OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Final Exam Answer Key
OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Final Exam Answer Key
OSHA 10 Hour General Industry Final Exam Answer Key
• What are two US government agencies that are good resources for safety and health information?
• Among the rights related to OSHA recordkeeping, workers have the right to review:
• OSHA standards fall into four categories (or Parts): General Industry, Construction, Maritime, and
• You can request to remain anonymous when OSHA presents a complaint to your employer.
A. To prevent injuries
B. To protect the health of America's workers
C. To save lives
D. All of the above (correct answer)
• Where there is no specific OSHA standard, employers must comply with the OSH Act's:
A. Catch-All Standard
B. Final Notice
C. General Duty Clause (correct answer)
D. General Industry Standard
• The CFR Parts, such as Part 1926 for Construction, are further broken down into ___________, which
group together specific and detailed standards.
A. Bullets
B. Pieces
C. Slices
D. Subparts (correct answer)
A. Lockout/tagout
B. Fall hazards
C. Bloodborne pathogens
D. All of the above (correct answer)
• OSHA requires employers to maintain certain records on and report work-related injuries and illnesses.
Which of the following is used for this process?
• Typically, how long does an employee have to file a complaint with OSHA, when the employee has been
discriminated against for reporting a safety or health hazard?
A. 3 days
B. 10 days
C. 30 days (correct answer)
D. 60 days
• Who does OSHA recommend you first bring a workplace safety or health concern to?
B. The local police department
C. Your employer (correct answer)
D. Your lawyer
• What section of the OSH Act does the Whistleblower Program reference?
A. Section 7(a)
B. Section 8
C. Section 11(c) (correct answer)
D. Section 21
• What type of OSHA inspection is conducted when immediate death or serious harm is likely?
A. Complaint
B. Imminent danger (correct answer)
C. Programmed
D. Referral
• Which of following would be best to have when consulting a medical professional about possible
exposure to a harmful chemical?
• OSHA requires that employers pay for which of the following personal protective equipment (PPE)?
• A worker or worker representative can file a complaint about a safety or health hazard in the workplace.
A. Repeat
B. Serious
C. Willful
D. All of the above (correct answer)
• The right of workers to be safe and healthy while on the job, without fear of punishment is spelled out in:
A. OSHA standards
B. Section 11(c) of the OSH Act (correct answer)
C. State laws
D. The General Duty Clause
• One of the main responsibilities employers have, as required by OSHA standards, is to:
• When you've been assigned a new job or task, be sure to ask about the:
A. Email
B. In person at a local office
C. Phone
D. All of the above (correct answer)
• Typically, how long does an employee have to file a complaint with OSHA, when the employee has been
discriminated against for reporting a safety or health hazard?
A. 3 days
B. 10 days
C. 30 days (correct answer)
D. 60 days
• Toe boards must be provided whenever, beneath the open sides: persons can pass, there is moving
machinery or ___________
• Key requirements for scaffolding include: sound and rigid footings, avoidance of unstable supports, and
support at ___ times the maximum intended load.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 (correct answer)
• Floor/wall openings and holes create hazards. Two ways in which they do are:
• When considering ladders for use around electrical hazards the best choice currently available is:
A. Wood.
B. Aluminum.
C. Fiberglass. (correct answer)
D. All are equivalent
• On mobile work platforms keep all surfaces free of sharp edges, burrs, or other hazards; and, do not
exceed a maximum work height more than ____ times the minimum based dimension unless outriggers,
guys, or braces are added to provide stability.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4 (correct answer)
• A "standard railing" consists of top rail, mid rail, and posts, and should have a vertical height of 42
inches nominal from the upper surface of top rail to floor, platform, runway, or ramp level. Nominal
height of mid rail is ______ inches.
A. 20 inches.
B. 21 inches. (correct answer)
C. 24inches.
D. 30 inches.
• Dock boards or bridge plates must be secured in position, either by being anchored or equipped with
devices which will prevent their slipping and ______.
A. 20
B. 21
C. 22 (correct answer)
D. 24
• When greater than ____ feet in height, fixed ladders require: a cage or guard, wells, ladder safety
devices, or a self retracting lifeline.
A. 10
B. 15
C. 20 (correct answer)
D. 25
• Ladder way floor openings must be protected with a standard railing system and toe boards on all
exposed sides (except the entrance). The passage through the railing must be protected by:
A. A swinging gate or offset to prevent someone walking through the opening. (correct answer)
B. A swinging gate to prevent someone walking through the opening.
C. An offset to prevent someone walking through the opening.
D. A chain to protect someone from falling through.
A. 2
B. 3 (correct answer)
C. 4
D. 5
• Toe boards need to be a nominal height of ___ inches; with a maximum of ___ clearance at the bottom.
A. 4 inches; ½ inch.
B. 3 ½; ½ inch.
C. 4 inches; ¼ inch. (correct answer)
D. 3 ½; ½ inch.
• When tools or equipment are needed when working off of a ladder, use a tool belt to carry small tools,
avoid handling any tools and/or equipment that may cause you to lose your balance, and,
• When making a call in the event of an emergency, the most important thing is:
• An opening into an exit must be protected by a self-closing fire door that remains closed or:
• An exit door that connects any room to an exit route must swing out in the direction of exit travel if
the room is designed to be occupied by more than 50 people or if the room is a high hazard:
• A continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of
safety (including refuge areas) is:
A. A safe pathway
B. An exit route. (correct answer)
C. An optional means of egress.
D. Something developed during an emergency.
• With limited exception, at least ___ exit routes must be available in a workplace to permit prompt
evacuation of employees and other building occupants during an emergency:
A. One
B. Two (correct answer)
C. Three
D. Four
• Employers are obligated to install employee alarm systems. The most important element of the
alarm system is:
A. The signal is distinctive and recognizable to notify employees of emergencies. (correct answer)
B. It should be different than the neighbors.
C. It must sound three times.
D. It must be the same as other local industrial sites.
• Fire prevention plans are similar to emergency action plans; however, they focus exclusively on
fires. A fully compliant FPP should include a list of fire hazards on site, controls for accumulation of
combustible waste materials, procedures for controlling fire hazards and:
• An incipient stage fire is a fire in the initial or beginning stage and which can be controlled or
extinguished by portable fire extinguishers, Class II standpipe or small hose systems. What is
required in order to fight such fires?
• An Emergency Action Plan (EAP) must include: procedures for reporting a fire or other emergency;
procedures for emergency evacuation; procedures to be followed by employees performing rescue
or medical duties; and:
• During a fire, factors that interfere with a safe escape include panic and confusion, poor visibility,
lack of information, and ___________.
• An exit discharge must lead directly to the outside, to a street, walkway, refuge area, public way, or
• Height and Width requirements apply for exit routes; they are (at a minimum):
• Each exit route must be lighted so that an employee with normal vision can see along the exit route;
must be clearly visible and market by a sign reading "Exit" and each exit route door must be free of
decorations or signs that obscure the visibility of the exit route door, and: