6.1.1 Climbing Lane
6.1.2 Descending Lanes
6.1.3 Overtaking Lanes
6.1.4 Level of Service Warrant
6.1.5 Divided Roads
6.1.6 Stopping Lanes
6.2.1 Starting Point
6.2.2 Diverging Taper
6.2.3 Lane Width
6.2.4 Shoulder Width
6.2.5 Crossfall
6.2.6 Termination Point
6.2.7 Merging Taper
7.1 General
7.2 Spacing of Intersections
7.3 Typical Intersections
7.3.1 Typical Intersection Type TI and F l
7.3.2 Typical Intersections Type T2 and F2
7.3.3 Typical Intersections Type T3 and F3
7.3.4 'I'yl)ic;~lInlesscclions 'fypc T4 and 14'
7.3.5 Additional Lanes and Triangle Islands
7.3.6 Island and Edge of carriageway Construction
7.4.1 Vertical Alignment
7.5.1 Lane Widths
7.5.2 Island Widths
7.5.3 Widening
7.5.4 Turning Lane Length
7.5.5 Turning Lane Tapers
7.5.5 Edge of Carriageway Design
8.1.1 Headroom and Clearance
8.1.2 Standard Bridge Cross Section
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Design Loads
9.1.1 Culverts
9.1.2 Diameter
9.1.4 Gradients
9.1.5 Headwalls
9.1.6 Haunching
9.1.7 Bedding
9.1.8 Selection of Culverts
The Group of Experts on Road Infrastructure within the Southern Africa Transport and
Communications Commission (SA'I'CC) is working on harmonization of standards and
specifications for road design, construction and maintenance within the me~iihercountries of
the Southern African Development Coordinalion C o n krence (SADCC).
The work commenced early 1985 with a study of existing standards which was presented ill
the fourth meeting of the Group of Experts, 3rd - 5th July 1985. '
The draft documents were issued May 1986 and presented in the second Joint meeting of the
SATCC working groups on Road Infrastructure and Road Traffic and Transport, held in
Arusha 1st - 4th September 1986.
After detailed discussions on the content of the documents with the road. authorities in each of
the SADCC member countries, a final version of the documents was prepared July 1987.
In the third joint meeting of the two SATCC working groups, held in Luanda, Angola. 20th -
22nd October 1987, the documents were adopted by the 9 SADCC countries as suitable for
incorporation in the national standards.
The present version of the documents, dated April 1990, is a reprint of the July 1987 version
with some alterations and addition of two more sections, Section G , "Auxiliary Lanes", and
Section 7, "Intersections".
For the geometric design standards special emphasis has been placed on the classification of
rural roads and the design controls and criteria, as this is considered the most important
parameters for harmoniza~ionof tlle regional trunk road nelwork.
For the pavement design guidelines efforts have been made to develop an easy adaptable
design methodology, applicable to all the SADCC countries. The design theory has been basetl
on well known empirical methods, which have been modified and extended to suit the pertinent
features of the region.
Each member country is expected to incorporate the content of these recommendations in the
national design standards when updating or revision is carried out.
The recommendations should also be followed- as far as possible in case of new road
construction or in case of rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing regional trunk road
It is inevitable that the recommendations contain gaps in the documentation of certain design
variables and layout elements. This is not considered an impediment to the publication of the
recommendations because a successive follow-up of and adaption to applicational experience
will in any case have to he carried out.
The criteria for formulating geometric design shall be pertinent with local conditions in respect
to management, finance and development trends. They shall further he economically feasible.
taking into consideration all relevant existing conditions such as the climate, topography and
gem-technical conditions encountered throughout the region.
The design standards shall not furnish any limits on the development of the society's need for
transportation and therefore the implementation shall be undertaken with due regard to all
relevant data, existing and forecast.
Severe economic constraints may justify adoption of a lower geometric standard than is
desirable, but economic constraints will not justify abandoning a balanced geometric design
by downgrading only some of the design elements as for example reducing the formation width
without adjustment of the design speed.
The recommendations for geometric design have been made for all types of rural roads. hut
with special emphasis on paved, two-lane rural roads.
The proposed classification is based on the function of the roads, grouping the roads hy the
character of service they provide. Under this classification system the standard and level ol'
service vary according to the function of the road. and the traffic volumes serve to further
refine the standards for each class.
The functional concept is especially important to the design of new roads. but may he applied
to most existing road nets, and the concept is consistent with a systematic approach to design
and transportation planning.
The majority of the SATCC countries (7 out of 9) uses a functional or partly functional
classification system or has formulated a functional classification to their administrative or
geometrical classification.
The hierarchy of the functional system consists of principal arterials (for main movement).
minor arterials (distributors), collectors and local roads according to the foliuwing character
of service they provide:
Connection between the national road system and those of the neighbouring countries.
* Linkage between the provincial capitals, main centres of population and production
C. Collectors
' Linking the locally important traffic 'generators with their rural hinterland.
Providing service to the smaller communities.
The arterials should provide a high degree of mobility for the longer trip lengths. Therefore.
they should provide a high level of service with high design speed.
The collectors serve a dual function in accommodating the shorter trips and feeding the
arterials. They must provide some degree of mobility ant1 also serve i~h~itting
property. AI)
intermediate design speed and level of service is required.
The local roads have relatively short trip lengths, property access being their main function.
A relatively low design speed is applicable to local roads.
The division into road types is governed by the-design speed and the design traffic.
The roads may be differentiated into road types according to the design speed and the total
formation width as shown in table 2.3.1. The road class or classes which according to
international standards may be associated with the various types are indicated in the table.
In addition, the road classes which in the SATCC countries are normally associated with the
road types are indicated with an asterix.
IA 2 13.5 100 1 00 80
IB 2 12.7 100 90 70
IC 2 - 10.5 100 80 60
I1 2 95 90 70 40
111 2 7.5 70 60 40
The following definitions apply to the different types of terrain referred to in Tahle 2.3.1 :
Flat terrain Flat or gently rolling country which offers few obstacles to the
construction of a road having continuously unrestricted horizont;il
ar?d vertical alignment (transverse terrain slop: around 5%).
Rolling terricin Rolling, hilly or foot-hill country where the slopes generally rise
and fall moderately geatly and where oc'casional steep slopes may
be encountered. It will offcr some restrictions in horizontal and
vertical alignment (transverse terrain slope around 20%).
Mountaino~lsterrain Rugged, hilly and mountsinous country with river gorges. This
class of terrain imposes definite restrictions ori the standard of
a ! l g i ~ ~ ~ ~obtainah!e
ent and often involves long steep grades and
limited sight distances (transverse terrain slope up to 70%).
The physical characteristics of vehicles, mass, dimensions and opera!ing characteristics. and
the proportions of the various sizes itre used to estahlisll road design controls to accor~lrilorl;,tte
vehicles of the designated type.
The principal vehicle characteristics affecting geometric design are the minimum turning radius
of outer front wheel, the p:~tll of the inncr rear lyre. thc trc;\cl wirltll i~ndlllc whccl I);~si\.
For the purpose of geometric design the design vehicle should have dimensions and minirnl~~n
turning radii larger than almost all (95%) vehicles in its class. The design vehicies listed in
table 3.1.1 should be used as controls in geometric design.
With these modifications the design speed is defined as the 85th percentage speed, whict~i>
the speed exceeded hy only 15% of the nlotorists wlierl conditions are so favourable that thr
design features of the road govern.
Once the design speed has been selected, all permanent features of the road should he related
to the design speed to obtain a balanced design.
Some features, such as curvatures, superelevation and sight distance are directly related to s~iil
vary appreciably with design speed (exponential relationship). The cross-sectional elements ;ire
not directly related to design speed, by they affect the vehicle speed. and higher standarils
should be accorded these features for higher design speed. Thus, nearly all geometric desiyl
elements are affected hy the design speccl.
In order to attain a desired degree o f safety, mobility and efficiency the design speed sl~oulil
be selected as high as practicable under the constraints of environmental quality and
As some of these factors usually vary along a route of some length. changes in the design
speed are required in order to minimize the sum of the construction costs and the discotinted
maintenance and road user costs.
A road carrying a targe volume of traffic may ,justify a higher design speed than a less
important road in similar topography. flowever, the design speed should he consistent with
the speed a driver is likely to expect, and a low design speed should not he assumed for a
secondary road, where the physical limitations and the traffic are such that a driver is likely
to drive at high speeds.
Chilnges in design speed sliould not be effected abruptly, but over sufficient distance to enahl:
the driver to change speed gradually. It is recommended that the variation of design s p e d for
two consecntive scctiorls I)c lirrlitcnl IO I0 k r t l l l l for tlcsigil sl)cctls uxcuctli~lg90 k l t ~ / l:III(I
~ 20
kmlh for design speeds lower than 90 kmlh.
It is important to note that the geometric design should he halanced so as to avoid application
of rninim"m values for one or a few of the geometric elelrients at a particular location when
other elements are considerahly above the minimum requirements. As a general rule for light
veliiclcs. tlic S, cc(l S L ~ I ~ Y ~ I L X I by IIIC, IO;I(I ~isi>i.sis (l(:Icri~~iil(~(l
i ~ i o ~ Ijy
, ( ; l l i i ~I ~ O I . ~ ~ , O I ~ IIII:III
; I I 'IIc-
vertical a l i g n r ~ n t .
Guiding values for the selection of design speed for the different road classes and different
types of terrain are given in Table 3.2.1.
.a~!sJel!ul!s e woy L a V V ay1 01 A H q l 0 ~ay] 30 O!IEJ aq, luo~.j
S! >i alaq,it )I X .1.(1~ = AHa 10 )I X
L(IVV = AH(I sr! passa~dxauaql S! A H C ~
. A H q 1 0 ~. ~ o, , a ~ u n l o ~ - ~ n o d
-q]of,, ay] pallen 'awnloA s!q) h l e n ol speoJ uS!sap 01 an!]ne~dpunos pa~ap!suo3S! I! alnJ e sV
. l e ~ dlad smoq 61 Aluo papaa3xa arunlor\ 4pnoq ay] S! qs!ym ' ~ n o q~ s a ! ~ e aqyy ) ~ayl jo l e q ~
saqneo~ddeuayo alunloA ~ I J J ~ Jalp I ~ e a Lynea leyl pays!lqelsa uaaq sey I! ' ~ a ~ a m . ~oe a~dayl
lnorl8no~qlJnoq A J ~ aayA ~ uo!~saSuonaq 01 A]!l!sy E uS!sap 01 pnnos Allen!wouona IOU S! 11
'nIgeJ1 01 Su!l~adoJO 1eaA arll Jage 01 1eaA se palnalas Allensn S! ,,~eaAuZ!sap,, ayL
.,,~eaAuS!sap,, ay1 jo sq~uowyead at11 Supnp S! I O J I U O ~ul'f!sap ayl soo!le!~e~ leuoseas
aS~s1~ I ! MS ~ I I I JO-J
~ J ~ , , ~ e auS!sap,,
A a q ~U! L a V V S! I O J I U O ~uS!sap ay1 s p e o ~awnloA m01 JOJ
.sasod~ndu8!sap ~ o j
~ w ~ w l S!a sleql auinlor\ Jnoq lInj Ae~i-oml1e1o1are sr: paugap S! peoJ auel ~ M EI JOJ q 3 ! q ~
k1.111olluY!w(l - A P ] ~'E
.popad 1ey1 U! sdep jo Jaqwnu ay) Aq pap!~!p (~eaAauo ueq, ssal) ..
po!~adaury u a ~ ! 9e Supnp MOD jo suo!l3a~!pyloq ~ o amnloA
j ~ I I J ~ lelol
J I aq, SE paugap
' ~ I J J R J Lbl!sa a h ~ a a y
- LaV
,iq pap!A!p ~ e a aql
~ i Supnp MOU J O suo!~na~!pqioq J ~ J
auln[oA ~ I J J E J I [eloi ayl se paugap
' ~ J L ~ J J61!e<1
IRnrruV a ; f ~ ~ -aL~a V yV '1
.a~~poruruosse ua aAeq []!M
peoJ all] q " ! q ~ ' s a w n l o ~nr_uwiarll uo elep 1eninr:juodn paseq aq plnoqs peoJ e Jo uK!sap aq.1.
leap! lapun ino pa!~~e:, S! 'suo!l:,a~!p qloq 10j leloi 'lnoq lad slen la8uassed 0 9 j ~
o aunlolz v
qqeuosealun iar( IOU S! inajja s!q] q9noq1le 'uealis 3gjel) alp U! sapqalz l a q o Lq pai3age ale
slalz!lp ISON 'alzoqe 10 q / u 08
~ ale spaacis Su!ie~acio'MOH alqels j o Su!uu!Saq ayl 'a IaAal IV
.Lelap ou 10 a l w l
q]!~ apeu aq ue:, sallznaoueu Su!ssed pal!sap aqi j o luan latl SL Llaleu!xoldde 'saoue]sun3~!:,
asall1 lapuo 'paAa!qx aq L e u 's11o!13a~!pqloq N)J 1eloi 'lnoq lad sle:, ~aSuassed
OZP j o aiunlw t! suo!~!puon leap! 103 .!aqY!q JO rl/uy ~6 aq Isnu1 spaacis Su!~e~ado 'v IaAal IV
Ieiuauuol!Aua 10 :,~&e~i 'n!l~au~oaY a ~ ! l n ! ~ i s aou
l se paugap ale suo!i!puo:, leap! alaqm
-sn\olloj se 01 paJJajaJ L ~ ~ e n sa.1ne an!lzJas j o slalzal arll speol auel-on11 pa2ejlns uauni!q l o ~
.speol ~ e ~aue1-omlnl l o j pp!Ie,i S! p a q ! ~ ~ aLBolopoylaru
p a u '(I)
5861 ' p ~ e oqNeasa8 u o ! l e l ~ o d s u eLq
~ ~panss! '602 iloda8 ~e!nadsf ( ~ 3 ,,lenueN ~ ) Li!nede3
LeniqS!~,, uodn paseq aJe suo!i:,as Zu!molloj ay] U! paq!nsap sida:,uos Lpede3 peoJ a u
.suo!l! puon
du!l!~:,m~cIat11 Jal)un uo!rnas I)I!OJ u.~!;7 I: Ja,\o ss~:tl 1ll:n 1 q 1 "uI!~j o i!un lad saln!qai\
j o laqLunu.LunLu!xeu ay] se paugap aq ue3 Li!3ede3 .sLemq%!q pue siaalls j o uo!le~adopue
&!sap .;7u!uueltl aqi U! uo!leJap!suon L ~ e u ~ !el dS! ngjell leln:,!qa~ aiepoiu~uo3:,e 01 L]!(!qe a u
~t level E, actual opel a t i q speeds will usually be in the neighl)ourllood of 50 I:rn/t~, ltul rn;q
vary considerably . Under ideal co~~ditions, s 110111 ic,
;I total volu~neof 2800 p;lssenger c i ~ per
The six levels ol ser vi1.l. ;II c c s r ~ ~ ~ ti .rt l~the sllcctl flow tli;~gr;it11 ill I'ig111c. 3 . 4 1
S0 60 70 80 95
The primary measure of service quality is per cent of time delay, with speed i~ntlc;~p;lcit!l
utilization as secondary measures.
Level of service criteria for two-lane rural roads, extrxted from H C M , Tahle 8-3. are giver1
in Table 3 . 4 . l .
The capacity of two-lane roads vary depending on terrain and the degree of passing
restrictions. T o sin~plifythe conlllutations the Volun~e-C:apacity(V/C) rations are given in
terms of the constant "ideal capacity" of 2800 passenner cars per hour. for level terrain wit11
ideal geometrics and 0 per cent no passing zones. total in hoth directions of tlow.
B Truck Factor
The truck factor, fT, is dependent on the level of service, the type of vehicle and the type of
f = -
1 4 P , (E,. -- I) -t PR (ER -- 1)
where '
1' I = 111ol)orlio11
01 tlucks iu tlie traffic s l r e ; ~ ~ cx1)ressrd
!~. i15 ;I;il
Tahle 3.4.4 - Average passenger car equivalents for truck$ and buses on two-lane roads
-- .
'l'ypc- O S I ~ , I . U : I ~ I I
p -- .
C Directional Factor
All of the VIC values given in Table 3.4.2 are for 50150 directional distribution of traffic on
a two-lane road. For (.)ther directional distributions, the factors sh!)1l!il in Tahle 3.4.5 shall he
3.5.1 General -
The sight distance is the length o f road, which a driver is able to see ahead of him. l'he sigt~t
distance is one of the most important individual design features with respect to safe arid
efficient traffic flow.
The following values should Ile usctl for control of sight lines:
Given a certain vehicle speed, the distance required for stopping the vehicle is dependent o11
the reaction time ancl the friction that can be obtained between the tyres ar~tlthe road surf;~cc:
The total reaction tirne, comprising the perception time and tli,e brake reaction time. is
dependent on the driver alld the traffic and road condition. The reaction time varies froni I-:!
s at urhan contlitions ; ~ n t liligll tr.;~fficintensity to 2--4 s ;II r11r;ll c.ontlitiorls. wlic~rcIorl)! c-:~c\,
sections with low tral'lic are exljeriencecl to create l o ~ l greactio~ltinles.
A reaction time of 2.5 s will he used as an average value for calculation ol'sight distances.
3.5.3 Friction
The coefficient of friction between the tyre and the road surface is depende~lton the followirlg:
7 h e coefficient of friction related to design is established for wet pavemeni, and for design
purposes only the dependency of the vehicle speed is considered.
Coefficients of friction are used for calculation of sight distances and rninirnunl radii of
horizontal curves.
On straights the tangential coefficient of friction, f,, if; used for calculation of sight distances.
Hy hraking in curves a radial as weii 2s a tangential coeffirient of friction are active. As the
.topping sight distance for curves should be approximately the same as for straights, the ri~tli;tl
coefficient of friction, f,, for calculation of minimum radii of horizontal curves is norrnally
determined as not more than half of the t;rrlgential coefficient of frictio~l.
c.c l
f .!l
09 X Z 8'CZ 0'E O'E Z'O P'L X Z <.c P 1
(U, VIP*
J U ~ S ~ (U) ylp? (m) ylp!.n (m) y l p ~ i") (U) wp? IU)
pn,a UL)!IEUUOJ UC!PakY ~>p[n<lqs d99 aPr~ iwnd8que.) wp!m slnl nuq JO 'ON pWU
l I_
I ~
~ol~uo:, J ~ I WJOI ua!sap le~nlnnllsI I I I J X) n!llauroaS ol ~na!Qnslou ale s p e w p a j ! s s e p u n ( I )
speol Mau jo uo!l~nllsuonay] l o j p s n aq 01 S! , , e , alqeL
(1) (I S'S sapun
.p- .-
001 S'L I S'S S'S I 111
00 1 S'h S'I S'9 SZ'E Z 11
00 1 S'0 I O'Z S'9
-. --p.
00 l L.Zl s.z O'L
00 1 l 0'6 SZ ' 0 S'L 5'1: Z V1
- .
09 X Z 0'PZ O'E O'E Z'0 S'L X Z S'E P I
I"' qlpkn
~.uaru lvll qlp!.n lul wpm (U)
p ..,!,r.u... , ur,p.*fi 1 n u w.uq .o, ptma
I . 1 .
I --- - I -- 1 p p--
Wos , WS W* 2.3.50
Wm ' ,
W 8
- -.
->5- %
10% I
. -. -. - .... .. .
. .
L -1.
'The type of side ditches sliall not.lnally he trapezoidill ditches, tlie rnininiulri depth as show^.
in Figures 4.2.1 through to 4.2.5. ? h e bottom width of the ditches shall he determined in each
case after calculations of the expected flows.
Cycle tracks shall be constructed to a minimum width of 1 m one way, and 2 m two ways ;incl
shall be increased in multiples of 1 m as necessary to carry the volume of cyclists. I t i s
preferahle that the shoulder he constructed to the outside and not closer to the side drains th;ln
I m. In conditions that do not permit tliis, there stiould he a ~iiini~iiu~ii
ilistance Iwtwre~itlic
cycle track and carriageway of 3 m.
Where it is necessary to construct lay-bys, e.g. at bus stops and for rest purposes. they shorll(1
be constructed with either of figures 4.5.1 through 4.5.3.
Surfacing of lay-bys should be similar to that of the road tliey serve. Screening from the road
should be provided where possible.
Any lay-by shall not be constructed closer than 250 rn to any intersectiori.