Lo Turco 2019
Lo Turco 2019
Lo Turco 2019
Irineu Loturco, Lucas A. Pereira, Valter P. Reis, Chris Bishop, Vinicius Zanetti,
Pedro E. Alcaraz, Tomás T. Freitas & Michael R. Mcguigan
To cite this article: Irineu Loturco, Lucas A. Pereira, Valter P. Reis, Chris Bishop, Vinicius Zanetti,
Pedro E. Alcaraz, Tomás T. Freitas & Michael R. Mcguigan (2019): Power training in elite young
soccer players: Effects of using loads above or below the optimum power zone, Journal of Sports
Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2019.1651614
Power training in elite young soccer players: Effects of using loads above or below
the optimum power zone
Irineu Loturco a,b,i, Lucas A. Pereiraa, Valter P. Reisa, Chris Bishopc, Vinicius Zanettid, Pedro E. Alcaraz e,f
Tomás T. Freitas e and Michael R. Mcguigang,h
NAR - Nucleus of High Performance in Sport, São Paulo, Brazil; bDepartment of Human Movement Science, Federal University of São Paulo, São
Paulo, Brazil; cFaculty of Science and Technology, London Sports Institute, Middlesex University, London, UK; dRed Bull Brazil Football, Jarinú,
Brazil; eResearch Center for High Performance Sport, Catholic University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain; fFaculty of Sport Sciences, Catholic University of
Murcia, Murcia, Spain; gSports Performance Research Institute New Zealand (SPRINZ), Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand;
School of Medical and Health Sciences, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia; iUniversity of South Wales, Pontypridd, Wales, UK
CONTACT Irineu Loturco irineu.loturco@terra.com.br Nucleus of High Performance in Sport, São Paulo, SP, Brazil
© 2019 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
Figure 1. Schematic presentation of the study design. CMJ: countermovement jump; VEL: sprint velocity; PP: peak power; JS: jump squat exercise; OPL: optimum
power load; LOPL: lower than OPL group; HOPL: higher than OPL group.
Table 1. Typical weekly training program for the soccer players during the 4 weeks of preseason.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Morning PT 30’ TEC/TAC 60’ PT 30’ Rest PT 30’ TEC/TAC 70’
Afternoon TEC/TAC 70’ TEC/TAC 80’ TEC/TAC 90’ TEC/TAC 80’ TEC/TAC 90’ Rest
Note: TEC = Technical Training; TAC = Tactical Training; PT = Power Training; The numbers after the training sessions represent the volume in minutes. TEC/TAC
training involved different formats of small-sided games and specific technical actions (e.g., goal shooting, corner kick situations).
schedule is presented in Table 1. The power training sessions a measured time interval. A 5-min rest interval was allowed
consisted of performing 6 sets of 6 repetitions of the JS between the two attempts and the fastest time was consid-
exercise at a load corresponding to either 20% lower than ered for subsequent analyses.
the OPL (LOPL group) or 20% higher than the OPL (HOPL
group). These loading intensities were chosen because at Zigzag change of direction speed test
±20% of the OPL, athletes usually produce ~90% of their The COD course consisted of four 5-m sections marked with
maximum power output in the JS exercise, which can still be cones set at 100° angles, on an indoor court (Figure 2).
considered a substantial amount of power. For both groups, Athletes were required to decelerate and accelerate as fast
the training loads were controlled and adjusted every four as possible without losing body stability. Two maximal
training sessions according to the OPL-based values, as fol- attempts were performed with a 5-min rest interval between
lows: (sessions 1–4) OPL; (sessions 5–8) 1.05 x OPL; (sessions attempts. Starting from a standing position with the front foot
9–12) 1.10 x OPL (Loturco et al., 2015). placed 0.3-m behind the first pair of photocells (i.e., starting
line), athletes ran and changed direction as quickly as possible,
Testing procedures until crossing the second pair of photocells, placed 20-m from
the starting line. The fastest time from the two attempts was
Vertical jumping test retained for analyses.
Vertical jump height was determined using the CMJ. The
soccer players were instructed to execute a downward move-
ment followed by complete extension of the legs. All attempts Statistical analysis
were executed with the hands placed on the hips. The CMJ
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation (SD). To
was performed on a contact platform (Elite Jump System®; S2
analyze the differences in the CMJ, VEL in all distances tested,
Sports, São Paulo, Brazil). A total of five attempts were
COD velocity, and PP JS in both LOPL and HOPL groups, pre-
allowed, interspersed by 15-s. The best attempt was retained
and post-training, the magnitude-based inferences were cal-
for data analysis purposes.
culated (Batterham and Hopkins, 2006). The magnitude of the
within-group changes in the different performance variables,
Peak power in the jump squat exercise or between-group differences in the changes, were expressed
Maximum PP output in the JS was assessed on a Smith as standardized mean differences. The smallest worthwhile
machine (Hammer Strength, Rosemont, IL, USA). Players were change was set by using a small effect size (ES = 0.2) for
instructed to execute two repetitions at maximal velocity for each variable tested (Hopkins, Marshall, Batterham, & Hanin,
each load, starting at 40% of their BM. Athletes executed knee 2009). The quantitative chances of finding differences in the
flexion until the thigh was parallel to the ground (~100° knee variables tested were assessed qualitatively as follows: <1%,
angle) and, after a command, jumped as fast as possible with- almost certainly not; 1% to 5%, very unlikely; 5% to 25%,
out losing contact between their shoulder and the bar. A load unlikely; 25% to 75%, possible; 75% to 95%, likely; 95% to
of 10% BM was gradually added until a decrease in PP was
observed. A 5-minute interval between sets was provided. To
determine PP, a linear transducer (T-Force, Dynamic
Measurement System; Ergotech Consulting S.L., Murcia,
Spain) was attached to the Smith machine bar. The load
corresponding to the maximum PP value was considered as
the OPL and was used as a reference to calculate the loads for
both groups of training. The maximum PP values for the loads
corresponding to the OPL, 20% lower than the OPL (−20%
OPL), and 20% higher than the OPL (+20% OPL) relative to the
players’ BM were retained for analysis.
Sprinting speed
Four pairs of photocells (Smart Speed, Fusion Sport, Brisbane,
AUS) were positioned at the starting line and at the distances
of 5-, 10-, and 20-m. The soccer players sprinted twice, starting
from a standing position 0.3-m behind the starting line. The
sprint tests were performed on an indoor running track. Sprint Figure 2. Schematic presentation of the Zigzag change of direction speed test.
velocity (VEL) was calculated as the distance traveled over The circles represent the positions of the photocells.
99%, very likely; >99%, almost certain. A meaningful difference Table 2 shows the comparisons of the CMJ height, and
was considered using the clinical inference, based on thresh- sprint and Zigzag velocities pre and post the preseason train-
old chances of harm and benefit of 0.5% and 25% (Hopkins ing period. A likely and a possible increase in the VEL 5-m and
et al., 2009). Additionally, the magnitudes of the standardized VEL 10-m were detected in the LOPL group, respectively. In
differences were interpreted using the following thresholds: the HOPL group, a possible improvement in CMJ height, VEL
<0.2, 0.2–0.6, 0.6–1.2, 1.2–2.0, 2.0–4.0, and >4.0 for trivial, 5-m, and VEL 10-m was observed, while a likely increase was
small, moderate, large, very large, and near perfect, respec- detected in the COD velocity.
tively (Hopkins et al., 2009). All performance tests used herein Figure 4 shows the standardized mean differences (ES) for
demonstrated small errors of measurement, as evidenced by the comparisons of the between-group delta changes in the
their high levels of accuracy and reproducibility (coefficient of physical tests performed. No meaningful differences were
variation <5% and intraclass correlation coefficient >0.90 for observed for the CMJ, VEL 5-, 10-, and 20-m, and Zigzag (ES
all assessments) (Hopkins et al., 2009). [% chance] = 0.15 [36/63/01], 0.09 [29/30/41], 0.05 [27/38/35],
0.13 [40/47/13], and 0.42 [70/23/7], respectively). In addition,
the LOPL group demonstrated higher increases in the PP JS for
the −20% OPL and OPL (ES [% chance] = 0.51 [02/15/83] and
Figure 3 shows the comparisons of the PP outputs in the JS 0.59 [01/11/88], respectively) in relation to the HOPL, while no
exercise for the different loads tested pre and post the pre- meaningful differences were noted in the PP JS for the +20%
season training period in both training groups. Likely to very OPL (ES [% chance] = 0.14 [26/29/45]).
likely increases were observed in the PP comparing pre- and
post-training measurements in the LOPL group in the three
loads analyzed (ES = 0.64, 0.68, and 0.54, for −20% OPL, OPL,
and +20% OPL, respectively). Meanwhile, a possible increase The study compared the effects of two different JS training
was noted in the PP JS in the HOPL group for the OPL and the programs (using loads 20% higher or 20% lower than the OPL)
+20% OPL (ES = 0.23 and 0.48, respectively). in elite young soccer players during a preseason period. The
main findings were: 1) despite the use of lower loads, the
LOPL increased power production over the entire range of
loads (−20% OPL, OPL, and +20% OPL); 2) the HOPL improved
power output only at higher loading conditions (OPL, and
+20% OPL); and 3) overall, both training schemes were able
to induce positive changes in athletic performance, with
meaningful and relevant differences between them.
Despite some controversy regarding this issue, several stu-
dies have demonstrated that neuromechanical adaptations are
velocity-specific (Behm & Sale, 1993; Coyle et al., 1981; Cronin
et al., 2001; Kanehisa & Miyashita, 1983; Cormie et al., 2011b).
For example, Brown and Whitehurst (2003) compared the
effects of “fast” (4.18 rad·s−1) and “slow” (1.04 rad·s−1) isoki-
netic training on force and “rate of velocity development”,
showing that significant improvements in acceleration occur
Figure 3. Comparisons of the relative peak power (PP) in the jump squat exclusively at the trained velocity, which, according to the
exercise pre and post the preseason training period in both training groups. authors, might serve to counterbalance force deficits in
The loads corresponding to the optimum power load (OPL), 20% lower than the power production (when considering the force-velocity rela-
OPL (−20% OPL), and 20% higher than the OPL (+20% OPL) were analyzed.
LOPL: lower than OPL group; HOPL: higher than OPL group; +possible, #likely, tionship). Similarly, a study of under-20 soccer players indi-
and *very likely within-group effect of time. cated that increasing bar-velocity during JS (using a system
Table 2. Comparisons of the physical tests pre and post the preseason training period in under 20 elite soccer players.
ES (90% CL) % Chance ES (90% CL) % Chance
Pre Post Δ% rating rating Pre Post Δ% rating rating
CMJ (cm) 44.9 ± 6.4 45.3 ± 6.4 0.9 0.06 (−0.07; 0.19) 00/96/04 43.9 ± 4.3 45.1 ± 3.9 2.7 0.26 (0.04; 0.48) 00/32/68
trivial trivial small possibly
VEL 5-m (m.s−1) 5.12 ± 0.17 5.24 ± 0.23 2.3 0.64 (−0.20; 1.48) 05/13/82 5.03 ± 0.34 5.13 ± 0.22 2.0 0.26 (−0.20; 0.73) 05/35/60
moderate likely small possibly
VEL 10-m (m.s−1) 5.91 ± 0.18 5.98 ± 0.26 1.2 0.41 (−0.25; 1.06) 05/23/72 5.86 ± 0.27 5.92 ± 0.23 1.0 0.23 (−0.19; 0.65) 04/40/56
small possibly small possibly
VEL 20-m (m.s−1) 6.84 ± 0.21 6.84 ± 0.26 0 0.03 (−0.34; 0.41) 14/64/22 6.79 ± 0.25 6.83 ± 0.26 0.6 0.15 (−0.20; 0.51) 06/54/40
trivial unclear trivial unclear
Zigzag (m.s−1) 3.44 ± 0.09 3.45 ± 0.11 0.3 0.04 (−0.62; 0.69) 26/41/33 3.41 ± 0.11 3.46 ± 0.15 1.5 0.48 (0.03; 0.92) 01/13/86
trivial unclear small likely
Note: LOPL: lower than optimum power load group; HOPL: higher than optimum power load group; ES: effect size; CL: confidence limits; CMJ: countermovement
jump; VEL: velocity; % chance corresponds to the probability of finding harmful/trivial/benefical within-group changes in the performance tests.
(Loturco et al., 2017, 2015; Meckel et al., 2014; Mercer et al., 2014;
Taylor et al., 2012). Loturco et al. (2015) analyzed the effects of JS or
half-squat executed at the OPL throughout a 4-week preseason
phase and noted that both exercises were only capable of “coun-
teracting” the speed and power decrements in professional soccer
players. Likewise, Meckel et al. (2014) observed that both contin-
uous and interval training methods induced significant increases in
aerobic fitness in young soccer players after a short-term presea-
son, however, these approaches also lead to stagnation or dete-
rioration in anaerobic performance (e.g., vertical jumps). These
chronic responses seem to be commonplace in various team-
sport disciplines, which, as previously mentioned, may suffer nega-
tive consequences due to the interference phenomenon between
concurrent aerobic and strength-power training (Docherty &
Figure 4. Standardized mean differences for the comparisons of the between- Sporer, 2000; Helgerud et al., 2011; Kraemer et al., 2004).
group delta changes in the countermovement jump (CMJ) height, sprint velo- Importantly, these adverse effects can also hamper the adequate
cities (VEL) in 5-, 10-, and 20-m, Zigzag change of direction velocity, and the
evolution and maintenance of strength, power, and speed capa-
relative peak power in the jump squat exercise using loads corresponding to the
optimum power load (OPL), 20% lower than the OPL (−20% OPL), and 20% cities across the competitive (in-season) periods (dos Remedios,
higher than the OPL (+20% OPL). LOPL: lower than OPL group; HOPL: higher dos Remedios, & Loy et al., 1995; Segovia, Andres, Wong, &
than OPL group; the grey area represents the smallest worthwhile difference
Gonzalez-Badillo, 2014; Taylor et al., 2012), which may compromise
which corresponds to a small effect size (0.2); error bars represent the 90%
confidence limits; #likely difference in relation to HOPL group. athlete performance and increase the risk of injury during matches
(Lee, Mok, Chan, Yung, & Chan, 2018; van der Horst, Smits,
composed of elastic bands) favors adaptations at the high- Petersen, Goedhart, & Backx, 2015). As a consequence, the devel-
velocity, low-force end of the force-velocity curve. In contrast, opment of novel and more suitable resistance training schemes is
decreasing bar-velocity (by adding traditional weights to the a current and critical issue in soccer. Besides its easy implementa-
barbell) during JS favors adaptations at the low-velocity, high- tion (the OPL can be determined by rapidly assessing bar-velocity
force end of the curve (Loturco et al., 2015). Interestingly, in or jump height (Loturco et al., 2015)) and apparent effectiveness
the current study, both training strategies were capable of (Loturco et al., 2016, 2016, 2015), the opportunity to use the OPL as
enhancing power output at distinct force-velocity zones a basis for defining lighter or heavier loading intensities emerges
(Figure 3), which could be a direct consequence of training as a new strategy to enhance the functional performance of elite
with load intensities near to the OPL (i.e., ±20% OPL). soccer players in different training phases (or according to the
Nonetheless, the light-load group (LOPL) improved power athletes’ needs). For example, our data showed that HOPL was
production at all assessed zones (including at the heavier superior for increasing COD speed and CMJ height, whereas LOPL
zone), whereas the heavy-load group (HOPL) increased was more efficient for improving very-short sprint performance
power output only at the OPL and +20% OPL. As previously (i.e., VEL 5-m) (Table 2). To some extent, these results are in
suggested, it is likely that lighter loading conditions elicit accordance with previous studies that found meaningful improve-
greater gains in power-related capabilities, especially when ments in COD speed in team-sport players who trained at (or close
these loads are utilized in ballistic exercises (e.g., JS) (Cronin to) the OPL (Freitas, Calleja-Gonzalez, Carlos-Vivas, Marin-Cascales,
et al., 2001; Newton & Kraemer, 1994; Cormie et al., 2011b). & Alcaraz, 2019; Loturco et al., 2015, 2016, 2016) and greater
Although the mechanisms behind this apparent superiority increases in speed (e.g., 5- and 10-m) in those who executed JS
are unclear, it could be speculated that the higher movement at higher velocities (when compared to a “decreased velocity
velocities achieved with lighter loads may increase the rate of group”) (Loturco et al., 2015). Nevertheless, all these investigations
neural activation (by changing the pattern of motoneuron were carried out over short periods of time (i.e., ≤6 weeks), making
firing frequency) and provoke greater adaptations in the inter- it difficult to determine the long-term effects of training under
muscular coordination by, among other things, reducing the optimum loading conditions. This should certainly be addressed in
coactivation of the antagonist muscles (Cormie, McGuigan, & future studies with longer follow-up periods.
Newton, 2011a; Cormie et al., 2011b). These factors possibly Finally, it is important to note that we employed a restricted
impact the power production not only at the high-velocity number of functional tests including COD, linear speed, and
zones, but across different ends of the force-velocity curve, jump tests, which is a common and consistent practice in stu-
including at the low-velocity, high-force portion. This appears dies involving elite soccer players (Loturco et al., 2015, 2016,
to be an extra advantage in elite soccer, since light-load 2016). However, soccer-specific tasks (e.g., kicking, jumping to
training probably produces lower levels of fatigue than heavy- contest ball possession, tackling, etc.) may benefit from
load training, allowing players to effectively execute their increases in the power output at distinct zones of the force-
technical and tactical practices (Banyard, Tufano, Delgado, velocity curve. These technical and physical capabilities were
Thompson, & Nosaka, 2019; Gonzalez-Badillo, Pareja-Blanco, not assessed in this research. It is probable that the OPL-based
& Rodriguez-Rosell et al., 2015; Pareja-Blanco, Rodriguez- methods used here (especially the LOPL) may positively influ-
Rosell, & Sanchez-Medina et al., 2017). ence these critical game actions, supporting their utilization as
Improvements in sprinting and jumping performance are a novel and promising training strategy for soccer athletes. This
usually small (or even nonexistent) during soccer preseasons research is limited by its short duration (i.e., 4 weeks) and the
use of a single exercise (i.e., JS) in the experimental design. In kinetic and kinematic variables. International Journal of Sports
contrast, the intervention was conducted throughout an actual Physiology and Performance, 14, 246–255.
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ability and ecological validity. We also recognize that (with the 1095–1100.
exception of the PP values and VEL 5-m) the majority of physical Batterham, A. M., & Hopkins, W. G. (2006). Making meaningful inferences
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Pedro E. Alcaraz http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9792-6656 Research, 18, 121–128.
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