Artigo - RevisãoSistematica
Artigo - RevisãoSistematica
Artigo - RevisãoSistematica
This paper presents the results of systematically reviewing the current research literature on effort estimation in agile projects
(APs). The primary purpose is to show evidences about common trends, gaps and recommendations for future studies. The results
were limited to peer-reviewed conference papers/journal articles, written in English and Portuguese and published before 2014. The
synthesis was made through classifying the papers based on different properties. The analysis indicates the need for future research
on: 1) estimating effort for the remaining APs, 2) analyzing the impact of properties of historical/current project data, 3) using
benchmark data, 4) using composite models and 5) further empirical validation of the estimation models.
Index Terms—systematic review; effort estimation; cost estimation; size estimation; agile; scrum; XP.
Agile methods have been adopted in many software The well-known electronic databases were searched
organizations [2][3][4]. These are approaches to software including IEEE Xplore, Scopus, ACM Digital Library,
development based on iterative and incremental development, SpringerLink, Science Direct, IEEE Xplore, ACM Digital
direct involvement of the customer in the process, fast Library, Springer Link, Science Direct. To help the search was
delivery of features for greater business value and answers fast used a academic tool called ReviewER[10].
to changes [5]. However, the effort estimation in the APs is The search strings was built using a combination of RQ1
dealing with new challenges [6]. Recently, a number of keywords and its synonyms or derived words, concatenated
estimation approaches have been proposed for the APs. In this through the Boolean operators "OR" and "AND". The search
review, we seek to evaluate, synthesize, and present the string derived from the combination is presented below:
empirical findings concerning estimation approaches for the
APs. The objective is to identify common trends and gaps in (("software metrics" OR "metric sized software" OR
current researches that could be focused on by future "metric software" OR "metrics size software" or
researches. This study is an extension of the mapping driven "estimating software" OR "measurement
by Cao and Cong [7], removing the part of the mapping where software") AND ("agile" OR "agility") AND
they do not evaluate agile development methods. ("scrum" OR "extreme programming" OR "xp" OR
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II "dynamic system development" OR "DSDM" OR
describes the review process. Section III reports the results. "crystal methodologies" OR "crystal clear" OR
Section IV presents conclusions and future research directions. "crystal orange" OR "red crystal" OR "crystal
blue" OR "feature driven development" OR "dd"
OR "lean software development" OR "adaptive
II. REVEW PROCESS software development" OR "test driven
development" OR "tdd")).
We developed a review process by following guidelines of
In addition to the selection of articles, they were also
B. Kitchenham [1]. The process specified research questions,
selected manual way of articles using three approaches:
search strategy, data source, inclusion/exclusion criteria,
• Specific conferences and journals of the areas, for the last
quality criteria, data extraction and synthesis.
five years;
• The references cited in the selected studies;
A. Research Question • Studies of researchers who are references in the study
Regarding the need for conducting a systematic review, the The conferences consulted:
research questions for this study set as follows: • Agile Development Conference;
• Conference XP.
RQ1: What metrics for measuring software effort are used in The journals consulted:
projects that adopt agile methods? • ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and
RQ2: Under what circumstances metrics for measuring • Empirical Software Engineering;
software effort are successfully applied? • IEEE Software;
• IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering; identify potential primary studies. Duplicated studies will be
• Journal of the ACM; discarded. All studies identified at this stage should be named
These searches resulted in 97 papers kept for inclusion and by a unique ID and stored in a web repository shared with all
exclusion process. researchers.
[7] Cong D. N.; Cao D. T., 2013; A Review of Effort Estimation Studies in
A. Findings Agile, Iterative and Incremental Software Development. Can Tho
University, Vietnam. 2013 IEEE RIVF Intt. Conf. on Computing &
Communication Technologies - Research, Innovation, and Vision for the
To respond RQ1. We found some commonalities in the Future (RIVF)
current studies. The number of studies in the decade is
relatively small. The USA is the country that have the most [8] Dyba T; Dingsoyr T., 2008; Empirical studies of agile software
study in the area. The majority of studies focused on general development: A systematic review. Information and Software
Technology, Butterworth-Heinemann Newton, MA, USA.
agile, XP and scrum. The story points are the most size
metrics. About a half of studies used them. Functions points [9] COCOMO 2004; Cocomo II Model Definition Manual.
also was a number of study about. Estimations are usually COCOMOII , 2004.
made to support for planning and tracking project. The model- [10] REVIEWER 2013;
based, monitoring based and expert-based estimation
approaches are popular. There is lack of studies that focus on [11] M. Jorgensen, M. Shepperd, “A Systematic Review of Software
the impact of the properties of historical/current project data Development Cost Estimation Studies”, IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 1, Jan. 2007, pp. 33-53.
on estimation results, on using benchmark data and composite
models. The estimation models regularly use the current [12] J. Stapleton, ”DSDM: Business Focused Development”, Pearson
project data rather than the historical project data to improve Education, 2003.
the accuracy of estimations over iterations/releases. In
[13] S.R. Palmer, J.M. Felsing, “A Practical Guide to Feature-driven
response to RQ2, we found that there is about 65% of studies Development”, Prentice Hall, 2002.
using empirical data to validate their estimation models.