Shoe Polish

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The Effectiveness of the Alternate way of using Olive oil and

Lemon Extract for Shoe Polishing

For the purpose of the study in the subject

Physical Science

Given to
MJ Arangay
Physical Science Teacher


Andrea Gail P. Evangelista

Grade 11- ICT A Cooper

February 2019
Chapter 1


Background of the study

Shoe polishing somehow is very important to people especially when

you’re on a way to somewhere the shinier the shoes the more confident it helps
your shoes look clean and shiny but if you run out try of shoe polishing product
try using this do it yourself shoe polish to create an inexpensive, environmentally
friendly polish things that you can see in your kitchen the olive oil and lemon
extract for shoe polishing like any other product polished shoes look great and
last longer. But you don't need to lay out your hard-earned cash for expensive,
store-bought shoe polish.

You can make your own cheap chemical free, environmentally friendly, and all
natural. You really don't need a lot of supplies to make homemade shoe polish. You
probably have the ingredients at home right in your kitchen.

Statement of the Problem

This research attempts to find evidences to the effect of the

alternate way for shoe polishing using olive oil and lemon extract.

More specifically to find answers to the following questions.

1. What is the level of effectiveness of using olive oil and lemon extract for
shoe polishing?
2. Is there a significant disadvantage of olive oil and lemon extract for shoe
Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the study


This study will be based in the form of model and mentions the
proponents of the study and the results.

According to Dr. James Lind, British naval surgeon, conducted clinical

observations that eventually ended in the chain of over two million deaths of
British sailors due to scurvy. Meanwhile Lou’s Investigatory Project it states that
you can use cooking oil as shoe polish rather than just throwing it away.

Also to a book wrote by Catherine Bailey, most traditional shoepolishes are pretty
toxic, since they smell really bad and contain warnings to apply only in a
"ventilated area." While the research conducted by Hillary Marshall, the
neurotoxic chemicals in some commercial shoe polishes can be both inhaled and
absorbed through the skin during use.
These chemicals can cause irritation and are linked to a host of health risks. In
their study, they say that shoe polish can be extremely harmful to the
environment. You can make your own organic shoe polish to replace the
potentially dangerous chemical shoe polishes available commercial.


This study is based on the effectiveness of using olive oil and lemon
extract for shoe polishing.

Independent variable Dependent Variable

The effectiveness of olive oil and The Shoe

lemon for shoe polishing
Scope and Delimitation

The study will be limited to the use of independent variable

effectiveness of olive oil and lemon extract an alternate way for shoe polishing.
The range of the study will be from February 2019 to March 2019 at Jungco’s
residence, Sooc Mandurriao, Iloilo City.

Significance of the study

This study aims to create an alternate remedy for shoe polishing and
the following serves as the list of people who are able to get benefits from it.

Agricultural Teachers it helps a group of student to understand and and have

knowledge regarding agricultural products .

Farmers it contributes to the agricultural economic progress.

Parents the study is important to parents because most of parents,

does polish their children’s shoes.

Students gain knowledge about agricultural things that can benefit them.

Definition of Terms

For the purpose and clarification of the study words are mentioned in
the following.

Extract a preparation containing the active ingredient of a substance in

concentrated form.

Polish to make something smooth and shiny by rubbing.

Remedy a substance or method for curing an illness, or a way of dealing with

a problem or difficulty.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

In this chapter a relevant review of literature and related studies were

done in order to provide knowledge about the given topic mentioned.


This chapter consists of ideas on what were the procedures and materials used
to come up the results of this study.

Research Design

This chapter presents methods and procedures that were used to attain
valid and relevant results for the study. The main purpose of this study is to
determine the effectiveness of the alternate way of using Olive oil and Lemon
Extract for Shoe Polishing.

This study used the experimental method; scientific method of research relating
to scientific experiments: involving or based on scientific experiments. This
method is based on experience and evidence.

The researcher used complete randomized sampling design in gathering their

samples. This design in which a pair of shoes are going to be used to determine
the effectiveness of the Alternate way of using Olive oil and Lemon Extract for
Shoe Polishing.

Necessary information was obtained from thesis books, dictionaries, journals,

encyclopedias and internet for online searching.

Data Gathering Procedure

Collection and Preparation

The Lemon Extract peel from Mandurriao Public Market Onate De Leon St,
Mandurriao, Iloilo City, 5000 Iloilo Central Market, Rizal St, Iloilo City Proper,
Iloilo City, 5000 Iloilo. The preparation of Lemon Extract and brown sugar,
acclimatization period for one week, preparation of the materials,
experimentation proper and collection of data was performed at at Jungco’s
residence, Sooc Mandurriao, Iloilo City.

T-test was used as a statistical method in gathering and determining the

effectiveness of the Alternate way of using Olive oil and Lemon Extract for Shoe

The fresh extract of lemon were separate with olive oil and going to be used for
shoe polishing. When the researcher was finally ready to conduct the
experiment, they gathered their materials needed to be used.

Data Analysis

This study effectiveness of the Alternate way of using Olive oil and
Lemon Extract for Shoe Polishing used T-test to determine effectiveness to the
pair of shoes.

Materials: The materials used in the study are olive oil, lemon extract, pair of
shoes, clean cloth, strainer and knife.

Procedures: Preparation for Shoe Polishing

Together a teaspoon of olive oil and one table spoon of part lemon juice.
Rub the mixture onto your shoes with a soft cloth. Let it sit for a few minutes,
then buff your shoes with a clean cloth.

Statistical Tool

The statistical used in this study is T Test:

The researcher was able to interpret the data. T-test was used to
determine the significant of the effectiveness of the Alternate way of using Olive
oil and Lemon Extract for Shoe Polishing. It is generally performed on a small set
of data. T test is generally applied to normal distribution which has small set of

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