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Updated 09/05/2017


Department of History
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3560
Tel: (206) 354 2628


1984. Ph.D, Cornell University. (History, Southeast Asia; Minor fields: European Intellectual
History; Anthropology)
1982. M.A., Cornell University. Southeast Asian History.
1977. B.A., Ateneo de Manila University. History and Philosophy.

Positions Held

2017- Present: The Giovanni and Anne Costigan Professor of History

2003 to 2017: Professor, Dept. of History, University of Washington, Seattle.
2000-03: Professor, Dept. of Communication, University of California at San Diego.
1990-2000. Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication, University of California, San Diego.
1988-90. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Communication, University of California, San Diego.
1984-88. Assistant Professor, Dept. of History, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
1980-81. Teaching Assistant, Department of History, Cornell University.
1979-80. Teaching Assistant, Department of Modern Languages, Cornell University.
1977-79. Lecturer, Department of History, Ateneo de Manila University.



2016. Motherless Tongues: The Insurgency of Language Amid Wars of Translation,

Durham: Duke University Press (co-published in Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Univ. Press)

2005. The Promise of the Foreign: Nationalism and the Technics of Translation in the
Spanish Philippines, Durham: Duke University Press, 2005. (co-published in Metro Manila:
Anvil Publishing, Inc.).

2000. White Love and Other Events in Filipino History, Durham: Duke University
Press; (co-published in Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.)

1999. Editor. Figures of Criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines and Colonial

Vietnam. Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications.
1995. Editor. Discrepant Histories: Translocal Essays in Filipino Cultures.
Philadelphia: Temple University Press and Pasig City, Metro Manila: Anvil Publishing, Inc.

1988. Contracting Colonialism: Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog

Society Under Early Spanish Rule. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
Paperback edition, Metro Manila: Ateneo de Manila University Press. (7th
printing, 2017, with a new Preface).

1993. . New Paperback edition. Durham: Duke University Press. (included in

the American Council of Learned Societies Humanities E-Book Series,

Articles, Essays, Book Chapters:

2017. “Power, Play and Pedagogy: Reading the Early De la Costa,” in Reading Horacio
de la Costa, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila Univ. Press.

2017. “Telling Times: Nick Joaquin, Storyteller,” Introduction to The Woman Who Had
Two Navels and Other Tales of the Gothic Baroque, stories by Nick Joaquin, New York:
Penguin Classics.

2016a. “Contingency and Comparison: Recalling Benedict Anderson,” in Philippine

Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, March, v. 64, no.1, 135-44; re-printed in
Indonesia 101, April, 2016, 21-29.

2016b. with Chris Rundle, “The Trans-disciplinarity of Translation History,” in Border

Crossings: Translation Studies and Other Disciplines, Edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van
Doorslaer, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2016, 23-48.

2016c. “Mutant Tongues: English and the Postcolonial Humanities,” CR (The New
Centennial Review), special issue on “Translation and the Global Humanities”, v. 16, no. 1,
2016, 93-114.

2016d. “The Babel of Books: Libraries In and Out of Walls,” CORMOSEA Bulletin,
Summer, v. 34, 21-29. Reprinted in PAARL Research Journal, v. 3, no. 1, 51-56, 2017.

2015a. “Revolutionary Contradictions,” Introduction in Milagros C. Guerrero, Luzon At

War: Contradictions in Philippines Society, 1899-1902, Manila: Anvil Press, 1-19.

2015b. “The War of Translation: Colonial Education, American English and Tagalog
Slang” The Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 74, No. 2 (May) 2015: 1–20.

2014a. “Betraying Empire: Translation and the Ideology of Conquest,” Translation
Studies, 2014, 1-12.

2014b. “Photographing Disaster: Typhoon Yolanda,” Social Text, 24 April 2014,


2014c. “Translation, American English and the National Insecurities of Empire,”

(Reprint of 2009a), in Alyosha Goldstein, Formations of the American Empire, Durham: Duke
University Press.

2014d. “Becoming Reynaldo Ileto: Language, History and Autobiography,” in

Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, vol. 62, no.2, April 2014.

2013. “Contracting Colonialism and the Long 1970s,” Philippine Studies: Historical and
Ethnographic Viewpoints, Volume 61, Number 4, December 2013, pp. 477-494.

2012a. “Targeting Translation: Counterinsurgency and the Weaponization of Language,”

Social Text 113, v.30, no.4, Winter, 55-80.

2012b. (with Joshua Barker), “The Event of Otherness: An Interview with James T.
Siegel,” in Indonesia (Cornell University), no.93, April, 1-19.

2012c. “Radiant Hope, Dark Despair,” foreword to Susan and Nathan Gilbert Quimpo,
Subversive Lives: A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years, Metro Manila: Anvil Publlishing.

2012d. “Translation and the U.S. Empire: Counterinsurgency and the Resistance of
Language,” The Translator (UK), v.18, no.1 , 1-22.

2012e. “Translation, American English and the National Insecurities of Empire,” (Reprint
of 2009a), in Lawrence Venuti, ed., The Translation Studies Reader, 3rd edition, New York:
Routledge Press.

2011. “Introduction: War, Race, Nation in Philippine Colonial Transitions,” Southeast

Asian Studies, v. 49, no.3, (Journal of Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University,

2011. “Awake in America: Poetry and the Ghost of Democracy,” in Journal of the
American Studies Association of the Philippines, v.1, no.1, December, 51-58.

2010. “Welcoming What Comes: Sovereignty and Revolution in the Spanish

Philippines,” Comparative Studies in Society in History, 52(1):157–179.

2009a. “Translation, American English and the National Insecurities of Empire,” in

Social Text, Vol. 27, No. 4 • Winter, 1-23.


2009b. “La Vida Despues del Imperio: Soberania y Revolucion en las Filipinas
Espanoles,” in Maria Dolores Elizalde Perez-Grueso, ed., Reensar Filipinas: Politica, Identidad
y Religion en la construccion de la nacion Filipina, Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra, 181-206.

2009c. “The Afterlife of Empire: Sovereignty and Revolution in the Spanish

Philippines,” in Colonial Crucible: Empire & the Forging of a Modern American
State, edited by Alfred McCoy and Francisco Scarano, Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

2008a. “Translating ‘Kalayaan’ on the Eve of the Filipino Revolution,” in a festschrift for
Prof. Soledad Reyes, Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press.

2008b. “Reorientations: Notes on the Study of the Philippines in the United States,” in
Philippine Studies, v.56, n.4, 475-492.

2008c. “Foreignness and Vengeance” (reprint of 2003b), in Benita Sampedro and Simon
Doubleday, eds., Border Interrogations: Crossing and Questioning Spanish Frontiers from the
Middle Ages to the Present, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 120-146.

2008d. “Scenes of Translation: Responses to Responses,” in Kritika Kultura, no.9,

November 2007, 116-127.

2007. “Translation in Wartime,” in Public Culture, 19.2, pp.239-246

2006.“The ‘Gift’ of Nationalism,” in Philippine Studies, v.54, no. 2, p. 305-11.

2005a. “The Cell Phone and the Crowd” (reprint of 2003b), in Old Media, New Media: A
History and Theory Reader, edited by Wendy Hui Kyong Chun and Thomas Keenan, New York:

2005b. “The Cell Phone and the Crowd” (reprint of 2003b), in Histories of the Future,
edited by Susan Harding and Daniel Rosenberg, Durham: Duke University Press.

2005c. “The Cell Phone and the Crowd” (reprint of 2003b), in Asia Unplugged: The
Wireless and Mobile Media Boom in the Asia-Pacific, edited by Madanmohan Rao and Lunita
Mendoza, New Delhi: Response Books/Sage Publications, pp.286-318.

2005d. “Il cellulare e la folla: politica messianica nelle Filippine contemporanee,”

(translation into Italian of 2003b), in Antropologia e Media: Tecnologie, etnografie, e critica
culturale, translated by Clara Banderali and edited by Monica Fagioli e Sara Zambotti , Como-
Pavia, Italy: Ibis Edizioni , pp. 81-118.

2004. “Southeast Asian Studies in the Age of Asian America,” in Anthony Reid, editor,
Southeast Asian Studies for the Twenty first Century, Tempeh: Arizona State University


2003a. “Foreignness and Vengeance: On Rizal’s El Filibusterismo,” in James T. Siegel

and Audrey Kahin, editors, Southeast Asia Over Three Generations: Essays Presented to
Benedict R. O’G. Anderson, Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications, 165-188.

2003b. “The Cell Phone and the Crowd: Messianic Politics in Recent Philippine
History,” Public Culture, v.15, no.3, Fall, 399-425.

2003c.“The Contingencies of Area Studies in the United States,” in Philippine Studies,

v.51, no.2, 2003, 309-318.

2003d. “Parricides, Bastards and Counter-Revolutionaries: Reflections on the Philippine

Centennial,” in Journal of the Institute of Romance Studies, University of London; reprinted in
Vestiges of War, Angel Shaw and Luis Francia, eds., New York: NYU Press.

1999a. “Regionalism, Area Studies and the Accidents of Agency,” American Historical
Review, October, v. 104, n.4, 1208-1220.

1999b. "Translation and Revenge: Castilian and the Origins of Nationalism in the
Philippines,” in Doris Sommer, ed., The Places of History: Regionalism Revisited in Latin
America, Durham: Duke University Press, 214-235.

1998. "Updates: Doubled Histories," in Steve Fagin, editor, Talkin' with Your Mouth
Full: Conversations with the Videos of Steve Fagin, Durham: Duke University Press, 247-53.

1997a. with Itty Abraham, "Introduction," special volume on Southeast Asian Diaspora,
Sojourn: A Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, (Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,
Singapore), v.12, n.2, October, 1997, 145-52.

1997b. "'Your Grief Is Our Gossip': Overseas Filipinos and Other Spectral Presences," in
Public Culture, v.9, no.2, 267-91.

1995a. "Taglish, or the Phantom Power of the Lingua Franca," in Public Culture, Fall,
v.8, no.1, 101-126.

1995b. "Colonial Domesticity: White Women and United States Rule in the Philippines,"
American Literature, December, v.67, n.4, 639-666.

1995c. "Mimetic Subjects: Engendering Race at the Edge of Empire," in differences: A

Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies, 7.2, Fall, 127-149.

1994a. "The Cultures of Area Studies in the United States," in Social Text, #41, 91-112.

1994b. "Of Mimicry and Marginality: Comments on Anna Tsing's `Cultural Borders'", in

Cultural Anthropology , v.9, no.3, 298-301.

1993a. "White Love: Surveillance and Nationalist Resistance in the United States
Colonization of the Philippines" in The Cultures of United States Imperialism, edited by Amy
Kaplan and Donald Pease, Durham: Duke University Press, 185-210.
Revised version in a special issue on "Colonial Ethnographies," History and
Anthropology, v.8 parts 1-4, 265-298.

1993b. "Preface to the Paperback Edition," Contracting Colonialism, Durham: Duke

University Press, ix-xvi.

1993c. "Comments on Edward Tiryakian's Paper, 'Nationalist Movements in Advanced

Societies'", in Perspectives on Nationalism and War, edited by John Comaroff and Paul Stern,
New York: Center for Studies of Social Change, 189-192.

1991a. "Anticipating Nationhood: Collaboration and Rumor in the Japanese Occupation

of Manila," Diaspora, v.1, no.1, 67-82.

1990a. "Collaboration and Rumor: The Philippines Under Japanese Occupation,"

Culture and History 8, Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 87-106.

1990b. "Nationalism, Imagery, and the Filipino Intelligentsia of the Nineteenth Century,"
Critical Inquiry, v.16, n.3, Spring, 591-611.

1990c. "Patronage and Pornography: Ideology and Spectatorship in the Early Marcos
Years," Comparative Studies in Society and History, v.32, n.2, April, 282-304.
Reprinted in Text/Politics in Island Southeast Asia, edited by D.M. Roskies, Athens:
Ohio University Press, 1993, 49-81.

1989b. "Revising Colonial History," Philippine Studies, (37), 367-371.

1987. "Confession, Conversion, and Reciprocity in Early Tagalog Colonial Society,"

Comparative Studies in Society and History, v.29, n.2, April, 320-339.
Reprinted in Colonialism and Culture, edited by Nicholas Dirks, Ann Arbor:
University of Michigan Press, 1992, 65-88.

1986a. "God and Grammar: The Politics of Translation in the Spanish Colonization of the
Philippines," in Notebooks in Cultural Analysis, edited by Nathalia King and Norman F. Cantor,
Durham: Duke University Press, 97-130.

1986b. "Salvaging the Past Under the Marcos Regime," Pilipinas, Spring, no.6, 67-73.

1986c. "Fishing, Underwear, and Hunchbacks: Humor and Politics in the Philippines,
1886 and 1983," Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, v.18, n.3, 2-8.

Reprinted in ARCHIPEL, #35 ( Ecole des hautes etudes en sciences sociales,
Paris), 1988, 195-204.

1984. "Language, Authority and Gender in Rizal's Noli", Review of Indonesian and
Malaysian Affairs (RIMA), published by the University of Sydney and the Royal Institute for
Linguistics and Anthropology, The Netherlands), v.18, n.9, Winter, 110-140.

1979. "Pace and Mood of a Philippine Era," Philippine Studies, v.27, 432-438.

1978. "From Mardicas to Filipinos: Ternate, Cavite in Philippine History," Philippine

Studies, v.26, 342-362.

Book Reviews.

2012. Review of Rick Baldoz, The Third Asiatic Invasion: Empire and Migration in
Filipino America, 1898-1946, in American Historical Review, Feb., 218-219.

2011. Review of Neferti Tadiar, Things Fall Away: Philippine Historical Experience
and the Making of Globalization, Philippine Studies, 59, no.1, 141-151.

2005. Review of Katherine L. Wiegele, Investin

g in Miracles: El Shaddai and the Transformation of Popular Catholicism in the Philippines, in
Pacific Affairs, v.78. n.4, 683-84.

2004. Review of Dorothy Fujita-Rony, American Workers, Colonial Power: Philippine

Seattle and the Transpacific West, 1919-1941, in Pacific Historical Review, v. 73, n.1, 147-150.

1999. Review of Doreen Fernandez, Palabas: Essays in Philippine Theatre History. In

Journal of Asian Studies, v. 58, n.4, pp.1194-1196.

1999. Review of Greg Bankoff, Crime, Society and the State in Nineteenth Century
Philippines. In Philippine Studies, First Quarter, v. 42, 129-32.

1999. Review of Glenn May, Inventing a Hero. In American Historical Review, October,

1993. Review of Benedict J. Kerkvliet and Resil Mojares, eds., From Marcos to Aquino:
Local Perspectives on Political Transition in the Philippines. In Journal of Southeast Asian
Studies , v.24, n.2, 441-443.

1992. Review of Jane Atkinson and Shelley Errington, eds., Power and Difference:
Gender in Island Southeast Asia. In Ethnohistory, v. 39, n.4, 554-555.


1991. Review of Renato Rosaldo, Culture and Truth: The Remaking of Social Analysis.
In Contemporary Pacific, v.3, n.2, 469-72.

1989. Review of Rene Javellana, ed., Casaysayan nang Pasion mahal ni Jesucristong
Panginoon Natin na Sucat Ipagalab nang Puso Nang Sinumang Babasa. In Journal of Southeast
East Asian Studies, v. 20, no.2, 303-304.

1988. Review of The February Revolution and Other Reflections, Miguel Bernad;
Onward Christian Soldiers! Protestants in the Philippine Revolution, Richard L. Shwenk;
Philippine Revolution 1986: Model of Nonviolent Change, Douglas J. Elwood. In Journal of
Asian Studies, v.47, n.2, 411-413.

1987. Review of Cesar Adib Majul, The Contemporary Muslim Movement in the
Philippines. In Journal of Church and State, 545-47.

1986. Review of Alfred McCoy and Ed. J. De Jesus, eds., Philippine Social History:
Global Trade and Local Transformations. In Journal of Asian Studies, v.45, n.3, 655-68.

1986. Review of Antonio Rosales, OFM, A Study of a Sixteenth Century Tagalog

Manuscript. In Journal of Asian Studies, v.45, n.2, 465-66.


2017, “Fact, Fiction, Fetish,” Rappler, Aug. 27, https://www.rappler.com/thought-


2017, “Lola’s Resistant Dignity: Reading “My Family’s Slave” in the Context of
Philippine History,” The Atlantic, May 31,

2017. “We’re Still Talking about “My Family’s Slave,” Code Switch, National Public
Radio, http://one.npr.org/?sharedMediaId=528810319%3A529784507

2017. “My Family’s Slave: A UW Professor Weighs In,” Crosscut, May 18, 2017,

2017. “Duterte Unbound,” Dissent, Spring,


2017. “DeLima’s Arrest: Justice as Revenge,” in Rappler, Feb. 26,

2017. “Duterte, Mocha Outflanking Critics,” in Rappler, Jan. 10,


2016. “The Politics of Death,” in Rappler, Nov.23,


2016. “Duterte, War Maker,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Nov. 12,


2016. “Marcos is Dead, Long Live Marcos,” Rappler, Aug. 10,


2016. “Comparing Extra-Judicial Killings in the Philippines and the US,” Rappler, July
17, http://www.rappler.com/thought-leaders/139862-comparing-extrajudicial-killings-

2016. “Duterte’s Hobbesian World,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, June 13,


2016. “Digong the storyteller,” Rappler, June 6, http://www.rappler.com/thought-


2016. “Comparing Digong with P-Noy;” Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 28,

2016. “What was EDSA?” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Feb. 25, 2016,

2015. “The Dream of Benevolent Dictatorship,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Nov. 15,
2015, http://opinion.inquirer.net/90424/the-dream-of-benevolent-dictatorship

2015. “Finding No Respite from the Traffic Jams and Crowds,” Rappler, Aug. 7, 2015

2015. “How Revolutionary was the Revolution?” Rappler, May 28. 2015,

2015. “Filipino, the Language Which is Not One,” Rappler, Aug. 21, 2015,


2015. “Racism in the Philippines: Does it Matter?” June 26, 2015,


2015. “The Dangers of ‘Terrorism’,” Rappler, Feb. 18, 2015,


2015. “Ama ng Bayan” and the Crisis of Infantile Citizenship,” Philippine Daily Inquirer,
Feb. 12, 2015, http://opinion.inquirer.net/82507/ama-ng-bayan-and-the-crisis-of-infantile-

2015. “The Irony of Free Speech,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Jan. 12, 2015,

2014. “Bonifacio for Today,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Dec. 31, 2014,

2014. “Manang Letty’s Farm,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Sept. 12, 2014,

2014. “Photography on Mother’s Day,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, May 15, 2014,

2014. “Servants, or the Secret of Middle Class Life,” Philippine Daily Inquirer, April 5,

2014. “A New Social Class?” Philippine Daily Inquirer, Feb. 2, 2014,


2013: “Trayvon Martin and Edward Snowden,” History News Network (George Mason
University), http://hnn.us/articles/trayvon-martin-and-edward-snowden and the Philippine Daily
Inquirer, http://opinion.inquirer.net/57455/intersecting-lives-martin-and-snowden

2013. “Excavating the Fourth of July,” in Business World On Line, 30 June,

July-&id=72601 also in Global Balita, http://globalbalita.com/2013/07/01/excavating-the-

2012, “The Pastoral and the Liberal: Reflections on the Reproductive Health (RH) Bill,”
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Dec. 17, A17. http://opinion.inquirer.net/42909/the-pastoral-and-the-

1991b. "U.S. Bases a Flashpoint in the Struggle to Control the Philippines," (op-ed
piece), San Diego Union, September 19.


Awards and Honors

2017. Gawad Pambansang Alagad ni Balagtas para sa Kritisimo sa Ingles (Balagtas Award for
Criticism in English), UMPIL (Union of Writers in the Philippines).

2017. Visiting Professor, Nida School of Translation Studies, Misano Adriatico, Italy.

2014. Visiting Professor, De La Salle University and Ateneo de Manila University, Manila,

2013. Visiting Professor, University of the Philippines.

2013. Visiting Faculty, Nida School of Translation Studies, Misano Adriatico, Italy.

2011. Distinguished Visiting Scholar, Haverford College.

2011. Distinguished Professor, Nida School of Translation Studies, Misano Adriatico, Italy.

2008. Solomon Katz Distinguished Lecturer, University of Washington.

2007. Grant Goodman Prize, Philippine Studies Group, Association for Asian Studies (This is a
lifetime achievement award in Philippine Studies).

2006. Invited to be a Resident Fellow, Center for the Study of Advanced Behavioral
Sciences, Stanford.

2006. Mini-grant, Transnational Institute, Jackson School, Univ. of Washington.

2004-05. Fellowship, Simpson Humanities Center, Univ. of Washington.

2003. Fellowship, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto Univ., Japan. (declined).

2000-01. Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.

2000. Winner, National Book Award for History, Manila Critics’ Circle, Philippines (for
White Love and Other Events in Filipino History).

1998. The Andrews Visiting Chair in Asian Studies, University of Hawai'i at Manoa.


1998. Committee on Research Grant, Academic Senate, UCSD.

1997. Residential Fellowship, Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Study Center, Bellagio, Italy.

1997. Visiting Research Fellowship, Humanities Research Institute, Univ. of California, Irvine.

1996. Committee on Research Grant, Academic Senate, UCSD.

1996. Visiting Fellow, International Institute, University of Michigan.

1996-97. Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton (Declined).

1995. Luce Foundation. Southeast Asia Council Small grants.

1994. Visiting Fellow. Program for Cultural Studies, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

1994. Committee on Research Grant, Academic Senate, UCSD.

1992-93. Fellow, Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine.

1992. Advanced Research Grant. Social Science Research Council.

1989-90. Committee on Research Grant, Academic Senate, UCSD.

1989. National Book Award for History, Manila Critics' Circle, Manila, Philippines (for
Contracting Colonialism.)

1988. Grantee, USIA Bureau of Cultural and Educational Affairs Exchange Program.

1987-88. Research and Training Award, University of Hawaii Research Council.

1986-87. Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship, Stanford Humanities Center, Stanford University.

1984. Lauriston Sharp Prize for Outstanding Dissertation, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell

1983-84. Martin T. McVoy Graduate Fellowship, Cornell University.

1982-83. Doctoral Dissertation Grant, Social Science Research Council/Ford Foundation and

1981-82. Sage Graduate Fellowship Award, Cornell University.

1981. Western Societies Program Summer Research Fellowship, Cornell University.

1980, 81, 84. Cornell Southeast Asia Program Summer Fellowships.

1979-80. Cornell Graduate Fellowship Award.

1977. Magna Cum Laude. Ateneo de Manila University.

Select List of Papers Presented

2017. “The Translative Power of English in the U.S. and Southeast Asia,” Nida Institute
of Translation Studies, Misano Adriatico, Italy

2017. “Revolution, Religion and Radio: A Filipino Jesuit in the American Colonial
Philippines,” invited talk, Dept. of History and Asian Studies Center, Univ. of Notre Dame

2016. “Notes on the History of Elections in the Philippines,” forum on Election Fever:
Global and Historical Perspectives from 2016, Dept. of History, Univ. of Washington.

2016: “Mutant Tongues: Englishes and the Postcolonial Humanities in Singapore, the
Philippines, Thailand and the United States,” invited lecture at: Kyoto Univ., Southeast Asian
Studies Center; GRIPS, Tokyo; as a keynote address at 7th Asian Translation Traditions
Conference, 26th-29th September 2016 at Monash University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; invited
talk at Rutgers University, Comparative Literature Dept.; invited paper, Chulalongkorn
University, Bangkok, Thailand.

2016. “Telling Times: Nick Joaquin, Storyteller,” at the English Dept., De La Salle Univ.,
Manila, Sept. 22.

2016. “Translating Digong,” roundtable at the Univ. of the Philippines Mindanao, Davao
City, Sept. 18.

2016. Book Forum on “Motherless Tongues,” sponsored by Kritika Kultura, Ateneo de

Manila Univ., Sept. 12.

2016. “Contingency and Comparison: Recalling Benedict Anderson,” invited paper,

Univ. of California Berkeley conference, “Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Around the Work of
Benedict Anderson”; at a symposium on Benedict Anderson, Kritika Kultura, Ateneo de Manila

2015. “Motherless Tongues: The Aporia of Translation,” invited paper at the Asia
Theories International Symposium, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, TAIWAN;
invited speaker, Center for Asian Studies and Dept. of Linguistics, University of South Carolina;
invited paper, Kritika Kultura symposium, Ateneo de Manila University.

2015. “How Revolutionary was the Philippine Revolution,” invited paper, Kritika
Kultura symposium, Ateneo de Manila University.

2015. “Translation and War,” invited paper at the conference on “Translation and
Interpreting,” Institute Superieur des Sciences Humanities de Tunis, Tunisia.

2014. “The Humanities and the Politics of Language: Some Examples from Singapore,
the Philippines and the United States,” as invited speaker, Nanyang Technical University, School
of Humanities; invited speaker at a forum for Kritika Kultura, Ateneo de Manila University.

2014. “American English, Colonial Education and the Insurgency of Language,” invited
paper at a Conference on Translation and the Global Humanities, Univ. of Louisville.

2014. “Colonial Contractions: The Making of Las Islas Filipinas, 1565-1898,” at the
conference “Transpacific Engagements: Visual Culture and Global Exchange, 1768-1869” at the
Ayala Museum, Metro Manila, Philippines, sponsored by the Getty Museum, Los Angeles and
the Kuntshistorisches Insitut, Florenz.

2013. “Amidst Three Empires: The Philippines Under Spain, United States and Japan,
1565-1946,” at the Seattle Asian Art Museum, Oct. 23, 2013.

2013. “Becoming Reynaldo Ileto: Language, History, Autobiography,” at a conference

honoring the works of Reynaldo Ileto, co-sponsored by the Ateneo de Manila Unveristy/Kyoto
University, Ateneo de Manila Univ., Metro Manila; and as an invited paper at the College of
Arts and Sciences, University of the Philippines.

2012-14. “The War of Translation: Colonial Education, American English and Tagalog
Slang, 1920s-1970s,” at the Ateneo de Manila University; at the University of Michigan; at De
La Salle University, as an invited speaker; at the Nida Institute of Translation Studies, Misano,
Italy, May 2013; as an invited speaker, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; at the Southeast Asian
Studies Center, Univ. of California, Berkeley.

2011-12. “Targeting Translation: Counterinsurgency and the Weaponization of

Language,” invited paper, Chou Center, Rice University; NIDA Summer Institute, Instituto San
Pelegrino, Misano, Italy; invited paper, Department of Translation Studies, University of
Bologna, Italy; keynote address, Manchester University, UK; American Studies Program,
University of New Mexico; Department of American Studies, New York University; invited
paper, Reed College, OR; invited paper, Department of History and Southeast Asian Studies,
Univ. of Hawai’i at Manoa; invited paper, Haverford College; at a conference on

Counterinsurgency, New York University; Ateneo de Manila University, keynote at Translation
and Globalization conference; at conference on translation, Doha, Qatar; invited paper Williams
College; invited paper, Univ. of Oregon, Eugene.

2008-10. “Translation, American English and the National Insecurities of Empire,” as

Solomon Katz Distinguished Lecturer, Univ. of Washington; as keynote address for the
Canadian Association for Translation Studies; as invited speaker, Pratt Institute of the Arts,
Brooklyn, NY; at a conference on Postcolonialities, at Rutgers University; at the Nida Summer
Institute of Biblical Translation, Instituto San Peligrino, Misano, Italy; at York University,
Toronto; at the Translation Studies Center, University of Binghamton; at the International
Cultural Studies Center, Univ. of Hawai’I at Manoa; as a keynote address, National Conference,
American Bible Society, Atlanta GA

2006-08. “The Afterlife of Empire: Sovereignty and Revolution in the Spanish

Philippines,” at the Japan Philippine Studies Association Conference, Tokyo, November, 2006;
at a conference, “Religious Encounters,” at Arizona State University; as an invited paper in a
mini-conference, “US Colonial Rule and Constitutional Change: Case Studies from the
Philippines and Puerto Rico" Southeast Asian Studies Program, Univ. of Wisconsin at Madison;
as an invited paper in a conference on “Race, Space and Place,” at Duke University; at a
conference “Constructing the Philippines,” in Madrid, Spain; as an invited speaker, Ateneo de
Manila University; invited paper, Southeast Asian Studies Program, Cornell University; invited
speaker, King Juan Carlos Center, New York University; invited speaker, Southeast Asian
Studies Center, University of Toronto.

2006. “Translating Freedom on the Eve of the Philippine Revolution,” given as an invited
talk at: the Simpson Humanities Center, Univ. of Washington; and at the Ateneo de Manila
University, Manila; The Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Univ. of California, Berkeley; the
International Cultural Studies Program, Univ. of Hawai’i at Manoa.

2006. “Translation and War,” given at a panel on “Keywords for a Transamerican

Studies,” Association of American Studies Conference, Oakland, CA.; as an invited paper, Dept.
of Communication Speaker Series, Univ. of California at San Diego

2006. “The Philippines under Spanish Colonial Rule,” as invited paper for a conference
at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC

2006. “The Risks of Translation: Christianity, Theater and the Origins of Nationalism in
the Spanish Philippines,” at a conference, “Religion and Postcolonial Criticism,” Princeton
University; and at the conference, “Comparative Literature in the World Today,” Columbia

2005. “Awake in America: Notes on the Specter of Democracy,” as invited paper at the
American Studies Association of the Philippines, University of Santo Tomas, Manila.

2005. “Translation and the Formation of the Filipino Nation,” invited paper at a
conference on “The Philippines and Japan Under the US Shadow,” sponsored by the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo University, Japan.

2005-2006. “Contracting Nostalgia: For Renato Rosaldo,” at a conference honoring the

contributions of Prof. Renato Rosaldo, Stanford University; and at a panel at the American
Anthropological Association Meetings, San Jose, CA.

2004-2005. “Castilian, or the Colonial Uncanny: Translation and Vernacular Plays in the
19th century Philippines,” as a featured speaker at the University of Milan, Bicoca, Dept. of
Anthropology and Ethnology; as the keynote address in the conference “Translation and the
Production of Knowledge in Southeast Asia,” Cornell University Southeast Asian Studies
Program; as a featured paper in the lecture series “Critical Knowledge After Neo-Liberalism,” at
the Center for History, Society and Culture, Univ. of California, Davis; at the International
Conference on Philippine Studies, University of Leiden, the Netherlands; at a colloquium on
“Language and Power,” Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Washington; as an invited speaker at
the Third World Studies Program, Univ. of the Philippines; at a conference on “Language
Communities or Cultural Empires? The Impact of European Languages in the Former Colonial
Territories,” Univ. of California, Berkeley

2004-2005. “Conspiracy and Secrecy in the Revolution of 1896,” as the featured paper in
the lecture series “Signs of Crisis” sponsored by the Asia Center and the Peabody Museum,
Harvard University; at a conference “Words in Motion” sponsored by the Social Science
Research Council, in Fes, Morocco.

2003. “’Spanish Death=Filipino Freedom’: Conspiracies, Oaths and Secrecy in the

Revolution of 1896,” given as part of the Jeremiah Lecture series, Univ. of Oregon; in the
conference, “Transnational Literacy”, Simpson Humanities Center, Univ. of Washington; at the
University of the Philippines, College of Arts and Sciences lecture series; at the Center for
Southeast Asia, UCLA.

2001-02: “Generation Text: The Cell Phone and the Crowd in Recent Philippine
History,” at a conference on “White Mythology: Universality and Postcolonial Particularities,”
the University at Buffalo; as an invited speaker for the Cultural Studies Program, George Mason
University; at a conference, “Practicing Catholicism,” Holy Cross College; at the
Asian/Pacific/American research cluster group, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; at the Ateneo de
Manila University, Philippines; and as the Somers Lecture, Georgia State University, 2003.

2002: “Foreigness and Vengeance: On Rizal’s El Filibusterismo,” at a conference on

Nationalism and Language, UCLA.; and at the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Univ. of
California, Berkeley.

2000: “Southeast Asian Studies in the Age of Asian America,” at a conference on

Southeast Asian Studies in the New Millenium, UCLA; and at a workshop on the Politics of

Scholarship in Asian Studies at UC Berkeley.

1998-99: “The Contingencies of Area Studies,” at the University Hawaií at Manoa;

University of Chicago; at the State University of New York, Binghamton.

1998-99. “The Undead: Photography, Imperialism and the U.S. Colonization of the
Philippines, 1899-1920s”, at Stanford University; Columbia Universtiy; University of Hawai’i at
Manoa; University of Wisconsin-Madison; at conferences on 1898 held at University of Iowa;
Dartmouth College; Princeton University; and at a conference on the Treaty of Paris, London
School of Economics; at the Center for Latin American Studies, Univ. Of Michigan; Southeast
Asia Program, Cornell University; New York University.

1998-99. "Translation and Revenge: On the Castilian Origins of Nationalism in the

Philippines," at The Fourth Annual Conference, Association of Spanish Scholars of Asia and the
Pacific, Valladolid, Spain; at the “Doors to Asia” conference, Ecole de Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales, Paris; Stanford Humanities Center; Association for Asian Studies,
Washington, DC; Fordham University; at the East Asian Studies Program colloquium, Columbia
University; as an invited speaker for the Comparative Literature colloquium series, UCLA; as an
invited speaker, History department colloquium, University of Washington.

1996. "Overseas Filipinos and other Spectral Presences in the Nation-State," at the
Sawyer Seminar, Univ. of Michigan, International Institute; at the Institute for the Global Study
of Culture, Power and History, Johns Hopkins University; at a Conference on Cultural
Studies/Asian Studies, McGill University, Montreal; and the Annual Conference of the
Association for Asian Studies, Honolulu.

1995. "Mimetic Subjects: Engendring Race at the Edge of Empire," at the Univ. of
California, Berkeley; and the Latin American Studies Program, Yale University.

1994. "Diaspora and Asian Studies in the United States," at a Roundtable on Asian
Diaspora, Association for Asian Studies, Boston.

1994. "Colonial Articulations: Mexico and the Philippines, 1521-1821," at the Mexican
Museum, San Francisco.

1994. "Taglish, or the Phantom Lingua Franca in the Contemporary Philippines," at the
Asian/Anthropology Dept. Series, Univ. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill; at the Southeast Asia
Program, Cornell University; at the Dept. of Anthropology, Univ. of Washington, Seattle; at the
Dept. of Filipino Literature, Ateneo de Manila Univ.

1993-94. "The Cultures of Area Studies in the United States", in a Conference, "Beyond
Orientalism", UC Santa Cruz; at a conference, "Cultural Studies in Asia and the Pacific", East-
West Center, Program for Cultural Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii; at the Center for South and
Southeast Asian Studies, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; at the Center for Cultural Studies, Univ.

of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana.

1993-94. "Mimesis and Domesticity: White Women and United States Rule in the
Philippines," Association for Asian Studies, National Conference, Boston, MA; at the
Departments of Anthropology of the following: London School of Economics and Political
Science; University of Washington, Seattle; University of California, Santa Cruz and San Diego;
Humanities Research Institute, UC Irvine; at the Society for the Humanities, Cornell.

1992-93. "White Love: Discipline, Surveillance and Nationalist Resistance in the U.S.
Colonization of the Philippines" at the following conferences: "Colonial Ethnographies", at
Center for Asian Studies at Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam; "The Cultures of US
Imperialism", Dartmouth College; "Global Economies, Local Ethnicities," at Stanford
University; at faculty colloquia at the following: Yale University; University of Pennsylvania;
University of Wisconsin, Madison; University of Michigan; Ateneo de Manila University;
University of California, Berkeley; University of California, Irvine; Pitzer College; and at the
National Meeting, Society for Cultural Anthropology, Austin Texas, 1992.

1991. "Translation and Christian Conversion in the Spanish Colonization of the

Philippines," at the following conferences: "Ethnicity and Power in Colonial Encounters," Davis
Historical Center, Princeton University; "Politics and Religion in the Emergence of Modern
Ideologies in Southeast Asia," Arizona State University.

1991. Discussant in a conference, "New Geographies of Performance: Cultural

Representation and Inter-cultural Exchange on the Edge of the Twenty-First Century," The Getty
Center for History of Art and the Humanities.

1991. "Endangered Languages: The Problems and Perils of Southeast Asian Language
Instruction in the U.S.," (Discussant), national convention, Association for Asian Studies, New

1990. "Collaboration and Rumor in the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines," at the
University of Washington, Seattle; at the History and Anthropology Workshop, University of
Pennsylvania; and at a conference, "Japan and the World", Univ. of California, San Diego.

1989. "Death and the Ideology of Submission in Early Tagalog Colonial Society," at a
conference, "Southeast Asia in the 15th to the 18th Century", Lisbon, Portugal. Sponsored by the
Social Science Research Council.

1987. "Translation and Christian Conversion in the Spanish Colonization of the

Tagalogs," Stanford Humanities Center; and at the Southeat Asia Program, Cornell University.

1985. "Tomas Pinpin and the Shock of Castilian", at the National Conference,
Association for Asian Studies, Philadelphia.

1984. "Contracting Christianity in Early Tagalog Colonial Society," at the Southeast Asia
Summer Institute, University of Michigan.


At the Department of History, Univ. of Washington, 2003-Present.

Hist 205A: Introduction to Philippine History.

Hist 590B: Comparative Colonialism
Hist 494B: Technology, History and Culture
Hist 485A: Comparative Colonialism
Hist 494B: The US Empire in Comparative Perspective
Hstas 530/532: Field Seminar in Southeast Asia
Hist 530: Comparative Nationalism
Hist 600: Independent studies (with several graduate students)
Hist 499: Independent studies (with several undergraduate students)
Hist 590: The Work of Counterinsurgency
Hist 590: Foucault and History

At the Department of Communication, UCSD, 1988-2003.

Com 100: Introduction: Communication and Culture

Com 175: Nationalist Discourse.
Com 150: Engendering Race and Sexuality in Popular Culture.
Com 90: Asian-Americans in Video and Film.
Com 179: Colonialism and Culture
Com 296: Communication as Interdisciplinary Research.
Com 200B: Theory: Communication and Culture.
Com 201B: Methods: Communication as Culture.
Com 180: Cultures and Markets
Com 275: Modernities and the Politics of Agency.
Com 275: Seminar on Technology and Culture
Com 175: Technology and Culture
Com 275: Seminar on the Gift and the Commodity

At the Dept. of History, Stanford University, Fall 1986.

Hist 295: Seminar on Philippine History.

At the Dept. of History, University of Hawaii, Manoa, 1984-88.

Hist 151 &152: World Civilizations to and from 1500.

Hist 405: The Modern Philippines.
Hist 306: Southeast Asia: The Modern Period.

Hist 655: Colonialism and its Discontents.
Hist 650: Seminar on Island Southeast Asia.

Service to the Profession

2012. Member, George M. Kahin Prize Committee, Association for Asian Studies.

2011-present. Member, International Advisory Board, Translation (St. Jerome Publishing).

2011-present. Member, Advisory Board, Tusaaji: A Translation Review, journal of the Research
Group in Translation and Transcultural Contact at Glendon College, York University.

2009-Present. Members, editorial board, Southeast Asian Research (published by the School of
Oriental and African Studies, University of London)

2005 –present. Series editor, “Empire, Nation, Diaspora,” for Ateneo de Manila University Press,
Manila, Philippines.

2004-Present, Member, editorial board, Philippine Studies (published by the Ateneo de Manila
Univ. Press)

2003-2009. Member, Advisory Board, Project for Critical Asian Studies, UW.

2003-Present, co-editor of the series “Critical Dialogues in Southeast Asian Studies” published
by the Univ. of Washington Press.

2001-2003. Member, Southeast Asia Council, Association for Asian Studies.

2001-2005. Member, advisory board, Cultural Anthropology

1995-Present. Member, advisory board of Public Culture.

1995-1998. Member, Harry Benda Prize Committee, Association for Asian Studies.

1992-1996. Member, Joint Committee on Southeast Asia, Social Science Research Council.

1992-1996. Member, Committee on Area Studies, American Council of Learned Societies.

1993. Co-Chair, Translation Committee, Southeast Asia, Association for Asian Studies.

1993-Present. Advisory Board, positions (A Journal of East Asian Studies).


Service to the Univ. of Washington Community

2017. Member, Sawyer Seminar Selection Committee (funded by the Mellon Foundation) on
“Racial Capitalism”.

2016. Member, “Troubling Translations” Research Cluster, Simpson Humanities Center, UW.

2015. Member, Search Committee for senior position in Japanese History.

2015. Member, Search Committee for Chair of American Ethnic Studies, UW.

2014. Chair, Committee to recruit Clara Altman (joint appointee with Law, Society and Justice
Program, UW)

2014. Organizer, “Empire is in the Heart: A Conference on Carlos Bulosan,” sponsored by the
Bridges Labor Center, the Dept. of History, Simpson Center for the Humanities, Univ. of
Washington, Nov. 14, 2014.

2014. Member, Graduate Admissions Committee.

2014. Faculty, ISS Program.

2011. Chair, tenure committee for Prof. Hwasook Nam.

2009-2010: Member, Advisory committee, Simpson Humanities Center.

2009. Chair, tenure review committee for Prof. Adam Warren.

2008. Chair, search committee for assistant professor position in the field US in the World

2008-09. Co-organizer,. Speaker series on “The US Empire in Comparative Perspective”.

2008. Organized visit and talk by Prof. George Lipsitz, UC Santa Barbara at the Simpson
Humanities Center.

2007-08. Member, Graduate Recruitment Committee, Dept. of History.

2007. Organized visit and talk by Sheila Coronel, Professor of Journalism, Columbia University
(co-sponsored by the Communication Dept., Southest Asian Studies Center, the Institute of
Transnational Studies, and the Simpson Center).


2006-07. Member, Chair’s Search Committee.

2006-07. Member, Long Range Planning Committee, History Dept., UW

2006: Organized two talks: one by Michael Hardt, Professor of Comparative Literature and
Social Theory, Duke University (co-sponsored by the Simpson Center); another by Walden
Bello, Professor of Political Science, Univ. of the Philippines (co-sponsored by the Bridges
Labor Center).

2006. Member, Salary Compression Committee, History Dept., UW.

2005 to present: Faculty Affiliate, Center for Multicultural Education, College of Education,
Univ. of Washington.

2005-06. Co-organizer, Roundtable on “The Work of Area Studies in the Age of Pre-emptive
War,” sponsored by the Critical Asian Studies Project and the Simpson Center.

2004-2007. Member, Standing Faculty Committee, Harry Bridges Labor Center, University of

2004. Organized the conference, “Laboring for Justice: The KDP (Union of Democratic
Filipinos) in Seattle,” sponsored by the Bridges Labor Center and the Southeast Asian Studies
Center, UW, Feb. 2004.

2004-present. Member, Critical Asian Studies Project board.

2003. Organized the conference, “Colonialism, Nationalism and Globalization: The Philippine
Case”, sponsored by the Southeast Asian Studies Center, the Jackson School, the History
Department and the American Ethnic Studies Dept.

2003. Chair, search committee for Latin American studies position.


Brief bio:

Vicente L. Rafael is the Giovanni and Anne Costigan Professor of History and Southeast Asian
Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle. He received his BA from Ateneo de Manila
University and his MA and PhD from Cornell University.

Rafael is the author of several books and articles on the history and cultural politics of the
Philippines, including “Contracting Colonialism,” “White Love and Other Events in Filipino
Histories,” “The Promise of the Foreign,” and most recently, “Motherless Tongues: The
Insurgency of Language Amid Wars of Translation,” all published by Duke University Press in
the US and Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines.

He has also written the Introduction to a collection of Nick Joaquin's stories, "The Woman Who
Had Two Navels and Tales of the Tropical Gothic" recently published by Penguin Classics. He is
a regular contributor to various newspapers and journals, including Rappler, The Philippine
Daily Inquirer, Dissent, and Social Text and Public Culture.

Rafael has received a number of awards from various institutions, including the Mellon
Foundation, Guggenheim Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Social Science Research Council
(New York), and the American Council of Learned Societies. He has received several
fellowships from various universities including Princeton, Stanford, University of Michigan,
University of California-Irvine, University of Washington, the Nida Institute of Translation
Studies (Italy), East-West Center in the University of Hawaii, Kyoto University, the University
of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila and De La Salle, among other places. He continues to do
research on the Philippines and Southeast Asia, as well as the US.


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