- Member: Haryana State EducatIon Committee;
- Member, Exams Board of School EducatIon, Haryana;
- Resource Person, Deptt of Education, Haryana;
- Distt President, Haryana Edu Officers Assoc;
- Fin & Admin Advisor,
Additional Deputy Commissioner, Fbd cum
Admnistrator Echelon Engg Inst;
• Holding a, 'Self Practiced-Non-Medicinal'
'HASTA MUDRA' YOGA -cum- Vedic Astro, Beeja Mantras
& SwitchWords' WELL-BEING Therapy Program' like this is
a 'Strategic Vision' to live a Happy 'n' Healthy Life by
cutting the ever rising Health Costs to Minimal by
Learning to Prevent and Self Cure the Chronic Mental,
Physical and Emotional Diseases in a Natural Holistic
Vedic Way- by Balancing Vatta - Pitta - Kapha (Water,
Earth, Akash, Vayu, Fire Elements) through our 5 Fingers
to enjoy an Amazing Health!
• Statutory Warning: Pls keep on consulting ur Doctor & do
keep on consuming the Medicines, if prescribed! Hasta
MudrasYoga Therapy may be Self-practiced along with
consuming medicines!
• Quantitative & Qualitative Productivity of
the Worthy Practiceners is Assured!
Balancing Vatta, Akash + Vayu = Vatta
Pitta & Kapha! Water + Fire = Pitta
Since Obesity, Indigestion, Cold, Cough, Water + Earth = Kapha
Mucus are caused by Kapha Excesse - so
decrease KAPHA by inncreasing PITTA Elements: Balancing: Touching
by doing heat producing Mudras like
Surya & Ling. KingThumbs & Fingers Tops
Since Jionts, Arthritis Pains & Gas are representing the Element!
caused by Vatta excess - so decease
VATTA by doing Vayu & Vatta Shamak Deacreasing: Fingers at Thumbs
Mudras! Vata dosha exhibits itself as Base & Pressed under Thumb!.
restlessness, anxiety, fear, a sense of
insecurity, dryness, constipation, poor or
variable appetite, bloating and
Since Fever, Burning, Acidity are caused
by PITTA excess- so decrease PITTA by
KAPHA Balance Mudras like Prithvi,
Jal Shamak Mudras decreases Pitta &
Fire Both Thumb Is King
Significance of :Vata, Pitta, Kapha.
MUDRAS FOR BALANCING EMOTIONS VATA: The Energy Of Movement is driving vital force or
These mudras are aimed at helping adjust an prana, which mobilizes and controls all functions like
emotion that each finger corresponds to an heartbeats, respiration, & blood circulation.
element & nternal aspects of your body. Significance- Vata controls traits like enjoyment,
In order to affect either the emotion or body part, happiness, creativity, speech. Thus when vata (prana)
squeeze the corresponding finger on both sides. leaves the body - body dies. Vatta moves the body &
For emotions relating to fear or issues related to unbalanceVata causes flatulence,gout, Rheumatism.
the kidneys, activate your little or pinky finger PITTA Regulates Metabolism, Digestion and
Assimilation of food. It controls gastric fire, enzymes
For emotions relating to anger or issues connected
and amino acids for regulating metabolism.
to the liver, gall bladder, or central nervous system,
Significance- Affects & helps in digestion, appetite,
activate your ring finger vitality, learning, and thinking.
For dealing with the emotion of impatience or the KAPHA Provides Lubrication And Structure: It has the
heart, small intestine, circulatory and respiratory watery properties and is a carrier of nutrients. All soft
systems, activate your middle finger body organs are associated with this are related with
For emotions relating to depression, sadness, and the taste, nourishment, & lubrication.
grief or issues with the lungs, activate your index Significance- It is body nutrient- provider.
finger Diseases of Imbalanced Elements
For dealing with the emotion of worry or anxiety or Water element Imbalance : Cold, sinusitis, asthma,
for reoccurring stomach issues, activate your swellings, blood thinning or blood clotting, problem in
thumb urination, diseases of reproductive organs.
For me this guidance triggers a few thoughts. First, Fire element Imbalance: Increased body coldness or
fever, diabetes, skin diseases, loss of vital energy,
the close connection between anxiety and the
acidity, and mental disorders.
stomach make complete sense to me. Whenever I
Air element Imbalance: Nervous disorders, BP, lung
am feeling super anxious, my stomach very quickly disorders, physical pains, deformities, depression,
becomes my enemy. I also find it amusing – albeit locomotors ataxia (Loosing Control over Body)
in a sophomoric way – that the middle finger Space element Imbalance: Thyroid disorders, throat
corresponds to impatience. Think about individuals problems, speech disorders, epilepsy, mental illness,
who consume too much alcohol and how when the foolhardiness (Foolish Bravery Act), ear diseases.
liver is in overdrive, so not able to regulate their Earth element Imbalance : General weakness, obesity,
emotion of anger. cholesterol, weight-loss and weight gain, bones and
4 Essential Mudras • Pushan Mudra-I (For Digestion - Do After Meals for
activating the Solar Plexus or Manipura chakra)
Gyan Mudra How to: bring your index
• Meant for Upper GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track
finger and thumb together. Issues Like: Reflux (Heart Burning) and
Recommended during meditation,
• Belching (Gas Coming Through Mouth डकाय ):
this Mudra provides a soothing and
• Vyan Mudra (Thumb + Index + Middle) in RHS +
calming effect on the mind. This is
particularly beneficial for increasing • Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS
memory and concentration and even • Pushan Mudra-II (For Digestion After Meals) For
helps with things like depression, Lower-GI (Gastrointestinal Diseases) Track issues like:
Gas, Bloating, or Constipation:
anxiety, loss of sleep, and stress.
• Pran Mudra (Thumb + Little + Ring) in RHS +
Pran Mudra: Eye problems, nervous problem,
and charges all parts of the body. • Apan Mudra (Thumb + Ring + Middle) in LHS.
How to: place the tip of the thumb to the tip of Hridya Mudra: For Heart disease, asthma, and
the little and ring finger, keeping the other two respiration related diseases.Hridaya Mudra How to: place
fingers straight. This is an immune-boosting the index finger at the root of the thumb and bring the tip
practice designed to keep the mind and body of the thumb to the middle finger and ring finger. Extend
free of disease. It's also believed to bring about the little finger. Hridaya Mudra may prove very helpful to
a glowing complexion to the skin because it release pent-up emotion and unburden your heart. It is
radiates blood-purifying properties. an excellent mudra to practice during times of emotional
conflict and crisis.
• Varun/Jal Mudra: This is for blood purification • Digestion & Weight Loss
and all skin diseases.Prana Mudra: Eye problems,
nervous problem, and charges all parts of the • 1) Apan Mudra 32 Minutes
body How to: bring the tip of the little finger to How to: bring the tip of your
your thumb. The little finger represents the water thumb to the middle finger and
element, right? Hence, it's great for ring finger, keeping the index
bmaintaining the fluid balance in your body. This and small finger upright. This
leads to healing for many skin conditions and to a calms the wind energy in the
natural glow and luster to your face. It also helps body, so it's especially good for
you to clearly and intuitively communicate. bloating.
Prithvi Mudra: For peace of mind, Energy etc. 2) Surya Mudra:16 Minutes
How to: place the tip of the ring finger to the thumb. Obesity, cholesterol etc. How to:
For those who want to gain weight! place the ring finger at the root of
the thumb and press the thumb
• Vayu Mudra: For joint pains, stomach problems over it. If you're concerned about
etc. Yayu Mudra How to: place the index finger at your waistline, this is the mudra
the root of the thumb and press the thumb into for you! It's believed Surya Mudra
the index finger itself. This mudra will help speeds up the metabolism.
reduce pain. Air or Vatta (being the root cause of
pain in the body) is suppressed by the fire, an 3) Linga Mudra 12 Minutes: How
energy that feeds into pain. to: clasp the fingers of both hands
together and keep one thumb
Akash M:For Ear,Calcium & Phos, UnderThyroid. pointed up. Great for respiratory
issues and likes like phlegm.
Shunya Mudra How to: place the middle finger at Recommended for asthmatic
the base of the thumb and bring the thumb on top patients.
of the middle finger. A great mudra for any hearing
related issues, especially tinnitus. Also good for Chinmaya Mudra: For
Over Thyroid & vertigo issues! Contentment & Weight-
Akash (Osteoporosis Mudra) (Mantra for Good Shunya - Mudra
Speech, Chant the mantra, OM VACHASPATHAYE Also known as Eptiness or Heaven Mudra
NAMAHA, & ॐ हॊ नभ्- to Activates Throat since it gives the feellings of Emptiness
Chakra-) There is an intra-cellular space between making out Mind free from thinking about
75,000 billion cells in our body - largest in universe!
anything else, and just experiencing the
Negative emotions like fear, anger, sorrow, etc. are
replaced by positive feelings and thoughts like never-ending Heaven like space.
Patience, Courage, Responsibility, Intuition & Extra Cures ENT, Ear Pain,Tinnitus Hearing &
Sensory Powers (EPS) and Helps in Calcium, Phos prevent the harmful effects of the WEIGHT
absorption & gives StrongTeeths & Healthy Throat GAINER Hypothyroidism as Shunya Mudra
& Detoxifies the Body & Mind wastes & under Sharpens the Centre of the Thyroid Gland.
Thyroid hormone Strengthens Bones, Heart,Throat,Thyroid
It activates our own teacher inside us and makes Gums
us broad minded by leaving meanness to Its Use with Vayu Mudra Cures - gout,
understand life better. flatulence, constipation, arthritis, neck pain,
trembling, paralysis,cervical
Its practice also helps in getting space say
spondilytis,Vertigo, Motion Sickness,
getting a proper sitting & attract friends
& customers.
D Mudra (Akash)
For Controling BP, the Middle
finger of both hands were
squeezed from root to tip for 5
Minutes as Shown in the Pic.
1. GYAN HASTA MUDRA While After Tea: Prithvi Mudra
Waking Up, Chanting for 5 Half an Hour Before Sleeping:
minutes वल्रबॊ गजाननॊ एकदॊ तॊ
Pran Mudra + Vishnu/ Vatta
ॐ हौं वं जं सः
2. SAMAN Mudra before Meals:
Shamak M
OM Lam Namah, OM VAM Namah, While Sleeping For Being Free
OM RAM Namah, OM YAM From Viral Diseases: Varun
Namah, OM HAM Namah
Mudra Chanting for 5
minutes: ॐ हौं वॊ जॊ स्
3. Apan Vayu/ Pushan 1&2 /
Mishthi Mudra after Meals,
Chanting ॐ रलरतॊ रम्फोदयॊ Haum: To Ward off Evil
4. Kuber/ Vyan Mudra, while
going to work :अम्म्फका अनादद
Vum: Amritam Water Fluid
ननत्माना अश्वारूढ़ अऩयाम्जता Joom: To Give Immune
Lalitam Ambika Anadi Nityana, SA - To Burn and throw
Ashwaroodh Aparajita
5. Apan Mudra while Coming
Bacteria out of Body through
Home:नभ् लिवामॊ NamahShivaym Ha - the Space.
Gyan Mudra of Knowledge, Wisdom (सयस्वती)
Planet Jupiter's - Gyan Mudra relates to expansion- knowledge Balances Ego, Elevates Soul (आत्भफर),
Inner Peace, A Calm Mind & Mental Immunity, Removes Unwanted Thoughts & Be Righteous. Improves
Personality Disorders & Sleeplessness w.e.f. 21 & 3 days respectively, followed with Pran M It Activates
Pituitary (Controls growth, BP, metabolism, mental state, physical growth), Retina Degeneration,
Dwarfism! Belching डकाय after meals get corrected by moving Apan Vayu down.If you are angry you can
do this Mudra. It activates and balances Apana Vaayu. When you have a back pain or any pain for that
matter, do this Mudra. Unwanted Apana Vaayu will be released in 15 minutes.. This Mudra activates air
and air means movement. Whenever you are in a traffic jam, it will create movement in you and thus
movement outside you. It reduces infatuation. It also helps us to avoid misconduct between male and
ऩॉल्मिन एरजी:
Helps to cure sinusitis,
Beneficial to cure the uvulai (गरे भें
अॊगय.का सा गुच्छा) allergy,
Helps to reduce the frontal sinusitis,
Helps to cure the puffiness
(सजन)below the eyes.
1) इस भुद्रा के प्रमोग से साइनस भें जभा श्रेष्भा दय होती है
औय नाक-कान फंद यहने की सभस्मा सभाप्त हो जाती है ।
अगय फाय-फाय गहयी सांस के साथ इसे ककमा जाए तो साइनस
संक्रभण के कायण होने वारा ससयददद औय ससय का बायीऩन
सभाप्त हो जाता है । ऩथ् ृ वी औय जर तत्व की अधधकता को ही
कप का कायण भाना गमा है , मे दोनों तत्व कुफेय भुद्रा से कभ
हो जाते हैं, ग्जससे कप की सभस्मा दय हो जाती है ।
• Parkinsons, sciatica, cervical pain, knee pain : • For thyroid gland & for children height to be
Vayu M+Varun mudra+ pran mudra (vayu –tip of increased , for allergies caused by dust and
smoke, after paralytic attack : Shankh M.
the index at the base of thumb) 16Mts each.
Thank You ! 🙏