Of Death by Sir Francis Bacon - Complete Summary and Analysis
Of Death by Sir Francis Bacon - Complete Summary and Analysis
Of Death by Sir Francis Bacon - Complete Summary and Analysis
Bacon then criticizes religious beliefs. He believes that scholars have mixed
religion with superstition. There are some books, in which it is mentioned that
death is painful suffering. He then quotes an example of squeezing a finger; “a
man should think with himself what the pain is if he has but his finger’s end
pressed or tortured, and thereby imagine what the pains of death are, when
whole body is corrupted and dissolved”. In Sir Francis Bacon ’s eyes, death has
been exaggerated due to which people are afraid of death. Death Vs. Its
1. A person who wants revenge has no fear of death. Even if he knows that
Bacon has also quoted an incident of Roman Emperor Otho, who committed
suicide. His followers also killed themselves because they were his true
supporters. Afterwards, the author again refers Seneca, who says that a person
may commit suicide if he is fed up from life. Similarly, due to boredom and
feelings of monotony, a person may kill himself.
4. Galba, Roman Emperor; he was killed. He died gladly for the welfare of his
5. Septimius Severus, Roman Emperor was curious to die after realizing that
Numerous similar examples are there in the world when people died gladly.
The last example, which Bacon quotes, is of Simeon. He wished to see Christ and
when he achieved his goal of seeing Christ, he happily died. Thus, everyone has
goals in this world. If a person achieves them, he can gladly die.