Alkali Activated Concrete
Alkali Activated Concrete
Alkali Activated Concrete
Abstract: In order for alkali activated systems to become technically and economically
viable construction materials, a number of technical and economic barriers need to be
addressed. As with Portland cement concretes, issues related to the mix design, curing
and use of alkali activated concrete have to be clearly understood; inappropriate mix
designs will lead to products that are not fit for purpose. This paper reviews two form of
sodium silicate based solution (water glass) at different concentration to assess its effects
on consistence, one major barrier in the use of alkali activated system. Achieving better
control of these parameters whilst retaining appropriate compressive strength
development will help move these promising low carbon dioxide (CO2) binders towards
mainstream use. The results obtained have demonstrated that the change in
concentration of sodium oxide (Na2O) within the activator has an effect on the volume of
activator required for a consistence mix. Additionally the results give indication of the
optimum activator binder ratio and the compressive strength, when compositional design
of the activator is varied. Although the concretes made with the lower concentrated
activator had the highest level of consistence, it could only achieve less than 25% of the
strength value of the concretes made with the higher concentrated activator. Thus the
type of activator to be used will depend on the application of the concrete and the level of
strength required.
1. Introduction
In a bid to reduce CO2 emissions associated with the use of concrete, the cement
industry is providing incremental process improvements and the use of additions such as
fly ash and ground granulated blastfurnace slag (ggbs) in blended cements and
combinations is having some effect. However, significant savings from decarbonation can
only be made by changing the composition of the cement. This is due to the fact that, in
addition to emissions arising from intensive energy use, CO2 is generated from the
calcinations of the calcium carbonate; one of the main components of Portland cement
manufacture. Global data from the European Cement Association (Cembureau) on CO2
emissions from cement manufacture estimates an average of 0.8 tonnes of CO2 per tonne
of Portland cement produced.
Current research on alkali activated technologies indicates a more enhanced
environmental impact than Portland cement. This is due to the fact that an alkali activated
Associate Director,
Senior Lecturer,
Principal Consultant,
system utilises industrial by-products, providing massive savings on energy consumption
and CO2 emissions.
In order for alkali activated systems to become technically and economically viable
construction materials, a number of technical and economic barriers need to be
addressed. As with Portland cement concretes, the key performance requirements from
any binders used in concrete are that they provide good consistence of the wet concrete
and an appropriate rate of strength development.
Actual formulations, hardening characteristics, strength and durability are dependent
on the composition of the materials used, the relative proportions, the formulation of the
alkali activator and the curing conditions; however the exact reaction mechanism leading
to the setting of the alkali activated binders is still being investigated.
The most contributing factor of the CO2 emissions during manufacturing of Portland
cement is as a result of the electricity and energy used in firing the kiln to high
temperatures in the region of 1450°C, and the calcination of limestone and silica. The
chemical equation representing the above scenario can be expressed as:
Where energy consumption equates to about 0.4 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of clinker
(Quillin, 2007).
When industrial by-products such as fly ash and ggbs are used as the binders for alkali
activated technologies, the major source of the CO2 arises from the production of the
sodium silicate-based chemical activator through thermal processing and decarbonation of
sodium carbonate. Information from silicate manufacturers indicates that the CO2 emission
should be less than 0.2 tonnes per tonne of activator.
Whilst fly ash may be activated alone, its use in combination with ggbs allows for the
curing to be done at room temperature, and therefore there is no need for elevated
temperatures which would increase the level of CO2 emissions further.
2. Experimental Investigation
The consistence and compressive strength characteristics of alkali activated concrete
using two different concentrations of alkali activators were investigated in this project. The
specimens for the compressive strength test were 100 mm cubes and these were seal
cured in air at room temperature. A flow table test was carried out on the alkali activated
concrete made from different activators at different volumes.
The same ggbs, fly ash, alkali activators, fine and coarse aggregates were used
throughout the investigation.
Each mix of about 7 litres was made in a pan mixer to produce six cubes to allow for a
7, 28 and 91 days compressive strength testing. The aggregates and the binders were
mixed for a few seconds to ensure all the materials were mixed thoroughly. The activator
was then added and mixing continued for about 3.5 minutes. The concrete was then
subjected to a flow table test before casting into a 100 mm cube moulds that using a
vibration table.
The samples were subject to a standard curing regime involving 24 hours in moulds
under damped Hessian, prior to demoulding, being wrapped in polythene and stored in a
controlled room maintained at room temperature until the test date.
Figure 1: Fresh alkali activated concrete mix
2.4. Flow table test
The consistence of the concrete was investigated using a standard flow table in
accordance with the method specified for determining the flow of fresh concrete in BS EN
12350-5:1999. The measurement of spread was as shown in Figure 2.
It was observed that the concrete made with the less concentrated activator solution
exhibited the highest consistence value, largest flow value, when comparing the volume of
activator used per mix (Figure 4). It can also be observed that the higher the volume of
activator, the higher the consistence value.
The ability to control and increase the setting time of alkali activated concrete needs a
more detailed study and therefore lies outwith the scope of this paper.
activator A1 activator A2
Measurement of spread (mm)
165.00 175.00 185.00 195.00 205.00
Volum e of
Figure 4: Relationship between theactivator/m of concrete
activator type (litres)
and consistence
associated with the activator with the highest sodium concentration, A1. Among the six
concrete mixes, MIX 3 exhibited the highest compressive strength at all testing ages.
Table 5: Compressive strength test results at 7, 28 & 91 days
Volume of activator Compressive strength (N/mm2)
per m3 of concrete A1 A2
(litres) 7
7 days 28 days 91 days 28 days 91 days
205 14.0 27.5 46.5 3.3 4.4 5.8
186 15.5 30.5 49.5 2.8 4.5 5.8
170 17.5 33.8 50.3 4.0 5.3 6.8
activator A1 activator A2
compressive strength (N/mm
7 28 91
Test age (days)
Figure 5: Relationship between strength development and type of activator used
35 70%
Compressive strength (N/mm
activator : binder ratio
0 50%
170.00 186.00 205.00
7 days 28 days activator:binder ratio
compressive strength (N/mm
0 50%
170.00 186.00 205.00
Figure 7: RelationshipVolum
e of strength development
activator/m and
3 of concrete volume of activator (A2)
4. Conclusion
The overall analysis has demonstrated that when the compositional design of the
activator is varied, in this instance the change in concentration of NaOH within the
activator, there is an effect on the volume of activator required for a mix of a given
consistence and compressive strength. The properties of the alkali activated concrete are
dependent on the type of activator used. The following observations were made during
the investigations:
• The results identified from the research indicates that fly ash in the presence of the
ggbs, which provides calcium to the binders leads to higher strength and quicker
hardening of the concrete within 24 hrs.
• The more concentrated the NaOH within the activator solution, the higher
compressive strength. This indicates that the strength of the concrete is influenced
by the concentration of NaOH.
• The analysis indicates that the lower the volume of activator for the mix, the higher
the compressive strength.
• The consistence value of the alkali activated concrete increased with the use of
lower concentrated activator solutions when compared to more concentrated
activators based on the same volume of activator used.
• Observation of the concrete over time indicates that the consistence reduces much
more quickly with an increase in the sodium concentration of the activator.
• A slump test could not be used for determining the consistence of the concrete.
This is due to the fact that alkali activated concrete fell freely under its own weight
during the slump test.
In summary although the concretes made with the lower concentrated activator had the
highest level of consistence, it could only achieve 25% of the strength value of the
concretes made with the higher concentrated activator. Thus the type of activator to be
used will depend on the application of the concrete and the level of strength required.
5. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to express their gratitude and sincere appreciation to the laboratory
technicians at the Building Research Establishment especially Les White and Clive Tipple,
whom without their assistance this paper would not have been possible.
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