English Noun Pronoun

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Definition Examples
Noun A person, place, thing, or idea  cat
 fireman
 house
 pencil
 Chicago

Pronoun a word used in place of a noun  he

 she
 it
 they
 You
 we
Verb a word that tells what someone or  sit
something does
–an action word or word of being  laugh
 run
 jump
Adjective  happy
a word used to
modify (describe)  short
a noun  sad
 tall
 red
 fat
 green
 hairy
Adverb  cheerfully
Can be added to a verb to modify its
meaning; can also modify adjectives and  briskly
other adverbs  wickedly
 Delicately
 fast
–Tells you when, where, how, in what  never
manner or to what extent an action is
performed  now
–Many end in “ly” , but not always!

Preposition  to-at
a word placed BEFORE a noun or pronoun
to show its location or direction  with-for
May also show a noun or pronoun’s  against-across
relationship to some other word in the  by-in
sentence  from
Conjunction  and
a word used to connect other words,
phrases, and clauses  but
 or
 because
Interjection  Oh dear!
a word that expresses strong or sudden
emotion  My goodness!
Used as an exclamation (!) by itself or with  Wow!
a comma following it if used at the  Ouch!
beginning of a sentence  Yes,
capable of standing by itself
 No,

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