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[PrepLadder LIST OF IMPORTANT TOPICS FOR FMGE Prepared by FMGE Toppers & Subject Specialists v) jTHE DREAM TEAM With decades of experience in their field they're considered the best faculties and authors of their subject. All of them coming together is only a dream come true. PRE CLINICAL SUBJECTS > Dr. Gobind Rai Garg _Dr. Vivek Jain__Dr. Rajesh Kaushal _Dr. Sparsh Gupta Pharmacology ‘Anatomy Pathology Lae Dr3Magenéran Dr Sonu Panwar__Dr. Smily Pruthl Physiology Forensic Medicine ‘Microbiology Blochemistry CLINICAL SUBJECTS 2 AAA ‘De Deepak Marwah _Dr.Pritesh Singh _Dr.Apurv Mehra _Dr.Prassan Vij_ ‘Medicine Surgery ‘Orthopedics Gynaecology & Obstetrics Meet Bot _Os Seat Rey_ Be Serj San liatrie ‘Ophthamology Dr. Swati Singh ‘Anaesthesia— ANATOMY— MUST-DOs: *Cranial Nerves And Nuclei, esp. Visual and Auditory pathway, *Brachial Plexus: Branches and Palsies *Root Values And Dermatomes Of UL & LL “Arteries and branches: Subclavian artery, Axillary artery, Internal iliac *Nerve Supply Of - Perineum, Ear, Eye, face *Relations of Lesser Sac, Parotid gland *Peritoneal anatomy Embryology: * Derivatives Of Different Germ Layers, particularly Neural Crest *Branchial Arch, Cleft Derivatives *Spermato/Oogenesis, Mitosis, Meiosis Osteology *Types Of Joints With Examples *Ossification Centers, particularly ones present at birth +Knee Joint- Ligaments; learn with orthopedics (injuries) Neuroanatomy + Cavernous Sinus- Boundaries/Structures Passing Through It, Tributaries *Blood Supply *Ventricle Boundaries + CSF Pathway Perineum *Urethra (Study with Urethral trauma) *Rectum- Anal Canal anatomy *Spermatic Cord contents *Reproductive System derivatives (with embryology) Histology List Of Epithelium Lining Of Various Regions Thorax *Heart Arterial anatomy Diaphragm with embryology *Bronchovascular Segments of lung Lung hilumBIOCHEMISTRY Most important: Cycles - Multiple revisions must be given; To be studied with pediatrics inborn errors of metabolism; understand the step of defect of various disorders with absent enzyme and resultant substrate accumulation resulting in disease Metabolism: *Glycolysis *Gluconeogenesis *Krebs cycle *Glycogen Synthesis *Glycogenolysis *Glycogen storage disorders *Fatty acid synthesis and Oxidation *Lipid Metabolism disorders *Cholesterol Metabolism *Purine and pyrimidine synthesis and metabolism and disorders Genetics: To be done with pathology and genetic disorders of pediatrics *Karyotyping *PCR and types, esp. RT-PCR *FISH * Microarray, CGH *Epigenetics + Flow cytometry * Vitamins and essential fatty acids-Fun *Cofactors +Porphyria With Heme Synthesis: Very important for AIIMS *Protein Structure, Collagen Structure *DNA rey n, transcription, translation +Mutations to be done with Pathology + Enzymes: Classification With Kinetics, Isozymes n, Deficiency— PHYSIOLOGY — *Nerve Muscle Physiology (most important) - Muscle Spindle, Golgi tendon organs, Nerve Fibre Classification, Skeletal Muscle Contraction cycle, Na K Pump , Action Potential *CNS: Basal Ganglia, Cerebellum With Its Connections, Brain Brodmann, areas and their Functions, Role Of Hippocampus, Hypothalamus, Spinal cord: Ascending, Descending Fibers With Functions, Susceptibility of different fibres to Pressure, Local anesthesia and *Sleep physiology- EEG: Normal Sleep, Sleep Stages and their characteristics *ANS- Receptors and effects on different organs + Cardiovascular: Graphs Pressure- volume Curve, Cardiac Cycle, Reflexes- Bainbridge, Baroreceptor, Herring Breur, Bezold Jarish, Cushing, Vasomotor Centre, Exercise Physiology, Stewart Hamilton Law, Bernaull's Law +Respiratory Physiology: J Refiex, Regulation Of Respiration- Apneustic/Pre Botz Complex, Central/Peripheral Chemoreceptors, V/Q Ratio, Oxygen Dissociation Curve, myoglobin dissociation curve *General physiology: Plasma Membrane , Lipid Raft, ions equilibrium *GIT: Hormones and MOA *Renal: GFR, factors influencing GFR Clearance, Counter-Current Mechanism, Renin Angiotensin System *Endocrine: Pancreatic Hormones, Pituitary Hormones, Adrenals ,Calcium. homeostasis, Epinephrine, Insulin_ MICROBIOLOGY — *Strep/Staph Classification *Staph Toxins and diseases *Strepto virulence factors and Diseases *Mechanisms of resistance *Legionella: Case scenario *Typhoid toxins and lab tests *E.coli, Salmonella , Cholera, Pseudomonas : Lab tests, toxins *Clostridium: Toxins *Tuberculosis: Lab Ix most important, resistance mechanism and genes responsible Rickettsia, Syphilis, Leprosy *Leptospira, Brucella: Case based Qs Parasitology *Malaria: Image- based Qs, stages, plasmodium life cycle *Amoebiasis, Giardiasis, Nematodes/Trematodes-Transmission And Host * Toxoplasmosis *Cysticercosis-Esp. NCC case scenario, stages and CT images Virology *Classification of viruses *Influenza: Shift vs Drift, strains, vaccine *Hepatitis: Types, Hep B serology tests most important *HIV: Opportunistic, AIDS-deterministic infections, Mx *Herpes Group : Types and infections *Respiratory viruses to be studied with ENT Mycology *Classification Of Fungi, characteristic appearance on silver staining *Dermatophytes *Endemic Mycoses * Cryptococcus *Madura Mycosis: Case based, radiology *Mucur mycosis: case and radiology Immunity (To be done with path) *Immunoglobins «Immunodeficiency Disorders2, PATHOLOGY PART - 1 — *Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressor GenesiiVery important *Cell Cycle Regulation * Steps of neoplasia/tumorigenesis *Characteristics of neoplastic cells *Paraneoplastic syndromes *Tumor markers *Benign Vs malignant ca. *Mechanism of metastasis Immunity + Hypersensitivity reactions with examples specially type 2 and 4 *MHC *Amyloidosis *CD Markers *Vasculitis Autoantibodies Inflammation *Acute Vs chronic *Factors, Cytokines, Chemokines *Leukocyte adhesion disorders Wound Healing *Platelet & Coagulation Factors with Cascade, Platelet Function Defects Genetics *Inheritance Patterns with examples *Downs, Turners, Noonan, Klinefelter syndromes-Manifestations *Anticipation *Trinucleotide repeat disorders, esp. Huntington, Fragile X *Genomic Imprinting *Isochromosomes *Genetic engineering— PATHOLOGY PART - 2 — Hematology (To be done with medicine) *RBC - Classification and differences, mutations, Megaloblastic Anemia, PNH, Thalassemia, Hemolytic Anemia *WBC - Hodgkin’s vs Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, LCH, ALL, AML, CML, Myeloproliferative disorders - Prognostic factors, IHC markers, Mx Tumor & Immunohistochemical Markers List, immunohistochemistry images * Ca Lung , Mesothelioma, RCC, Ca Thyroid, Ca Breast, Brain Tumors *Cellular response to stress + Metaplasia, Hyperplasia, Atrophy, Hypertrophy, Apoptosis, Necroptosis, Pyroptosis + Reversible/Irreversible Cell Injury Markers, Granulomas Lab Basics *Stains , Fixatives, Resolution & Principles Of Various Microscopes Renal path *Glomerulonephritis H/P most important, immunofluorescent imagesPHARMACOLOGY — General pharmacology *Clinical Trials *Graph of Enzyme Inducers and Inhibitors *Potency vs Efficacy “Bioavailability *First pass metabolism 71/2 Systemic Pharmacology : Focused approach to each category based on MOA, side effects ANS -Most imp *Receptors and their location *Beta Blockers: most important *Cholinergics, anticholinergics *Drugs Used In Glaucoma *Effects of Sympathetic Vs Parasympathetic systems Anti- Microbials : specially Mechanism of Resistance and treatments *General: Penicillin, Fluoroquinolones, Aminoglycosides *Antipseudomonal agents *Anti- malarials *Ant-tubercular drugs, Anti-leprosy drugs ART * Antifungals *Anticancer Agents: Classification, Specific toxic antibodies *CVS: Anti-Anginal, Anti-Arrhythmic, Antihypertensives, Statins : LMWH, Warfarin, Anti- Platelets Parkinsonian drugs , Anti-Psychotics, Anti-depressants, Lithium, Opioids, Anti-Epileptics *Endocrine: Oral hypoglycemics, Ster: *GIT: PPIs most important *Respiratory: Asthma drugs +Enzyme Inducers, Inhibitors List *Drugs CI In Pregnancy *Drugs CI In Renal Failure List ’s, MonoclonalFORENSIC *IPCs: most important specially sections and subsections ; Multiple revisions needed *Rape + Sexual Offenses * Toxicology - Cover with Psychi and medicine aspects * Intoxication symptoms, withdrawal symptoms, Smells, Common Names, Antidotes, Active Compound * Most important - Alcohol, Cannabis, Cocaine, LSD, Arsenic, Organophosphates, Cyanide, Lead, Datura, Barbiturate, Mercury *Post Mortem Changes, Rigor Mortis * Injuries: Most important- Ballistics and hanging *Identification- Age and sex determination: Ossification centers, Dental, fingerprints *Legal aspects of medicine: Negligence, basics of court proceedings *Bloodst + Semen Tests + Autopsy Techniques «Death characteri— OPHTHALMOLOGY — Retina *Diabetic retinopathy stages, images, Mx *Retinal detachment *ROP staging *Retinitis pigmentosa *CRVO , CRAO *Central serous retinopathy Conjuctiva and cornea *Trachoma- Image, C/F, Elimination strategies * Conjunctivitis - Difference b/w etiologies *Corneal Ulcer ~ Fungal , Viral, Acanthamoeba Neuro - ophthalmology * Optic pathway and its lesions *Eye Deviation In Cranial Nerve Palsies *Squint *Horner Syndrome * Optic neuritis *Papilledema Procedures and surgeries *Enucleation/Exenteration, Evisceration: Indications +Keratoplasty *Dark room procedures *Tonometry *Direct/Indirect Ophthalmoscopy *Macular Function Tests *Maculopathy *Visual Field Defects *E0G Glaucoma sTypes *Management Of Glaucoma (To be done with pharma) *Tumors : Retinoblastoma, Melanoma -USG images, Stages of RB, Mx *Myopia , Hypermetropia( Even more imp) *Cataract: Causes, Mx Examples of Poster r subcapsular cataract7 — ENT — + Hearing Tests, Audiometry- Localization of hearing loss *Anatomy of Middle Ear *Meniere's disease *Otosclerosis + Malignant Otitis Externa *ASOM *CSOM: Types and Complications “Acoustic Neuroma *Glomus tumor *Vestibulocochlear response ( V.Imp) *Vertigo Nose And Pharynx +A most important *Anatomy with blood supply *Epistaxis * Nasopharyngeal carcinoma “Tonsillectomy: Methods And Indications + FESS *Polyps- Ethmoidal, antrochoanal + Sinusitis *CSF Rhinorrhea Throat *Vocal Cord Palsy * Laryngeal Carcinoma- Staging with stage- wise Mx *RRP * Tracheostomy: Procedure, indications Lasers In ENT * Radiology of ENT: Identify Towne’s view, Law's view, Water's Caldwell's viewPSM *Programs (Most important): Must revise all recent updates and newly launched programs. Important: Mental Health Act, RNTCP, NPCB, ICDS, NVBDCP, JSSK “Biostatistics , Bias, sampling, confounding, confidence interval, SE, Parametric/non- parametric test *Epidemiology- Odds ratio, Study design, secular trends and epidemics, screening, Health indices * Biomedical waste Mx- Classification and treatment of classified waste «Immunization - UIP, VVM Herd Immunity, vaccine strains *Demographics: Indices- NMR, MMR, USMR, Current values *Nutrition-RDA, Iodine deficiency, Vitamin A deficiency prophylaxis programs *Indicators of health * Contraceptives *Communicable Disease (To be covered with Micro and national programs) ~ Vector- borne, TB, Leprosy, Measles, Trachoma, Tetanus, Polio— MEDICINE PART - 1— ECG most important: At least one question expected; Particularly important STEMI vs NSTEMI, Changes in Electrolyte Imbalances, Arrythmias- PSVT, AFIB, Atrial flutter, VFIB, - ‘*RHD- MS, MR, AS, AR With Murmurs, Mx *Pericardial Diseases + MI: Particularly Management *Infective Endocarditis: Duke's criteria *Classification of shock : Approach based Q RESPIRATORY “Approach to PFT, DLco, Volume curves *Pneumoconiosis: Particulary asbestosis, HSP *Pulmonary embolism: Appraoch, Radiology * Sarcoidosis- Diagnostic features *ARDS- Criteria, Ventilation basics NEPHROLOGY *AKI: Criteria, biomarkers *CKD: Manifestations, Stages *Glomerulonephritis -H/P most important *Renal Tubular Acidosis-Differences GASTRO “Approach to Malabsorption «Inflammatory bowel disease: CD vs UC vs GI TB; extraintestinal manifestations *Viral/Alcoholic/Autoimmune Hepatitis: Critera, differences *Acute Pancreatitis: Revised Atlanta classification, criteria, Mx— MEDICINE PART - 2— RHEUMAT * Vasculitis: CHAPEL HILL Classification most important *SLE, Systemic Sclerosis, RA, Gout *Behcets Disease * Wilson's, Hemochromatosis ENDOCRINE *Pituitary Adenoma, Sheehan syndrome, Lymphocytic hypophysitis *Galactorrhea-amenorrhea Syndrome *Disorders of Calcium Metabolism *MEN syndromes *Diabetes: Mx, MODY (to be done with pharmacology) NEUROLOGY * LOCALISATION of pathology most important * Specific EEG changes *Stroke: Approach, Mx, Window *Epilepsy: Causes, Mx (to be done with pharmacology) *Dementia and movement disorders: Mx (to be done with pharmacology) *Multiple sclerosis, ADEM *Myasthenia gravis FLUID AND ELECTROLYTE BALANCE: Numericals, Mx *Metabolic Acidosis *Metabolic Alkalosis * Respiratory Acidosis * Respiratory Alkalosis + Hypercalcemia + Hyperkalemia + Hyponatremia— SURGERY PART - 1 — *Surgical oncology: Must not miss TNM staging, Management, Prognostic factors for important cancers: Breast, Thyroid, Gall Bladder, Esophagus, Stomach, Colorectal, Testes, Renal cell carcinoma, Lung cancer, Prostate *Endocrine surgery: Solitary thyroid nodule approach, Thyroid malignancies, PTH adenoma, Pheochromocytoma “Trauma: Approach type questions, Triage, Primary and Secondary survey, Blunt and penetrating abdominal trauma approach, Head trauma- EDH vs SDH, Neck trauma zones, Genitourinary, esp. urethral trauma approach, eFAST *GI surgery: Esophageal motility disorders, Diverticula, peptic strictures, Gall Stone, Peptic Ulcer, IBD- Crohn's disease vs Ulcerative colitis, GI TB, Colonic polyps, Appendicitis, Cholecystitis, Surgically obstructive jaundice approach, Intestinal Obstruction *Pediatric surgery: Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis, Malrotation, Intussusception, Hirschsprung Disease, Cleft Lip and Palate, Congenital GU anomalies *Vascular surgery: Peripheral arterial disease, Varicose veins, DVT, Aortic Aneurysm And Dissection Hernia *Burns: Degrees, Management, Parkland formula— SURGERY PART - 2 — *Breast: Screening, BIRADS, Triple assessment, ANDI «Transplant - Liver, Kidney: Types, Complications Bariatric Surgery: Types *Skin cancers: Melanoma, BCC *Mediastinal masses + Postoperative Patient care *Plastic Surgery: Grafts * Surgical Instruments to know (For Professional Exams VIVA and Image- based Qs) + Forceps: Hemostatic (Kelly's), Kocher's, Allis, Babcock, Towel Clip, Maryland Forceps, Toothed & Non-Toothed Forceps, Needle Holder, Veres Needle *Retractors: Deaver's, Morris, Langenback, Cat Paw, Jolly's Thyroid Retractor, Satinsky Vascular Clamp *Others: Scalpel & Blades (Sizes used commonly), Mayo Scissors, Metzenbaum Scissors, Rampleys Swab Holding Forceps, Desjardin's Choledocholithotomy Forceps, Bakes Dilator, Doyen's Intestinal Clamp, Payer's Intestinal Crushing Clamp, Bone Cutter, Bone Nibbler, Rib Cutter, Periosteum Elevator, Bone Chisel, Gigli Saw, Vim Silverman Liver Biopsy Trocar & Needle— PEDIATRICS PART - 1 — Community pediatrics: To be done with PSM *New programs, MCH programs *IMR, NMR, USMR - Current Values, MC Cause Developmental Milestones: MUST REVISE MULTIPLE TIMES Neonatalogy *Normal neonate * Neonatal Reflexes *NRP Guidelines *RDS: All causes, differences oHIE *10DM *NEC- Bell's Staging * Breast feeding *Jaundice : Causes, Physiological vs pathological, Mx + Hypothyroidism Meningitis + Neonatal sepsis Neurocuataneous Syndromes *NFI, NF2 * Tuberous sclerosis *VHL *Sturge weber syndrome Congenital Heart Disease *Murmurs * Diagnostic approach to CHD-Oligemia vs plethora Vaccination: UIP schedule, Details of each vaccine (To be done with PSM)— PEDIATRICS PART - 2 — Systemic Peds ‘*Nephrotic Syndrome, IgA Nephropathy, Glomerulonephritis ‘*Meningitis “*PEM, Rickets, Scurvy * Dehydration : Mx ‘Epilepsy *Inborn errors of metabolism *Croup, E *Hemophilia, thalassemia— ORTHOPEDICS PART - 1— IMAGING 1, Periosteal Reaction* 2. Investigations for stress Fracture 3. Osteomyelitis and Bone Tumors INFECTIONS: 1. Osteomyelitis 2. Pyogenic arthritis 3. Actinomycosis TUBERCULOSIS: 1, Pott’s spine* 2. TB. Knee & Hip BONE TUMORS: 1, Diagnosis especially benign tumors* 2. Management malignant tumors* 3. Bone Cyst SPORTS INJURY: 1. Cruciate ligaments and Meniscal injuries AMPUTATION 1, Symes 2. Choparts 3. Lisfranc TRAUMATOLOGY 1. COMPLICATION: a. Compartment Syndrome . Crush Injury . Fat Embolism . Sudecks dystrophy . Myositis Ossificans pags— ORTHOPEDICS PART - 2— 2. UPPER LIMB: a. Dislocations* - Shoulder & Elbow b. Fractures* - Clavicle, Humerus, Supracondylar humerus, Lateral condyle humerus, Colles and Carpo metacarpal injuries 3. CERVICAL SPINE INJURIES: 4, LOWER LIMB: a. Dislocations* - Hip & Knee b. Fractures* of hip, femur shai, Patella, Tibia and Calcaneum c. Ankle Sprain 5. Treatment - Nails, Screws & Wires AVASCULAR NECROSIS* AND OSTEOCHONDRITIS NEUROMUSCULAR DISORDERS: a. Polio b. Disc prolapsed c. Bursitis and other inflammatory disorders d. Dupuytrens contracture METABOLIC DISORDERS: a. Rickets and Osteomalacia* b. Osteopetrosis* and Pagets* c. Osteoporosis * and Hyperparathyrodism d. Achondroplasia* e. Osteogenesis imperfect— ORTHOPEDICS PART - 3— ARTHRITIS: a. Osteoarthritis* b. R.A* and Ankylosin spondylitis* c. Gout* and Pseudogout 4. Charcots Joints NERVE INJURIES: a. Erb’s palsy b. Ulnar*, Median and Radial Nerve c. Entrapment syndrome ~ Carpal tunnel and Meralgia Paraesthetica PEDIATRICS ORTHOPEDICS: a. DDH*, Perthes* and Slipped capital femoral epiphysis b. CTEV* cc. Genu Varum— OBSTETRICS & GYNAE — Gynecology: * Oncology (most important): Staging With Treatment- Endometrium, cervix, ovary, Breast, endometrial hyperplasia *Menstrual Physiology: Normal phases, Abnormalities, especially Primary Amenorrhea *PCOS: criteria, pathophysiology, Mx *Contraception + Infertility: approach- based Qs, investigations + STI: Bacterial Vaginosis, Trichomonas, Candidiasis, warts *Mullerian Anomalies: Classification (recent update), MRKH, AIS *Prolapse Obstetrics *Physiological Changes In Pregnancy: respiratory system, CVS One liners, quantitative values +Systemic Conditions In Pregnancy: GDM, PIH, Rh isoimmunization, Anemia most important *Placenta previa, abruptio + Interventions: Amniocentesis, Chorionic Villous Sampling *GTN, Ectopic Pregnancy, Abortions * Operative: C Sec/ Ventouse/ Forceps *Stages Of Labour, Partogram, NST: Recent trend *AMTSL. *PPH: Management algorithm with drug dosages must «Pelvis Types, Fetal Skull Diameters *MTP— DERMATOLOGY — *Vesico - Bullous Disorders: Most important: Compare Level of split, Tzanck, immunofluorescence, Histopath findings of different diseases * Infections- Leprosy (Read with PSM program on leprosy eradication), Cutaneous TB, Dermatophytes, Scabies, STIs (read with OBG and PSM program), molluscum contagiosum, tinea +Neurocutaneous Disorders (read with Med, Peds, Radio) +Papulosquamous Diseases - Psoriasis most important with treatment options *Atopic Dermatitis, contact dermatitis *Disorders Of Pigmentation - Mx of vitiligo most important *Acne - Management *Annular Lesions Image -based Qs _- Erythema Marginatum/ Migrans/ Multiforme nancies- Melanoma, BCC, XP *Alopecia, SLE, DLE— _ PSYCHIATRY — +Psychopharmacology (MOST IMPORTANT)-Antidepressants, Antipsychotics, Anti-anxiety, Mood stabilizers esp. Lithium +Psychotherapy Esp. CBT, ECT *Toxicology: Withdrawal and intoxication symptoms; Alcohol most important (To be done along with FMT toxicology and Critical care in medicine) *Child Psychiatry - ADHD, Autism, ID *Personality disorders *Schizophrenia and mood disorders: Definitions DSM-V; Case Scenarios-Diagnosis *Sleep Disorders, Narcolepsy-To do along with Sleep physiology *Conversion Disorders: Definitions DSM-V *Delirium vs dementia *Defence Mechanisms * Diagnostic Criteria - Time Cut offs very important to be revised *Delusion *Hallucination *Del *Hypochondria *Adjustment disorders * Substance abuse * Dissociative disorders jum Tremens— RADIOLOGY — +10C, Initial Investigations For Various Conditions *Basics of imaging modalities Radiograph, CT, MRI and USG: Concepts and techniques, radiation involved *Radiation physics: Radiation effects, Units, Radiation protection, Xray interaction with maer, Xray tube *Chest radiology : Approach to chest x-ray, cross sectional anatomy CT, Emergencies *GI radiology: Cross sectional anatomy, Emergencies *Genitourinary radiology: Renal tumors, gynecological emergencies *Neuroradiology : Approach to brain tumors, Spoers Skull Xray series, Head trauma, Spinal +tumors; myelography, Stroke, Spine trauma *MSK radiology: Bone tumors, Metabolic bone diseases, Arthritis *Iodinated Contrast, Barium, USG contrast, MRI contrast *Nuclear medicine and radiotherapy: Concepts, PET, important radionuclides *Signs - Image based questions (Must see)— ANAESTHESIA — * Anesthetic Agents — Pharmacology Properties, S/E, Special ations -1/V Agents: Ketamine, Propofol, Thiopentone - Inhalational Agents: Halothane, isoflurane, Sevoflurane, desflurane - Ms Relaxants : S.Ch, Atracurium, Hoffman degradation «Instrumentation: Machines And Cylinders, Pin Index, Airway instruments, ventilator modes *BLS, ACLS guidelines : Most important-Approach based Qs “Ti 9 Of Stopping Drugs Before Sx «Day care agents *Mcgill circuits *List of painful anesthetic agents *Local anesthesiaBlot al-Ma- ceed Clima Medical education fa PrepLadder 5 CNA Ce ted Cease cine Puce eMac) directly to your doorstep. 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4.5/5 (235)
Fear: Trump in the White House
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Fear: Trump in the White House
Bob Woodward
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (805)
On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
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On Fire: The (Burning) Case for a Green New Deal
Naomi Klein
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
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Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore
Jay Sekulow
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (139)
John Adams
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John Adams
David McCullough
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2520)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
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Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (109)
The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
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The Unwinding: An Inner History of the New America
George Packer
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (45)
Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)