Alonzo vs. IAC: Digest By: Fredrick Rodel V. Atienza

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Digest by: Fredrick Rodel V.


Alonzo vs. IAC

GR Number + Date: G.R. No. 72873 May 28, 1987 the reason for its enactment. In doing so, we
defer not to "the letter that killeth" but to
Petition: Petition for review by way of "the spirit that vivifieth," to give effect to the
certiorari: Appeal from a decision of the Intermediate law maker's will.
Appellate Court b. Was there a valid notice? Granting that the
Petitioner: CARLOS ALONZO and CASIMIRA law requires the notice to be written, would
ALONZO such notice be necessary in this case?
Respondent: INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT Assuming there was a valid notice although
and TECLA PADUA it was not in writing. would there be any
Ponencia: Cruz, J. question that the 30-day period for
redemption had expired long before the
DOCTRINE: Statutory Construction: Legislative complaint was filed in 1977? In the face of
Intent: The spirit, rather than the letter of a statute the established facts, we cannot accept the
determines its construction, hence, a statute must be private respondents' pretense that they were
read according to its spirit or intent. For what is within unaware of the sales made by their brother
the spirit is within the letter but although it is not within and sister in 1963 and 1964. By requiring
the letter thereof, and that which is within the letter but written proof of such notice, we would be
not within the spirit is not within the statute. Stated closing our eyes to the obvious truth in favor
differently, a thing which is within the intent of the of their palpably false claim of ignorance,
lawmaker is as much within the statute as if within the thus exalting the letter of the law over its
letter; and a thing which is within the letter of the statute purpose. The purpose is clear enough: to
is not within the statute unless within the intent of the make sure that the redemptioners are duly
lawmakers. notified. We are satisfied that in this case the
other brothers and sisters were actually
FACTS: informed, although not in writing, of the
sales made in 1963 and 1964, and that such
1. 5 Brothers and Sisters inherited qual pro notice was sufficient.
indiviso shares a parcel of land registered in 'the c. The co-heirs in this case were undeniably
name of their deceased parents. informed of the sales although no notice in
2. One of them, through an absolute deed of sale, writing was given them. And there is no
transferred to petitioners, his undivided share of doubt either that the 30-day period began
the land. A year later, his sister sold her share in and ended during the 14 years between the
a “Con Pacto de Retro Sale”. sales in question and the filing of the
3. Petitioners occupied the two fifths of the land complaint for redemption in 1977, without
representing the portions sold to them and the co-heirs exercising their right of
thereafter enclosed it with a fence. redemption. These are the justifications for
4. The son of the petitioners, Eduaro Alonzo and this exception.
his wife, then built a semi-concrete house with
the consent of the petitioners.
5. One of the heirs to the land sought to redeem the DISPOSITION
portions that were sold but was subsequently 1. WHEREFORE, the petition is granted. The
denied due to him being an American citizen. decision of the respondent court is REVERSED
6. Another co-heir, filed her own complaint and that of the trial court is reinstated, without
invoking the same right of redemption claimed any pronouncement as to costs. It is so ordered.
by her brother.
7. The trial court also dismiss this complaint, now
on the ground that the right had lapsed, not
having been exercised within thirty days from
notice of the sales. Although there was no
written notice, it was held that actual knowledge
of the sales by the co-heirs satisfied the
requirement of the law.
8. IAC, in reversing the trial court, the respondent
court declared that the notice required by the
said article was written notice and that actual
notice would not suffice as a substitute.
1. WoN actual knowledge satisfied the requirement
of Article 1088 of the Civil Code.

Art. 1088. Should any of the heirs sell his hereditary
rights to a stranger before the partition, any or all of the
co-heirs may be subrogated to the rights of the purchaser
by reimbursing him for the price of the sale, provided
they do so within the period of one month from the time
they were notified in writing of the sale by the vendor.

1. Yes.
a. While we admittedly may not legislate, we
nevertheless have the power to interpret the
law in such a way as to reflect the will of the
legislature. While we may not read into the
law a purpose that is not there, we
nevertheless have the right to read out of it

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