Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Haryana Staff Selection Commission
Category BCA
Aadhar No.
PERMANENT ADDRESS: HNo-183 City: Chillar, Tehsil: Rewari, Dist: Rewari, Pin: 122502
State: Haryana Left Thumb Impression (LTI) for
male & female candidate
in the presence of
Invigilator at the time of
1. Candidate must bring legibly printed Admit Card with 2 recent colored photo, one pasted on admit card at mark B duly attested by Gazetted Officer and one
identity proof with photo like Driving License, Voter Card, Aadhar Card, Passport etc. at the Examination Centre failing which candidate will not be allowed
to enter in the Examination Centre.
2. Candidate should ensure that he/she possesses the requisite qualifications and age etc. and fulfils all the eligibility conditions for the said post as per
advertisement on the cutoff date. In case, at any stage, it is found that candidate does not fulfill the essential eligibility conditions, his/her candidature shall be
immediately cancelled without assigning any reason or notice besides taking such other action as deemed appropriate by the Commission. No
claim/compensation shall be admissible in this regard. The Admit Card is provisional and subject to fulfillment of advertised eligibility conditions on the
cutoff date.
3. Candidate should Enter (Reporting Time) at examination centre on dated 21.09.2019 (Saturday) at 02:30 P.M (only Evening Session), 22.09.2019 (Sunday) at
08:00 A.M (Morning Session) & 12:30 Noon (Evening Session) and dated 23.09.2019 (Monday) at 08:00 A.M (Morning Session) & 12:30 Noon (Evening
Session) to enable frisking by Security Staff and to enable the Invigilator to check the admit card, obtain the Biometrics and get the attendance marked and
thumb impression in the attendance sheet and complete other formalities. No entry shall be allowed on dated 21.09.2019 (Saturday) after 03:30 P.M (only
Evening Session), 22.09.2019 (Sunday) after 09:30 A.M. (Morning Session) and 02:00 P.M (Evening Session) and 23.09.2019 (Monday) after 09:30 A.M.
(Morning Session) and 02:00 P.M (Evening Session). Candidate shall not be allowed to leave the examination centre before the end of examination.
4. Candidate shall ensure at the start of the examination and within first five minutes, that all pages of His/Her test booklet are properly printed and test booklet
is not damaged in any manner and serial No. of OMR Sheet and test booklet match with each other. In case of any discrepancy the candidate should
immediately report the matter to the invigilator for replacement of test booklet. No claim in this regard will be entertained after five minutes of start of
5. Candidates shall make sure to fill the correct test booklet code on the OMR Answer Sheet. If the space for the Booklet Code is left blank or more than one
booklet code is indicated therein and non filling of name and roll no. as per instruction, it will be deemed to be an incorrect booklet code & Answer Sheet 1/3
adv52019.hryssc.in/AdmitCard_Written_Online_52019_Cat1/PrintAdmitCard.aspx?pid=1 will
not be evaluated. The candidate himself/herself
9/17/2019 will be solely responsible for all the consequences arising out of any error or omission in writing the test
booklet code. Candidate shall put his/her LTI (Male) and RTI (Female) on attendance sheet, on declaration in all the three OMR answer sheets i.e Original
copy, Commission’s copy and Candidate’s copy and on the Biometric Machine alongwith signature.
6. Candidates are warned not to fold, tear, destroy or make any stray marks on the OMR Answer Sheets. Use of Eraser, Nail, Blade, White Fluid/Whitener etc.
to smudge scratch or damage in any manner the OMR Sheet during Examination is strictly prohibited. Candidature/OMR Sheet of candidates using Eraser,
Blade, Nail or White Fluids/Whitener to smudge, scratch or damage in any manner the Answer Sheets shall be cancelled.
7. Each question has four alternative answer of which only one is correct. For each question, darken only one circle on Original copy only of OMR Sheet which
ever you think is the correct answer on the OMR answer sheet with only Blue/Black Ball Pen provided by the Commission. The candidates are warned not to
mark anything on Commission’s copy and Candidate’s copy. The impression of Original OMR sheet will automatically be marked on Commission’s copy and
Candidate’s copy of OMR answer sheet. Pencil should not be used for darkening the circle. If, more than one circle is found darkened, that answer will not be
evaluated. Further, if a candidate darken more than one circle and smudge/ scratch any place in any manner with Eraser, Nail, Blade, White Fluid/Whitener
etc. Then in such circumstances OMR Sheet/Answer Sheet and candidature of the candidate shall be cancelled. The candidate himself/herself will be solely
responsible for this.
8. Candidates are warned not to carry any mobile phone, any type of watch, belt, wear ornaments like ring, chain, earring etc., electronic or communication
device, Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Sharpner and correcting Fluid in the examination centre. If any candidate is found possessing any such item, he/she will not be
allowed to enter in the examination centre. Candidate found possessing mobile phone and any other aiding material/device as mentioned above in the
examination room will be treated serious violation and it will amount to cancellation of the candidature and debarring him/her from future examination of
9. Candidate shall put his/her signature and thumb impression on the Admit Card at the places printed for it in the presence of Invigilator in the Examination
10. The written examination will be supervised by doing frisking before allowing entry into Examination Centre, using CCTV Cameras, Scanning of QR Code/
Attendance, Biometric Attendance process by capturing the Biometric thumb impression and Photograph of the candidates during Examination, Videography
and using Jammers etc. in the Examination Hall/Examination Centre to stop copying and impersonation etc.
11. Candidate’s request to change the Date, Session, examination centre and seat in the Examination Hall shall not be entertained.
12. The scanned photograph of the candidate on his/her Admit Card or attendance sheet will be tallied with the candidate appearing in the examination by the
invigilator. In the event of any discrepancy in the identification and verification of the candidate and photographs, the candidate shall not be allowed to sit in
the examination and be liable for criminal prosecution.
13. Candidate shall not be allowed to go to the toilet/washroom during first and last thirty minutes of the examination.
14. Candidate will not be allowed to leave the OMR sheet blank. If any OMR sheet is found blank. It shall be crossed by the invigilator with his/her signature and
mentioning “Cancelled” on it.
15. There will be three copies of OMR answer sheet i.e. Original copy, Commission’s copy and Candidate’s copy. After the examination is over, the candidates
shall handover the OMR answer sheet completely i.e all the three copies and Admit Card to the invigilator and there after invigilator will handover the
Candidate’s copy to the candidate. The candidate can take away the question Booklet alongwith the Candidate’s copy of OMR answer sheet with him/her. If,
the candidate does not handover all the three copies of OMR answer sheets and Admit Card to the invigilator and takes away any of the above documents,
his/her candidature shall be cancelled and criminal proceedings shall also be initiated against him/her.
16. If a candidate does not comply with the instructions as mentioned above or creates any kind of indiscipline, the Commission shall take action as per
instructions and in addition can also debar the candidate from appearing in the Examination, to be held in future by HSSC and can also initiate criminal
17. For Persons with Benchmark disability The Persons with Benchmark disability (Blind/Visually Handicapped/Locomotor disability-both arm affected,
Cerebral palsy) who wants the help of a scribe to write his/her paper will have to apply to the Centre Superintendent for the permission of a scribe separately,
30 min before the entry time of examination along with the relevant documents i.e. Request, Disability certificate issued by Medical Board constituted by the
Chief Medical Officer of the concerned district ,Adhaar card of candidate and Scribe, and self attested affidavit mentioning that he is a Blind/Visually
Handicapped/Locomotor disabled(both arm affected) candidate and the qualifications of scribe is less than the essential qualifications required for the post.
The qualifications of the scribe should not be more than matriculate. A similar affidavit from the scribe shall also be required to be submitted to the Centre
Superintendent along with the application. Such candidates will be allowed extra time/compensatory time @ 20 minutes per hour. Such permission will be
granted by the Centre Superintendent after checking the documents. All the candidates with benchmark disability (Blind/Visually Handicapped/Locomotor
disabled(both arm affected)) not availing the facility of scribe may be allowed additional time of 20 minutes per hour. **“person with benchmark disability”
means a person with not less than forty per cent. of a specified disability where specified disability has not been defined in measurable terms and includes a
person with disability where specified disability has been defined in measurable terms, as certified by the certifying authority.
18. The above instructions are already available on HSSC website i.e. www.hssc.gov.in . The candidate has to comply with the instructions mentioned above,
instructions given in advertisement or instructions printed on Admit Card Question booklet, OMR/Answer Sheet etc. Therefore, the candidates are again
advised to read and understand the instructions carefully given by the commission from time to time for written examination/Interview through HSSC
website, Advertisement, Examination Notice, Admit card, Question Booklet, OMR/Answer sheet or any other manner. If a candidate does not comply with
the above instructions than he/she will be solely responsible for the consequences.
Note:- I have read the instructions given above and undertake to abide by the same.
Candidate’s Signature (To be signed in the presence of Invigilator at the time of examination) For Secretary, Haryana Staff Selection Commission, Panchkula
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Category BCA
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