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English Worksheet

Name: ___________________ Date: _____________

Grade 7____

- Hi, my name is __________

What is your name? oo ou
Hello, my name is ___________ ea i
ee i
- How old are you? ch ‫تش‬
I am ______ years old sh ‫ش‬
gh F
- Where are you from? (gh) X
I am from __________ th ‫ذ‬/‫ث‬
ck k
- How are you?
I am fine, thank you.

- Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

Vocabulary words:
happy ≠ sad smile ≠ cry

tired ≠ relaxed easy ≠ difficult = hard

cold ≠ hot angry – laugh

hungry – thirsty sick – sleepy

Days of the week: Monday- Tuesday- Wednesday- Thursday- Friday- Saturday- Sunday

Months of the year: January- February- March- April- May- June- July- August-

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