Lecture 1 What Is SBAR

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Seminar-Workshop on

Eddie G. Fetalvero, Ph.D.
Director for Applied Research
Romblon State University
Lecture Outline
1. What is a School-Based Action Research?
2. How is a School-Based Action Research
4. BERF AR Grant and CHED AR Solo Grant
5. Introduction to APA In-text Citation and
6. Basic Statistics for Data Analysis
Attitude toward Research, Research Self-Efficacy and Research Anxiety of
Deped Teachers in the Division of Romblon (n=52)
(Fetalvero, Muros & Faigao, 2016)
Attitude toward Research, Research Self-Efficacy and Research Anxiety of
Deped Teachers in the Division of Romblon by Sex
(Male n=10; Female n=42)
(Fetalvero, Muros & Faigao, 2016)
Attitude toward Research, Research Self-Efficacy and Research Anxiety of Deped
Teachers in the Division of Romblon by Grade Level
(Elem n = 27 ; Junior High n = 18; Senior High n=7)
(Fetalvero, Muros & Faigao, 2016)
What is a School-Based
Action Research?
Director for Applied Research
Romblon State University
• THINK (2 mins)
• What do you understand about School-Based Action
Research? Write it down on a piece of paper.
• PAIR (2 mins)
• -Based
Action Research? Talk it out.
• Share your ideas with us. Use keywords only.
Action Research is a process of systematic,
reflective inquiry to improve educational
practices or resolve problems in any
operating unit (i.e. school, classroom,

D.O. 16, s. 2017

School-Based Action Research
in a Capsule
• A group process of planning, acting, observing
and reflecting (PAOR)
• Carried out by teacher(s).
• In his/her own class.
• With his/her own students.
• To improve some aspect of learning/teaching.
School-Based Action Research
(Hendricks, 2009)

• Teachers try out innovations, interventions, solutions

• To improve practice, address issues, solve problems
• They themselves are participants in the inquiry
• Intended audience: oneself, students, fellow teachers
not a research on practice,
but research as practice

(McAteer, 2013)
Action Research from Scholars
• Cyclical, dynamic and collaborative process

(Lewin, 1948)

• Identification of strategies of planned action for

implementation and systematically submitted to
observation, reflection and change (Grundy and
Kemmis, 1984)
• Collective, self-reflective inquiry in social
situations to improve rationality & justice of own
practices, understanding of practices and their
situations (Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988)

• Integrated, collaborative action & reflection,

theory & practice for practical solutions to
pressing issues (Reason & Bradbury, 2001)
• Research designed to yield practical results that
are immediately applicable to a specific situation
or problem (Educational Resources Information
Center, ERIC)
Brief History of Action Research
• Coined by Kurt Lewin (1946)
• Social conditions might be enhanced through the
group processes that involve four steps:
• These steps lead to the development of action
The Action
(Kemmis & McTaggart, 1988)
Characteristics of SBAR
• Situational and experiential
• Strives for positive change
• Practical problem solving
• Systematic, process oriented, objective
• Collaborative, participatory & empowering
• Reflective, self-evaluative and cyclic
• Self-implementing recommendations
Levels of SBAR

Individual Researcher (SOLO)

Schoolwide Research

Small Group of Researchers

Traditional vs. Action Research
Mills (2003)

Traditional Action Research

Who? Conducted by University Conducted by teachers
professors, scholars, and educational
graduate students on managers on students in
experimental and control their care

Where? In environments where In schools and

variables can be classrooms
Traditional vs. Action Research
Mills (2003)
Traditional Research Action Research
How? Using quantitative methods Using qualitative methods
to show, to some to describe what is
predetermined degree of happening and to
statistical significance, a understand the effects of
cause-effect relationship some educational
between variables. intervention.

Why? To report and publish To take action and effect

conclusions that can be positive educational change
generalized to larger in the specific school
population. environment that was
True or False?
1. AR is conducted by professors on experimental
and control groups
2. AR is conducted in environments where
variables can be controlled
3. AR establishes a cause-effect relationship
between variables.
4. AR aims to report and publish conclusions that
can be generalized to larger population.
1. False. AR is conducted by professors on
experimental and control groups
2. False. AR is conducted in environments where
variables can be controlled
3. False. AR establishes a cause-effect relationship
between variables.
4. False. AR aims to report and publish conclusions
that can be generalized to larger population.

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