Convert Your PV Elite Output Report To Word
Convert Your PV Elite Output Report To Word
Convert Your PV Elite Output Report To Word
By Ray Delaforce
PV Elite Senior Support Engineer, Intergraph CADWorx & Analysis Solutions
Many users want to convert their PV Elite output report to a Microsoft Word document, but they
encounter double spacing problems. This article will show how to prevent this issue from occurring.
When sending the PV Elite report to Word, select this icon from the Output Processor:
Once the report is converted to Word, it will often have double spaces, which can be annoying. This
is often the appearance of the report:
Those spaces make for a longer report, which wastes paper and looks a little untidy.
The extra spaces between the lines of text can be eliminated quite simply. Just follow these easy
Once you have selected what you want included in the final report, send the contents of the Output
Processor using the Microsoft Word icon shown above and follow this simple procedure:
1. Press <Ctrl>+<A> to select the whole document. The text should now be shaded grey.
2. Click on Paragraph:
3. Then click this check box to ensure that no spaces are added to your document:
4. You now have to correct the index page to ensure the index points to the right pages for the
individual reports. Navigate to the index page where the page references are not correct:
5. Right click on your mouse and from the drop down menu, click Update Field.
Your report is correctly paginated, and the extra spaces are gone.