of E n g -
lish V P C s we shall often refer to parallels and differences i n
German. H o w e v e r , a systematic comparison w o u l d far exceed
the scope of the present monograph. For the definition of
intransitive verb-particle constructions, as i n the ice broke up,
the water leaked out / der Mieter zog aus, die Pfütze trocknete
aus and transitive ones, as i n he slipped on his coat, he ate up
his dinner I er machte die Tür auf, prosodic and syntactic
(more specifically transformational) criteria are used. The main
criterion, both for English and German, is a possible füll stress
on the particle. This distinguishes the V P C from certain
prepositionai phrases (as in slip on the stairs) as well as from
prepositional verbs i n English, and from prefixed verbs in
German (as i n ein Land überfliegen). Another important
criterion is the possible interpolation of the pronominal object
between verb and particle, which excludes other prepositional
phrases i n English (as in he turned off the road). Separability
of verb and particle i n finite verb forms — not only by objects,
but also by a number of adverbials (as i n ich wache zu Hause
jeden Morgen um sechs Uhr auf) — is one of the most striking
characteristics of the construction i n German. A n additional,
but not a necessary, criterion is the possible applicability of
the passive transformation, which distinguishes adverbial pre-
positional phrases {he slipped on the stairs, he turned off the
road I er setzte über den Fluß) from constructions w i t h pre-
positional or phrasal verbs and an object noun.
1.2.2. This definition includes a number of intransitive and
transitive constructions i n English which have to be regarded
as ,reduced prepositional phrases* e.g. in he ran up [the stairs),
he ran out (of the house) and she took the book out (of the
pocket), she brought the dinner up (to his room). The definition
is thus more comprehensive than the traditionally accepted
definition of ,phrasal verbs* and does not exclude combinations
of intransitive verbs with locative or directional adverbs. This
is the reason why the term ,verb particle construction* (used

in a closely corresponding — though not identical — w a y in
Fräser (1965)) was preferred to ,phrasal verb'. The criterion of
f 8
,idiomaticness , adduced i n Strang (1962, 1968) , cannot be
employed i n a study which aims to investigate the extent of
idiomaticity and lexicalization, and to explore the semantic
features contained i n the items under discussion.
1.2.3. A p a r t from the inclusion of reduced prepositional
phrases, which is due to the semantic interest of this study, the
V P C is equivalent to the ,phrasal verb as defined i n Mitchell
(1958), where ,prepositional verbs', ,phrasal verbs', and ,pre-
positional-phrasal verbs' are distinguished. This threefold dis-
tinction has been taken over by Strang, Palmer, Svartvik, and
Bolinger . Potter (1965) also adopts ,phrasal verb'after discuss-
ing other possible terms. Spasov (1966), w h o has compiled a
dictionary of phrasal verbs, also uses the term. I n Kennedy
(1920), the flrst monograph on the subject, ,verb-adverb
combination' is used for much the same linguistic phenomenon,
but no criteria are given for separating similar but different
constructions. I n an article on the development of verbal
Compounds i n Germanic, Curme calls the V P C „genuine mod-
ern Compounds". The unit character of the combination may
also be implied i n the use of the term ,two-word verb adopt-
ed i n A n t h o n y (1953) and Taha (1960). Stressing another
aspect of the constructions, Francis (1958) uses ,separable
verbs' and L i v e (1965) the term ,discontinuous verb'. Carsten-
sen (1964) choses the neutral , Wortverband' — a term used b y
Leisi (1960) i n a much wider sense — to designate phrasal verbs
as well as verbs w i t h prepositions, but separates , K o n t a k t -
verben' as i n he slipped on it from ,Spreizverben' as i n he
slipped it on . Sroka (1965) accepts the term ,phrasal verbs',
but, on purely distributional grounds, distinguishes three
classes of particles collocating with verbs, v i z . ,adverbs', ,pre-

See Bibliography for füll references. Strang (1962: 157, 1968:
Palmer (1965: 180-191), Svartvik (1966: 19-21), Bolinger (MS).
1 0
Curme (1914: 334), Anthony (1953: 1, 21, 93), Francis (1958:
265-267), Leisi (1960: 102-118).

positions', and ,adverb-preposition words . Both Fräser (1965)
and Fairclough (1965) adopt the neutral term ,particle for
the non-verbal part of the construction, because of the i m -
possibility of drawing a neat line between adverbs and pre-
positions i n all constructions. The Status of the particle was
discussed by Jespersen , who points out that there is „close
connexion of a verb and a particle" i n many constructions.
This aspect of the V P C , which accounts for Curme's view of
the constructions as Compounds, is mentioned i n most of the
studies on the subject. Mention is often made of the possible
Substitution of the V P C by a single verb, e.g. i n Kennedy, but
as a criterion for delimitation this is difficult to control. In
separating prepositional verbs plus nominals from verbs plus
prepositional phrases, S v a r t v i k (1966: 21) states that there is
„a scale of closeness and openness" whose poles are illustrated
by she sent for the coat (which can be passivized) and she
came with the coat (which cannot undergo passive voice
transformation). A scale w i t h v a r y i n g degrees of cohesion
between verb and particle can also be postulated for the V P C
as defined here, with idioms such as peter out and clutter up
at one end and combinations w i t h locative or directional
adverbials such as eat out and climh up at the other.
1.2.4. The two characteristic aspects of the construction,
v i z . the close cohesion of verb and particle which often entails
semantic unity on the one hand, and the separability of the two
constituents on the other hand, are also stressed i n most treat-
ments of the German V P C . The construction differs from the
English one in that the particle precedes the verb i n the non-
finite forms (separated by ge i n the participle, e.g. aufgestan-
den) and in dependent clauses {wenn er eintritt). The Separa-
tion of verb and particle in the finite forms is by no means
restricted to pronominal objects or short noun phrases and to

1 1
In M E G I I I : 13.9. Cf. also Sroka (1962) and (1965: esp. 181 ff.)
for a discussion of modern views on the distinetion ,adverb7,prepo-
sition'. In Spasov (1966: 12 ff.), the term ,adverbial postpostional
elemcnt' is used. Cf. the critical discussion of Spasov's book in
Hückel (1968).

transitive verbs (er holte den Wagen am nächsten Tag in aller
Frühe ah, ich wache zu Hause jeden Morgen um sechs Uhr auf).
The lesser requirements demanded by the definition of the
V P C i n 1.2.1. are met with, however, as the particle is always
stressed and the construction is always separated by a pronom-
inal object. The combination of verb and separable particle in
German is called „ u n v o l l e n d e t e composition" by G r i m m . Paul
also states that i n such cases „noch keine eigentliche Komposi-
tion eingetreten ist". Henzen (1965) uses the term ,unfest
zusammengesetzte Verben', like the Duden Grammar (1966)
which treats the combinations under the heading ,unfeste Z u -
sammensetzungen'. I n Hundsnurscher (1968), the neutral ,Par-
tikelverben' is used for combinations like ausgehen, auszupfen,
aussprechen, ausleuchten. A decision about w o r d class member-
ship of the particle is not made i n the Saarbrücken analysis
of contemporary German either, where it is simply called
,Verbzusatz' .

1.3. Criteria Used in the Study of the VPC

1.3.1. H a v i n g surveyed the various terms used for the V P C

i n English and German, we shall n o w see what criteria are
put forward to distinguish between various groups consisting
of verb and particle. The discussion w i l l mainly deal with
English. For German, apart from stress and separability, hard-
l y any criteria seem to have been developed. According to
Hundsnurscher (1968: 6 f.) only A d m o n i (1966: 51-53) men-
tions several characteristic features of German V P C s : different
Intonation from collocations w i t h adverb (er versuchte mit-

1 2
Grimm (1826: 893), Paul (1909: 340), Henzen (1965: 44), D u -
den (1966: 369), Elektronische Syntaxanalyse (1969). A transfor-
mational approach to German V P C s is found in Lerot (1970). In
Reinhardt (1969: 415) a tendency towards the loss of separability in
technical language is mentioned.

zusprechen vs. er versuchte laut zu sprechen), additional intro-
duction of a homonymous preposition which distinguishes the
particle from a preposition (er kommt an der Station an), and
semantic polysemy of the particle which far exceeds that of
locative adverbs . In English, the number of criteria used is
far greater, and they are discussed in almost a l l modern
treatments of the subject. A number of them are covert fea-
tures which are revealed by possible transformations. Jespersen
mentions midposition of the pronominal object with what he
calls ,complemental adverbs' . H e also gives stress, „ m e a n i n g " ,
and word order as c r i t e r i a . The possible passive construction
is adduced as proof of the „close connexion" between verb
and particle , and the modern criterion of action nominaliza-
tion is foreshadowed by his mention of „occurrence of the
preposition of after i n g s " to prove the „cohesion of such
verbal phrases".
1.3.2. Some of the criteria for distinguishing the various
combinations of verbs and particles mentioned by Jespersen
were also used by Mitchell (1958) to separate prepositional
verbs, phrasal verbs, and prepositional-phrasal verbs. M i d -
position of the object between verb and particle is possible
with phrasal verbs (i.e. we have „positional Variation" as
in he turned the light off or he turned off the light) and it is
even obligatory in the case of a pronominal object. It is
excluded for prepositional verbs which are characterized
by „non-interpolability of nominal or pronominal forms"

1 3
The last criterion is not mentioned by Hundsnurscher who, at
this point, only deals with morphological properties of the V P C .
1 4
M E G VII: 2.87. Cf. the much earlier discussion of possible
positions in van Dongen (1919).
1 5
M E G III: 13.911.
M E G III: 13.95. Cf. Chomsky (1965: 101 f, 190).
1 7
M E G III: 13.97.
1 8
From the point of view of motivation ,postpositional verb',
coined as early as 1951 by Marchand (1951: 74), seems more appro-
priate. The defining criteria for postpositional verbs were given as
„fixed postposition and one object in the Active" (74), and „the
possibility to form a Passive of the type he was sent for" (75).

(105). Phrasal verbs are further characterized by stress and
Intonation and by the position of adverbs, which cannot be
interpolated between their components, as i n *he turned sud-
denly off the light. Another criterion the usefulness of which
is not immediately evident — since it distinguishes ,non-pre-
positional verb + nominal on the one hand from either
,prepositional verb + nominal* or ,non-prepositional verb +
prepositional phrase* on the other — is „the association or
lack of association of a nominal or pronominal form w i t h post-
particle position" (105). The prepositional-phrasal verb has
two particles and is not interrupted by adverbs or objects,
including pronominal objects .
1.3.3. L i v e (1965), apparently unaware of MitchelPs work,
uses „ m i d - p o s i t i o n " of the object (obligatory w i t h pronouns,
optional with nouns), and „stress on the particle i n the passive
voice", to define a construction M (433) which obviously
corresponds to the ,phrasal verb*. The pattern P „characterized
by post-object i n the active — and i n the passive, major stress
on verb rather than on particle —" (434) closely corresponds
to the ,prepositional verb*. A criterion very similar to the one
quoted above from Mitchell, only restricted to the passive,
„the absence of an object for the „ p r e p o s i t i o n " when the
expression is i n the passive" distinguishes he was heard of
from *it was made of (441). It is a test of „the independence
of the combination — its not requiring a (preceding) object"
(441), thus distinguishing ,prepositional verb* from ,verb +
preposition*. L i k e Jespersen, L i v e uses parallel occurence i n
the passive, which is a characteristic feature of ,discontinuous
verbs*, and which separates objects from prepositional noun
phrases. „ A d d i t i o n a l formal correlations" are „ m i d - o b j e c t "
and „optional juncture" after the particle (435). Besides the
„aspectual character" of the combination, its „ m e t a p h o r i c or

1 9
In a short paper by M . N . Hughes (1966) MitchelPs and
Palmer's approaches are compared and the following aspects of
VPCs are sketched: semantic fusion, collocability, Substitution,
transformations, positions of object and adverb, and nominaliza-

idiomatic sense" (441) is regarded, as i n Strang, as a defining
property of the discontinuous verb. This sense is „reflected i n
the infeasibility of Substitution of the simplex for the combina-
t i o n " (441), which corresponds to the ,unsystematic' relationship
in Fräser (1965: 38, 42), but here serves as a criterion for
including such items. L i v e distinguishes two main groups of
discontinuous verbs according to the transitive or intransitive
nature of the original simplex verb. H e r material, presented in
tables at the end of the article, can therefore not be compared
directly with the lists in Fräser (1965), where transitive and
intransitive V P C s are listed separately.
1.3.4. Carstensen (1964) gives a number of criteria for
separating intransitive verb plus prepositional phrase (i.e. ad-
verbial adjunct of place, he slipped on the stair) from transitive
phrasal verb plus object (he slipped on the coat). Besides
stress and intonation, various transformations are used to
reveal covert features of the constructions. Position of nomi-
nal object, pronominal object and interpolated adverb are
considered. A criterion not used in the studies discussed above
is „v^h-Transformationen", i n particular the relative trans-
formation which distinguishes the road off which he turned
from ' the light off which he switched. N o m i n a l i z a t i o n poten-
tial is also investigated, especially action nominalization with
o/, although the actual term is not employed. The passive
transformation serves as a further criterion (the coat was
slipped on by him vs. '"the first stair was slipped on by him);
however, it cannot be used to separate phrasal verbs from
prepositional verbs.
1.3.5. As mentioned previously, the voice transformation
test is regarded as the chief criterion for the distinction between
prepositional verbs and verbs plus preposition in S v a r t v i k
(1966: 21), although a scale of closenness and openness is also
posited. The differences between prepositional and phrasal
verbs are represented in a „diagnostic frame" (21) which

2 0
Cf. Quirk (1965: 205) where „three interlocking sets of fea-
tures" are postulated: a) manifested, b) potential, c) transformational.

contains most of the criteria used i n Carstensen (1964) (viz.
positions of nominal and pronominal object and of the adverb,
relative transformations) w i t h the exception of action norci-
nalization, stress, and intonation.
1.3.6. Fräser (1965), who does not discuss Mitchells d;s-
tinction of the three types, applies most of the criteria already
mentioned (viz. position of the object and adverb, action
nominalization, stress). I n addition, further properties of the
V P C are considered: position of the particle in questions
(about what did they talk?. vs. '' out what did they work},
which is also found i n Carstensen's on what did they slip} vs.
what did they slip on?); the possibility of interruption by a
„short parenthetical phrase" as i n he looked up, without a
reply, the 'Information which I requested; and the infeasibility
of „conjunction" Q he looked up the Information and over
the files . F r o m a l l this Fräser concludes that „the combina-
tions look up, reel in, work out, think over are Compound
verbal elements" (20).
1.3.7. The most thorough investigation of possible criteria
for a taxonomy of „the collocation of lexical items with
prepositions and adverbs" is found in Fairclough (1965). F o l -
lowing Mitchell, he sets up a distinction between phrasal verbs
and two types of prepositional verbs (according to the number
of complements) which are illustrated by / will burn the church
down (phrasal), he specializes in torture (prep. type 1), and
PH invite some of the dancers to our table (prep. type 2)
(45). This preliminary Classification is later modified. S i x
different structures of phrasal verbs are distinguished, but the
Classification „is not intended to be i n any way final" (52).
Later, thirteen types of phrasal verbs are set up by means of
four parameters (particle 1, complement 1, complement 2,

2 1
Fraser's criteria are listed in Legum (1968: 51 f.), where it is
argued that the structure underlying strings such as he looked the
number up is derived from that underlying he looked up the
number by a „Forward Particle Movement rule" (56). Cf. Jacobs-
Rosenbaum (1968: 104 ff.), Fodor-Garrett (1966: 150 f., 171), Katz-
Postal (1964: 41 f.).

and particle 2) which may be either present, absent, or optional
(70). A p a r t from the usual criteria like stress, position, passive
and action nominalization , Fairclough uses the criterion of
possible expansion to separate ,derived phrasal verbs , as i n
taking his handkerchief out (of his pocket), you come out (of
the theatre) again from ,pure phrasal verbs* in he would take

out a season ticket, the evidence has not come out in open
court (66). Expansion here is the counterpart of the phenome-
non called ,prepositional phrase reduction' i n Fräser (1965:
9 8 ) . Since Fairclough's study is based on a corpus, he is in a
position to check the validity of widely accepted criteria. This
enables him to point out that the criterion of adverb position
does not hold in all cases, especially with intransitive phrasal
verbs, where examples w i t h interpolated straight, right, all
occur e.g. the adult programmes carry straight on from the
children's hour. The corpus even contains a transitive phrasal
verb with adverb in midposition: you should feel honoured . . .
they should bother to pick you distinctly out like that (48).
However, these exceptions do not seriously impair the use-
fulness of the criterion . This is also true for „the most reliable
criterion" (47) for distinguishing phrasal verbs and preposi-
tional verbs, v i z . the obligatory midposition of the pronominal
object. Fairclough has found two counter-examples : but be-
fore he could fix up anything the Paymaster's investigations
caught up with the sergeant and all we can do is rake up
somebody like Piers Plowman (61).

2 2
Attention is drawn to the fact that not all verbs have action
nominals, Fairclough (1965: 16).
2 3
Note that the term ,derived verb-particle combinations' in
Fräser (1965: 124 ff.) refers to derivations from the point of view
of word-formation, as in glue down, box in, board over, pencil out.
To avoid confusion we will therefore use ,reduced prepositional
phrase for cases such as she took her book out (of her purse).
2 4
Cf. the example quoted in Meyer (1970b: 228): »A quiet
American", „I summed him precisely up as I might have said", „a
blue lizard", and Bolinger (1971: 135 f.).
2 5
We have also found one in our spoken corpus (cf.
you can always clear up everything. Other counter-examples are

1.3.8. That the criterion is by no means infallible was also
noticed by Bolinger, who denounces it as „the most persistently
repeated misconception about phrasal verbs" . H e quotes the
two examples from Shakespeare and Dickens which Poutsma
cites and mentions that he himself has „picked up a number
over the years" of which he gives: they will cut up me some-
times. T r y i n g to determine what are the factors which govern
the position of objects of phrasal verbs i n general, Bolinger
points out a Solution offered by Erades which parallels one
given by M a r i a Schubiger — the governing principle seems to
be news value. Such an explanation would, according to
Bolinger, account for the position of pronouns as well as for
the rarity of end position of nouns such as things, matter, idea.
Although agreeing i n principle w i t h Erades, he criticizes him
for dismissing accent as a factor. „ T h e truth of the matter"
appears to be that particle movement „is part of our means of
achieving semantic focus" . I n his book on the phrasal verb,
Bolinger (1971a: 6-22) discusses 9 different tests for defining

mentioned in van Dongen (1919: 332 f.), M E G V I I : 2.87., Sroka

(1965: 113), Bolinger (1971a: 39-41), and Fischer (1971: 19 f.). It is
often noted that stress plays an important role, and therefore,
strictly speaking, the criterion only applies to the unstressed pro-
noun. As was pointed out (personal communication) by E . Coseriu
and O. Grannis anything, everything, somebody also have to be
excluded, because they are not properly pronouns like the simple
ones such as it, you, him, me. Cf. the term ,compound pronouns*
for the former in M E G II: 17.2.
2 0
Bolinger (MS: 6 f.). Cf. Chomsky (1957: 75 f.), and Jacobs-
Rosenbaum (1968: 106): „whenever the object noun is a pronoun,
the particle movement transformation is obligatory".
2 7
Erades (1961: 58): „The principle governing the place of the
objects in our quotations is neither stress nor length nor rhythm, but
something quite different: the news value which the idea denoted by
the object has in the sentence. Objects denoting idcas that have
news value, no matter whether they are nouns or pronouns, long or
short, have endposition; those that have no sudi value come between
verb and adverb".
2 8
Bolinger (MS: 10). Cf. Bolinger (1971a: 54). According to
Zandvoort (1960: 241) the particle has weak stress in we'll get up a
party because of the influence of rhythm.

his subject, which make use of most of the criteria considered i n
the preceding section of this study. H o w e v e r , i n addition, he
develops a refined variant of the criterion of object position
which he calls „the definite-noun-phrase test" (15 f., 61-66). It
requires that „the particle can precede a simple definite noun
phrase" (15), as i n you left out the caption. The noun phrase
must consist of either a single proper noun or of the plus an
unmodified common noun (61). F o r the definition of the
,phrasal verb Bolinger states: „I regard this test as the most
dependable and w i l l make the füllest use of i t " (16). Although
it is very valuable, the criterion only applies to transitive
combinations, and can therefore not be employed to define
the V P C as is done i n 1.2.1.

1.4. Aspects of the VPC which are not Discussed

1.4.1. The preceding survey of criteria used in some recent

studies to distinguish the various constructions resulting from
the collocation of verbs and particles shall suffice for our
purposes. W e do not intend here to enter into a detailed dis-
cussion of all the previous work done on phrasal verbs or verb-
particle constructions, as this alone w o u l d fill a book. O u r
interests lie elsewhere. Moreover, a review of the research done
in the field, usually beginning with Curme (1914) and Kennedy
(1920), is to be found i n almost every larger treatment of the
subject . In our opinion the problems of possible Classification
of verb-particle collocations have been sufficiently treated by

2 9
For German see Hundsnurscher (1968: 1-41). For English see
espccially Meyer (1970b: 4-21), Sroka (1965: 4-17, 118-242), Fair-
clough (1965: 1-43) and Fräser (1965: 147-168). Cf. also Kiffer
(1965) for a „Survey of Grammar Books 1640-1936" (68-96), and a
„Survey of Structural Grammars 1957-1965" (97-122). For older
monographs see cspecially Mechner (1956: 1-32) and Anthony
(1953: 1-38).

Fairclough (1965). F r o m the syntactic point of view the V P C
and other related constructions have been discussed in great
detail by Fräser (1965). W e shall draw heavily on both studies.
Wherever it is necessary we shall of course also make reference
to other previous w o r k i n dealing w i t h particular problems.
1.4.2. The development of the V P C shall not be discussed
here i n detail. A few remarks, however, may not seem out of
place . The reason for the development of postposition for
locative particles, according to Curme (1914) is „ a n increase in
stres and a relative decrease of the importance of the verb"
(324), and thus „the strong stres upon the adverbial prefix
soon suggested its removal to a place after the verb" (332) .
A s is pointed out i n Marchand (1969: 109) „there were certain-
l y other reasons", since the preservation of stressed particles
as first elements in Compounds remains unexplained by the
theory. In an earlier article it is stated that „the rise of adver-
bial verbs (i.e. verbs made up of a verb followed by a stressed
particle) is one of the results of the struggle for a fixed w o r d
order" . A n additional factor, i n Marchand's opinion, is that
„the rise of the type is tied up with the normalizing of the
position of locative subjuncts in general . . . adverbs of place
always follow the v e r b " . In O l d English most particles
formed no fixed combinations w i t h verbs. The development
of post-particle verbs was achieved by the 14th Century. In
the 15th Century locative particles regularly followed the

3 0
The treatment of Kiffer (1965: 40-67) is not very useful, in
particular as regards the reliability of the diagram given (67).
Items like e. g. up-aras, doun . . . feile, over loked are considered as
phrasal verbs and there is no material selected between 1590 and
1660. But cf. Kaznowski (To appear).
3 1
The unorthodox spelling is Curme's.
3 2
Marchand (1951: 73). Cf. Konishi (1958: 118), where the rise
of phrasal verbs is also seen in connection with „the struggle of the
two principles" (i. e. synthetic and analytic) and the establishment
of sentence word Order. Müller (1957: see esp. 48, 51-56), following
Bally, distinguishes an ,anticipatory type' from a progressive type'
in Compounds, and in agreement with Curme regards the increase
of stress as the decisive factor (52).
3 3
Marchand (1969a: 131).

verb, but „prepositive usage must have lingered on consider-
a b l y longer as the prefixal type outbid is not attested before
the second half of the 15th Century" .

1.5. The VPC as a Frame for Semantic Investigation

1.5. Although further subclassification is certainly possible

— as is clearly shown i n Fairclough (1965) — the V P C i n
English (and German), as defined i n 1.2.1. by a minimum set
of criteria, represents a specific class of lexical items which
show considerable unity from a morpho-syntactic point of
view. The semantic aspect is different. A continuum of varying
degrees of cohesion between verb and particle has to be
recognized, ranging from a collocation of verb plus adverb i n
reduced prepositional phrases (taking out his handkerchief)
to fixed idiomatic units (cry one's heart out). In a considerable
number of items, the particle even appears to be more or less
redundant. We can only study the semantic structure of the
collocations if the subject is clearly delimited. The definition
of the V P C affords such a well established frame for the
investigation of semantic phenomena and the relationship be-
tween verb and particle.

3 4
Marchand (1969a: 108, 131, 109). The acquisition of the V P C
in the language learning process is also not treated. This topic is the
subject of a recent dissertation (Fischer: 1971), which also deals
with „dative constructions".


C H A P T E R 2: R E C E N T W O R K I N S E M A N T I C S

2.1. Approaches to Semantics

2.1.1. A detailed study of the semantic structure of the V P C

cannot be attempted before the theoretical foundations of such
an undertaking are thoroughly discussed. Leaving aside for
the moment the possibility of a structural agproach, two
competing models of semantic theory which are currently
prominent suggest themselves: interpretative semantics and
generative semantics. In recent developments of linguistic
theory, semantics, which i n early. transformational-generative
grammar had been almost^oDmglejt^ received a
powerful Stimulus from the K F - t h e o r y , its critique i n Wein-
reich (1966), and the reply i n K a t z (1967). Later, Lakoff
(1968) suggested that deep structures „must be somewhat more
abstract . . . than previous research i n transformational gram-
mar has indicated" (24), and that selection restrictions are
„ p u r e l y a semantic phenomenon" (26). Chafe (1968), treating
idiomaticity as „ a n anomaly i n the C h o m s k y a n paradigm",
sets up „an alternative model . . . i n which semantics is initia-
tive; i n which a _ g e n q m t i c ^ o m ^
Jitm.cturesl' (117) and proposes the name „generative semantic"
model (117) for it. Other proponents of ,generative semantics*
are Bach, Gruber, M c C a w l e y and Postal . In a recent article

Weinreich's study (1963) was not conceived within a transfor-
mational framework.
K F = Katz-Fodor (1963). The approach in Weinreich (1966)
was explicitly designed to integrate a new semantic theory with a
generative conception of syntax (cf. 417). It is surprising to realize
that in the subsequent discussion Weinreich's proposals seem to have
had very little effect.
Cf. especially Lakoff (1971), Postal (1970: 96-99), Abraham-

in defence of interpretative semantics, K a t z (1970) opposes it
to generative semantics and seeks „ t o show that none of these
criticisms can be sustained and that the alternative proposed
is a less adequate conception of the Organization of grammars"
(220). M c C a w l e y (1971) replies to K a t z ' s criticism in an
article entitled „ I n t e r p r e t a t i v e Semantics Meets Frankenstein",
claiming that K a t z d i d not argue against a particular theory,
but rather „against a monster that was put together out of
pieces of several corpses" (285). M c C a w l e y ' s argument is
further strengthened by another article appearing roughly at
the same time, where K a t z (1971) now blandly states that
generative semantics actually is interpretative semantics.
2.1.2. It is evident that there are still many problems which
are not yet solved, neither i n an interpretative nor i n a gener-
ative model of semantics. H o w e v e r , we accept a number of the
jejie.ts~Df-geaer^ particular that verbs may be
viewed as predicates relating cerjt^ajT^.y,afiablggp in the sense of
symbolic logic. We also believe that simple lexical items can be
anaiysedinto semantic. uniis,. which must be regarded as prelex-
ical elements, and that there is a correspondence between the
structure of lexical items and sentences. This entails that we
do not accept a single specific level of deep structure of the
^spects'-type which separates syntax from semantics. W e
rather acknowledge various levels of analysis of different
depth. When we speak of an underlying or deep structure,
especially in Chapter Three, this is meant to represent a level
not very remote from the surface. This remote structure is i n
a paraphrase relationship to the surface structure, i.e. both
are transformationally related. The transformations which are
set up i n a simplified form i n the manner of classical trans-
formational theory are believed to be largely meaning-
preserving . O n the whole, we shall here follow a basically
inductive line of investigation, analysing a considerable number

Binnick (1969). In Chafe (1970), an indcpendcnt approach is deve-

loped which cannot bc labelled as belonging to generative semantics.
Cf. especially Katz (1970: 230 f.).
Cf. Hall Partee (1971: 1-21, esp. 4).

of lexical items , which may yield confirmation of theoreticaJly
established semantic features, hypotheses about possible ncw
features, and, i n general, may produce empirically supported
fresh insights into the functioning of semantic relations be-
tween lexical items and their components. Leech (1969: 3) re-
cently observed that „theoretical questions still tend to be
pursued i n isolation from descriptive ends, and vice versa".
O u r study shall attempt to investigate concrete data, without
neglecting the theoretical implications which derive from
Observation and analysis. In our opinion Weinreich's remark
is still v a l i d that „the most urgent need i n semantics is for
fresh empirical evidence obtained by painstaking study of
concrete lexical data".
2.1.3. Irrespective of the question of how a particular
approach to semantics is incorporated into a comprehensive
theory of semantics, problems may be viewed i n .a predomi-
nandypajracü^^ and the field of
semantics may be divided accordingly . Research i n w o r d -
fields and structural semantics concentrates on paradigmatic
semantic relationshTps opposing and substituting specific lexical
items. O n the other Kand research w i t h i n a generative frame-
w d r ¥ , whether ,interpretative* or not, naturally Stresses the
syntagmatic aspect . Y e t , basically, there is no hard-and-fast
line dividing lexical semantics from the study of larger se-

Cf. Postal (1970), where a single surface verb with its special
properties is extensively discussed, leading to a particular analysis
of its underlying semantic structure.
Weinreich (1966: 473).
Cf. Brekle (1970a: 47), where ,Satzsemantik' is contrasted with
,lexikalische Semantik* which studies „die inhaltliche Struktur mono-
morphematischer Einheiten und deren paradigmatische Oppositio-
Cf. ö h m a n (1953), Schopf (1969: 147 f.), and for surveys in
Russian the reviews by Kuznecova and Ufimceva quoted in Wein-
reich (1966: 468, Fn. 95). See also Ullmann (1962), Lyons (1963),
Pottier (1964, 1965), Coseriu (1964, 1967a, 1967b, 1970a).
1 0
A syntagmatic point of view is, of course, not restricted to a
transformational-generative approach. Cf. the ,combinatorial seman-
tics' in Weinreich (1963: 163-184).

mantic combinations , especially i f both are concerned w i t h
establishing certain minimal or distinctive semantic elements.
The search for such components, their formal or intuitive
motivation, and the variety of terms employed w i l l be discussed
i n the following. It should be noted, however, that a semantic
investigation of lexical items from thejpoint of view of w o r d -
formation,. is necessarily interested i n s y n t a g m a t j £ _ a s ^ e c t s ,
since word-formation is a fundamentally syntagmatic. .process.
F o r practical reasons, i n the following discussion, which is
mainly chronologically ordered, structural semantics and re-
search in a more or less transformational vein are treated

2.2. Semantic Features

2.2.1. A complete survey and a detailed discussion of recent

developments in semantics is impossible to achieve here . We
shall therefore confine ourselves mainly to the problems of
possible elements that can serve as minimal semantic - units,
the related question of the form of dictionary entries, and the
relationship of lexical items to other items i n the same w o r d -
field. A variety of terms have been used, often i n analogy to
phonology, to characterize the basic elements of semantics. In
N i d a (1951) the ,seme (with a number of subclasses like the
,alloseme, linguiseme, ethnoseme, episeme, macroseme') is used
and thus defined: „ T h e simple term seme identines any mini-
mal feature of meaning and is relatable to sememe i n the

1 1
Cf. Weinreich (1966: 446), where it is argued that „every rela-
tion that may hold between components of a sentence also occurs
among the components of a meaning of a dictionary entry. This is
as much as to say that the semantic part of a dictionary entry is a
sentence - more specifically, a deep-structure sentence". See also
Lipka (1971a).
1 2
Cf. Lyons (1968: 400-481), Ikegami (1967), Fillmore-Langen-
doen (1971), and Steinberg-Jakobovits (1971) for a survey.

same general w a y as phone is to phoneme and morph is to
morpbeme" (5). Certain examples of features are mentioned:
form, process, State, agent, object, instrument (10). Pottier
(1964) uses a very similar terminology, defining ,seme* as a
„ t r a i t pertinent semantique** (117) or „trait distinctif seman-
tique" (122), and ,sememe* as an „ensemble de semes" (122).
In addition, a number of other terms are introduced, such as
the ,classeme* ( = „ a p p a r t e n a n c e a des categories semanti-
ques generales"), the ,foncteme* ( = „parties du discours et
leurs implications", and the ,virtuemes* ( = „afflnit.es com-
binatoires issues de l'experience passee") (133). ,Sememe* and
,classeme* are essentially paradigmatic categories, while ,fonc-
teme* and ,virtuemes* are syntagmatically determined. D i s -
tinctive features which are defined by Opposition of lexemes are
also used to analyse paradigmatic structures by Coseriu (1964:
esp. 157f.), who adopts Pottier's ,classeme* (Coseriu 1966:
212) and ,seme* (Coseriu, 1970b: 167), at the same time
talking of unterscheidende Züge* or ,Merkmale* (Coseriu,
1967a). W i t h regard to syntagmatic structures, Coseriu (1967b:
299) postulates three types of ,lexikalische S o l i d a r i t ä t e n ' which
are called ,Affinität*, »Selektion* and ,Implikation*. In Lyons
(1963), distinctive features or similar minimal elements of
meaning are not set up, since semantic structure is defined „in
terms of certain relations that hold between the items i n a
particular lexical Subsystem. They include such relations as
sameness and difference of meaning, incompatibility, antonymy,
etc.** (57). D e r i v i n g from ,componential analysis*, which was
first successfully used i n research on kinship terminology and
later i n a cross-linguistic study of a set of verbs , the term

1 3
Cf. Goodenough (1956) where, however, the terms ,sememes*
and ,allosemes are employed (197), but not exactly corresponding
to Nida's use of the terms, as is pointed out in a footnote.
1 4
Bendix (1966). But cf. Weinreich (1969: 28 Fn. 9) „it is sober-
ing to realize that in every language many morphemes or lexemes
yield no clear-cut componential analysis, and for many others
such analysis is hard to conceive of altogether".

,component' is also found to denote semantic features . I n
Bendix (1966), e.g., ,there is a relation between A and B ' (62),
,cause' (63), ,chance' (69), and ,change' or ,not-change' (79)
are called components. In a matrix, the „ p a r a d i g m of opposi-
tions of the verbs" is represented w i t h „ m a r k e d shared features"
(76). The term ,content-figurae' is used for semantic features i n
Hjelmslev (1961), where it is argued that an ,exchange test'
cannot only be applied to the ,expression plane' of language,
but also to the ,content plane' (66). According to Hjelmslev,
the content of an unlimited number of signs should be describ-
able w i t h the aid of a limited number of figurae, and „the
lower we can make the number of content-figurae, the better
we can satisfy the empirical principle i n its requirement of the
simplest possible description" (67) . Consequently, the crite-
rion of the ,exchange. test' leads to the claim that ,,,ram', ,ewe',
,man', ,woman', ,boy', ,girl', ,stallion', and ,mare* must be
eliminated from the inventory of elements i f they can be
explained univocally as relational units that include ,he* or
,she' on the one hand, and ,sheep', ,human being', ,child',
,horse' on the other" (70) .
2.2.2. I n the theory^ K F (1963), i n addition to the use of
the term ,syntactic markers', a distinction is made between
,semantic markers' and ,semantic distinguishers'. This distinc-
tion is attacked i n Bolinger (1965), and harshly criticized i n
Weinreich (1966: 405 f.). The dichotomy is defended in K a t z
(1967a), where the notion of distinguisher is said to provide
„a purely denotative distinction which plays the semantic role

1 5
We shall here use the term ,component* for larger semantic
elements, while the term ,feature* refers to minimal distinctive
1 6
,Figurae* are earlier defined as „such non-signs as enter into
a sign System as parts of signs" (46). In Hjelmslev (1961), which is
the ,second revised edition' in English of the 1943 original, it is still
maintained that „Till now, such an analysis into content-figurae has
never been made or even attempted in linguistics" (67).
1 7 f
Note that, e. g., ,horse is a component which is not likely to
occur in many items apart from stallion, mare, equestrian. ,He*,
,she*, ,human being* are quite different in that respect.

of separating lexical items that w o u l d otherwise be fully
synonymous, such as, for instance, ,red*, ,yellow*, ,blue*, ,green ,
etc." (159). The distinction has again come under attack by
Bierwisch (1969: 177-181) who concludes: „I think it is time to
give up the distinction between markers and distinguishers"
(180). According to K a t z , semantic markers „ a r e not features
at a l l " ( K a t z 1967a: 154) .^Weinreich (1966), on the other
hand, uses ,semantic features* , except when discussing K F .
H e considers lexical entries as triplets of ,phonological fea-
tures', jSyntactic features* and ,semantic features* (417). I n
Bierwisch (1965), where the existence of a hierarchy of syn-
tactic-semantic features is studied, the term ^Merkmale* is used.
Later (Bierwisch 1967, 1969a), ,semantic marker* and ,semantic
feature* are employed. A n argument against distinguishing
semantic from syntactic or grammatical features was recently
put forward i n Bolinger (1969), where it is proposed to treat
such grammatical categories as w o r d classes, together w i t h such
features as Mass/Count, D i v i s i b i l i t y , P l u r a l i t y as ,attributes*
of a lexical item, and consequently „to separate the w o r d
altogether as a semantic entity, leaving a set of grammatical
attributes which Speakers are more or less free to attach at
w i l l " (37) . Semantic features like H u m a n , M a l e are treated
as elements of Systems within the framework of „systemic
analysis" in Leech (1969). The contrast between H u m a n and
N o n - H u m a n is said to constitute a ,binary taxonomic System*,
as does the Opposition M a l e / F e m a l e . Other possible Systems

1 8
The concept of ,semantic marker' in K F is severely attacked
in Bar-Hillel (1969: 5) where it is argued that markers such as
^physical object', ,living', ,human' and ,male' are „conceptual ele-
ments which would be reasonable enough for a philosophy of
language of antiquity or the Middle Ages".
1 9
See esp. 433 ff. The advantages of a feature notation over a
category symbol are pointed out in 401.
2 0
Cf. the discussion of the implication of such a proposal in
Lipka (1971b).
2 1
Cf. Bierwisch (1969a: 167), where the asymmetry between the
two pairs of features is stressed: „ ( n o n - H u m a n ) obviously indicates
simply the absence of a certain property, whereas neither (Male) nor

which are found i n the semantic structure of language are
,multiple taxonomic Systems (asin bedroom)'hallI'kitchen)polar
4 4
Systems (as in rich/poor 3 strong/weak), Hierarchie Systems
(as i n one/two/three, inch/footlyard) and ,relative Systems (as
i n parentlchildy abovelbelow) (21).

2.3. Lexical Entries

2.3.1. Before investigating possible semantic features and

their Status, let us consider some examples of lexical entries
which have been offered i n transformational-generative studies
and related research. C h o m s k y (1965) considers the problem of
the hierarchic nature of subcategorization of lexical items, and
the item boy is preliminarily assigned the ,syntactic features :
+ Common, + H u m a n (82). The sentence sincerity may frigkt-
en the boy is then treated, and a lexicon is given (85) w i t h the
lexical entries sincerity [ + N , —Count, + Abstract], boy [ + N ,
- f C o u n t , + C o m m o n , + Animate, + H u m a n ] , and may [ + M ] ,
which are later revised. Frighten reeeives the speeification
[ + V , + — N P , + [ + Abstract] A u x — D e t [ + A n i m a t e ] , + O b -
ject-deletion, . . .] (107). In the discussion of the structure of
the lexicon and of redundancy, the Convention that „only
positively speeified strict subcategorization features and only
negatively speeified selectional features appear explicitly i n
lexical entries (164) is adopted. The lexical entry for frighten
is consequently simplifled to [ + V , + N P , —[+ N ] [—Ani-
mate],. ..] (165), while the entry for boy is given as [ + C o m m o n ,

(Female) expresses only the absence of its opposite". Leech uses the
symbols + H U M and — H U M , and — H U M is explained as ,brute*
2 2
We here prefer Jexical entry* to ,dictionary entry*. For a
distinction in the terminology of Chomsky and that of Katz cf.
Botha (1968: 35, Fn. 20). In Weinreich (1966) both terms are used

+ H u m a n , + Count, . . . ] (166), since the features + N and
+ Animate are predictable.
2.3.2. A considerable number of semantic features are
mentioned i n Weinreich (1966) i n treating a variety of lexical
items. When dealing w i t h the theory K F , two items are given
which demonstrate reconvergence of paths. Adolescent is said
to contain the features: ( N o u n or Adjective) (Human) (non-
A d u l t ) (nonChild), and thus shows a reconvergence after the
split of paths for the syntactic features (or markers) N o u n or
Adjective (402). In fox there is a single path for the features
(Object) and (Animate), a split into either (Human) or ( A n i -
mal), and a reconvergence for the common feature (Cunning)
(408). The item eat, which apart from other features, is
characterized by (Action) and (Swallow), is regarded as having
a different meaning i n eat bread and eat soup. In the first
case it is said to contain a feature (Chew) and a selection
restriction < ( S o l i d ) > ; i n the second case, a feature
(Spoon) and a selection restriction <C(Liquid)>. F r o m this,
Weinreich concludes „ t h a t a K F - t y p e dictionary is i n danger of
having to represent an unlimited differentiation of meanings"
(411). We shall return to this question later. Further examples
of lexical entries are shoot, which contains amongst other
features ( + Verb, + A c t i v i t y , + V o l u n t a r y , + Cause —Rest)
and the ,inflectional class marker' I C j (453); boy ( + N o u n ,
+ Count, + Concrete, + Animate, + H u m a n , + M a l e , —Adult)
(456), and car ( + N o u n , - f C o u n t , + Concrete, —Animate,
+ Common, +Rideable-in, + M o t o r - d r i v e n ) (456). I n a foot-
note it is explained that an „ a d - h o c global feature" such as
,Rideable-in' or ,Motor-driven* is an abbreviation for a con-
figuration of features. The idiomatic complex entry shoot the
breeze is said to contain ( + Verb, + A c t i v i t y , + C o m m u n i c a t e ,
+ Voluntary) and the selection restriction < + H u m a n > , w h i l e
pull s leg is characterized by ( + Verb, + A c t i v i t y , + V o l -
untary, +Irritating, Cause +Believe Falsely . . .) (453). N o

2 3
The arrow following Cause symbolizes a jConfiguration', i. e.
an ordered set of features. In some entries Cause is marked ~r in
Weinreich (1966), in others it is not.

criteria are given for the choice of a particular semantic
2.3.3. In K a t z (1966), where the K F theory is further
developed, chase receives the ,reading': „Verb, Verb Transitive,
(((Activity) (Nature: (Physical)) of X), ((Movement)
(Rate: Fast)) (Character: Following)), (Intention of X: ( I r v -
ing to catch ((Y) ((Movement) (Rate: (Fast)))); < S R > " (167),
where S R Stands for ,selection restrictions' . A l t h o u g h the
,semantic marker ( A c t i v i t y ) is said to distinguish chase from
,state verbs' and ,process verbs', and class it „together with
other activity verbs, such as ,eat', ,speak', , w a l k " ' (168), the
,reading' for eat is later speeified as „ V , V ; tr (Process),
(Physiological), . . ., (X takes i n through mouth and swallows
Y); <Subject/(Physical Object) and Object/(Physical O b -
j e c t ) > , where the ,X is the slot for the reading of the subject
of ,eats' i n a particular sentence and the , F ' is the slot for the
reading of its object" (307). T o reduce the number of ,semantic
markers' a set of ,redundancy rules' is introduced which is
based on the Observation that, e. g., (Physical Object) is con-
tained i n all of the markers ( H u m a n , A n i m a l , Artifact, Plant)
(230 f.). K a t z even postulates ,universal redundancy rules'
which are not language specific (235). In a reply to Weinreich's
critique of K F , K a t z (1967) takes up the question of eat again,
saying that „this w o r d also has the sense of ,destruction by
gradual consumption', as i n (35) The acid is eating the chain",
concluding that „both senses of the ambiguous w o r d ,eat' are
referentially indefinite" (175) .
2.3.4. The ,reading' for chase given in K a t z (1966) is
considerably simplified i n Bierwisch (1969a), where it is point-
ed out that Nature, Rate, Character, Intention „are simply a
redundant notation, for what could ,Fast' mean as a predica-
tion of , M o t i o n ' i f not a qualification w i t h respect to rate, or
,Physical' as a predication of , A c t i v i t y ' i f not a qualification

2 4
Cf. Bierwisch (1967: 25, Fn. 26).
2 5
As can easily be seen, this does not fit the ,reading* quoted
above. But cf.

with respect to nature?" (156 f.). Bierwisch proposes to regard
markers as predicates i n the sense of modern logic, and to
replace slots by variables . ,Following' is seen as having a
relational character and is written ,Following ( X , Y ) ' instead
of ,Following Y ' (157). In addition, the use of the conjunction
symbol A yields a much less complicated description of chase
than that of K a t z , v i z .
[ A c t i v i t y A [Fast] M o t i o n ] X A [Following] X Y A
[Trying] X ([Catch] X Y ) A [ M o t i o n Y ] (160).
Bierwisch arrives at the conclusion that „a semantic metathe-
ory in Katz's sense should not contain any complex marker, but
only basic non-complex elements, which I w i l l call semantic
features" (182). In an earlier study, Bierwisch (1967) had
developed a number of ,markers* for the characterization of
German adjectivals (29-34), like Space , Pol(arity), M a x ( i m a l
dimension), Inherent, Vert(ical), which resulted i n the descrip-
tion of e. g. lang as ( + Pol) [(1 Space) [* [( +Inherent)
[ ( - f - M a x ) ] ] ] ] . Kurz differed from lang only by (—Pol), and
hoch was speeified as ( + Pol) [(1 Space) [* [( + V e r t ) ] ] ]
(32). The method was extended to English i n Teller (1969)
where it is stated that „Most of Bierwisch's examples and
analyses seem to have close counterparts i n English" (185),
and where a marker ( + int) is used , which refers to interior
dimensions and is found e. g. i n wide (205).
2.3.5. In Bendix (1966), a number of verbs which are

2 6
Cf. Bierwisch (1970: esp. 30, 47), where semantic ,features*
are classified according to the number of arguments required and
according to different types of arguments.
2 7 c c
,Space — which replaces the earlier (13) ,markers (1 Dim),
(2 Dim), (3 Dim) found in lang, breit, hoch (cf. Leech, 1969:
161 ff.) — is taken in a wider sense than usual and is graded 1 Space,
2 Space, 3 Space; „if dominated by the marker (Physical Object),
then (Space) represents the physical dimensions of Space; if not, as
for instance in große Angst, hoher Preis, hoher Ton, lange Zeit,
then it indicates a more abstract space structure" (16). * is the
symbol for a ,place keeper' (27). For a revision cf. Bierwisch (1970:
43 ff.).
2 8
Cf. our feature + Inside set up in

viewed as functions or relations between variables are ana-
lysed, and from their oppositions certain ,components' are
extracted (3). A gets B is defined as , A changes to ( A has B)*
and differs from A has B by the component ,change of State*
(67 f.). C gives AB is informally defined as , C causes A to have
B*; A keeps B is , A has B and , A doesn't change to not having
B ; A loses B is , A has B*, and ,chance causes A not to have
B*; and A finds B is ,B is i n a relation to some D* and ,chance
causes B to be i n some relation to A (65 ff.).
2.3.6. The methods of symbolic logic are also fundamental
in Fillmore (1968a), where verbs are seen as predicates, within
the frame-work of case grammar . A s examples where it is
possible „ t o show one predicate as being conceptually a part of
another" are given P E R S U A D E which is equivalent to
a b c

a n
C A U S E (BELIEVE ) d the often quoted K I L L
a b which is a > b

said to correspond to C A U S E (DIE ) (377).

a b

2.3.7. A n approach similar to that of Bendix is found i n

T. R . Anderson (1968). The variables are „expressed by an
unfilled slot" (402) which contains category symbols. The
syntactic component specifles the environment e. g. for hegin
in J o h n began to run* as: N P j / A u x . . . S/where S NPjVP.
Begin is then defined b y : N P n o t - V P , N P ^ N P ^ N P V P
A t

(402). The middle part of the definition ( N P ^ N P j ) is

apparently equivalent to , A changes* i n Bendix, but an expla-
nation is not g i v e n . W i t h the same syntactic frame, different
paraphrases obtain for continue, v i z . N P j V P , N P ^ V ^ N P ^
N P V P , for stop w i t h a gerund following (as i n John stopped

eating) v i z . N P ^ P , N P ^ N P ^ N P ^ o t - V P , and for try:

N P ^ o t - V P , N P V N P , N P ^ P , N P might fail (403). F u r -
x x t t

2 9
A different type of lexical entry is used in Fillmore (1969:
133 ff.) involving arguments, cases, prepositions, and presuppositions.
The examples for the three verbs blame, accuse, and criticize are
prescnted as „extremcly tentative suggestions" (123).
3 0
The factor time which is introduced in Bendix (1966: 63 f.),
and is found in ,ht = A has B after time T , or ,BR = B an-R . . .
bcforc T* (76), is discussed by Anderson (1968: 403-405), but
„the possibility of solving the problem with time relationships in
the components" is dismissed (405).

ther examples for a „simplification" of vocabulary are kill
and learn, which are defined by the same syntactic environ-
ment: N P . . . N P , and by the paraphrases: N P alive, N P
X 2 2 t

acts, N P n o t - a l i v e , for kill, and: N P j n o t k n o w N P , Some-

2 2

thing Changed, N P k n o w N P respectively (407). Buy and

t 2

seil are treated i n the same w a y (408).

2.3.8. The verb is also assigned a central position i n Baum-
g ä r t n e r (1967), where semantic structure is investigated „auf
G r u n d einer gemeinsamen Menge von Grundelementen, n ä m -
lich semantischer Komponenten" (172). Geh(en) contains the
components (Vorgang) (Fortbewegung) ( A u f dem Boden) (Auf-
recht), while flieg(en) is characterized by (Vorgang) (Fortbe-
wegung) (In der Luft) (178). O w i n g to the fact that the two
sentences der Mann geht schnell über die Straße und der Mann
läuft über die Straße are paraphrases, „ k a n n nun das A d v -
Lexem schnell von einem objektsprachlichen z u einem meta-
sprachlichen Element umgewandelt werden, d. h. i n den R a n g
einer semantischen Komponente . . . erhoben werden" (182).
This is one of the rare remarks i n the literature about how we
actually discover certain components or semantic features.
Lauf(en) is consequently speeified as: „ ( F o r t b e w e g u n g ) — ( A u f
dem Boden) — (Aufrecht) — (Schnell) — < S b j : Person; D i r :
Ebene V R a u m > " (182). Paraphrase evaluation then shows
the synonymy of: lauf and ,ge&-(Schnell)', trippel and ,geh-
(Schnell) — ( M i t kurzem Schritt)', stapf and ^ ^ - ( S c h w e r f ä l -
lig) — (Angestrengt)' (184). The component structure is based
on the general relation „ X ist ein Y " , as i n „Schlendern ist ein
mäßiges, bequemes, langsames Gehen" and „ G r a s ist eine
stielige, schneidbare Pflanze" (194).

2.4. The Status of Semantic Features

2.4.1. I f we adopt the method just sketched, practically any

linguistic unit used as a modifier can be turned into a meta-
linguistic construet and assigned the Status of a semantic

feature. A simple noun or verb (in infinitival form) is equated
w i t h a modified noun or verb and thus new semantic compo-
nents are abstracted. The problem is, of course, tied up w i t h the
question of definitions i n general, and the distinction between
analytic and synthetic sentences. In Weinreich (1966: 446), the
sentence a cbair is a piece of furniture for one person to sit on,
which is a definition, is contrasted w i t h a concert is an event
for music lovers to enjoy, which is not. H e points out that
banalities, paradoxes, and paraphrases can be deduced from
definitions (448 f.). „Some elements of a vocabulary are arrang-
ed i n taxonomic patterns" and can be defined w i t h a relative
clause „per genus et differentiam" (448). But definitions,
although they do not normally contain definite articles and
non-present tenses, „are not uniquely characterized by their
form" (446), and since not even the analyticity of a sentence
is self-evident from its structure, „the isolation of definitional
sentences cannot be reduced to a procedure, but must take
place by trial and error" (447). The definition of a definition
itself, as given by Weinreich (447), „ a n analytic sentence
containing an element x\ (the definiendum) such that the
sentence w o u l d be false i f x\ were replaced by any other
element of the language", seems to exhibit a certain circu-
larity. In Pottier (1965: 33) „ Q u a t r e types de definissants:
sememe, classeme, archisememe, virtueme" are used of which
the ,sememe is said to correspond to the ,differences speci-
4 c f
fiques and the ,archisememe to the ,genre prochain In
definitions (33). Thus, chaise is defined as siege „a dossier et
sans bras pour une personne" (34). According to Pottier, hav-
ing recourse to the ,archilexeme (i.e. a concrete instance of
the ,archisememe', like siege) i n definitions has the advant-
ages of saving semantic features and also „ d e repousser le
probleme de Pexpression du classeme, qui n'apparait alors
qu'ä la limite du general, sous les signifiants du type tout ce
qui" (34). The inclusion relation can consequently be used to
define successively a series of lexical items w i t h a diminishing
number of features: „en allant de banc a siege, puis ä meuble,
puis ä objet, on perd ä chaque fois un certain nombre de
semes distinctifs. A la limite, reste seul le support de ces semes,

c'est-a-dire le classeme" (35). L i k e B a u m g ä r t n e r , Pottier
points out that ,a dossier* i n the definition of chaise as ,siege a
dossier' is not a w o r d of the language but a ,metasigne , while
siege is such a w o r d ; ,,1'archisememe a un signifiant homogene
avec le signifiant du mot defini (chaise, siege), tandis que les
composants du sememe et du classeme ont des signifiants
non lexemises . . . n'existant qu'en tant que metasignes" (39).
But apart from inclusion, a criterion for the distinction be-
tween signs of the metalanguage and ordinary words is not
adduced, nor do we learn how correct definitions are recog-
nized. Occurrence i n a definition is certainly not a sufficient
criterion, since both siege and ä dossier, and gehen and
schnell, respectively, are present i n it. A r e siege and gehen not
metalinguistic elements because they are logically included i n
chaise and laufen} We are not told. But i f we assume this, then
c e
, H u m a n and ,Female , whose Status as semantic features is
widely accepted, could not be semantic features, since they are
both included i n woman. Another Solution would be to regard
all elements i n a definition as potential features. The correct-
ness of definitions might be tested with the help of naive
native Speakers . Yet, only the distinctive features (the
,semes pertinents* i n Pottier 1965: 34) which separate, e. g.,
canape, fauteuil, chaise, tabouret, would be awarded the
Status of semantic components , i n order to prevent the postu-
lation of an infinite set of features. The linguist's task would
be to single out the relevant features. But even this w i l l lead
to a proliferation of features w i t h a fairly restricted potential,
like Pottiers ,pour s'asseoir', ,sur pieds', ,pour une personne ,

3 1
Cf. Weinreich (1966: 447): „A naive Speaker may not be able
to formulate a definition quickly or elegantly, but he can with assur-
ance reject proposed definitions as incorrect, and thus zero in on
the correct definition".
3 2
Cf. Bierwisch-Kiefer (1969: 70): „The periphery consists of
those semantic specifications that contribute to the meaning of a
lexical entry without distinguishing it from other dictionary entries,
i. e. specifications which could be removed from the reading without
changing its relation to other lexical readings within the same

,avec dossier', ,avec bras (34), which conflicts w i t h Hjelmslev's
,empirical principle*, i.e., the requirements of an economic
description. The undesirable alternative, however, is to be
content with a very few features of great generality, like
Count, Concrete, Animate, H u m a n , and not attempt to gain
deeper insight into the structure of language .
2.4.2. However, even features such as Animate and H u m a n
are not as simple and as unproblematic as they appear. In the
K F - t h e o r y such semantic markers are called ,theoretical con-
structs ; yet an explanation as to how they are constructed, or
how they differ from ordinary lexical items is not offered.
T . R . Anderson (1968) points out that „a component like
Animate is meaningful only i f we k n o w what the w o r d ani-
mate means, and it is reasonable to inquire how the semantic
theory w o u l d define animate (409). H e goes on to say that
„the w o r d animate . . . clearly falls within a vocabulary ränge
which lies outside the use of basic words . . . This v i r t u a l l y
guarantees that the w o r d animate does not enter into the
definition of man. Rather it is the perceptual fact of being
alive which enters into such definitions, and the component
, N is Animate* is filled perceptually rather than lexically i n
defining words like man" (409). H o w e v e r , + Animate cannot
be simply equated w i t h ,living* as is demonstrated i n Meyer-
Ingwersen . Since human beings and animals are marked
+ Animate in the dictionary, a sentence like Peter ist tot
would have to be contradictory. „ W i r k ö n n e n uns diesem A r -
gument entziehen, indem w i r sagen, d a ß die Angabe eines

3 3
Cf. Carstensen (1969): „es ist bald deutlich, d a ß wir mit solchen
allgemeinen Angaben nur ganz grobe Unterscheidungen treffen
können" (12), and „trotz eifrigen Bemühens hat die moderne Lingui-
stik bisher nur einige widitige allgemeine semantic markers finden
können" (15).
3 4
Katz-Fodor (1963: 188).
3 5
Meyer-Ingwcrsen (MS). The examples Opa's Kintopp ist tot,
Die generative Grammatik ist tot, which are used to show that noun
phrases containing -f Animate are not necessarily living beings, must,
however, be interpreted as metaphors, and analysed with ,transfer
features' similar to those used in Weinreich (1966: esp. 459).

Zustands durch das L e x i k o n etwas anderes ist, als die Angabe
durch ein verbales P r ä d i k a t , weshalb von den S ä t z e n : Peter
lebt und: Der lebende Peter ist tot, nur der zweite kontradik-
torisch sei" (15). Consequently it is argued that both states
»Irving* and ,dead* are contained i n + Animate, and that the
question whether something is actually ,living* cannot be
decided i n the lexicon.
2.4.3. Another problem which is practically ignored i n the
literature is the question of w o r d classes of ,semantic markers*.
A g a i n , T. R . Anderson (1968) draws attention to the fact that
„a primitive like H u m a n is not as primitive as it may seem to
be. We must talk about the primitives of semantics using
words, and the words we use have parts of speech attached
to them . . . the nature of the construct . . . is affected by the
part of speech of the w o r d being defined. Most components of
nouns are adjectives, most components of verbs are nomina-
lized verbs or adjectives, most components of adjectives are
abstract nouns. This simply means that, construct or not, the
semantic component is i n some sort of syntactic relationship
w i t h the w o r d it defines" (397). But this is precisely the reason
w h y semantic features are not dependent on w o r d class cate-
gories, since their syntactic marker is more or less automatically
assigned to them on the level of surface structure by the items
with which they occur. If we postulate a feature Repeated in
constructions such as he used to come, i n daily, weekly paper,
or i n German hüsteln, it w i l l receive the form of an adverb i n
such surface structure paraphrases as ,he came repeatedly, the
paper appears repeatedly, he coughs repeatedly*. The feature
could also be labelled Repetition, i f it is viewed as a property.
As an element of the metalanguage, however, the choice of
any label is completely arbitrary, and the frequent use of
abbreviations like Vert, Prox, D i m i n the literature, which
are only motivated by mnemotechnic considerations, is a
consequence of this. In Weinreich (1966), during and when
are said to contain Simultaneity (438), Politeness is found i n
please, and ± C e r t a i n t y i n probably and certainly (442).
N o t h i n g w o u l d be lost i f the features were called Simultane-
ous, Polite, Certain, or simply Sim, P o l , Cert. The fact that

car is assigned Rideable-in and Motor-driven, which are ad-
jectives in form, certainly derives from surface structure, where
nouns are naturally modified by adjectives. T . R . Anderson
(1968: 397) remarks that „a Speaker of English extracts exact-
l y the same information from , H u m a n ' that he w o u l d extract
from , N is human . . . B y exactly the same process, A d u l t
and M a l e can be converted into , N is adult , and , N is male*".
This only reflects the fact that definitions are usually copula
sentences, and that a sentence of the form An X is a Y which 2
underlies a definition such as a car is a thing which is motor-
driven, which yields the analytical sentence a car is motor-
driven. In this definition, thing, which could be further re-
duced to something, is a semantically e m p t y archilexeme, which
corresponds to Pottier's ,classeme tont ce qui (cf. 2.4.1.). A s
the predicate complement slot i n English is filled by adjectivals
and nominals, it is only natural that adjectives and nouns
should appear i n the surface structure of definitions, and,
consequently, in derived semantic features. Symbols of the
metalanguage, however, are not restricted to certain w o r d
classes, although adjectives i n their function as modifiers are
more readily applied. This also becomes clear i f we take syntagmatic
considerations into account, e.g., i n selection restrictions . T o

3 6
Cf. Weinreich's (1963: 180ff.) discussion of ,depletion', and the
definitions of cicatrisation with the help of phenomene, etat,
action in Pottier (1965: 38 f.).
3 7
Cf. Chomsky (1965: 95), where ,selectional rules' are distin-
guished from ,strict subcategorization rules'; Weinreich (1966: 407),
Katz (1966: 159 f; 1967a: 160, 163); McCawley (1968a: 128, 130,
134), Lakoff (1968: 26). Chomsky's concept of ,selection restrictions'
is disputed in McCawley (1968c: 264 ff.), whose views are in turn
criticized in Kuroda (1969). The same phenomenon is also called
,co-ocurrence restrictions' or ,incompatibility'. In Halliday (1966:
156), the similarity of ,collocation restrictions' is made the basis for
grouping lexical items into ,lexical sets'. In Leisi (1967: 68 ff.), the
subject is dealt with under semantische Kongruenz'. Perhaps the
earliest treatment is Porzig (1934), where ,wesenhafte Bedeutungs-
beziehungen' is used. Coseriu (1967) distinguishes three types of
,lexikalische Solidaritäten*.

assume that semantic features are necessarily tied up w i t h
particular parts of speech, w o u l d of course exclude the possibil-
ity that, e.g., a noun and a verb contain the same feature .
Thus, T . R . Anderson (1968: 399) concludes that „verbs are
not H u m a n ; rather they require H u m a n A c t o r ör H u m a n
Object, etc. But, then the components H u m a n and H u m a n
A c t o r are the same except for their external syntax". The
Observation is quite correct, as we cannot properly speak of
a human verb. Yet, again, this is a matter of the object l a n -
guage, and it is the very reason w h y a feature H u m a n is a
theoretical construct, since, otherwise, it could not be con-
tained i n a verb. Saying that a certain verb requires a human or
non-human object or subject is only a more precise formulation
of the general Statement that an element ± H u m a n may be
present i n a verb. A s such an element is necessary to account
for selection restrictions and incompatibility, w i t h i n a semantic
theory, it is bound to be a theoretical construct. A s an example of selection restrictions or colloca-
tion restrictions which are due to particular semantic features,
let us consider the item eat, and the opinions voiced about it
by a number of linguists. In Lyons (1963: 20) John eats
cheese (fish, potatoes, etc.) and John drinks milk (beer, wine,
etc.) on the one hand, are contrasted with the unacceptable
''John drinks cheese (fish, potatoes, etc.) and *John eats
milk (beer, wine, etc.) on the other. It is observed that a linguist
could account for this State of affairs „in terms of the co-
occurrence of certain subclasses of nouns w i t h certain subclasses
of verbs. But he cannot hope to deal w i t h a l l acceptable
collocations of forms i n this w a y " (20). This Solution w o u l d
be equivalent to the use of subcategorization rules proposed
in Chomsky (1965: 95). If we try to apply a feature analysis
to eat v.s. drink, we may be easily misled by the examples
quoted above into assuming that eat requires (or collocates
with) Solid objects, while drink demands the* feature L i q u i d ,

3 8
For dimensionality in nouns and adjectives cf. Bierwisch
(1970: 44).

or N o n - S o l i d (which is of course not the same) i n its object.
A glance at Weinreich's (1966: 411 f.) remarks about eat w i l l
quickly discard such an opinion, since eat bread is opposed
there to eat soup. It is argued that eat i n eat bread could be
represented as involving the feature C h e w and the selection
restriction < S o l i d ] > , while i n eat soup it could be marked as
containing a feature Spoon and a selection restriction < X i -
q u i d > . H o w e v e r , this possibility is rejected since, according
to Weinreich, „the activity symbolized by eat is also different
depending on whether things are eaten w i t h a fork or w i t h
one's hands; and even the hand-eating of apples and peanuts,
or the fork-eating of peas and Spaghetti, are recognizably
different" (411). The use of the w o r d ,activity i n this quota-
tion is quite revealing. A s K a t z (1967a: 174) points out
„Weinreich's problem about infinite polysemy is spurious . . .
he fails to understand the distinction between meanings or
words and the actual things, situations, events, etc. to which
they can refer". Y e t , the line between factual and linguistic
knowledge is not always drawn as easily as K a t z suggests .
In T . R . Anderson (1968: 414) it is even advocated that „the
entire dichotomy between knowledge of the language and
knowledge of the w o r l d must be abandoned". The author
postulates a type of extralinguistic selection restriction: „for
eat we can visualize a component which states alternative
instruments used i n eating . . . The definition of fork w o u l d
have to contain a component specifying that what the fork
holds must be solid. The definition of soup must contain a
component specifying that soup is liquid. Compositionally the
two components are incompatible, and so J o h n ate his soup
with a fork is anomalous" (414). This is certainly not a Solu-
tion, especially since only the ,activity* described by J o h n ate
his soup with a fork* is anomalous, not the sentence itself.
Although at times it may be much more difflcult to draw the

3 9
Cf. Coseriu 1970a. But cf. also Bierwisch-Kiefer (1969: 72):
„there is no language-independent borderline between linguistic and
encyclopedic knowledge in general"; Fillmore (1969: 124). We here
leave aside the use of eat in the acid is eating the chain.

line between linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge, the
distinction as such has to be recognized in every language. L e t
us look at another opinion about the meaning of eat, which at
first sight appears to be a very simple lexical item, belonging
to the central core of the vocabulary. In a review of Weinreich
(1966), M c C a w l e y (1968b: 584) makes the following Observa-
tion about the selection restrictions of eat: „ I conjecture that
the appropriateness of eat depends on whether the substance
being consumed counts as ,food . . . Note that m y conjecture
. . . only applies to the consumption of liquids: one can perfect-
l y well talk about eating coal or dirt or one's hat". This
c o n d i t i o n for the correct use of eat again points to the fact
that the features L i q u i d and Solid play an important role, not
only i n distinguishing drink (which requires Liquid) from eat
(which does not), but also i n the selection of the correct collo-
cations for eat itself . I n Seuren (1969: 195), eat is speeified
as selecting an animate subject, an optional object, and an
optional prepositional object, which contains the relator from

4 0
Cf. Leisi (1967; 16 ff.), where Bedingungen* are postulated: „die
Bedingungen, welche den Gebrauch eines Wortes erlauben, k ö n n e n
außerhalb der Sprache liegen, sie können sich aber auch in den
Sprechakten befinden, die dem Wort-Akt vorausgehen oder nach-
folgen" (17). The approach can be reconciled with a feature analysis.
Leisi (20) states that Apfel differs from Wind by a ,Merkmal , which
is the necessary condition of movement in Wind. But Lufl is like
Apfel, in that movement is not relevant. Obviously, this is an
extralinguistic component, but Leisi also recognizes syntagmatic
conditions which could be viewed as features. The condition for the
use of eat and German essen, according to Leisi, is „daß das Objekt
etwas Eßbares (Nährendes) sei" (68) which amounts to a certain
4 1
Cf. Kuroda (1969: 169). In German, the distinction apparently
affects the choice of the particle in ausessen or aufessen. Thus we
have das Mus AUSessen (Liquid), but das Brot AUFessen (cf.
Hundsnurscher 1968: 127 f.). Eat requires an animate subject with
no further speeification, while German distinguishes between essen
(Human Subject) and fressen (Non-Human Subject). When fressen
is used with human subjects the feature —Human or +Animal may
be said to be transferred to the subject; cf. Weinreich (1966: 429 ff.),
and German saufen, Maul, brüllen, trächtig.

and is independent of the presence of the object. T o account
for sentences such as he ate two plates a subcategory of nouns
w i t h the feature jContentful' is admitted as one possible object.
The question is discussed whether the object of eat should not
also contain a feature ,edible*. But it is argued that such a
feature „should rather figure i n the semantic description of the
meanings of individual nouns, and it should then be speeified
further: edible for humans, edible for insects, etc. Just as
animate beings may be said, without deviance, to drink liquids
even i f these are indigestible or harmful, they can be said to
eat indigestible or harmful voluminous things. But to say that
a man eats beauty is certainly deviant" (195). W e have dealt at
such great length w i t h eat for several reasons. Firstly, it is one
of the rare items whose selection restrictions have been discuss-
ed by a number of linguists, and it is also an item which enters
into a V P C . Secondly, it definitely belongs to a very basic
section of the lexicon, and we w o u l d hardly find a Speaker of
English who does not assume he knows what it means. N e -
vertheless, as the above quotations illustrate, there is little
agreement about the features and selection restrictions i n -
volved, besides the fact that Solid and N o n - S o l i d are relevant
in its description. F i n a l l y , the discussion of eat provides an
opportunity to show how difficult it is to draw a neat line
between linguistic and extralinguistic knowledge .
2.4.5. A n investigation of the semantic structure of lexical
items may distinguish between paradigmatic and syntagmatic
structures as mentioned i n 2.1.3. In Coseriu (1970b: 165 f . ) ,
paradigmatic structures are further subdivided into primary
structures (such as ,Wortfeld and »Wortklasse'), and secondary
structures (such as ,Modifizierung, Entwicklung, Komposition').

4 2
McCawley (1968c), following Fillmore, believes that selection
restrictions are „presuppositions about the intended referents" (267).
4 3
This is by no means the earliest quotation. Coseriu's approach
was developed in a number of previous publications. However, for
reasons of convenience of quotation and ready availability, in the
case of the 12 articles contained in the collection, we shall quote
from Coseriu (1970b). The articles in the collection are revised.

We shall only be concerned here w i t h primary paradigmatic
structures. A word-field (,Wortfeld ) is defined as „eine paradig-
matische Struktur, die aus lexikalischen Einheiten besteht, die
sich eine gemeinsame Bedeutungszone teilen und i n unmittel-
barer Opposition zueinander stehen" (166). Thus, e.g., rouge
is said to exclude a l l other elements of the same field, such as
blanc, vert, jaune (but not grand, petit, long) at a certain
point i n a French sentence. Rouge forms a word-field together
w i t h the items it excludes (167). A ,lexeme' whose content is
identical with a whole word-field is defined as an ,archilexeme'
(167). O n the other hand, the lexeme is viewed as consisting
of distinctive features, the ,semes . This conception of the
word-field closely resembles the approach to lexical structure
developed independently by Pottier, Greimas, and partly also
45 {
by Lyons. The archilexeme corresponds to the ,genus
in lexicographic definitions, while the distinctive features of
the lexeme are the ,differentia specifica' (164). According to
C o s e r i u , archilexemes may belong to different levels, as, e.g.,
German Rind (the archilexeme for Ochse, Kuh, Bulle, Stier,
Kalb), which in turn is included i n the archilexeme Tier; but
it is also possible that they are not expressed by a particular
w o r d (as i n the case of German jung, neu, alt). Irrespective

4 4
Coseriu defines: ,eine lexikalische Inhaltseinheit, die im sprach-

lichen System ausgedrückt ist . . . ist ein Lexem" (167), and „ein Le-
xem, dessen Inhalt mit dem eines ganzen Wortfeldes identisch ist, ist
ein Archilexem" (167). Note, that the definition of ,lexeme' does not
demand that it be a „minimal semantic simplex" as in Weinreich's
(1966: 450) adoption of the term jlexeme*. We shall follow Coseriu
in the use of Jexeme* and ,archilexeme'.
4 5
,Archilexeme' will here be preferred to Lyons* (1968: 455)
,superordinate term*. The lexemes which make up a field correspond
to ,co-hyponyms'. Cf. Lyons* (1968: 454) objections against ,in-
clusion', on the grounds of its ambiguity, which induces him to use
,hyponomy' instead. Cf. the discussion of the word-field Schall in
Coseriu (1967a) and of the field of Cooking in Lehrer (1969),
where components such as + Lid, +Vigorous boil, ± Direct heat,
+Long time are used. For cooking terms cf. also Leisi (1967:
65, 81).
4 6
Coseriu (1967b: 294 f.).

of the word-field structure of the lexicon, C o s e r i u postulates
a ^Wortklasse' which is determined by a ,Klassem', such as
,living being' (with the subclasses ,human', ,non-human' and
,thing' for nouns; ,positive' and »negative* for adjectives; and
»transitive', ,intransitive', and ,direction* (e.g. ,adlative' and
,ablative') for verbs. The classes are said to become evident
from the possible grammatical and lexical combination of
lexemes, i.e. from selection restrictions. The difficulties of
distinguishing ,classemes' from other semantic features can be
seen i n the fact that a ,classeme' may coincide with an archil-
exeme (as, e.g., in T i e r ) , and that ,classemes', ,archilexemes',
and ,lexemes' may a l l serve as distinctive features . ,Classemes'
are not viewed as being restricted to specific parts of speech, as
is obvious from the example of French mourir/crever , which
are distinguished by the features ,for human beings' and ,for
animals'. According to C o s e r i u , three types of relations
between ,word-fields' and ,word-classes' are possible: a field
i n its entirety may belong to a class (as, e.g., komme, femme,
enfant, garcon, fille to the class of human beings); a field
may be divided by a classeme (such as adlative/ablative, as
e.g., in acheter and vendre); and a field may be unaffected
by a classeme (as, e.g., i n louer, which may be either adlative
or ablative). F r o m the preceding discussion we may conclude
that in a paradigmatic approach to the semantic structure of
lexical items certain fields, which are represented by archi-
lexemes, can be delimited and further analysed w i t h the help

4 7
Cf. Coseriu (1970b: 171 ff.): „Eine W o r t k l a s s e ist eine Klasse
von Lexemen, die durch ein K l a s s e m determiniert werden; dieses ist
ein unterscheidender Zug, der im Prinzip unabhängig von Wortfel-
dern in einer ganzen Kategorie von Wörtern funktioniert" (171).
Cf. also Coseriu (1967b: 294 ff.).
4 8
Cf. Coseriu (1967b: 295). However, both are defined and
recognized in a different way.
4 9
This is the basis for distinguishing three types of ,lexical
solidarities* in a syntagmatic approach, viz. »Affinität*, ,Selektion',
and ,Implikation*. Cf. Coseriu (1967b: 299 ff.).
5 0
Coseriu (1970b: 172).
5 1
Coseriu (1970b: 173).

of distinctive features. Certain features may be viewed as
classemes i f different levels are recognized. Features which are
established for certain items may not be distinctive in other
items (as, e.g., i n louer). Archilexemes appear as such on
various levels.
2.4.6. Let us now consider the distinction between syntactic
and semantic features and their grammatical Status. In C h o m -
sky (1965), semantic features are regarded as a „well-defined
set" which is, however, negatively characterized : „a feature
belongs to this set just i n case it is not referred to by any rule
of the phonological or syntactic component" (88). It is further
stated (120) that i n the illustrative fragment of the base
component no semantic features are given, which means that
Count, Abstract, Animate, and H u m a n are syntactic features.
Count is said to be a „higher-level" feature, while H u m a n is
considered a „lower-level" feature, which, nevertheless, plays
a role „in purely syntactic rules" (150), such as the choice of
the pronoun who. Therefore, H u m a n , Abstract, Animate and
Count are called syntactic features (151, 153 f.). In contrast
to this conception, Weinreich (1966) even calls N o u n and Verb
semantic features, which he intends „ t o be taken as semantic
in the füll sense of the w o r d " (433). M i n o r classes of morph-
emes, however, are assigned a ,syntactic marker' (433), such as
Preposition, Determiner, Conjunction, Number. In a revision
of the categorial component, N o u n and Verb are said to
constitute „a complex symbol consisting of a category symbol
and a semantic feature" with identical names (433). T o draw
a neat line between syntax and semantics is, however, not
Weinreich's intention, i n particular as he argues for an „inter-
relation" and even „ i n t e r p e n e t r a t i o n " of the two domains
(468). H e also Stresses the fact that a decision on the semantic
or syntactic nature of certain linguistic phenomena cannot be
made independently of a specific grammatical model (415).

5 2 f
Cf. Chomsky (1965: 142): „we call a feature ,semantic if it
is not mentioned in any syntactic rule, thus begging the question
of whether semantics is involved in syntax".

Bolinger (1969), also suggests not to distinguish syntactic and
semantic features, but advocates rather treating categories
such as parts of speech together w i t h features such as Count,
D i v i s i b i l i t y , Plurality, as ,attributes of lexical items. Y e t it
seems that the category w o r d class is not on the same level as
features such as Animate, Count or D i v i s i b i l i t y . O n l y when
lexical items are couched i n a particular category of w o r d class
(e.g. hand, father, noun or verb, mat noun or adjective), can
further semantic and grammatical features (like Tense, N u m -
ber) then be attributed to them. The final decision about the
demarcation between syntactic and semantic features w i l l ,
however, always be determined by the particular grammatical
model which is adopted.

2.5. Semantic Tests

2.5.1. A s we have seen i n the discussion of eat, selection

restrictions and possible collocations may lead to conclusions
about the presence of certain semantic features i n lexical
items. Let us consider what tests have been proposed for the
semantic analysis of given linguistic elements, and the postula-
tion of specific features. E x p l i c i t testing procedures and moti-
vation of features are very rarely mentioned i n the literature.
From 2.4.1. it should become clear that Opposition, Substitu-
tion, and paraphrase are widespread techniques which are by
no means restricted to structural semantics, and that the use
of definitions is based on the fact of logical inclusion (or
implication). The acceptability or non-acceptability of utter-
ances, which reflects grammatical or semantic deviance result-

5 3
Cf. Quirk (1966), Quirk-Svartvik (1966),Leech (1969:12-14).
5 4
Cf. Weinreich (1966: 464 f.). Weinreich argues that a distinction
between grammatically and semantically deviant expressions is
futile, „since the most significant class of deviations is grammatical
and semantic at the time" (470).

ing from the violation of certain rules, is frequently employed
as a proof for semantic Statements. In Postal (1970), the
parallelism of various syntactic properties and restrictions of
clauses w i t h remind on the one hand, and clauses with strike
and those w i t h ,similarity predicates' (as like) on the other
hand, is adduced as evidence for analysing the ,surface verb*
remind as containing strike and a similarity predicate (as
like, resemble, or similar).
2.5.2. In Wheatley (1970), a technique for detecting ,en-
tailment rules' is developed. W e shall label it the VW-test after
the Symbols used i n the procedure. W h e a t l e y distinguishes
the widely accepted notion of entailment from what he terms
,engagement . While an ,open sentence' such as X is red is said
to „ e n t a i l " the Statement X is colonred, the Statement A says
,/ promise to X' is said to „engage" the Statement A intends
to do X. This phenomenon is often today considered as i n v o l v -
ing ,presupposition'. Wheatley argues that many semantic rules
cannot be expressed in terms of entailment relations, but are
expressible in terms of engagement relations. Thus:

X is a rabbit ENGAGES X has long ears

X is a man ENGAGES X breathes
X is an emerald ENGAGES X is green.

It seems that the distinction expressed is that between k n o w -

5 6
ledge of language and knowledge of the w o r l d . O n l y entail-

5 5
Wheatley (1970: 34 ff.): „entailment rules give necessary con-
ditions for the C O R R E C T use of a word, where engagement rules
give necessary conditions for what we might call the H A P P Y use
of a word" (35). Later, the difference is defined thus: „the engage-
ment rules give the application of a word (the element which can
be taught ostensively) while entailment rules give the logic of a
word" (68). A definition of „entailment" is given in footnote 4,
page 32 (Wheatley 1970).
5 6
Cf. Coseriu (1970), esp. 113 and the remarks on liegende
Stadt. The distinction corresponds to the one set up in Bierwisch-
Kiefer (1969: 68 ff.) between the ,core* and the ,periphery' of a
lexical entry. Cf. esp. 72, where „linguistic and encyclopedic know-
ledge" are thus distinguished.

ment relations involve semantic features and can be detected
„mechanically" w i t h the help of the V W - t e s t . A t the same
time the test serves to separate entailment and engagement.
According to Wheatley i f
X is W E N T A I L S X is V
then it is „pointful on occasions" to say
Every W is V
but it is „never pointful" to say
The VW...
In other words, i f a predicative complement is „entailed" by
a certain nominal i n subject position — i.e. it is a semantic
feature contained i n the nominal — the complement cannot be
moved into attributive position. Thus every triangle is three
cornered is a possible, although a n a l y t i c sentence, but the
three cornered triangle . . . is tautologous. But since X is a man
does not entail but only „engages" X is breathing, the ifter-
ance the breathing man . . . may have a „pointful use", as
opposed to the unmarried bachelor. We may add that every
man is breathing is also not an analytic sentence. Wheatley ad-
mits that the VW-test „will not detect entailment rules where
V , in the schematic example, is a long phrase, just because long
phrases never appear i n a qualifying position" (70). It must
be pointed out that there are also a number of short lexical
items, traditionally labelled adjectives, which never occur i n
attributive position, such as alive, asleep afraid, y content,
exempt, glad . The applicability of the VW-test therefore has
serious limitations. It can only be used with items which can
possibly occur i n predicative position i n copula sentences, as
well as i n attributive position, i.e. normally, adjectives which

5 7
Cf. Wheatley (1970: 69).
5 8
Cf. Weinreich (1966: 446 ff.). Wheatley does not mention the
coneept of „analytic sentence" in connection with the VW-test.
5 9
Other restrictions in connection with attributive and predicat-
ive position are treated in Marchand (1966b). For word class
categories which are discussed at length in Wheatley (1970), cf. also
Lipka (1971c), esp. 5.1.

modify nouns. Although in E n g l i s h many adjectivized i n -
transitive verbs also function i n the two slots, the items which
can be tested for semantic features are the nouns only. The
verbs, like the adjectives, are diagnostic elements; only the
nouns are tested. The VW-test can therefore neither be applied
to V P C s , nor to verbs i n general, i f we wish to establish the
semantic features they contain.
2.5.3. In Bierwisch (1967: 7), a technique for testing the
polarity of adjectives is described, although the procedure is
not explicitly claimed to be a test. The sentences
die Mauer ist zu hoch — die Mauer ist nicht niedrig genug
die Mauer ist nicht zu hoch — die Mauer ist niedrig genug
are said to be pairwise paraphrases. If Mauer is represented by
a variable X and the adjectives hoch and niedrig by A and B
respectively, then A and B are symbols for two sets of adjec-
tives which differ only w i t h regard to the semantic features
( + Pol) and (—Pol) . Thus hoch is analysed as containing the
feature ( + Pol) and a remainder of semantic components R i ,
while niedrig contains (—Pol) and the same remainder R j .
Similarly lang contains ( + Pol) and a remainder R2, and the
polar adjective kurz has (—Pol) and the same remainder R2.
The plus and minus here does not symbolize presence or
absence of the feature P o l but rather the two ends of a scale
represented by the remainder R . ( + Pol)-assignment is not
arbitrary, but is established by a purely linguistic test: that
adjective i n a pair which can be modified by measure phrases
such as doppelt so, halb so is marked ( + Pol), the other one
(—Pol). Since we have doppelt so hoch (lang, schnell) but not
^doppelt so niedrig (kurz, langsam) the adjective hoch (lang,
schnell) is marked ( + Pol). The procedure involving zu and
nicht . . . genug, as described by Bierwisch, can thus be used
to test whether two adjectives are antonymous or not. It can
only be applied to adjectives and is restricted to a single

6 0
In German, transitive verbs can also be adjectivized and used
6 1
In Bierwisch (1970: 44) ± P o l is replaced by „the relation
Greater-than and its converse".

binary feature ( ± P o l ) . Therefore it does not afford an instru-
ment for testing hypothetical features i n V P C s .
2.5.4. In Weinreich (1966), a motivation for individual
semantic features is not given, but the conjunction but, which
is paraphrased as ,and . . . unexpectedly', is claimed to be
„a powerful heuristic device for testing the definitional Status
of sentences" (449). The introduction of but is said to have a
„startling effect" in this is a chair, but one can sit on it (448).
Weinreich refers to Bendix (1966), who had made earlier use
of this test (23-31) in trying to ascertain semantic components.
According to Bendix, ,not intentionally' is a component of
lose and therefore informants w i l l regard both he lost it but y

not intentionally and he lost it, but intentionally as „equally

confusing" (28). O n the other hand, ,belongs to' is not a
component of lose, which appears from the fact that of the
pair of sentences he lost it, but it was his and he lost it, but
it wasn't his neither „ r a n k s particularly higher than the
other" (29) and „neither sentence appears to evoke the reac-
tions of a contradiction" (30). It is clear that i f but contains
,unexpectedly', and ,not intentionally' is contained i n lose,
then he lost it, but not intentionally w i l l be tautologous, and
he lost it, but intentionally w i l l be contradictory . K a t z
(1967b: 49) also points out that but „is governed by a semantic
restriction that the conjoined expressions contrast semantic-
ally", but fails to notice that it can be used to test semantic
inclusion, if a pair of sentences (with and without negation) is
considered . In Weinreich (1969), it is again stressed that

6 2
Cf. Fillmore (1969: 56): „Bendix's discussion of the ,but-
test* teils us a great deal about the semantics of the word but, but I
am not convinced that the word can be put to effective use in
tests for discovering other semantic facts". But probably only
stresscs the contradiction arising from the conjunction of incompatib-
le features and the tautology resulting from the addition of a
feature that is necessarily implied. Cf. the discussion of *he walked
on foot as far as Norwich in J. Anderson (1968: 308 f.). In Green-
baum (1969b), but is not used for the testing of semantic features.
6 3
Katz opposes the correct sentence / went fishing but caught an
old sboe instead to */ went fishing but caught a fish (bass, pike,

„A-but-B tests are . . . enormously helpful i n revealing the
componential semantic structure of terms", and that „A-but-B
Statements that are interpreted as paradoxical or tautologous
reveal a good deal about entailment relations between A and
B" (52). Thus, from the „ p a r a d o x i c a l " sentence she giggled
but did not laugh we can establish that giggling is a k i n d of
laughing. The oddity of expressions with but may be due to
the fact that the conjoined elements are either unrelated or
not surprising. According to Weinreich, and also is „ a powerful
analytic device, especially i n instances of polysemy" (53).
Since we can say he ate soup and Spaghetti, he concludes
that „the sense of eat is the same" (53) i n eat soup and eat
Spaghetti, but practice i n practice mediane and practice piano
is different, as he practiced medicine and piano can only be
used as a joke. W i t h regard to but it seems to be essential that
we consider a pair of sentences, and that both the negated and
the unnegated expressions must be deviant. W e shall make use
of this test i n the analysis of V P C s . The but-test alone, h o w -
ever, is not sufflcient to establish the exact value of a binary
feature, since it does not distinguish antonymous features such
as + Closed and —Closed. It has to be supplemented b y the
50-test, and thus, three sentences are required to determine a
feature. Conjunction w i t h so implies consequence (,and . . .
consequently ), and therefore result, and since most V P C s
denote process or action and the resulting State, the feature
representing the latter can thus be found. The conjoined
sentences containing so must be an acceptable utterance.
Consider the following examples:

/ + C l o s e d / : 1* She zipped up the dress, BUT it is closed.

2. * She zipped up the dress, BUT it is not closed.
3. She zipped up the dress, SO it is + Closed.

etc.) instead, which is said to be „anomalous", because the object in

the second clause is „the same as that which the Speaker was t r y i n g
to catch, or a subtype of that type" (50). However, we cannot
draw the reverse conclusion that an anomalous conjoined sentence
with but must contain a logically included element.

/— Closed/: 1* She slit up the dress, BUT it is closed.
2* She slit up the dress, BUT it is not closed.
3. She slit up the dress, SO it is —Closed
( = not closed).

Instead of —Closed ( = not closed) the feature + O p e n could

be postulated and then + Closed w o u l d correspond to —Open.
As we have seen, only the but-test and the so-test i n conjunc-
tion yield the desired results. (Cf. 2.6.7.).

2.6. Predicate Logic, Verbs, and Semantic Components

2.6.1. In the literature on V P C s , the labels transitive and

intransitive are used throughout to designate simplex verbs
6 4
and V P C s . They are also used i n early transformational
grammar for the subcategorization of the verb. W e shall not
adopt this simple dichotomy here, which seems to be too crude
to account for the complex relationship between verbs or verbal
constructions and noun phrases. T o speak of the transitive or
intransitive use of a v e r b is only a slight improvement, which
takes into consideration the fact that most items can function
in both syntactic roles. F o l l o w i n g the Convention which origi-
nated from the predicate calculus of symbolic l o g i c , we shall

6 4
Cf. 1.3.3. for the different grouping of material, with regard
to this distinction, in Fräser (1965) and Live (1965).
6 5
Cf. Kirchner (1959: esp. 349), and the eight classes set up in
M E G III: 16.0. Cf. also Halliday (1967) where ,intransitive, trans-
itive, single transitive, double transitive' (39) are excluded from a
jSystemic* description, and ,goal-transitive' and ,goal-intransitive'
(46) are introduced. /Transitivity', as used by Halliday, is „defined
in terms of paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations in the clause,
not by Classification of verbs as ,transitive' or ,intransitive"' (52),
therefore nouns are also classified with respect to »transitivity'.
Cf. Reichenbach (1947), Lyons (1968: 350), Leech (1969: 22,
66), Brekle (1970: 60 ff.).

therefore say that a certain lexical item is used as a one-place,
two-place, three-place, or many-place verb, according to the
number of nominals w i t h which it combines i n a sentence.
Thus, e.g., eat may be used as a two-place verb (he never eats
caviar), or, w i t h ,object-deletion' , as a one-place verb (he is
eating), but the V P C eat up is always used as a two-place verb
(he is eating up his dinner). The term one-place or many-place
verb refers to surface structure. Eat is basically a two-place
predicate which is also implied i n the concept of object-deletion
that accounts for the use of eat as a one-place verb on the
surface structure l e v e l .
2.6.2. We have to make a clear distinction between one-
place and many-place verbs on the one hand, which is a
purely linguistic matter, and one-place and many-place predi-
cates (or functions) on the other hand, which is a predominantly
logical matter. In Bendix (1966: 7), the noun dog is said to
represent a one-place function, which should be entered i n the
dictionary „in the form of a schematic sentence A is a dog",
while the verb have is regarded as a „ t w o - p l a c e function or
relation" w i t h the „ d i c t i o n a r y entry" A has B, and give
„might be A gives B to C " . Relational nouns such as son are
considered two-place functions. In Lyons (1968), die and kill
are given as examples of a one-place and a two-place verb
respectively, and give, put are called three-place verbs (350).
B y adding „the notion of ,causativity ", two-place construc-
tions are said to be derivable from one-place constructions, and
three-place constructions from two-place constructions (368).
According to Leech (1969: 66), a l l types of predicates are
reducible to two-place predicates through rank-shift and

0 7
Cf. Lyons (1968: 360 f.), Fillmore (1969: 118 ff.), and Jesper-
sen's chapter ,Object Omitted', M E G III: 16.1.
6 8
Cf. Fillmore (1969: 115), where „the conceptually required
number of arguments" are distinguished from „the number of
arguments that must be explicitly identified in English sentences".
6 9
The term ,rank-shift', whidi stems from systemic grammar,
„applies to the circumstance of one unit containing as a constituent
some other unit o higher or equal rank" (Leech, 1969: 26).

d o w n g r a d i n g as i n / saw'him cross the street, the woman
whom I love. Nevertheless, one-place predicates, and even
,zero-place predicates' (as i n it is raining) (68) are used .
2.6.3. In Bendix (1966: 63), a component ,Cause' is intro-
duced „as a p r i m i t i v e " i n the form ,A causes (. . .)', and is
considered „ m o r e strictly as a term of the metalanguage fac-
tored out i n the componential analysis of the verbs". A s menti-
oned i n 2.3.6., the component is also used i n Fillmore (1968a)
in analysing persuade and kill, and is regarded as a „ m e d i a t o r y
predicate . . . the two-place predicate C A U S E , a relation that
holds between an object and a predication" (377). A relative
System of ,causation' is set up i n Leech (1969: 207 f.), and
,weak causation' (as i n let, allow) is distinguished from ,strong
causation' (as i n make, compel). In Lakoff (1970: 42), „a
causative pro-verb" is said to be present i n sentences such as
John thickened the sauce, while the sauce thickened is claimed
to contain an „inchoative pro-verb" (37). It is argued that
„the sauce bears the same relation to thick i n all of the
sentences: 1. The sauce is thick. 2. The sauce thickened. 3. John
thickened the sauce." (43). A causative transformation is said
to operate on inchoative verbs, which i n turn are the product
of an inchoative rule. In Lyons (1968: 352), it is suggested
that „a transitive sentence . . . may be derived syntactically
from an intransitive sentence . . . by means of an ergative, or
causative, transformation", as, e. g. John moved the stone
from the stone moved . Later (383), a feature ,causative'

7 0
,Downgrading* „is the term I attach to the assignment of a
component-like Status to a predication" (Leech 1969: 26). ,Predi-
cation* is defined as a cover term for assertions, questions, and
commands (22).
7 1
Cf. Bierwisdi (1970: 39): „one might hypothesize that in
general only one- and two-place relations are required".
7 2
A particular class of English verbs which allows this trans-
formation is labelled ,ergative verbs* by Lyons (1968: 352, 359). The
class corresponds to Jespersen's ,Move and Change-Ciass' ( M E G
III: 16.4). Cf. Fillmore (1969: 114), H a l l Partee (1971: 7f.). It is
also involved in what Chomsky (1965: 189) called ,a general
„causative" transformation*. McCawley (1968: 131) states that „the

( + caus) is postulated, and, similar to Fillmore, the general
principle involved is described as following: „ w e must embed
the one-place nucleus as the predicate of the two-place nuc-
leus". It is, however, pointed out by Lyons that „there are
many transitive verbs which do not lend themselves very
happily to analysis as realizations of ,Verb: +caus'" (384).
Eat and read are given as examples of such ,basically transi-
tive* verbs. Three types of causative transformations are dis-
tinguished (383 f.): i n move there is no morphological change
when +caus is added, soft + caus is realized as soften™, and
die + caus yields kill. Kill is regarded as the „lexicalized"
two-place causative form of die (369, 384).
2.6.4. O n e may, however argue that ,die + caus* is not
equivalent to kill, and that slice with a knife is not synony-
mous to use a knife to slice, since although it denotes the same
fact it differs linguistically, and that the method of paraphra-
sing i n general only reveals extralinguistic sameness . However,
this does not necessarily i m p l y that i n semantic analysis we
only admit morphologically related items, such as soft — soften,
German tot — töten to be semantically related. Coseriu's ob-
jections against paraphrasing also do not directly concern the
use of definitions, which involve elements of the metalanguage,
for the analysis of simple lexical items. I f we accept the
equivalence of kill and ,cause to die' — which does not mean
postulating linguistic sameness — die can be further analysed

usual causative transformation" does not derive cases such as the

verb warm. Cf. the use of ,cause* in dictionary definitions to simplify
the entries, e.g., conk, dart, wither in the Advanced Learner's
Dictionary of Current English.
7 3
A number of deadjectival causative verbs in English, German,
and French are, however, derived by means of a zero-morpheme.
Cf. Marchand (1969a: 371, 1969b) and also Weinreich (1966: 425 f.,
464 f.).
7 4
Cf. Coseriu (1970a: 109, 117; 1970b: 216 ff.).
7 5
A lexical item and its definitional equivalent cannot be used
interchangeably. Cf. Fodor (1970), where reasons are given for not
deriving kill from cause to die or the transitive verb melt from
cause to melt. It is argued that „even where a phrase and a word

into ,become + not + alive . This point of v i e w is frequently
adopted i n recent research and has been advocated repeatedly
7 6
by M c C a w l e y . B y a prelexical rule which he calls ,predicate-
raising , X + CAUSE + BECOME + NOT + ALIVE +
7 7 c
Y is gradually converted into ,x kill y . The rule which has
„ t h e effect of taking the main verb of a complement sentence
and lifting it into the immediately higher main clause . . .
7 8
producing a k i n d of Compound v e r b " is applied repeatedly,
and unites successively the predicates N O T + ALIVE, then
BECOME + NOT + ALIVE, and finally CAUSE + BE-
COME + N O T + . A L I V E , thus yielding kill. Postal (1970:
86) claims that a special case of ,predicate-raising is also
i n v o l v e d i n Converting S T R I K E + X + SIMILAR + Y +
Z into the ,surface verb' remind, as i n Y reminds me (X) of
7 9
Z . The notion of ^redicate-raising' corresponds to the

are synonymous, the former will characteristically exhibit degrees

of syntactic freedom unavailable to the latter" (437). Note that
we do not „derive" kill from cause to die, nor do we postulate that
the two have the same Status as elements of the object language. The
semantic components C A U S E , B E C O M E , N O T , A L I V E in M c -
Cawley's analysis are also not regarded as items of the object
language, but as prelexical elements. Cf. also Chomsky (1971:
188 f.).
7 6
Cf. McCawley (1968d, 1970: 295), Postal (1970: 84 ff.). In
Lyons (1968) the implications of treating kill and die as „alter-
native, syntactically-conditioned, phonological realizations of the
,same verb" (353) are considered. In Lakoff (1970: 100), it is
argued that „kill, die, and dead could be represented as having the
same lexical reading and lexical base, but different lexical extensions".
Cf. also Binnick (1971) for support of the causative analysis.
7 7
In a branching-tree representation X follows C A U S E , accord-
ing to McCawley's opinion, later adopted by Postal (1970: 86),
that English has an underlying Verb-Subject-Object word Order.
We have simplified the formula, to maintain the parallel with kill.
7 8
Postal (1970: 86). Such ,compound verbs* could be seen to be
rcalized in the lexemes (be) dead, die and kill. Cf. German töten.
In generative semantics lexical items are only inserted at the highest
7 9
Cf. the critical discussion of this proposal in Bolinger (1971b:
esp. 526), where it is suggested that M A K E T H I N K is a better
analytical counterpart than S T R I K E L I K E . Cf. also Gruber (1970)

,downgrading' employed by Leech, which is merely viewed
from the opposite direction as the reduction of a predicate to a
component-like Status . Fillmore's conception of C A U S E as a
,mediatory predicate' and the ,embed used i n Lyons (see
2.6.3.) refer to the same phenomenon. In construing a higher
unit out of certain components, the predicates are ,raised' (a
term alluding to the change of position i n a branching tree
diagram) — i n viewing a predicate as a component of another
predicate, it is ,downgraded or ,embedded*.
2.6.5. Besides C A U S E , the component B E C O M E is also
said to be underlying kill, and the further components B E and
H A V E appear i n the analysis of verbs carried out by B e n d i x .
We shall now consider the Status of such features and their
treatment by various researchers. The difference between B E
and B E C O M E may be seen as involving the absence or pres-
ence of a very general feature D y n a m i c . This feature can be
factored out by opposing certain pairs of sentences as is done
in Lyons (1968): „As be (in San Francisco) is to comelgo
(to San Francisco), so have (a book) is to get (a book), and
be (valuable) to become (valuable). I n each case we can say
that the Stative sentence (with be or have) is ,unmarked', by
contrast w i t h the dynamic, which is the ,marked term of this
particular aspectual Opposition" (397 f.). In addition to D y -

where a prelexical formative T H R O U G H is said to be „incorporat-

ed" in the lexical item pierce (7), and U P , D O W N in raise, elevate,
lift and drop, lower (21).
8 0
Cf. Bierwisch (1970: 38 f.).
8 1
Cf. Bierwisch (1970: 39 f.): „Though C A U S E and H A V E are
both two-place relations, they obviously belong to different types
of features".
8 2
Lyons (1968: 397) assumes the existence of „a more general
aspectual Opposition which might be called statte and dynamic . ..
as locomotion is to location, so acquisition is to possession, and
,becoming to ,being'". Cf. also the discussion of the differences
between the two meanings of become in English (as in she has
become happier and such behaviour does not become you) in Bald-
Quirk (1970).

narnic a feature ± P r o x i m a t e can be found i n certain verbs,
and thus „in combination w i t h the feature ,dynamic', the
feature ,proximate' generates come in surface structure and the
feature ,remote' generates g o " . In Leech (1969: 57 f.), an
,inceptive formator System' is set up to explain the concept of
,becoming', which is later discarded i n the discussion of „static
and dynamic meaning" (198 ff.) and re-analysed as consisting
of two separate Systems: a ,relative System' and an ,inversion
System' (201). Examples such as the metal hardened, the liquid
cooled, the iron liquefied are called inchoative sentences i n
Lakoff (1970: 32 ff.). They are compared to the corresponding
sentences w i t h become (such as the metal became hard etc.) y

which are claimed to have „ v e r y similar deep structures, per-

haps even identical" (33). The relationship between B E and
H A V E is investigated i n Bendix (1966), where a distinction is
made between ,the general A has B (39 ff.) and ,the inherent
A has B' (45 ff.). The general A has B is said to be i n a para-
phrase relationship w i t h B is X A Y, where „ Y may be n u l l "
and X is either with, or /or, or to + Verb, or a locative
preposition , as i n this list has the name you want from the
name you want is on this list. In A has strength v.s. A is strong
„have, like be, seems to be little more than function as a
connective between A and the form expressing a State describ-
ing , A ' " (130). In comparing have and be w i t h get, Bendix
suggests that „have and be are two complementary ways of
expressing a similar content — namely, simply that a State or

8 3
We shall return to this feature later, but cf. the use of
,Proximate in Weinreich (1966: 455), and ,Proximal' and ,DistaF in
Fillmore (1966: 221), where come, here, this, there, that are discussed.
Lyons (1968: 398) also mentions here and there. The feature is also
involved in Coseriu's ,Adlative* and ,Ablative', cf. 2.4.5.
8 4
Lyons (1968: 398).
8 5
Bendix (1966: 39). Cf. the review by Leech (1968), where the
counter-example your clothes are on the floor but *the floor has
your clothes is given. A subclass of the ,inherent A has B , viz. the
Teil-von-Relation is investigated in Bierwisch (1965), where it is
observed that „Die Relation A hat ein B ist also interpretierbar als
,B ist ein Teil von A'" (36).

a State relation exists" (131) . In Lyons (1968), the copula
to be is said to function as a „semantically empty dummy
verb" (322) or a „ d u m m y carrier" (323) i n Russian, Greek
and L a t i n , and he therefore argues i n favour of „the elimina-
tion of the ,verb to be from the underlying constituent-struc-
ture of English" (323). Live and exist are also considered
„purely grammatical dummies" (349). The fact that many
languages have „neither a ,verb to be nor a ,verb to have'"
(388), and that Ä ^ e - s e n t e n c e s cannot be passivized (391), leads
to the conclusion that „have is not a deep-structure verb, any
more than be is" (395). The elimination of have and be from
the base component of English syntax, and their reintroduction
by transformational rules is proposed i n Bach (1967). Besides
other arguments, mention is made of their absence in a number
of languages and their semantic emptiness. Have and be are
called ,linking elements' whose „ c o n t r i b u t i o n to the meaning of
the sentence is determined completely by the items that they
l i n k " (477). The fact that a number of languages do not have
be and have i n their surface structure, and that English has,
might, however, also be used as an argument for postulating
such a verb in the deep structure of those languages. In any
case, this fact or that of semantic emptiness do not seem to
be sufficient reason for abandoning altogether the existence of
B E and H A V E i n their function as ,connectives' or predicates.
In Leech (1969) an ,attributive formator system' is first set up
„to account for the principal use of the verb to be" (46),
which is later eliminated (67). Although it is stated that „it
is quite easy to treat a one-place or „simple" predicate as a
special k i n d of (two-place) predication, i n which the linking
or medial element is the attributive formator" (67), the Solu-
tion is discarded for three reasons. In a sentence like / am
hungrjy where / is symbolized by a, and hungry by c, and a
and c are linked by the attributive formator, c cannot be

8 6
Note that „similar" is used, and that have is regarded as a
,relation (or two-place function), while be is not. Cf. also Benveniste
(1966: 187-207): „Etre" et „avoir" dans leurs fonctions linguistiques,
esp. 198-200.

quantified, secondly, semantic components expressed by de-
scriptive adjectives can only occur at c and not at a, and t h i r d -
ly, converse interpretations (such as *hungry is me) are not
possible (67). Leech, like Lyons, adduces the semantic emptiness
of be and its absence i n certain sentences i n some languages,
including Russian, to support his analysis of ^-constructions
as one-place predicates (69). H e admits that the „correspond-
ence between grammatical structure (Subject-be-Complement)
and semantic structure (a-vb)" (68 f.) could serve to defend
the use of the attributive formator System, but since he adopts
the position that semantics is an autonomous level (28 ff.), B E
is considered a one-place predicate. It is true that states such
as, e.g., hungry, in A is hungry are not variables in the same
way as B is a variable i n A has B. Nevertheless, as Bendix
and Bach have pointed out, B E resembles H A V E i n that it is
used as a ,connective'. In our investigation, which tries to
establish a relation between semantic structures and surface
structures, it seems preferable to retain the attributive formator
System be. We shall therefore use B E , as well as B E C O M E
(which includes the additional feature D y n a m i c ) , C A U S E ,
and H A V E as ,connectives or rather ,formators* which relate
certain variables either to a certain place, position, or State, or
to other variables. The variables, as well as P L A C E , P O S I -
T I O N , S T A T E are represented by ,designators which consist
of semantic features. In the case of two-place verbs, which
involve the feature Cause, the attributed State, position, or
place is considered as an ,embedded , or ,downgraded' predi-
2.6.6. As Weinreich (1963: 149), points out „ v i r t u a l l y
every semantic theory operates w i t h a dichotomy of signs,
corresponding to what we have called designators and forma-
tors". Leech (1969) is no exception to this rule, and all!some,
be, stay/become, not and question are treated as formators.
Formators are often referred to as ,logical signs', and are
given by enumeration. They correspond to what Reichenbach
(1947: 318 ff.) called ,expressive* terms, which he distinguished
from ,denotative terms. The latter are said to stand for
argument variables, functional variables, or propositional

variables. According to Reichenbach, the copula is said to
„ p o r t r a y " — not to „ d e n o t e " — the function-argument relation,
and, e.g., is, has, and, or are regarded as expressive signs (322).
We shall follow Leech in his basic theoretical framework,
assuming that a ,cluster* (which he adopts from Weinreich)
is a complex symbol containing various semantic features,
which in turn is contained i n a ,predication' (which may be an
assertion, a question, or a command). The predication consists
of an initial, a medial, and a final cluster , as i n the assertion
the woman loves the child, of which the medial cluster (love)
contains a ,relative feature. In our case, the features, or
Clusters of features, B E , B E C O M E , C A U S E , H A V E always
occur i n medial Clusters. The variables, i.e. the nominals A l l -
ing the places of the one-place or many-place verbs, are
,designators (consisting of features), as are the cover terms
8 8
L O C , P O S I T I O N , S T A T E . This yields a number of formulas
8 9
for the semantic structure of the V P C , which must be further
speeified according to the semantic features of the attribute
P L A C E , P O S I T I O N or S T A T E , v i z .




8 7
We have here simplified the original model in Leech (24), where
a predication is made up of a medial and two terminal Clusters.
{ c
Later (63) ,initial and ,final cluster is introduced. Note that we use
c c
,component for both ,clusters' and ,configurations of features.
8 8
To avoid confusion with ,place' in ,one-place predicate' and

The exact specification of the cluster of features represented
by the formula is determined by the features contained i n the
V P C and the features o f the nominals functioning as variables.
JBasically transitive verbs like eat, read etc., cannot be han-
dled by these categories since no component Cause can be
factored out, and have to be treated separately. The majority
of V P C s , however, can be dealt w i t h i n this w a y .
2.6.7. W e shall here consider semantic features as theoreti-
cal constructs, whether they are found i n formators or designa-
tors; constructs, which can be factored out from definitions of
certain lexical items. Thus kill w i l l be said to contain the
features ,Cause, Be, D y n a m i c , N o t , A l i v e ' , remind involves
,Strike, Be, Similar (and three variables), and chair is consider-
ed to be made up of ,Piece of furniture, F o r one person, T o be
sat o n . It is the linguist's task to determine which features
are distinctive in paradigmatic oppositions w i t h i n certain w o r d -
fields, and which features, i n syntagmatic relationships between
lexical items, influence selection restrictions. W e do not attempt
to analyse a l l V P C s entirely into semantic features, so that
nothing is left over. B u t even an incomplete semantic descrip-
tion which discovers certain more or less general features, seems
to be preferable to no analysis at a l l . The features normally
appear i n the form of specific lexemes of English (e.g. closed),
but have to be regarded as elements of the metalanguage. If
they are contained i n the paraphrased lexical item, this logical
inclusion or implication w i l l become apparent i n t h e £ # £ - t e s t . T h e
test has to be carried out w i t h a pair of sentences, of which one
sentence is the negated form of the other. Both sentences must
be judged anomalous, as one is tautologous, and the other
contradictory. Thus, e.g., the V P C fasten up w i l l yield he
fastened up the box, but it is closed, which is tautologous, and

to stress the connection with locative adverbials, we shall here pre-

fer the label L O C to P L A C E .
8 9
The formators H A V E and G E T , i.e. ( C A U S E ) + H A V E +
Dynamic, do not play a role here. Only in denominal derivatives (cf.
3.3.) H A V E is of a certain relevancy. But cf.
9 0
Cf. 2.4.5. and 2.3.8.

he fastened up the box, but it is not closed, which is contradic-
tory. W e have therefore established that closed is a semantic
feature contained i n fasten up. T o determine the ± value of
the binary feature, the so-test must then be used. Since only
he fastened up the box, so it is + Closed is acceptable, and
not *he fastened up the box, so it is not closed ( = —Closed)
the designative feature + Closed is contained i n fasten up. W i t h
this method we determine + E x i s t for build up (business), but
—Exist for blow up (bridge), burn up (rubbish), as the 50-test
yields the acceptable he blew up the bridge, so it does not
exist. Similarly, we arrive at + Process for crank up (engine),
set up (business), etc. — as we have . . ., so it works (runs, turns)
— and —Process for (bullet) pack up (transmitter) — . . ., so it
does not work (transmit). Besides the designative feature
+ Closed, the formators Cause, Be, and D y n a m i c are also
present i n fasten up, since it is a two-place verbal construction.
We shall discuss the particular features involved i n V P C s as we
proceed i n the detailed analysis.

2.7. Semantic Analysis and Collocations

2.7.1. A semantic analysis of V P C s cannot be confined to the

investigation of isolated verbal items or constructions, but
must also encompass their collocations w i t h nominals that
function as variables w i t h such predicates. This fact is repeated-
l y mentioned i n the literature, yet its implications are rarely
observed i n practice . I f we do not take into account which
variables can fill the slots of one-place or many-place verbs,

9 1 {
Which corresponds to the components ,cause and ,change of
State' in Bendix (1966).
9 2
Hundsnurscher (1968) is an exception, cf. esp. 42 ff. and 191 f.
His study draws heavily on W. Schmidt's (1963) theory of ,verb-
meaning', where the influence of the subject, the object, and the
adverbial complement are discussed at length (55-68).

we may theoretically be able to distinguish homonyms, but the
choice between them is open and only determined by particular
collocations as i n hold up (one's hand/the traffic/a bank) and
carry out (the dishes/a plan). T o assess the meaning of idio-
matic constructions and items such as make up which are y

semantically empty i n isolation, is impossible unless colloca-

tions are considered. The necessity to include collocations in
analysing the semantic structure of lexical items is not restric-
ted to verbs, where it is, however, most obious. W i t h regard
to adjectives, for example, a distinction between ,transposition-
al adjectives , as in criminal (court), heavy (smoker), Ger-
man väterliches (Haus) and ,semantic adjectives" as in criminal
(action), heavy (load), German väterlicher (Blick), as is set up
by M a r c h a n d , is difficult to draw i f we look at the adjectives
in isolation. It may be established i n principle but the actual
choice depends on context.
2.7.2. The concept of collocation is frequently used in
neo-Firthian linguistics. L y o n s contends that the collocations
9 5
of a w o r d are not part of its meaning, while H a l l i d a y
proposes to use collocation restrictions for grouping certain
items together, thus defining ,lexical sets . Methods for the
investigation of collocations are discussed in detail by Sinclair
and Greenbaum . Both assume that collocations are not
necessarily contiguous, as i n they collect stamps but they
collect many things, hut chiefly stamps , and it was an auspi-
cious occasion but the occasion on which it was done was not
an auspicious one . The examples correspond to the colloca-
tions discussed in 2.7.1., v i z . that of verb and object, and that

9 3
Cf. Marchand (1966a: 138, 1966b).
9 4
Lyons (1966: 295).
9 5
Halliday (1966: 156). Cf. the exploratory inquiry into ,lexical
Clusters' in Anthony (1954).
9 6
Greenbaum (1968); Sinclair (1966) distinguishes between ^casual'
and ,significant' collocation (418), and, like Halliday, postulates
,lexical scts' as a result of the study of collocations. Cf. also Cars-
tensen (1969).
9 7
Greenbaum (1968: 1).
9 8
Sinclair (1966: 413).

of adjectival modifier and its head. Such syntagmatic relations,
which are clearly of a grammatical nature, w o u l d have to be
termed ,colligations', i f one follows MitchelPs distinction be-
tween ,collocation' and ,colligation . Like Sinclair and Green-
baum, we shall not adopt this usage, and prefer to call the
relationship between a verb or verbal construction and its
subject and objects a collocation. L i k e Fairclough, we shall
also say that i n a V P C a simplex verb collocates w i t h a
particle. Whether the collocation has to be regarded as a
single lexical item or not cannot be decided i n a general w a y ,
but must be determined i n each individual case.
2.7.3. The term »collocation* is neutral w i t h respect to
which element is primary or dominant in the relation. This is
not so i f we use ,selection', which implies that one element
selects the other. The problem is considered by C h o m s k y in
his discussion of ,selectional rules*. It is argued that i f the verb
were to select the subject and object, this w o u l d lead to „a
quite considerable complication of the grammar" (115). H e
therefore rules out this possibility (118). If the verb is regard-
ed as the central element of expressions as in case g r a m m a r
and dependency grammar, this is obviously not an acceptable
Solution. Linguistic models that derive from predicate logic
and consider nouns as variables of verbal predicates, w i l l have
to reject Chomsky's proposal. The concept of collocation
which does not involve a certain direction of selection, disposes
of the necessity to decide on the dominance of one of its
elements. Ultimately, the choice of one element as being p r i o r
to the other in a concrete act of speech involves psychological
factors and considerations of topic and comment. In our study
of V P C s , the verb or verbal construction is the point of

9 9
Mitchell (1958: 103). Turn off in he turned the light off is
considered a ,colligation' by Mitchell (103).
1 0 0
Chomsky (1965: 113-120). Cf. McCawley (1968c: 263), who
suggests that there are only ,single selectional features', i.e. that the
verb does not select its subject and its object. Chomsky's proposals
are also rebutted in Miller (1970).
1 0 1
Cf. Fillmore (1968b).

departure, and we say that it collocates w i t h certain nouns
and not w i t h others. A complete extensional description of
all possible collocations is, of course, impossible to achieve .
However, we believe that even a necessarily incomplete assess-
ment of possible collocations and collocation restrictions is
useful i n distinguishing homonymous items, a n d i n revealing
certain semantic features.

2.8. Semantic Analysis and Idioms

2.8.1. The collocations of verb and particle i n turn collocate

with other lexical items, as just mentioned. Some of these
collocations are very familiär to the Speakers of a language,
and attain a high degree of cohesion, while others are quite
restricted i n their acceptability . Besides the factor of famili-
arity, ,contextualization also plays an important role with
such restrictions. F a m i l i ä r collocations, which could be called

1 0 2
Cf. Fillmore (1968a: 379) „it seems to me that no use of the
extensional properties of predicates can serve us in identifying
linguistically interesting properties of verbs". Fillmore claims that
a ,collection of objects for certain predications is not feasible, as it
presupposes an understanding of the meaning of that predicate.
However, all judgments about possible linguistic expressions presup-
pose an understanding of their meaning.
1 0 3
Cf. Greenbaum (1968), Lipka (1971c).
1 0 4
The term is used by Carvell-Svartvik (1969), who point out
that, e.g., the girl was turned to and the Prime Minister was turned
to for help by people suffering from the depression in the north-
eastern industrial areas „produced immensely different responses
from informants" (18). They propose to distinguish between gram-
matical (systemic) and lexical (exponential) constraints (34), which is
illustrated by she smokes like a chimney, which can under no
circumstances be passivized ( = a systemic constraint) on the one
hand, and they look at themselves, which does not allow the passive
compared with they looked at the old car, which has a passive, on
the other hand ( = an exponential constraint) (43).

set phrases, may be semantically self-evident, such as bacon
and eggs, here and there, but they may also be highly idiomatic,
such as rub noses or shoot the breeze. It is true that most
syntagmatic combinations, whether they are collocations, Com-
pounds, or derivatives, become more or less affected by idio-
maticity i n the process of l e x i c a l i z a t i o n . A s is so often the
case i n language, we have here a phenomenon of a more-or-
1 0 6
less k i n d rather than of an all-or-none k i n d , a continuous
scale ranging from a simple conjunction of morphemes to the
creation of completely new semantic u n i t s . The two poles
of this scale, however, can and must be clearly distinguished.
A t one end, the semantic structure of the collocation is made
up of its single elements. A t the other end, we find semantic
units which are not analysable i n terms of their apparent
morphological constituents.
2.8.2. Simplex lexical items obviously do not have a
morphological structure which can be related to their semantic
structure. If one defines an idiom as „a constituent or series of
constituents for which the semantic Interpretation is not a
compositional function of the formatives of which it is com-
p o s e d " , one is forced to recognize „every w o r d i n the lexi-

1 0 5
Cf. Stankiewicz (1962: 7): „idiomatization affects almost all
types of derivation". We here use ,lexicalization* to designate the
process in which familiär collocations arise, and distinguish it from
,idiomaticization*. Chafe (1968: 121) calls the process which „creates
a single semantic unit out of an arrangement of units" ,idiomaticiza-
tion'. Cf. also Fleischer (1969: 12) who rejects ,Lexikalisierung* and
uses ,De-Motivierung' and ,Idiomatisierung . Weinreich (1969: 34)
draws attention to the facfihat in bacon and eggs the bacon has to
be cooked, and the eggs are fried or scrambled. For idiomaticity in
nominal Compounds cf. also Botha (1968: 213-225).
1 0 6
Cf. Bolinger (1961) and Halliday (1961: 247, 249) where the
term jdine' is used.
1 0 7 c
The conjunction could be viewed as ,linking in the sense of
Weinreich (1966: 420 ff.). Cf. Stankiewicz (1962: 9). The creation of
sudi units is, of course, a diachronic matter involving idiomaticiza-
tion. Synchronically speaking, the scale is one of varying degrees of
idiomaticity. Cf. Fraser's ,frozenness hierarchy', discussed in 2.8.3.
1 0 8
Fräser (1970: 22), where a footnote refers to Hockett, who

con" as an i d i o m — as i n fact Fräser and H o c k e n do. Y e t , the
usefulness of such a wide concept of an idiom is questionable,
as it puts monomorphemic items on the same level w i t h partly
analysable or unanalysable complex forms. W e therefore be-
lieve that simplex forms should not be included within the
concept of idiom. Compounds and prefixal or suffixal deriv-
atives naturally have a morphological structure and are
affected by idiomaticity i n v a r y i n g degrees. A s already menti-
oned, we can establish a continuous scale of word-formative
syntagmas with respect to this phenomenon. H o w e v e r , it
seems methodologically unwise to lump a l l of them together
as idioms, and to disregard the difference between, e. g. adjec-
tival Compounds w i t h -proof or -free, which can be formed
almost without any restrictions, and such idiomatic formations
as cock-sure, head-strong, letter-perfect and point-blank .
A great number of regularities w o u l d be lost, and word-for-
mation could not be regarded as a productive process which
continually creates new lexical items. In an analytic approach
to word-formation, certain additional semantic features can
be isolated, but i n many cases, as, e.g., w i t h nominalizations or
transpositional adjectives, they are almost irrelevant. We may
therefore omit t h e m . The fact that certain word-formative
processes are fairly restricted is not an argument for treating
all such syntagmas as members of a closed class, since even
the most productive grammatical processes show restrictions .
We shall therefore consider Compounds and derivatives as

arrives at the same conclusion from his definition of an idiom as

„any grammatical form the meaning of which is not deducible from
its structure".
1 0 9
We can also set up two other basic categories of word-form-
ation, as is done in Marchand (1967), viz. ,expansion', where the
dctcrminatum is a free morpheme, and ,derivation', where it is not.
1 1 0
Cf. Lipka (1966).
1 1 1
Cf. Lipka (1971b). It is not by chance that nominalization is
the word-formative process which was first treated within a trans-
formational framework, in Lees (1963).
1 1 2
We only have to recall the irregularities in the English plural
formation or the verbal paradigm. Cf. Lipka (1969).

basically non-idiomatic, omitting certain minor additional
features, and only in the case of partly or completely unanalys-
able formations w i l l the degree of idiomaticity be judged
sufficient to treat them separately. It seems advisable to
distinguish between syntagmas which are analysable and
motivated, such as steamengine, and those which are only
analysable but not, or no longer, motivated, such as watch-
maker. M o t i v a t i o n may vary considerably between Speakers,
and is in principle a subjective phenomenonj
2.8.3. Various approaches to idiomaticity as a general
phenomenon have been carried out recently . A s early as
1960 MePcuk proposed to distinguish ,idiomaticity* (,idio-
maticnost*) from ,stability of collocation (,ustojcivost*). The
latter is measured by the probability w i t h which a given
constituent predicts the appearance of the other constituents.
Since idiomaticity and stability are independent, Mel'cuk
(1960: 79) distinguishes four basic types of collocations: 1.Sta-
hle and idiomatic, 2. stable and non-idiomatic, 3. non-stable
and idiomatic, 4. non-stable and non-idiomatic. Three types
of idioms are set up in Coseriu (1966: 196 ff.): 1) Äquivalents
de phrases* (la nuit tous les chats sont g m ) , 2) Äquivalents de
syntagmes* (sans coup ferir, avoir maille ä partir), and 3)
Äquivalents de mots* (au für et ä mesure, par cceur). It is
pointed out that while type 1) is to be regarded as a text or
a fragment of a text, types 2) (which are ,syntagmes stereo-
types*) and 3) (i.e. ,p£riphrases lexicales*) could be grouped
together. In Weinreich (1963: 182 f.), ,unilateral idioms', such
as charge an account (where only charge could be considered
idiomatic) are distinguished from ,bilateral idioms* such as
ruh noses. In contrast to Fräser and Hockett, an idiom is
defined as „a grammatically complex expression** (181). It has
often been pointed out that idioms, i f compared to morpholo-
gically parallel unidiomatic expressions, are characterized by
various grammatical deficienciesi e.g., that the singular or

1 1 3
For a discussion of recent views on the problem cf. Lipka (To

plural cannot be formed, the w o r d order cannot be changed,
modifiers cannot be inserted, and, i n general, a number of
transformations cannot be p e r f o r m e d . I n Bugarski (1968:
252), „the idiomaticity of a sentence or a phrase" is defined
as „ t h e feature which is inversely related to their grammatical
potential", and for the sentences under investigation a G r a -
dient' is set up „ w h e r e the grammatical potential gradually
decreases as idiomaticity increases w i t h the tightness of the
structure" (253). Beside the point and beside himself are
considered „a phrasal idiom or collocation" as compared to
beside the ash tray (254). Beside i n his London flat is ugly
beside his country-house is termed a ,sentence idiom', i n which
„the focus of idiomaticity . . . is identifiable at the rank of
w o r d " (255). Here again, a simplex form is ascribed idio-
maticity. W e do not accept this usage, and believe that this is
rather a case of polysemy than of idiomaticity. I n Fräser
(1970: 22) it is argued that „familiär collocations such as
bacon and eggs here and there, an ounce of prevention is

worth a pound of eure are not to be analysed as idioms since

their Interpretation is held to be determined from the Inter-
pretation of the component constituents". A s pointed out i n
2.8.1., familiär collocations may be idiomatic or not. Words
like sing, throw, book, however, are regarded as „the simplest
examples of idioms" (22) b y Fräser. Polymorphemic items such
as knucklehead, turncoat, overturn, inside of are called ,lexical
idioms', and phrases such as has the cat got your tongue} are
termed ,phrasal idioms'. The idiom kick the bücket ,to die' is
said to be „a very frozen case since it cannot be passivized
. . . and cannot be action nominalized" (32). A ,frozenness
hierarchy' of seven different levels is postulated, w i t h ,unre-

1 1 4
Cf. Fräser (1970: 23) where idioms are regarded as more or
less ,frozen', and Fraser-Ross (1970), where N P deletion is found to
be inapplicable to idioms. Chafe (1968: 112) mentions four peculi-
arities of idioms: „their anomalous meaning, their transformational
deficiencies, the illformedness of some of them, and the greater
frequency of wellformed idioms relative to their literal counter-

stricted* at one end, and ,completely frozen* at the other which
contains „literally uninterpretable idioms such as trip the light
fantastic" (39). A s can be seen from the preceding discussion,
there is general agreement about the fact that idiomaticity is
a matter of varying degrees. Y e t , Fräser and Bugarski both
differ from Weinreich i n assuming that simplex lexical items
can be idiomatic. A s early as 1963, Weinreich stated that „it
is of great methodological importance to bear i n mind the
complementarity of polysemy and i d i o m a t i c i t y " . We can
therefore say that Bugarski's ,sentence idiom* beside is a poly-
semous lexical item, and generally speaking, that only complex
lexical items can be idiomatic, while simplex items can only
be polysemous or homonymous . Moreover, „the postulation
of an idiom is relative to a particular dictionary, since idio-
\ maticity and polysemy are complementary" . W e can only
ascertairi i n a t a .certain copstruc.]tion is different w i t h regard
to the cluster ofsemaritic features which w o u l d normally be
expected — i.e. is idiomatic — i f we know which features are
contained i n the dictionary. Weinreich illustrates this with
the help of the ,unilateräl idiom* charge an account. If charge
is described as containing the senses ,fill* (as i n charge batteries,

1 1 5
Weinreich (1963: 182).
1 1 6
Cf. Lyons (1963: 18) „The difficulty of deciding whether
something, synchronically speaking, is an instance of ,homonymy' or
polysemy' is thus recognized for what it is — a pseudo-difficulty
created by posing a pseudo-question". In spite of all the difficulties,
the problem cannot be dismissed so easily. According to Weinreich
(1969) „the distinction between homonymy and polysemy is notori-
ously elusive" (37), and „at the moment we have no criteria for
distinguishing homonymy from polysemy" (38). However, „the
sub-senses of a polysemous morpheme can be compared to each
other to see whether they share semantic components. If they do not,
or at least if they fail to do so to any significant degree, we refer
to the subsenses as homonymous" (40). A precise distinction can only
be made when it is based on a precise semantic description of
individual morphemes. Before we have such a description at our
disposal, all attempts at distinguishing homonymous from polysem-
ous items will have to be tentative.
1 1 7
Weinreich (1966: 450).

guns) and ,burden', then charge an account is not idiomatic.
We can therefore only establish which V P C s are idiomatic
when we have discovered which features are normally present
in them. In Weinreich (1969: 30 f.), three types of ,phrase-
ological units' are distinguished which have i n common that
„in the construction A + B , the resulting sense is not the expect-
ed semantic function „fj of the component senses a and b"
(30). In the first case, illustrated by red hair, one component
is different, v i z . red. I n the second case, red herring ,phony

issue', both components are different, and „unless we envisage

a dictionary in which „ p h o n y " is listed as one of the senses
of red and „issue" as one of the senses of herring, there w i l l be
a discrepancy between the ingredients and the product" (30).
F i n a l l y , the component senses may be retained, but the semantic
function relating them may be different, as i n make friends
with a foreigner contrasted w i t h make Cookies with flour.
Thus „an idiomatic sense of a complex expression may differ
from its literal sense either i n virtue of the semantic func-
tion . . . or of the semantic constituents" (32). Idiomaticity is
therefore not a quality of a single lexical item, but is deter-
mined by the context . Weinreich's concept of an ,idiom* is
quite narrow, and he defines it as a special subclass of ,phrase-
ological u n i t s ' , which, however, are a l l idiomatic construc-
tions. Expressions that are not phraseological units are termed
,free constructions'. In our analysis of V P C s we shall adopt
Weinreich's basic tenets w i t h regard to idiomaticity, but we
shall not follow his terminology. We shall speak of idiomatic
items, attempting to specify which constituents are to be
regarded as the basis for their idiomaticity. A certain degree of

1 1 8
Weinreich (1969: 40): „Idiomaticity turned out to be an ex-
treme example of contextual semantic specialization".
1 1 9
Weinreich (1969: 42): a ,phraseological unit* is „any expression
in which at least one constituent is polysemous, and in which a
selection of a subsense is determined by the verbal context". „A
phraseological unit that involves at least two polysemous constituents,
and in which there is a reciprocal contextual selection of subsenses,
will be called an idiom" (42).

idiomaticity w i l l be assumed to exist i n almost a l l syntagmas (cf.
bacon and eggs), but w i l l be omitted i n our treatment, i n order
to be able to recognize certain regularities.
2.8.4. Weinreich (1969: 69) proposes that i n the description
of a language we have „ b o t h complex dictionary entries and
an idiom list". H e explicitly deals w i t h „verbs w i t h particles",
and suggests that i n principle „ t h e y should be generated as
free constructions, a n d those that require idiomatic meanings
w i l l have them superimposed from the idiom list" (69). E x a m -
ples of members of the idiom list are throw up ,vomit*, look out
£ £
,be careful , water down ,dilute , set off ,explode* (69). O n the
other hand, stay out, keep in, look away, send off „could be
directly generated w i t h their senses supplied out of the dic-
tionary" (70). Finally, cases like eke out, cave in could be
treated b v storing „eke and cave i n the dictionary without
semantic features" (70). Such elements would correspond to
what Marchand (1969a: 2) called ,blocked morphemes , v i z .
cran- and Mon- i n cranberry a n d Monday. Weinreich does
not include i n his treatment cases of idiomatic expressions
which arise i n the process of lexicalization through ellipsis.
jA complement may be regularly defeted i n certain V P C s ,
' V and also i n simplex verbs, and w i l l be understood by Speakers,
thus creating idiomaticity, as i n break up (at school), ring up
(on the telephone), hang up (the receiver), propose (marriage).
This is not clearly distinguishable from idiomatic items which
contain additional semantic features, as, e.g., walk out (on
strike), open up (firing, playing). Idiomatic V P C s may be
further subdivided according to whether the verb or the
particle i n the construction contributes to its analysability, i.e.
shares semantic features w i t h the same morpheme occurring
in other collocations. These t w o groups w o u l d correspond to
Weinreich's ,unilateral idioms* or ,phraseological units*. A
higher degree of idiomaticity is present i f neither element
contributes to the analysability of the construction. This is
often the case w i t h semantically empty v e r b s such as do,

1 2 0
Cf. Weinrich (1963: 180 f.), where take in take offense, take

make, put, set etc. Although their occurrence is not restricted
to V P C s , as is the verbal element in eke out, clutter up, peter
out, they are similar to such blocked morphemes i n that they
cannot be stored in the dictionary, and cannot be provided
w i t h specific semantic features. F a m i l i ä r collocations, as, e.g.,
yield up the ghost are not necessarily to be considered as
idioms . H o w e v e r , i n most of them the degree of idiomaticity
is rather high, as, e.g., i n eat one's heart out, bring up the rear.
Generally speaking, V P C s which do not fit into the frames
given in 2.6.6., further speeified by particular semantic features,
w i l l be regarded as idiomatic. Y e t an attempt w i l l be made to
relate partially idiomatic V P C s to other items contained in the
lexicon by means of particular semantic features.

mediane, take effect is considered, and ,depletion* is held to be „a

semiotic universal".
1 2 1
Cf. 2.8.1. and Weinreich's remarks about bacon and eggs.

C H A P T E R 3: T H E S E M A N T I C S T R U C T U R E O F


3.1. General Remarks

3.1.1. If we attempt to analyse the semantic structure of

V P C s , treating them as single lexical items and disregarding,
for the moment, the question of whether the particle is
redundant, optional or compulsory, the most natural first
step w i l l be to investigate the possible derivational relationship
w i t h other items, employing the methods of modern w o r d -
formation . This w i l l allow us to establish certain patterns of
overtly connected items, as, e.g., German tot and töten. The
fact that the adjective and the verb share certain semantic
features is obviously more readily apparent than i n the case
of such ,surface verbs' as kill and remind, and adjectives such
as dead and similar. Word-formation thus explains the creation
of complex lexical items from simple items and may be regard-
ed as a means by which to simplify the dictionary entries i n
the lexicon of a language . H o w e v e r , following Weinreich

The basic assumptions of our approach are outlined in Marchand
(1969a: 1-59). Cf. also Brekle-Lipka (1968) for other treatments of
such problems.
Cf. the title of Postal (1970): ,On the Surface Verb Remind'.
Weinreich (1969: 72 f.) suggests that in the description of a
language, besides a ,simplex dictionary' we also have a ,complex
dictionary' „in which would be entered all Compounds, complex
words, idioms, phrases and sentences familiär to Speakers of the
language" (73). He argues that „being or not being an element of an
inventory" (72) is a characteristic feature of Compounds and complex
words in general, and that therefore they should receive a ,familiari-

(1969), we assume the necessity of a ,complex dictionary',
which contains information i n addition to the derivative
process. T o prevent duplication of the lexicon, the complex
dictionary w i l l only contain those phonological, syntactic, and
semantic features i n which complex items deviate from simplex
ones. It w i l l further contain familiarity ratings and the
idiom-list. If complex items were treated like simplex ones,
many regularities w o u l d be lost . A s already pointed out, the
process of lexicalization adds semantic features to complex
items generated out of single morphemes, but i n many cases
these may be omitted in order to allow the recognition of
existing regularities. One of the basic tenets of word-formation
is the assumption that lexical items presuppose affiliation to
specific categories of w o r d class (whether these are viewed as
syntactic markers or as semantic features is immaterial for this
purpose). Another one is the distinction between the two
constituents of word-formative syntagmas; the ,determinant',
which corresponds to the modifier or satellite i n syntax, and
the ,determinatum', which is equivalent to the head or nucleus
of a construction. In Compounds, both the determinant and
the determinatum are free morphemes. I n suffixal derivatives,
the determinatum is a bound morpheme. In zero-derivatives ,
the determinatum is not overtly expressed, but a zero-morph-
eme must be assumed to account for proportional oppositions
such as bake: bak/er :: cheat verb: cheatl0 Substantive,
which can be viewed as proportional equations. Deadjectival
verbs such as legallize, simpllify, black/en as opposed to
cleanl 0 are another instance of such equations. Before we

ty rating*. A complete description of a language must incorporate

both types of dictionary. The familiarity rating will have to be
assigned to the level of ,norm* as set up in Coseriu (1962: 11-113).
This point is also made in Botha (1968). Cf. Wheatley (1970:
21 f.), where „two vocabularies" are assumed, one for simple lexical
items and one for inflected forms.
Proposais to treat word classes as attributes of lexical items
which can be attached „at will", are discussed in Lipka (1971b).
Cf. Marchand (1969a: 359-389), Kastovsky (1968: esp. 31-53),
Kastovsky (1969).

can turn to an investigation of V P C s derived from adjectives,
we must first consider certain technical matters.
3.1.2. I n the following discussion of V P C s from the point
of view of word-formation, a l l items are treated i n alphabet-
ical order under the various headings. A n attempt is made to
incorporate as many collocations as possible w i t h out and up
found i n contemporary usage, but completeness is of course
impossible to achieve. The items are normally taken from one
of the dictionaries used for this study, and so are the nominals
that collocate w i t h them. When such nominals which fill the
places of the one-place or many-place verbs could not be ob-
tained from dictionaries, they were supplied either from native
Speakers who acted as informants or from our o w n collection
of quotations w i t h V P C s . It has been regarded as infeasible
and also unnecessary to indicate the source i n every single
case. In_most cases, one_or two characteristic nominals.are
cited. J f , however, these are considered to belong to different
classes, distinguishing polysemous_ox homonymous. senses.oLxhe^
v V P C , then additional examples are given, separated by the
symbol /.,'To parallel the w o r d order i n the sentence, nominals
collocating w i t h one-place V P C s are written i n brackets preced-
ing the verb, while what is traditionally referred to as the
object follows it. W i t h two-place verbs, the subject of the
verbal construction is usually pmitted, unless clarity demands
that it be explicitly mentioned, i n which case it precedes the
verb.] The subject is normally a human agent, and the fact that
the construction is a two-place verbal implies the presence of
such an agent and of the feature Cause , [in items where it is

The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, The Concise Oxford
Dictionary of Current English, The Advanced Learner's Dictionary
of Current English, The Penguin English Dictionary, Webster's
Third International Dictionary, Wood (1965), Heaton (1965), L. A .
H i l l (1968), abbreviated as S O D , C O D , A L , P E N , W3, W, H , H I .
This collection is not taken from a clearly delimited basis of
texts, and will therefore not be called a corpus. Material from three
types of corpus is, however, also used in this study. Cf. 3.5.6.
Cf. 2.6.3. and Lyons (1968: 368), „two-place constructions can
be derived from one-place constructions by means of the notion of

optional, the feature Cause added — after the nominals
that precede the verb — i n order to indicate the generality of
the process, as, e.g., i n (trail, path/surface + Cause) level
out. Similarly, when the object can be optionally deleted this
w i l l be"marked by a following — Deleted,/ such as tidy up
(room — Deleted). I n the case of nominals denoting human
beings, it w i l l normally be sufficient to represent them by the
pro-form somebody, abbreviated as: ,sb . Occasionally it may
seem sufficient to use the pro-form for inanimate nominals,
v i z . something, abbreviated as ,sth*. Determiners, and the
indication of number are omitted, unless a specification seems
relevant. N o m i n a l s are not italicized. The verb is given i n the
infinitive, and the particle is left out when collocations w i t h
the same particle are treated together under the same heading.
W i t h deadjectival verbs, the basis of the derivation may be,
generally speaking, either the positive or the comparative form
of the adjective, and thus, e.g., broaden out is ,make or become
broad or broader' . The comparative can be regarded as con-
taining an additional feature Degree , which w i l l be added —
abbreviated as D e g — i n case it is present. W h a t is tradition-

ally labelled figurative use, and can normally be paraphrased

w i t h the help of as if w i l l be provisionally included i n the

treatment of derivational relationships , but is not explicitly
marked. The problem is tied up w i t h the question of colloca-
tion restrictions and transfer features, and also w i t h compari-
son and metaphor.

,causativity"'. With regard to causative verbs, Lyons draws attention

to the general principle „that the object of a two-place nucleus
corresponds to the subject of a one-place nucleus" (383).
1 0
Cf. A L s.v. broaden; Marchand (1969b).
1 1
This feature will be discussed in detail later. Cf. and
,Magn, Plus' in Apresyan-Mel'cuk-2olkovsky (1969: 8, 13).
1 2
Cf. comb out (snarls, head lice/subversives, staff), which is
explained as ,remove or eliminate with or as if with a comb' in W3.
It could also be analysed as a deverbal zero-derivative, ,remove by
or as if by combing'. Cf. Botha's (1968: 192-213) treatment of
„metaphorical Compounds", and for derivatives involving

3.1.3. A t this point i n our investigation we shall not at-
tempt to distinguish between the various stylistic or dialectal
values of certain V P C s , but rather treat all items collected
from our sources as belonging to the same level. It has been
repeatedly pointed o u t that there is a great deal of Variation
both synchronically, w i t h regard to style and dialect, and
diachronically. This naturally includes differences between
British English and American English, which we shall disregard
for the moment, viewing both as a ,common language* . Quite
a number of V P C s , or certain meanings of them, are colloquial
or belong to slang, but many others do not have such connota-
tions. It is impossible to embark on a discussion of style and
register, or of the term ,colloquial i n this study, or even to
attempt a characterization of single items w i t h regard to such
labels. What the various dictionaries indicate differs consider-
ably in some cases. It seems safe to assume that the V P C s
represent an area of rapid change i n the language.

3.2. Deadjectival VPCs

3.2.1. W e shall now turn to the analysis of deadjectival

V P C s . Semantically, they belong to the formulas B E C O M E

1 3
The basis of comparison is usually Kennedy (1920). Cf. Strang
(1968: 179): „the author rarely tries to label forms as slang, collo-
quial or accepted, but the indications and omissions we do find
in his work are often stränge to British English Speakers only forty
years later", and Live (1965: 431), where different British usage is
mentioned, and it is stated that „writing in California in 1920, A . G .
Kennedy lists many expressions which seem stränge in the East:
chirk up, nerve up, ginger up; and others with glosses which would
suprise an Easterner". Note that ginger up is quoted in A L , P E N ,
1 4
This is the title of a series of broadcast conversations on British
and American English, which appeared in print as Marckwardt-
Quirk (1964).

+ S T A T E or C A U S E + B E C O M E + S T A T E , where S T A T E
is speeified by the very adjective from which the V P C is
derived. F r o m the point of view of word-formation, they may
be regarded as suffixal derivatives (usually w i t h -en) like
broaden out, tighten up or, more often, as zero-derivatives like
black out, clear up, which are further modified by the particle.
Often this modification cannot be seen as a simple addition of
a perfective or intensifying component. I n many cases it i n v o l -
ves more complicated changes and collocation restrictions, as
a comparison of items where a V P C and a simple zero-deriva-
tive exist side by side w i l l show. Suffixal derivatives and
zero-derivatives behave alike i n this respect, and the parallel
in the hierarchy of determination can be represented as f o l -
lows :

clear 0 up

Dt./Dm. / / D t . ( = particle)

tight up

It must be stressed here that deadjectival V P C s differ from

denominal and deverbal V P C s with regard to the determina-
tum of the derivative. O n l y i n deadjectival V P C s do we find
both types of morphemes, either an overt morpheme (such
as -en) or a zero-morpheme. A l l denominal and deverbal
V P C s , however, are exclusively zero-derivatives. Combinations

1 5
The zero-morpheme is symbolized, as usual, by 0 . The abbrevi-
ations ,Dt.' and ,Dm.' are used for ,determinant* und determinatum',
respectively. The Dm. is underlined twice.

w i t h Suffixes such as -ate, -ify, -ize — which might be expected
to occur — do not seem to exist . The result of the process or
action denoted by the V P C is expressed by the adjective that
serves as a basis for its derivation. This is also true for de-
adjectival verbs which do not collocate w i t h a particle. W i t h
both types there are a few static verbs which do not denote the
result of a change, but rather the continuation of a State, as,
e.g., idle ,be idle', and brave it out ,be, remain brave'. The
semantic features of deadjectival V P C s are therefore largely
determined by the adjective i n question. W i t h a number of
V P C s , irrespective of their derivational Status, the participle is
used predominantly or exclusively as an adjective, to designate
a State. Items which only occur as adjectives, e.g., booked out,
fed up or that have a special meaning i n this case, are here

treated separately (c.

3.2.2. Deadjectival V P C s with O U T

3.2.2. The following can be analysed as being derived from

adjectives: black (lights, city/passage ), brave (it, storm of

1 6
Our material contains two apparent counter-examples. However,
separate out, in spite of its pronunciation, is not derived by means
of -ate, but is a zero-derivative from the adjective separate. Cf. the
definition: ,make, become or keep separate' in A L . Summarize up,
listed in Fräser (1965), was rejected by our informants, who suggested
that either sum up or summarize should be used. The latter is not
simply derived by means of -ize either. Cf. the definition as ,be or
make a summary of' in A L .
1 7
W3 gives ,obliterate with or as if with black ink: B L O T : delete
or suppress through censorship'. The first part of the definition can
be reduced to ,make black* — whether with ink or not is linguisti-
cally irrelevant. The second part is an example of figurative use.
(Sb) black out, as well as black out (radio transmitter), are idiomatic
with regard to black, since black cannot be said to contain the
subsenses ,unconscious', ,temporarily blind', or ,jammed'. The two
VPCs, however, seem to be partly analysable with respect to out.
In the following, it will be impossible, for obvious reasons, to
discuss every V P C in the way black out has been discussed here.

protest), brazen (it), (face/river) broaden + Deg, clean (stab-
le/room), clear (drain, cupboard), cool (horse ), empty (draw-
er), (ground/score) even, even (inheritance/flow of river),
(girl/cow) fatten, (ruts/airplane/prices) flauen, flauen (piece of
metal), hollow (river banks, coconut shell, stump/tunnel ),
(trail, path/surface + Cause) level, level (differences), (sb)
open, open (folding map, table-cloth/land), prim (sb), rough
(sth/lenses, housings/ideas/scheme ), (figure, face) round, round
(Century of independence ), single (sb/incident), smooth
(handkerchief, creases/differences), (figure/problems) straighten,
straighten (sb/accounts/trouble, misunderstandings), (limestone

1 8
This is a static verb (such as, e.g. brave it out) derived from
brazen ,shameless\ and is therefore a zero-derivative, not formed by
means of the suffix -en. As a test for the question whether a certain
V P C is derived from an adjective, we check whether the adjective is
included in A L or not with such a meaning. Larger dictionaries are
not used for this purpose, because they often list meanings or words
which cannot be considered as belonging to the basic core of the
1 9
The definition in W3 ,to cause (a horse) to move about quickly
after heavy exercise until sweating has ceased and relaxation is
attained , as in the case of black out, contains linguistically irrelevant
2 0
Strictly speaking, hollow out a tunnel is not analysable as a
deadjectival derivative, since the tunnel is hollow is hardly accept-
able. This is probably a case of ,object transfer' from hollow out the
mountainlwith a tunnel. Cf. Hundsnurscher's ,Objektvertauschung
(1968: 133 ff.) with examples such as eine Rübe aushöhlen, and
English clean out (stable/dirt), clear out (drain/mud from river).
In A L hollow out is analysed as a denominal derivative ,make a
hollow or hollows in'. However, in most cases derivation from an
adjective seems more natural. Cf. S O D ,render hollow or concave'.
2 1
Although this V P C can be analysed as deadjectival, as is done
in A L and P E N (,make a rough plan'), it is more natural to assume
an adverbial basis, as in S O D , C O D (,plan or sketch out roughly'),
W3 (,shape, make, or dress . . . in a rough or preliminary way'),
P E N (,sketch roughly').
2 2
Cf. A L s.v. round, adj. ,3. entire; continuous; füll: a round
dozen (score) .

layer/houses/desire) thin, thin (seedlings/ballad), (sb - f
Cause) tire , (street, river) widen + Deg.

3.2.3. Deadjectival V P C s with U P

3.2.3. The number of V P C s w i t h up that can be analysed as

being derived from adjectives is greater than those collocating
with out. W e find: (sb) black , blacken (oneself), (face) brigh-
25 2ß
ten + D e g , chill (drinks), (sb^ clean , clean (desk, room/city),
(weather) clear, clear (matter, mystery), cool (melons), (lettuce +
Cause) crisp + Deg, crisp (rolls), crispen (bread/mathematics),
dampen (clothes), (sky, it/furniture) darken + Deg, (sb +
Cause) double, double (legs/carpet/bet), (stream, well + Cause/
cow/imagination) dry, dry (glasses/commerce), (scores + Cause)
equal, (persons) even, even (score/things), fatten (cattle), firm
(hydroelectric power), (sb) freshen, freshen + D e g (buildings),
(ground) harden, (gossip) hot, (cars, runners) level, level (road/
marks), lighten + Deg (colours/load), (sb) limber, limber (one-
self/joint), (party) liven , liven (things), (sb/athlete) loosen,
loosen (economy), (air) moisten, moisten (edges), muddy (pond/
floor), neaten (onself/edges), (road) open, open (wound/mine/
new territory/opportunities), (sb) perk, (cheeks) plump, plump
(pillow), pretty (garden/herself), prim (sb), (story/pace +
Cause) quicken, right (fence, flag pole), (pears) ripen, rough

2 3
Although, morphologically, the füll adjective tired is not
present, tire can perhaps be regarded as a reduced allomorph, as
in rough(ly) out, cheer(ful) up, beauti(ful) fy.
2 4
A one-place verb with deleted co-referential object and a delet-
ed feature Cause, sometimes called ,intransitive for reflexive*.
2 5
(Sb + Cause) cheer up, which might be analysed as ,begin to
have, or cause to have cheer (= ,state of hope, gladness', A L ) ' , is
probably better analysed as a deadjectival derivative, where cheer
is regarded as an allomorph of cheerful. Such an analysis would be
supported by rough out (ideas), rough up (sb) ,treat roughly', (party)
liven up ,become lively', (sb) laze away ,be lazy'. A parallel to
cheer up, where the suffix -ful is also involved, is beautify, which
is defined as ,make beautiful' in A L .
2 6
A one-place verb, involving Cause and a deleted object.

27 28
(hair/sea/sb ), roughen ( + Deg) (surface), round (prices/cattle /
people), secure (house), (sb) sharpen, sharpen + Deg (knife),
shorten + D e g (pants, rope), (pace, tempo/discipline) stachen
( + Deg), (sb) slim + Deg, (sb/car + Cause) slow + Deg, slow
+ Deg (process/reader), (sb + Cause) smarten ( + Deg), smart-
en + Deg (oneself/old theme), (sb + Cause) sober, (sb + Cause)
soften, soften (enemy, adversary/town), (sb) spruce, spruce (one-
self/house, garden/notions), Square (accounts), (sb) stiffen, (sb)
straighten, (sb) supple, supple (leather), (sb) tense, thicken +
Deg (sauce, soup), tidy (room — Deleted), tighten (screw),
toughen + Deg (sb), trim (oneself), true (wheel), (sb/milk/room
+ Cause) warm + D e g , whiten (shoes/house), widen + Deg
(highway), (sb + Cause) wise. The problems that we face i n the analysis of
deadjectival V P C s w i l l become clearer i f we consider some
items in greater detail. A s examples we shall take V P C s and
zero-derivatives w i t h clean and clear, and investigate and
compare their collocations. Although most of these appear as
two-place verbs, a few one-place verbs do exist, at least on the
level of surface structure. In (sb) clean up, as i n you should always clean up
after a picinic ( A L ) , the thing denoted by the subject does not
become clean, but causes the thing denoted by a deleted object
(e.g. place) to become clean or tidy. In (s\^ clear out, as in
the police are after you, you d better clear out ( A L ) , there is
no derivational relationship w i t h ,become clear but the mean-
ing ,disappear can be connected w i t h two-place verbs contain-
ing the feature Cause, yielding ,Cause + disappear = ,remove',
as i n clear out (mud, rubbish, children), e.g., i n when are you
going to clear that rubbish out of the greenhouse?, go and clear
those children out of the cricket pavilion (W). A n explanation
for the missing derivational relationship is best afforded by the
phenomenon of ,SubjektvertauschungVand ,Objektvertauschung'

2 7
Cf. footnote 25.
2 8
This is better analysed as being derived from an adverb; cf.
C O D ,gather . . . by riding round'. W3 ,collect . . . by riding around',
also transferred to human beings.

2 9
that is quite frequent w i t h German V P C s . F o r example,
e s
auslaufen can have two ^ Y P of subject: either the matter
which disappears from a Container, e.g., das Wasser läuft aus
(viz. aus dem Eimer), or the Container itself, e.g., der Eimer
läuft aus. Similarly, the corresponding two-place verb contain-
ing the feature Cause can have as object the matter which is
removed, e.g., das Wasser ausschütten, or the Container from
which it is removed, e.g., den Eimer ausschütten. I n English,
we clear the streets of snow, and clear a canal of (or from)
ohstructions b y removing the snow, or the obstruction, thus
causing the street or the canal to become clear. A n ,object
transfer* occurs when we change from saying that we clear a
river (by removing mud), to saying that we clear out the mud
(from the r i v e r ) . Obviously, mud cannot become clear,
and thus the derivational relationship is obliterated, but as
soon as we take into account the deleted prepositional phrase,
the relationship is established. Besides in the cases of (sb) clean
up, (sb) clear out, an underlying deleted object must also be
assumed i n (sb) clear up, as i n we need a few volunteers. to
clear up after the fete (W). The only one-place V P C deserv-
ing this name with clean or clear is (weather, sky, it) clear up. Two-place V P C s have a much wider r ä n g e of
collocations which partly overlap, either with or without a
marked difference i n meaning . This is probably due to the
phonological and graphic similarity of clean and clear, but
also to the presence of a component Remove i n most deriva-

2 9
Cf. Hundsnurscher (1968: 124 ff.) and Fräser (1965: 130), who
gives the examples he hrushed the stuf} out of the room — he brush-
ed out the room. Object transfer also exists in pseudoprefixal combi-
nations of the type defrost (an icebox) ,remove the frost from an
icebox'. The type unsaddle (a rider) ,remove a rider from the saddle'
does not have object transfer. Cf. Bolinger (1971a: 25).
3 0
Some informants did not accept the collocations clear out
(mud from river), and clear (river of mud), but agreed to the object
transfer in clear out (rubbish from room) and clear (room of
3 1
Cf. The workmen cleaned up the mess before they left, Wbo's
going to clear up the mess made by the cat? (both A L s.v. mess),

tives of the two adjectives. We must further point out that
considerable idiolectal Variation seems to exist w i t h regard to
the acceptability of certain collocations, since informants
objected to a number of examples from the dictionaries . The
following can perhaps be regarded as usual collocations: clean
out (stable, room, desk, drawer, cupboard, pockets, dirt); clean
up (room, desk, cupboard, city, mess, dirt, tidy sum); clear out
(drain, cupboard, room, mud, rubbish, o l d records, c h M r e n ,
youths); clear up (room, place, desk, mess, rubbish, mystery,
matter, difficulty, misunderstanding). The implicit collocation
with ,money i n clean up (a tidy sum) ( H ) , (a small fortune)
(W3), is also.found i n two idiomatic uses of clean out j m d
clear out w i t h (sb), apparently restricted to the passive, as i n
/ was cleaned out by those rascals ( H ) , be cleaned out ( A L ) ,
all these hospital expenses have cleared me out ( A L ) . If an
object transfer is assumed, clean out (sb) and clear out (sb)
can be linked to clean up (money). Clean out and clear out
may both be said to contain a component Remove — w i t h
reference to money —, while clean up may be considered to
include the semantic features Cause and H a v e . The component
Remove is present i n the simple zero-derivative clear, e.g.,
in clear the streets of snow (one's mind of doubt, a country of
bandits) ( A L ) , where the extralinguistic object to be removed
is overtly expressed, or i n clear a desk ,by putting papers, etc.
f c
away ( A L ) , clear the table ,esp. remove dishes ( A L ) , where
the extralinguistic object is implied or deleted. In the colloca-
tion clear a room, i f the extralinguistic object is not mentioned
explicitly, e.g., of toys, of furniture, the implication is normally
that persons are removed. If the object is identical with the

the servant cleared up the mess you left (H), the room has not been
cleaned up after last night's party (H), / spent nearly an hour
Clearing up the room after the children's party (W). Clean up and
clear up are both defined as ,tidy up* in H .
3 2
E.g. Clear up (room) (W), (place) (H), clear out (old records
from the cupboard) (H), clear out (children) (W), hospital expenses
have cleared me out (AL). The objections were not made against the
colloquial nature of expressions.
3 3 1
>Of money which is deleted in the idiomatic constructions.

agent, the person removes himself or herseif, i.e. disappears
or leaves the room. In the simplex verb clean, a component
Remove may also be assumed i f one defines it as ,remove dirt ,
but the analysis ,make clean* w i l l normally be preferred as in
clean a room. However, i n the collocation clean out (room,
stable), although it w i l l also be basically interpreted as ,make
clean*, the component Remove is more readily recognized ,
especially i f a relation of object transfer is established with
clean out (dirt). The next stage on a synchronic scale is the
collocation clean out (desk, drawer, cupboard, pockets), where
the V P C is no longer i n a derivational relationship w i t h the
adjective clean, but is analysed as ,make empty*. The difference
probably arises from the presence of a feature which may be
labelled +Inside_ ( = having an inside) i n desk, drawer,
cupboard, pocket. H o w e v e r , this feature is irrelevant when the
collocation does not involve out, as i n clean up (desk, cup-
board, r o o m ) ,make clean*. Collocations of clean up and
drawer, pocket seem hardly acceptable. In clean #£_..(dirt,
mess), Remove is probably present, while i n clean up (city)
the V P C is a derivative from clean i n its figurative or idiom-
atic use as ,free from vice or corruption*. Clear out for some
informants only collocates w i t h cupboard and rubbish, and is
thus analysed as ,make empty* and ,remove*, while the other
collocations quoted above (drain, mud, old records, children)
are regarded as unacceptable. Clear up (mystery, matter) can
be considered as a proper deadjectival derivative, but the same
does not apply to clear up (difficulty, misunderstanding),
where the feature Remove i n connection w i t h an abstract ob-
ject seems to be present. The same feature and a concrete object
must be assumed i n clear up (rubbish). Clear up (desk) is
not deadjectival, but is usually analysed as ,make tidy*. I n
a number of V P C s w i t h clean and clear the component ,tidy*
is present together with ,clean* and ,clear*, and i n some collo-
cations or w i t h some informants it is even regarded as predomi-

3 4
Cf. the definition of clean out in A L , ,clean the inside of,
remove dirt etc.*.
3 5
In room, + Inside does not seem to be present, as was already
found in the collocation with clean out.

nant. The dictionaries v a r y i n their definitions i n this respect.
The State resulting from the process or action denoted by the
V P C is thus often denoted by clean and clear, but in a number
of cases it is not expressed by these adjectives and involves
c c
,make empty', ,make t i d y , and ,remove . The relationship between remove, the zero-derived
verb empty, and the notion of object transfer becomes evident
if we apply a componential analysis to the two verbs, regard-
ing them as three-place predicates w i t h the variables (or
arguments) x ( — the agent), A and B. The three-place predi-
cate may be explained as a two-place relation between x and
State (which is, at the same time, L O C ) , i n which another two-
place relation between A and B is embedded. Both remove
and empty can be said to contain the same components, with
the difference that empty necessarily implies a feature + Inside,
while remove does not. The two lexical items may be repre-
sented as follows:

remove = x (Cause + Become + N o t ) State

[at, on\

® »{ m r
empty = x (Cause + Become + N o t ) State

A is
Ain (5) .

If the feature —Inside as i n A is at (on) B is excluded, both

verbs involve the same components, and apparently have the
same deep structure. If A is chosen as the object and B is
deleted in the surface structure, we get x removes A; i f B is
chosen as the object, and A is deleted i n the surface structure,
we get x empties B.

3.3. Denominal VPCs

3.3.1. A number of V P C s can be analysed as being derived

from nouns .. Most of them are dynamic and, like the deadjec-
tival V P C s , they must be considered zero-derivatives, since the
verbal element is not overtly expressed. There are several
possible relations underlying the same surface structure. Often,
the noun from which the V P C is derived denotes the place,
position, or State resulting from the process or action denoted
by the V P C . The denominal V P C s then belong to the formulas
B E C O M E + S T A T E (or P O S I T I O N , rarely L O C ) , such as
(horses) string out, (soldiers) line up, and C A U S E + B E (or
B E C O M E ) + S T A T E ( P O S I T I O N , L Ö C ) , such as parcel out
(plantation), roll up (carpet). In_a number o f cases a H A V E -
relation is established by the V P C , almost esclusively i n colloc-
ations w i t h up , as i n (window) frost up, grease up (car,
engine). I n the majority of V P C s , however, the noun which is
the basis of the derivation denotes an instrument, as i n bomb,
out (sb), wall up (window). A l l word-formative processes
result i n a condensation of the underlying sentence. The Com-
pound or derivative is thus a new lexical unit which is more
economical to use than the underlying phrase . The gain i n
conciseness is w o n at the cost of loss of explicitness and is
greatest i n zero-derivatives. The relation between the consti-
tuents is no longer overtly expressed.

3 6
Cf. Anthony (1953: 84), Bolinger (1971a: 174). For denominal
German VPCs cf. Reinhardt (1969: 417).
3 7
The only denominal V P C s with out containing H A V E seem to
be: (tree/business firm) brauch out, colour out (figure in picture),
(birds) feather out, (animal) flesh out. Simplex denominal derivatives
may contain H A V E , such as arm, butter, salt, and also the component
Remove (i.e. N o t - H A V E ) , such as bone, skin, stone, weed.
3 8
Cf. the examples in Reinhardt (1969: 417): aus dem Rohr wer-
den die Späne entfernt vs. das Rohr wird ausgespänt. Denominal
derivatives with out containing Remove seem to be rare in English

3.3.2. Denominal V P C s with O U T I n contrast to collocations w i t h up, V P C s w i t h out

are rarely derived from nouns b y means of the semantic com-
ponents B E C O M E and C A U S E + B E (or B E C O M E ) . We find
drajt (plan, design), lot (land, goods), map (area), parcel
(plantation), partition (land, property), plot (districts), portion
(country), sketch (proposals, outline). The only one-place V P C
involving B E C O M E is apparently (horses) string. A n underly-
ing prepositional phrase ,in N P is the basis for the causative
V P C bed (plants), which corresponds to the semantic formula
C A U S E + B E + L O C , a n d Line (plants, cattle) where the
result of the action is a certain f o r m . A H A V E - r e l a t i o n be-
tween the noun from which the V P C is derived, and the nom-
inal with which it collocates, is found i n colour (picture),
involving Cause, a n d i n the one-place verbs (birds) feather,
(animal) ftesh, where a feature + D y n a m i c together w i t h
H A V E yields the one-place verb get (in which Cause is not
present). Most denominal V P C s with out must be analysed
as being derived from an underlying sentence i n which the
basis of the derivation is contained i n an adverbial complement
of instrument. Thus bomb out (sb), boot out (sb), comb out
(leaves from hair), smoke out (snakes from hole) are derived
from ,get (drive, force) out w i t h (or as i f with) bombs, a boot,
a comb, smoke or from ,get out by (or as i f by) using bombs,
etc. . In some V P C s a deverbal analysis may seem more natural,
as i n comb out (leaves) ,remove b y combing'. H o w e v e r , i n
these cases the verb is always a denominal zero-derivative,
f c
analysable as ,use N P as i n comb0 ,use a comb , ploughQ
,use a plough', pump0 ,use a pump*. Thus ,by VPing*
corresponds to ,by using N P and, i n the last resort, we always
have a denominal derivative . I n a simplified transformational

3 0
Cf. Brekle (1970: 119, 175 ff.), where a relation ,conforming
to is postulated infigure-skating,fde-marching.
4 0
Dictionaries, therefore, vary sometimes. Cf. C O D s.v. plough
(roots, weeds) ,root out . . . with plough* and W3 s.v. plow ,excavate

notation the denominal derivation of V P C s from instrumen-
tal adverbials may be represented as:

(Tl) N P i + V + out + N P 2 + with + N P 3 =>

NPi + N P 3 + out + N P 2 .

The symbol V may stand for various lexical items . W i t h
concrete NP2 these usually i n v o l v e variants of Remove, but
a number of other semantic features are also found, as in
fence (immigrants), ferret (secret), nose (scandal), peg (claim).
N o r m a l l y , as is shown i n the transformation above, the verb
in the sentence underlying the denominal derivative itself
collocates w i t h out * and forms a V P C . In many cases we can

or hollow out by plowing'. Cf. also Lakoff (1968) and Walmsley

4 1
One might argue that the result of the transformation should
contain V , e.g., in the form: N P i + (V) + out 4- NP2. The symbol (V)
would represent the zero-morpheme contained in the V P C . Thus,
e.g., in bomb/0/out it would stand for drive in the underlying
sentence ,drive out with bomb*. But as the notation is intended to
represent the resulting surface structure, the zero-morpheme is not
formally expressed.
4 2
Fräser (1965: 127) only mentions cross out in denominal
derivatives from pencil, ink, paint, chalk, crayon which are said to
go back to a sentence , N P i Aux cross out NP2 with NP3'. In a
footnote (132), it is pointed out that cross out is historically derived
from delete with a cross, but is no longer motivated. Fräser gives
examples of denominal VPCs with other particles where the noun
also appears in an instrumental adverbial (with NP) in the underly-
ing sentence. The particles down, in, over are said to involve the
verbs fasten (down), close (in), cover (over), as in glue (nail etc.)
down, box (fence etc.) in, board (wall etc.) over.
4 3
Such as find in the sentence underlying ferret out (secret): ,sb
finds out a secret (as if) with a ferret'. In these cases the zero-
morpheme (representing, e.g., find), together with the particle, is
further determined by the basis of the derivation. The hierarchy of
determination differs from that shown in the diagram in 3.2.1. It
would be represented by: ferret/ 101 out.

There is a parallel in German with certain prefixal verbs such as

assume underlying GET OUT as i n bail (sb), bomb (sb), boot
44 45
(sb), brush (dust), (workers) c/oc& , comb (snarls , head lice,
leaves), (sb, France) contract, (sb) dolly**, dredge (channel ),
filter (sth), fire (badger), force (sb, sth), gouge (sth, person's
eye), boof (sb), iron (wrinkles /misunderstandings), plough
49 50
(tree, roots), pump (water), punch (nail), rake (fire ), sand
(stain), scoop (sugar), (sb) ship, ship (goods), Shoulder (senior
clerk), smoke (snakes , game/sb), spoon (peas, porridge),
stink (fox). If the feature D y n a m i c is missing, we have
KEEP OUT which underlies the V P C s bar (people), holt
(sb), crowd (sb/contribution to magazine), fence (cattle/
immigrants), screen (light, radiation). The dynamic V P C
FIND OUT is contained i n sentences underlying ferret (secret/
ennemies), mouse (delinquencies), nose (rat, trail/scandal/evid-
ence), rake (scandal). A n analysis with underlying GIVE OUT
is possible i n hand (samples/compliments, advice/punishment),
ladle (soup, porridge/socialism, charm), measure (medicine/

ERstreiken ,durch Streik(en)//ERreichen', VERspielen ,durch Spiel-

(en)/VERtun', and deverbal VPCs like AUFbinden ,durch Binden/
AUFmachen'. Cf. Marchand (1971b).
4 4
Here, get out does not contain Cause and Remove. However, it
may be thus analysed if a deleted reflexive object is assumed to be
underlying. Cf. (sb) contract out, (sb) clear out, (sb) clear a
4 5
In figurative comb out (government department) (AL), an ob-
ject transfer has taken place.
4 6
From dolly ,mobile platform for camera*. Probably analysable
as ,move out , perhaps with a deleted object camera, where out
means ,away from'.
4 7
With object transfer from mud.
4 8
Iron out (shirt) can be explained by object transfer, and also
by a modification of the simple derivative iron (shirt).
4 9
With object transfer from ashes or anders.
5 0
Apparently clipped from sandpaper, cf. ,rub or polish with
sandpaper' W3 s.v. sand.
5 1
Smoke out (intentions) can either be considered as figurative
use or must be treated as idiomatic.
5 2
Although the V P C is best analysed as a denominal derivative
and is defined thus in C O D and P E N , morphologically it is treated
as deverbal, since its past is stank out.

rewards). U n d e r l y i n g WORK OUT can be found i n cipher
(sum, problem), figure (problem), reason (answer, plan), but
they may also be derived from sentences containing find out.
WIPE OUT can be said to underly sponge (paragraphs/
memory, debts), smudge (sth). The V P C CROSS OUT, as well
as the simplex verb OB LITE RATE may be assumed to underly
ink (picture, lines), mark (stain), paint (sth) . It seems more
difficult to derive certain V P C s that obviously contain an
instrumental adverbial from a sentence w i t h a verb collocating
w i t h out. The underlying sentence w o u l d then contain a
simplex verb, and the transformation given above does not
apply. Mark (tennis-court), peg (claim), stake (claim) could
simply be analysed as ,mark w i t h N P ' , but they can also be
derived from trace out, mark out or stake out themselves.
Space (posts/type/payments) and white (printed matter) may
go back to underlying set out, spread out. But step (distance)
,measure* and stink (place) ,611' seem to be unexplained. A number of V P C s w i t h out are derived from
nouns which are contained i n an adverbial complement of
manner. In principle, the transformation given for instrumental
denominal V P C s also applies, w i t h an underlying sentence
containing V + out. In some cases, the morphological shape
of the adverbial complement (with + N P ) is the same, as i n
jerk (fish, pistol/words), puff (words) ,pull out, get put',
(engine) puff ,move out', (candle/excitement) sputter ,go out',
and sputter (story) ,get out'. W i t h other V P C s an analysis with
an adverbial complement in + N P is more natural, as i n
(flags) hillow ,swell out'. Dose (aspirin) ,give out' can also be
analysed i n this way, but is defined as ,give dose(s) to' in A L ,
w i t h dose as the object of an underlying sentence. Pake
(hawser) ,lay out', (men) file ,move out', (water/people/music)
stream ,move out', (children) troop ,move out' are other V P C s
involving in. Similar is (water) sluice, defined as ,rush out as

5 3
Chalk out and crayon out are both defined as ,cross out with
chalk (crayon)' in Fräser (1965: 127). However, this meaning is not
found in the dictionaries where both are defined as ,sketch, draw
up' collocating with plan.

from sluice' in A L , which involves from, and (liquid/news)
filter containing through, both w i t h underlying ,move out*.
Lease (house, property) can be said to go back to ,let out on
lease . The exact morphological shape of the adverbial com-
plement cannot always be established w i t h certainty. The one-
place verb puff out is defined as ,open or appear in or as i f in
a puff' i n W 3 , as i n the example the spin chute puffs out behind
the hurtling plane. But an analysis containing with, as i n
puff out (words) ,say w i t h puffs' ( A L ) , also seems possible. In
fact, the choice between what may be called ,relators such as
with, in, from, through, on is largely determined by the follow-
ing nominal. H o w e v e r , the relator may have quite a specific
semantic content, as i n through, and especially when like is
involved. A group of V P C s with out go back to an underlying
sentence where the adverbial complement denotes comparison
(like + N P ) . A s the complement functions as a manner ad-
verbial, comparison refers to the process or action denoted by
the verb, which is likened to a process or action characteristic-
ally tied up with the respective nominal. The complement is
thus a sentence adverbial, and therefore the V P C cannot be
explained as involving B E C O M E and like + N P . Syntacti-
cally, comparison i n these V P C s may be represented as an
embedded sentence containing is like or resemble . The follow-
ing can be analysed i n this w a y : (republic) balloon ,spread out',
c 4
(sails + Cause) helly ,swell out , (sb) hlossom ,spread out , (sb)
holt ,move out , (sb/business firm) branch ,spread out*, (sb) dart
and dart (hand, tongue) ,move out', (troops, picnickers/glacial
debris) fan and fan (cards) ,spread out , (rock formation) feather
,thin out', (anger) flame ,burst out', (people) flock ,move out',
fluff (pillow, feathers, hair) ,spread out', (city, business) mush-

5 4
Cf. Lipka (1971b: 220, 223).
5 5
Cf. the use of an ,embedded similarity predicate* in the analysis
of remind as yStrike-like' in Postal (1970: 71 ff.). In many metaphori-
cal items, whether simplex, such as bulk, or derived, such as bottleneck,
the basis of comparison is shape. Cf. German Birne, Hammerhai.
For other types of comparison cf. Lipka (1966: 71-96).
5 6
This could also be analysed as a deadjectival derivative from
fluffy, as is done in W3, parallel to tire out, rough out, cheer up,
liven up. Cf. 3.2.2., 3.2.3.

room ,spread out', weed (impractical schemes/herd ) ,take out',
(blood, spring) well ,flow out', winkle (sth/machine guns) ,get,
p u l l out', worm (secret/sb) ,get out'. A final group of denominal V P C s w i t h out is
best derived from nouns which are the objects of an underlying
sentence. They were not treated i n, as they do not
involve B E C O M E or C A U S E + B E (or B E C O M E ) Piece
(story, theory/set of china) could be analysed as ,add a piece
or pieces to' as i n J P E N , but is probably better interpreted as
being derived from ,eke out w i t h pieces', where piece is part
of an instrumental adverbial. Share out, i n the example some
small cooperative enterprises share out very well, is defined as
,earn or produce shares' i n W 3 . The V P C is perhaps p a r t l y
explained by assuming an underlying ,give out shares'. A t any
rate, the formation is isolated except for stuh out. Share
( £ 100) is probably not analysable as a denominal derivative.
Skin (hide) ,remove skin or outer covering' (W3) is similar to
the one-place verb share out, but can be explained by object
transfer from skin (moose) ,take out' and a relator from. It
w o u l d then fit the transformation i n I f stuh (cigarette)
,put out' is regarded as denominal, it w o u l d also belong i n this
group. But it may be analysed as a deverbal derivative ,put out
by stubbing' from stuh as i n stuh one's toe ,strike it against
sth' ( A L ) .

3.3.3. Denominal V P C s with U P The number of denominal derivatives collocating

witli is considerably larger than those collocating w i t h out.
There is a group of V P C s , parallel to deadjectival formations,
where the noun from which the constructions are derived de-
notes the result of the action or process denoted by the V P C .
Semantically they can thus be described by the formulas

5 7
With object transfer from inferior animals.
5 8
Here, in contrast to winkle out, the subject is compared to a

B E C O M E + S T A T E and C A U S E + B E (or B E C O M E ) +
S T A T E . If we derive the V P C s from underlying sentences by
means of transformations, we w o u l d have to postulate the
following simplified rules.
For one-place verbs:

(T2) N P i + become + N P =» N P i + N P +
2 2 up.

For two-place verbs:

(Tj) f N P i + make + N P + 2 into + N P 3

\ N P i + make + N P + out of + N P
3 2

NPi + N P 3 + up + NP 2 .
The use of such transformations seems more justified than i n where we only had very few V P C s with out. N e v e r -
theless, their use is still questionable here, since the process is
fairly restricted, and we can list the derivatives which are in
current use i n English. W e find (sth + Cause) ball, (people)
band, (snow) bank, bank (fire), (sb ) buddy, bunch (haycocks),
(sb + Cause) bündle, bündle (clothes/children ), chart (jour-
ney), chip (paving stone), (sb) chum, cluster (belongings), (snake)
coli (itself), coli (rope), (students) couple, (sb + Cause)
crock, (sb + Cause, leaves + Cause, dog) curl, (people) file,
(people) gang , (children) group, heap (stones/riches), herd
(cattle/people), hoard (treasure), hump* (back), (sb) hunch,

5 9
Apparently only A E . The subject, if plural, normally refers to
two people, as also in (sb) pal, (sb) team. The three nouns are
basically relational, involving two variables x and y. If x appears as
the subject of the sentence, y is preceded by with and may be
regarded as a prepositional object of buddy up, pal up, team up. The
construction buddy up with etc. could also be treated as a preposi-
tional-phrasal verb. Cf. band up (against), gang up (on, against)
and also even up, Square up as mentioned in Meyer (1970b: 147).
6 0
Probably better ,make like a bündle'.
0 1
Probably only used as a prepositional-phrasal verb with on,
In A L , defined as ,make hump-shaped', which would involve
like. See below.

(soldiers + Cause) line, lump (fields), mash (potatoes), mate
(pigeons, lions), (life + Cause) mess, mess (peaches/plans/com-
%z 64
munications), mock-up (sth), (sb , shoe) pair, (sb) pal, parcel
(papers, tea), partition (room), piece (cake), (work) pile, pile
(things, sand dunes), pool (money), portion (inheritance, land),
(people) queue, roll (cloth, carpet, map/oneself), (sheets) ruck,
slice (bread, cheese, loaf), (dancers) Square, Stack (dishes, books),
(sb) team, (sth) total, wad (shirt), whack (profit). Comparison
is involved i n a few cases and the result of the process or
action is not simply expressed by the noun but likened to the
thing denoted by the noun. Instead of N P we therefore have
underlying ,like + N P . (Sb, people/sources) clam w o u l d thus
represent ,become like a clam', but it could also be analysed as
,shut up like a clam' and w o u l d then go back to an underlying
manner adverbial, like the V P C s i n (Sb) tart could be
similarly analysed, either as ,become like a tart', or as ,dress
up like a tart'. The slang formation (girl) pod ,swell i n
pregnancy' ( P E N ) is parallel — either ,become' or ,swell up
like a p o d ' . (Sb) spoon is probably ,become like a spoon' i n
shape. Two-place verbs could be derived from ,make into
something like N P ' , as bündle (children), dice (vegetables,
meat) ,make into cubes like dice', hump (back of cat). I n a
number of V P C s discussed above, especially when the result
of the action or process is a particular shape or f o r m , an
underlying sentence containing a prepositional phrase ,in +
N P ' may be postulated as i n coil, curl, file, heap, line, pile,
queue, roll, slice, Stack, Square. The choice of the preposition is
thus determined by the nominal. The rule regarding shape

6 3
Defined as ,make a mock-up o f in W3. This seems to be the
only V P C derived from a noun containing a particle. The idiomatic
noun mock-up ,wooden model', if analysable, must be derived from
the attributive adjective mock ,not real or genuine' (AL).
6 4
If the subject is a personal pronoun and no prepositional
phrase (with NP) is present, as in they paired up at the party,
it necessarily denotes two people, due to the component Two in
pair. What was said above in connection with buddy up etc. also
applies here.
6 5
Cf. string out and line out in

seems to have exceptions, when in can also be interpreted as
,inside as i n ball, parcel. When the result is a place, and the
V P C s correspond to the semantic formula C A U S E + B E +
L O C , we definitely have an underlying prepositional phrase
,in + N P ' or ,on + N P ' , as i n box (books, handkerchiefs),
cage (lions), case (vase), coop (chickens/sb), deck (logs), dish
(dinner), hook (dress, coat), list (scores), pen (sb ) post (an-
nouncement), rack (pool/balls/horse), ränge (dyes), score (runs,
points/customers/remark), side (book), string (lanterns), (sb)
tee™, top (whisky, drink/glass/battery). (Sb) bed may be
interpreted as a corresponding one-place verb w i t h a deleted
reflexive object, but could also be analysed as ,make one's bed'. The component H A V E is found i n several V P C s
with up, where C A U S E is optional. The action or process
denoted by the V P C establishes a H A V E - r e l a t i o n between the
noun from which the V P C is derived and either the object
(with two-place verbs), or the subject (with one-place verbs).
Such verbs are traditionally called ornative verbs. In an under-

6 6
According to one informant only used in participial form as an
adjective, referring to several people.
6 7
S O D and C O D define the one-place verb rack up as ,fill up
stable-rack with hay or straw', which goes back to a sentence where
rack is the object. The purpose of this action leads to the two-place
V P C rack (horse). This surface structure can also have another
underlying sentence ,fasten (horse) up to a rack* (COD) which
corresponds to the prepositional phrase ,on + NP'.
6 8
Apparently from ,on the sides of a book' with object transfer.
Cf. ,apply Covers of cloth or other material to the boards of (as a
book or case), after the backbone and corners have been affixed'
6 9
With a deleted underlying object golf ball.
7 0
In top (glass, battery) two arguments of the original four-place
predicate ,w put x on y of z' are deleted, and the two-place verb, on
the surface structure level only, contains w, y and z, with w as
subject and z as object. In the one-place verb top up (with oil),
which could also be regarded as a two-place verb containing a
prepositional object, w, x, and y appear on the surface, with w as
subject, and x as prepositional object. In W top up is defined as
,bring the level of a liquid in a receptacle to the top or required

lyjng sentence C A U S E + H A V E could be represented by give
to. But since give requires an animate object, we here prefer
provide with which is not restricted i n this w a y . If C A U S E is
absent but H A V E and a feature D y n a m i c are present, we may
use.ge£ _. W e can propose the following transformations.
For one-place verbs:

N P i + get + N P 2 N P i + N P + up.

For two-place verbs:

NPt + provide + N P + with + N P

2 3 =>
N P i + N P + up + N P .
3 2

A number of V P C s conform to this pattern: bomb (aircraft),

bug (room), burrow (field, ground), (condenser) charge, clue
(sb), (girl) colour, (trousers, clothes + Cause) crease, (face)
crinkle, crinkle (paper), dope^sb), dose (sb), fence_(field, plot
of ground), (window, für parka) frost, (plane) fuel, gas (car —
Deleted), grease (car, engine), (vegetables) heart, heat (meat),
hem (dress), (propeller, wings of plane, window) ice, ink
(printing press), light (streets, sky), liquor (sb — Deleted),
load (ship, vehicle — Deleted), loop (curtains), lumber (room/
mind), page (materials), pep (party, demonstration), plate
(printing press), (peas) pod, rock (flowerbed), saddle (horse —
Deleted), sand (cove), (book/pupil) shape, shape (notes),

7 1
Get is of course ambiguous with regard to the presence or
absence of Cause. But as we have explicitly excluded Cause, no
confusion may arise. Cf. the test for the distinction of the two verbs
get by means of the imperative in Bendix (1966: 68 f.). Derivation
with underlying ,provide with' is also mentioned in Bolinger
(1971a: 174).
7 2
As with certain other VPCs involving concrete objects, this
could also be derived from ,put a saddle on a horse*. It would then
belong to the locative VPCs, going badt to a prepositional phrase,
such as box up, hook up, pen up, etc. The transformation would
correspond to T 5, only put would replace provide and on or in
would replace with. The HAVE-relation is naturally tied up with a
locative BE-relation, and is sometimes expressed by it, as in Russian
u menja (est'). Cf. Lipka (1971b: 227).

shoe (horse), smell (car), smoke (room), spiee 4- Deg (meal/
things), (glasses) steam, steam (window), stock (shop), tool
(factory, industries — Deleted), wire (house). The largest group of a l l denominal V P C s w i t h
either out or up are those derived from an underlying sentence
w i t h an adverbial complement of instrument. Several
subgroups must be distinguished. Some V P C s can be explained
by means of a transformation which closely resembles T 1 used
in In this case the underlying sentence itself contains
a V P C w i t h up. W i t h many formations, however, such an
analysis w o u l d seem unnatural, and they are best derived from
a sentence w i t h a simplex verb. This method is i n line w i t h the
use of the transformations T 2 — T 5. O n the whole it is
more appropriate for V P C s w i t h up than for those w i t h out.
This is probably the reason w h y no transformation for V P C s
with up is given under the heading ,derived verb-particle
combinations in Fräser (1965: 124 ff.). A number of formations
can be derived b y :

(TJ) N P i 4- V 4- up 4- N P + with 4- N P
2 3

N P i 4- N P + up 4- N P
3 2 .

Semantically the^ correspond to the formula C A U S E 4- B E

4- L O C . But here, in contrast to box up, dish up, hook up
etc., L O C is denoted by the particle and not by the noun.
Locative up is basically deictic and the meaning ,higher
involves various points of reference. In he handed up the
papers to John we have a relation between he, papers and
John which can be seen as a three-place predicate w i t h the
three N P s as arguments. Hand (papers) thus corresponds to
the three-place verb give. The sentence contains the presup-
73 f
position that John is ,higher than the subject of the sentence

7 3
Cf. the use of ,presuppositions* in generative semantics, e.g.
in Lakoff (1971), Fillmore (1969: 120-123), Kuroda (1969), and
the postulation of ,supposition-rules' in Fillmore (1966). Note that in
Fillmore's example When did you come to the shop}, the „supposition"
concerns the Speaker, not the subject of the sentence. Fillmore

he. If the goal of the action, e.g. to John, is not overtly
expressed, the underlying three-place predicate appears as a
two-place verb on the surface structure level. The particle up
then functions as a k i n d of pro-form for the underlying
directional phrase w i t h the meaning ,to a higher place', as
in dredge up mud (to the surface), shovel up cool (on a lorry).
In locative V P C s up almost a l w a y s contains a feature D y -
namic and thus involves change of place. W i t h regard to an
agent denoted by the subject of the sentence, the direction. of
this change can only be either ,towards' or ,away from', which
can be represented by the feature ± P r o x i m a t e . In a number
of V P C s containing verbs of motion — but not i n those derived
from instrumental adverbials — the feature ± Proximate can
become predominant, and the component ,higher' is lost
completely. W e shall return to this question later. In pick
(sth), + Proximate is always present. The instrumental deriva-
tive hand (papers) involves —Proximate, while spoon (soup)
contains + Proximate. In most instrumental V P C s w i t h up
the relative position of the Speaker and of the agent is irrele-
vant. These V P C s are therefore unmarked as to ± Proximate.
Thus the change of place to a higher point only concerns the
object i n dredge (mud), jack (car), shovel (coal). The presup-
position, that i n he handed up the papers to John, John must
be ,higher' than he, is mainly based on the fact that the
sentence presupposes he held the papers in his hand, and that
therefore he and papers are on the same level. The following
V P C s have the semantic structure just described, and can there-
fore be derived by T 6 from a sentence where V is GET or
TAKE: dredge (mud), jack (car), hand (papers), hook (old

(1966: 221) sets up two categories of place deixis for English:

,proximar, near the Speaker, and ,distal', away from the Speaker.
For the use of ,presupposition* in philosophy as opposed to linguistics
cf. Garner (1971).
7 4
Buoy (raft/leaf/sb) ,keep up* is one of the rare exceptions.
But the one-place and two-place verb buoy up can also be dynamic.
Cf. S O D , C O D , W3. Cf. also bolster up, buttress up, prop up,
shore up.
7 5
Cf. 2.4.5., 2.6.5. and Coseriu's ,adlative' and ^blative*.

boot), lever (car), lock (ship), pump (water), reel (fish), scoop
(earth, rice/child), sling (barrel), shovel (coal), spear (litter)
with an additional component like involving comparison,
spike (paper), sponge (water, mess), spoon (soup), swab (water),
vacuum (dust), which is derived from a clipped form of
vacuum-cleaner. Another small group can also be derived by
T 6 from an underlying sentence containing a V P C , v i z .
KEEP UP, HOLD UP, or PROP UP: bolster (sick man/
cause, theory), huttress (buildings/argument), prop (patient),
shore (wall, hedgerows/prices). H o w e v e r , the underlying sen-
tence could also be said to contain SUPPORT and then T 6
would not apply. Figuratively used ginger (trade), touch (team
of horses/memory), whip (mare) could be derived from STIR
UP but also from ROUSE or STIMULATE. A l l three involve
Deg. M a n y instrumental V P C s w i t h up are probably best
analysed as going back to a sentence w i t h a simplex verb. We
can set up a transformation

(T7) N P ! + V + NP 2 + with + N P 3 =>

NPi + N P 3 + up + NP 2 .

In the largest group of V P C s which can be thus derived, V is

best speeified as CLOSE, but might occasionally be interpreted
as the V P C s FILL UP or SHUT UP. These include bank
(hole in dam), board (window), holt (door), brick (window),
button (coat), cement (crack, hole), cork (bottle/feelings),
glue (envelope, parcel), gum (envelope), hook (clothing), latch
(door — Deleted), nail (box, w i n d o w ) , paper (crack), plaster
(crack), seal (letter, drawer, doorway), solder (hole), stitch
(rip, hole), wall (window). Three V P C s are similar, v i z . figur-
atively used bottle (anger, emotion), box (sth), tin (meat, food).
But since the noun denotes a Container, ENCLOSE IN must be
used and they can not therefore be derived by T 7. ENCLOSE
WITH underlies fence (field, plot of ground), rail (gap, house)
which can be derived by T 7. In a group of semantically
related V P C s which can be derived by T 7, the symbol V
represents BLOCK: bank (river), dam (river/feelings, elo-

quence), gum (motor, works/program), plug (leak, sink). A n o -
ther large group goes back to a sentence where V Stands for
ATT ACH or FASTEN™, such as chain (dog), harness (horses),
(sb) book , book (heater, gas, power line), lace (shoes), leasb
(dog), loop (curtain), paste (bills), peg (clothes), pin (notice/
seam), rope (curtain), screw (door, cupboard/handle), strap
(suitcase). The semantic feature +Together is also contained
in another group which can be derived from an underlying
sentence with LINK or JOIN, such as dot (two cities on
map), clip (papers), gum (book, envelope), manacle (prisoners),
rake (hay), rope (mountain climbers — Deleted), solder (Joint/
union), wire (flowers), yoke (cattle). The same feature + T o -
gether is present i n a group of V P C s that go back to an
underyling V COVER: earth (roots), grease (hands), latber
(face, sb — Deleted), mat (bushes), paint (grate, house), rope
(sb), sand (road), tape (switch, wire/sprain cases). Litter
(room), muck (floor), track (floor) can also be regarded as
falling under this heading, but are probably better analysed as
being derived from SOIL, DIRTY. The verbs MARK or
RECORD underlie cbalk (score), mark + D e g (stock/features
es), notch (score/victories), while REMOVE underlies brush
(dust), mop (mess) and REPAIR or MEND underlies patch
(jacket), stitch (trousers). A number of instrumental V P C s
with up seem to be isolated, i.e. there is only one V P C that
corresponds to one underlying verb as i n bolt (shed, bicycle)
,lock , crank (engine) ,start', or ,start up', eye (chances/sb)
c 78
,size up , fog (road), ,obscure', hone (knife) ,sharpen', pump
(tire) ,inflate , rein (horse) ,pull up', saw (branch, beam) ,cut
up', sponge (coat, dress) ,clean', string (sb) , k i l l , hang', toucb
(picture, last act) ,improve*.

7 6
Cf. Fillmore (1969: 127): „The act of tying things can lead to
fastening things, and so an extension of the verb T I E to uses proper
to a verb like F A S T E N or S E C U R E has occurred".
7 7 e
With a deleted object ,something and ,horse or other source
of draft to a vehicle', W3.
7 8
In smoke fogged up the road W3, which could also be inter-
preted as ,cover like smoke*. Normally only the participle is used in
the sense ,covered with*.

112 L i k e the collocations w i t h out, denominal V P C s
with up can also be derived from an underlying adverbial
complement of manner. Practically all of them go back to a
sentence containing a verb of motion. The noun from which
they are derived further specifies the k i n d of movement,
which in a l l cases is u p w a r d directed. The underlying sentence
can therefore be said to contain ,move up . But this move i n
the V P C s under discussion does not normally contain C A U S E
and is a one-place verb. Consequently, even those V P C s which
go back to an adverbial complement ,with + N P cannot be
derived by T 6, since it only applies to two-place V P C s . We
may set up a special transformation where the other relator
(cf. 3.3.2. commonly found i n adverbial complements
underlying V P C s w i t h up, v i z . in, is also incorporated:

(Tj) N P i + move + up + < !^° l -fN P 2 =>
NPi + N P 2 + up .

As already pointed out, the choice of the relator is mainly

determined by the N P , and occasionally either (with or in)
may be chosen as i n (smoke) puff. U n d e r l y i n g ,with ~f- N P is
found i n : (fire) flame , (bathwater, sea) foam, (beer) froth,
(sb) jerk, (smoke) puff, (eyebrows) quirk, (lorry) rattle. The
only two-place verb i n this group is apparently rattle
(anchor). U n d e r l y i n g ,in + N P is found i n : (smoke, clouds)
billow, (water) bubble, (sb) circle, (people, procession) file,
(smoke) puff, (smoke/path) Spiral, (dust) whirl. The two-place
verb scale (marks, wages/import) probably goes back to ,on
+ N P . Some of these V P C s , especially when collocating w i t h
other nominals, may also be interpreted as ,begin to have N P ,
as (fire) flame, (soap) foam, (detergents/ animal with rabies)
froth. Comparison and, thus, an underlying adverbial com-
plement ,like + N P are involved i n a few formations where

7 9
Pcrhaps better derived from ,burn with a flame' as also in (fat)
flame (W3), or from ,the flame (of the fire) moves up'.
8 0
Rattle (sb) ,wake up' cannot be derived by T 8.

the underlying sentence does not always contain a V P C . In
this case T 8 does not apply, neither does it when »move* is
not present. We find (houses) balloon ,grow', (sb) holt ,move
c 82
up , (dog) bristle , (cock) bristle (crest) both ,raise', doli
(oneself — Deleted/schoolhouse) ,dress up , (sb) fire ,flare p ' ,

marshal (men/knowledge) ,summon , (stools and benches)
mushroom ,grow, appear , scout (clients) jfind', (tower) taper
,rise', treasure (sth) ,store'. A more complex underlying sentence
involving comparison must be assumed for (tears/pity) well,
v i z . ,rise like water in a w e l l ' . A s w i t h some collocations with out, certain denom-
inal V P C s w i t h up must be derived from sentences i n which
the noun functions as the object. A few items appear in both
types of collocation, such as piece and stub.We find (sb)
cash pß.y',
r> (sb) gear + Deg ,change , gear + Deg (produc-
tion) ,increase', grade + Deg (cattle) ,improve , hem (dress)
,raise', piece (cup/story) ,join , size (area) ,estimate', (train/
heart) speed + Deg, speed + Deg (engine/production) , i n -
crease', (sb) tank ,fiir, track (wheel) ,measure and adjust the

track of vehicle wheels ( P E N ) . Limber (gun — Deleted) ,fasten
gun to limber and rock (flower-bed) ,put rocks in* are further
isolated cases of denominal V P C s . Root (weeds, tree) and stub
(thornbushes), both ,dig or p u l l up w i t h N P , are also isolated,
but are not derived from underlying objects. They may be
interpreted as going back to manner adverbials, but the rela-
tionship denoted by with between weed, tree and root and
between thornbush and stub differs from those treated i n

8 1
In the example houses in fashionable architectural styles
ballooned up and expired in endless succession from W3.
8 2
With a deleted object hair.
8 3
With deleted object, but also with object connected by on as
in figurative tank up on beer.

3.4. Deverbal Derivatives In our analysis of V P C s w i t h the methods of w o r d -

formation we have so far established that a number of collo-
cations w i t h out and up can be derived from adjectives and
nouns. F o r those V P C s which cannot be regarded as dead-
jectival or denominal derivatives basically four remaining
possibilities of Interpretation exist..^) The V P C is unanalys-
able, i.e. it cannot be related to other lexical items, or only
partly so, and must therefore be considered an idiom.^2) The
particle is redundant, i.e. the V P C and the simplex verb can be
used interchangeably without a noticeable difference i n mean-
ing. In this case informants often disagree on whether the
V P C is used or not, and dictionaries mention ,often with out
and ,often w i t h up . American English i n many cases seems
to prefer the V P C where British English uses the simplex
verb. 3) The particle functions as an adverb, i.e. the V P C can
be substituted by the respective verb plus an adverbial com-
plement. This applies to all V P C s originating by prepositional
phrase reduction (cf. 1.3.7.), such as she took the book out
(of her purse), she brought the dinner up (to his room), espe-
cially those which involve verbs of motion and a directional
adverbial as i n the ship sailed out (of the harbour), he climbed
up (the mountain). The adverbial complement is either the
prepositional phrase or an adverb such as outside, upstairs,
upwards. If the locative adverbial does not contain the feature
D y n a m i c it is then non-directional, as i n they dine out, they
sleep out. The particle functioning as an adverbial complement
may also have a perfective value w i t h the meaning ,all off,
completely, to the end', as i n copy out a letter, sit out a speech,
eat up one's dinner, burn up logs, but also other meanings
f f
such as ,for some time i n he helps out, ,aloud i n read out a
letter, ,not thoroughly' in practise up a piece for the concert.
4) The fourth possibility of Interpretation is that the V P C is
regarded as a deverbal derivative which goes back to a sentence
containing an adverbial complement of manner ,by V P i n g ' ,
as i n beat up eggs ,mix/by beating', blow out a candle

,extinguish/by blowing'. W e have seen i n the discussion of
comb out etc. (cf. that V P C s with an underlying
instrumental adverbial can also be regarded as deverbal deriv-
atives. H o w e v e r , i n the cases we shall now consider, the
complement is not an adverbial of instrument, but of manner. W e have seen i n 3.2. that in V P C s which can be
analysed as deadjectival derivatives the adjective denotes a
State which is the result of the action or process denoted by
the V P C . Similarly, i n certain denominal derivatives (cf.
and the noun denotes the result of the action or
process. In denominal and deverbal derivatives w i t h an under-
lying adverbial complement of instrument or manner, the
basis of the derivation does not denote the resulting State,
position, or place. W e can argue that i f the result is assumed
to be overtly expressed at a l l , it must then be located in the
particle. Purely locative V P C s w i t h out and up which involve
,move (and an additional feature Cause i n two-place verbs)
support this assumption. Derivation from an underlying
sentence which already contains the particle (cf. esp. T 1) also
points i n this direction. The hypothesis is further strengthened
by the existence of verbal constructions i n English, as in he
slept himself sober, he pushed the door open, he drained the
tank dry, where the adjective denotes the result of the action
denoted by the verb. Syntactically the constructions must be
regarded as containing embedded copula sentences {he is sober,
the door is open, the tank is dry) parallel to constructions
w i t h a nominal predicate complement, such as they elected
John President. The similarities between such verb-adjective
constructions and the V P C s have been repeatedly observed .
Fräser (1965) points out that constructions such as blow open,
blow shut, let loose, make clear, strip naked, whisk open
appear i n the same pattern as the V P C s . But he also mentions

8 4
Cf. Anthony (1953: 86), Fräser (1965: 82 ff.), Legum (1968:
55 ff.), Bolinger (MS: 18 f.). Also in a paper by A . P. Cowie, The
Status of the ,phrasal verb' as a grammatical category read at the
autumn meeting 1968 of the Linguistics Association of Great Britain
at Colchester.

that their number is quite restricted . H e treats „the cut short
cftses like the figurative verb-particle combinations" (84).
Short i n cut short must be regarded as an adverb i n many
cases, as also in stop short. The same holds for dead i n stop
dead. H o w e v e r , as Legum (1968: 57) has demonstrated, i n
comparing John cut short his lecture and John chopped up his
lecture — which syntactically behave exactly alike — it can
take degree adverbs and comparatives and is therefore an
adjective i n this sentence. I n all the verb-adjective construc-
tions mentioned, the adjective denotes the result of the action
denoted by the verb. A parallel construction is found i n Ger-
man w i t h certain separable verbs which correspond to the E n g -
lish V P C s , such as AUF binden (schrauben), Zubinden (schrau-
ben), LOSbinden (schrauben), FESTbinden (schrauben), TOT-
schlagen (saufen), VOLLsaufen. The non-verbal constituent of
the construction is either a particle or an adjective, but
syntactically they behave alike and they can a l l be analysed as
,durch Binden (Schrauben, Schlagen, Saufen) AUF-, ZU-, LOS-,
FEST-, TOT-, VOLL-(machen) . A final argument for the
assumption that the particle i n certain V P C s can be regarded
as expressing the result may be drawn from the existence of
zero-derived verbs based on precisely those particles, such as
to down, out, up. H o w e v e r , a l l three are limited to colloquial

8 5
Cf. Jespersen ( M E G III: 18.1.-18.3.). Poutsma (1926) appar-
ently does not mention the construction, but treats cut short, halt
short, stop short, stop dead as verb-adverb constructions (642 f.).
Legum (1968: 56) only gives cut short, blast open, blow shut and
fling open. Bolinger (MS: 18 f.) mentions that there are a few
adjectives which behave like particles, viz. open, short, loose, and
free as in cut (push, rake) open, cut short, pry (shake, wrestle,
cast) loose, let free. Clear is added in Bolinger (1971a: 37 f.) as in
blozv (harrow, sift) clear.
8 0
Cf. the analysis of (Garten) umzäunen, (Brücke) überdachen,
(Berg) untertunneln as derived from Zaun um den Garten (bauen)
etc. in Lerot (1970: 27 f.) where it is stated: „das Verb der Tiefen-
struktur besitzt das Merkmal [kaus] und braucht lexikalisch nicht
spezifiziert zu werden" (28). This corresponds to Lakoff's (1970: 42)
„causative pro-verb".

use , and while down and out are only two-place verbs
containing Cause, up is only used as a one-place verb. Generally speaking, we can say in accordance
with the title of a paper on the ,phrasal verb* by Bolinger
(MS), that the V P C is „a case of divided allegiance". H e
points out that „the particle belongs potentially as much with
the object of the verb as w i t h the verb proper" (19), and that
therefore we can analyse he chopped down the tree both
ways, either as ,he downed the tree by chopping* or ,he
chopped the tree until it was d o w n V The first analysis yields
an underlying sentence w i t h a zero-derived verb down0
and a manner adverbial containing the verbal constituent of
the V P C ,he down(0)ed the tree/by chopping'. In the other
alternative, the particle functions as an adjective and denotes
the result of the action ,he chopped the xxee/until it was
down' . The verb-adjective construction i n he licked the plate
clean admits of an identical analysis ,he cleaned the p l a t e / ^
Ilching* and ,he licked the plate/until it was clean\ F r o m the
point of view of word-formation, the determinatum in the
first analysis is the zero-morpheme (down/0, clean/0) and
the V P C is derived from the particle (or adjective) and, at the
same time, from the verb which is contained in a manner
adverbial in the underlying sentence. In the second case, we
have no derivative at a l l , since the verb (chop, lick) is itself
the determinatum, which is only further modified by the
particle or adjective denoting the result of the action. A s
Bolinger ( M S : 19) shows, when „ e m p t y factitives like get and
make" are used, the two functions of the particle, and also
those of the adjective in verb-adjective constructions, are better
distinguished and „the two affinities are kept fairly clear".
When the particle or adjective directly follows the verb, both
belong together; when it is separated from the verb by a

8 7
Cf. Poutsma (1926: 705).
8 8
British informants reject both analyses. They would replace
the zero-derivative down0 by feil and chopped the tree by chopp-
ed at the tree. However, they agree to this type of analysis for he
licked the plate clean. Cf. Bolinger (1971a: 70, 93-95).

noun, it denotes a,,resultant condition". Some of Bölingens
examples w i l l demonstrate the distinction:
fle's getting out a paper P u b l i s h i n g ' v.s.
We'd better get this paper out ,issued'; and
They made clear their intentions ,clarified v.s.
They made their intentions clear ,unmistakable'.
I n many cases the twofold analysis applied to he chopped
down the tree by Bolinger is not possible. The reason for this
may either be the verb or the particle. If a conclusive verb
denoting an action that is confined to a single moment is
present i n the V P C , an analysis such as ,he chopped the tree/
until it was down is excluded. Since chop denotes a repeated
action, the collocation w i t h until it was down is possible. But
since knock somebody down usually implies ,with one blow',
we cannot analyse John knocked him down as ,*John knock-
ed him until he was down*. In the similar German example
totschlagen, the verb schlagen can be either conclusive or
repetitive. If it is repetitive, er schlug ihn tot can be analysed
as ,er schlug ihn/bis er tot w a r ' ; i f it is conclusive and implies
,einen Schlag geben', this analysis is excluded. The particle may
be responsible when an analysis of the type ,he downed the
tree/by chopping' seems infeasible. This is the case with up,
which does not a l l o w zero-derivation of a two-place verb.
However, to interpret it as a deverbal derivative from an
underlying manner adverbial (by chopping) is still possible, i f
another V P C w i t h up (e.g. get up, wake up) or a simplex verb
(e.g. mix i n beat up eggs or extinguish i n blow out a candle)
is taken into consideration. Thus John knocked him up can be
analysed as J o h n woke him up/by knocking'. The resultative
Interpretation ,*John knocked him/until he was up is exclud-

8 9
Cf. Jespersen (1924: 273, 287 f.; M E G : 7.6.1.; 8.1.2.). There is
no English equivalent to the German term punktuelles Verb . Jesper-
sen's ,conclusive verb* includes verbs denoting an action confined
to a single moment as well as verbs that imply a final aim. The best
rendering of punktuell* is probably ,momentary*. Cf. Fillmore
(1969: 112), where sleep is referred to as a ,continuative verb,
while wake up is said to be ^omentary*. Some momentary verbs
can be used iteratively.

ed for two reasons. For one thing, the verb knock i n this case
is not a two-place verb w i t h the object him but contains a

deleted prepositional phrase at the door. The other reason,

which is of greater relevancy for the analysis of V P C s , is tied
up with the particle. A p a r t from purely locative V P C s and
some other uses, the particle is not normally used as a predi-
cative adjective to denote the State resulting from the action
or process involved. Thus John knocked him up w i l l have to be
analysed as J o h n knocked/until he was awake . This analysis
w i l l then admit conclusions about the semantic content of the
particle i n a certain V P C . In many cases only an analysis of
the first type (,he downed the tree/by chopping') w i l l seem
natural, either w i t h an underlying zero-morpheme, a V P C , or
a simplex verb. Such V P C s , besides being zero-derivatives, must
also be regarded as deverbal derivatives.

3.4.2. Deverbal V P C s w i t h O U T In a considerable number of V P C s w i t h out the ver-

bal constituent of the construction is not the determinatum, but
goes back to an underlying adverbial complement of manner
,by Ving', The main verb ( V i ) of the underlying sentence is
deleted i n the derivation of the V P C s , which are therefore
zero-derivatives, as well as being deverbal derivatives. The
main verb may itself be a V P C , v i z . get out, but i n most
cases it is a simplex verb. We can postulate the following
simplified transformation:

N P i + V i ( + out) + N P 2 + by + V ing

NPi + V 2 + out + NP 2 .

B y far the largest group of deverbal V P C s w i t h out go back

to an underlying sentence which contains the empty factitive
get, and thus the V P C GET OUT. W i t h the exception of
certain formations such as buy (sb), catch (batsman), count
(boxer), etc., the particle usually has a locative meaning, and
the syntactic object denotes concrete physical objects. Instead

of the V P C get out, the simplex verb REMOVE could also
be used. The place from which the thing is removed (cf.
may be overtly expressed (as i n beat the dust out of the carpet),
but it is not i n those V P C s which originate by prepositional
phrase reduction. In some cases like cough (sth), the possibility
of expressing the place seems to be excluded. W e find beat
(dust), bite (tongue), bowl (batsman), burn (sb, enemy), buy
(sb), catch (batsman), clip (sth), conjure (rabbit), cough (sth),
count (boxer/sb), crush (juice), cut (picture), dig (fox/sb),
edit (cliches/film), freeze (sb), grub (plants/article), hack
(branches, plaster), hunt (cat), kick (sb), knock (Opponent, sb),
pinch (side shoots), press (juice), read (sb), ream (defective
part), ride (bull), rinse (tea-leaves), rip (lining), saw (piece
from trunk), scare (chickens, partridge), scrape (ashes), Scratch
(eyes), screen (sb, the best educated), soak (dirt/poison), spit
(pill), (machine) spit (hay), suck (poison/white of egg), tip
(water), tread (juice), vote (sb), wring (water ). The one-place
verb (sb) punch ,record the time of one's stopping w o r k or
departure by punching a time clock' (W3) is isolated, and
cannot be derived by T 9. The same holds for (suspended
pigment) settle and (sb) seil . The two-place verb starve
(garrison, sb) also involves get out and could therefore be de-
rived by T 9. But it is probably better analysed with the help
of a complex main verb ,force to surrender*. A component
Remove is also present i n several other V P C s . However, be-
cause of object transfer (cf. 3.2.4.) they cannot be derived
from a sentence containing remove, but go back to an underly-

0 0
With deleted underlying object house or dwelling. If defined
as ,drive out by fire' (as in C O D , A L , W3), the formation is not a
deverbal derivative.
9 1
With deleted underlying object ball. In the following, we shall
not speeify every deleted object.
0 2
Cf. S O D ,by chilling behaviour', A L by ,cold behaviour'.
Although analysable, perhaps better regarded as idiomatic.
9 3
Object transfer aecounts for wring (clothes).
9 4
Cf. Poutsma (1926: 61): „In to seil out (of the army) the verb
to seil appears to stand for to seil one's commission, out (of the
army) denoting the result of the transaction".

ing main verb CLEAN and EMPTY. A n analysis with CLEAN
is best applied to rinse (teapot/mouth), scrape (saucepan),
sweep (kitchen), wipe (jug, bath). The main verb EMPTY
underlies bang (cans), knock (pipe) and tip (pail). N o n e of the other deverbal V P C s w i t h out go back
to an underlying sentence containing remove or get out as a
main verb. A p a r t from the non-dynamic locative V P C lock
(sb/workmen) ,keep out* and formations w i t h an underlying
main verb utter, they denote a change of State. A s they are
normally two-place verbs, they correspond to the semantic
formula C A U S E + B E C O M E + S T A T E . I n one of the
largest groups, the State resulting from the action denoted b y
the V P C is one of finality, i.e. a previously existing State is
brought to an end. I n this semantic group the underlying
sentences contain main verbs such as EXTINGUISH, OB LIT-
i n beat (fire), blw^(<&ndle* ), crush (cigarette), puff (candle),

put (lights — Deleted), rub (cigarette), shoot (light), snuff
(light/hopes, rebellion), stamp (fire/rebellion, disease), tramp-
le (fire), tread (fire). I f the object is not something that is
burning but something that has been written, the main verb i n
the underlying sentence is OBLITERATE, as i n the V P C s rub
(pencil marks/tracks/sb), scrape (word), Scratch (name), wipe
(name, what you have written/disgrace, insult/population). T h e
main verb EX HAUST is found i n farm (land, foothills),
mine (source of supply, field), row (oneself), wear (shoes/
patience), write (oneself). The verb DESTROY underlies rub
(town), shoot (windows). A number of deverbal V P C s w i t h
out have the opposite meaning and go back to an underlying
main verb MAKE or PRODUCE. The object is the result o f the
action. This can often be explained b y the presence of an

9 5
Also used as a one-place verb with a deleted agent, as in the
light blew out. This is probably best explained as ,subject transfer'.
Cf. The same applies to snuff out (cf. W3 and the colloquial
use as ,die'), wear out.
9 6
Cf. the quotation in Poutsma (1926: 60): „I will lock up and
put out".
underlying component Remove and the process of object trans-
fer. If we compare cut (picture) and cut (path) in cut a picture
out of a newspaper and cut out a path through the jungle
we see that in both cases something is removed. I n the first
example it is the object picture itself, while in the second case
the object path is made by removing something eise (e.g.
branches or the like) which is not overtly expressed in the
sentence. H o w e v e r , in some V P C s such as grind (tune/verses),
hatch (plan) etc. Remove is not involved. A n underlying sen-
tence with a main verb MAKE or PRODUCE must be assumed
for blast (ditch, new course for stream), carve (career), chip
(model boat), crank (novel), cut (path/dress), grind (tune/
verses), hack (path), hammer (scheme/tune/policy), hatch (plan,
conspiracy), hew (career), plough (gullies), pound (tune/story),
scrape (hole), strike (path), study (system), sweat (novel), tap
(rhythm/telegraph message/paragraph), think (scheme, Solution).
Certain V P C s go back to an underlying main verb FIND such
as hunt (old diary), reckon (how much we will need), search
(friend), smell (secret, Opposition, witch), (dog) sniff (survivors),
spy (enemy positions), thrash (truth, Solution), wheedle (In-
formation). A main verb SETTLE or RESOLVE must be
assumed for fight (differences), hammer (differences), iron
(misunderstandings), shoot (things), talk (problems, anxieties),
thrash (problem, question), worry (answer). A number of other
deverbal V P C s can also be derived, in principle, from an
underlying sentence by means of T 9. However, since there are
only one or two formations with each main verb the use of a
transformation may be questionable. We find beat (gold),
hammer (sth) both ,flatten , and the semantically similar roll
(pastry, carpet), shake (sail, flag) both ,spread . Look (old
f c
clothes) ,select and similar weigh (butter, flour) ,separate are
also isolated, as are feed (animals) ,fatten', sit (skirt) ,stretch ,
spy (land) ,explore , swear (warrant) ,procure\ The following
are isolated in a different way, although still recognizable as
deverbal derivatives. Drum (sb, beggar) can be analysed as
,expel (as if) accompanied by drumming', while ring ( O l d
Year) may be interpreted as ,announce or celebrate the end
by ringing* or perhaps as ,accompany the end by ringing*. The

latter analysis is supported by bow (sb/oneself) ,bow low to
sb as he leaves/bow as one goes out* ( A L ) , which can bd
interpreted as ,accompany the exit by bowing . In sound (sb)
,find out something by sounding somebody', the object of find
out is different from the object of sound out. A final group of
V P C s which all go back to an underlying sentence containing
UTTER or EXPRESS cannot be derived by T 9. They are
probably best explained as involving comparison. The manner
i n which the thing denoted by the object of the V P C is uttered
or expressed, is likened to the action denoted by the verb. The
formations can therefore be analysed as ,utter like V i n g or
,utter i n a V i n g manner'. W e find bark (sth), bellow (drinking
song, commands), croak (sth), drone (psalm), fumble (senten-
ces), gasp (words), grumble (sth), lisp (sth), roar (order, drink-
ing song), scream (curse), snort (reply), spit (curses, words),
stammer (requests, words), weep (grief), wheeze (words/
tune), whine (requests). They also form a special group w i t h
regard to the State resulting from the action they denote. W h i l e
w i t h beat (fire), blow (candle) etc. we can say that the result-
ing State is ,not burning' or rather ,no longer burning', it is
difficult to specify the resulting State of the utter group.

3.4.3. Deverbal V P C s with U P

3.4.3. The deverbal derivatives w i t h up can be analysed i n

basically the same w a y as the deverbal collocations w i t h out,
and a transformation parallel to T 9 can be set up:

N P i + V i ( + up) + N P + by +
2 V ing

NPi + V 2 + up + NP 2 .

9 7
Like whine out, this is perhaps better regarded as a denominal
derivative from an adverbial complement of manner -j-NP'.
Cf. W3 ,utter with a sound of wheezing', A L ,utter with a whine'.
Also moan (sth), sob (grief, excuse), thunder (denunciation).

H o w e v e r , there are some differences. The V P C s w i t h up form
a number of smaller groups w i t h the same underlying main
verb V i . A single large group, such as the V P C s w i t h out
originating by prepositional phrase reduction, or those with
underlying extinguish, does not exist. Also i n some cases, the
underlying main verb V i has to be interpreted as a complex
verb phrase such as make into pieces or divide into pieces as
in chop (meat) etc.; cause to appear as i n conjure (visions/
spirits) etc.; get in a favourable disposition as i n chat (girl,
sb) . We also find some one-place verbs to which T 10 obvious-
ly does not apply. They are derived from a sentence w i t h an
adverbial complement ,by + Ving + N P ' i n which the N P is
deleted, such as (snowdrops, flowers) pierce ,come up , (sb,
worker) sign ,enlist, join'. O n l y very few formations can be
analysed as going back to an underlying V P C w i t h up, such
as GET UP as i n cough (sth), fish (dead cat, ammunition),
peck (crumbs), puke (dinner); WAKE UP as i n (rooster)
crow (barnyard), knock (sb), tap (sb); and BREAK UP as
in dig (land), plough (ground), Scratch (ground). Another
group could perhaps also be analysed w i t h GET UP or TAKE
UP, but is probably better derived from a simplex main verb
REMOVE, such as dig (tree), dip (water), grub (weeds), hack
(paving-stone), lick (milk), Scratch (bone), suck (moisture),
wipe (spilt milk, mess). The result of the action is that the
object is removed from a place. This could also be seen as a
change of State which causes the object and the place to be
separated or to be no longer together. The same semantic
feature, —Together, is also found i n another group of V P C s
where the Separation concerns a single object. The underlying
main verb V i in this case is best interpreted as a complex
CES, as in chop (meat), hack (paving-stone), hew (logs), mince

9 8
Often, most semantic features of the underlying main verb, and
thus of the V P C , may be already present in the simplex verb (as in
chop). In other cases (cf. chat, conjure), the features are only con-
tained in the entire collocation. The problem will be discussed in

(meat, beef), pound (tablet), saw (beam, plank), snip (piece of
cloth), tear (letter, sth). The feature —Together is also present
in prize (lid) ,open'. Converting a thing into pieces is equiva-
lent to destroying its structure. The shift from the preceding
group of V P C s to those going back to a main verb DESTROY
is therefore relatively small. We find burn (rubbish, school"),
(dog/machine) chew (slipper/logs), crush (ice, stone, paper,
100 101
bone), (lorries) knead (ground), melt (candlesticks, bells ),
scuff (shoes), tread (earth, grass). In contrast to the groups
just discussed, a semantic feature + Together must be present
in a group of V P C s derived from such main verbs as GÄTH-
and the phrase MAKE SM ALLER. In some V P C s (e.g. scrape
up), the particle up can even be replaced by together without
a change of meaning. GATHER is found i n bind (hair/books),
round (cattle/tourists, sb), scrape (money), Scratch (few
pounds), sweep (dust, dead leaves); MIX in beat (eggs), blend
(paints), shake (medicine, mixture/bottle ); COVER in
bind (wound), build (area), the one-place verb (river) freeze,
grow (sth), hammer (crack, hole); CLOSE in fasten (box),
lock (door, house — Deleted), tie (parcel); ENCLOSE in lock
(sb), sew (money, corpse); SECURE i n fasten (dog), lock
(jewellery); BLOCK i n build (door, window), the one-place
verb (pipes) freeze, lock (capital), tie (capital); and MAKE
SM ALLER i n fold (newspaper), twist (paper). A complex
underlying main verb CAUSE TO APRE AR is best assumed

9 9
Also with deleted agent. Cf. Katz (1966: 160).
1 0 0
Although one cannot say that the ground is destroyed, but
rather the structure of its surface, the V P C probably belongs here, as
it is even less acceptable to say that the ground is divided into
pieces. Tread up is similar.
1 0 1
Some informants only accept melt down (bells), and propose
the collocations melt up (metal, gold, silver) and the one-place verb
(ice, ice-cream) melt up. The latter are not deverbal derivatives, as
the particle functions as an adverbial with the meaning ,completely'.
102 p by riding round'. This is basically a deadverbial deri-
r o m 9

vative. Cf. 3.2.3.

103 With object transfer from the content to the Container.

for the V P C s conjure (visions/spirits), dig (statue), plough
(arrowhead/secrets), rake (old diary/accusations, past), scare
(game). The complex verb phrase GET IN A FAVOURABLE
DISPOSITION must be assumed to underly chat (girl, police-
man, sb), and perhaps also talk (loans) as in the quotation in
W 3 : „ o r g a n i z i n g crews to ring doorbells and talk up loans", i f
an object transfer is involved. H o w e v e r , talk up may also be
derived from a main verb PRAISE as i n cry (sb), talk (a
game), write (acting). In all of them the component Degree is
present which is also found in some V P C s that go back to
underlying INCREASE or IMPROVE, such as blow (fire),
paint (house), rake (fire), rub (spoons, silver/one's Latin),
screw (courage), wind (watch), write (assets). The same
feature Degree is found i n other isolated V P C s which all
denote an increase or improvement of some k i n d , such as feed
(poor children) ,fatten , knit (torn sleeve) ,repair', read (sub-
ject) ,study , shake (cushion) ,restore to shape', shake (sb, radar
crew) and whip (old mare/audience/emotion, interest) both
,rouse' or ,stir up . A small group of V P C s go back to an under-
lying main verb MAKE or PRODUCE such as dream (story,
plan), knit (mittens), pound (prescription), reckon (bill), think
(plan, excuse, story, caption). The main verb SJJMMON
underlies drum (sb/sentiment, support), shout (sb, clerk),
whistle (sb/taxi). The rest of the deverbal V P C s with up are
isolated, such as reckon (sb/chances) and weigh (consequences)
both ,judge', look (train) ,search', reckon (cost) ,flnd out ,
shoot (crowd/town) ,terrorize*.

1 0 4
With object transfer from ,increase the tightness of spring*.
Cf. P E N ,tighten spring of (watch etc.) by winding' and C O D
,tighten coiling or coiled spring . . . wind up strings of fiddle'. Simi-
lary in screw up, cf. S O D s.v. screw v. II.2. ,increase the tension or
pitch (of a musical string) by winding up the screws or keys'.

3.5. Problems of Productivity

3.5.1. The postulation of the transformations T 1 — T 10

in the preceding paragraphs could perhaps be interpreted as
the expression of a belief i n their unrestricted productivity. We
do not subscribe to such a view. If various remarks about the
justification of such transformational rules (cf. have
not made this clear, the following discussion w i l l be helpful i n
defining our position. We have already mentioned that in
principle we accept Weinreich's notion of a ,complex diction-
ary' (cf. 3.1.1.), and the fact that we actually try to describe
all the commonly used V P C s w i t h out and up further proves
that we believe i n certain restrictions. O n the other hand, that>
lexis as opposed to grammar is more an open set than a closed
System is undeniable . Change and creativity are most obvious
in this linguistic domain. The transformations T 1 — T 10 have
been set up to account for this aspect of language, and are
meant to predict the creation of new formations. The apparent
contradiction between productivity and restrictions in natural
languages may be solved w i t h the help of the notions of
competence and Performance and the corresponding dichotomy
of grammaticality and acceptability . One may argue, as is
often done, that the acceptability or familiarity of certain
complex lexical items is merely a matter of Performance, that
grammar or even linguistics i n general is only concerned with
competence, and that therefore „the unacceptability of Com-
pounds because of their unfamiliarity is no reason for not
generating t h e m " . H o w e v e r , the distinction between compe-
tence and Performance is not at all as clear-cut as is usually

1 0 5
Cf. 2.8.1.-2.8.3., Halliday (1961: 247; 1966).
1 0 6
Cf. Botha (1968: 126-151), and also the principle set up in
Bierwisch (1967: 8): „A sentence is the less normal the more condi-
tions outside of it have to be met for it to be acceptable".
1 0 7
Botha (1968: 149). Weinreich's implicit assumption that the
knowledge about the familiarity of complex words belongs to
competence is rejected by Botha (133). Cf. also Botha's (134) quota-
tion of Spitzer's remarks concerning the influence of sociological
factors on acceptability. In Fodor-Garrett (1966: cf. 157) ,compe-
tence* is used for the ,mechanism' underlying linguistic behaviour.

assumed. In our opinion, familiarity with specific lexical items,
simplex as well as complex, is part of the linguistic competence
of a Speaker of a language. This is obvious in the case of a
native Speaker who has lived abroad for a considerable time
and then returns to his home country. Although his purely
grammatical competence may be perfectly well preserved, his
lexicon will differ considerably from that of the other members
of the speech Community, in particular as regards the ,complex
dictionary*. N a t u r a l l y , idiolectal Variation always exists, espe-
cially in the domain of lexis. Y e t , an ideal speaker-hearer can
give familiarity ratings to complex words and make judge-
ments on their acceptability . This fact is probably best
109 c
accounted for by C o s e r i u ' s concept of ,norm . O n the level
of lexical structure the norm — i.e. the normal realization of
the functional System of a particular language — according to
Coseriu decides on various aspects of vocabulary: the use
of new formations (like the French adjective notionnel), the
meaning of Compounds and derivatives, the frequency of items
(such as German aufmachen, zumachen vs. öffnen, schließen),
the form of lexical cliches (i.e. collocations like chemin de fer
and voie ferree, gravement malade and grievement Messe,
but not the other way round). W i t h regard to productivity in
word-formation, we can say that the norm of a language
selects the subset of acceptable formations from the larger set
of systematically possible formations and excludes others .

Cf. also Fowler (1970: 26), where it is argued that „linguistic Per-
formance can best be explained as a product of a complex of
competences working together, and not, as with Chomsky, by one
undifferentiated and terminologically unqualified ,competence .
1 0 8
We are fully aware of the practical difficulties of ascertaining
judgements on acceptability. Cf. Quirk (1966), Quirk-Svartvik
(1966). In the field of word-formation, Bünting (1969) has carried
out a very interesting experiment, testing the acceptability of German
derivatives in -ung generated by a Computer.
1 0 9
Cf. Coseriu (1962: 11-113).
1 1 0
Coseriu (1966: 175-217, esp. 206 ff.).
1 1 1
A n example of the restriction of agent-noun derivation with
-er in German is discussed in Lipka (1971a). For restrictions with
English -er-derivatives cf. Strang (1970).

The norm thus determines the extent of the ,complex diction-
ary*. We may therefore distinguish two levels of competence.
,Competencei' could be said to refer to the grammatical
competence of a Speaker, i.e. it w o u l d encompass the rule-
governed activity concerning transformations and phonological
realizations of linguistic structures. This level w o u l d correspond
to (^seriu's concept of ,system'. ,Competence2 is equivalent
to that part of Coseriu's ,norm* which concerns lexical struc-
ture. It w i l l include the idiom-list, familiarity ratings, and
judgements about acceptability. That familiarity ratings are a
linguistic reality is proved by poetic language and the language
of advertising. Both draw heavily on unfamiliarity for achiev-
ing certain effects. Idioms obviously form a closed class within
a language. O n the other hand, many V P C s w i t h out and up
which are generated by T 1 — T 10 w i l l be regarded as accep-
table i n a specific context i f they are not affected by lexical-
ization, although they w i l l receive a familiarity rating of zero.
Others are unacceptable, or are restricted i n their occurence,
e.g., restricted to the use as adjectives i n participial form.
3.5.2. The productivity of V P C s has been judged different-
ly by various scholars. Bolinger ( M S ) points out that „the
phrasal verb . . . is probably the most productive source of a l l ,
not only for verbs but also for nouns" (25), and cites the
„names of new social phenomena: sit-in, wade-in, love-in,
lock-out, fallout, cook-out" (25). W e shall deal w i t h such nouns
112 113
in 3.5.4. . H e argues that „ w e find on the one hand an
open-ended generative formula more or less like the open-
ended formation of iterative verbs by adding the prefix re-.
This is the more or less literal application of particles such as
up and down which can freely attach to any verb of motion"
(26); and that at the other extreme there are phrases which
„build up a partial resistance to being broken d o w n " (26).
Also, according to Bolinger, „the use of up as a perfective" is
almost unrestricted. Fräser (1965: 47) quotes and discusses a

1 1 2
Cf. Live (1965: 442, Fn 34): „Productivity is far higher in
the nominal form than in the verb".
1 1 3
Cf. also Bolinger (1971a: 101 f., 173-175).

Statement by W h o r f about the productivity of up meaning
,completely, to a finish'. W h o r f claims that up can collocate
with any initially accented verb of one or two syllables w i t h
the exception of four cryptotypes. Fräser observes that „there
is a remarkedly close relationship between the number of
syllables of a verb, its stress, and its ability to be a part of a
verb-particle construction" (49), but gives counter-examples
of verbs which do not belong to Whorf's cryptotypes but still
do not collocate w i t h up, such as worship, covet, bury, candy,
can (fruit), chide, cancel (49). We may further add smoke
which does not admit ''"smoke up (cigar, cigarette, pipe), while
drink up and eat up are possible. Discussing the semantic
character of verbs combining w i t h particles, Fräser later men-
tions that „while we have chase (hunt, track, trail) down, there
is no follow down verb-particle combination. We find speak
(talk) out but no utter out and concludes „ u n f o r t u n a t e l y
there is no obvious w a y to determine whether or not a verb . . .
w i l l combine w i t h a particle" ( 6 2 ) . Fraser's opinion, un-
revealing as it is, must needs be supported here. We can only
establish certain tendencies and describe existing patterns, but
the predictive power of such Statements is fairly limited.
Collocations with what Fräser calls ,completive up are subject
to restrictions, as we have just seen. Bolinger's remark about
the productivity of the derivation of nouns from V P C s w i l l
be further considered in 3.5.4., but his Statement about the
literal use of particles and their combination w i t h verbs of
motion must be fully accepted. Prepositional phrase reduction
with purely locative V P C s is certainly the most productive
source for collocations w i t h out and up, whether with one-
place or two-place verbs. Apparently there are no restrictions
on this process. F o r all other V P C s , basically two kinds of
restrictions can be distinguished: morphological and semantic.
W i t h morphological restrictions, the two usually go together,
i.e. an item which is mainly or exclusively used in a particular
form, such as the participle fed up functioning as a predicative

1 1 4
Cf. Fräser (1966: 54).

adjective, is also semantically restricted, i.e. idiomatic. O n the
other hand, semantic restrictions are not necessarily tied up
with morphological ones. Morphological restrictions w i l l here
be exemplified by participles functioning as adjectives, while
the phenomenon of semantic restriction, or lexicalization, w i l l
be discussed i n connection w i t h nouns derived from V P C s and
with collocations of particles and semantically empty ,dummy
verbs, which i n German have been termed ,Funktionsverben'.
Nouns can, of course, be morphologically restricted also, when
the corresponding V P C does not actually occur, as w i t h a
dust-up. A typical case of the combination of morphological
and semantic restrictions is found i n V P C s collocating exclu-
sively w i t h the pronoun it, having a specialized idiomatic

3.5.3. P a r t i c i p i a l adjectives A s mentioned i n 2.8.3., grammatical deficiencies are

a characteristic feature of idioms. However, not a l l grammatic-
ally deficient items are necessarily idioms, as may be seen from
the discussion of bombed out. According to some informants,
the lexical item bomb out is exclusively used i n participial
form, either i n the passive (they were bombed out) or as an
attributive adjective (a bombed-out school, town). Other i n -
formants accept the V P C originating by prepositional phrase
reduction from they bomb people out (of their houses). If it is
agreed that at least for a number of Speakers the occurrence o f
the item is restricted to its participial form, we w i l l have to
assume that it is an idiom. This Interpretation w o u l d be sup-
ported by a very explicit definition, such as ,drive from home or
building by reason of bomb damage* ( P E N ) . ,From home or
( (
building and ,by reason of bomb damage are not explicitly
expressed i n they were bombed out. But i f word-formation is
regarded as a productive process, certain negligible semantic

1 1 5
Cf. Kennedy (1920: 50 f.).

features must be left out i n order to recognize existing regu-
larities , and a definition like ,drive out (of buildings, etc.)
w i t h bombs ( A L ) is more appropriate. It is true that the place
from which the object i n a sentence underlying bombed out
is removed (buildings, etc.), is no longer explicitly expressed
after prepositional phrase reduction has taken place. However,
the process is a r e g u l ä r one, and the item can be derived by
T 1. Thus the item is not idiomatic i n the w a y pumped out is,
as i n he was completely pumped out ,exhausted*. I f the term
idiomatic is taken i n a very wide sense, then of course a l l
passive constructions i n which the agent, i.e. the subject of the
corresponding active sentence, is deleted, are covered by this
label. M o d e r n English, as opposed to O l d English or German,
does not distinguish the ,passive of being* and the ,passive of
becoming' . The collocation bombed out i n the passive
construction they were bombed out therefore represents both
a participle and a participial adjective. Functioning as a
predicative adjective, the collocation denotes a certain State.
In the case discussed here the language does not have a V P C
used i n the active voice which denotes the action or process of
which this State is the result. That passive constructions do not
always have a corresponding active is also found w i t h simplex
verbs, as i n he was born in London. According to British
informants, the participle bombed out functioning as a pre-
dicative adjective only, collocates w i t h nouns denoting human
beings. This restriction does not hold for attributive use. W e
shall distinguish the two functions w i t h the same simple
technique adopted for the distinction of collocations i n one-
place and two-place verbs. N o m i n a l s collocating w i t h predi-
catively used participles precede it, and are enclosed in brackets,
such as: (people) bombed out. Nominals collocating w i t h
attributively used participles follow i t : bombed-out (school,

1 1 6
Cf. 2.8.2., 3.1.1.
1 1 7
Cf. Jespersen M E G I V : 8.1.2., and the German distinction
between ,Zustandspassiv' and , Vorgangspassiv' (Die Tür ist ge-
schlossen/Die Tür wird geschlossen).
1 1 8
Attributively used collocations are normally spelled with a

town). When functioning as an attributive adjective, bombed-
out is not derivable from ,drive out w i t h bombs*, involving
prepositional phrase reduction, but rather from ,destroy with
bombs* or ,destroy by bombing* (cf. N o t e that for
reasons of rhythm the particle is usually not stressed in attri-
butively used participial adjectives. In both types of derived
adjectives, attributive and predicative, the fact that the denot-
ed State is the result of a preceding action or process is charac-
terized by the morpheme -ed. Tense i n the underlying sentence
is thus overtly expressed . In the following discussion o n l y
those participial adjectives are treated for which at least one
dictionary or informant suggests it is only or mainly used i n
this form. Participial adjectives w i t h O U T L i k e (people) bombed out, the predicative adjectives

(people) burnt out and (people) flooded out are derivable by
prepositional phrase reduction. A l l three are found i n collo-
cations with nominals denoting human beings (such as we, they,
family, people) and have the meaning ,be driven out of a
place*. A t least in American English, the predicative burnt out
also occurs with nominals having the semantic feature — H u -
m a n . The attributive use of burnt-out (vehicles), like that of

hyphen. We follow this Convention throughout and thus further

distinguish attributive and predicative adjectives.
1 1 9
Cf. Lipka (1971 b: 219 f., 223).
120 p V a r i a t i o n of spellings in -ed or -t with burn and other
o r

verbs cf. Quirk (1970), where tests are described which showed a
preference for -t forms of participles when ,non-durative aspect/
was involved. These findings are confirmed by a quotation from the
O B S E R V E R 28.9.69/11: „The theory that wars are caused by
pent-up aggressive drives which can find no other outlet has no
foundation either in history or psychology". Pen up certainly is a
conclusive (= non-durative) V P C . The zero-derived verb pen is not
included in Quirk's tests. However, another example from our
material seems to contradict the theory and also the general British
preference for -t forms: „Columns of smoke rose over the town,

bombed-out, seems to impose a collocation restriction with
—Human. Out in this collocation apparently involves a seman-
tic feature + I n s i d e , as is suggested by the definition of burn
out in A L as ,destroy (the inside of a building, ship, etc.) by
fire*. The other dictionaries do not support this assumption,
with the exception of C O D ,consume contents of*. Out might
also be said to have an intensifying or perfective function i n
burnt-out. I n the participial adjective (hotel, cinema, place)
packed out, the particle obviously has this function. The
remaining adjectives with out are not only morphologically
isolated but are also idiomatic, and form one group with the
meaning ,exhausted : (sb) drained out, (sb) jrazzled out, (horse/
country/theory) played out, (sb) pumped out, (sb) washed
out , (sb) worn out. A final item, functioning as an attributive
or predicative adjective, is further isolated i n that it only
occurs together with an additional item long, as i n long
drawn-out (discussion/agony, death), (battle) long drawn
out. The collocation thus consists of three constituents which
may be separated by other elements (cf. 2.7.2.), as i n :
„Mr. Peter C a r t w r i g h t , a G u i l d f o r d art Student, said
that education at G u i l d f o r d was dying ,a long, sordid,
drawn-out death'." ( G U A R D I A N 11.4. 69/20).
The collocation is m a i n l y used attributively and the head-noun
it modifies often is a synonym of death, as i n :
„Mr. W i l l i a m Hutchison [sie!] . . . said yesterday that
extra money ought to be provided by the Government ,to
put an end to this long drawn out agony'." ( O B S E R V E R
1.6. 69/1).
Other participial collocations with out which are frequently
used as adjectives are not considered here, since a corresponding
V P C also exists.

where the streets are littered with burned-out vehicles" ( T H E

G U A R D I A N 11. 4. 69/1).
1 2 1
Cf. W3 the störe was completely burnt out.
1 2 2
Cf. 2.4.3. and
1 2 3
Also ,pale and tired* (AL), ,faded in color; eroded' (W3).

135 P a r t i c i p i a l adjectives w i t h U P The above adjectives w i t h out all seem to contain an

element of negative evaluation. This semantic component is
more evident in the larger number of participial adjectives
with up. We may therefore postulate a semantic feature + N e -
gative E v a l u a t i o n (abbreviated as -r-NegEv), which is
usually present i n morphologically isolated participial adjec-
tives. The only exceptions seem to be: built-up (area), (area)
bullt up, (sb) posted up , (sb) wrapped up in ,absorbed by,
devoted to*. Another small group with the meaning , E X C I -
T E D , T E N S E * may perhaps also be regarded as not containing
negative judgement, v i z . (sb) knotted, (sb) pent up, (sb, athlete)
strung up, (sb/expectations) wound up, wrought-up (nerves/
State). A l l the other participial adjectives w i t h up which have
no corresponding V P C used i n the active voice, seem to contain
the feature + N e g E v . W e can establish several groups which
are largely parallel to the groups of denominal and deverbal
V P C s set up in,, and 3.4.3. H o w e v e r , they do
not normally involve the same verbs, and i f they do, the items
differ w i t h regard to meaning and collocation restrictions, as in
in]s up^lprinting press, duplicating machine) ,provide with* and
(fingers) inked up ,covered w i t h , dirty*. The largest group of
participial adjectives has the meaning , B L O C K E D , C L O S E D ' ,
as i n (drainpipe, nose, eyes) bunged up , (waterpipe/pan)

1 2 4
We do not use —Eval(uation), because the minus would then be
different in kind from the ± used as a symbol with features. For
negative evaluation in German deadjectival verbs cf. Marchand
(1969b: 157-159). Cf. also the ,attitudinal plus' and ,attitudinal
minus' in Bolinger (1968: 17), and Poldauf (1968). Evaluation in
word-formation is discussed in Lipka (1971b: 231 f.). Cf. the neutral
riechen vs. stinken and duften in German. In English, the verb
neglect (as opposed to omit) contains + NegEv, while the adjective
negligible does not. Cf. Fillmore (1969: 122) for criticize.
1 2 5
If only predicative use and the construction keep sb. posted
up ,informed' are accepted.
1 2 6
As in the treatment of deadjectival, denominal, and deverbal
derivatives, we will omit up in the following examples, since it is
evident from the heading and no confusion can arise.

caked, (room) cbocked , (room, chimney, drain) cboked,
(machinery/mind) clogged, (people, village) flooded, (streets/
works, engine/communications Channels) jammed, (room/mind)
lumbered, (path, harbour, well) sanded, (trafflc) snarled,
(people, village) snowed, (nose) stuffed. A corresponding V P C
in the active voice is not used for the extralinguistic reason
that an agent cannot be named i n these cases. Moreover, what
leads to the State denoted by the participial adjective is not
normally viewed as a single process w i t h a specific result. Simi-
lar to the above group is (bird, dog/sb) caged , E N C L O S E D .
A related group of participial adjectives has the meaning
, M I X E D , which, together w i t h + N e g E v , yields , C O N F U -
SED< or , M U D D L E D , as i n (sth) balled, (sth) fuddled, (string)
knotted, (sb) mixed, and , C R U S H E D or J O I N E D ' which
also involves the feature + Together, such as (people). cram-
med, (people) cramped, (hair) crimped, (sb) crumpled, (people)
cruncbed, (clothes) mangled, (wool, cardigan) matted, (people)
tied ,married*. The feature + Together is also contained i n
another group of adjectives w i t h the meaning , C O V E R E D ' or
, F I L L E D (when + Inside is present), v i z . built-up (area),
(area) built up, (river) foamed, (road, contryside) fogged ,
(room) fumed, (hands) glued, (hands) greased, (fingers) inked,
(horse) lathered, (road) rutted, (table) scratched. The items are
practically all d e n o m i n a l derivatives (cf. The non-
existence of a corresponding actively used V P C is due to the
fact that the State is not viewed as caused by an agent. The
group is thus parallel to the participial adjectives meaning
,blocked, closed . In some of the adjectives (glued, greased,

1 2 7
Apparently only a phonetic variant of choked up, probably
from different dialects. Cf. the almost identical examples and
definitions in A L . According to one informant cboke up only occurs
in participial form with nouns denoting persons. But cf. A L and
1 2 8
According to W3, active use is also possible, but the example
quoted the smoke fogged up the road ahead involves comparison.
1 2 9
Although built-up is morphologically deverbal, a built-up area
is probably best analysed as ,an area covered with buildings*. Cf. the
remarks on cheer up, rough out, liven up, beautify in 3.2.2.

inked), the feature + N e g E v is represented by the additional
meaning , D I R T Y ' which is also found i n the deverbal deriva-
tive (window) smeared. In others (rutted, scratched), the unde-
sirable feature can be said to be , S P O I L T as also i n (milk)
clotted. A s w i t h participial collocations w i t h out, there is a
small group meaning , E X H A U S T E D : (sb/horse) done, (sb/
1 0
savings) eaten * , (sb) gnawed, (sb) sewn. The particle has an
intensifying or perfective value i n (theatre/ play, concert)
booked, (sb) crippled, and the two adjectives (sb) boozed and
(American) (sb) goofed, both meaning ,drunk . The following
participial adjectives are isolated: (sb) caught ,enthralled, car-
ried away', (sb) cut ,upset', (sb) fed ,having had too much',
(sb) helped ,encumbered', (plan, negotiations/ship) hung ,de-
c c f
layed , (sb) laid ,forced to stay i n bed , (sb) puffed ,conceited ,
(sb) washed ,ruined, finished*. A final isolated adjective, which
is special i n that it is a denominal derivative involving compa-
rison, is (jar of ointment) caked ,has become like a cake . A
number of participial adjectives w i t h up, whether isolated or
not, very frequently collocate w i t h all , thus forming a
collocational pattern all -^ed up, such as battered, caked,
clotted, crammed, cramped, creased, crinkled, crippled, crump-
led, crunched, cut, dressed, foamed, glued, greased, inked,
knotted, lathered, lumbered, matted, scratched, withered. Some
of these occur almost exclusively in this collocation. M a n y par-
ticiples also collocate frequently w i t h completely.

1 3 2
3.5.4. Zero-derived nouns w i t h O U T and U P That the derivation of nouns from V P C s is an ex-

tremely productive process was pointed out by Bolinger, as
already mentioned. The derived nouns are morphologically

1 3 0
The immaterial agent can be expressed here, as in he is eaten
up with pride (AL), her savings were eaten up by illness (W3), but
not in an active construction. Also in somebody is gnawed up with
grief (sorrow).
1 3 1
Cf. Kennedy (1920: 50 f.).
1 3 2
Cf. Kennedy (1920: 47ff.).

distinguished from the V P C s by a different stress pattern. One
mig;ht argue that they are therefore not zero-derivatives.
However, although this distinction is also made i n certain
other disyllabic zero-derived nouns (such as conduct, insult,
misfit, protest, refill), it is not found i n many other zero-deri-
133 134
vatives which have „homological stressing" . M a r c h a n d
distinguishes t w o types, one forming ,exocentric agent sub-
stantives (showoff), the other ,impersonal deverbal substan-
tives' (bldckoüt). T h e type showoff is morphologically the
same as the type bläckout, but semantically follows the type
pickpocket. They also differ i n productivity: „ T h o u g h consi-
derably weaker than the very prolific impersonal type bläck-
out, the type showoff is fairly p r o d u c t i v e " . According to
Marchand, w i t h the exception of sit-in, the recent combinations
like eat-in, drink-in, lie-in, love-in „ c a n n o t be considered deri-
vatives from phrasal verbs as corresponding verbal phrases do
not e x i s t " . Marchand discusses the material collected i n
Lindelöf (1937) a n d Preuss (1962a, 1962b, 1963, 1964). A
comparison of the t w o collections clearly shows the enormous
productivity of zero-derived nouns containing a particle.
Lindelöf lists about 520 combinations i n chronological order,
of which 430 are found i n the O E D . O f the total number of
520 only 17°/o are recorded before 1800, while more than two
thirds were coined after 1850. Preuss (1962a: 1) mentions that
at least 300 combinations from the last twenty years could be
added. O n l y a year later (Preuss 1963: 1), he claims that he
has collected more than 400 new formations, of which about

1 3 3
Cf. Marchand (1969a: 377 ff.).
1 3 4
Marchand (1969a: 382-386).
1 3 5
Marchand (1969a: 383).
1 3 6
Marchand (1969a: 385). O n the other hand, not all VPCs have
corresponding nouns. Anthony (1953: 105) has noted cases like
shake-up, write-up, set-up where nominalization is restricted: they
shook up the foreign office (the Cocktail) only yields the shake-up
of the foreign office but not ''the shake-up of the cocktail. The
restriction seems to apply to the concrete meaning of the V P C , while
the figurative use can be nominalized. This again shows the need to
consider collocations. Cf. also Bolinger (1971a: 174 f.).

8 0 % originated i n America. Most of these are used in collo-
quial or technical language and in s l a n g . H i s lists inciude
only items apparently coined after 1940. Preuss repeatedly
quotes purists* objections to the formations . It is characteris-
tic that the items rarely have a single meaning, but usually
three to six difTerent meanings (cf. A s extreme exam-
ples of such polysemy, Preuss quotes 23 meanings for payoff,
41 for setup, and 45 for pickup. O n the other hand, there is
also a considerable amount of synonymy. Preuss (1963: 2) gives
the following synonyms for what is sometimes called a pub
crawl: blowout, booze-up, bust-up, cutup, hell-around, kickup,
letoff, liquor-up (likker-up), swill-up, tank-up. The above remarks have shown that the degree of
lexicalization i n zero-derived nouns is considerable, and that
many items are therefore idiomatic. Idiomaticity i n such nouns
seems to be much greater than i n the normal V P C s , and is
matched only by the degree of idiomaticity found i n the V P C s
containing semantically empty verbs, such as make out, make
up, set out, set up etc. This does not mean, however, that the
zero-derivation of nouns from V P C s does not follow certain
types and patterns. Preuss (1962a: 1-2) sets up different groups
of zero-derived nouns which are later (1963: 1-3, 33-35)
modified and extended. The most important groups inciude
nouns which denote: 1) the person who does what is expressed
by the V P C , i.e. the agent; 2) the action itself; 3) the object of
the action; 4) the result of the action; 5) the manner; 6) the
place; 7) an impersonal agent; 8) a social event; 9) a Span or
point of time; 10) the beginning of an action; and 11) the end
of an action. Preuss' group 1) is the equivalent of Marchand's
type showoff, while group 2) comprises combinations of the
type blackout, which, according to Marchand (1969: 384),

1 3 7
The examples are mainly taken from recent journalism, in
particular T I M E , and slang dictionaries sudi as the American
Thesaurus of Slang and Wentworth-Flexner's Dictionary of American
Slang (1960). The labels ,colloquial' and ,slang* are here used in a
purely informal way. Cf. 3.2.3.
1 3 8
Such objections against the V P C itself are discussed in Kenne-
dy (1920: 42 ff.).

„denotes an act or specific instance of what is expressed i n the
verbal phrase". Preuss (1963: 1) remarks that the zero-derived
nouns under discussion especially denote the action expressed
by the V P C . If Compounds and derivatives — including zero-
derivatives — are regarded as ,reduced* sentences i n substan-
tival, adjectival, or verbal forms explainable from ,full sen-
tences, certain general ,types of reference* can be set up, as is
done i n Marchand (1969a: 31—59). These types refer to the j
syntactic relations i n sentences underlying syntagmas of various j
morphological shapes, and are named after that part of the j
sentence which becomes the determinatum i n the Compound or
derivative. F o r example, the same underlying sentence some-
body eats apples may yield a Subject (S) type: apple EAT ER,
a Predication (P) type: apple EATING, or an Object (O)type:
eating APPLE. Other sentences yield an A d v e r b i a l Comple-
ment ( A d ) type, such as swimming POOL from somebody
swims in the pool, where we have an adverbial complement of
place. The A d - T y p e may also go back to an adverbial comple-
ment of time, as i n closing TIME from somebody closes at that
time, or to an adverbial complement of instrument, as in
writing PEN from somebody writes with the pen. Marchand
also subdivides the O-type as to whether the determinatum is
an affected object (as i n eating apple) or an effected object
(as in beet sugar, blood stain). These types of reference can of!
course also be applied to zero-derivatives. Thus cheat, chimney- ]
sweep, is an S-type, dance, sun-rise, a P-type, convict, catch
an O-type, bus stop an A d - t y p e of place, door stop an A d -
type of instrument, and sun-set an A d - t y p e of time. There is,
however, an important difference between zero-derivatives and
Compounds and derivatives i n which the determinatum is an
overt morpheme. In the latter, the different types of reference
such as apple eater, apple eating, eating apple are morphologi-
cally distinct. In zero-derivatives, the different types of refer-
ence which may be derived from the same underlying sentence
fall together, since the determinatum is not overtly expressed.
This accounts for the fact, which Preuss mentions but does not
attempt to explain, that the zero-derived nouns usually have
more than one meaning. They represent different types of

reference which are not morphologically distinguished. This
fact also explains the enormous productivity of zero-derivation
from V P C s , and is tied up with the phenomenon that the thing,
action or process denoted by the noun is not overtly expressed.
Thus, for example, anything that picks up or is picked up, or
any action, process, place, time, or instrument that involves
picking up may be denoted by the zero-derived noun pick
up . Most groups set up by Preuss can be regarded as specific
realizations of the general types of reference, which are appli-
cable throughout i n word-formation. They are thereby related
to the syntactic structure of underlying sentences. G r o u p 1),
which denotes persons, thus comprises S-types like passout
from ,he passes out* or rather ,he has passed out , andJ?-types
uo c
like wrapup ,somebody wraps h i m up . G r o u p d) tidy-up,
back-up from ,we tidy up* and ,we back it up* corresponds to
the P-type. G r o u p 3) contains affected O-types such as hand-
c 141
out from ,we hand it out , and pin-up from ,we p i n it up* .
Group 4) is equivalent to the effected O-type w i t h nouns like
hlowup, lashup, from ,we have blown) it up and we have
lashed it up . G r o u p 5) corresponds to the A d - t y p e containing
an adverbial complement of manner, as i n make-up, shape-up
from ,we make it up in this w a y , ,we shape it up i n this way*.

1 3 9
Cf. the noun take-out ,food you can take out* (Preuss 1963:
2) derived from ,you take it out*. It is perhaps symptomatic for the
productivity of the zero-derived nouns that pickup, holdup, pinup
have been taken over in French or rather ,Franglais*. Cf. Etiemble
(1964: 148). Une pinup seems to have been replaced now by une
1 4 0
According to Preuss, ,an easily persuaded customer'. The
American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (1970) (in
the following abbreviated as H E R ) gives the definition ,a brief
summary', which is also an O-type, only with a feature —Animate,
derived from the V P C wrap up ,summarize' (HER).
1 4 1
Preuss also includes fallout which, however, is not the „Ob-
jekt der Handlung" but the subject in the underlying sentence ,it
falls out' which contains a one-place verb. It differs from group 1)
only insofar as the subject is —Animate.

G r o u p 6) contains an A d - t y p e of place as i n hide-out from ,he
fiides out there (at that place)' and walk-up from ,you walk up
there'. G r o u p 7) again comprises the S-type, only w i t h imperson-
al agents, i.e. those containing the feature —Animate, as i n
fallout from ,it falls out' and pickup from ,it picks up
something'; but also the closely related A d - t y p e of instrument,
as in play-back from ,we play something back w i t h it*. G r o u p
8) basically represents the P-type as i n cleanup from ,we clean
up'. G r o u p 9) corresponds to the A d - t y p e of time as i n
count-down from ,we count down at that time'. G r o u p 10)

and group 11) are again special cases or Subtypes of the P-type. Some examples may show more clearly how zero-
derived nouns represent various types of reference, and also
how lexicalization affects the items. Blowout is defined in the
1 4 4
American Heritage Dictionary ( H E R ) as: „La. A sudden
bursting, as of an automobile tire. b. The hole so made. c. The
ruptured object. 2. A sudden escape of a confined gas. 3. The
burning out of a fuse. 4. Slang. A large party or social affair".
4. is apparently an unanalysable idiomatic item, l . a . , 2., 3. are
all P-types, while l . b . is an effected O-type, and I.e. an
afTected O-type. The elements ,automobile tire, confined, gas,
fuse' i n the definitions represent semantic components of the
items which have been added to mere grammatical derivation
in the process of lexicalization. The zero-derived noun blowup
denotes: „1. A n explosion. 2. A violent outburst of temper.
3. A Photographie enlargement." 1. and 2. are both P-types,
but 3. is an effected O-type. In contrast to blowup, where the

1 4 2
Only in Preuss (1962a: 2) are fallout and pickup classed as
„etwas das . . .". In Preuss (1963: 1-3), they are not included in
group 7), which does not contain any nouns with out or up.
1 4 3
In Preuss (1963: 1-3), no nouns with out or up are listed in
this group. The example sleep-up ,time when one gets up* may
perhaps be regarded as an Ad-type of time derived from a complex
sentence ,we get up from sleep at this time'.
1 4 4
The following definitions, often in abbreviated form, are taken
from H E R unless another source is mentioned.

effected object which implies result is not morphologically
expressed (e.g. as *blownup), tense i n the underlying sentence
is marked i n the surface structure of dugout. In the definitions:
„7. A boat or canoe made by hollowing out a log. 2. A shelter
dug into the ground or hillside. 3. A long sunken shelter for the
players at the side of a baseball field.", 1. represents an affected
O-type, while 2. and 3. are effected O-types which are differ-
entiated by lexicalization. A n affected O-type i n v o l v i n g the
feature + H u m a n ,retired officer called back to Service' ,
seems to have developed i n British English only. A l l items are
derived from an underlying sentence which contains past tense.
This is not the case w i t h dugout ,refrigerator , which must be
derived from ,you dig something out there' and is therefore an
A d - t y p e of place. The zero-derived noun lock-up may
represent either an A d - t y p e of place when denoting a ,place
where prisoners may be kept temporarily' ( A L ) , or an A d - t y p e
of time ,time for locking up (building etc) ( P E N ) . A n S-type
must be assumed i n the derivation of dropout, cutup ,mischie-
1 4 8
vous person' ( H E R ) , A E higher-up and B E high-up (which
does not involve comparison). In sit-up ,surprise', synchroni-
cally derivable from ,it makes you sit up', the subject is an
immaterial agent. A s we have seen, the enormous productivity of

1 4 5
A L . Also quoted in P E N and C O D , but not in H E R .
1 4 6
Mentioned in Preuss (1963: 35), as used in American teenage
1 4 7
Perhaps only British, as it is attested in C O D , A L , P E N but
not in H E R .
1 4 8
The definition ,expert, specialist' given in Lindelöf (1937: 9)
represents idiomatic use.
1 4 9
Quoted in Lindelöf (1937: 4). The reference there shows that
the noun sit-up is one of the oldest formations (recorded in 1483)
belonging to the 17°/o of formations coined before 1800, according
to LindelöPs count. Although the noun is synchronically derived
from the V P C , the corresponding verb phrase is not recorded before
1889. For the problems connected with ,backderivation' cf. the
discussion of peddle.-peddler in Marchand (1969a: 391-394). Sit-up
in the quotation from 1483 as given by Lindelöf may also be inter-
preted as a P-type.

zero-derived nouns which go back to underlying sentences
containing a V P C is accounted for by two facts: zero-deriva-
tion itself and the coincidence of various types of reference i n
the same derivative. Since the zero-morpheme itself has no
overt form, the derivative can be used to denote a l l sorts of
things. F o r example hand-out, which represents an O-type
from ,we hand it out , is defined as ,food, clothing, or money
donated to a beggar or destitute person' i n H E R , and thus
denotes such disparate things as food, or clothing, or money.
Their common function is evident in the definition in A L : „(a)
sth. given as an alms (e.g. food or money to a beggar at the
door)". The elements of the definitions ,to a beggar or destitute
£ £
person and ,as an alms are added i n the process pf lexicali-
zation to the purely grammatical derivation of the O-type
from an underlying sentence. H o w e v e r , they are not the only
possible additional semantic components contained in the
item hand-out. They may be replaced by others, as in the
second definition i n A L : „(b) prepared Statement given (e.g.
by a politician) to newspaper men". Here, the same underlying
type of reference results i n a different lexical item containing
the semantic component ,to newspaper men and often ,by
a politician'. A g a i n these additional elements are not essential
and in modern use any written Statement which is distributed,
i.e. handed out, can qualify as a hand-out. The fact that
hand-out does not overtly express the it contained i n the
underlying sentence thus accounts for its ability to denote a
wide ränge of objects. Leaving aside the semantic components
which are added by lexicalization, the process by which a noun
like hand-out is derived from a sentence, yielding an O-type of
reference, is of considerable generality. W i t h nouns denoting
the action expressed by the V P C — i.e. those representing a
P-type — the generality is even greater and there are almost no
restrictions (cf. This type of nominalization does not
normally add semantic components, especially when used in
anaphoric function in a larger context, taking up a preceding
V P C as in the example:
„. . . whelping occurs just as spring thaws begin to break up
the winter ice i n the G u l f of St. Lawrence. T a k i n g advantage

of the breakup, pregnant cows among the 800,000 harps
make their way south". ( T I M E 21. 3. 69/30).
The nominalization breakup here functions as a p r o - f o r m ,
which Stands for the sentence spring thaws begin to break up
the winter ice in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and allows it to be
embedded i n the following sentence. A s breakup is not a
complete nominalization of the sentence, it does not contain
all of its semantic components but refers to them just as the
pronoun it w o u l d do. A l t h o u g h their function is the same,
the pronoun it presupposes an already existing noun, while the
nominalization breakup creates one. N o m i n a l i z a t i o n of V P C s
in referential function is practically an unrestricted productive
process, since it does not add semantic features. It is, however,
only a special case of zero-derivation following certain types
of reference. A different k i n d of productivity is mentioned i n
Preuss (1963: 34) i n connection w i t h blackout, which can be
said to have the two central meanings: 1) ,complete Screening
or extinguishing of lights* and 2) ,temporary complete failure
of memory or consciousness'. According to Preuss, „ a n a l o g y "
has created new formations i n both directions. 1) is responsible
for brownout, dimout ,partial Screening or extinguishing of
lights , while 2) has led to the formation of grayout ,partial
failure of consciousness', redout ,congestion of eyes w i t h a
reddish vision', and white-out ,loss of consciousness i n the (Ant)
A r c t i c ' . Similarly camp-out is said to have served as a model

1 5 0
Cf. Vater (1968: 22), where two kinds of pro-forms are
distinguished: those which presuppose , Vorerwähnung', i.e. previous
mentioning (such as he), and those which do not (such as somebody).
He points out that it is difficult to distinguish ,pro-forms' from some
nouns and adverbials „die ebenfalls „Pro"-Funktion haben können"
1 5 1
Contrary to the reference in Preuss (1963: 34), white-out is
not mentioned in The American Thesaurus of Slang (abbreviated as
ATS) 1956, or 1962. Nor is it found in the Dictionary of American
Slang (abbreviated as DAS) 1960, or 1967. According to the defini-
tion in A T S (714), the verbs black out, gray out, red out are deno-
minal zero-derivatives: „blackout, a brief period of unconsciousness
during a rapid reduction in altitude; black out, to experience a
„blackout ; grayout, a partial „blackout", gray out, to partially

for cookout and related poke-out and smoke-out. We can
regard such productivity by „ a n a l o g y " as creativity based on
paradigmatic relations w i t h i n a semantic field (cf. 2.4.5.).
Brownout, dimout, and blackout 1) may be said to represent a
semantic field ,extinction of light^ while grayout, redout,
white-out, and blackout 2) shar_e the semantic field — and the
complex semantic feature —CjFailure of consciousness^In both
fiel ds black- Stands for a component ,complete and the other
constituents (brown-, dim-; gray-, red-, white-) are opposed to
it. Similarly, camp-out, cookout, poke-out, smoke-out form a
semantic field and share a component ,social activity outdoorsV
The items are i n a paradigmatic relationship. The second con-
stituent of the noun is i n Opposition i f sit-out is compared to
sit-in or even derived from it, as is done by Preuss . AJl_the
recent formations, such as eat-in, drink-in, lie-in, pray-in, sit-
in, teach-in, form a semantic field w i t h the common component
,gathering of protest'. According to Marchand, they are not
derivatives from V P C s (cf. The productivity of the
type is thus not based on the syntactic relations i n an under-
lying sentence, but on parallelism i n surface structure in con-
junction with a common semantic component. In the case of
sit-out parallelism seems to inciude antonyms . In a l l these

„black out"; redout, a congestion of the eyes with a reddish vision

as a result of rapid negative acceleration; red out, to experience a
„redout". A l l terms are from aviation slang. For cookout, poke-out,
smoke-out, cf. D A S .
1 5 2
Preuss (1963: 34): „Durch Veränderung des Adverbs bringt
sit-out die Bedeutung „Protestkundgebung durch Platznehmen vor
Gebäuden" zum Ausdruck". Marchand (1969a: 385) mentions that
the V P C sit in (on a meeting, etc.) is unrelated in meaning to the
noun sit-in, and therefore believes that sit-down is the origin of the
type sit-in. However, sit-in could be derived as a P-type of reference
from the reduced prepositional phrase sit in (a building etc.), contain-
ing an additional semantic component ,protest' involving purpose.
This would explain sit-out from sit out(side) ,not in a building'. In
all the other recent formations, -in is no longer motivated as a
locative particle, but assumes the meaning ,protest'.
1 5 3
Cf. sick-out (not attested in the dictionaries) in „About 20
of Hartford's 57 black cops took part in a sick-out last year over
assignment and promotion grievances" (TIME 23. 11. 70/15). The

action nouns, then, -in and -out are not motivated as particles,
but have become new morphemes containing potential semantic
elements like + Protest and + G a t h e r i n g , in eat-in, drink-in
etc. and sit-out sick-out. In the case of camp-out, cookout

etc., the morpheme -out contains potential elements like + G a -

thering and +Outdoors. In blackout, grayout etc., -out w o u l d
contain + Failure of Consciousness, while i n blackout, brown-
out it represents either + Failure of Electricity or + Screening
of Light. The first constituent is an adjective i n blackout etc.,
which functions as an adverbial of degree or manner in under-
lying structure, probably ,electricity fails/'completely (partly
etc.)', ,lights are screened/completely (partly etc.)'. In camp-
out etc., the first constituent is a verb both on the surface
structure level and i n underlying structure, ,we camp (cook
etc.)/outdoors'. In sit-in, eat-in etc., the first constituent is
also a v e r b functioning as a manner adverbial i n underlying
structure, ,we protest/by sitting (eating etc.)'. The same applies
to the most recent formation with in we have found, v i z . bike-
in , although a denominal analysis is possible, as with a l l
instrumental zero-derivatives. T o test the extent to which the productivity of
zero-derived nouns w i t h out and up actually affects generally
accepted vocabulary we have checked a l l the items with out
and up that are listed i n Preuss (1962a, 1962b, 1963, 1964)
w i t h the most recent American English d i c t i o n a r y . In a d d i -

noun may be interpreted as being derived from a nonexistant verb

with the underlying structure ,protest/by being sick' parallel to
,protest/by sitting (somewhere)'.
1 5 4
In sick-out, the component is perhaps better speeified as some-
thing like +Solidarity, since the noun does not denote a gathering
but rather a staying away from work by a number of people.
1 5 5
Also in sit-out, and perhaps sick-out, if ,be sick' is taken as a
1 5 6
In the O B S E R V E R (21. 11. 1971/3): „It was the second conse-
cutive Saturday on an organized anti-car ,bike-in* arranged by
Edinburgh Ecology Action Group . . .", and „Bike-ins were planned
for Liverpool and Manchester and possibly Bristol, in a move to
restrain the use of the private car in city centres".
1 5 7
H E R (1970). We have chosen the paperback edition, as it is not

tion, we have attempted to find a l l the nouns contained i n
H E R which are derived from V P C s w i t h the two particles. It
seems that only the following zero-derived nouns w i t h out are
listed i n H E R : ball-, black-, blow-, cook-, drop-, dug-, fall-,
flame-, hand-, hang-, hide-, knock-, lay-, lock-, look-, seil-,
shut-, strike-, try-, turn-, walk-, wash-, work-OUT. The list of
zero-derived nouns w i t h up is a little longer, but it also con-
tains surprisingly few items: blow-, build-, check-, crack-, cut-,
flare-, frame-, get-, hang-, higher-, hold-, hook-, let-, line-,
make-, mix-, mock-, pick-, pin-, round-, shake-, slip-, sum-,
toss-, tune-, walk-, wind-, wrap-, write-UP. Some of these
items are not mentioned i n A L and P E N and may therefore be
either quite recent or only used i n American English, such as:
cookout, dropout, hangout, strikeout and cutup, hang-up,
higher-up, tune-up, walkup, wrap-up. P E N , which was first
published i n 1965, lists the following items which are not
contained i n A L and H E R : break-out, clean-out, break-up,
clean-up, dust-up, punch-up, take-up. I n the second edition of
A L , which first appeared i n 1963, the following are mentioned
which are not found i n H E R and P E N : comb-out, share-out
link-up. It w o u l d be rash to draw conclusions from the fact
that the most recent dictionary contains the largest number of
items not found i n the other dictionaries. A n y dictionary is
far from being complete. W e have not systematically collected
nouns with out and up, but^ random reading has yielded as
many as the following items not recorded i n A L , H E R , and
P E N : check-out, dimout, foldout, pullout, shake-out, sick-out,
clearing-up, cover-up, haul-up, send-up, step-up. Some of these
are certainly i n current usage. B u t having considered various
Statements about the productivity of such nouns and the factors
which favour it i n —, wejfind the small amount
of lexicalized items actually recorded i n the dictionaries
surprising. T w o explanations suggest themselves: most of the

our intention to test encyclopedic knowledge of vocabulary. We try

rather to reach an approximation of commonly accepted usage. We
are, however, fully aware of the drawbacks and insufficiencies of
such a crude test.

new items belong to substandard, as can be seen from Preuss*
collection, and the dictionaries do not list mere grammatical
nominalizations which dp not contain additional semantic
features... The most recent formation w i t h out seems to be
stop-out, which apparently differs from drop-out only i n an
additional semantic feature + T e m p o r a r i l y . Lexicalization
imposes restrictions on the use of certain items and their
collocation potential. A number of nouns containing out and
up are also morphologically restricted, i.e. their morphological
structures differ somehow from the overall pattern i n the zero-
derivatives under discussion. Some of these contain -ing-, such
as clearing-up, summing-up , washing-up, and are therefore
not zero-derivatives at a l l . The agent nouns diner-out, runner-
up are also derived by means of an overt suffix, while the -er-
in higher-up denotes degree, not the agent, and the combina-
tion is therefore a zero-derivative. A s already mentioned,
dug-out is also morphologically isolated and involves past
tense. The zero-derivative pick-me-up , ,sth. (e.g. a drink)
that gives new strength and cheerfulness* ( A L ) belongs to the
group of imperative words like hand-me-down, reach-me-
down, jorget-me-not, kiss-me-quick, and speak-easy. The o r i -
ginal locative value of up in pick-me-up is probably replaced
by a feature + Degree i n synchronic analysis, as can be seen
from the elements ,new strength and cheerfulness and also
from the definition ,tonic, stimulant* i n P E N . M a n y zero-derived nouns w i t h out and up may be

1 5 8
Cf. T I M E (27.9.71/47): „In the words of the Carnegie
Commission on Higher Education, they „stop out" — that is, they
drop out of the College scene temporarily to gain experience"; „For
instance, Hamilton Fish III . . . is now a Harvard stop-out, working
on a campaign to register Student voters on campus"; and „Still,
many stop-outs do better academically than their less-seasoned
classmates, if only because they are a year older".
1 5 9
With a plural summings-up.
1 0 0
Apparently only British English, as it is not attested in H E R .
Cf. German Kräutlein Rührmichnichtan, Vergißmeinnicht. French
sainte nitouche. For imperative words cf. Marchand (1969a: 380-

said to function as attributive adjectives . The use of simplex
and complex nouns i n this function is not at a l l unusual in
English. M u t t (1967) gives examples of complex phrases used
as ^remodifiers* such as pie-in-the-sky promise, get-well-soon
bouquets. Preuss (1962: 3) quotes a number of collocations
„die als selbständige Neologismen z u werten sind", such as
clean-up period, clean-up time, fall-out deposits, follow-up
letter, pickup girl, pin-up girl, wash-up time, zip-out lining,
zip-up boots. I n his later article (Preuss 1968: 33-35), further
collocations w i t h out and up are added: fallout pattern, make-
out artist, mock-up weapon, pick-up truck, drive-up phone.
The examples are by no means exhaustive since the pattern is
very productive, especially when the noun denotes an object
which admits of the action denoted by the V P C : lock-up
garage ,one can lock up the garage', pin-up girl, zip-out lining,
zip-up boots. The construction is the exact parallel of zero-
derived nouns, and the two often exist side by side denoting
the same thing, such as a pick-up truck and a pick-up, a walk-
up ftat and a walk-up. In such cases, the zero-derivative
genetically stems from the overt construction, originating by
a process of c l i p p i n g . F r o m a purely synchronic point of
view, however, the two are independent. The noun in the
construction corresponds to the zero-morpheme i n the deriva-
tive. In spite of the parallel to other constructions where a
noun functions as an attributive adjective, collocations such as
clean-up period, follow-up letter, pick-up truck, pin-up girl,
take-up spool , walk-up flat must therefore be regarded as
constructions i n their own right. They do not contain a zero-
derivative functioning as a preadjunct or premodifier, but go

1 0 1
Cf. Marchand (1969a: 386), who uses Jespersen's term pread-
junct', and esp. Mutt (1967), who uses the term ,premodifier'. Jesper-
'sen ( M E G II: 13.83.) states that „the development and free use of
such substantival adjuncts forms one of the most characteristic traits
of present-day English".
1 0 2
Cf. Marchand (1969a: 441 ff.).
1 6 3
A L ,spool on to which film, tape, etc., is wound from the
spool having the film, tape, etc., that is being used'. This is an
example of the use of such constructions in technical Jargon.

back to sentences such as ,we clean up during that period , ,we
follow it up w i t h a letter', ,we pick it up with a truck', ,we p i n
up the girl', ,the spool takes it up', ,we have to walk up to the
flat', thus representing an A d - t y p e of time and instrument, an
O-type, an S-type, and an A d - t y p e of place. This Solution is
also much simpler than the one assuming a zero-derived premo-
difier. A number of English verbs like do, make, put, set
have a very wide ränge of applicability and are therefore
semantically almost empty. Kirchner (1952), i n his extensive
treatment of be, come, do, get, give, go, have, make, put, take,
called these verbs „die zehn Hauptverben des Englischen". It
is obvious that when such verbs collocate with particles such
as out and up, they cannot contribute many semantic features
to the resulting V P C . The meaning of the V P C w i l l therefore
either be largely determined by the particle, or w i l l not be
deducible from its constituents. In the latter case, the V P C is
idiomatic, containing. semantic features added by lexicaliza-
tion. If the V P C itself collocates w i t h an action noun, it may
denote hardly more than the beginning, continuation, or end
of the action. Thus i n give up (smoking, wearing a hat) ,stop
smoking (wearing a hat)', the action noun normally has a
feature - f - H a b i t u a l . In keep up (attack, correspondence), this
feature is not present' and the V P C merely means ,continue to
attack (correspond)'. Put up (resistance, fight), set up (defence,
yell), take up (residence) can mean ,begin to resist (fight, de-
fend, yell, reside)', or simply ,resist, fight, defend, yell, reside'.
In these cases, the V P C corresponds to the ,Funktionsverben'
in German constructions such as zur Abstimmung kommen
(bringen), zur Blüte kommen, in Blüte stehen . It has been
argued that the ,Funktionsverb' is to be placed half way in a
continuum stretching from the füll verb on the one hand to the

1 6 4
Cf. Lipka (1971b: 232).
1 6 5
Cf. Heringer (1968), Klein (1968). The term ^unktionsverb*
is from Polenz (1963). Klein (1968: 9), in contrast to Polenz, does
not require ,Funktionsverbgefüge' to contain only action nouns as
nominal constituents, thus including, e.g., ans Tageslicht bringen.

auxiliary on the other, and that its semantic depletion is evi-
dent from contradictory collocations such as in Gang setzen ™.
Semantic emptiness and lexicalization can be observed in
do out and do up. Do out only collocates w i t h nouns
like stable, room, and then has the meaning ,to clean',
which cannot be deduced from the constituents. In do up,
the particle may be said to contribute the respective semantic
features in the collocations do up (house, hat) ,repair, improve',
(hair, face) ,make tidy (books, dress) ,put together*. The
participial adjective (horse) done up is idiomatic. In other
V P C s and their collocations, lexicalizatiorPhas added certain
specific semantic components such as ,on strike' i n (coal-miners)
come out, (workers) go out ; ,into society' i n (daughter) come
out, bring out (daughter); ,to public notice' i n (book) come
out, bring out (book). Put out (shoulder) ,dislocate must be
explained by prepositional phrase reduction from out (of Joint).
Collocations of put out with nominals denoting human beings
can have three different meanings, v i z . ,expel, remove', k o n -
fuse, upset', and ,inconvenience'. The distinction can only be
made i f the larger context is taken into account. In put out
(sb) ,expel, remove', the V P C contains a feature + Concrete
and goes back to a prepositional phrase denoting a place. In
the other two meanings the V P C contains —Concrete. It is not
derivable by prepositional phrase reduction unless put out (of
composure) is assumed for ,confuse, upset' . Lexicalization also
accounts for the meaning of take up (artery/dropped stitch)
,catdi the end of and make fast' ( A L ) . In other V P C s , the
presence of certain semantic features is b n l y deducible from
additional contextual elements. These may be complements, as
in the examples from A L the whole building went up in
flafnes, the bridge went up with a roar when the mine was

1 0 0
Heringer (1968: 34, 36 f.).
1 0 7
A L ,used by workers of themselves*. Both come out and go out
must be explained by prepositional phrase reduction from out (of the
factory). As the workers are inside, they can only go out, if speak-
ing of themselves.
1 6 8
Cf. German er brachte ihn draus, i.e. aus der Fassung.

exploded. Here, the meaning of go up ,be destroyecT is indica-
ted by the complements in flames, with a roar. The specific
lexical realization (i.e. the exponent) of the subject may also be
responsible for the presence of certain features, as i n the
doctors gave him up as opposed to they gave him up (for lost).
While in they gave him up ,they consider him lost , the element
Jost is not speeified, the contextual element doctor indicates
that ,lost is realized as ,incurable*. Similarly, i n the actor made
(himself) up for the part of Hamlet and ought she to make up
at the age of twelve} (both from A L ) , the contextual element
actor and the feature - f Female i n she account for the meaning
,put cosmetics on' of make up. L i k e other V P C s , those con-
taining empty factitives also occur i n familiär collocations
(cf. 2.8.1.), such as make up one's mind, put a man's back up
,make him angry , set up house, set up shop. A special type of such familiär collocations is found
in those involving it where the pronoun does not have ana-
phoric or referential function (cf. They are not
passivable . In these combinations it is not a pro-form, pre-
supposing the existence of an earlier mentioned noun, but part
of an idiomatic set phrase. Such collocations therefore combine
morphological and semantic restrictions and are not derivable
by means of a productive transformation. We have found the
following idiomatic V P C s with out i n v o l v i n g it: brave it out,
brazen it out, cut it out, face it out, fight it out, have it out,
shoot it out, spit it out, stick it out, sweat it out. Most of them
form a semantic field represented by the archilexeme endure
(cf. 2.4.5.). Other combinations like fight it out, shoot it out
have the meaning ,settle by fighting (shooting) . Collocations
with up are less numerous and are often used i n the expanded
form: hitting it up, live it up, ripping it up, rocking it up,
shake it up. The above discussion has shown that the use of
V P C s with out and up is restricted i n various ways. The
intuitive impression about the productivity of the V P C and the

1 0 9
Cf. Live (1965: 440). Fräser (1965: 78 ff.), Meyer (1970b:
133), Bolinger (1971a: 131).

opinions voiced about it are thus more clearly determined. It
seerns that data from a corpus may yield evidence for even
more precise Statements about productivity. In transformatio-
nal-generative grammar, material from a corpus is usually
regarded as irrelevant for linguistic study, since it is said to
represent Performance only, while linguistics should be con-
cerned w i t h competence. Such an attitude narrows down the
field of linguistic study considerably, and at the same time
allows i n d i v i d u a l intuition to play a very great role. Moreover,
the concept of linguistic competence is not well defined and
clearly delimited (cf. 3.5.1. and Fowler 1970). Leech (1968:
91) argues that „whereas a transformationalist is extremely
suspicious of the necessary v a l i d i t y of any evidence supplied
by a corpus or native Speaker informant, he is apparently
satisfied that the evidence provided by his o w n introspections
is v i r t u a l l y free from doubt and from the interference of non-
linguistic factors", and concludes that „the distinction between
competence and Performance . . . i n linguistics does not pose a
problem peculiar to that science: on the contrary, it is an
example of the broad distinction between theoretical terms . . .
and observational terms" (94). As any corpus, however large,
is by definition finite, it w i l l never be able to capture the
infinite resources of language. But it can be very useful as a
means to objectify our intuitions about linguistic phenomena
(cf. 1.3.7.). It is true that the yield of a clearly delimited
corpus w i t h regard to a particular construction or other l i n -
guistic element may sometimes be relatively l o w . In this case it
w i l l be advisable to follow a method as that employed in A l l e n
(1966), where the corpus consists of 4.800 ,verb-clusters and
verbid-clusters*. The corpus is thus not defined by a certain
amount of text, but by a speeified number of instances of the
phenomenon which is studied . Besides using several types of

1 7 0
Cf. Strang (1968: 199 f., 208), where it is also argued that
corpus-study has limitations which must be overcome by drawing on
evidence from outside the corpus.
1 7 1 1
Cf. the concept of O T U = ,operational taxonomic unit , which
is defined in Carvell-Svartvik (1969: 32) as „any one of the objects
to be classified".

corpus, we have basically adopted this method without, how-
ever, imposing any limitations on the amount of material thus
172 The Survey of English Usage at L o n d o n , whose
files we had the chance to use for this study, affords an oppor-
tunity to check productivity with the help of a corpus. A t the
time when it was consulted (spring 1969), the S U R V E Y
contained roughly 200 000 words. It yielded 97 items with
out and 116 items with up, including prepositional verbs which
admit prepositional phrase reduction, thus becoming V P C s .
O f these, 60 verbs w i t h out and 70 verbs with up occurred
only once. If we compare the examples from the S U R V E Y
with the material given i n Fräser (1965), the corpus only
contains a small part of the approximately 220 verbs with
out and 900 verbs w i t h up, v i z . 44 °/o and 1 3 % respectively.
The corpus could therefore not be used as a means to discover
many new V P C s . H o w e v e r , some verbs were found which were
neither mentioned i n Fräser (1965) nor in S O D , C O D , W 3 ,
1 7 3
A L , P E N . Those collocating w i t h out are: hurgeon, cart,
charter, climb, crawl, croak, drag, drift, peer, skitter, slip, stare.
O f these, more than half are verbs of motion which freely
collocate with the particles (cf. 3.5.2.). The remaining V P C s
can hardly be regarded as new formations which demonstrate
productivity. This also holds for the three V P C s with up:
invite up, multiply up, quirk up. A l t h o u g h the S U R V E Y is not
confined to written English, but contains various kinds of spo-
ken English, we have tried to check the assumption that V P C s
are more frequent i n spoken English by building up a special
corpus. It consists of 8 B B C discussion programmes of 50
minutes length each. If we assume that 35 minutes of conver-

1 7 2
In the following called S U R V E Y .
1 7 3
Only stare out is found in S O D .
1 7 4
It contains 6 programmes of „ A n y Questions" and 2 program-
mes of „A Word in Edgeways", all recorded during September, Oc-
tober, and November 1969. Cf. also the scanty results from the
spoken corpus recorded by Anthony. 10 hours of unrehearsed radio
programmes only yielded 110 V P C s with up (76 of group I and
34 of group II). See Anthony (1953: 111).

sation are roughly equivalent to 5.000 words of text, the total
spoken corpus then consists of roughly 57.000 words. The
yield of the corpus is surprisingly small. A l l in a l l , we have
only found 105 instances of the use of V P C s w i t h out and
up. This includes prepositional-phrasal verbs (cf. 2.3.2.), but
excludes participles and nouns. The 105 instances of V P C s are
made up of 28 items collocating w i t h out, of which 17 occurred
only once, and 35 items w i t h up, of which 22 occurred once.
A l l V P C s are recorded in the dictionaries, so that the spoken
corpus does not yield a single instance of a V P C which may
possibly be regarded as a new coinage. A variety of written
English was chosen as the basis for a third type of corpus,
v i z . certain texts on general linguistics . A p p r o x i m a t e l y half
of the material is made up of British English, while the other
half comes from American English. In both texts the number
of instances and items w i t h out is higher than that w i t h up. In
Lyons (1968), 51 instances of collocations w i t h out and up
were found, which were made up of 15 V P C s (8 items with
out, 7 items w i t h up). In Bach-Harms (1968), the percentage
is roughly twice as high, w i t h 97 instances containing 35 diffe-
rent items of which 20 collocate w i t h out and 15 with up. O f
the 15 items in the British English text 7 occurred only once,
while i n the American English text 23 items out of 35 were
1 7 6
found once only. O f the total of 50 items practically a l l are
recorded in the dictionaries. In common w i t h the S U R V E Y
and the material from broadcast discussion programmes, this
corpus therefore does not äfford a source of new coinages which
demonstrate the productivity of the V P C s . We therefore con-
clude that a limited corpus cannot be used to test the produc-
tivity of the V P C . H o w e v e r , corpus study is a method which
w i l l permit Statements about the frequency of occurrence of
certain V P C s .

1 7 5
Bach-Harms (1968), Universals in Linguistic Theory and
Lyons (1968: 170-394), Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics
chapters 5-8. Both texts contain about 200 pages.
1 7 6
With the exception of the technical term factor out in Bach-
Harms (1968: 172, 180).

157 I n addition to using a limited corpus, we have there-
fore set up an open-ended selective corpus which only inclu-
des sentences containing V P C s with out or up. Material was
collected from random reading of T I M E and the O B S E R V E R
over a period of almost two years. The following V P C s with
out were found i n the O B S E R V E R which are not mentioned i n
Fräser (1965) and the British dictionaries including S O D : (tape
recorder) blast (confessions), cantilever (floor) , churn (theses
and monographs, pseudo-intellectual slush), (sb) laugh, (hound)
needle (marrow), (girl) stalk, ( M I G ) taxi, (secrets) trickle,
(the French) trip, (man) voyage . There are almost as many
V P C s with up, v i z . bag ( £ 5), (aquatic life) crawl , (prices)
creep, ( M I G fighters) fly, fudge (the new 50 np coin), (tourists)
gawk , juice (illustrations), kit (Aldrin), (figures) toil, (frame-
work) tower, trot (workers). O f these the following are
instanced i n W 3 : stalk out, trickle out I bag up, crawl up, fly
up, juice up, kit up, toil up, tower up . Some of these are
probably taken over from American English. Others involve
verbs of motion with which productivity is not restricted and
the particle has adverbial function, as i n : stalk, taxi, trickle ,
180 180
trip , voyage I crawl, creept , fly, toil. Some V P C s can be
analysed as denominal derivatives, such as needle out ,get out
as i f with a needle' (derivable by T 1), bag up ,put i n a bag',
kit up ,provide w i t h a k i t ' (derivable by T 5), tower up
,rise like a tower'. I n cantilever out, the noun is probably the
instrument i n the underlying sentence, such as ,spread out, or
extend, w i t h cantilevers', but the V P C is not derivable by a
transformation. Churn out ,make, produce as i f by churning'

1 7 7
Used in the passive: „These top floors are cantilevered out to
allow for greater flexibility . . ." (O. 20. 4. 69/28). In the following,
the passive will not be marked if conversion into the active is
1 7 8
American English; in an article b y Norman Mailer.
1 7 9
W3 mentions the simplex fudge ,devise as a Substitute, contrive
without basis', while S O D gives fudge up as ,patch or fake up'.
1 8 0
Used figuratively.
1 8 1
Listed as ,chiefly Brit.' in W3, but not recorded in the British

is also basically denominal (cf. Juice up, in the
example „ C o v e r illustrations were juiced up". (0. 27.4.69/16)
involves Degree and might be derived by T 5. H o w e v e r , it is
probably better analysed as a deadjectival derivative from
,make (more) juicy (cf. 3.2.3.). It w o u l d then be another i n -
stance of a clipped V P C , like cheer up, flu ff out, laze away,
liven up, rough up, tire out. This pattern probably affords the
best interpretation for the nonce formation found i n the
headline of an article on a newspaper of a Trotskyist splinter
„ T R O T T I N G U P T H E W O R K E R S " (0. 9.11.69/44).
Besides deriving semantic elements from the phonic association
with hot up, the combination is analysable as ,make (more)
Trotskyist'. This is apparently the only really new formation
found in the O B S E R V E R . R a n d o m reading of T I M E yielded
a greater number of V P C s not recorded i n the dictionaries,
i.e. in C O D , A L , P E N , W 3 , H E R , and D A S . In part they
involve verbs of motion, either simplex or zero-derived (cf.
3.2.1.): trundle out (cake), (searchers) Spiral out , (hurricanes)
veer out, (column) dank up , (vehicle) roar up, scamper
{8i 185
up , (crews) screech up , (Capote) wheel up. Although in
(guests) stare out, the verb is not a proper verb of motion, the
particle functions as a directional adverbial. Some V P C s are
denominal derivatives. I n churn out (literature) produce', mail

1 8 2
With a denominal zero-derivative Spiral/0 ,move/in a Spiral'.
Cf. Brekle (1970: 119, 175 ff.); and Bolinger (MS: 26): „If a new
verb were coined tomorrow, say to helix meaning to move so as to
describe a helix, we would have He helixed up and He helixed down
almost immediately".
Denominal zero-derivative from ,move/with clanks'. Other
zero-derived verbs of motion from words denoting sounds are roar
up, screech up. The V P C wheel up contains the zero-derived verb
wheel ,roll or move on or as on a wheel or wheels' (HER).
1 8 1
From the context, the subject is deducible as animal, but it is
deleted in the nominalization: „. . . these razor-sharp, miniature
scythes were obviously better suited for catching and slicing up prey
than for scampering up the trunks of trees." (T. 7.12.70/34).
1 8 5
In cars.

c X8Q
out (cards) ,distribute , report out (budget) ,reveal', the noun
is best analysed as the instrument, but the combinations are
not derivable by T 1. Scent out (mineral) ,find out* can be
derived by T 1, and slit up (black satin sheath) ,open* is
probably derivable by T 7. Other V P C s are deverbal. If
subject transfer and a deleted agent (such as heat) is assu-
med, (gases) bake out ,are removed* can be derived by T 9 i n :
„. . . that w o u l d allow earthly gases left within them [In-
struments, L L ] to bake out during the torrid two-week-
long lunar day . . .** (T. 5.12.69/35).
188 e
Dump out (waves of earthquake) ,annihilate is also deriv-
able by T 9. Ease out (Cardinal Pizzardo) ,remove* is
probably deverbal, but may also be derived from a manner
adverbial ,with ease* or ,easily*. (Accordionist) squeeze out
(,The Sidewalks of N e w York*) ,play* and slide up (panel)
,open* are derivable by T 9 and T 10 respectively. Firm up
(prices) and probably also nance up ( f i l m ) are deadjectival
derivatives. Other unrecorded items collected from T I M E are
slap up (the mother), probably formed on beat up, and match
up (sailors wishing to exchange duty stations), which involves
the semantic feature + Together. Several other V P C s not found
in the dictionaries are idiomatic and stem mostly from the
slang of the hippie and drug world, such as bug out

1 8 6
The definition and the quotation given in W3 would fit T 1 as
it would be interpreted as ,get out, remove with a report'. It does not
apply, however, to our example: „Jenkins reported out a gloomy
budget for 1969-70." (T. 16. 5. 69/38).
1 8 7
1 8 8
The V P C could also be said to contain perfective out. Cf.
C O D , P E N , where the simplex verb damp, used as a musical term,
is defined as ,stop Vibration of string'. In W3 a one-place V P C is
instanced ,the wave damped out'.
1 8 9
Firm up is defined in W3 as ,assure a steady flow of hydro-
electric power' only. The V P C in: „The danger was that the pair
would nance it up and produce a heterosexual parody of homosexual
mannerisms . . ." (T. 29. 8.69/48) is not derivable from the noun
nance but only from the adjective nancy. If the interpretation
,make (more) nancy' is accepted, this is another instance of clipped
1 9 0
Bug out is recorded in D A S in the sense of ,withdraw, retreat'.

4 4 4
, w k h d r a w , freak out ,drop out , fritz out ,stop w o r k i n g , flip
out, trip out, tune out, a l l denoting loss of consciousness or
control. Besides being idiomatic, some formations seem to be
morphologically restricted. Spaced out, midied up, and psy-
ched-up apparently occur in participial use only. The latter
may be analysed as ,dressed up/in a m i d i (psychedelic style) .
T w o other quotations containing it probably follow the pat-
tern ,settle, decide by -ing (cf. (team) battle it out,
(players, army) slugging it out. Considering the relatively small number of unre-
corded formations found by random reading of T I M E and the
O B S E R V E R , we can say that the productivity of V P C s with
out and up is apparently not as great as is generally assumed.
It seems to be considerably greater i n American English, but
the method of collection of the material does not afford con-
clusive evidence. If we deduct collocations w i t h verbs of mo-
tion, the number of new items is relatively small. Besides, many
of these are idiomatic or morphologically restricted. Some are
obviously nonce formations such as trot up, midied up, psy-
cbed-up. Moreover, a considerable number of items belong to
slang, or are at least colloquial or journalese. Generally speak-

„After precocious turns at turning on, dropping out, skipping out and
even bugging out (into a mental asylum, for eight months), Gins-
berg drifted to San Francisco's North Beach in 1953". (T. 8. 8. 69/
C7). „For many of the kids in it, pot is a part of growing up, and
the great majority have no intention of freaking out for good."
(T. 26. 9. 69/49). „Yet when the television camera fritzed out on the
lunar surface, Astronaut Alan Bean had a moment of atavism."
(T. 28.11.69/14). Cf. D A S on the fritz ,not functioning or not
functioning properly'. „Acid can make you flip out." (T. 26. 9. 69/45).
Trip out and tune out are probably denominal zero-derivatives.
„Somebody slipped some acid into the potato and corn diips at a
swinging Singles party . . . and nearly 40 of the 200 guests tripped
out." (T. 20. 4. 70/12). „Drink is for tuning out. Pot is for tuning
in." (T. 26. 9. 69/45). Cf. the examples in Pickereil (1970).
1 0 1
In an article on fashionable slang: „Spaced Out: usually mean-
ing high on pot, LSD or catnip." (T. 17. 8. 70/33). „. . . Princess
Margaret, making her first public appearance midied up, did not fare
so well . . ." (T. 26. 10. 70/68). „Robert Shaw bellows and glowers
in his ornate armor like a psychedup Errol Flynn." (T. 17. 10. 69/66).

ing, word-formative productivity is much more active in slang
than in Standard usage, especially w i t h regard to zero-deriva-
tion and V P C s . T w o groups of participial adjectives w i t h out
and up may serve as an example for prolific types i n slang
which are not matched by Standard usage. In the American
Thesaurus of Slang (9f), the following items, in which the par-
ticle is sometimes facultative, are listed as Synonyms of hroken,
out of order: assed up, buggered (up), bungled up, bust (up),
busted (up), busticated (up), conked (out), fouled up, fucked
up, geed (up), geezed up, (all) gummed up, jacked up, jazzed
(up), jiggered (up), jimmed (up), jimmied (up), knocked (up),
loused up, messed up, poohed out, pooped (out), worn out.
The Dictionary of American Slang (653 f.) gives a considerable
number of synonyms for drunk, partly collocating w i t h out,
such as crumped, guyed, knocked, laid, but many more collo-
cating w i t h up v i z . all geezed, blown, boozed, canned, fired,
fried, geared, ginned, juiced, liquored, lit, lushed, mulled,
polished, potted, set, sewed, stewed, tanked, teed.

3.6. VPCs with OUT and UP and prefixal combinations

3.6. In a study of V P C s w i t h out and up, it w i l l not be

inappropriate to compare the combinations with other collo-
cations of the same elements. The cases where the same verbs
collocate w i t h the particles, but i n reverse order, are morpholo-
gically characterized by inseparability and a different stress-
p a t t e r n . W i t h the exception of the type outbid, prefixal
combinations w i t h out- are very restricted. According to
Marchand (1969a: 96), „ W i t h a locative meaning, the particle
has never had any verb-forming förce. Verbs of the type

1 9 2
Cf. 1.4.2. and Marchand (1969a: 96-121). The type outbid,
analysed as representing zero-derivatives parallel to German ver-
tanzen, is regarded as a ,pseudo-prefixation in Marchand (1969a:

outbreak ,break out* occur only i n poetry and are equivalent
to prose combinations of the phrasal type break out". The
Situation is similar w i t h up-: „ P r o b a b l y the only vbs that have
general currency are u p h o l d , upturn, uproot, upset" . C o m -
paring prefixal combinations and V P C s , Kennedy (1920: 16)
argues that „in practically a l l of the instances where a verb-
adverb combination is formed of the elements which enter into
a still-existing verb-compound, the combination has the literal
value and the Compound the figurative. C f . offset and set off,
outgrow and grow out, outlive and live out, uphold and hold
up, upset and set up". L i v e (1965: 442) mentions that out-,
over-, under- are still productive, and that the prefixes are
„semantically consistent and transparent i n the newer Com-
pounds", while they are „often metaphorically obscured in the
older ones". She also points out that in the process of prefixa-
tion „the merger confers transitivity on combinations of which
the verb component is intransitive when uncompounded" (442).
Prefixal combinations with out- and up- are few i n number
and must be considered to be the remains of an older System
which have been subjected to lexicalization to a large extent.
The only exception is Marchand's type outbid. In discussing
the „similarity between particles and prefixes", Fräser (1965:
54) states that i n outburn, outlast, outwear „out has the effect
of doing two things. First it causes the intransitive verbs (burn,
last, wear) to become transitive. Secondly, it associates the
notion of „ c o m p a r i s o n " to the verb". H e thus derives prefixal
verbs such as outshout, outshine, outspend from comparative
sentences containing shout louder, shine brighter, spend more,
and sets up the transformation (3—26):
N P + A U X - [ + V ] - A —ER - T H A N - N P
1 _ 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 =
1-0/77 4 - 2 - 0 - 0 - 5
Condition: A D J > 3
The adjective, which is the manifestation of an underlying
adverb, is left unspecified by Fräser and w i l l have to be

1 9 3
Marchand (1969a: 121).

supplied from the context i n analysing the prefixal verb.
Apparently, extralinguistic knowledge or lexicalization also
plays a part here, as i n Fraser's example a G.E. bulb will out-
burn any other type, which is derived from an underlying
burn longer. Outburn could also be analysed as derived from
burn brighter, parallel to outshine. In A L , outride and outrun
are defined as ,ride (run) better or faster than*. In this case
both adverbs, not adjectives, may denote the same thing. H o w -
ever, in outgrow ,grow faster or taller than' ( A L ) , there is a
considerable difference between the two adverbs. Moreover,
outgrow can also mean ,grow too large or too t a l l ( A L ) and
,grow too quickly' ( A L ) . Several verbs w i t h out- must be
analysed as denominal derivatives, such as outpoint ,score more
points ( A L ) , and others which do not have a corresponding
V P C , like outnumber ,be greater i n number* ( A L ) . Fräser is
right in assuming an underlying sentence containing comparison
for the productive k i n d of out-verbs which accounts for the
feature Degree in the prefix. But the conditions for the trans-
formation (3-26) are not speeified well enough. I n Fraser's
analysis outburn, outlast, outshout etc. are prefixed verbs, not
zero-derivatives. This is opposed to Marchand's Interpretation
of the type outbid as a zero-derivative and thus a ,pseudo-
prefixation*. However, i n some cases such as outstare ,abash
by staring* ( P E N ) , zero-derivation seems to be the only pos-
sible Solution (cf. also There are a few prefixal verbs
w i t h out and up which might be said to be synonymous w i t h
the corresponding V P C , and are defined thus i n dictionaries.
However, according to A L , outfit and outwear are mainly
used in participial form as adjectives, while outspread is only
an adjective. Uproot is defined i n A L as ,pull up w i t h the root ,
exactly as root up. Although a tree can be uprooted or rooted
up, the collocations are not identical. The verb uproot and the
V P C root up show that Kennedy's Statement about figurative
and literal use, though often valid, is not universally accept-
able. According to the quotations i n A L , the prefixal verb can
have both literal and figurative value: the gale uprooted nu-
merous trees, after he had lived in New York for 20 years his
employer uprooted him and sent him to Chicago. Moreover,

although the collocations i n this case are the same, (sb) uproot
(sb) and (sb) root up (sb) ,find are by no means equivalent.
This meaning of root up is certainly not literal, as would be
expected from Kennedy's rule. A comparison of V P C s with
out and up and the corresponding prefixal combinations shows
that while the V P C s are productive, the prefixed verbs are
quite restricted. The only productive type involving out- as
in outbid, outlast is not related to the V P C , since the prefix
and the particle have no semantic features in common. Uproot
and root up is apparently the only case of a close relation
between prefixed verb and V P C . W i t h other prefixes such as
over- there seems to be a closer connection between prefix and
particle. H o w e v e r , the prefix over- is really productive only
with the meaning ,too (much)', corresponding to the type
outbid i n this respect.

3.7. Simplex Verbs and VPCs

3.7.1. In 3.2. — 3.4. we have discussed those V P C s which are

best analysed as deadjectival, denominal, or deverbal, zero-
derivatives. In some of them the particle w i l l be regarded as
redundant by a number of Speakers. This is also the case with
many other V P C s which are not derivatives. For all the re-
maining V P C s basically two possibilities exist (cf.
either the combination is unanalysable and must then be con-
sidered as a discontinuous verb, or the particle functions as an
adverb which modifies the verb. W i t h both, verb-adverb
combinations and zero-derivatives, certain effects of the pro-
cess of collocation may be noticed which distinguish the simplex
verb from the corresponding V P C s . In the literature, changes
with regard to transitivity are noted as the most conspicuous
difference. In Kennedy (1920: 26 ff), „syntactical" and „sema-
siological" effects of the combination are distinguished. In-
transitive verbs are said to become transitive sometimes (e.g.
point out, work up), but the reverse process is said to take

place much more often (as i n cheer up, clean up, get up). W i t h
some intransitive V P C s a „reflexive object is understood" (26)
and they can also be used transitively. As another „syntactical"
effect, it is pointed out that often „the object of the combi-
nation is . . . of a very different character from that of the
simple verb" (26), e.g. i n buy a houselbuy out a person, clean a
room/clean out its Contents, lock a door/lock out (or up) a
person, mop a floor/mop up the water on it etc. We have
treated such cases as zero-derivatives i n v o l v i n g object transfer.
A s a fourth „ s y n t a c t i c a l " consequence of the collocation it is
mentioned that many V P C s have active form but passive
meaning or connotation. A l t h o u g h this phenomenon is found
i n other verbs as well, it is said to occur w i t h special frequency
in V P C s , particularly i n those containing perfective up. The
„semasiological" effects of collocation are listed a s : i l ) modifi-
cation as by an adverb (e.g. i n clean out),(2) the addition of a
perfective or intensive meaning, 3) an altogether different
meaning of the V P C (e.g. i n dry up ,be silent', fall out ,to
c f f
disagree , make out ,understand , ,put up with ,tolerate ), and
4) „special meanings", as i n call up (by telephone), die off/out
(applied to a collection or Community), pluck up (courage). 3)
and 4) comprise different kinds of idioms. It is pointed out
that although the particle often seems to be redundant, there
are actually differences i n meaning. Certain verbs are said to
occur never, or very rarely, without a particle, as, e.g., those i n
auction off, jot down, peter out. L i v e (1965: 433) mentions
that „in the discontinuous verb form" many intransitive verbs
„assume transitivity", as i n ran the intruder out, was looked
up, talked up the project, shouted out curses. „ O r i g i n a l l y -
transitive verbs, of which many become intransitive i n com-
bination" (437), e.g. watch out, set out, are discussed as a sec-
ond category of discontinuous verbs. In this category „ p o -
tentially causative verbs, which are transitive i n their causative
sense" (437) are included. It is also pointed out that many verbs
which „remain transitive, co-occur with a different set of ob-
jects" (437), e.g. carry (package)/azrry out (threat), test (can-
didzte)/test out (theory), show (picture)/'show up (swindler).
Under the heading of „particle-aspect" (436 f), it is stated that

up „frequently suggests intensity or totality" and that with
„adjective- and noun-derived verbs up is generally causative",
while out „contributes a connotation of thoroughness and
culmination". Fräser (1965: 38) distinguishes a „systematic"
relationship between verb and particle, i.e. when „the strict
subcategorization and selectional features of the verbal element
are exactly the same whether or not the particle occurs follow-
ing the verb", from a l l others, which are termed „unsystema-
tic". H e concentrates on the systematic V P C s , but distinguishes
several types of unsystematic relationships (43 f): 1) the addi-
tion of the particle renders a transitive verb intransitive, e.g.
in the weather cleared up, the planes stacked up over Kennedy
Airport; 2) intransitive verbs like hawl, look, point, think
become transitive when functioning i n a V P C ; 'S) cases which
involve „a quasi-passive sense attributed to the verb-particle
combination w i t h the usual object now becoming the subject of
the verb-particle combination" (44) as i n a bill will figure up
to a certain amount, a chair folds up, a clock winds up easily.
In the most recent study on V P C s with up, Meyer (1970b),
various ways are mentioned i n which the simplex verb differs
from the V P C . It is claimed „ d a ß in der Mehrzahl der Fälle
die inhaltliche F u n k t i o n der Partikel v o n denen der anderen
Kontextglieder geschieden werden k a n n " (1). In locative com-
binations, the particle is said to denote either a relatively high-
er point, or a distant point on the same level, or a point
exactly above a lower point i n a vertical line. The particle up
may further express „Steigerung" (152 ff), „ V o r h a n d e n s e i n "
(183 ff), „ N i c h t v o r h a n d e n s e i n " (296 ff), and „ K o m b i n a t i o n "
(261 ff), but also has the more specific variants denoting
„Wachsein" (121-124), „Erwachsensein" (180-182), „Ver-
schwinden einer Öffnung", and „Umschließung (Verdeckung)
einer G r ö ß e " (324-341). It is repeatedly stressed (171, 289,
297, 341, 344, 362) that combination with the particle up
involves a shift from the domination of the action to that of
result, which is denoted by the particle. Meyer (1970b: 344)
states: „Als typischen Effekt der nichtlokalen Partikelvarianten
auf die Verben i n nichtisolierten stabilen Verbindungen beob-
achten w i r die D o m i n a n z der grundlegenden semantischen

Komponenten, vor allem der Resultatsangabe. Dabei handelt
es sich um einen Spezialfall der F o r m v e r s t ä r k u n g einer F u n k -
tion". The addition of the particle also has another important
effect: a change, or more precisely an extension, of the „lexi-
kalische Fügungsmöglichkeiten" (172, 289, 299 f, 310). This
may involve an increase i n the number of nominals depending
on the V P C (170, 173). Changes i n transitivity, or rather i n the use of
lexical items as one-place or many-place verbs (cf. 2.6.1.), are
by no means restricted to V P C s . Poutsma (1926: 45-90) Stresses
the „floating nature of transitiveness" and discusses various
processes by which transitives are turned into intransitives and
vice versa, quoting also examples containing V P C s w i t h out
and up. One-place verbs may be derived from two-place verbs:
1) „ t h r o u g h absorption of an object"., e.g. lock up (doors), put
out (lights), seil out (of the army) (one's commission); 2)
„ t h r o u g h being used passively without a change of voice",
often owing to „a dropping or absorption of the reflexive or
reciprocal pronoun" (27), e.g. cancel out; and 3) „ t h r o u g h no
evident process". O n the other hand two-place verbs may be
derived from one-place verbs: 1) „ t h r o u g h being used i n a
causative meaning", e.g. follow up, trot out; 2) „ t h r o u g h being
furnished with a Cognate Object", e.g. live out (life); 3)
„ t h r o u g h denoting a k i n d of uttering"; 4) „ T h r o u g h taking an
Effective Object; and 5) „ t h r o u g h Absorption of a Preposition".
W i t h 3), 4), and 5), no V P C s w i t h out and up are mentioned.
Prefixation is also given as a possible source for derived t w o -
194 195
place verbs . It is pointed out repeatedly that the addition
of an adverb or adverbial may change a one-place verb into a

1 9 4
Cf. Polenz (1968: 8), where this function is attributed to
German be-, er-, as in begießen, besteigen, ersteigen. By prefixation
A gießt den B auf C is changed to A begießt den B (mit C). This
is an instance of ,objectivized locative phrases* (cf. involving
object transfer and facultative object deletion. Cf. As Polenz
points out, the prefix in ersteigen also adds a semantic element of
difficulty, since collocation with Berg is possible, but collocations
with Stuhl, Pferd are excluded.
1 9 5
Poutsma (1926: 55, 86).

two-place verb. The particle i n this case „denotes a locality or
State into which the person or thing indicated by the object is
brought through the action denoted by the verb" (86) (cf. 3.4.),
as i n bow out (sb), cry out (eyes), last out (others), live out
(night), sit out (other guests), talk out (sth), walk out (sb). A
sentence containing several instances of such V P C s is quoted
from Thackeray (87): / would rather wait him out, and
starve him out, than fight him out. This is a fine example of
deverbal zero-derivatives which are accounted for by T 9.
Jespersen , i n dealing w i t h „the double use of a great many
verbs" as transitives and intransitives, distinguishes the follow-
ing classes of verbs which, however, are said to show „a good
deal of overlapping": 1) an ordinary object omitted; 2) a
reflexive pronoun omitted; 3) a reciprocal pronoun omitted;
4) verbs of movement and change; 5) verbs derived from
adjectives, etc.; 6) verbs derived from substantives; 7) causa-
tives and inchoatives; 8) activo-passive use of the verb l)-3)
involve reduction of a two-place verb to a one-place verb by
means of object deletion (cf. 2.6.1.), while 4)-7) involve an
additional feature Cause (cf. 2.6.2., 2.6.3.). In 8) (the book
sells well), the underlying subject denoting the agent is deleted,
and thus a two-place verb is reduced to a one-place v e r b . According to Lyons (1968: 367), „All pseudo-
intransitive sentences . . . are to be transformationally derived
from transitives. O n the other hand . . . true intransitives . . .
may be taken as the ,source for the generation of transitive
sentences. The order of derivation is therefore intransitive —
transitive — pseudo-intransitive". We have already seen,
especially i n the discussion of deadjectival and denominal
verbs, that i n many cases the addition of a semantic feature
Cause converts one-place verbs into two-place verbs in a regu-
lär m a n n e r . This phenomenon corresponds to Poutsma's

1 9 6
Jespersen M E G III: 16.0. and 16.1.-16.8.
1 9 7
Cf. Halliday (1967: 47), where a „process-oriented" type of
sentence (this material washes) is distinguished from an „agent
oriented" type (the clothes were washed). In both cases, the underly-
ing subject is deleted on the level of surface structure.
1 0 8
Cf. 2.6.1.-2.6.4.

„being used i n a causative meaning" and, using H a l l i d a y ' s
terms, it must be regarded as a change from a process-oriented
type to an agent-oriented type of sentence. I n most two-place
verbs which are not derivable from other lexical items, how-
ever, the feature Cause must be assumed to be already present
without any change taking place. It seems clear that Cause
necessarily implies the presence of an agent who causes some-
thing, and of an object which is either affected or effected. This
two-place relation is established when Cause is added to a
one-place verb. In such cases, where the presence of the feature
Cause is optional, what is denoted by the sentence may be
presented i n either a process-oriented or an agent-oriented w a y . Basically the same fact holds for verbs or V P C s
which admit of object deletion , although the terms process-
oriented and object-oriented w o u l d seem more appropriate
here. The process-oriented sentence containing a one-place
verb, e.g. (sb) tidy up, (sb) clear up, (sb) gas up, (sb) liquor up,
(sb) load up, (sb) saddle up I (sb) rinse out, (sb) speak out actu-
ally names the agent i n this case, but its relation to the object is
not expressed. This corresponds to Poutsma's „absorption of an
object", as i n lock up (doors), put out (lights), and Jesperen's
„object omitted". For this reduction of a two-place verb to a
one-place verb, it is irrelevant whether the exponent of the ob-
ject in the underlying sentence is a füll noun, a reflexive pro-
noun, or a reciprocal pronoun. The other possibility of deriving
a one-place verb from an originally two-place verb may be
called „subject deletion". This corresponds to Poutsma's „being
used passively without a change of voice", Jespersens's „activo-
passive use", and Fraser's „quasi-passive sense", as i n (chair)
fold up, (clock) wind up. It is the type originally called
„process-oriented" by H a l l i d a y . It was remarked above (2.6.2.) that three-place
verbs can be derived from two-place verbs by adding the fea-
ture Cause. Ö n the other hand, it should also be possible to

1 9 9
Cf. Lakoff (1970: 47) and also Mittwoch (1971) for „unspeci-
fied N P deletion" with VPCs.

reduce three-place verbs to two-place verbs by deleting one of
the objects i n the underlying sentence. I f a sentence containing
a three-place verb is regarded as a three-place predicate, then
all three arguments have equal Status, although their order is,
of course, not irrelevant. Theoretically, each of the arguments
would then have the same chance of being deleted. A s we have
seen w i t h two-place verbs, either of the two arguments in the
underlying two-place predicate may, i n fact, be deleted.
However, subject deletion is much less frequent than object
deletion. I f a sentence such as they cleared out the mud from
the river is regarded as representing a three-place predicate
containing the arguments they, mud, and river, then the notion
of object transfer w i l l support the assumption that the three
arguments, or at least the two „objects", have basically the
same Status . This analysis presupposes that a distinction be-
tween adverbial adjunct and prepositional object is not made i n
this case . In they cleared out the mud, one object w i l l be
said to be deleted, while i n they cleared out the river, it is
the other object that is deleted. The relation between the two
sentences is then explained by object transfer . However,
they cleared out the mud could also be interpreted as being
derived by prepositional phrase reduction, and then the argu-
ments in the underlying predicate w o u l d not be given equal
Status. O n l y , in this case, they cleared out the river w i l l remain
unexplained. If a sentence such as she took the book out of her
purse is analysed as representing a three-place predicate with

2 0 0
This is the position of case grammar as first defined in Fill-
more (1968b).
201 p o (1926: 31 ff.) gives three criteria for recognizing the
u t s m a

prepositional object: 1) the prepositional phrase should be „a

necessary complement of the verb" (31), 2) the preposition in them is
„distinctly vague in meaning" (32), and 3) the preposition is
„intimately connected with the governing verb", so that both form
„a kind of unit" (33). He admits that „some prepositional word-
groups, as in He leaped over the fence, He has slept in this bed
occupy an intermediate position" (35) between prepositional object
and adverbial adjunct.
2 0 2
Cf. and, Fillmore (1969: 127 f.).

the arguments she, book, and purse, then the possibility of
prepositional phrase reduction, and the impossibility of object
deletion w o u l d indicate the unequal Status of the arguments.
But even i f an unequal Status of the arguments is assu-
med, this does not preclude the analysis of both they cleared
out the mud from the river and she took the book out of her
purse as three-place predicates. Sentences containing t w o -
place verbs can be derived from both, either b y prepositional
phrase reduction or by object transfer. B u t only object trans-
fer could explain the relationship between they cleared out the
mud and they cleared out the river (and clear the river, but
*clear mud), and between remove and empty (cf.
Object transfer is a consequence of the possibility of shifting
semantic focus, i.e. it is based on the distinction between
topic and comment and the process of t o p i c a l i z a t i o n . The
notion of object transfer w i l l also be supported by the pheno-
menon of what is called „objectivized locative phrases" i n
H a l l (1965: 85 ff). It is observed there that sentence pairs such
as John smeared paint on the wall/John smeared the wall
with paint, John planted peas and com in his gar den! John
planted his garden with peas and com are clearly related to
each other , and that the second sentence i n each pair is best
derived from the first one. Other sentences, like he provided
the children with shelter, are also said to contain „derived ob-
jects" (87 f) which stem from ,to N P ' , ,/or N P ' and ,of N P
phrases (he provided shelter for the children). In comparing
object transfer and prepositional phrase reduction let us con-
sider some further sentence pairs. Hundsnurscher (1968: 124)
gives as German examples of „Subjektvertauschung" and „ O b -
(1) das Wasser läuft aus (dem Eimer)
(2) der Eimer läuft aus
which can be regarded as subject transfer, and

2 0 3
Cf. Brekle (1970: 77 f.).
2 0 4
Cf. Fillmore (1968b: 48) and also defrost the icebox from
remove the frost from the icebox, and unsaddle the rider from
remove the rider from the saddle.

(3) das Wasser ausschütten (aus dem Eimer)
(4) den Eimer ausschütten
which are cases of QbjectjDransfer . I n (2) and (4), a locative
(or rather directional) prepositional phrase becomes the sub-
ject a n d the object of a sentence. The two-place V P C s i n (3)
and (4) can be derived from the one-place V P C s i n (1) and
(2) by adding the feature Cause. The sentences
(5) they cleared out the mud (from the river)
(6) they cleared out the river
are parallel to (3) and (4) i n that they involve object transfer,
but they differ i n the presence of two particles (out, from) as
opposed to one particle (aus) i n the German verb phrase das
Wasser aus (dem Eimer) schütten. T w o particles i n the direc-
tional prepositional phrase are also involved i n
(7) she took the book out (of her purse)
(8) she brought the dinner up (to his room)
which are best explained by prepositional phrase reduction.
Object transfer is not possible i n this case. The corresponding
sentences i n v o l v i n g one-place verbs are
(9) the ship sailed out (of the harbour)
(10) he climhed up (the mountain).
Directionality i n (10), as opposed to (8), is expressed by a
single particle, as i n German. The parallel with out exists i n
American English, where prepositional phrase reduction also
involves a single particle, as i n he jumped out (the window).
Sentences like
(11) the chair folds up
(12) the clock winds up easily
migth perhaps be said to involve subject transfer, parallel to
(2). H o w e v e r , there are t w o important differences: (11) and
(12) as opposed to (2) do not involve a directional prepositio-
nal phrase, and (2) cannot be transformed into the passive b y

2 0 5
For Frcnch cf. Pottier (1962: 198-200), and the examples
quoted there: deratiser le pot and depoter les rats, both from
oter les rats du pot (de fleurs).

inserting an auxiliary, while (11) and (12) can (the chair is
folded up, the dock is wound up easily) . A s we have seen i n, changes i n transitivity
are by no means confined to the addition of a particle to a
simplex verb, nor are they a necessary consequence of such a
process of collocation. Moreover, the direction of change is not
fixed, since one-place verbs may become two-place verbs and
vice versa i n the process of collocation w i t h a particle. Changes
effected by adding the feature Cause or b y object delection are
far more important i n this respect, and are also of a much more
general nature. I n many cases, V P C s can have an optional
feature Cause or — Deleted and can thus be used both as one-
place or two-place verbs. It is true that prepositional phrase
reduction plays a very important role i n the formation of
V P C s (cf. T 1, T 6, T 8, T 9). Whether this must be regarded
as a change i n transitivity depends on the value one ascribes to
the prepositional phrase involved. I f it is regarded as a pre-
positional object, then prepositional phrase reduction must be
viewed as a kind of object deletion which reduces three-place
verbs to two-place verbs, and two-place verbs to one-place
verbs. Poutsma pointed out that i n sentences like he leaped
over the fence — which allows prepositional phrase reduction
— the prepositional phrase is somewhere i n between the adver-
bial adjunct and the prepositional object. Some of the criteria
for the latter given by Poutsma apply (at least sometimes),
others do not. I n many cases, the prepositional phrase is „a
necessary complement", at least from the point of view of
information (cf. she took the hook, she took the book out, she
took the book out of her purse). However, the preposition is
usually not „vague i n meaning". O n the other hand, the prepo-
sition is „ i n t i m a t e l y connected with the governing verb", as it
is not dropped i n prepositional phrase reduction. G e n e r a l l y
speaking, „a scale of closeness and openness" (cf. 1.2.3.) must
be recognized to exist, which ranges from collocations of

206 j-jj h i is folded up and (11) are, of course, not synonymous

e c a r

since (11) involves a modal component ,can be* which may perhaps
be represented by a feature + Possibility.

prepositional verbs plus nominals to verbs plus prepositional
phmses. The particle i n V P C s originating by prepositional
phrnse reduction must be considered a k i n d of pro-form which
Stands for the whole prepositional phrase . It clearly func-
tions as an adverb, and the V P C is thus distinct from the
simplex verb (she took the book/she took the book out).
208 Object transfer is also not restricted to colloca-
tions of verb and particle, although it seems to occur more
frequently w i t h V P C s , i n particular w i t h the Synonyms of
remove. Hundsnurscher gives the German examples das Gras
mähenleine Wiese mähen which are paralleled by English
mow the grass/mow the lawn. W i t h nouns denoting Contai-
ners, determiners p l a y a role, as i n drink milkldrink one
glass (but usually not * drink a glass)/drink a glass of milk.
Object transfer is not identical w i t h what L i v e called co-occur-
rence with „a different set of objects" (cf. 3.7.1.). Object trans-
fer presupposes that a relationship exists between the objects
which are transferred. In Live's examples this is not the case.
Besides, there is a considerable difference between the V P C and
the simplex verb: carry out (theory) is a discontinuous idioma-
tic V P C while test out (theory) ,verify/by testing and show
up (swindler) ,reveal/by showing something' are deverbal
zero-derivatives. I n Kennedy's examples (cf. 3.7.1.), where the
object of the V P C has „a very different character", a relation-
ship between the objects exists i n the sentence underlying the
V P C . W i t h the exception of clean out — where clean out
(room) is also possible (cf. — they are all deverbal
zero-derivatives, and the object of the V P C is replaced for the
object of the verb i n the underlying sentence. O n l y i n mop
up the water on the floor is an „objectivized locative phrase"
(cf. involved, and the direction of the object transfer

2 0 7
Cf. Sapir-Swadesh (1932: 13, 64-70), where „elliptic locative
pronouns" and „space-locative pronouns" are discussed. Below in
he went below is said to mean „to A N I M P L I E D P O I N T below
T H E I M P L I E D P O I N T O F R E F E R E N C E (the point where he
was standing)" (13).
2 0 8 c
And also ,subject-transfer , if Jespersen's „activo-passive use"
is regarded as such (cf. the chair folds uplthe book sells well).

is probably the reverse of that in the other examples. As should
be clear from the preceding discussion, object transfer and
object deletion are two very different matters. Object deletion
— whether the object is a noun, as i n gas up (car), light up
(pipe, cigarette), lock up (doors), saddle up (horse), or a
pronoun, as in liquor up (oneself) — may be a source of idio-
maticity, especially when the deleted object is not easily recon-
structed. Poutsma (1926: 59) describes this aspect of object
deletion with the metaphorical wording that „the verb may
then be said to be used i n a pregnant meaning, more being
meant than is actually expressed". In other cases, as i n eat
(sth), the object may be irrelevant, and is therefore deleted,
but this does not necessarily result i n idiomaticity. Parallel to
object deletion, idiomaticity may also arise by the deletion of
an adverbial adjunct, as i n Kennedy's example of „special
meanings" (cf. 3.7.1.) — call up (by telephone), ring up. F r o m the preceding discussion we have seen that
the collocation of verb and particle, as compared to the
simplex verb, may induce certain changes w i t h regard to
transitivity and the nature of the objects. The changes do not
all go in the same direction, and the same changes may also
be produced by processes other than that of collocation with
a particle. The differences can therefore not be generalized.
When the selection restrictions and the meaning of the V P C s
differ considerably from the simplex verb, as i n carry out
(threat) vs. carry (package), the two are unrelated and the
V P C must be regarded as an idiomatic discontinuous verb.
The same holds for V P C s such as peter out, where the verbal
constituent does not occur independently. A p a r t from the
differences between V P C s and simplex verbs discussed i n the
literature, one might assume that the two also differ with
regard to figurative usage. There is, however, little evidence
for such a hypothesis. We have found only the following V P C s
whose use seems to be confined to a figurative one, while the
corresponding simplex verb occurs only i n literal use: (sb)
hlossom out, (sb/business firm) hranch out, freeze out (sb),
grind out (tune/verses), map out (one's time), root out (crime/
radicals/sb/old letter), smell out (secret, plot), thrash out

(problem, truth, Solution), weed out (herd/the bad/imprac-
tical schemes), winkle out (secrets, story, news) / bottle up (emo-
tion, anger), cork up (feelings, emotion), soften up (sb). M a n y
other items are mainly used figuratively, but i n such cases
either the simplex verb is also used figuratively or the V P C
has also literal uses. We shall now consider those V P C s i n which the
particle functions as a locative adverb or a locative pronoun.
When prepositional phrase reduction is responsible for the
formation of the V P C , a certain movement is expressed by the
V P C which then contains a feature + D y n a m i c . The particle
in these cases denotes direction, and not place or position. This
applies to the vast majority of V P C s . In certain V P C s —
apparently o n l y collocations w i t h out — the particle, however,
obviously contains a feature —Dynamic, thus denoting place.
It w i l l be clear that such collocations cannot inciude verbs of
motion. We have found the following V P C s : (sb) board out,
(sb) dine out, (sb) eat out, (servant) live out, (sb) sit out, (sb)
sleep out, (children) stay out. In a l l of them, the particle out
must be negatively characterized as ,not i n (a place)'. The
place may be any house, and then out is synonymous to
outdoors, as i n sit out, sleep out, stay out. It may also be the
home, as i n board out, dine out, eat out, sleep out, stay out, or
the place of employment, as in live out, sleep out. Basically,
all three possibilities may occur, as i n (sb) sleep out, ,not in a
house', ,not at home', ,not at place of employment'. In a few
other V P C s the particle has a feature + Dynamic, thus denot-
ing direction, but the verb in the collocation does not express
physical movement. Such V P C s denote visual activity, which
may be interpreted as a k i n d of abstract movement proceeding
from the observer, as i n (sb/hotel room) look out, (sb) peek
out, (sb) peer out, (sb) stare out I (sb) look up. In collocations w i t h verbs of motion, the V P C
contains the feature + D y n a m i c . The particle thus denotes
direction instead of place. The feature can be said to be trans-
ferred from the verb to the particle i n the process of collo-

Cf. the postulation of ,transfer features* instead of ,selection

cation. Other features w i l l be assumed to be present i n the
2 1 0
particle, such as an optional feature Vertical ( ± V e r t ) in
up. If up is —Vert and collocates w i t h verbs of motion, it
2 1 1
contains a feature Proximate ( ± P r o x ) . The direction of the
movement is relative to a certain point of reference . Since
the explicit designation of this point of reference is deleted i n
prepositional phrase reduction, the particle functioning as a
locative pro-form i n the V P C is ambiguous. In collocations
with out, the particle Stands for ,out of some place , which
may be symbolized by —Prox. The unreduced prepositional
phrase specifies the necessary point of reference, and the noun
in it can be said to denote the ,starting-point' of the move-
ment denoted by the V P C . In the collocations with up, the
noun in the unreduced prepositional phrase represents the
,ending-point of the movement, which is the necessary point
of reference. Up is thus a locative pro-form which Stands
for ,up to some place'. If the ending-point is higher than the
starting-point, up involves + V e r t ; i f it is not, then + P r o x is
present. This shows that there are actually two points of
reference for a l l verbs denoting movement (including the V P C s

restrictions* in Weinreich (1966: 429 f f 4 5 9 ) . Selection restrictions

would not work here, since the particle can be basically ± D y n a m i c .
2 1 0
Cf. Bierwisch (1967: 13), where a universal semantic marker
( + Vert) is postulated for the vertical dimension, as opposed to
(—Vert) for the other dimensions. The feature is motivated on the
grounds of „a deep-seated difference between the vertical dimension
and the horizontal ones", as a consequence of the „human perceptual
apparatus". Cf. also
2 1 1
Cf. 2.6.5., and, especially, Meyer (1970b: 71 f.; 1971).
2 1 2
Cf. Sapir-Swadesh (1932: 13, 16), where it is pointed out that
„locative pronouns" (like in, below) have an implied point of
reference, while other locative expressions (like at, beside, east of,
west of, upon, (a)round, against, with) require an explicit point of
reference. Cf. also
2 1 3
The „ending-point" is defined in Sapir-Swadesh (1932: 11) as
„the relation that exists between a movement and the point at
which it ends". Later (64), a corresponding „starting-point" is
introduced without definition. We use both terms in the sense of
Sapir-Swadesh. Cf. also: „The principal device for expressing the
ending-point-relation in English is the relator to" (14).

with out and up): the starting-point and the ending-point.
Both points of reference are independent of the Speaker of the
utterance, although they may coincide (cf. he came up to me).
This fact distinguishes deixis i n V P C s with out and up from
the deictic categories i n v o l v e d i n here, thislthere, that, comel
go (cf. 2.6.5.). According to Sapir-Swadesh (1932: 78), out of
„is generally a starting-point expression", while the up i n sen-
tences such as pull up your chairs, he walked up to the parson
„has the function of adding to the basic e-p [ending-point, L L ]
notion that of increasing nearness, e.g., , H e walked progressi-
vely nearer to the parson ". I n their study (20 f), a number of
simplex lexical items are analysed by assigning them an ending-
point. Thus, enter is said to denote a movement whose ending-
point is ,a point i n ' , and admit is then analysed as ,cause or
permit to enter . Approach and to near are said to involve
,a point near something' or ,points successively nearer some-
thing', which amounts to assigning them a component ,move'
and the feature - f P r o x . Converge „corresponding with the
restrictive locative together, expresses M O V E M E N T S having
as ending-point A P O I N T O C C U P I E D B Y A L L " (20 f). This
corresponds to our use of + Together. A s the starting-point in
prepositional phrases w i t h out and the ending-point in phrases
with up is deleted in prepositional phrase reduction, the result-
ing V P C s w i t h out only contain the components ,move, —Prox',
and the V P C s with up either ,move, + V e r t ' , or ,move,
+ Prox'. If the result of a movement is not merely a change
of place but at the same time a change of State, the V P C can
be said to denote position. In discussing sit up and pay atten-
tion, Sapir-Swadesh (1932: 81) argue: „ W h e n the location
(ending-point) is thought of as united with the particular
,stasis' which results from a characteristic movement into a
charactcristic locatively determined being, we have ,position'.
Position is not a type of location but is a more complex type
of entity, involving or i m p l y i n g location, frequently ending-
point of preceding movement. I n actual usage position and
ending-point get blended". It seems that we have to distinguish
two homonymous V P C s , one containing + D y n a m i c (sit up\),

which denotes a movement resulting in a position, and another
item (sit up%) containing —Dynamic, which denotes the posi-
tion itself. The same holds for stand up . W i t h other V P C s ,
dynamic and non-dynamic items involving position are separa-
ted. Thus —Dynamic is present i n : (tongue) hang out, (gun,
balcony) jut out, (cape) push out into sea, (stomach) stick out I
(outline of ship) loom up, (branch) stick up; + D y n a m i c i n :
(eyes) pop out, (tongue + Cause) shoot out I (sb) buoy up, (sb)
jump up, (sb) leap up, (soldiers + Cause) line up, prick up
(ears), (horse) rear up, (shirt) ride up, (sb) spring up, (sb) start
up, step up (mast), (sb) straighten up, tilt up (barrel), tip up
(barrel). In V P C s which do not denote a movement of some
kind, the modifying function of the particle is not always
easily identified. The adverb is sometimes said to contribute to
the expression of aspect. Thus, i n Poutsma (1926), verbs are
said to be „assisted i n expressing an ingressive (or momen-
taneous) aspect by adverbs" (296), such as away, hack, down,
off, up, while i n other cases „the notion of terminativeness is
brought out with the assistance of adverbs, chiefly out, through
and up (300). In L i v e (1965: 436), the „particle-aspect" of
„thoroughness and culmination" is attributed to out, and that of
„intensity or totality" to up. In Kennedy (1920: 25), up is said
to have a „perfective value" and „can be used in the perfective
sense with almost any descriptive verb". Fräser (1965: 37;
1966: 51 f) distinguishes three groups of V P C s , of which the
second is labelled „ c o m p l e t i v e " V P C s . I n this group, which
includes collocations w i t h out and up, the particle is not regar-
ded as an adverb, but is said to cause the meaning of the verb
„to take on a completive sense" (53). Aspect is a term which
many linguists restrict to Slavonic languages. Often, particu-
larly in German linguistic literature, ,aspect* is carefully
distinguished from the ,mode of action' ( , A k t i o n s a r t ' ) ,

2 1 4
Cf. Poutsma (1926: 296) and the example quoted there:
„Miss Slater had commanded Eva to stand up for the remainder of
the lesson".
2 1 5
Cf. Zandvoort (1962), Knobloch (1965: 172-176), Nickel

although it is generally agreed that the two are not always
clearly separable. If such a distinction is made and the term
aspect is used for English, then it is usually applied to the
Opposition of simple form and expanded f o r m . The labels
perfective and imperfective (also durative, continuous, pro-
gressive) are normally used to distinguish the two categories of
aspect. F o r the modes of action, a variety of terms are
employed (which sometimes overlap) i n most cases for the
distinction of several phases of the action or process, such as
inchoative, ingressive, continuative, progressive, egressive, con-
clusive, resultative, terminative. Other oppositions concerning
the modes of action are punctual or momentaneous vs. linear,
iterative or frequentative vs. durative, and also intensive or
intensifying. In view of such a variety (and often confusion)
of terms, it seems advisable not to create new ones or to give
new definitions to old labels. A s a cover term for the inten-
sifying of perfective function of the particle i n V P C s , we
w i l l , however, adopt Fraser's neutral term ,completive i n the
following. W e shall also t r y to determine more precisely, with
the help of paraphrases, the functions of the particle, which are
usually denoted by rather vague labels . This seems a l l the
more appropriate, since the modes of action are normally
believed to involve semantic differences, as opposed to the
grammatical distinction of aspect.
c The ,ingressive mode of action as noted by

(1966: 213-233), Hansen (1967: 15-20, 42-56), Schopf (1969: 120-

122). For the history of the term ,Aktionsart* cf. Klein (1968: 10-
18). For the distinction cf. Knobloch (1965: 177): „Die Scheidung
zwischen Aspekten und Aktionsarten . . . ist zwar für die grammati-
sche Theorie notwendig, sie ist jedoch in keiner Sprache am sprach-
lichen Material selbst rein durchzuführen".
2 1 6
Cf. Schopf (1969: 151 ff.), Hansen (1967): „Die meisten Gram-
matiker stimmen heute darin überein, d a ß die englische Aspektkate-
gorie durch die Glieder E F und SF repräsentiert wird" (20); „In den
modernen germanischen Sprachen kann wohl nur hinsichtlich des
Englischen vom Vorhandensein eines kategorialen Aspekts gesprochen
werden" (17).
2 1 7
Cf. Polenz (1968: 9, 138), where the same method is proposed
instead of using „Schlagwörter".

Poutsma for sit down, sit up, stand up does not seem to play
a great role i n V P C s w i t h out and up, i n contrast to colloca-
tions with away, back, down, off. Although sit up and stand
up can be paraphrased as ,begin to sit', ,begin to stand' (which
in word-formational terms w o u l d then be zero-derivatives),
both can also be ,duratives', as Poutsma (1926: 296) himself
mentions. In collocation w i t h action nouns, certain semanti-
cally empty V P C s such as put up (fight), set out (walking, on
a journey), take up (residence) can be analysed as denoting
the beginning of an action (cf. In this case, i n contrast
to sit up, stand up, it is not the particle alone which expresses
the beginning, but the whole V P C . Therefore the mode of
action is not expressed by the collocation w i t h the particle, as
opposed to the simplex verb. If the term ,ingressive' is used i n
a wide sense, then the majority of V P C s w i t h out and up w i l l
be covered by it, since they contain + D y n a m i c and denote a
change of place or State. In traditional terminology, they are
therefore sometimes called ,mutative verbs' . Let us now consider the ,completive' function of
2 1 9
the particle. In the literature on V P C s , the following items
are said to receive a completive sense; through collocation w i t h
OUT: broaden, burn, buy, carry, deepen, die, even, fade, fight,
freeze, give, lengthen, puzzle, seek, seil, Stretch, sweat, think,
tire, turn, wear, widen, work; through collocation w i t h UP:
beat, block, break, brush, burn, buy, churn, clean, clog, cut,
dry, eat, fix, grind, heal, jam, jiggle, mix, plug, roil, seal, shake,
stir, stop, swell, tear, use, wash. As can be seen from the
groups set up i n Fräser (1966: 52), more than just a completive
nuance of the verb is often i n v o l v e d :
(1) The man mixed (beat, churn, jiggle, roil, shake, stir) up
the paint

2 1 8
Cf. Poutsma (1926: 23), and Fillmore's (1969: 112) ,change-
of-state verbs'.
219 p references cf. In Mittwoch (1971) a syntactic
o r

feature [completive], attached to the V P node, is distinguished

from a semantic feature [completive], contained in the particles
up and down, in drink up, drink down, eat up.

(2) She coiled (curl, fold, roll, wind) up the rope
(3) The woodsman broadened (deepen, lengthen, widen) out
his step
(4) The garbage clogged (block, jam, plug, stop) up the
In (1), the V P C cannot be paraphrased simply as ,mix (beat,
c e
etc./completely or ,mix/all of . This is only possible with
mix up itself. A l l the other V P C s must be analysed as ,mix
( = C A U S E + B E + + Together)/by beating, etc.', and are
thus deverbal zero-derivatives involving + Together. The
morphological structure of beat up (paint) could be represented
by: beat//'0/up. If up is assigned completive force only, it then
functions as the determinant of the zero-morpheme on the
next level of analysis, and + Together is exclusively contained
in the zero-morpheme. If this analysis is not accepted, the
zero-morpheme, i n conjunction with the particle, must be
regarded as the determinatum. In (2), the V P C s may be
paraphrased as ,coil, (curl, etc.)/completely , but can also be
analysed as denominal or deverbal zero-derivatives involving
+ Together. The V P C s i n (3) are obviously deadjectival deri-
vatives involving Degree, which can neither be paraphrased as
,broaden/completely , nor as ,broaden/all of the step', nor as
,broaden/to the end, until it is finished'. O n l y in (4) can the
V P C s be paraphrased either as ,clog (block, etc.)/completely',
or ,clog (block, etc.)/all of the drain'. If, however, other
collocations are used than the ones given by Fräser, then some
items are completive and allow paraphrases with either ,com-
pletely' or ,all o f , such as: (face) broaden out, beat up (sb),
which is perhaps better rendered as ,beat severely'. Some other
items quoted i n the literature also require comment. Buy out
(sb) is only a zero-derivative, as mentioned in the dictionaries.
Carry out (plans, threat, Orders, movements) is a discontinuous
verb. (Family, the dinosaur/customs) die out involves a diffe-
rent set of subjects as opposed to the simplex verb, since only
a collectivity can ,die/completely', and an individual's dying
is not gradable. Fade out (picture, conversation) is ,cause to
fade/gradually', not ,completely'. Freeze out (sb) is not

,freeze/completely', but a zero-derivative. Although give out
,be exhausted' involves completely', it is a discontinuous verb,
not give modified by out ,completely'. Puzzle out (sth) ,solve,
find out' is not completive i n our sense, although it involves
finality. The same holds for seek out (place, book, person),
sweat out (cold), think out (scheme, Solution), turn out (lights,
gas-fire/goods/scholars), work out (problem, message, share,
method/silver-mine). Brush up (dust/French) involves + T o -
gether and Degree but not ,completely'. Fix up (quarrel) may
perhaps be analysed w i t h ,completely*. Seal up (letter, window,
drawer) is a denominal zero-derivative which might be ana-
lysed as ,close/completely'. (Ankle, wrist) swell up is not
completive but involves Degree. Wasb up (dishes, dinner
things) ,wash all o f is parallel to die out in that it cannot be
used w i t h nouns denoting a single element. In addition to the
items quoted i n the literature, the following V P C s involve a
completive particle, since they can be paraphrased w i t h either
,completely' or ,all o f . Collocations w i t h OUT: copy (article,
letter), write out (copy). The collocations with UP are more
numerous: (play, theatre, concert) booked (only used i n the
participle), (business) close, drain (glass), drink (the water),
fill (tank, street), finish (everything, drink, dinner) (perhaps
to be analysed as ,drink, eat/all o f ) , (girl) flush, gobble
(supper), kill (weaklings), mundo (bread, biscuits), (sb) pay,
(sb) rest, (pears) ripen, (car, screw) rust, shred (paper, cabbage),
seil (sb's goods), slice (loaf of bread), snip (piece of cloth),
type (report), write (diary, notes, affair) (which involves ob-
ject transfer). Another aspect of a completive meaning of the
V P C is what Poutsma called „terminativeness". In these cases,
the particle may be paraphrased sometimes by ,all o f , but
usually by ,to the end' or ,until finished'. Apparently, such
V P C s are restricted to collocations w i t h out, such as: (sb/fire)
burn (oneself/itself), face (matter), fight (storm/issue, war),
follow (enterprise), hatch (eggs), hear (sb), last (apprentice-
ship), live (fate), play (role), ride (storm/gale/current adjust-
ment), serve (apprenticeship), sit (play, dance, speech), stick
(first term), wait (storm). In the analysis of deadjectival V P C s , we have

postulated a semantic feature Degree (Deg) which was based
on the comparative i n the gradation of adjectives (cf. 3.1.2.).
It is thus ultimately connected w i t h the very general process
of quantification and has to be regarded as a formator. If the
feature is defined in a wide sense, it w i l l inciude the Superlative
in the gradation of adjectives as well as degree adverbials and
various devices for intensifying linguistic units, as are found
in a great number of languages. W e shall here restrict the use
of the feature to those cases where the morphemes -er (as
affixed to adjectives) or more are found i n the paraphrases
underlying certain surface structures. Thus Deg w i l l be said to
be contained i n prefixal verbs of the type outbid, outshine
,bid more than', ,shine brighter than* (cf. 3.6.) . Deg is also
present i n simplex lexical items such as increase ,cause to be
more and improve ,cause to be better'. In the productive
prefixal types overanxious ,too anxious', overcaution ,too much
c 4
caution , overburden ,burden too much , it is also present,
only on a deeper level. Too must be analysed as ,exceeding a
certain norm . A s we have already seen, Deg is found i n some
V P C s w i t h out, and in a great number of collocations w i t h
up. In many V P C s w i t h up, the feature Deg together w i t h
+ Dynamic is the only difference between the simplex verb
and the V P C , and the two components must therefore be
regarded as the meaning of up. Thus, while the zero-derived
verb (car) speed is ,have speed , the V P C (car) speed up is
,get more speed" or ,increase speed . The presence of Deg i n the
particle alone is probably p a r t l y explainable from the surface
structure parallel with deadjectival V P C s where Deg is an
optional feature of the underlying adjective. A second more
important source of the productivity of V P C s w i t h up contain-

2 2 0
Note that we do not follow Marchand's analysis of the type
outbid as representing zero-derivatives. However, denominal combi-
nations such as outnumber, outpoint (cf. 3.6.) are here regarded as
zero-derivatives, as are the German formations of the type ertanzen,
verspielen, aufschrauben, and deverbal English VPCs such as blow out
(candle), crow up (barnyard).
2 2 1
Cf. Meyer (1970b: 125-180).

ing Deg is the locative meaning i n v o l v i n g + V e r t . The ending-
point of such a movement is ,higher than', which also contains
Deg. In a more abstract meaning, the originally locative value
,higher than' is converted into ,more than'. This interpretation
is equivalent to the procedure employed i n Bierwisch (1967:
16, 32 f), where „a very abstract feature" (Space) is set up to
account for the meaning of certain adjectives used as modifiers
of abstract nouns, as in lange Zeit, kurzer Tag, große Angst,
hoher Preis, hoher Ton. It is a well k n o w n fact that i n many
languages lexical items which denote locative relations are also
used to denote temporal and other more abstract relations. But
the locative meaning of up is not the only source for Deg. That
deadjectival verbs also play a role with regard to Deg, is
proved by the fact that certain V P C s with out contain the
feature, such as (face/„textile") broaden out, (fall) lengthen
out, lengthen out (wine) ,make last longer', (limestone layer/
houses) thin out, (street, river) widen out. There are even other
V P C s with out which apparently contain the feature, such as
let out (trousers) ,make longer', sit out (rival) ,sit longer', and
spin out (time, money, glass of port) ,make last longer'. The
overwhelming majority of V P C s containing Deg, however,
consists of collocations with up. We here disregard a l l the other
semantic features in the V P C and attempt to give an exhaus-
tive list of V P C s with U P which involve D e g : beef (army,
office), bid (goods), blow (fire/photograph/tire), brace (yards),
(face) brighten, brighten (classroom), brush (French), huck (sb),
(pressure) build, build (health, military forces), bump (prices,
costs), buoy (sb), (sb) change, charge (sb), chat (sb), (dealer)
crack (car), crisp (rolls, lettuce), cry (sth/sb), dilute (coffee,
222 222
w i n e ) , do (house, hat), (sb) ease , feed (children), freshen

2 2 2
In some cases Deg denotes an increase towards the negative
pole of a certain scale. Cf. ,Minus' in Apresyan-Mel'cuk-Zolkovsky
(1969: 13). Thus dilute up denotes an increase in dilution, but a
decrease in the strength of the coffee, or wine. In the nominal form,
a certain scale encompassed by two antonymous adjectives (such as
long and short) is usually represented by the positive pole (length).
The polarity is also neutralized when a certain dimension is measured

(herbage/buildings), furbisk (harness), (sb) gear, gear (pro-
duction), (wind, sea) get, get (health), ginger (trade, flow of
revenue), grade (herd of cattle/standard), hasten (process),
hem (dress), hop (engine), (gossip/air raids) hot, hot (things,
Shakespearean productions), (sb + Cause) hurry, jack (prices/
discipline), jazz (party, things/sb), (barometer, prices) jump,
key (sb, crowd), knit (torn, sleeve), (rain, wind) let , lighten
(load), lighten (colours), (things, party + Cause) liven, (busi-
ness, shares) look, mark (umbrellas), (expenses, bills) mount,
paint (house, town), pep (sb/party, demonstration), (sb) perk,
perk (oneself/denims/sales), (weather, trade/sb) pick, (wind)
pipe, (störe) play (other makes, items), point (narrative), polish
(brasswork/style), pull (your grammar), (story, pace +
Cause) quicken, rake (fire), read (subject), (bomber) rev, rev
(motor-bike/engine/pace), roughen (surface), rub (spoon/
Latin/memory), rush (work), sah (vegetables), scale (wages,
marks, imports), screw (courage, exhilaration/oneself/rent),
send (prices, temperature), (sb) sharpen, sharpen (knife), (rents,
222 222
prices/sb) shoot, shorten (pants, rope), shout , sing , (sb)
slack, (sb/pace, tempo, discipline) slacken , slacken (effort),
slick (story/cafe), (sb) slim, (sb, car + Cause) slow , slow (read-
er/process), soup (engine, car/textbook economics, title), (sb)
speak, (car, train/heart) speed, speed (engine/service/production
process), spiee (dish, meal/things), steam (economy), (trade)
step, step (produetion), sweeten (stock), switch (radio, volume),
(weather) take, (sb) talk, talk (game), thicken (sauce, soup),
tighten (screw), tone (muscles, system), touch (picture, last act/
horses/memory), toughen (sb), (sb + Cause) trade, whack
(sth), whip (mare), widen (highway), wind (watch), write (the
acting/asset). Basically, D e g can refer to an increase towards

(J miles long but not *3 miles short). When somebody eases up,
the consequence is a decrease of tension. The clearest manifestation
of this phenomenon is the synonymy of slow up and slow down.
When a car slows down, its speed decreases, therefore down. When
it slows up, the process is the same, only this time it is viewed as an
increase of slowness, therefore up.
2 2 3
Only used in the imperative.

either pole of a certain scale, as is evident i n dilute up, ease
up, slow up etc. In a number of other V P C s , the particle functions
as an adverb, but there are very few collocations i n which it
has the same meaning. In some cases, the function of the
adverb is isolated. In a small group of V P C s with out, the
particle has the meaning ,into society', or ,into public k n o w -
ledge': ask out * (sb), bring out (young lady), (daughter/
book) come out, have out (sb), invite out (sb), (sb) step. I n
another group, out has the meaning ,aloud', as i n (sb) cry out,
read out (letter), (shot, bells) ring out, roar out (order, drink-
ing song), sing out (order), (sb) speak out, spell out (words).
In other functions, the particle is apparently isolated, as i n
help out (sb) jtemporarily', ride out (racehorse) ,to the limit',
(sb) strike out ,vigorously'. In type out (essay, thesis), the par-
ticle is completive i f the analysis ,type the final copy' is accep-
ted. Write out (cheque) is a familiär collocation which is
perhaps analysable as ,make out/by writing'. W r i t i n g is also
involved i n fill out ( f o r m , check), which can be analysed as
,make complete', but not i n fill out (story). As opposed to the
completive function of the particle described i n, up has
the meaning ,not thoroughly' i n a few V P C s , such as practise
up (piece for concert), press up (suit), scrub up (children),
sponge up (coat, dress). This group is related to certain V P C s
where up has the meaning ,again, a second time', as i n fry up
(potatoes, yesterday's dinner), heat up (cold meat), iron up
(dress), warm up (milk). The meaning ,awake' is found i n a
number of V P C s with up, but there are only a few i n which it

2 2 4
Cf. Sapir-Swadesh (1932: 72): „The expression ,to ask out*
is in a class with ,to invite out to', ,to take out to', ,to have out to'
and others, as applied to social functions and activities, e.g. a dance,
a bridge-party, supper, the opera, etc.". Ask out and invite out
involve Cause, and must be analysed either as deverbal zero-deriva-
tives, or as containing an embedded sentence with come out.
2 2 5
This collocation belongs to American usage; in British English
a V P C with a different particle is used, viz. fill in (form). Cf. Pal-
mer (1965: 187). The difference shows the idiomatic character of the
discontinuous verb.

can be attributed to a modifying particle alone, suxh as keep up
(sb), (sb) stay up, (sb) wait up. In (sb + Cause) rouse up and
(sb + Cause) wake up, ,awake is already present i n the
simplex verb, while rout up (sb) involves ,out of bed' rather
than ,awake . Knock up (sb) is a deverbal zero-derivative.

C H A P T E R 4: S E M A N T I C F E A T U R E S


4.1. General Remarks

4.1.1. A powerful method i n the study of the semantic struc-

ture of lexical items is that of word-formation, in that it
describes how complex items can be derived from simplex
ones in a regulär way. L o o k i n g at the process from the other
direction, we can greatly reduce the number of items which
have to be assigned a complete semantic specification, i f com-
plex items can be derived from simplex ones. This amounts to
a considerable simplification of the lexicon. H o w e v e r , there
are certain limitations to the method, which are mainly due to
the effect of lexicalization. V a r y i n g degrees of idiomaticity
tend to obscure the originally clear relationship between the
constituents of a complex form, which thus becomes unana-
lysable. W i t h regard to V P C s , this means that many items
which are not readily recognizable as deadjectival, denominal,
or deverbal derivatives w o u l d remain unexplained. There are
two possible ways to overcome this limitation, i f the V P C s are
regarded as units for the time being . Certain semantic com-
ponents and features may be found to be present in the entire
V P C , and the items are grouped together accordingly. I n a
second step it w i l l then be possible to check whether or not the

Cf. Pierce (1970: 101), where it is argued that „burn up, cut up,
etc., must be treated as single lexical items, not as burn plus up and
cut plus up". Although we find many discontinuous verbs, one cer-
tainly cannot claim for all VPCs, as is done by Pierce, that „up is a
complex verb former, i.e., a derivative morpheme, and its meaning is
V E R B F O R M A T I V E " (101). Cf. 3.2.1.

established features are contained i n the simplex verb. The
other possibility for a semantic investigation is to set up w o r d -
field s which are represented by certain archilexemes .
4.1.2. It is obvious that the two procedures yield partly
overlapping results, as i n the case of an archilexeme gather.
Since an archilexeme is considered as covering the content of a
word-field, the members of which are directly opposed to each
other in a specific syntactic slot , it can be discovered by a
commutation test. It is the smallest common denominator of
a number of lexical items, i.e. it is that item which semanti-
cally includes a l l the others. It can therefore replace these other
items w i t h o n l y a loss, not a change of Information. The items
in the word-field represented by gather form a subset of the
items covered by the semantic formulas ( C A U S E + ) B E -
C O M E + S T A T E , where S T A T E is realized as + Together .
O n the other hand, certain groups of V P C s can only be
grasped w i t h the help of an archilexeme, as i n the case of
utter and collocations w i t h out. T o postulate a feature + U t -
tered for the S T A T E resulting from the action denoted by the
V P C seems quite unnatural and counterintuitive. In the follow-
ing analysis of V P C s by means of semantic features we shall
disregard a l l items which involve place, i.e. those covered by
the semantic formulas B E + L O C , B E C O M E + L O C , and
C A U S E + B E C O M E + L O C . Therefore V P C s which contain
a feature + M o t i o n , either contributed by the simplex verb or
present only i n the collocation, are not included here. T w o -
place verbs i n v o l v i n g P O S I T I O N w i l l be treated as an inter-

Cf. 2.4.5. and Geckeier (1971: 177-204).
Cf. Geckeier (1971: 192 f.).
At first sight the two sets seem to be identical, as would also
appear from the definition of gather as ,get, come, or bring to-
gether' in A L . However, in a number of cases the V P C could not
be rcplaced by gather, either because of selection restrictions or
because of a different meaning. Cf. clip up (papers), hook up (gas,
heater/power lines). Cf. also gather one's papers and hooks together
in A L s.v. gather.
Cf. also Thus one-place verbs such as (gun, balcony)
jut OUT/(sb)start UP, (ship)loom UP are not included in the follow-

mediate category between L O C and S T A T E . We shall con-
centrate, however, on features connected with S T A T E .

4.2. Semantic Features A s discussed i n 2.6., we regard a l l sentences, i.e. the

expressions of predications, as consisting of an initial, a medial,
and a final cluster of semantic features. W i t h one-place verbs
the V P C comprises the medial and the final cluster. W i t h t w o -
place verbs the V P C mainly represents the medial cluster,
while the final cluster is filled by the object of the sentence.
It w i l l be immediately clear that this analysis encounters
certain difficulties. W i t h two-place verbs S T A T E , which is the
result of the action denoted by the V P C , is exclusively the State
of the object. The relationship between the V P C and the ob-
ject is thus much closer and different in kind, as opposed to that
between the subject and the V P C . This is what Weinreich
tried to capture w i t h the concepts of ,nesting and Konfigura-
tion'. The relation is equally close between the S T A T E i n v o l -
ved in one-place V P C s and the subject of the sentence, as is
obvious from the possibility of deriving a two-place verb by
adding C A U S E . The problem is solved by setting up a distinc-
tion between ,connectives' or ,formators' and ,designators', as
was done i n 2.6.5. and 2.6.6. Both are semantic features, or
semantic components, i.e. groups of features. But only the
formators, v i z . B E , B E C O M E , H A V E , G E T , C A U S E occur as

ing. Cf. Meyer (1970b: 104-112) for bang, holt, loom, pop, rear, rise,
sit, stand, start, stick, straighten UP.
Cf. Weinreich (1966: 425), where the possibility of treating
the lady sings arias as a two-place predicate with lady and aria
as arguments is discussed, and it is pointed out that „the metarelation
of one of the arguments to the relation is different from that of the
other". It is argued that „The nesting construction is clearly intended
to provide a formal representation of the intuitive feeling of transi-
tivity" (424).

medial Clusters and function as connectives. Besides the form-
ators, verbs — and of course V P C s — also contain descriptive
semantic features: the designators. Consequently, one-place and
two-place V P C s w i l l be analysed as containing formators and
designators. The latter are represented i n the semantic formu-
las by the cover Symbols L O C , P O S I T I O N , and S T A T E . I n 2.5. we discussed the possibility of semantic tests
and concluded that the but-test, as used i n a pair of sentences
of which one is negated, is the most powerful device for
motivating specific semantic features i f used i n conjunction
with the 50-test. The procedure can thus be employed to
justify the postulation of certain designators like + Together.
As we have seen in 2.4.1., basically a l l linguistic units which
function as modifiers i n definitions can be turned into meta-
linguistic elements and thus serve as theoretical constructs to
denote semantic features. The formators are equivalent to the
„genus" in semantic formulas such as B E + S T A T E , B E C O M E
+ S T A T E , C A U S E + B E C O M E + S T A T E which can be
considered as definitions. The designators, which specify the
cover symbol S T A T E , function as the „differentia specifica".
Hjelmslev's „empirical principle" (cf. 2.2.1.) requires that the
number of such designators be kept as l o w as possible to permit
an economical description of language. O n the other hand,
collocation restrictions of the nominals involved w i l l sometimes
demand quite specific designators i n certain definitions. The
conflict between the requirements of the generality of features,
and of the naturalness of definitions (cf. 2.4.1.) can only be
solved by a compromise of the two principles. Although our
choice of semantic features is motivated by the results of the
but-test, some definitions w i l l need a slight alteration of the
exponent of the feature to sound perfectly natural. This
deviation w i l l be further enhanced by another consequence of
the principle of economy: the use of binary features, symbol-
ized by ± . Although i n the object language S T A T E requires a
modifier in adjectival form, designators, as theoretical con-
structs, w i l l also be used in the shape of other w o r d classes
( ± Exist, ± P r o t r u d e ) , i n abbreviated form ( ± V e r t ) , and in a
form derived from neo-Latin coinings ( ± P r o x ) (cf. 2.4.3.). The

following semantic features are used as designators for S T A T E :
+ A d u l t , ± A p p a r e n t , + A w a k e , ± B l o c k e d , ± Closed, + C o n -
fused, ± Covered, + Empty, ± Exist, + Fastened, + Inflated,
± Inside, ± Process, ± P r o x , ± Together, ± V e r t . Before entering the description of the V P C s , we
shall first discuss two binary features i n greater detail: ± E x i s t ,
and ± Together. Both occur i n collocations w i t h out and up
and are of greater general relevancy than the other features.
The feature + Exist is tied up w i t h what is traditionally called
the effected or effective object. In these cases the thing denoted
by the object is the result of the action denoted by the verb —
therefore the term object of result is also used - which is
represented by the formula C A U S E + B E C O M E + / + E x i s t / .
The effected object is created by the action, while the affected
object already exists before the action takes place. The diffe-
rence is treated as a „ c o v e r t " grammatical distinction i n
Fillmore (1968b: 4). However, it is said to have „syntactic
relevance", as the effected object does not permit interrogation
of the verb w i t h do to {What did John do to the table?) while
the affected object does. The sentences John built the table
and John ruined the table are said to differ i n this respect. In
a review of Fillmore's article, Brekle (1970b) proposes a
further criterion for this distinction, which is considered as part
of the selection restrictions of a verb. According to Brekle, a
noun functioning as an effected object necessarily contains as
the dominating semantic feature the ,nomen patiens' of the
respective verb. Thus, i n the examples ich drucke ein Buch, ich
schreibe ein Pamphlet, ich zeichne ein Dreieck, the nouns Buch,
Pamphlet, Dreieck contain the respective features „ G e d r u c k -
tes", „Geschriebenes", „Gezeichnetes". O n the other hand, the
affected object Pferd i n der Mann schlägt das Pferd does not
contain the feature „Geschlagenes". This criterion is of course

In the following, designators will be marked by / /, when
occurring in semantic formulas. Besides indicating the distinction
between formators and designators, the notation avoids a confusion
of the -f belonging to the formula and the -f- or — which are
Symbols of binary features.

not only applicable to G e r m a n . Another surface structure
manifestation of the „ c o v e r t " distinction can be found with
verbs i n German and English. It seems that in some cases the
verb governing an affected object must collocate w i t h a prefix
or a preposition, while the effected object is governed by the
simplex verb. The phenomenon is linked with the question of
object transfer and objectivized locative phrases (cf.
Consider the following examples:
(1) ( i) etwas auf ein Blatt schreiben
( i i ) ein Blatt beschreiben
(iii) einen Brief schreiben
(2) ( i) etwas an (auf) die Wand malen
( i i ) die Wand an(be)malen
(iii) ein Bild malen
(3) ( i) write something on the blackboard
( i i ) write on the blackboard
(iii) write a book
(4) ( i) smear one's hands with grease
( i i ) smear grease on one s hands
(iii) smear a word.
In (1 iii), (2 iii), and (3 iii), the effected object collocates with
the simplex verb, while the affected object in the other
examples requires a prefix or a preposition i n German and a
preposition i n English. When object deletion takes place, as i n
(1 ii), (2 ii), and (3 i i ) , object transfer occurs. In (3 ii), the new
object is a prepositional object. I n (4 ii), no object deletion is
possible when object transfer takes place, but the new object
is not a prepositional object. The parallelism between (3 iii)
which contains + Exist and (4 i i i ) which contains —Exist
suggests that the effected object may perhaps be paralleled by
an „ a n i h i l a t e d object". While the effected object is created by

As pointed out by Coseriu (personal communication), this criteri-
on does not hold for zeichnen which can mean either ,draw or Re-
present, picture by drawing*. The latter meaning accounts for ich
zeichne ein Haus (Schiff, Baum, etc.), where the lexical items Haus,
Schiff, Baum, etc. do not contain the feature „Gezeichnetes".
Cf. Lipka (1971b: 226).

the action, the anihilated object is destroyed by the action
denoted by the verb. The binary nature of the feature ± Exist
w i l l support such a hypothesis. One might suggest that the
correct notation for two-place verbs containing this feature is
simply C A U S E + B E and C A U S E + N O T + B E . But there
are strong arguments against such a notation. The symbol
± Exist is derived from the but-test for the presence of fea-
tures. It is also supported by the distinction between the main
verb be and the copula be, and the parallel to the notation of
other features. The binary feature ± Together has already been
widely used i n this study, which may testify to its importance.
It can refer either to at least two different physical objects,
or to at least two parts of the same object. A single physical
object which cannot be viewed as consisting of separate parts
cannot involve this feature, i.e. it cannot be the subject of a
one-place verb or the object of a two-place verb containing
± Together. The feature partly corresponds t o [ ± Joint] as
set up in M c C a w l e y (1968a: 152), which is, however, only used
for the subcategorization of noun phrases: „ J o i n t noun phrases
allow adjuncts such as together; nonjoint noun phrases allow
adjuncts such as each". According to Dougherty (1970: 535),
M c C a w l e y ' s [+Joint] applies to phrasal conjunction, while
[—Joint] corresponds to sentence conjunction. In Meyer (1970a:
8), the symbol [ + Combined] is used for „bewegliche K o n -
kreta" which reach „einen gemeinsamen Zielpunkt". This is
exactly equivalent to our notation + Together, and to Sapir-
Swadesh's „a point occupied by a l l " (cf., only that
we do not confine the feature to movements of concrete phy-
sical objects . The features posited i n Meyer's dissertation

1 0
Although Meyer, in his dissertation (1970b), does not restrict
the feature to concrete objects — as is shown by the examples: draw
up (results), roll up (words), (bills) mount up, Stack up (knowledge)
— he mainly deals with those. Cf. especially (1970b: 264). He prcfers
to speak of „Einzelgrößen" which are combined into a „Gesamt-
größe". According to Meyer (1970b: 355) neither [ + Combined], nor
[ ± P r e s e n t ] are directly related to the directional meaning of the
particle, which is considered as the main variant.

(1970b: 342) for nonlocative and non-directional variants of
up largely correspond to those set up here. Thus, [ + A w a k e ] ,
[ + C o m b i n e d ] , [ + Increased] are equivalent to our + A w a k e ,
•f Together, + D e g . Meyer's general features [ +Present] and
[—Present] are here speeified more precisely as ± A p p a r e n t
and ± Exist. Although it only appears i n a few V P C s we have
taken over Meyer's feature [ + A d u l t ] . W h a t is labelled infor-
mally as „Verschwinden einer Öffnung" (324) and „Bedeckung
einer G r ö ß e " (329) is here captured and differentiated with the
help of the features + B l o c k e d , + Closed, + Covered. „ L o k a l e
Fixierung des Objekts" (83) corresponds to + Fastened.

4.2.2. V P C s with O U T Before discussing other semantic features, we shall

first consider V P C s with an intermediate category between
L O C and S T A T E , v i z . collocations i n v o l v i n g

They all denote movements of concrete objects. The result of
the movement is a position which is characterized by the
features +Protrude and —Vert. W e have found: boom (sail),
dart (hand, tongue) (also without C A U S E ) , hold (arms, hand/
baby), push (roots), reach (hand — Deleted), shoot (tongue,
hand/buds) (also without C A U S E ) , stick (head, tongue),
Stretch (arm). I n the following, semantic features i n one-place
V P C s and two-place V P C s w i l l be treated i n alphabetical

B E C O M E + / + Apparent/:
This feature is related to + Exist but the two are distinguished
here, as we believe that there is an important difference be-
tween effected and affected objects and also between the
respective subjects. In Meyer (1970a: 6 f), + A p p a r e n t and
4-Exist are combined under the same label ( + Present), and
are said to be distinguished by the context. We have f o u n d :

(strata) chop, (sun/news, truth/daughter/sb in photograph)
come, (rock, minerals) crop, (news) fllter, (anger) flame, (news)
leak, (moon/ancient belief) peep.

B E C O M E + /+Exist/:
When the subject comes into existence only through the process
denoted by the V P C , the latter contains the feature + Exist, as
i n : (disease, war, inflation, fire, quarrel, riots, disturbances,
plague) break, (war, disease) hurst, (flowers, sum, equation,
book) come. The majority of V P C s w i t h + Exist are two-place
verbs containing C A U S E .

B E C O M E + /-Exist/:
There are many more collocations w i t h out containing —Exist
than + Exist. The feature partly overlaps with —Process i n
those cases where the subject is an action noun or a ,process
noun , as, e.g., in (fire) burn, or denotes a living being, as in
(sb) pass. The items containing —Process thus form a subset of
the items containing —Exist. We list here only those V P C s which
do not involve —Process: (pressure groups) cancel, (family/the
dinosaur/old customs, specialization) die, (supplies) give,
(stream/copper deposits/supplies/families) peter, (sandstone)
pinch, (patience) wear.

B E C O M E + /-f-Inflated/:
Although there is a connection w i t h +Protrude, the following
V P C s are better characterized by +Inflated: (sails) helly,
(muscles) bunch, (cheeks) fill, (sails) swell. (Calves) bulge is

B E C O M E + /-Inside/:
The two examples, (sb) check, (sb, workers) clock, do not
simply involve L O C , but denote a certain S T A T E resulting
from the movement: ,be no longer registered* and ,work no
longer'. (Sb) drop, (sb) pass may refer to school and society.

B E C O M E + /-Process/:
L i k e the preceding feature, —Process involves „terminativeness"

(cf. Both could be subsumed under a common feature
labellcd / N o longer/, w i t h —Inside involving S T A T E in addi-
tion to L O C , and —Process i n v o l v i n g S T A T E i n addition to
Process. In the semantic test a complex expression like ,no lon-
ger function i n a certain w a y w i l l seem most appropriate. The
symbol —Process is intended to cover and abbreviate this
expression. The process itself may be either denoted by the
verbal constituent of the V P C , as i n (fire, candle/bulb, grate/
sb) burn, or is implied as a normal function of the subject, as
in (engine/sb) conk ,work/be conscious, live , (engine) cut
4 4 f
,work , (engine) give ,work , (fire, light) go ,burn , (sb) pass
4 4 £
,be conscious, live , (sb) peg ,live , (wick/sb) snuff ,burn/live ,
(candle) sputter ,burn . In other collocations the process is
referred to by an overt agent noun or a process noun func-
tioning as subject, as i n (runner) drop (baseball player) fly
y y

(exitement) sputter. Another item is: (fireworks/attempts,

enthusiasm) fizzle.

BECOME + /-Prox/:
The only one-place V P C with out is apparently (sb) hire. The
V P C goes back to an underlying sentence containing a deleted
reflexive pronoun as object. The subject is thus ,away from
itself (cf. The items w i t h —Prox do not simply repre-
sent a subset of the items containing —Together. The feature
—Prox necessarily contains —Together, but i n a specific way, v i z .
referring to the subject of the sentence only. It can be para-
phrased by ,no longer together w i t h subject or ,away from
subject . Thus, e.g., both features, —Prox and —Together, are
simultaneously present i n the word-field represented by the
ardiilexeme distribute. This fact leads to the distinction bet-
ween the two features.

B E C O M E + /-Together/:
In one-place V P C s derived by prepositional phrase reduction,
the element with which the subject is no longer together is not
overtly expressed. When the subject is a collectivity, its mem-
bers are no longer together as a result of the process denoted by
the V P C . W e find: (business firm) branch (sb, France) contract,

(sb) drop (troops, picnickers/glacial debris) fan, (mist, pe-

licans, lines/civilization) fray, (city, Company, business) mush-

roorriy (sb) opt (suspended pigment) settle, (legs/end) splay,

(payments) spread, (houses) thin.

C A U S E + B E + / +Apparent/:
Blurt (secret), bring (meaning of a passage/young lady, book),
dig (book), dope (specifications), drag (reason), draw (scarf),
ferret (secret), figure (problem), find (sb/sth — Deleted), fish
(coin), fiush (dollars/tax evaders), hunt (old diary, hat), haul
(old essay), jerk (fish, pistol), lay (cold meal, evening clothes),
nose (rat, trail/scandal, evidence), point (pictures, the man/
mistake/that . . .), puzzle (sth), rake (scandal), reckon (how
much we w i l l need ), root (truffles/possessions), rout (bottle),
scare (partridge), search (friend/insincerity), seek (sb, place,
book, keymen, enemy bombers), smell (sb, witch/secret, Oppo-
sition), smoke (intentions), sound (sb ), spell (views), spy
(secrets/land ), track (development), trot (horse/knowledge,
excuse), whip (knife, wallet), worm (secret).

C A U S E + B E + /-Apparent/:
There are apparently only three collocations with out, where,
in contrast to the majority of V P C s , the negative value of the
binary feature ± Apparent is present: black (windows, lights),
block (view), shut (bay, view, sunlight).

C A U S E + B E + /-Blocked/:

A p p a r e n t l y there is only thaw (pipes, radiator/hands/sb).

C A U S E + B E + / +Empty/:
The feature does not only denote a State of concrete objects, i.e.
1 1
Cf. the use of a sentential complement that^S* in the sub-
classification of verbs in Chomsky (1965: 94). It is perhaps worth
mentioning that of the 50 instances of point out found in our corpus
of linguistic texts (cf., 36 have sentential complements with
1 2
With object transfer. In sound somebody out about a question,
the question becomes + Apparent, not the person.

Containers — a State resulting from removing something — but
also more abstract states. In the semantic tests these are best
denoted by ,exhausted . W e find: farm (land), knock (pipe),
mirie (field), muck (stable), rake (fire), write (oneself).

C A U S E + B E + / +Exist/:
Bang (sth written), bat (a draft), beat (path), blast (ditch, new
course for stream), block (plan, scheme), chalk (plan), cipher
(sum), comb (hairstyle), crank (novel), crayon (plan), cut
(path/dress), dig (spring), draft (plan), draw (scheme),
(streams) etch (valleys), grind (tune/novel), hack (path), ham-
mer (scheme, policy, empire), hatch (plan, conspiracy), hew
(career), hollow (place i n the clifTside, rain barrel, tunnel),
knock (novelettes), plow (gullies), pound (tune/story), print
(list), reason (answer, plan), rough (lenses, disks), scoop (hole,
channel), score (channel), scrape (hole), strike (method), study
(system), sweat (novel), tap (telegraph message, paragraph),
think (scheme, w h a t . . ., Solution), thrash (Solution), work

C A U S E + B E + /-Exist/:
As with one-place V P C s , there is a certain overlap w i t h
—Process when the object is an action noun or process noun, as
in beat (fire), blow (fire, light), fade (conversation), stamp
(fire, disease, rebellion), trample (fire), tread (fire). Other items
are: blot (view/enemies), cancel (kindness), hammer (diffe-
rences), ink (picture, lines), iron (wrinkles/misunderstandings),
kill (weaklings), knock (bridge, aircraft), mark (stain), phase
(campaign), root (mistakes, crime/radicals), rub (pencil marks,
tracks/town/sb), sand (stain), snuff (hopes/jobs), sponge
(memory, debt), talk (problems), wipe (what you have w r i t -
ten/population, defending force/disgrace, insult).

C A U S E + B E + / + Inflated/:
Some one-place V P C s containing this feature also occur as
two-place V P C s with an additional feature C A U S E , such as:
(wind) belly (sails), fill (sails). Others are: blow (cheeks, paper
bag), bunch (chair with cushions), puff (ehest).

C A U S E + B E + /-Process/:
Beat (fire), black (radio transmitter), blow (fire, light, candle),
burn (oneself), count (boxer), crush (cigarette), fade (picture/
conversation), jam (cigarette), knock (sb/opponent), lay (play-
er), muster (soldier), puff (candle), put (fire, light), rub (ciga-
rette), shoot (light), snuff (light, rebellion), stamp (fire/disease/
rebellion), stub (cigarette), trample (fire), tread (fire). A s can
also be seen i n one-place V P C s i n v o l v i n g —Process, the majority
of items refer to the end of a process which is either the burn-
ing of a concrete object, or the emission of l i g h t . In a number
of items, especially i n slang, this is likened to the State of being
alive or conscious i n a figurative way. As the examples show,
the V P C s , however, also denote the end of other processes
such as the transmission of radio waves, boxing, the running
of a film, conversation, fighting, playing, serving as a soldier,
illness, and rebellion.

CAUSE + BE + /-Prox/:
Besides purely locative V P C s , there are certain collocations
which involve more than a movement of concrete objects away
from the subject of the sentence. The result is not a position but
a S T A T E . In some V P C s an additional feature —Together is
present. We find: charter (ships), farm (operations/baby),
(press) feed (papers), give (leaflets), hand (samples, passes/
compliments, advice, punishment), hire (boats/slaves), ladle
(soup, porridge/socialism, charm), lease (house, property), lend
(book), measure (medicine/rewards), rent (cottage/house), send
(light and heat, perfumes, bleating/glacier tongues/new leaves/
invitations), (cities) thrust (suburbs).

C A U S E + B E + /-Together/:
We here inciude only those items which are not purely locative.
The others w i l l be treated under the archilexeme remove in

1 3
With regard to the sentence the electric light went out, where
„the possible exponents of subject are limited to a few which belong
to the sets of light and fire", this is also pointed out in Fairclough
(1965: 77).

4.3.2. The following V P C s involve —Together : beat (gold),

deal (sandwiches, food, supplies/complements), dole (food,

money), dose (aspirin), draw (metal/subject), fan (cards),
knead (dough), ladle (soup, porridge), leave (sb/letter, possi-
bility, point), measure (medicine), miss (sb/words, verse/sweet
course), open (folding map), parcel (plantation), partition
(land, property), play (length of line), portion (sth), ravel
(rope's end), roll (pastry, carpet), scrub (acetone), separate
(organisms, crystals/the good ones/episodes), serve (rations),
shake (sail, w h i p ) , share ( £ 100, estate), shred (project), sift
(ashes, wheat/students/fact), single (sb/incident), smooth
(handkerchief), sort (apples, defective tool/riddles), Space
(posts, farms/space/payments), splay (toes), spread (rüg, map,
arms), Stretch (oneself), thin (seedlings), trail (business), weed
(herd), weigh (butter, flour, portions), white (matter). In cer-
tain collocations w i t h nouns the S T A T E resulting from the
action denoted by the V P C w i l l be more naturally referred to
as ,flat' or ,spread out/, but this is only a contextual variant of
the more general feature —Together.

4.2.3. V P C s with U P A s w i t h collocations w i t h out, we shall first discuss

Most of the V P C s under this heading denote a position which
involves vertical extension ( + Vert) of concrete objects. Meyer
(1970a: 4) uses ( + V e r t i c a l ) to refer to only that position which
implies simultaneous presence of an object at a lower and a
higher point. Collocations w i t h up which denote movement
from a starting-point to an ending-point, and a resulting diffe-
rence in height, are said to contain a different feature called

1 4
Thcrc is one collocation with out which might be said to in-
volve + Together, viz. piece (set of china/story, theory). But this is
better analysed as containing a feature -f Complete. It is not identical
with completive out (cf.

( H e i g h t ) . However, the two features do not differ with
regard to ± Dynamic, but stand i n an irreversible relation of
implication, since ( + V e r t i c a l ) necessarily implies ( + H e i g h t )
but not vice versa. Thus, stand up can have a dynamic as well
as a static variant both of which contain the feature ( + V e r t i -
cal). We do not follow Meyer here, as we are mainly interested
in P O S I T I O N and S T A T E — not i n movement. The distinc-
tion may be based on features of the verb, but also on the na-
ture of the concrete objects which may have a dominating
dimension (as i n set up a safe). Parallel to the V P C s w i t h
out we here inciude items where P O S I T I O N is the result of
a preceding movement. In some cases this is i n connection with
+ Together, as i n bind (hair), line (troops), tuck (shirt-sleeves,
skirt, legs). We find: bend (wire, piece of metal, edge of a
book), cock (ears), draw (oneself), fling (arms), get (sb), hang
(coat), hold (head, umbrella/house/toppling regime), knock
(arms), lash (curtain), peg (clothes), prick (ears), prop (pa-
tient), raise (oneself), rein (horse), rig (microphone), right (old
fence/mast, flagpole), rout (sb), shore (hedgerows), stand
(pole), step (mast), thrust (hand), trice (sail, boom, w i n d o w
shade), turn (collar). The following involve B E and B E C O M E .

B E C O M E + / + Adult/:
There seems to be only a single one-place V P C containing
this feature, v i z . (sb) grow, and the number of two-place V P C s
is also quite restricted. H o w e v e r , as is well known, the feature
is contained i n other lexical items, such as bachelor and

1 5
Cf. Meyer (1970b: 41 ff., 102 ff., 342; 1971: 390).
1 6
For this problem cf. Bierwisch (1967: esp. 14, 22). Meyer
(1970a: 4) points out that ( +Vertical) is in logical conjunction with
a feature ( + Awake), since the State of being awake excludes a lying
position. There is, of course, only a normal, not a necessary connec-
tion between the two states. However, this would suffice to explain
the relationship between the two features.
1 7
Cf. Meyer (1970b: 180-182).

B E C O M E + / +Apparent/:
(Questions) bubble, (seeds/question, case) come, (rock, mine-
ral/subject, difficulties) crop, (sb/subject, question) pop,
(wrinkles/her age) show, (weeds, wheat/horror) spring, (sb,
teachers) step.

B E C O M E + / + Awake/:
Most V P C s w i t h this feature are either non-dynamic (keep, sit,
stay, wait) or involve C A U S E . Apparently, the only one-place
verb is (sb) wake.

B E C O M E + / + Blocked/:
(Machinery) c / o g , (channel) fill, (engine, motor) pack, (drain)
plug, (well) sand, (machinery, engine/verse, compositions)
sehe, (sink) stop.

B E C O M E + / +Closed/:
Apparently there is only one one-place V P C w i t h this feature,
viz. (wound) heal.

B E C O M E + / +Covered/:

There seem to be only (car, screws) rust, (glasses) steam.

B E C O M E + / +Exist/:
As already mentioned, there is some overlap w i t h + Apparent.
We find: (gale/trouble) blow, (difficulties) crop, (custom,
practice, troublesome Situation) grow, (stools and benches)
mushroom, (breeze/suspicion, doubt) spring, (plants/houses,
Shopping centers) sprout, (difficulties) start, (tears) well.
B E C O M E + /-Exist/:
(Barrel) blow, (sth) burst, (sth/business) bust, (business) close,
(strcam/imagination/enterprise/individual men) dry.

1 8
Most of these are used predomiantly or exclusively in par-
ticipial form, such as (drainpipe, nose, eyes) bunged up, etc.;

B E C O M E 4- / + Inflated/:
(Balloon) fill, (ankle) puff, (ankle) swell.

B E C O M E + / + Together/:
(Figures) add, (stuff) ball, (people) band, (people) buddy ,
(soldiers) close, (sb/wings of aircraft) crumple, (children, sb)
cuddle, (sb) double, (people) gang , (sb) huddle, (sb) join, (sb,
families) link , (lions) male, (broken leg) mend, (ice) pack,
(people/shoe) pair, (sb) pal , (cars/work) pile, (coat) puck-
er, (debts) roll, (mountain climbers) rope, (people) round,
20 19
(people) shift , (leaf) shrivel, (sb) sign , (people) squash, (peo-
ple) squeeze, (ears, planes) Stack, (hours, expenses) tot, (sth)
total .

B E C O M E + /-Together/:
The negative value of the binary feature ± Together is present
i n a number of other V P C s , as i n : (motor car) buckle, (people)
bust, (ship/meeting/people/sb) break, (aircraft/sb) crack, (sth)
divvy, (plank) splinter, (party, group/language/couple) split.

C A U S E + B E + / + Adult/:
The objects of the V P C s i n this group necessarily a l l contain
—Adult, and seem to be restricted to + H u m a n . They can there-
fore be represented by the archilexeme child. We find: bring
(child), cosset (child), drag (child), fetch (child).

C A U S E + B E + / +Apparent/:
Call (scenes from childhood), conjure (spirits, visions of the
past), cough (sth), dig (statue), fetch (aneedotes), hunt (old

1 9
The second element is often connected by with, and we then
have a prepositional-phrasal verb, as in (schools) link up with
(industry), (they) linked up with (waitresses). In other VPCs it is
implicitly present through lexicalization, as in (sb) join up, i.e. join
the army.
2 0
Usually in the imperative only.
2 1
A prepositional-phrasal verb, with the result connected by to;
as in it totals up to £ 16 (AL).

records, references, quotations), look (fast train), plow (arrow-
heads/secrets), raise (prophet), rake (diary/scandal, o l d quar-
rels, past), reckon (bill), root (sb), scare (game), scout (clients),
(dog) Scratch (bone), show (fraud, ignorance/rogue, impostor),
turn (facts in an encyclopedia).

C A U S E + B E + /-Apparent/:
Cover (sb/tracks/scandal), doctor (plans), (smoke) fog (road),
hush (fact, affair), smother (scandal), (earth/clouds) swallow
(sb/aircraft), wrap (meaning).

C A U S E + B E + / + Awake/:
Call (sb), (roosters) crow (sleeping barnyard), get (sb), knock
(sb), rouse (sb, brothers), wake (sb, wife).

C A U S E + B E + / + Blocked/:
Bank (hole i n dam, river), block (entrance), clog (pipes/ma-
chinery), dam (river, valley/eloquence), foul (traffic, works,
drain), freeze (pipes), gum (works/program), lock (capital),
plug (sink), screw (door), shut (army), stop (mouse-hole,
entrance, nose), stuf} (ears, hole), tie (property, capital), wall

C A U S E + B E + / +Closed/:
Bind (wound), board (window), holt (door), brick (window),
build (door, w i n d o w ) , button (coat), cement (crack, hole),
chink (sth), do (dress), fasten (box), glue (enevelope, parcel),
hammer (crack, hole), latch (door), lock (doors, w i n d o w ,
house), mend (hole, crack), nail (box, window), paper (crack),
paste (sth), plaster (crack), seal (drawer, window), shut (house,
window, shop), solder (hole), stitch (rip, hole, trousers/pa-
tients), zip (dress, jacket).

2 2
Cf. Strang (1968: 149) „In a recent survey, R. Kingdon . . .
givcs the dominant British usage as wake, woke woken usually com-

poundcd with up".

C A U S E + B E + /-Closed/:
Break (ground), churn (road), hack (pavement), prize (lid), rip
(belly, earth, waistcoat), roll (flank of enemy), slit (seam, dress)
tear (street).

C A U S E + B E + / + Confused/:
The feature denotes a special aspect of + Together, usually
i n v o l v i n g + N e g E v (cf., where mixing results i n a
State of confusion, as i n jumble (toys, books/stories/members
of chorus), mix (sth), muddle (things). Some V P C s containing
the feature are only used as participial adjectives.

C A U S E + B E + / +Covered/:
Build (area), earth (roots), fog (road), freeze (river), grease
(hands), (plants) grow (sth), lather (face/sb), mat (bushes),
mould (plants), muffle (oneself), sand (road), sew (corpse),
steam (window), tape (sprain cases, switch, wire), tuck (child
in bed), wrap (sth/oneself).

C A U S E + B E + / +Exist/:
Build (business), cohhle (sth), cook (story), dash (dress), draft
(plan), draw (document, contract), dream (rumours, plan,
story), drum (sentiment, support/some w a y of making liquor),
fake (story), hang (record), hatch (all this, conspiracy, plan),
huddle (treaty), kick (row, fuss), knit (mittens), knock (meal,
shelter), make (story), open (opportunities), pound (prescrip-
tion), raise (deliverer), reckon (bill), rig (shelter, scaffolding),
rustle (food, meal/article), scare (meal), slap (meal), stitch
(dress), think (caption, plan, excuse), throw (temporary huts),
trump (tasks, charges), vamp (lectures, excuse), whack (meeting
place/signatures), whip (sketch). Some V P C s contain an addi-
tional component , H u r r i e d l y , H a s t i l y , N o t Thoroughly .

C A U S E + B E + /-Exist/:
Blow (bridge), burn (rubbish, school), chew (slipper, logs), cut
(sth/enemy's forces), dry (dew, wells/words, commerce), pack
(assignment), smash (furniture/organization), swallow (earn-
ings, theory), tear (letter/agreement).

C A U S E + B E + / +Fastened/:
The feature denotes an aspect of + Together, where a movable
concrete object is attached to another normally fixed concrete
object: chain (dog), fasten (box/dog), harness (horses), leash
(dog), loop (curtain), paste (bills), pin (notice), rope (curtain),
screw (handle), strap (suitcase).

C A U S E + B E + / + Inflated/:
Bloat (sb), blow (tyre), pump (tyre/poem/smile).

C A U S E + B E + / +Inside/:
Bottie (resentment, anger), box (sth), clap (smugglers), cloister
(sb), coop (sb), cork (feelings), dam (feelings), lock (jewellery/
sb), shut (jewels/sb), treasure (bits of local speech), wall

C A U S E + B E + / +Process/:
Crank (engine), set (business, shop), start (car).

C A U S E + B E + /-Process/:
(Machine-gun bullets) pack (transmitter).

CAUSE + B E + /-Prox/:
Deliver (stolen goods/fortress), render (fort).

C A U S E + B E + / +Together/:
Add (figures), bank (money), beat (eggs), beat (men), bind
(a book, books), blend (paints), bündle (everything), call (for-
ces), cast (figures), clip (papers), close (type matter), connect
(a wire, wires/electric appliance, water supply), count (figu-
res), couple (train, engine), crimp (paper, material), do (hair,
books), dot (two cities on a map), double (carpet/legs/sb),
enter (sales), figure (account), fold (newspaper), furl (flag),
gather (tools), gum (book, envelope), heap (stones/riches),
hoard (gold, treasure), hook (heater, gas/power lines), huddle
(goods), knit (torn sleeve) lace (shoe, corset, tarpaulin), loop

2 3
Apparently mainly used in process-oriented sentences (cf.

(curtains), mark (item ), marshal (men, troops/knowledge),
match (colours), mate (pigeons), multiply (illegitimate children),
pack (things/family), pair (sth), parcel (papers, tea), piece
(cup/story), pile (sand dunes, logs), pucker (brows, lips), rake
(hay), ravel (ball of wool), roll (cloth, carpet, map/sb), rope
(sb/mountain climbers), round (cattle/tourists/news), save
(money), scoop (cakes of soap), scrape (money), Scratch (few
pounds), screw (face, eye/sheet, piece of paper), shake (medi-
ane), (heat) shrivel (leaves, leather), solder (joint/union),
squash (people), Stack (dishes, things), stock (things ), störe
(food, water), stow (provisions), sum (evidence /situation/
sb), summon (energy, arguments), sweep (dust, leaves), take
(artery/dropped stitch), tally (the for and against/reports),
tie (parcel), tot (figures, b i l l , how far . . .), trice (prisoners),
truss (chicken, criminal), twist (paper), weigh (consequences,
arguments), wind (wool), wire (flowers), yoke (cattle).

C A U S E + B E 4- /-Together/:
Break (box, o l d ship, word/meeting), carve (Joint), chip (pav-
ing-stone), chop (meat), churn (waves), crack (aircraft, c a r ) ,
crash (car, plane), crush (ice, stone), cut (meat), dig (land),
divide (work/food), divvy (loot), hack (paving-stone), hew
(logs), (lorries) knead (ground), melt (bells), mince (meat, beef/
play), partition (room), plough (ground, field), portion (in-
heritance/land), pound (tablet), saw (beam, plank), shake
(cushion), shred (paper, cabbage), slice (loaf of bread), snip
(piece of cloth), split (compound/colours/money, costs, Job),
stir (mud), tear (letter/agreement), whack (profit). Compared to B E , B E C O M E , and C A U S E , the
formator H A V E is of little importance i n V P C s with out and, as in a corset that laces up ai the side (AL), covered with

a tarpaulin that laced up the middle (W3).
2 4
To a störe or tavern account; cf. W3.
2 5
Used normally as a one-place verb with deleted object.
2 6
Although the object is a singular, there are different objects
which are brought together, viz. the wings and the arms respectively
to the body.

up. It is practically nonexistent in collocations with out. O n l y
in deck out (sb, sth, airplane), fit out (sb, sth, party, ship),
and rig out (sb, sth, book) is it present i n the underlying
semantic structure . Often only the object that is provided
w i t h something eise, i.e. the receiver, is explicitly mentioned,
and the thing which is added, i.e. the direct object i n the
sentence is deleted. If it is overtly expressed, it is connected
with the indirect object, i.e., the receiver, by with. The Situa-
tion is different i n collocations w i t h up. A s we have seen in, there are a number of denominal V P C s which contain
H A V E . I n a l l of them the noun from which they are derived
is the direct object in the underlying sentence, and the noun
with which the V P C collocates is the indirect object, i.e. the
receiver. The underlying sentence is therefore a three-place
predicate i n which the subject, i.e. the agent, C A U S E s one
object, i.e. the receiver, to H A V E another object. Such senten-
ces can be paraphrased by provide with. When C A U S E is not
present, the phenomenon is viewed as process-oriented, and the
underlying sentence is a two-place predicate. It can be para-
phrased by get. There are some V P C s w i t h up which also
admit of paraphrase by get and also denote the establishment
of a H A V E - r e l a t i o n between the subject and the object.,
However, they differ from the one-place V P C s treated i n i n two respects: 1) they are not denominal derivatives,
2) they contain C A U S E and are thus two-place V P C s . The
underlying sentence involves a three-place predicate, but as
agent and receiver fall together, the reflexive pronoun which
represents the third argument is deleted. W e thus get a two-
place V P C i n which subject and object are related by the

Chalk (points, victories, score/profits), knock (runs), muster
(courage), notch (score, victories), rack (points, victories), scoop
(cakes of soap/child), soak (ink, rain/sound/neutrons/sun-

2 7
For denominal VPCs with out involving H A V E cf. 3.3.1.

shine/labor), (state loan) sponge (savings). In contrast to the
V P C s involving B E + B E C O M E , no additional semantic fea-
tures such as ± Apparent, + B l o c k e d , ± Closed etc. are i n v o l -
ved. The V P C s merely function as a copula which establishes
a HAVE-relation. The results of the preceding feature analysis of,
collocations w i t h out and up a l l o w us to check whether the
feature we have found i n the V P C is already present i n the
simplex verb or not. The features we have set up, such as
± Apparent, ± B l o c k e d , etc. are of course not the only fea-
tures contained i n the lexical items, but from our point of view
they are the most characteristic ones. Moreover, i n a study
based on such a vast amount of material, the attempt to give
complete semantic descriptions of all lexical entries and then to
compare them w o u l d be infeasible. Certain important features
have to be singled out first, before we can proceed to a more
detailed analysis. The preceding description is not only i n -
complete w i t h regard to semantic features, but also w i t h re-
gard to the totality of collocations w i t h out and up which are
i n current usage. Although our analysis is based on the collec-
tion of material which attempts to inciude possibly a l l current
V P C s w i t h out and up, only that part of the material is
actually presented which readily allows the application of the
method developed here. Thus, those V P C s , i n which S T A T E
does not contain any of the features used here are not included.
Idioms are also not described. If we check which features are
present in the simplex verb, a significant relationship between
the simplex and the V P C is only found in the case of three
features: + B l o c k e d , +Confused, and ± Together. Since
+ Blocked and +Confused are different aspects of + Together,
depending on the collocation w i t h certain nominals, only the
feature ± Together can be said to be present i n a significant
number of simplex verbs. V P C s with out and V P C s w i t h up
are quite distinct i n this respect. In V P C s w i t h out only —To-
gether is found, while V P C s w i t h up may contain either
+ Together or —Together, although + Together occurs much
more frequently. The following verbs that are constituents of
one-place V P C s w i t h out can be said to contain —Together:

fray, splay, spread, and the zero-derivatives branch, fan, thin.
There are many more two-place V P C s with out, either simplex
or zero-derived, which contain —Together: deal, dole, fan,
leave, miss, open, parcel, partition, portion, separate, share,
shred, single, sort, splay, spread, Stretch, thin, weed. In collo-
cations w i t h up, -f- Together is contained i n a far greater
number of V P C s than —Together. In many one-place V P C s , the
verbal constituent alone, either as a simple verb or a zero-
derivative, contains + Together: add, band, close, cuddle,
double, gang, huddle, join, link, mate, pair, pile, shrivel,
squeeze, Stack, tot, total. + Together is also found i n the
following constituents of two-place V P C s : add, bind, blend,
bündle, close, connect, couple, double, fold, furl, gather, heap,
hoard, huddle, match, mate, multiply, pair, pile, shrivel, squash,
Stack, störe, sum, summon, tie, tot, trice, truss, yoke. The fea-
ture + Blocked is contained i n clog, plug, stop which collo-
cate w i t h up to form one-place V P C s , and i n block, clog,
gum, lock, plug, shut, stop, stuff, tie which form two-place
V P C s . +Confused is found i n jumble, mix, muddle which
form two-place V P C s w i t h up. —Together is also contained i n
many collocations with up, and i n the verbal constituents which
form one-place V P C s , such as bust, break, crack, divvy, splin-
ier, split, or two-place V P C s , such as break, chop, churn, crack,
crash, crush, cut, dig, divide, divvy, mince, partition, portion,
shred, slice, snip, split, stir, tear. The fact that both values of
a binary feature, such as + Together and —Together, can occur
in numerous collocations w i t h the same particle, such as up,
points to the conclusion that the particle does not contain this
feature. I n this case, the verb is responsible for ± Together. O n
the other hand, there are also cases where the same verbal
constituent, such as ravel, roll, shake, weigh, collocates with
both particles. The V P C then contains —Together when collo-
cating w i t h out, and + Together when collocating with up.
This fact points to the conclusion that out is connected with
—Together and up with + Together, a conclusion strengthened
by the fact that + Together does not occur in collocations with
out, and occurs much more often i n collocations w i t h up than

213 A connection between one particle and certain
features can also be established i n those cases where there is no
significant relationship between simplex and V P C with regard
to features. Thus, + Empty, —Inside, —Process and —Prox occur
almost exclusively in collocations w i t h out, while -f-Awake,
+ Closed, H-Confused, + Covered, + Fastened, + Inside are
practically restricted to collocations with up. Here the features
can be said to be contained i n the particle. It should be clear
from our discussion of denominal and deverbal zero-derivati-
ves, that the nominal or verbal basis of the derivation is, in
principle, unrelated to the features contained in the particle or
the V P C . Thus, for example, + E m p t y is not contained in
the lexical items which denote the process by which something
is emptied, v i z . by farming, knocking, mining raking, writing,

or the object which is removed, such as muck. W i t h regard to

surface structure, the features denoting S T A T E may be con-
tained basically either i n the zero-morpheme alone (when the
particle is completive) or in the zero-morpheme i n conjunction
with the particle. In the latter case, the zero-morpheme w i l l
have the formators, such as C A U S E and B E C O M E , assigned
to it, while the particle contains the designators, such as
+ E m p t y . Thus, minell'01 out is analysable as , C A U S E + B E -
C O M E (=0)/ + E m p t y ( = out)//by raimng'. This analysis is
most obvious when the particle alone can function as an adjec-
tive denoting S T A T E (cf., as i n blow out (candle)
, C A U S E + B E C O M E (=0)/ -Process ( = out)//by blowing\
When the nominal is the instrument i n the underlying sentence,
as in earth, fog, grease, lather, mat, mould, sand, steam, tape,
it is also clearly unrelated to the specific semantic feature in the
V P C , such as + Covered. Basically all kinds of actions having
a certain S T A T E as the result can be performed with the help
of instruments. O n l y deadjectival zero-derivatives are difTe-
rent, since the basis of the derivation, i.e. the adjective itself,
denotes the S T A T E resulting from the action of process deno-
ted by the zero-derivative. This provides the explanation for
the surprising facts that the same features occur i n collocations
with different particles, and that opposing features such as
+ Exist and —Exist can occur i n collocations w i t h the same

particle. The form of the description of V P C s used i n 4.2.2.
and 4.2.3. permits an easy comparison of how simplex verbs
and the corresponding V P C s differ w i t h regard to their collo-
cations w i t h nominals. Since the particle is omitted for reasons
of brevity, it is readily apparent that many collocations which
are possible w i t h the V P C are excluded for the simplex verb.
4.2.5. T h e Status of the semantic features we have used
depends on the point of view which is adopted. Generally
speaking, a l l semantic features, whether formators such as B E ,
B E C O M E , H A V E , C A U S E or designators, such as ± A p p a r -
ent, + Blocked, etc. can be said to contribute elements of
information. Thus, the more semantic features are present i n a
lexical item, the more information it contains. Chair, which
can be defined as ,piece of furniture w i t h a back for one person
to sit o n (cf. 2.4.), contains more features and more informa-
tion than thing. Features are therefore used to distinguish
lexical items, such as gehen, fliegen, laufen, trippeln, stapfen
(cf. 2.3.8.). A t the same time, semantic features are theoretical
constructs w i t h i n the frame of a certain grammatical theory .
From a third point of view, at least some semantic features
must be regarded as linguistic universals, such as the formators
and various designators, like + A d u l t , ± A w a k e , + D e g , ± D y -
namic, ± Exist, ± Inside, ± Movement, ± P r o x , ± Together,
± Vert. Their universality is to be explained by certain univer-
sal facts of human experience and the human perceptual
apparatus . The difference i n particular languages must be
considered as arising through different combinations of univer-
sal features. N o t a l l features used here are indivisible universal
elements of meaning. A s mentioned before, ± B l o c k e d , ± C l o -
sed, ± Confused, ± Fastened a l l involve various aspects of the
universal feature ± Together, and depend on the specific ex-
ponents of the nominals which collocate w i t h the V P C .
± Apparent must probably be analysed into something like
,can be seen* or , + P o s s i b i l i t y and + See'; + Covered into

2 8
Cf. 2.4.3.-2.4.5.
2 9
Cf. Bierwisch (1967: 3 f., 13, 24 f.).

, H A V E , Surface, and Completely'; and + E m p t y into ,—Exist
and + Inside .

4.3. Word-Fields

4.3.1. A s pointed out i n 4.1.2., setting up word-fields by

means of archilexemes is intended to be a procedure which
Supplements the other methods of semantic analysis employed
in this study. A number of word-fields are therefore not
described here, as they are included i n certain semantic classes
covered by the formulas in 4.2., such as those represented by
the archilexemes appear, close, cover, destroy, emit, gather,
produce, provide, separate. Other semantic groups only partly
overlap with the feature analysis, such as obliterate, which is
not equivalent to C A U S E + B E + /—Exist/, or distribute,
which contains a combination of —Prox and —Together. A
feature analysis is not readily applicable to certain classes of
V P C s , and they w i l l therefore be treated here. They are
represented by the archilexemes hegin/finish, clean, confine,-
consume, discover, fill, obliterate, pay, repair, solve, stop, utter,
vomit, write. The locative V P C s with out which constitute the
word-field represented by remove and the archilexemes im-
prove, increase w i l l also be included. Verbs of motion collo-
cating with up are not treated here. For reasons of comparison
and easy access the archilexemes w i l l be listed i n alphabetical
order. A s w i l l be seen from the discussion i n 2.4.5. the V P C s
contained i n one word-field share certain elements of meaning,
i.e. semantic features, but are at the same time in Opposition to
each other, i.e. separated by distinctive features. Both become
evident in definitions (cf. 2.4.1.). The archilexeme corresponds
to the „genus p r o x i m u m " , and the distinctive features to the
„difTerentia specifica" .

3 0
Cf. Geckeier (1971: 245 f.).

4.3.2. V P C s with O U T

(Disease, fire, quarrel) break, (war, disease) burst , (flam.es/
sb) flare ,burn/be angry', (sb) flash ,speak , (sun) shine, (sb)
start, (sb) stride, (sb) strike ,strike, h i t / w a l k ' .
Clean (room, stable), do (stables, room), flush (gully trap),
muck (stables), rake (fire), rinse (teapot, mouth), scrape (sauce-
pan), scrub (pan), sponge (wound), sweep (kitchen), wipe
(jug, bath).
Discover :
Dig (book), dope (sb/speeifications/how. . .), drag (reason),
ferret (secret), find (sb/sth), flush (dollars, tax evaders), hunt
(diary, hat), nose (rat, trail/scandal, evidence), puzzle (sth),
reason (plan/answer), reckon (how m u c h . . .), root (truffles,
possessions), root (sb/newspaper), search (friend/insincerity).
Deal (sandwiches, food supplies/compliments), dish (food),
dole (food, money), dose (aspirin), hand (samples, passes/com-
pliments, advice, punishment), ladle (soup, porridge/honours,
socialism, charm), measure (medicine/rewards), mete (rewards,
punishment, justice, portion), parcel (plantation), portion (sth),
serve (rations), share (estate).
(Fireworks/attempts, enthusiasm) fizzle, follow (enterprise),
last (apprenticeship), (stream, copper deposits) peter, (Com-
pany) phase, phase (campaign), (sand-stone) pinch, play (role),
see (education), serve (apprenticeship), (excitement) sputter,
stick (first term), (patience) wear.
Black (passage), blot (words), blur (all), cross (words, text),
ink (lines), mark (stain), paint (sth), rub (pencil marks), score
(words), scrape (word), Scratch (name), scrub (order), smudge

3 1
Also burst out into tears (threats/laughing, crying) ,begin to
Yv-cep (threaten, laugh, cry)'.

(his first Strohes), sponge (paragraphs), wipe (what y o u have
(Sb) fork (money — Deleted), (sb) shell (money — Deleted).
Beat (dust), bite (tongue), blast (obstruction), bleach (stain),
bomb (sb), burn (enemy), buy (sb), cart (sb), cast (devil), catch
(batsman), chuck (sb/bill, motion), chip (sth), clean (dirt),
clear (mud, rubbish, children), comb (snarls, head lice/sub-
versives), cook (water), count (sb), crowd (contribution/tra-
dition), crush (juice), cut (picture/rivals/details), drag (box/
prisoner), drain (water), drown (sb/animal), drum (sb, beg-
gar/idea), filter (sth), fire (badger), flood (people), flush (dirt/
mains), force (sb/sth), freeze (sb), gouge (eye), grub (plants),
hack (plaster, branches), hammer (childishness), hoof (sb),
hunt (cat), kick (sb), look (old clothes), muck (rock), nose
(competitor), peck (sth), pince (side shoots), pitch (sb), plough
(tree, roots), pluck (sth), press (juice), pull (tooth), pump (wa-
ter), read (sb), ream (defective part), ride (bull), rinse (tea-
leaves), rip (lining), rope (mustang), rule (sb/possibility), saw
(piece from trunk), scrape (ashes), Scratch (eyes), screen (sb),
scrub (acetone), Shoulder (senior clerk), sift (ashes, wheat/fact,
students), skin (moose/hide), smoke (snakes, game/sb), soak
(dirt, poison), squeeze (juice, water/money), stink (fox),
talk (bill/anxieties), tread (juice), weed (sb/the bad ones/
schemes), wrench (post, tooth), wring (humidity), yank (stuff).
Sol ve:
Cipher (problem), figure (problem), fight (differences), iron
(misunderstandings), shoot (things), talk (problems), thrash
(problem, question), work (problem, coded messages).
3 2
Utter :
Bark (sth), bawl (curse, Orders), bellow (commands), blare

3 2
Cf. Fräser (1965: 62) We find speak (talk) out but no utter

out". The field utter may be said to contain the feature —Inside
applied in a figurative meaning. The words or sounds are then view-
ed as changing from a S T A T E 4- Inside to a S T A T E —Inside. Cf.
Latin ex/press and German äußern, ans/drücken and the whole

(warning), (sb) blaze, blurt (secret), boom (verses), (sb) break ,
(sb) burst, (sb) call, chime (tune), cough (sth), (sb) croak,
(cock) crow, (sb) cry, drone (psalm), fumble (sentences), gasp
(words), grind * (tune), grumble (sth), jerk (words), (sb) lash,
(sb) launch, let (yell, curse), lisp (sth), moan (sth), pound (tune),
pour (tales), puff (words), rap (oath, message, commands),
rasp (orders, denial), (bells/shot) r i n g , (sb) rip (vituperation,
cursing — Deleted), roar (order, drinking song), roll (words,
song), rumble (comments, remarks), scream (curse), send (bleat-
ing), shout (orders, names), shriek (warning), sob (grief, ex-
cuse), (sb) sing (order — Deleted), snarl (answer), snap (or-
ders), snort (reply), (sb) speak (one's mind — Deleted), splutter
(words, threat), sputter (story), squeak (words), stammer (re-
quest, words), talk (anxieties), thunder (denunciation), weep
(grief, sorrow), wheeze (words/tune), whine (requests), whip
(sth), yell (order).
Bang (article, speech, copy), bat (draft), chalk (score), fill
(form, check), pound (story), type (essay), write (cheque,

4.3.3. V P C s with U P

B egin:
(Fire/conflict) blaze, (sb) open ,shoot/play , (sb) pipe ,play/
sing/speak', (sb) sit, (sb) speak, (breeze/suspicion) spring,
(sb) stand, (band) strike (tune — Deleted) ,play', strike (ac-
quaintance, friendship, conversation), (orchestra/child) tune

group of „expressive Verben" described in Hundsnurscher (1968:

103-107). Many VPCs such as croak out, cry out, etc. are often used
with direct speech as an object.
3 3
Normally used as a prepositional-phrasal verb: break out into
3 4
Also with an inanimate subject: (bells) chime out (tune —Delet-
ed); (barrel-organ) grind out (tune), etc.

Mop (territory), rinse (dishes), scrub (children), sponge (coat,
Conf ine:
Coop (sb), cork (feelings), dam (feelings, eloquence), lock (sb/
jewellery/capital, shut (sb/jewels/perfume, whisky/army), tie
(property), wall (monster).
Drain (glass), drink (water), eat (dinner), (locust/illness) eat
(crop/savings), finish (everything, drink, dinner), gobble (sup-
per), mop (dinner/beer), munch (bread, biscuits), (bills) swal-
low (earnings).
Dig (statue), hunt (old records, references, quotations), root
(sb), scout (clients).
Fuel (plane), fume (room), (sb) gas (car - Deleted), ink (print-
ing press), light (streets), lumber (room/mind), smell (car),
smoke (room), stink (place), (sb) tank, top (radiator, car bat-
tery — Deleted, glass).
(Sb) end, knit (argument, remarks), pack (assignment), point
(brickwork), (sb) wind, wind (speech, evening/business, Com-
3 5
Improve :
Beef (army), brush (French), build (health), do (house, hat),
freshen (buildings), ginger (trade), grade (herd of cattle/
Standard), jack (discipline), jazz (party, things), knit (torn
sleeve), (things, party + Cause) liven, (business, shares) look,
paint (house, town), rake (fire), rub (Latin/memory), screw
(courage), slick (story/cafe), soup (engine, car/textbook eco-
nomics, title), spiee (things), steam (economy), (trade) step,
touch (picture, last act/memory).
Blow (fire/photograph/tire), (pressure) build, build (military

3 5
Items in this field contain the feature + Positive Evaluation
( + PosEv). Cf.

forces), bump (prices, costs), gear (production), ginger (trade,
flow of revenue), (gossip/air raids) hot, jack (prices), (ex-
penses, bills) mount, perk (sales), (wind) pipe, (pace + Cause)
quicken, rev (pace), scale (wages, marks/imports), screw (ex-
hilaration/rent), send (prices, temperature), (rents, prices)
shoot, speed (process), step (production), switch (volume).
(Sb) ante (money — Deleted), (sb) cash, (sb) chip (money —
Deleted), (sb) cough (money — Deleted), (sb) dub, (sb) fork
(money — Deleted), (sb) stump (half a quid — Deleted), (sb)
Blot (gravy,Jnk, liquid), brush (dust), dab (liquid), dig (tree),
dip (water), grub (weeds), hack (paving-stone), lick (milk),
mop (mess), plough (beets), pluck (weeds), pry (floor-board),
root (dandelions, trees), sop (water, gravy), sponge (mess, ink),
stub (thornbushes), suck (moisture), swab (water), vacuum
(dust), wipe (spilt milk, mess).
Fix (quarrel), knit (torn sleeve/friendship), mend (hole,
crack), patch (motorcycle/quarrel), touch (door, Scratches).
S p o i 1:
(Sth) ball, blotch (everything), clog (machinery), clutter (desk,
room), flub (Situation), frig (Situation), garble (message, Situa-
tion), litter (desk, room), lumber (room/mind), muck (floor/
experiment/childhood), muff (play, Situation), Scratch (table),
scuff (shoes), smudge (writing, stamp), splotch (work), track
Stop :
(Ship) bring, bring (ship, car), haul (child), hold (horse, traffic/
husband in career), (engine) pack, (driver/car) pull, (machin-
ery) seize.
Bring (meal, poison), fetch (everything), throw (meal —Deleted).

C H A P T E R 5: S U M M A R Y A N D C O N C L U S I O N S

5.1. Summary

5.1.1. In Chapter One the V P C is defined and distinguished

from similar constructions with the help of prosodic and
syntactic criteria. The main criterion is the possible füll stress
on the particle. I n two-place V P C s , mid-position of the
pronominal object is the prerequisite for inclusion. A n addi-
tional criterion is the possibility of passive transformation.
The definition of the V P C is thus more comprehensive than
the traditional definition of the phrasal verb, as it also includes
reduced prepositional phrases. A survey of previous w o r k on
various verb-particle constructions is then given, discussing the
terminology and criteria employed i n such studies. The rise
and development of the V P C is excluded from the scope of
the present monograph. The V P C is considered as providing a
frame for the investigation of the semantic structure of a
specific class of lexical items.
5.1.2. I n Chapter T w o general problems of semantic theory
are discussed i n detail i n the light of recent research. In parti-
cular, the form of lexical entries, the Status of semantic featu-
res, selection restrictions, word-fields and archilexemes, seman-
tic tests, collocations, and problems of idiomaticity are treated.
For the testing of potential features contained i n the V P C s a
modified type of the but-ttst used by Bendix and Weinreich is
found to be most suitable. Such features are considered as
,designators', which are distinguished from other semantic
features or components - the ,formators* - that function as
connectives, such as B E , B E C O M E , H A V E , C A U S E . Intransi-
tive and transitive verbs are regarded as representing one-place
or many-place predicates i n the sense of symbolic logic. They

are analysed into semantic components. The addition of
Cause increases the number of arguments required i n the
surface structure, while object deletion • reduces it. This model
of the semantic structure of V P C s leads to the postulation of
semantic formulas consisting of formators and designators. The
formulas provide a method for the analysis of most V P C s . The
analysis must take into account the possible collocations of the
V P C s w i t h nominals which function as arguments i n the under-
lying predicate.
5.1.3. I n Chapter Three the methods of word-formation
are employed to establish a derivational relationship between
V P C s and other lexical items. A considerable number of V P C s
can be analysed as being deadjectival, denominal, and deverbal
derivatives. A l l denominal and deverbal V P C s are zero-deri-
vatives. O n l y i n deadjectival derivatives is an overt deriva-
tional morpheme (-en) also found — but the majority also
contain a zero-morpheme. In deadjectival V P C s the underlying
adjective denotes the State resulting from the action or process
denoted by the V P C . The noun serving as the basis for de-
nominal V P C s also often denotes result. Much more frequently,
however, the noun is contained i n an adverbial complement of
instrument or manner i n the underlying sentence. In a number
of denominal V P C s comparison is involved, while i n others
the noun is the object in the underlying sentence. A H A V E - r e -
lation between the noun which is the basis of the derivation
and the subject or the object of the sentence containing the
V P C is established i n certain collocations w i t h up. Other V P C s
in which the particle is not simply completive or functions as
an adverbial must be considered as deverbal zero-derivatives.
The transformations T 1 — T 10 were set up to account for the
derivation of deadjectival, denominal, or deverbal V P C s from
underlying sentences. The productivity of the process is not
unrestricted. In many cases collocations of verbs and particles
are only, or predominantly found in the form of participial
adjectives or nouns. The formation of zero-derived nouns
containing a particle is a very productive process. This fact is
explained by zero-derivation itself, and also by the coincidence
of various types of reference in the same derivative. H o w e v e r ,

generally accepted vocabulary is much less affected by the
productivity of such nouns than is normally believed. The
degree of lexicalization of the derivatives and consequently
their idiomaticity is considerable. The same holds for collo-
cations of particles w i t h verbs like do, make, put, set, etc.
which are almost empty semantically. There are also a number
of idiomatic collocations w i t h out and up i n v o l v i n g it, where
it does not have anaphoric or referential function. In addition
to restrictions imposed by idiomaticity and the use of collo-
cations w i t h particles i n certain w o r d classes only, productivity
of the V P C is then treated and tested w i t h the help of three
types of corpus. Collocations w i t h out and up are compared
w i t h corresponding prefixal combinations. This is followed by
a discussion of the differences between V P C s and the respective
simplex verbs. Transitivity is thoroughly examined from this
point of view, and the usefulness of the notions of object dele-
tion, object transfer, and prepositional phrase reduction is
demonstrated. I n a number of V P C s the particle clearly func-
tions as a locative adverb or a locative pro-form. Other func-
tions of the particle are then treated and an exhaustive list of
the V P C s involving the feature Degree is given.
5.1.4. In Chapter Four the analysis of the semantic struc-
ture of V P C s by the methods of word-formation is comple-
mented by the use of two further techniques: the semantic
formulas set up i n 2.6.6. containing semantic features confirmed
by the but-test — and archilexemes representing certain w o r d -
fields. H a v i n g established which specific features besides the
formators* are present i n the entire V P C , it was then possible
to check whether these ,designators' are already found i n the
simplex verb or not. The Status of semantic features is then
considered. The investigation of word-fields w i t h i n the
morpho-syntactic frame of the V P C allows us to recognize
certain paradigmatic structures. M a n y items which elude the
grasp of the word-formational analysis and the feature analysis
can be treated by this method.

5.2. Conclusions

5.2.1. C e r t a i n general conclusions can be drawn from our

study. The V P C s w i t h out and up can be characterized as
dynamic lexical items. O n l y a few exceptions are static. They
usually denote an action or a process which results i n a change
from one place, position, or State to another place, position, or
State. Collocations of verbs w i t h other particles are much less
numerous and less frequent. The V P C must be regarded as a
class of lexical items w i t h a common morpho-syntactic surface
structure, but w i t h a variety of underlying structures. W i t h
regard to the relationship between the verb and the particle,
basically four types can be distinguished: 1) the V P C is un-
analysable, i.e. it cannot be related to other lexical items, or
only p a r t l y so, and must therefore be considered as an idio-
matic discontinuous verb; 2) the V P C is a zero-derivative
(in a few cases a suffixal derivative) — either deadjectival, de-
nominal, or deverbal — i.e. the verbal constituent of the
collocation cannot be interpreted as the determinatum of the
syntagma, which is further determined by the particle; 3) the
particle functions as an adverb, i.e., the V P C can be substitu-
ted by the respective verb plus an adverbial complement; and
4) the particle is redundant, i.e. the simplex verb and the V P C
are largely interchangeable.
5.2.2. I n the dictionary component of a grammar, a
simplex dictionary and a complex dictionary have to be
distinguished. The latter contains the idiom-list, familiarity
ratings, and, i n general, only that information on complex
items which is not deducible from word-formative processes
alone, i.e. which is required by the effects of lexicalization.
Idiomatic discontinuous verbs are included i n the idiom-list,
while V P C s where the particle functions as an adverb or is
redundant, belong to the simplex dictionary. The remaining
V P C s , i.e. the derivatives, form part of the complex dictionary,
where additional semantic features and familiarity ratings are
assigned to them. They belong to the ,norm' of a particular
language, which is part of the linguistic competence of a
Speaker. Leaving aside phonological and phonetic competence,

at least two other levels of competence must be distinguished,
which could roughly be called grammatical and lexical com-
petence. F o r the study of lexical competence and the ,norm*
of a language it is not sufficient to rely on one's o w n idiolect
and intuition. M o r e objective evidence is necessary. Corpus
study can partly overcome the limitations of a single speaker's
knowledge. However, as any corpus is by definition limited, it
has to be supplemented w i t h additional observational data
which can help to confirm or disprove certain introspective
5.2.3. Transitivity i n the V P C s is not regarded as a binary
taxonomic feature, but as a complex phenomenon which is
best explained by assuming that the lexical items have under-
lying one-place or many-place predicates. This assumption,
together with the feature Cause, the notions of object dele-
tion and of object transfer, and the process of prepositional
phrase reduction, provides the most adequate explanation for
many characteristic properties of the V P C s . Both the addition
of Cause, which increases the number of nominals function-
ing as arguments, and object deletion, which reduces it, are
very general and regulär processes. So is prepositional phrase
reduction, by which the particle i n the collocation is turned
into a locative pro-form. The discussion of general semantic problems also
yields a number of results. W i t h regard to the semantic struc-
ture of lexical items, interpretative and generative semantics
differ much less than in other issues, although i n the latter, the
structure of lexical entries is usually represented by trees. The
search for features, i.e. minimal semantic elements, i n such
syntagmatic approaches, is common to interpretative semantics,
generative semantics, and the predominantly paradigmatic
structural semantics. Although structural semantics attempts
to discover word-fields, it also searches for distinctive features,
which separate the items included i n a particular word-field.
The word-field itself is represented by an archilexeme i n which
the Opposition of distinctive features is neutralized. M a n y
different terms have been employed i n the literature to denote
semantic features.

226 A review of lexical entries, as given i n recent
research, shows a variety of specific semantic features the use
of which is normally only intuitively motivated. Paraphrase
evaluation of definitions, however, leads to the postulation
of semantic features, whereby modifiers used i n the object
language are turned into metalinguistic constructs. But only
distinctive features are awarded this Status. The correctness of
definitions can be tested w i t h the help of native Speakers. Even
very general features, such as + Animate, are not as unproble-
matic as is normally assumed, since the feature cannot simply
be equated w i t h ,living'. A s elements of the metalanguage,
semantic features are not dependent on w o r d class categories.
The discussion of the selection restrictions or collocation re-
strictions of eat shows that there is little agreement as to how
best to describe such a basic lexical item. It also demonstrates
how difficult it is to draw a neat line between linguistic and
extralinguistic knowledge. The decision about the demarcation
between syntactic and semantic features is determined by the
particular grammatical model one adopts. The feature Cause must be considered as having
exceedingly great generality. Its addition turns one-place verbs
into two-place verbs, thus constructing a higher and more
complex unit. The original one-place predicate underlying the
one-place verb, however, is thereby reduced to a component-
like Status. This may be viewed as ,downgrading or ,embed-
ding', and C A U S E can be regarded as a ,mediatory predicate'.
Although B E and H A V E are semantically empty, and are not
overtly expressed i n some constructions i n certain languages,
there are arguments against eliminating these „ d u m m y verbs"
from the underlying semantic structure of English and other
languages. Both function as ,connectives' between variables. If
one tries to establish a correspondence between overt syntactic
structure and underlying semantic structure, they have to be
retained i n a language such as English or German. In para-
phrases of lexical items which yield metalinguistic constructs,
such as kill , C A U S E + B E + N O T + A L I V E ' , or give , C A U -
SE + H A V E ' , they are also indispensable. B E and H A V E can
be regarded as unmarked forms. I f the very general feature

+ D y n a m i c is added, we get B E C O M E and G E T . The fea-
tures Cause and + Dynamic, together w i t h the ,connectives
are considered as ,formators' which are distinguished from the
less general semantic features called ,designators*. The latter
are denotative (like alive i n the paraphrase of kill), and can be
established for the V P C s with the help of the but-test. When
they are represented by the labels L O C , P O S I T I O N , S T A T E ,
semantic formulas result, which can be applied to the semantic
analysis of the V P C s of which they are paraphrases. A semantic analysis of V P C s must encompass their
collocations with nominals. It seems natural that a verb or
verb phrase cannot be treated i n isolation, and that the subject
and object also have to be considered. But an analysis of
adjectives, i n particular the distinction between transpositional
and semantic adjectives, also depends on a consideration of
collocations, as does the distinction of homonyms. The V P C s
are said to have collocation restrictions concerning certain
nominals. This term is preferable to the term selection restric-
tions, as it is neutral w i t h regard to whether the verb or the
nominal is primary or dominant i n the relation. M a n y V P C s
are idiomatic. Idiomaticity is not a quality which can be
assigned to simplex lexical items. It depends on the particular
dictionary. Idiomaticity and polysemy are complementary. A
certain amount of idiomaticity is assumed to be present i n
almost a l l syntagmas.

5.3. Specific Results

A number of specific results derive from our investigation. In

the course of the study it was found useful to employ certain
very general semantic features and components which are
probably universal. A p a r t from the formators C A U S E , B E ,
and H A V E these are: + D e g , ± D y n a m i c , ± Inside, + N e g E v ,
± P r o x , ± V e r t , and Remove. The feature analysis of the
V P C s has yielded the designators for S T A T E : -bAdult, ± A p -

parent, - f A w a k e , ± B l o c k e d , ± Closed, -fConfused, ± C o -
vered, + E m p t y , ± Exist, + Fastened, -Hnflated, ± Process,
± Together. W i t h regard to which features are already found
in the simplex verb, it turns out that there is a significant rela-
tionship between the simplex and the V P C in the case of only
three features: + B l o c k e d , +Confused, and ± T o g e t h e r . Since
+ B l o c k e d and -fConfused are different aspects of ± Together,
only this feature can be said to be present i n a significant
number of simplex verbs. Although —Together also occurs i n
many collocations w i t h up, there is a clear connection between
the V P C s w i t h out and + E m p t y , —Inside, —Process, —Prox, and
—Together on the one hand, and the V P C s w i t h up and
-f-Adult, + A w a k e , + Closed, +Confused, + Covered, + F a -
stened, + Inside, and + Together on the other hand. W i t h i n
the set of V P C s w i t h out, the following word-fields represen-
ted by archilexemes have to be recognized: begin, clean,
discover, distribute, finish, obliterate, pay, remove, solve, utter,
write. A s regards the collocations w i t h up, there are no w o r d -
fields as characteristic as are those above for V P C s with out,
but we find: begin, clean, consume, discover, fill, finish, gather,
pay, remove, repair, spoil, stop, vomit. H o w e v e r , w i t h such
V P C s the feature Degree is of great importance, as i n items
contained i n the word-fields improve and increase.

5.4. General Observations

Collocations w i t h the particle up represent by far the largest

number of V P C s i n English. The V P C s must be regarded as a
part of the lexicon which shows rapid shift and considerable
stylistic and dialectal Variation. F r o m a number of observa-
tions it becomes clear that V P C s are especially frequent in
American English and i n slang. This is also v a l i d for participial
adjectives and zero-derived nouns involving collocations of
verbs and particles. P r o d u c t i v i t y is restricted i n various ways.
O n l y the formation of V P C s denoting movement is practically


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The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English (1964). ( = C O D ) .
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Heaton, J . B. (1965), Prepositions and Adverbial Particles. (= H ) .
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The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (1962). ( = S O D ) . Reprinted
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Wood, F. T . (1965), English Verbal Idioms. (= W). London-New-


The followin;g abbreviations are used for the more commonly cited

BzLuI Beiträge zur Linguistik und Informationsverarbeitung

CJL/RCL Canadian Journal of Linguistics/Revue Canadienne
de Linguistique
ES English Studies
FL Foundations of Language
IF Indogermanische Forschungen
JL Journal of Linguistics
Lg. Language
LB Linguistische Berichte
LI Linguistic Inquiry
LS Lebende Sprachen
PbPr Philologica Pragensia
PBB Paul and Braunes Beiträge zur Geschichte der deut-
schen Sprache und Literatur
TLL Travaux de linguistique et de litterature
TPhS Transactions of the Philological Society
IAA Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik

Other abbreviations:

AE American English
AL The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current Eng-
ATS The American Thesaurus of Slang
COD The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English
DAS Dictionary of American Slang
Deg Degree
Deleted Object can be optionally deleted
Dm. Determinatum
Dt. Determinant
H Heaton, Prepositions and Adverbial Particles
HER The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Lan-
HI Hill, Prepositions and Adverbial Particles

KF Katz-Fodor, The Structure of a Semantic Theory
MEG Jespersen, A Modern English Grammar on Historical
NegEv Negative Evaluation
PEN The Penguin English Dictionary
Prox Proximate
sb Somebody
SOD The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary
sth Something
SURVEY Survey of English Usage
T. T I M E , The Weekly Newsmagazine
Vert Vertical
VPC Verb-Particle Construction
W3 Webster's Third New International Dictionary of the
English Language
W Wood, English Verbal Idioms.


Abraham, 30 51-53, 56, 64, 67, 78, 85, 110,

Admoni, 20 129-130, 195
Allen, 155 Cowie, 116
Anderson, J . , 59 Curme, 18-19, 27-28
Anderson, T . R., 41, 45-49
Anthony, 18, 27, 73, 98, 116, 139, Dickens, 26
156 Dongen, van, 21, 26
Apresyan, 87, 186 Dougherty, 196
Duden, 20
Bach, 30, 68-69, 157
Bald, 66 Erades, 26
Bally, 28 £ t i e m b l e , 142
Bar-Hillel, 36
Baumgärtner, 42, 44 Fairclough, 19, 24-25, 27-29, 74,
Bendix, 34-35, 40-41, 59, 62-63, 202
66-67, 69, 72, 108, 222 Fillmore, 33, 41, 49, 59, 62-64, 66-
Benveniste, 68 67, 74-75, 109, 112, 119, 136,
Bierwisch, 36, 39, 40, 44, 48-49, 171-172, 182, 194
56, 58,63, 66-67, 128, 178, 186, Fischer, 26, 29
204, 215 Fleischer, 76
Binnick, 31,65 Flexner, 140
Bolinger, 11, 15, 18, 25-27, 35-36, Fodor, 24, 30, 35-36, 38-39, 45,
55,65, 76, 94,98, 108,116-119, 64, 128
130-131, 136, 138-139, 154, 159 Fowler, 129, 155
Botha, 37, 76, 85, 87, 128 Francis, 18
Breide, 32, 61, 84, 99, 159, 172, Fräser, 14-16, 18-19, 23-25, 27-28,
194 61, 76-80, 90, 94, 100, 102, 109,
Bugarski, 79, 80 116, 130-131, 154, 156, 158,
Bünting, 16, 129 163-164, 167, 170, 180-183, 218
Burns, 11
Garner, 110
Carr, 11 Garrett, 24, 128
Carstensen, 18, 23-24, 45, 73 Geckeier, 191, 216
Carvell, 16, 75, 155 Goodenough, 34
Chafe, 30-31, 76, 79 Grannis, 12, 26
Chomsky, 21, 26, 37, 47-48, 54, Greenbaum, 16, 59, 73-75
63, 65, 74, 129, 200 Greimas, 52
Coseriu, 12, 26, 32, 34, 47, 49, Grimm, 20

Gruber, 30, 65 Langendoen, 33
Leech, 32, 36-37, 55,61-63, 66-70,
Hall, 172 155
Hall Partee, 31, 63 Lees, 77
Halliday, 47, 61, 73, 76, 128, Legum, 24, 116-117
169-170 Leisi, 18, 47, 50, 52
Hansen, 181 Lerot, 20, 117
Harms, 157 Lindelöf, 139, 144
Heaton, 86 Lipka, 16, 33, 36, 57, 75, 77-78,
Henzen, 20 84-85, 103, 108, 129, 134, 136,
Heringer, 152-153 152, 195
Hill, 15, 86 Live, 18, 22-23, 61, 88, 130, 154,
Hjelmslev, 35, 45, 193 163, 166, 175,180
Hockett, 76-78 Lyons, 32-34, 48, 52, 61-69, 73,
Hückel, 19 80, 86-87, 157, 169
Hughes, 22
Hundsnurscher, 20-21, 27, 50, 72, Mailer, 158
91, 94, 172, 175, 219 Marchand, 12, 21, 28-29, 57, 64,
73, 77, 82, 84-85, 87, 101, 136,
Ikegami, 33 139-141, 144, 147, 150-151,
162-164, 185
Jacobs, 24, 26 Marckwardt, 88
Jacobovits, 33 McCawley, 13, 30-31, 47, 50-51,
James, 12 63, 65, 74, 196
Jespersen, 19, 21-22, 62-63, 117, Mechner, 27
119, 133, 151, 169-170, 175 Mel'cuk, 78, 87, 186
Meredith, A., 11
Kastovsky, 12, 85 Meredith, R., 11
Katz, 24, 30-31, 35-40, 45, 47, Meyer, 11, 25, 27, 105, 154, 167,
49, 59, 126 178, 185, 192, 196-197, 203-204
Kaznowski, 28 Meyer-Ingwersen, 45
Kennedy, 18-19, 27, 88, 132, 138, Miller, 74
140, 163-165, 175-176, 180 Mitchell, 18, 21-22, 24, 74
Keutsch, 11 Mittwoch, 170, 182
Kiefer, 44, 49, 56 Müller, 28
Kiffer, 27-28 Mutt, 151
Kirchner, 61, 152 Nida, 33-34
Klein, 152, 181 Nickel, 180
Knobloch, 180-181
Konishi, 28 ö h m a n , 32
Kuroda, 47, 50, 109
Kuznecova, 32 Palmer, 18, 22, 188
Paul, 20
Lakoff, 30, 47, 63,65,67,100, Pickerell, 161
109, 117, 170 Pierce, 190

Poldauf, 136 Steinberg, 33
Polenz, 152, 168, 181 Strang, 18, 23, 88, 129, 155, 207
Porzig, 47 Svartvik, 16, 18-19, 23, 55, 75,
Postal, 24, 30, 32, 56, 65, 84, 103 129, 155
Potter, 18 Swadesch, 175, 178-179, 188, 196
Pottier, 32, 34, 43-44, 47, 52, 173
Poutsma, 26, 117-118, 121-122, Taha, 18
168-171, 174, 176, 180, 182,184 Teller, 40
Preuss, 139-144, 146-148, 150-151 Thackeray, 169

Quirk, 12, 16, 23, 55, 66, 88, 129, Ufimceva, 32

134 Ullmann, 32

Reichenbach, 61, 69-70 Vater, 146

Reinhardt, 20, 98 Viesel, 11
Rosenbaum, 24, 26
Ross, 79 Walmsley, 100
Weinreich, 30, 32-39, 43-47, 49-
Sapir, 175, 178-179, 188, 196 50, 54-55, 57, 59-60, 64, 67,
Schmidt, 72 69-70, 76, 78, 80-84, 128, 178,
Schopf, 32, 181 192, 222
Schubiger, 26 Wentworth, 140
Seuren, 50 Wheatley, 56-57, 85
Shakespeare, 26 Whorf, 131
Sinclair, 73-74 Wood, 86
Spasov, 11, 18-19
Spitzer, 128 Zandvoort, 26, 180
Sroka, 11,18-19, 26-27 2olkovsky, 87, 186
Stankiewicz, 76


acceptability, 16, 55, 75, 95, vs. Performance 128-129, 155

128-130 completive (particles or verbs),
vs. grammaticality, 128 131, 180-184, 188, 203, 214,
American (English), 14-15, 88, 223
105, 115, 134, 138, 144, 148- component (semantic), 35, 41-44,
149, 157-158, 161, 173, 188,229 46, 59, 63,70, 97,145,153
analytic sentence, 57 componential analysis, 34, 63, 97
archilexeme, 14, 47, 52-54, 154, conclusive (verbs or VPCs), 119,
191, 199, 202, 206, 216, 222, 134
224, 226, 229 configuration (of features), 38,
archilexeme, 43 70, 192
connective, 67-69, 192-193, 222,
British (English), 14-15, 88, 115, 227-228
133-134, 144, 150, 157-158, content-figurae, 35
188,207 contextualization, 75
corpus, 14, 25, 86, 155-158, 224,
causative transformation, 63-64 226
Cause, 38, 41, 63-66, 69-70, 86-
definitions (of lexical items), 43-
87, 108, 169-170, 173-174, 223,
45, 47, 52, 55, 64, 71, 145, 193,
216, 226
classeme, 53-54
Degree, 87, 92-93, 127, 150, 159,
classeme, 34, 43-44
164, 183-185, 224, 229
cluster (of semantic features),
determinant, 85, 89, 183
70-71, 192-193,
determinatum, 85, 89, 118, 120,
cohesion (between verb and par-
141, 183
ticle), 21, 29, 75
designators, 13, 69-71, 192-194,
colligation, 74
214-215, 222-224, 228
collocation restrictions, 47-48, 73,
75, 87, 89, 135-136, 193, 226,
complex, 84-85, 128-130
simplex, 84
collocations, 72-75, 93-96, 138-
dictionary entry, 33, 37, 62, 84
139, 162, 164-166
downgrading, 63, 66, 227
familiär, 154
Dynamic, 66-67, 69, 71-72, 99,
comparison, 87, 103, 106, 113-114,
101, 108, 110, 115
124, 137-138, 163-164, 223
competence, 128-130, 155, 226 encyclopedic knowledge, 49, 56
grammatical, 226 ending-point (of movement), 178-
lexical, 226 179, 186, 202

•ngagement lexikalische Solidaritäten, 47
relations, 56
rules, 56 Merkmale (semantische), 34, 36,
entailment, 56-57 50, 117
relations, 60 momentary verbs, 119
rules, 56-57
:valuation NegEv, 136-138, 208
negative, 136 news value, 26
positive, 220
:xtralinguistic knowledge, 50-51, norm (level of), 85, 129-130, 226
164, 227
amiliarity rating, 14, 85, 129-30 affected, 141, 194-195, 197
ormators, 13, 68-69, 71, 185, annihilated, 195-196
192-194, 210-211,214-215,222- deleted, 87, 92-95, 101, 107,
224, 228 112, 114, 121, 210
French, 129, 173 effected, 141, 144, 194-195, 197
frozenness hierarchy, 79 prepositional, 105, 107, 171,
Funktionsverben, 152 174, 195
object deletion, 62, 168-172, 174,
German, 14, 17, 19-20, 27, 50, 52, 176, 195,223-224, 226
58, 73, 94, 98, 100, 103, 117, objectivized locative phrases, 168,
119, 129, 133, 136, 150, 152- 172, 175, 195
153, 162, 168, 172-173, 175, object transfer, 91, 94-95, 97, 101,
185, 195, 218, 227 104, 107, 121, 123, 126-127,
166, 168, 170-173, 175-176,
idiomaticity, 18, 30, 76-82, 140,
184, 195, 200, 224, 226
176, 190, 222, 224, 228
Objektvertauschung, 91, 93, 172
idiom list, 82, 85, 130
informant, 11, 15-16, 75, 86, 90, particle (function of), 19, 29, 84,
89, 109, 115-120, 126, 131, 135,
94, 96, 107, 127, 132-134, 137,
155 152-153, 158-159,165-169,174-
175, 178, 180-185, 188-189,
Inside, 40, 96-97, 135, 137, 218 213-214, 223-224, 226
perfective (value of particle), 89,
Klassem, 53 115, 130, 135, 138, 160, 166,
knowledge of the world (vs. 180-181
knowledge of language), 49, 56 periphery (of lexical entry), 44,
lexeme, 52-53, 65, 71 56
lexical entry, 36-42, 212, 222, phrasal verbs, 17-18, 21-28, 118,
226-227 130, 139, 222
lexicalization, 18, 76, 82, 85, 130, point of reference, 109, 175, 178-
132, 140, 143-145,150, 152-153, 179
163-164, 190, 206, 224 implied vs. explicit, 178
lexical set, 47, 73 polarity, 58, 186
lexicon, 37, 46, 51, 53, 83-85, 129, polysemy, 79, 80, 140, 228
190, 229 postpositional verb, 21

preadjunct, 151 lexical, 32
predicate, 13, 31, 40-41, 62-66, structural, 32-33, 55, 226
68-70, 72, 74-75, 97, 107, 109- semantische Kongruenz, 47
410, 171-172, 192, 211, 222, seme, 33, 52
226-227 seme, 34, 43-44
mediatory, 63, 66, 227 sememe, 33-34
prelexical sememe, 34, 43-44
element, 31, 65 starting-point (of movement),
formative, 66 178-179, 202
rule, 65 stress, 17, 20-22, 24-26, 28, 139,
premodifier, 151 162, 222
prepositional phrase reduction, subject deletion, 170-171
25, 115, 121, 125, 131-134, 153, subject transfer, 122, 160, 172-
156, 171-175, 177-179, 224, 226 173, 175
prepositional phrasal verb, 18, Subjektvertauschung, 93, 172
21-22, 105, 157, 199, 206, 219 Survey of English Usage, 14,
prepositional verb, 17-19, 21-25, 156-157
presupposition, 41, 51, 56, 109- test, 14, 26-27, 108, 134
110 elicitation, 16
process-oriented (sentence), 169- evaluation, 16
170, 209, 211 compliance, 16
pro-form, 87, 110, 146, 154, 175, semantic, 55-61, 71-72, 193,
178, 224, 226 199, 222, 224, 228
Proximate, 67, 110, 178 Together, 112, 125-126, 137, 160,
183-184, 191, 196-197, 204,
rank-shift, 62 212-213
reading (of lexical item), 39, 44, topicalization, 172
65 transfer features, 45, 50, 87, 177
reduced prepositional phrase, 17, types of reference, 141-143, 145-
25, 29 147, 223
redundancy rules, 39
relator, 103-104, 113, 178 underlying sentence, 98-99, 102-
Russian, 68-69, 108 103, 105-109, 111, 113-114, 116,
120, 122-123, 141-142, 144-145,
selectional rules, 74 147, 158, 175, 199, 211, 214,
selection restrictions, 30, 38-39, 223
47-51,53,55, 71, 176, 178, 194, tense in, 144
222, 226, 228
semantic verbal Compounds, 18
distinguisher, 35-36 Vertical, 178, 203-204
marker, 35-36, 39, 45-46, 178
semantics word-field, 14, 32-33, 52-53, 71,
combinatorial, 32 191, 199, 216, 222, 224, 226,
generative, 30-31, 65, 109, 226 229
interpretative, 30-31, 226 Wortfeld, 52

Wortklasse, 53 141, 146, 148, 150-151, 159,
161-162, 164-166, 169, 175,
zero-derivative, 85, 87, 89-91, 93, 182-185, 188-189, 213-214, 223.
95, 98-99, 117-118, 120, 139,

P. M . Aleksejew, W. M . Kalinin und R. G . Piotrowski, Hrsg.:
Übersetzt von einem Kollektiv unter Leitung von Lothar Hoffmann.
Mit zahlreichen Skizzen, Tabellen und Schemata im Text. 320 S.
Ln. D M 48 —; Studienausgabe D M 36.—

Janos Balazs: Funktionswerte der Pronominalität

Ars Grammatica, Bd. 1. 288 S. L n . mit Schutzumschlag. D M 58.—

Hans Helmut Christmann: Idealistische Philologie

und moderne Sprachwissenschaft
Internationale Bibliothek für Allgemeine Linguistik, Bd. 19. 168 S.
Ln. D M 32.-; Paperback D M 19.80

Aleksej Vsevolodovic Gladkij und Igor'Aleksandrovic

Mel'cuk: Elemente der mathematischen Linguistik
Autorisierte Übersetzung von einem Kollektiv unter Leitung von
Brigitte Haltof. 168 S., 4 Tabellen und 10 Illustrationen, kart.
D M 16.80

Schriftenreihe zur Linguistik

1. Ursula Stephany: Adjektivische Attributkonstruktionen

des Französischen
Untersucht nach dem Modell der generativen Grammatik. Zus. 181 S.
kart. D M 14.80

2. Elisabeth Gülich: Makrosyntax der Gliederungssignale im

gesprochenen Französisch
Zus. 404 S. kart. D M 2 8 . -

3. Hans Joachim Scholz: Untersuchungen zur Lautstruktur

deutscher Wörter
Zus. 304 S. kart. D M 19.80

5. Roberto Ibanez: Negation im Spanischen

168 S. kart. D M 19.80

6. Ramon Arzapalo: Das Pronominalsystem des Yukatekischen

130 S. kart. D M 16.80

B. A . Serebrennikov u. a.: Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft

Erscheinungsformen, Funktionen und Geschichte der Sprache. Über-
setzt von einem Kollektiv. 752 S. L n . D M 68.—; Studienausgabe
D M 48.-


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