Bio Fertilizer

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Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June2015 ISSN - 2250-1991

Research Paper Management

Bio-Fertilizer use in Indian Agriculture

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management, Shri Mata Vaishno

Dr. Kakali Majumdar
Devi University, Jammu
In the wake of Green Revolution, which brought in massive gains in agricultural output yet it did not translate into a model
for sustainable agricultural growth. Excessive dependence on chemical fertilizers with major emphasis on Nitrogen and
Phosphorus, excessive use of pesticides has led to fall in soil fertility, water contamination and unsustainable burden on the
ecological system.

Under this situation, bio-fertilizers offer great potential for not only improving soil fertility but also provide for efficient use
of various recourses for increasing crop production on sustainable basis.
The present work aims to study the extent of bio-fertilizers use in the different states of India and its impact on agricultural
The study shows, both State and Central Governments have been promoting the use of biofertilizers through various
practices. Even the growth rate of both production and consumption of biofertilizer in India is quite satisfactory, a very small
percentage of estimated demand is justified with this production.

KEYWORDS Bio-fertilizer, Chemical fertilizer, Sustainability, Green Revolution.

INTRODUCTION abundant in the soil or atmosphere available for use by plants

Green Revolution in India brought massive gains in agricultural and help to balance many of the negative effects of chemical
output. However, it did not translate into a model for sustain- based technology (Ghosh, 2004)
able agricultural growth. This increase in agricultural produc-
tion under Green Revolution was brought about mainly by the The most important and attractive nature if these with the
extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc. plant is the mutual interdependence and both of the partners
benefitted from each other. Biofertilizer can be placed as the
The effect of chemicals is usually direct and fast. Moreover best modern tools for sustainable agriculture or green agricul-
the moderate price level and higher productivity make it more ture.
marketable to the farmers. However, excessive dependence on
chemical fertilizers with major emphasis on Nitrogen (N) and With this back ground, the present work attempts to study
Phosphorus (P) and excessive use of pesticides has led to fall the use of bio-fertilizer with respect to Indian agriculture.
in soil fertility, water contamination, polluted water basins, de-
stroyed micro-organisms and friendly insects, making the crop METHODOLOGY
more prone to diseases and unsustainable burden on the eco Objective
system. It reduces the colonization of plant roots with mycorr- The specific objectives of the present work are
ihizae and inhibit symbiotic N fixation by rhizobia due to high
N fertilization. Nutrients are easily lost from soils through fixa- • to study the impact of bio-fertilizer use on agricultural
tion, leaching or gas emission which lead to reduced fertilizer production in India.
efficiency. • to study the extent of bio-fertilizers use in the different
states of India
It can be said with certainty that sustainability can never be
achieved as long as the agricultural practices continue with Data sources
the use of massive chemical fertilizer. Under this situation, Secondary data has been collected from different reports and
bio-fertilizers offer great potential not only for improving soil publications of CMIE, IFFCO, FAI, Agricultural Statistics at a
fertility but also for efficient use of various recourses for in- glance etc.
creasing crop production on sustainable basis. Bio-fertilizer is a
special type of ingredients carrying microorganisms that make Statistical tools used:
the soil available with some essential elements necessary for Exponential growth rates have been calculated for the pres-
plant nutrition. ‘Bio’ means living thing, naturally bio-fertiliz- ent study. Linear regression model is used to capture the rela-
ers refer to living, microbial inoculants that are added to the tionship between production of bio fertilizer and agricultural
soil. output considering state level cross section data for the year
They produce organic nutrients for the soil, are extremely ben-
eficial in enriching the fertility of the soil and fight against the Bp= a+bGDPagl+ ut………………..(1)
diseases. Biofertilizers are helpful in naturally available nutrient
mobilization during harvesting(Venkatashwarlu, 2008). Again Where Bp is the biofertilizer production
bio-fertilizer does not contain chemicals that are damaging to
the fertile soil. GDPag state domestic product from agriculture

There is an increased emphasis on the use of bio-fertilizer HISTORY AND IMPORTANCE OF BIO FERTILIZER
world wide on the environmental ground. Biofertilizers are History of Bio-fertilizer
the organism that enrich soil quality with our any side effects Biofertilizers differ from chemical and organic fertilizers in the
The mail sources of biofertilizers are blue green algae, fungi, sense that they do not directly supply any nutrients to crops
bacteria etc. Biofertilisers make nutrients that are naturally and are cultures of special bacteria and fungi. The production


Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June 2015 ISSN - 2250-1991

technology for biofertilizers is relatively simple and installation Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)
cost is very low compared to chemical fertilizer plants. Bio-fer- PGPR represent a wide variety of soil bacteria which, when
tiliser are the low cost source of plant nutrients, environ- grown in association with a host plant, result in stimulation
ment-friendly and have auxiliary role with chemical fertilizers. of host growth. PGPR modes include fixing N2, increasing the
availability of nutrients in the rhizosphere, positively influenc-
Historically, the bio-fertilizers were initially identified by a ing root growth and morphology and promoting other bene-
Dutch scientist in 1888 there after bio-fertilizer use started ficial plant–microbe symbioses. PGPR (Plant growth promoting
with the launch of Nitragin by Nobe and Hiltner with a lab- Rizobectaria) is a special type of bacteria (Rhizo) colonizes in
oratory culture of Rhizobia in 1895 (Ghosh, 2004).Then sub- the rhizosphere (a thin layer of soil occupied by soil) very pop-
sequently Azotabactor, Blue green algae etc. were discovered. ular part of bio-fertilizer project over the world.
Among the resent discoveries the most popular bio-fertilizers
are Azospirillum, Vesicular Arbuscular Microrrizae etc. Blue Green Algae (BGA)
BGA are photosynthetic nitrogen fixers and are free liv-
In India the first commercial production of bio-fertilizer started ing. They are found in abundance in India. They too add
in 1956 under the supervision of N.V Joshi. India’s Ninth Five growth-promoting substances including vitamin B12, improve
Year plan document talked of environmentally sustainable ag- the soil’s aeration and water holding capacity and add to bio
riculture among many modes of means to promote sustaina- mass when decomposed after life cycle.
ble growth. A Scheme by the name of National Project on De-
velopment and Use of Bio-fertlizer (NPDB) was implemented Azolla
by India Government for the production distribution and pro- Azolla is capable of fulfilling the N requirements of the plant
motion of bio-fertilizers. A National Bio-fertilizer Development by the process of nitrogen-fixation.
Centre was established at Ghaziabad to promote the training
program related to the promotion of bio-fertilizer in India. The recommendations of different bio-fertilizer for different
The NIKU Bio Research Laboratory was established in the year crops are shown in Table1.
1997 at Pune. The initial name signifies N=Natural, I=Input,
K=Complete and U=Utilization. The Tenth Plan document em- Inoculation of biofertilizers
phasized the use of bio fertilizers, bio-control agents, organ- Biofertilizers are generally applied to soil, seeds or seedlings,
ic manures etc. with infrastructure support. Now the role of with or without some carrier for the microorganisms. It cre-
bio-fertilizer following principles of sustainable development is ates extra cells which are unlikely to have a beneficial impact
obligatory for all forms of Indian agriculture. on the plant. In addition, the population of introduced mi-
cro-organisms will decline and be eliminated in a very short
Important Bio-Fertilizers time, often days or weeks. The formulation of inoculums,
There are wide varieties of biofertilizer in use. Some of the im- method of application and storage of the product are all criti-
portant biofertilizer are mentioned below with a brief explana- cal to the success of a biological product. Short shelf life, lack
tion about the salient features of the product. of suitable carrier materials, susceptibility to high temperature,
problems in transportation and storage are biofertilizer bottle-
Rhizobium necks that still need to be solved in order to obtain effective
Rhizobiums are symbiotic bacteria that fix atmospheric N2 gas inoculation.
in plant root nodules and have a mutually helpful relationship
with their host plants. The plant roots supply essential miner- Importance of Bio-fertilizer
als and newly synthesized substances to the bacteria. It is re- From the literature survey, the following conclusions can be
ported that rhizobium can fix 50-300 kg N/ha. drawn regarding the impact of bio-fertiliuzer use:

Azotobacters • Reduce over dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesti-

It is free living and non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing organism cides that has created problems in agriculture[ Chaturvhe-
that also produces certain substances good for the growth of di, 2006]
plants and antibodies that suppress many root pathogens. • Farming with bio-fertilizer involves natural pesticides, re-
sulting in -no reduction to nutrient value of vegetable.
They can fix 15-20 kg/ha N per year. Azotobacter can also • Nutritional quality significantly higher in the grown bio-fer-
produce antifungal compounds to fight against many plant tilizer produced product[Pascale, S. De. et al,1995]
pathogens. They also increase germination and vigour in • Bio-fertilizer works as a vegetative and yield growth pro-
young plants leading to improved crop stands. moters []
• It is beneficial always in terms of soil fertility, ecological
Azospirillum health etc.[]
This is also a nitrogen-fixing micro organism beneficial for • Helpful for Sustainable Agriculture[].
non-leguminous plants. Azospirillum transcend nitrogen en-
richment through production of growth promoting substanc- Table-1
es. Recommendations of different Bio-fertilizer for various
Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria (PSB)
Bio- Recommended Crops
Under acidic or calcareous soil conditions, large amounts of Fertilizer
phosphorus are fixed in the soil but are unavailable to the
plants. Phosphobacterins can make insoluble phosphorus Rizobium Pluses, Oilseeds, Fodders
available to the plant. The solubilization effect of phosphobac-
terins is generally due to the production of organic acids that Azospirillum Rice, Wheat, millets, maize, sorghum,
lower the soil pH and bring about the dissolution of bound
forms of phosphate. PSB culture increased yield up to 200-
500 kg/ha and thus 30 to 50 kg of super phosphate can be Azotobactor Rice, Wheat, millets, other cereals, cotton,
vegetables, sunflower, mustered, flowers
Blue Green Submerged rice
Vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM) algae
VAM fungi infect and spread inside the root. They possess
special structures known as vesicles and arbuscules. The plant Azolla Submerged rice with maximum temperature
roots transmit substances to the fungi, and the fungi aid in
transmittingnutrients and water to the plant roots. The fungal PSM All crops
hyphae may extend the root lengths 100-fold. Source: FAI, 2006-07


Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June2015 ISSN - 2250-1991


Scenario of bio-fertilizer Region wise distribution of Chemical and Bio-Fertilizer
There is no doubt chemical fertilizer and pesticides have (2005-06)
played a definite positive role so far as increasing the produc- Chemical Fertilizer
tivity of Indian agriculture is concerned but that has been at Region (tones) Bio-Fertilizer
the cost of low soil fertility, health hazards, environment pol-
lution etc. Yield of food-grain in India, which was 644 k.g. East 3417(17%) 385.96(3%)
per hectare in 1966-67, increased to 1636 k.g. per hectare West 5077(25%) 5271.48(46%)
in 2000-2001.One of the main important reason behind this North 6420(32%) 544.44(5%)
was the increase in fertilizer consumption from 1.1 million ton
South 5425(27%) 5155.74(45%)
to 13.56 million tonness during the same period. However,
the sustainability part of it was not taken in to consideration. Source: FAI
Now after much damage was done to the eco-cycle by this Note: Figures in the parentheses are the percentages
product, usage of bio-fertilizer & bio-pesticides, organic farm-
ing, biodynamic farming, low input agriculture, perm culture, As shown in Table-4, even though the growth rate of both
sustainable agriculture integrated farming practices were ini- production and consumption of bio-fertilizer in India is quite
tiates and are some of the practices that were started by the satisfactory, there remain a huge gap between the installed
developed as well as the developing countries (Kolanu & Ku- capacity and production of bio fertilizer (Table-4) in India. Gap
mar, 2007) to make the agriculture sustainable. In India, based is also observed between the production and consumption
on the gross cropped area of around 190 million hectare, the level. It is quite surprising that the gap between installed ca-
potential demand of bio-fertilizers is estimated to be about pacity and production is diverging over the years.
6,27,000 MT (Phadke, 2001). However, the production target
was just 4.8% of it. Table-4
Installed Capacity, Production and Despatches of Bio-Fer-
Both State and Central Governments have been promoting tilizer in India
the use of the growth rate of chemical fertilizer (around 15%)
continues to be higher than the growth rate of bio fertilizer
Year production Total Total Unutilized
Production Dispatches capacity
(around 11%) in India. From 1992-93 to 20010-11 the in- Capacity (tonnes) (tonnes) percentage
crease in the production of chemical fertilizer was 12154.5 (tonnes)
tonnes to 27790 and the figures are 2005 and 37997.61 1992-93 5400.5 2005 1600.01 62.87
tonnes respectively for bio-fertilizer (Table-2).
1993-94 6125.5 3084 2914 49.65
Table-2 1994-95 8114.5 5800.5 4988.9 28.52
Production of Chemical and Bio-Fertilizer in India 1995-96 10680.4 6692.3 6288.3 37.34
Production of Chemical Production of bio 1996-97 12647 7406.6 6681.4 41.44
Year Fertilizer (tonnes) fertilizer (tonnes) 1998-99 16446 5972.1 5065.5 63.69
1992-1993 12154.5 2005 2001-02 15439.0 9019.2 8429.3 41.59
1993-1994 12366.3 3084 2002-03 18679.5 7181.7 7029.9 61.55
1994-1995 13563.8 5800.5 2003-04 18632 8701.4 8357 53.30
1995-1996 13876.1 6692.3 2004-05 NA 10479 10428 -
1996-1997 14308.1 7406.6 2005-06 NA 11752 11358 -
1997-1998 16187.8 7104.6 2006-07 43495 15871 15745 63.51
2007-08 67162 20111 20100 70.06
1998-1999 16797.5 5972.1
2008-09 68804 25065 25000 63.57
1999-2000 18069.7 5716
2009-10 68078 20040.3 20000 70.56
2000-2001 16702.3 6242.7
Source: Bio Fertilizer Statistics FAI.
2001-2002 17359.7 9019.2
2002-2003 16090 7181.7 Among all the bio-fertilizer in India during 2006-07 produc-
2003-2004 16800 8701.4 tion of PSB was observed maximum , 2920.42 tones (Table-5).
Azolla is relatively new in use and its production was only
2004-2005 18398 10479 13.40 tonnes in 2006-07 though the figure was 25 tonnes in
2005-2006 20340 11752.4 2005-06.
2006-2007 21651 15871 Table -5 Year wise production of different Bio-fertiliz-
2007-2008 22571 20111 er(tones) at all India level
2008-2009 24909 25065 Bio-Fertilizer 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2006-07
2009-2010 24686 20040 Rizobium 1841.54 1822.94 1548.53 1579.66
2010-2011 28122 37997.61
Azotobacter 1324.74 1386.75 1874.93 2037.75
Sources: Agriculture at a glance, Directorate of Economics &
Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, FAI Azospirillum 1275.50 1159.26 1228.75 1283.70
PSB 4502.22 4005.18 6075.52 6920.42
The region wise distribution of bio-fertilizers is more dispersed
relative to chemical fertilizers (Table-3). The standard deviation Azolla 25 13.40
of the distribution of bio fertilizer is calculated 28.33 and that
of the chemical fertilizer is 8.4. As shown in Table-3, the dis- Source: Bio Fertilizer Statistics FAI
tribution of bio- fertilizer in the Western region is the highest,
46%. Southern India has the second largest bio-fertilizer using Table 6 shows the state wise production of Bio-fertilizer in In-
region. In spite of the huge agricultural production base the dia for the year 2011-12. Maharashra is the state where the
distribution of bio-fertilizer in the Northern region is still very bio fertilizer production is maximum. Few states like J & K ,
low only 5%. etc. are still abort to starts bio-fertilizer production.


Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June 2015 ISSN - 2250-1991

Table-6 sidering state level cross section data for the year 2011-2012.
State wise production of Bio-fertilizer in India,2011-12, The following model is used.
Maharashtra 8743.69 Bp= a+bGDPagl+ ut
Uttar Pradesh 8695.08
Karnataka 5760.32 Where Bp is the biofertilizer production, GDPag state domestic
Tamil Nadu 3373.81 product from agriculture.
Madhya Pradesh 2309.6
Delhi 1617 As shown in table-7, it is observed that there is positive signifi-
cant relationship between the bio fertilizer use and agricultural
Tripura 1542.85 output.
Andhra Pradesh 1126.35
Table 7
Haryana 914.41 Regression result of equation 1
Kerala 904.17 t values R2 F Value
Intercept -216.281 -0.30061
Punjab 692.22 .46 14.58*
Coefficient 0.000835 3.818178*
West Bengal 603.2 *Indicate significant at 1% level
Orossa 590.12 Role of Govt in Bio-Fertilozer Promotion
Pondichary 509.45 Government of India has been implementing the scheme for
the promotion of biofertilizers since 7th Five Year Plan. Under
Gujarat 276.34 this scheme, one national centre and six regional centres have
been established. The main function of these centres include
Uttraakhand 263.01 the promotion of bio-fertilizer through training, demonstration
Rajasthan 199.78 and supply of 10 efficient culture for production of bio-fer-
tilizers. The scheme also aims for giving grant upto Rs. 20
Bihar 75 lakh per unit of 150 tonnes per year to set up bio-fertilizer
producing units. Since inception bio-fertilizer production ca-
Assam 68.33 pacity of 10,525 tonnes has been envisaged by setting up 83
Nagaland 13 bio-fertilizer production units. Out of these units, 9 units have
been sanctioned by the Department of Fertilizers under their
Jharkhand 8.38 scheme of providing financial assistance for the purpose and
74 units have been financed by Department of Agriculture &
Himachal Pradesh 1.29 Cooperation. Another 39 units have been set up by different
J&K 0 organizations and private entrepreneurs with a production ca-
pacity of 7,975 tonnes per year. The estimated total fertilizer
Chandigarh 0 production capacity in India is 18,500 tonnes per year, where-
as estimated bio-fertilizer production is about 10,000 tonnes
Goa 0 per year in the country.
Mizoram 0
The promotion of bio-fertilizer also needs extensive extension
Source: Bio Fertilizer Statistics FAI work to convince the farmers about the need of bio-fertilizer
use for increase in productivity. Seminars on bio-fertilizers and
Simultaneous use of bio and chemical fertilizer micronutrients are regularly being organized by Govt. Of India
Even though bio-fertilizer is superior to chemical fertilizer which are attended by executives of fertilizer industries, agri-
in terms of sustainable agriculture, its immediately its com- culture research and extension specialists, academicians, ad-
plete replacement in place of chemical fertilizer is not possi- ministrators, policy makers and farmers. Marketing of bio-fer-
ble. A modality of balanced path that involves combined use tilizer is a very difficult task as they are not primary inputs like
of chemical and bio-fertilizer can be evolved. Sundara et al. seed and fertilizer. Again, the farmers’ acceptance to bio-ferti-
(2002) observed that the application of PSB, Bacillus megath- lizer use has been far from satisfactory. This is the main reason
erium var. phosphaticum, increased the PSB population in the why effective demand has not been created so far. Even if in
rhizosphere and P availability in the soil. It also enhanced sug- few cases there is the demand of bio fertilizer but its limited
arcane growth, its yield and quality. When used in conjunction to few varieties like Rhizobium, Azotobacter, and Phosphorus
with P fertilizers, PSB reduced the required P dosage by 25%. Solubilizing Micro-organism.
In addition, 50% of costly superphosphate could be replaced
by a cheap rock phosphate, when applied in combination with As observed from Table 4 still there is significant amount of
PSB. Young et al. (2003) studied the effects of a combined unused capacity of bio fertilizer production. To create aware-
treatment of multifunctional biofertilizer plus 50% chemical ness amongst the farmers and to popularize the product em-
fertilizer on lettuce yield. From his results it is observed that phasis has been given to the (1).Demonstration (2)Field Day,
there was a 25% increase of lettuce yield for the treatment of group discussions and (3) farmers’ visits to Agriculture Univer-
½ chemical fertilizer plus biofertilizer compared to that of the sities and bio-fertilizer units, literature, publicity, seminar and
chemical fertilizer treatment, indicating that at least 50% of training.
chemical fertilizer can be saved as multifunctional biofertilizer
was used along with chemical fertilizer. Again an employment Besides farmares awareness there are also some other techni-
of multifunctional biofertilizer on rhizosphere microbial activ- cal constraints of the promotion of bio fertilizer in India. Like:
ity and the growth of water celery in a field showed that the Marketing constraints , because of its short self life, lack of
dry weight of water celery in the treatment with 50% organic proper storage, consumer illiteracy, low awareness amongst
compound fertilizer with multifunctional biofertilizer was in- consumers, inadequate guidelines to consumers, inadequate
creased by 34% compared to the treatment with 100% or- production/promotion effort.
ganic compound fertilizer [Young. et. al, 2004].
Secondly Environmental constraints due to seasonal condi-
Regression Result tions, soil fertility, usage of high dose of chemical fertilizers,
Linear regression model is used to find out the relationship be- pesticides etc.
tween production of bio fertilizer and agricultural output con-


Volume : 4 | Issue : 6 | June2015 ISSN - 2250-1991

The Government of India and the various State Governments

have been promoting the nascent biofertilizer market both at
the level of the user-farmer and the producer-investor through
(i) farm level extension and promotion programmes, (ii) finan-
cial assistance to investors in setting up units, (iii) subsidies on
sales and (iv) direct production in public sector and coopera-
tive organizations and in universities and research institutions.
A National Biofertilizer Development Centre was established at
Ghaziabad as a subordinate office of the Department of Ag-
riculture and Cooperation with six regional centers. The pur-
pose of the scheme covered organization of training courses
for extension workers and field demonstrations and providing
quality control services. Production and distribution of differ-
ent biofertilizers were also undertaken but subsequently dis-
continued as the centers redefined their role towards R&D and
HRD related activities.

There is no doubt that bio-fertilizers are the potential tools for
sustainable agriculture not only in India but also globally. The
use of bio-fertilizer in preferences to chemical fertilizer is al-
ways welcome taking into consideration the sustainability of
agriculture and its eco benefits. It is beneficial also in terms of
soil fertility, ecological balance etc. As, the use of bio-fertiliz-
er, till so far, is grossly inadequate in India, more emphasis on
its production, consumption and also proper distribution need
to be taken into consideration. The Government of Indian
has made substantial investments in biotechnology research,
still more investments are required to achieve the target.
The problem related to adverse climatic situation, soil con-
dition, production technologies, storage, awareness among
the farmers are also some of the important areas that need
to be addressed. The recent global summit meet on climate
change at Copenhagen has sustainable agriculture as one of
its core discussion area within the aimer of climate change
and green house effects. Hopefully with more awareness and
demand from the consumers for bio-fertilizer produce will re-
sult in farmers opting for bio-farming. This would make batter
marketing zone as well as render our planet as better place to


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