History of Life On Earth
History of Life On Earth
History of Life On Earth
Geology Today
Dividing Earth History into Time
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Organization of Life
DNA - Deoxyribonucleic acid - is a
double-chain biopolymer that
consists of two twisted chain-like
molecules held together by organic
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Organization of Life
RNA - Ribonucleic acid - is a single-
strand molecule similar to one-half
of a DNA strand.
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Organization of Life
Respiration is aerobic
metabolism - with oxygen.
Living cyanobacterium Oscillatoria
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Oxygen in
Photosynthesis - process
whereby plants use light
energy to cause carbon
dioxide to react with water.
Byproducts are:
Organic substances -
and free oxygen
Asteroid Ida
Nebula M16
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Early Earth
Probably molten at
4.5 b.y. first, Earth was
battered by repeated
impacts of
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Origin of Life
One hypothesis
suggests simple
microbes first formed
in aerosols - tiny liquid
droplets or solid
particles suspended in
the atmosphere.
Could lightening
discharges have
provided the energy?
Lightening bolts discharge through volcanic
gases, Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines
Fig. 15.4, p. 441
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Origin of Life
Black smoker
Galapagos Is.
Fig. 15.6, p. 443
Rocks in Greenland
thought to have formed as
byproducts of microbial
activity are 3.8 b.y.
Living cyanobacterium Oscillatoria
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Mars Life?
4.5-3.6 b.y.
Meteorite ALH84001 was
found in Antarctica in 1984.
It is 4.5 b.y. old.
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
All organisms are composed of cells, a
Early Life
complex grouping of chemical compounds
enclosed in a membrane, or porous wall.
Prokaryotic cells store their DNA in a poorly defined part
of the cell, not separated from the cytoplasm - the main
body of the cell - by a membrane.
Prokaryotic cell
lacks a well-
defined nucleus
Fig. 15.8, p. 445
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Early Life
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Early Life
Prokaryotic cells are the earliest Eukaryotic cells are larger and
and simplest cell forms; many more complex; most require
are anaerobic. oxygen.
Most advanced life forms are
Modern bacteria are prokaryotes.
Fig. 15.8, p. 445 N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
How Fossils Form
Mineralization - bones and
other hard parts are
replaced by minerals
carried in solution by
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
How Fossils Form
Darwin’s Finches
Fig. 15.13
p. 451
Darwin’s Finches
Fig. 15.13
p. 451
Darwin’s Finches
Fig. 15.13
p. 451
Darwin’s Finches
Fig. 15.13
p. 451
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
The iguana problem:
Galapagos Islands are only 3
m.y. old.
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record -
Stromatolites are layers of
calcium carbonate that
form in warm, shallow seas
by the activities of
photosynthetic bacteria.
costata -
worm-like, 7.5
cm across Mawsonia spriggi - a floating,
disc-shaped animal like a
Fig. 15.11
jellyfish, 13 cm across.
p. 448
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record - Late Proterozoic
Ediacaran Fauna are still poorly understood.
Some are simple blobs, others are like jellyfish, worms, or soft-
bodied relatives of the arthropods.
They appear worldwide in strata about 600 m.y. old, suggesting a
relatively sudden explosion of soft multicelled forms.
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record - Late Proterozoic
Plants: Land plants probably evolved from green algae about 600
m.y. ago. Life on land may have looked like this.
In the seas, bacteria and green algae were common at the end of
the Precambrian.
Green algae
(Fig. 15.22, p. 458)
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record -
545-505 m.y.a. - beginning of
period of great diversification:
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Fig. 3.9, p. 65 Michael Rothman; John Wiley & Sons
Fossil Record - 320-290 m.y.a.: peat swamps common,
with scale trees, seed ferns, scouring
Pennsylvanian rushes, and large dragonflies
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record - Jurassic and Cretaceous
213-65 m.y.a.: Age of dinosaurs. Birds appear.
Dragonfly, Brazil
7 cm (3 in.) long
Fig. 15.26, p. 460
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Fig. 3.9, p. 65 Breck Kent; John Wiley & Sons
Fossil Record -
Jurassic -Cretaceous
175-65 m.y.a. :
This nesting mother, a birdlike
dinosaur called Oviraptor, was found
curled protectively around a nest
containing at least 20 eggs - evidence
that dinosaurs cared for their young.
Fossil sweet gum, 1.5 m.y., Idaho - next to modern sweet gum fruit
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 (Fig. 15.25, p. 459)
Fossil Record - K-T Boundary
65.0 m.y.a.:
Cretaceous -Tertiary
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999 Fig. 3.9, p. 65 Breck Kent; John Wiley & Sons
Fossil Record - Tertiary: Miocene
24.6-5.1 m.y.a.: horses, rhinoceri, and elephants.
La Brea tar
pits, S. CA
Homo habilis
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record - Quaternary
Hominids (Cont.)
Homo erectus - 1.8-0.4 m.y. (Peking man,
Java man: developed large brains, tools,
weapons, fire, and learned to cook food.)
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999
Fossil Record -
Quaternary: Holocene
Homo sapiens sapiens -
N. Lindsley-Griffin, 1999