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Syllabus of HPCL

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Project Engineer : Mechanical

Fluid Mechanics & Turbomachinery
Fluid properties; fluid statics, manometry, buoyancy, forces on submerged bodies, stability of floating
bodies; control-volume analysis of mass, momentum and energy; fluid acceleration; differential
equations of continuity and momentum; Bernoulli’s equation; dimensional analysis; viscous flow of
incompressible fluids, boundary layer, elementary turbulent flow, flow through pipes, head losses in
pipes, bends and fittings.
Flow through Pipes: Introduction. Major and minor losses in pipe flow. Darcy-Weisbach equation for
head loss due to friction in a pipe. Pipes in series, pipes in parallel, equivalent pipe-problems. Minor
losses in pipe flow, equation for head loss due to sudden expansion. Hydraulic gradient line, energy
gradient line. Pipe Networks, Hardy Cross method
Turbo machines; Momentum, and moment of momentum theory applied to moving blades; Change in
total enthalpy and total pressure; Velocity triangles for radial and axial flow turbomachines; Basic
aerofoil theory applied to axial flow blades; Non-dimensional performance parameters; Specific speed,
flow coefficient and head coefficient.
Centrifugal compressors; Work required, polytropic efficiency, pressure rise, slip, effect of blade shape,
two dimensional flow through impeller; Vaned diffuser and volute casing; Surging and choking of
compressors; Compressor performance and characteristic curves.
Axial flow compressors; Cascade analysis, vortex theory, work required, polytropic efficiency, pressure
rise, degree of reaction; Simple design calculations; Surging and stalling of compressors; Compressor
performance and characteristic curves. Fans and Blowers; Construction and classification; Power
required, pressure rise, efficiency calculations; Applications in boilers, cooling towers, and other
industrial applications.
Theory of Machines
Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of plane mechanisms; dynamic analysis of linkages;
cams; gears and gear trains; flywheels and governors; balancing of reciprocating and rotating masses;
Vibrations: Free and forced vibration of single degree of freedom systems, effect of damping; vibration
isolation; resonance; critical speeds of shafts.
Engineering Mechanics
Free-body diagrams and equilibrium; trusses and frames; virtual work; kinematics and dynamics of
particles and of rigid bodies in plane motion; impulse and momentum (linear and angular) and energy
formulations, collisions.
Strength of Materials
Stress and strain, elastic constants, Poisson’s ratio; Mohr’s circle for plane stress and plane strain; thin
cylinders; shear force and bending moment diagrams; bending and shear stresses; deflection of beams;
torsion of circular shafts; Euler’s theory of columns; energy methods; thermal stresses; strain gauges and
rosettes; testing of materials with universal testing machine; testing of hardness and impact strength.
Engineering Materials: Structure and properties of engineering materials, phase diagrams, heat
treatment, stress-strain diagrams for engineering materials.
Casting, Forming and Joining Processes
Different types of castings, design of patterns, moulds and cores; solidification and cooling; riser and
gating design. Plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of hot and cold working processes;
load estimation for bulk (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing) and sheet (shearing, deep drawing,
bending) metal forming processes; principles of powder metallurgy. Principles of welding, brazing,
soldering and adhesive bonding.
Machining and Machine Tool Operations
Mechanics of machining; basic machine tools; single and multi-point cutting tools, tool geometry and
materials, tool life and wear; economics of machining; principles of non-traditional machining processes;
principles of work holding, design of jigs and fixtures.
Metrology and Inspection
Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and angular measurements; comparators; gauge design;
interferometry; form and finish measurement; alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in
manufacturing and assembly.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Basic concepts of CAD/CAM and their integration tools.
Thermodynamics & Applications
Thermodynamic systems and processes; properties of pure substances, behavior of ideal and real gases;
zeroth and first laws of thermodynamics, calculation of work and heat in various processes; second law
of thermodynamics; thermodynamic property charts and tables, availability and irreversibility;
thermodynamic relations.
Power Engineering: Air and gas compressors; vapour and gas power cycles, concepts of regeneration
and reheat. I.C. Engines: Air-standard Otto, Diesel and dual cycles.
Refrigeration and Air-conditioning: Vapour and gas refrigeration and heat pump cycles; properties of
moist air, psychrometric chart, basic psychrometric processes.
Turbomachinery: Impulse and reaction principles, velocity diagrams, Pelton-wheel, Francis and Kaplan
Heat & Mass transfer
Modes of heat transfer; one dimensional heat conduction, resistance concept and electrical analogy,
heat transfer through fins; unsteady heat conduction, lumped parameter system, Heisler’s charts;
thermal boundary layer, dimensionless parameters in free and forced convective heat transfer, heat
transfer correlations for flow over flat plates and through pipes, effect of turbulence; heat exchanger
performance, LMTD and NTU methods; radiative heat transfer, Stefan-Boltzmann law, Wien’s
displacement law, black and grey surfaces, view factors, radiation network analysis.
Production Planning and Control
Forecasting models, aggregate production planning, scheduling, materials requirement planning.
Inventory Control
Deterministic models; safety stock inventory control systems.
Operations Research
Linear programming, simplex method, transportation, assignment, network flow models, simple queuing
models, PERT and CPM.
Machine Design
Design for static and dynamic loading; failure theories; fatigue strength and the S-N diagram; principles
of the design of machine elements such as bolted, riveted and welded joints; shafts, gears, rolling and
sliding contact bearings, brakes and clutches, springs.
Contract Management
Contract and agreement, Essential elements of a valid contract, Discharge of a contract, Remedies in
breach of a contract, Special contracts
Project Management
Project Management and Contract Administration, Initiation, Planning, Implementation, Hand Over/
Completion, Review & Close Out


Process Diagrams (PFD, P&ID), Codes and Standards, Oil and gas terminology, Type of platforms, Pipeline
Elements, Pipeline Materials, Pipeline Materials, Material Take off, Pipeline Drawings- Field layouts,
Alignment sheet, Riser and spool GAD’s, Crossing details, Trench details, Anode details, Monel sheathing,
Pipeline Wall Thickness Calculation, Cathodic protection, Valves, Specialties, Pipeline Supports and
Clamps, Configuration of equipment, Pipeline Installation methods, Free span calculation

Terminals & Station Piping

General: Process Diagrams (PFD, UFD, P&ID, Line List etc.), Codes and Standards, Pipe Fittings, Pipe
Flanges, Process Mechanical Equipments – Static equipments & Rotary equipments, Layouts-
Preparation of Plot Plan, Preparation of Equipment Layouts, Preparation of Piping General Arrangement
Drawings, Preparation of Cross Sectional Drawings, Piping Isometric Drawings & Material Take off, Pipe
Supports, Preparation of Piping Material Specification, Valve Material Specification, Familiarity with
ASME B31.3, Pipe Wall thickness Calculations, Preparation of Special Items Datasheets, Pressure Design
of Miter Bends – Single & Multiple Miters, Pressure Design of Blanks, Branch reinforcement calculations,
Overview of Technical Queries and Technical Bid Evaluations, Stress Analysis- Types of stresses,
Significance of forces and moments, Introduction to Stress Analysis, Expansion Loop types, Bellows –
Process Gas Compression System with Air cooling, Man-hours Estimation for the project, Relief and flare
System, Storage tank Piping System, Distillation System, Storage tank Piping System, Distillation System,
Pipe Materials, Pipe Supporting concepts, Support Spanning Calculation, Stress Analysis Concepts, Heat
Exchanger Design, Evaluation of Control Valves, Pressure Relief Devices, HAZOP and HAZID Study, Basics
of pipe selection, Sizing and specifications of various pressure vessels, Pump Design.

Project Engineer : Civil

Section 1 : Engineering Mathematics
Linear Algebra: Matrix algebra; Systems of linear equations; Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

Calculus: Functions of single variable; Limit, continuity and differentiability; Mean value
theorems, local maxima and minima, Taylor and Maclaurin series; Evaluation of definite and indefinite
integrals, application of definite integral to obtain area and volume; Partial derivatives; Total derivative;
Gradient, Divergence and Curl, Vector identities, Directional derivatives, Line, Surface and Volume
integrals, Stokes, Gauss and Green’s theorems.

Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE): First order (linear and non- linear) equations; higher order linear
equations with constant coefficients; Euler -Cauchy equations; Laplace transform and its
application in solving linear ODEs; initial and boundary value problems.

Partial Differential Equation (PDE): Fourier series; separation of variables; solutions of one- dimensional
diffusion equation; first and second order one-dimensional wave equation and two -dimensional Laplace

Probability and Statistics: Definitions of probability and sampling theorems; Conditional probability;
Discrete Random variables: Poisson and Binomial distributions; Continuous
random variables: normal and exponential distributions; Descriptive statistics - Mean, median, mode
and standard deviation; Hypothesis testing.

Numerical Methods: Accuracy and precision; error analysis. Numerical solutions of linear and non- linear
algebraic equations; Least square approximation, Newton’s and Lagrange polynomials, numerical
differentiation, Integration by trapezoidal and Simpson’s rule, single and multi- step methods for first
order differential equations.

Section 2: Structural Engineering

Engineering Mechanics: System of forces, free -body diagrams, equilibrium equations; Internal forces in
structures; Friction and its applications; Kinematics of point mass and rigid body; Centre of mass; Euler’s
equations of motion; Impulse- momentum; Energy methods; Principles of virtual work.

Solid Mechanics: Bending moment and shear force in statically determinate beams; Simple stress and
strain relationships; Theories of failures; Simple bending theory, flexural and shear stresses, shear
centre; Uniform torsion, buckling of column, combined and direct bending stresses.

Structural Analysis: Statically determinate and indeterminate structures by force/ energy methods;
Method of superposition; Analysis of trusses, arches, beams, cables and frames; Displacement methods:
Slope deflection and moment distribution methods; Influence lines; Stiffness and flexibility methods of
structural analysis.

Construction Materials and Management: Construction Materials: Structural steel -

composition, material properties and behaviour; Concrete - constituents, mix design, short-term
and long -term properties; Bricks and mortar; Timber; Bitumen. Construction Management: Types of
construction projects; Tendering and construction contracts; Rate
analysis and standard specifications; Cost estimation; Project planning and network analysis - PERT and

Concrete Structures: Working stress, Limit state and Ultimate load design concepts; Design of beams,
slabs, columns; Bond and development length; Prestressed concrete; Analysis of beam sections at
transfer and service loads.

Steel Structures: Working stress and Limit state design concepts; Design of tension and compression
members, beams and beam - columns, column bases; Connections - simple and eccentric, beam -
column connections, plate girders and trusses; Plastic analysis of beams and frames.

Section 3: Geotechnical Engineering

Soil Mechanics: Origin of soils, soil structure and fabric; Three- phase system and phase relationships,
index properties; Unified and Indian standard soil classification system; Permeability - one dimensional
flow, Darcy’s law; Seepage through soils - two-dimensional flow, flow nets, uplift pressure, piping;
Principle of effective stress, capillarity, seepage force and quicksand condition; Compaction in laboratory
and field conditions; One- dimensional consolidation, time rate of consolidation; M ohr’s circle,
stress paths, effective and total shear strength parameters, characteristics of clays and sand.
Foundation Engineering: Sub-surface investigations -scope, drilling bore holes, sampling, plate load test,
standard penetration and cone penetration tests; Earth pressure theories - Rankine and Coulomb;
Stability of slopes - finite and infinite slopes, method of slices and Bishop’s method; Stress
distribution in soils -Boussinesq’s and Westergaard’s theories, pressure bulbs; Shallow foundations -
Terzaghi’s and Meyerhoff’s bearing capacity theories, effect of water table; Combined footing and raft
foundation; Contact pressure; Settlement analysis in sands and clays; Deep foundations - types
of piles, dynamic and static formulae, load capacity of piles in sands and clays, pile load test, negative
skin friction.

Section 4: Water Resources Engineering

Fluid Mechanics: Properties of fluids, fluid statics; Continuity, momentum, energy and
correspondingequations; Potential flow, applications of momentum and energy equations; Laminar
and turbulent flow; Flow in pipes, pipe networks; Concept of boundary layer and its growth.

Hydraulics: Forces on immersed bodies; Flow measurement in channels and pipes; Dimensional analysis
and hydraulic similitude; Kinematics of flow, velocity triangles; Basics of hydraulic machines, specific
speed of pumps and turbines; Channel Hydraulics - Energy-depth relationships, specific energy, critical
flow, slope profile, hydraulic jump, uniform flow and gradually varied flow

Hydrology: Hydrologic cycle, precipitation, evaporation, evapo-transpiration, watershed, infiltration,

unit hydrographs, hydrograph analysis, flood estimation and routing, reservoir capacity, reservoir and
channel routing, surface run- off models, ground water hydrology - steady state well hydraulics and
aquifers; Application of Darcy’s law.

Irrigation: Duty, delta, estimation of evapo -transpiration; Crop water requirements; Design of lined and
unlined canals, head works, gravity dams and spillways; Design of weirs on permeable foundation; Types
of irrigation systems, irrigation methods; Water logging and drainage; Canal regulatory works, cross-
drainage structures, outlets and escapes.

Section 5: Environmental Engineering

Water and Waste Water: Quality standards, basic unit processes and operations for water
treatment. Drinking water standards, water requirements, basic unit operations and unit processes for
surface water treatment, distribution of water. Sewage and sewerage treatment, quantity and
characteristics of wastewater. Primary, secondary and tertiary treatment of wastewater, effluent
discharge standards. Domestic wastewater treatment, quantity of characteristics of domestic
wastewater, primary and secondary treatment. Unit operations and unit processes of domestic
wastewater, sludge disposal.

Air Pollution: Types of pollutants, their sources and impacts, air pollution meteorology, air pollution
control, air quality standards and limits.

Municipal Solid Wastes: Characteristics, generation, collection and transportation of solid wastes,
engineered systems for solid waste management (reuse / recycle, energy recovery, treatment and

Noise Pollution: Impacts of noise, permissible limits of noise pollution, measurement of noise and
control of noise pollution.

Section 6: Transportation Engineering

Transportation Infrastructure: Highway alignment and engineering surveys; Geometric design of
highways - cross-sectional elements, sight distances, horizontal and vertical alignments; Geometric
design of railway track; Airport runway length, taxiway and exit taxiway design.
Highway Pavements: Highway materials - desirable properties and quality control tests;
Design of bituminous paving mixes; Design factors for flexible and rigid pavements; Design
of flexible pavement using IRC: 37 -2012; Design of rigid pavements using IRC: 58 -2011; Distresses in
concrete pavements.
Traffic Engineering: Traffic studies on flow, speed, travel time - delay and O -D study, PCU, peak hour
factor, parking study, accident study and analysis, statistical analysis of traffic data; Microscopic and
macroscopic parameters of traffic flow, fundamental
relationships; Control devices, signal design by Webster’s method; Types of intersections and
channelization; Highway capacity and level of service of rural highways and urban roads.

Section 7: Geomatics Engineering

Principles of surveying; Errors and their adjustment; Maps- scale, coordinate system; Distance and angle
measurement- Levelling and trigonometric levelling; Traversing and triangulation survey; Total station;
Horizontal and vertical curves. Photogrammetry - scale, flying height; Remote sensing -basics, platform
and sensors, visual image interpretation; Basics of Geographical information system (GIS) and
Geographical Positioning system (GPS).

Equipment specifications & Design ;Engineering for Procurement & Construction; Improvement in
Tender specifications ;Standardization of Specifications ; Technical evaluation of bids ;Review of vendor
drawing & data ; Understanding the Single line diagram ;Motor testing (Motor Checker, IR, Moisture
Absorption, PI etc) ;Termination of Motor (HT & LT) ;Hi-Pot testing of HT cable. ; Testing of transformer
(Ratio/Magnetic balance etc.) ;Switchboard panel Control & Power circuit Drawing reading &
understanding ;GIS maintenance procedure; Construction details of Generator, Exciter etc ; DAVR
operation & troubleshooting ;Generator Protection System and GRP ; Brushless excitation system
;Working Principle of UPS system & types of UPS ;Working Principle of Battery Charger system ;Ni-Cd
and Lead acid battery bank Maintenance & Commissioning ; Basic Principle of Variable Frequency Drive
;Monitoring of variable Frequency Drive from front display ;Trouble shooting and Repair of VFD ;Auto
Transformer starting of HT Motors ;OISD and IS standard on industrial Lighting ;Basics of different
protective devices such as ELCB, MCB etc ;Requirement of Earthing system ;Earth Resistance
Measurement ;Construction of Earth pit & accessories ; Monitoring of parameters through relays,
resetting etc ;Checking Relay settings, Binary inputs etc;
Programming of MOV, limit switch settings, commissioning etc ; Layout and monitoring of exchange for
communication ; Trouble shooting on FCS, MCS and Exchange Card replacement ;Principle of CP systems
;Identification of Sacrificial anodes, replacement etc ;Principle of Heat tracing System ;Choice of heat
tracing wrt the temperature requirement ;Understanding of Various types of Heat Tracing tapes and
their usage ; Basic Knowledge on Area Classification basis Gas group, Zone, Temperature etc ;Knowledge
on various types of flameproof equipment’s and usage in particular area ;Knowledge on acceptability of
various Flameproof equipment’s ;Basics of Relay Coordination system ;CT and PT – selection & Testing ;
Fault Level Calculation ;Type - II coordination for starter module ;Motor Protection Theory ; Transformer
Protection ; Generator Protection Theory ;Unit Protection theory ;Bus Bar differential protection ;Overall
Relay Coordination ;Basic knowledge on all available OISD standards ;Knowledge on OISD STD-113 ;
Knowledge on OISD STD-105, 137, 173 ; Knowledge on OISD RP-110, 124, 147, 148, 149 ;Knowledge on
OISD GDN-180 ; Knowledge of CEA Regulation & Approval process ;Electrical Safety ; Isolation & Release
procedure for breaker / Starter ;Electrical Shock treatment plan ;Failure Analysis & Reporting


 Basic Analog and Digital Electronics
 Electrical Circuits
 Power Electronics & Drives
 Measurement & Instruments
 Control systems –
 PID controlling & tuning,
 Open/Closed/Cascade loop control,
 Control system Networking/computer networks
 Field instrumentation systems –
 principle of working
 Diagnostics and troubleshooting
 Sensors, transducers and transmitters
 Industrial instrumentation for process variables like temperature, flow, pressure etc
 Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems and online process analyzers,
 Communication protocols – HART, Foundation Fieldbus, Wireless protocols and Serial
communication etc.,
 Control valves and on/off valves
 Safety systems, PLC/DCS/SCADA - diagnostics and troubleshooting
 Pneumatic control systems
 Basic Data Acquisition Systems
 Loop wiring, Cabling
 Process safety and Safety systems

Further, Engineer should have knowledge of the following:

 Instrumentation Equipment specifications & Design
 Engineering for Procurement & Construction of Instrumentation projects
 Analyze and improvement of Tender specifications
 Standardization of Specifications
 Technical evaluation of bids.
 Review of vendor drawings & data
 Understanding P&IDs. PFDs
 OISD and IS standards on industrial Lighting
 Basic Knowledge on Area Classification Basis Gas group, Zone, Temperature etc
 Basic knowledge on OISD standards
 Failure Analysis & Reporting
 Knowledge of Indian and International Instrumentation Codes and Standards


Section 1: Process Calculations and Thermodynamics
Steady and unsteady state mass and energy balances including multiphase, multi- component, reacting
and non -reacting systems. Use of tie components; recycle, bypass and purge calculations; Gibb’s phase
rule and degree of freedom analysis. First and Second laws of thermodynamics. Applications of first law
to close and open systems. Second law and Entropy. Thermodynamic properties of pure substances:
Equation of State and residual properties, properties of mixtures: partial molar properties, fugacity,
excess properties and activity coefficients; phase equilibria: predicting VLE of systems; chemical reaction

Section 2: Fluid Mechanics and Mechanical Operations

Fluid statics, Newtonian and non- Newtonian fluids, shell -balances including differential form of
Bernoulli equation and energy balance, Macroscopic friction factors, dimensional analysis and similitude,
flow through pipeline systems, flow meters, pumps and compressors, elementary boundary layer theory,
flow past immersed bodies including packed and fluidized beds, Turbulent flow: fluctuating velocity,
universal velocity profile and pressure drop. Particle size and shape, particle size distribution, size
reduction and classification of solid particles; free and hindered settling; centrifuge and cyclones;
thickening and classification, filtration, agitation and mixing; conveying of solids.

Section 3: Heat Transfer

Steady and unsteady heat conduction, convection and radiation, thermal boundary layer and heat
transfer coefficients, boiling, condensation and evaporation; types of heat exchangers and evaporators
and their process calculations. Design of double pipe, shell and tube heat exchangers, and single and
multiple effect evaporators.
Section 4: Mass Transfer
Fick’s laws, molecular diffusion in fluids, mass transfer coefficients, film, penetration and surface renewal
theories; momentum, heat and mass transfer analogies; stage -wise and continuous contacting and
stage efficiencies; HTU & NTU concepts; design and operation of equipment for distillation, absorption,
leaching, liquid-liquid extraction, drying, humidification, dehumidification and adsorption.

Section 5: Chemical Reaction Engineering

Theories of reaction rates; kinetics of homogeneous reactions, interpretation of kinetic data, single and
multiple reactions in ideal reactors, non- ideal reactors; residence time distribution, single parameter
model; non- isothermal reactors; kinetics of heterogeneous catalytic reactions; diffusion effects in

Section 6: Instrumentation and Process Control

Measurement of process variables; sensors, transducers and their dynamics, process modelling and
linearization, transfer functions and dynamic responses of various systems, systems with inverse
response, process reaction curve, controller modes (P, PI, and PID); control valves; analysis of closed
loop systems including stability, frequency response, controller tuning, cascade and feed forward

Section 7: Plant Design and Economics

Principles of process economics and cost estimation including depreciation and total annualized cost,
cost indices, rate of return, payback period, discounted cash flow, optimization in process design and
sizing of chemical engineering equipment’s such as compressors, heat exchangers, multistage

Section 8: Chemical Technology

Inorganic chemical industries (sulfuric acid, phosphoric acid, chlor-alkali industry), fertilizers (Ammonia,
Urea, SSP and TSP); natural products industries (Pulp and Paper, Sugar, Oil, and Fats); petroleum refining
and petrochemicals; polymerization industries (polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polyester
synthetic fibers).

 The Indian Contract Act
 The Indian Partnership Act
 The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 including 2015 Amendment
 The Constitution of India
 The Transfer of Property Act
 The Indian Easements Act
 The Sale of Goods Act
 The Indian Penal Code
 The Civil Procedure Code
 The Criminal Procedure Code
 The Indian Evidence Act
 The Consumer Protection Act
 The Essential Commodities Act
 The Competition Act
 Information Technology Act
 The Companies Act
 Negotiable Instruments Act
 Intellectual Property laws
 Legal Metrology Act



STRUCTURE: Postulates of quantum mechanics: Time dependent and time independent Schrödinger
equations. Born interpretation. Particle in a box. Harmonic oscillator. Rigid rotor. Hydrogen atom: atomic
orbitals. Multi-electron atoms: orbital approximation. Variation and first order perturbation techniques.
Chemical bonding: Valence bond theory and LCAO-MO theory. Hybrid orbitals. Applications of LCAO-
MOT to H2+, H2 and other homonuclear diatomic molecules, heteronuclear diatomic molecules like HF,
CO, NO, and to simple delocalized – electron systems. Hückel approximn and its application to annular
–electron systems. Symmetry elements and operations. Point groups and character tables. Origin of
selection rules for rotational, vibrational, electronic and Raman spectroscopy of diatomic and polyatomic
molecules. Einstein coefficients. Relationship of transition moment integral with molar extinction
coefficient and oscillator strength. Basic principles of nuclear magnetic resonance: nuclear g factor,
chemical shift, nuclear coupling.

EQUILIBRIUM: Laws of thermodynamics. Standard states. Thermochemistry. Thermodynamic functions

and their relationships: Gibbs-Helmholtz and Maxwell relations, spontaneity and equilibrium. Absolute
entropy. Partial molar quantities. Thermodynamics of mixing. Chemical potential. Fugacity, activity and
activity coefficients. Chemical equilibria. Dependence of equilibrium constant on temperature and
Non-ideal solutions. Ionic mobility and conductivity. Debye-Hückel limiting law. Debye-Hückel-Onsager
equation. Standard electrode potentials and electrochemical cells. Potentiometric and conductometric

Phase rule. Clausius- Clapeyron equation. Phase diagram of one component systems: CO2, H2O, S;
two component systems: liquid- vapour, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid systems. Fractional distillation.
Azeotropes and eutectics. Statistical thermodynamics: microcanonical and canonical ensembles,
Boltzmann distribution, partition functions and thermodynamic properties.

KINETICS: Transition state theory: Eyring equation, thermodynamic aspects. Potential energy surfaces
and classical trajectories. Elementary, parallel, opposing and consecutive reactions. Steady state
approximation. Mechanisms of complex reactions. Unimolecular reactions. Kinetics of polymerization
and enzyme catalysis. Fast reaction kinetics: relaxation and flow methods. Kinetics of photochemical and
photophysical processes.

SURFACES AND INTERFACES: Physisorption and chemisorption. Langmuir, Freundlich and BET
isotherms. Surface catalysis: Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism. Surface tension, viscosity. Self-
assembly. Physical chemistry of colloids, micelles and macromolecules. Heterogeneous catalysis.

DATA ANALYSIS: Mean and standard deviation; absolute and relative errors; linear regression;
covariance and correlation coefficient.


MAIN GROUP ELEMENTS: Hydrides, halides, oxides, oxoacids, nitrides, sulfides –shapes and reactivity.
Structure and bonding of boranes, carboranes, silicones, silicates, boron nitride, borazines and
phosphazenes. Allotropes of carbon. Chemistry of noble gases, pseudohalogens, and interhalogen
compounds. Acid-base concepts.

TRANSITION ELEMENTS: Coordination chemistry –structure and isomerism, theories of bonding (VBT,
CFT, and MOT). Energy level diagrams in various crystal fields, CFSE, applications of CFT, Jahn-Teller
distortion. Electronic spectra of transition metal complexes: spectroscopic term symbols, selection rules,
Orgel diagrams, charge-transfer spectra. Magnetic properties of transition metal complexes. Reaction
mechanisms: kinetic and thermodynamic stability, substitution and redox reactions.

LANTHANIDES AND ACTINIDES: Recovery. Periodic properties, spectra and magnetic properties.

ORGANOMETALLICS: 18-Electron rule; metal-alkyl, metal-carbonyl, metal-olefin and metal- carbene

complexes and metallocenes. Fluxionality in organometallic complexes. Types of organometallic
reactions. Homogeneous catalysis - Hydrogenation, hydroformylation, acetic acid synthesis, metathesis
and olefin oxidation. Heterogeneous catalysis - Fischer- Tropsch reaction, Ziegler-Natta
polymerization.Cages and metal clusters.

NUCLEAR CHEMISTRY: Decay processes, half-life of radioactive elements, fission and fusion processes.
Nuclear reactions, radio-analytical techniques and activation analysis.

BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Ion (Na+ and K+) transport, oxygen binding, transport and utilization,
electron transfer reactions, nitrogen fixation, metalloenzymes containing magnesium, molybdenum,
iron, cobalt, copper and zinc.

CHEMICAL PERIODICITY : Ionisation Energy, Atomic Radius, Electronegativity, Electron Affinity

SOLIDS: Crystal systems and lattices, Millerlaw,ionic plane crystals, structures of AX, AX2, ABX3 type
compounds, spinels, band theory, metals and semiconductors.

INSTRUMENTAL METHODS OF ANALYSIS: UV-visible spectrophotometry, NMR and ESR spectroscopy,

mass spectrometry. Chromatography including GC and HPLC. Electroanalytical methods- polarography,
cyclic voltammetry, ion-selective electrodes. Thermoanalytical methods.


STEREOCHEMISTRY: Chirality of organic molecules with or without chiral centres and determination of
their absolute configurations. Relative stereochemistry in compounds having more than one stereogenic
centre. Homotopic, enantiotopic and diastereotopic atoms, groups and faces. Stereoselective and
stereospecific synthesis. Conformational analysis of acyclic and cyclic compounds. Geometrical
isomerism. Configurational and conformational effects, and neighbouring group participation on
reactivity and selectivity/specificity.

REACTION MECHANISMS: Basic mechanistic concepts –kinetic versus thermodynamic contro postulate
and Curtin-Hammett principle. Methods of determining reaction mechanisms through identification of
products, intermediates and isotopic labelling. Nucleophilic and electrophilic substitution reactions
(both aromatic and aliphatic). Addition reactions to carbon-carbon and carbon-heteroatom (N,O)
multiple bonds. Elimination reactions. Reactive intermediates – carbocation, carbanions, carbenes,
nitrenes, arynes and free radicals. Molecular rearrangements involving electron deficient atoms.

ORGANIC SYNTHESIS: Synthesis, reactions, mechanisms and selectivity involving the following classes of
compounds –alkenes, alkynes, arenes, alcohols, phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, esters,
nitriles, halides, nitro compounds, amines and amides. Uses of Mg, Li, Cu, B, Zn and Si based reagents in
organic synthesis. Carbon-carbon bond formation through coupling reactions - Heck, Suzuki, Stille and
Sonogoshira. Concepts of multistep synthesis - retrosynthetic analysis, strategic disconnections,
synthons and synthetic equivalents. Umpolung reactivity –formyl and acyl anion equivalents. Selectivity
in organic synthesis –chemo-, regio- and stereoselectivity. Protection and deprotection of functional
groups. Concepts of asymmetric synthesis –resolution (including enzymatic), desymmetrization and use
of chiral auxilliaries. Carbon-carbon bond forming reactions through enolates (including boron enolates),
enamines and silyl enol ethers. Michael addition reaction. Stereoselective addition to C=O groups (Cram
and Felkin-Anh models).

COMMON NAMED REACTIONS AND REARRANGEMENTS: Applications in organic synthesis.

PERICYCLIC REACTIONS AND PHOTOCHEMISTRY: Electrocyclic, cycloaddition and sigmatropic reactions.
Orbital correlations - FMO and PMO treatments. Photochemistry of alkenes, arenes and carbonyl
compounds. Photooxidation and photoreduction. Di-π-methane rearrangement, Barton reaction.

HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS: Structure, preparation, properties and reactions of furan, pyrrole,

thiophene, pyridine, indole, quinoline and isoquinoline.

BIOMOLECULES: Structure, properties and reactions of mono- and di-saccharides, physicochemical

properties of amino acids, chemical synthesis of peptides, structural features of proteins, nucleic acids,
steroids, terpenoids, carotenoids, and alkaloids.

SPECTROSCOPY: Applications of UV-visible, IR, NMR and Mass spectrometry in the structural
determination of organic molecules.

AROMATICITY: Benzenoid and non-benzenoid compounds –generation and reactions.

PETROLEUM CHEMISTRY: Origin & synthesis of petroleum products, Distillation of Crude Oil,
Hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, Thermal, hydro and catalytic cracking, Isomerisation, Visbreaking


Manpower/workforce Planning
Job Analysis, forecasting techniques, job design, Manpower Planning process, Forecasting techniques,
Demand and Supply, Outsourcing, Current Trends.

Recruitment and Selection

Interviewing techniques, methods of selection, psychometric tools, Employee Value Proposition,
Recruitment metrics, use of technology in recruitment, Employee onboarding, Employer branding ,
Government guidelines on Recruitment.

Performance Management
Balanced scorecard, force ranking method, performance appraisal system, Performance Appraisals
Methods, feedback, Rating biases, career planning, job rotation, job enrichment, succession planning,
Reward and Recognition schemes, 360 degree feedback, Assessment centers.

Capability Building
Training design and implementation models, Leadership theories, Training need analysis, Training
evaluation models, leadership development programs, sensitivity trainings, knowledge management
system, different approaches to learning – e-learning, micro-learning, Development Centers

Compensation Management
Job Evaluation, Internal and External equity, concept of cafeteria payments, Theories of compensation,
concept of wages, job satisfaction, Government guidelines.

Industrial Relations
Conflict Resolution Techniques, Grievance Handling mechanisms, Negotiation styles, negotiation
process, Collective Bargaining, history of industrial relations in India, Approaches to IR, Trade Union
movement, Whistle Blower policy, Disciplinary action approach and process.

Labour Laws
Introduction; Trade Union Act 1926, Industrial Dispute Act 1947, Industrial Employment Act (standing
order act) 1946, Factories Act, 1948, EPF Act, 1952, ESI act, 1948, Workmen’s Compensation Act 1923,
Maternity Benefit Act, 1961, Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972, Contract Labor act 1970, Child Labor Act,
1970, Prevention Of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Act , Code on Wages 2019.

Organizational Development
HRM Models, Change management theories, Motivation theories, Measures of employee engagement,
Exit Interview analysis, Attrition Analysis, Employee engagement survey, basics of statistics, validity,
reliability, measures of central tendency, frequency distribution, correlation and regression, Research
design, sampling techniques, data collection techniques, culture dimension models, Employee
Assistance program, personality theories, group dynamics, group formation process, group norms,
organization structure – types, HR Audit, HR Scorecard, Emotional Intelligence, Values, communication
modes, barriers to communication, Strategic HRM, Diversity and Inclusion, Organizational Citizenship

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Social Value, Employee Volunteerism,

Human Resource Information System

Human Resource Management-Systems Approach, strategic Role of Information in HRM, Information
Technology-Concepts & Issues, HRIS Philosophy ,HRIS Implementation and Control, HR Analytics


Fire Engineering Fundamentals: Chemistry of Fire, Combustion process, Limits of Flammability, Flame
Spread, Effects of Heat, Fire Resistance, Fire Load,
Fire Fighting Chemicals:Water, Foam, DCP, Clean agents
Fire Detection & Control: Fire Detection principles, classification of detectors, Fire Extinction methods,
water based, chemical based, clean agent systems, operation and maintenance of detection / alarm
Fire Protection – I (Special hazards: Industrial Fires): Fire Suppression Systems, Fire Water systems,
sprinkler systems, Fire resistant construction, Emergency exists
Fire Protection – II (Special hazards: Flammable Liquid Storages): Plant siting considerations, Ignition
source control, Hazards of Bulk storages, Fire Protection for Flammable storages, Passive barriers
Fire Services Hydraulics: Sprinkler system demand, hydraulics of sprinkler systems,
Fire Safety Laws: Doctrine of Sovereign immunity; Factories Act, Explosives act, Petroleum act
Fire Codes and Standards: Standards for Fire Equipment, Personal Safety equipment
Paramedics / First Aid: Management of Burns, Fractures, wounds, trauma handling
Inspection & Testing of Fire Fighting Systems: Fire Sprinkler testing, OISD/NFPA standards for testing &
Inspection, Fire Pumps testing
Safety Management: Goals & Need of Safety, Accident Prevention, Accident Investigation, Personal
Protection equipment
Safety in Construction: Safety in welding & gas cutting, excavations, work at height, electrical, material
handling, lifting/hoisting.
Safety Engineering: Accident trends in Industry, Safety Indices, Frequency & Severity Rates, Job Safety
Analysis, work permit administration.
NOTE: The syllabus/topics mentioned are indicative in nature. Candidates are also expected to possess
significant knowledge/proficiency pertaining to their qualifying degree/Post graduation

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