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Convolution Theorem
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Convolution Theorem
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4 Convolution Recommended Problems PAL This problem is a simple example of the use of superposition. Suppose that a dis- crete-time linear system has outputs y(n] for the given inputs <[n] as shown in Fig- ure P4.1-1, Ips out 1p lel | ote) ots" Oe gel 1 yain] eee Smoenaca ee 2 lp gp alel ty | oat oe os" Figure PL Determine the response y,{n] when the input is as shown in Figure P4.1-2. xan) Figure P4.12 (a) Express xen] as a linear combination of x;{n}, x2[n], and 2,{n}, () Using the fact that the system is linear, determine y,{n}, the response to rn]. (© From the input-output pairs in Figure P4.1-1, determine whether the system is time-invariant. PatSignals and Systems P42 P42 (a) stu) 1 @) : ee th ol 304 " -1 0 1 8 Figure P4.2-2 P43 Determine the continuous-time convolution of x(t) and h(t) for the following three cases: @ x(t) Ai) | To To. ’ 0 4 0 4 Figure P4.31Convolution / Problems @) x(t) At) Le went iL tae ; Hy j t |, Figure P4,.3-2 © x(t) Ay ' os ' = a2 Figure P43 Pad Consider a discrete-time, linear, shift-invariant system that has unit sample re- sponse h{n] and input [x], (a) Sketch the response of this system if ain] = afm — n:}, for some my > 0, and Aln] = ('uln}, () Evaluate and sketch the output of the system if hin] = (4y"uln] and ax{n} = ul). (6) Consider reversing the role of the input and system response in part (b). That is, A{n] = ulna), afm) = @*uln] Evaluate the system output yn] and sketch. P45, (a) Using convolution, determine and sketch the responses of a linear, time-invar- iant system with impulse response h(t) = e~ u(t) to each of the two inputs x(t), act) shown in Figures P4.6-1 and P4.5-2. Use y(t) to denote the response to x(t) and use y,(t) to denote the response to x,(). PadSignals and Systems Pte wo Figure P4.5-1 Gi) Figure P4.5-2 (b) «r(t) can be expressed in terms of a(t) as ait) = er\(t) — a(t — 3)} By taking advantage of the linearity and time-invariance properties, determine how yo(t) can be expressed in terms of y,(t). Verify your expression by evalu- ating it with »,(¢) obtained in part (a) and comparing it with y.(t) obtained in part (a). Optional Problems P46 Graphically determine the continuous-time convolution of h(t) and «(t) for the cases shown in Figures P4.6-1 and P4.6-2.Convolution / Problems @ x 1 tL t 0 1 Figure P4.6-1 @) mn) xO . IL I “LE i Ce . 0 2 0 v 2 Figure P4.6-2 P47 Compute the convolution y[n] = xe[n] + h{n] when a{n] = auln, 0
mace-er) aay Here the echoes occur T's apart, and hy represents the gain factor on the sth echo resulting from an initial acoustic impulse (a) Suppose that x(¢) represents the original acoustic signal (the music produced by an orchestra, for example) and that y(t) = x(t) + h(t) is the actual signal that is heard if no processing is done to remove the echoes. To remove the dis- tortion introduced by the echoes, assume that a microphone is used to sense y(t) and that the resulting signal is transduced into an electrical signal. We will also use y(t) to denote this signal, as it represents the electrical equivalent of the acoustic signal, and we can go from one to the other via acoustic-clectrical conversion systems. ‘The important point to note is that the system with impulse response given ineq. (P4.11-1) is invertible. Therefore, we can find an LTT system with impulse response g(t) such that M(t) + a(t) = a(t) and thus, by processing the electrical signal y(t) in this fashion and then con- verting back to an acoustic signal, we can remove the troublesome echoes, ‘The required impulse response g(t) is also an impulse train: at) =F gi(t-kT) Determine the algebraic equations that the successive g, must satisfy and solve for gy, Jz, and g, in terms of the hy. [Hint: You may find part (a) of Problem 3.16 of the text (page 136) useful.] () Suppose that ky = 1, hy = 4, and h, = 0 for all i = 2. What is g(t) in this ease? (© A good model for the generation of echoes is illustrated in Figure P4.11. Each successive echo represents a fedback version of y(t), delayed by T's and scaled by a. Typically 0 < a <1 because successive echoes are attenuated, Figure P4.11 @ What is the impulse response of this system? (Assume initial rest, i.e., y(t) = 0 fort
1. (iii) What is 9(¢) in this case? Construct a realization of this inverse system using adders, coefficient multipliers, and Ts delay elements.yolution / Probl PAO Although we have phrased this discussion in terms of continuous-time systems because of the application we are considering, the same general ideas hold in discrete time. That is, the LTT system with impulse response fn] = Do hatin kN] is invertible and has as its inverse an LI system with impulse response ain] = Y giin—KkN] It is not difficult to check that the g, satisfy the same algebraic equations as in part (a). (@) Consider the discrete-time LTI system with impulse response hin} = > n-RN ‘This system is not invertible. Find two inputs that produce the same output. Our development of the convolution sum representation for discrete-time LT! sys- ‘tems was based on using the unit sample function as a building block for the rep- resentation of arbitrary input signals, This representation, together with knowledge of the response to én] and the property of superposition, allowed us to represent the system response to an arbitrary input in terms of a convolution. In this problem ‘we consider the use of other signals as building blocks for the construction of arbi- trary input signals, Consider the following set of signals: on] = Gun), gin] = lnk, k= 0, +1, 2, £3,.. (a) Show that an arbitrary signal can be represented in the form ain) = Fagin — &) by determining an explicit expression for the coefficient a, in terms of the values of the signal «{n}, [Hint: What is the representation for i{n}?] () Let rin] be the response of an LI system to the input «{n] = g{n]. Find an expression for the response y[n] to an arbitrary input «{n] in terms of rin] and ain). (©) Show that yln] can be written as ulm) = vine} + xf] * rin) by finding the signal yf} (@) Use the result of part (c) to express the impulse response of the system in terms of rin]. Also, show that Yin] + ln] = an]
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