The Effectiveness of Demonstration Method On The Students' Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun
The Effectiveness of Demonstration Method On The Students' Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun
The Effectiveness of Demonstration Method On The Students' Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun
Ita Noviana
English Language Teaching Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Syekh
Nurjati State Islamic Institute, Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Street Cirebon 45132
Speaking is one of important parts in teaching language because it includes one of four
basic language skills. In SMPN 2 Arjawinangun have many problems that students face when
learning speaking as the students difficult to speak English in front of the class.The research used
quantitative method. This research used experimental study. The population was at the 9th grade
students of smpn 2 arjawinangun and 72 students were taken as sample. The data were collected
by using oral test. Futhermore, the data obtained were analyzed by using t-test formula through
SPSS. The result findings shows the achievement after the method higher than before it is 83>53.2
while the students’ ability with teachers’ application of demonstration method was increased with
the average 83 for experiment class and 68.11 for control class. shows that demonstration method
could be one of the appropriate method to help students solve problem in learning speaking.
Theoritical Review
1. Demonstration Method
1.1 The Definition of Demonstration Method
The method is the means used to implement the plan that has been drawn
up in real activity in order to achieve the goal that had been developed optimally.
As stated by (Patel and Jain, 2008): "Method is the process of planning, selection
and grading language materials and items, techniques of teaching, etc." Method
in the learning system has a very important role. The method is used to realize
the strategy that has been set. Successful implementation of learning is very
dependent on how teachers use learning methods. A learning strategy can be
implemented through the use of learning methods. There are several methods of
learning. One method used is the method of demonstration.
According to (Garcia, 1989),”Demonstration method is a method of
teaching that relies heavily upon showing the learner a performance that he
should match or pass after he has seen presentation that is live, filmed or
electronically operated.”
(Petrina, 2007) defines that demonstration is a teaching method based
predominantly on the modeling of knowledge and skills. A form of presentation
whereby the teacher or learners show how something works or operates, or how
something is done.
Based on the definitions above can be conclude that demonstration method
is the ways teachers teach by demonstrating and showing students a process,
situation, event, the sequence perform an activity or a particular object that is
being studied in the form of real or imitation through the use of various media
that are relevant to the subject for easier for students to be creative in
understanding the material. For examples are how to make food, drinks, etc.
1.2 The Advantages of Demonstration Method
There are seven advantages of demonstration method according to
(Barton, et al. , 1976):
1) Demonstrations attract and hold attention; they are interesting.
2) Demonstrations present subject matter in a way that can be understood
3) They convince those who might otherwise doubt that a thing could be done, or
that they themselves could do it.
4) The demonstrations method is objective and concrete.
5) Demonstrations permit the teaching of theory along with practice.
6) Demonstrations yield a high rate of “take” to “exposures”.
7) They aid in developing local leadership.
2. Speaking Skill
2.1 The Definition of Speaking
Speaking skill as the writer in the previous chapter is one of the basic
language skills that has important role rather than other skills due to use for
communication. There are many various means of speaking, as stated by
(Richards, 2008), “The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for
many second-language or foreign-language learners.” So that, speaking is one of
language skill which is very important to be mastered by students in order to be
a good communicator.
3. Procedure Text
3.1 The Definition of Procedure Text
Procedure text is one of text types or genre. There are many kind of
genre in studying a language, but here the writer focuses on procedure text.
A procedure text itself has meaning a piece of text that gives us instructions
for doing something (Jaya, 2012: 26).
From the definition of a procedure text, it has a social function to
describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of steps or
actions. According to (Gerot and Wignell, 1992) that, there are some
examples of procedure text are directions, instruction manual, recipes and
Table 3.1
Quasi Experiment Design
E = experimental class
C = control class
Y1 = pre-test
X = treatment on the experiment class
Y2 = post-test
The test is done twice namely before and after treatment (X) to different
classes, experimental class and control class. The test which is done before the
treatment (Y1 and Y3) called as pre-test, and which is done after the treatment
(Y2 and Y4) called as post-test. The treatment is given only to the experimental
class while control did not get the same treatment. (Arikunto, 2013) stated in
this design we can see the different achievement between the experimental class
(Y2-Y1) with the achievement of the control class (Y4-Y3).
Table 3.4
Scoring Criteria
Score Criteria
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Poor
1 Very Poor
Source: Based on the theories of (Hughes, 2003) and (Brown, 2006) that have been
modified by the researcher.
Mx – My
to =
SEMx – My
to = tobservasi
Mx–My = mean of experiment group and control group
SEMx – My = standard error mean sample of experiment group and control group
df = degrees of freedom
N1 = sample of subject experiment group
N2 = sample of subject control group
df = 70 (see the table of “t” values at the degree of significant of 5% and 1%).
The researcher uses the value to 70 as degree of freedom (df). The value of 70
mentioned in the table of “t” as follows:
t-table(tt) at significance 5% = 2.00
t-table(tt) at significance 1% = 2.65
Based on the calculation above, it is known that the result of t-test from
control group and experiment group is 33.6, the degree of freedom is 70 (see the
table of “t” values at the degree of significant of 5%). The value of 70 mentioned
in the table of (ttable 5% = 2.00 and 1% = 2.65), so 2.00<33.6>2.65. It means that
to higher that tt (to>tt) and Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So, there is
positive and significant effect of teacher’s application of demonstration method
on student’ speaking skill.
2. Discussion
Based on the result of the study, the following interpretations and
discussions are presented to strength the value of the study. First, the result of
the study showed a statistically significant difference in speaking skill
achievement between the students who were taught application of
demonstration method and those who were not. It was proven by the mean
score posttest of experimental group (83) was higher than the mean score
posttest of control group (68.11). It was also assumed that demonstration
method gave significant contribution in increasing students’ speaking skill.
Second, the alternative hypothesis claimed that demonstration method is
effective for teaching speaking skill which is marked by the successful learning
and students’ mastery. It could strength the previous theory which state by
Garcia (1989: 109), ”demonstration method is a method of teaching that relies
heavily upon showing the learner a performance that he should match or pass
after he has seen presentation that is live, filmed or electronically operated.”
demonstration can be an effective way to teach speaking and improves the
students in speaking.
Third, the null hypothesis which claimed that demonstration method is
an effective for learning speaking skill is proven. So the result of this result
received. In conclusion, this method is effective for teaching speaking skill,
because it has many benefits for students and make the teaching process more
active and interested. Students more interested, they feel easy to understand
the meaning of vocabulary which they speaking. Because exactly students
difficult to can speaking same with native speaker which students fell more
difficult to understand. Then, demonstration method can help the students to
increase their knowledge, easy to learn English especially speaking.
2. Suggestion
a. For Teacher
The English teachers should give authentic models and construc
assignment that allow students to get them contex, not just merely giving
reading text. The finding showed that students were interested with
demonstration method in speaking activity.
b. For Students
The students should motivate themselves to learn English more serious
not only during the lesson in the classroom but also outside the classroom as
well. As the finding showed that the students’ speaking ability was
interested after demonstration method was applied which gave students
more chances and practices to speak their idea spontaneously.
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