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The Effectiveness of Demonstration Method On The Students' Speaking Skill at The Eighth Grade of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun

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Ita Noviana
English Language Teaching Department, Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Syekh
Nurjati State Islamic Institute, Perjuangan By Pass Sunyaragi Street Cirebon 45132

e-mail: itanoviana92@gmail.com


Speaking is one of important parts in teaching language because it includes one of four
basic language skills. In SMPN 2 Arjawinangun have many problems that students face when
learning speaking as the students difficult to speak English in front of the class.The research used
quantitative method. This research used experimental study. The population was at the 9th grade
students of smpn 2 arjawinangun and 72 students were taken as sample. The data were collected
by using oral test. Futhermore, the data obtained were analyzed by using t-test formula through
SPSS. The result findings shows the achievement after the method higher than before it is 83>53.2
while the students’ ability with teachers’ application of demonstration method was increased with
the average 83 for experiment class and 68.11 for control class. shows that demonstration method
could be one of the appropriate method to help students solve problem in learning speaking.

Keywords: Demonstration method, Speaking Skills.

The Background of the Problem

Speaking is very important because by mastering speaking skill, students can
carry out conversations with others, give the ideas and exchange the information
with others. As stated by (Nashruddin, 2013): “The speaking skill is the first skill
that learners want to master.” Teaching English speaking is the process of giving the
English lesson, from the teacher to the students based on the material from the
syllabus of the certain school, in order that the students are able to absorb it and they
communicated by using English orally.
Speaking is one of important parts in teaching language because it can be used
for the student to express their ideas orally in foreign language. Without speaking
skill they just keep silent. In order to speak well, they must practice their skill in
everyday life. (Harmer, 2001) states that, “Without speaking, you don’t understand
what the speaker is saying, by looking confused scratching your head in confusion,
etc”. Speaking is useful for language acquisition that is provided students more or
less understand what they speak, the more they speak, the better they get it.
Learning speaking at eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun,
students difficult to understand meaning what teacher say because students lack in
vocabulary and knowledge of grammar with the result that the students are still
passive in learning speaking. Therefore, the teachers should have method or
technique to solve the problems which faced by students. Teachers can make class
more effective when activity in the classroom so that students can easy and confident
learning speaking by using English.
In the learning speaking, students should pay attention in the pronunciation,
vocabulary, grammar, fluency and comprehension. When students speak foreign
language but still get difficult in the mastery vocabulary and grammar it is
impossible have a good skill in speaking. To solve the problems at eighth grade
students of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun researcher used demonstration method to get
achievement in learning speaking especially in procedure text. In this method
students can see the step by step directly from the teacher with the clear
pronunciation. Students feel easy to understand meaning of vocabulary and
communicative each other. So students should attention when see and listen teacher
in order to students can get the information and meaning.
Therefore, the teacher should use the method that can help students to solve
problems in speaking skill. The teacher actually has one important role in decreasing
the problems above. One way is teacher can make students interested in using things
and pictures as a learning process. One of the teaching methods in teaching speaking
is demonstration method. “A demonstration is a teaching method for modeling
knowledge and skills related to the effective use or operation of applications,
experiments, tools, machines, instruments, and processes” (Petrina, 2007). As stated
by (Katona in Turk, 2003), “Showed that a method of teaching a manual skill which
used only words was less effective than a demonstration.”
Based on the statement above, demonstrasion method is a method that uses a
visual aids in the learning process for get attention because visual aids have a
greater impact than words alone. On the other hand Turk (2003: 2) said that, “We
must think carefully about the limitations of visual aids, as well as their virtues. The
reason why aids cannot do everything by themselves is that personal contact between
the sender and the receiver of the message is an important part of communication.”
From some opinion above, it can be concluded that there is a contradiction between
the influence of demonstration method in the learning process of speaking skill that
need to be done further research to test the effectiveness of the demonstration

Theoritical Review
1. Demonstration Method
1.1 The Definition of Demonstration Method
The method is the means used to implement the plan that has been drawn
up in real activity in order to achieve the goal that had been developed optimally.
As stated by (Patel and Jain, 2008): "Method is the process of planning, selection
and grading language materials and items, techniques of teaching, etc." Method
in the learning system has a very important role. The method is used to realize
the strategy that has been set. Successful implementation of learning is very
dependent on how teachers use learning methods. A learning strategy can be
implemented through the use of learning methods. There are several methods of
learning. One method used is the method of demonstration.
According to (Garcia, 1989),”Demonstration method is a method of
teaching that relies heavily upon showing the learner a performance that he
should match or pass after he has seen presentation that is live, filmed or
electronically operated.”
(Petrina, 2007) defines that demonstration is a teaching method based
predominantly on the modeling of knowledge and skills. A form of presentation
whereby the teacher or learners show how something works or operates, or how
something is done.
Based on the definitions above can be conclude that demonstration method
is the ways teachers teach by demonstrating and showing students a process,
situation, event, the sequence perform an activity or a particular object that is
being studied in the form of real or imitation through the use of various media
that are relevant to the subject for easier for students to be creative in
understanding the material. For examples are how to make food, drinks, etc.
1.2 The Advantages of Demonstration Method
There are seven advantages of demonstration method according to
(Barton, et al. , 1976):
1) Demonstrations attract and hold attention; they are interesting.
2) Demonstrations present subject matter in a way that can be understood
3) They convince those who might otherwise doubt that a thing could be done, or
that they themselves could do it.
4) The demonstrations method is objective and concrete.
5) Demonstrations permit the teaching of theory along with practice.
6) Demonstrations yield a high rate of “take” to “exposures”.
7) They aid in developing local leadership.

1.3 The Guiding Principles of Demonstration Method

Guiding principles for demonstration method according to Vaughn and
Mays in (Petrina, 2007):
1) The demonstration should be timed as to meet the immediate needs of the
class with the work at hand.
2) The demonstration must present a single fundamental use, procedure or
general fact (should leave a single strong, indelible impression in the minds
of the students).
3) The demonstration must be brief.
4) The work of the demonstration must be creatively and skillfully done.
5) The whole performance must be accompanied by concise and discriminating
questioning and by a clear, accurate statement or discussion of the vital
points involved in the demonstration.
6) The demonstration and accompanying questions must not be confused by
discussions of various related matters. Do not confuse the demonstration with
subsequent discussions of details or content.

1.4 The Steps of Using Demonstration Method

All of the steps involve in project method are adopted in the demonstration
method (Belen in Garcia,1989). It has five which are as follow:
1) Purposing: the class decides on an activity which involves the process of
demonstration. The teacher may suggest it but he should not impose it on
them, he may encourage them to go through with it but he should not dictate
it on them;
2) Planning : this phrase consist of the demonstration, the person or persons to
conduct it, the materials to be needed, and the date, time, and place the
3) Demonstration proper: before the demonstration is done, all the preliminaries
should have been prepared material-wise, procedure-wise, and the class room
physical arrangement;
4) Executing: students are expected to performance shown during the activity.
During this phrase, the teacher should keep close watch of the student
performance for they may likely need his assistance and further explanation;
5) Evaluation: this is done to assess how successful the students are in following
certain instructions, in duplicating an observed performance, and in showing.

2. Speaking Skill
2.1 The Definition of Speaking
Speaking skill as the writer in the previous chapter is one of the basic
language skills that has important role rather than other skills due to use for
communication. There are many various means of speaking, as stated by
(Richards, 2008), “The mastery of speaking skills in English is a priority for
many second-language or foreign-language learners.” So that, speaking is one of
language skill which is very important to be mastered by students in order to be
a good communicator.

2.2 The Components of Speaking

according to (Brown, 2001), there are five components are generalyiation
recognized in analyses of the speech process: pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Here are scoring categories of speaking,
such as:
1) Comprehension
First, within the scope of his very limited language experience, can
understand questions and statements if delivered with slowed speech
repetition, or paraphase. Second, can get the gist of most conversations of non-
technical subject. Third, comprehension is quite complete at a normal rate or
speech. Fourth, can understand any conversation within the range of his
experince. And the last, equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
2) Grammar
First, errors in grammar are frequent, but speaker can be understood
by a native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his
language. Second, can usually handle elementary construction quite accurately
but does not have throught or confident control of the grammar. Third, control
of grammar is good. Able to speak the language with sufficient structural
accuracy to participate effectively in most formal and informal conversations
practical. Fourth, able to use the language accurately on all levels normally
pertinent to professional needs. Errors in grammar are quite rare. And the last,
equivalent to that of an educated native speaker.
3) Vocabulary
First, speakinng vocabulary inadequate to express anything but the
most elementary needs. Second, has speaking vocabulary sufficient to express
himself simply with some circumlocutions. Third, able to speak the language
with sufficient vocabulary to participate effectively in most formal and informal
conversations practical. Vocabulary is board enough that he rarely has to grope
for a word. Fourth, can understand and participate in any conversation within
the range of degree of precision of vacabulary. And the last, speech on all levels
is fully accepted by educated native speakers in ll features including breadth of
4) Pronunciation
First, errors in pronunciation are frequent but can be understood by a
native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his
language. Second, accent i intelligible though often quite faulty. Third, errors
never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native speaker.
Accent may be obviously foreign. Fourth, errors in pronunciation are quite rare.
And the last, equivalent to and fully accepted by educated native speaker.
5) Fluency
First, no specific fluency description. Refer to other four language areas
for implied of fluency. Second, can handle with confidence. Third, can discuss
particular interests of competence with reasonable ease. Rarely has to grope for
words. Fourth, able to use the language fluently on all levels normally
pertinent to professional needs. And the last, has complete fluency in the
language such that his speech is fully accepted by educated native speaker.
The five components of speaking skill above have important role in
speaking. While in this study, researcher did not give score on all items showed
but created the scoring rubric to be as simple as possible because the students’
speaking ability was low.
2.3 Types of Classroom Speaking Performance
There are six categories apply to the kinds of oral production that students
are expected to carry out in the classroom according to (Brown, 2001):
1) Imitative
A very limited portion of classroom speaking time may legitimately be
spent generating “human tape recorder” speech, where, for example, learners
practice an intonation contour or try to pinpoint a certain vowel sound.
Imitation of this kind is carried out not for the purpose of meaningful
interaction, but for focusing on some particular element of language form.
2) Intensive
Intensive speaking goes one step beyon imitative to include any speaking
performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical
aspect of language. Intensive speaking can be self-initiated or it can even form
part of some pair activity, where learners are “going over” certain forms of
3) Responsive
A good deal of student speech in the classroom is responsive; short replies
to teacher or student-initiated questions or comments.
4) Transactional (dialogue)
Transactional language, carried out for the purpose of conveying or
exchanging specific information, is an extended form of responsive language.
5) Interpersonal (dialogue)
Interpersonal language carried out more fun the purpose of maintaining
social relationships than for the transmission of facts and information.
6) Extensive (monologue)
Finally students at intermediate to advance levels are called on to give
extended monologues in the form of oral reports, summaries, or short speeches.
Brown (2003:142) also added there are micro- and macroskills of speaking. The
list of speaking skills can be drawn up for the purpose that is to serve as a
taxonomy of skills from which you will select one or several that will become
the objective(s) of an assessment task. The microskills refer to producing the
smaller chunks of language such as phonemes, morphemes, words, collocations
and phrasal units. Then the Macroskills imply the speaker’s focus on the large
elements: fluency, discourse, function, style, cohesion, nonverbal
communication and strategic options. The micro- and macroskills total roughly
16 different objectives to assess in speaking.

3. Procedure Text
3.1 The Definition of Procedure Text
Procedure text is one of text types or genre. There are many kind of
genre in studying a language, but here the writer focuses on procedure text.
A procedure text itself has meaning a piece of text that gives us instructions
for doing something (Jaya, 2012: 26).
From the definition of a procedure text, it has a social function to
describe how something is accomplished through a sequences of steps or
actions. According to (Gerot and Wignell, 1992) that, there are some
examples of procedure text are directions, instruction manual, recipes and

3.2 The Generic Structure of Procedure Text

According to (Jaya, 2012) stated that procedure text also has generic
structures, there are as follow:
1. An introduction statement that give the aim or goal.
2. A list at the material that will be needed for completing the
3. A sequence of steps in the order they need to be done.

3.3 Grammatical Feature of Procedure Text

(Knapp and Watkins, 2005) state that there are some grammatical
features of procedure such as:
3.3.1 Action verbs:
Action verb are used in instruction to represent the process involved
in the completing a task; for example: spread butter on the bread evenly and
put the
other loaf or bread on top.
3.3.2 Simple present tense:
Verbs are in the simple present tense to create a sense of
timelessness. They are also stated as imperatives, for example: spread the
better evenly and don’t forget in tomato and cucumber.
3.3.3 Adverbs:
Adverbs are often used to qualify verbs and provide extra information
about how a task should be complete, for example: spread butter on the
bread evenly.
3.3.4 Temporal connectives:
Temporal connectives are used in procedural instructions to ensure
processes are placed in the correct order of time, for example: First of all,
spread butter on the bread evenly; then, put in the lettuce; finally, put the
other loaf or bread on top.
3.3.5 Conditional connectives:
Conditional connectives are used to provide a premise upon which a
command or statement is based, for example: If you spread the butter
evenly, there won’t be any lump.

The Methodology of the Research

1. The Objective of the Research
Based on the questions of the research above, the researcher formulated
the objective of the research is to find out the effectiveness of demonstration
method on students’ speaking skill at the eighth grade students of SMPN 2

2. The Variables of the Research

The research consist of two variables such as independent variable and
dependent variable. (Lodico, et.al., 2006) stated that the independent variable
that refers to how participants are treated. Participants are usually assigned to
different groups that receive different treatments. The independent variable
might be curriulum material (e.g., skill-based readers versus literture,
instructional style (e.g., group learning versus individual) or specialized
training (e.g., receiving training or not). Dependent variable is outcome of the
study which is typically measured by some test or measuring treatment
instruments that produces quantitative data. In addition, (Freankel and Wallen,
2009) state that, “experimental study, researchers look at the effect(s) of at least
one independent variable on one or more dependent variables.” The research has
two variables. They are speaking skill as dependent variable and demonstration
method as independent variable. The subject of the research is the eighth grade
students of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun as the sample of the research.
3. Research Technique
Based on the statement above, the researcher using Quasi-Experimental.
To collect data, two groups were used. They are experiment and control group
were given a pretest and posttest and sample which use both of them obtained
by not random which technique to represent population. (Sugiyono, 2009)
mention the quasi experiment design, as below:

Table 3.1
Quasi Experiment Design

Class Pretest Variable Posttest

E Y1 X Y2
C Y1 - Y2

E = experimental class
C = control class
Y1 = pre-test
X = treatment on the experiment class
Y2 = post-test
The test is done twice namely before and after treatment (X) to different
classes, experimental class and control class. The test which is done before the
treatment (Y1 and Y3) called as pre-test, and which is done after the treatment
(Y2 and Y4) called as post-test. The treatment is given only to the experimental
class while control did not get the same treatment. (Arikunto, 2013) stated in
this design we can see the different achievement between the experimental class
(Y2-Y1) with the achievement of the control class (Y4-Y3).

4. The Population and Sample of the Research

4.1 Population
(Freankle, et.al., 2011) state that, “population is the group to which the
result of the study is intended to apply”. Therefore, population is all of the
people inhabiting a specified area, and the total number of inhabitants
constituting a particular race, class, or group in a specified area. The
population of the study is all of eighth grade of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun. There
are 6 classes and total of population are 215 students.

5. The Method of the Research

This research is quantitative research. A stated by (Mickey, 2005),
“Quantitative research can be conceptually divided into two types: associational
and experimental.” So, the writer uses experimental design in carrying out the
research. Experimental design is used in this study for doing and also for
collecting the data. According to (Fraenkle and Wallen, 2008) definition
experimental research as follows: “Experimental research is one of the most
powerful research methodologies that researcher can use of the many types of
research that might be used, the experiment is the best way to establish cause-
and-effect relationships among variables.” It means that the data cannot be
manipulated and must be aware of the factors that can influence the outcome
and remove the study in such a way. It can establish a logical association
between manipulated factors and observed the effect.
6. The Techniques of Collecting Data
In this research, the researcher only used the test as the technique of
collecting data. According to (Arikunto, 2013), “Test is as a tool to measure the
skill, intelligence, knowledge or ability that has of individual or groups”.
The researcher will give the test before treatment as a pre-test and post-
test for control and experiment class:
a) Pre-test
To know the teacher and students’ roles in teaching pattern of
demonstration, it was important to know teaching activities. The researchers
explained about text procedure then shows samples of food products (instant
noodles) to the students to know the ability of students to master the vocabulary
and grammar. In this research, the writer gives oral test to students after they
learned vocabulary and grammar used in the making instant noodles. This
activity was done for 5 meetings included pre and post-test.
b) Treatment
The treatment was conducted after the administration of the pre-test. The
total of the meetings were 5 meetings including the pre-test and post-test, so the
number of the treatments were 3 meetings. The students as experimental group
(class F) who have been taught English by teacher through demonstration
mehod as treatment. The students as control group (class C) who have been
taught English by the teacher without demonstration method or as usual process
c) Post-Test
After giving the treatment, the post test was given to the experimental
and control group. In evaluation activity done by the researcher after presented
the material. Oral test conducted to know the speaking skill of students through
demonstration method. It was intended to find out the mean scores of
experimental and control groups. From the pre-test and post-test are obtained
the average score of the students. In the following the guidance of score criteria
by (Hughes, 2003).

Table 3.4
Scoring Criteria
Score Criteria
5 Excellent
4 Good
3 Average
2 Poor
1 Very Poor
Source: Based on the theories of (Hughes, 2003) and (Brown, 2006) that have been
modified by the researcher.

7. The Techniques of Analysis Data

In this research, the researcher analyzes the data based on the result of
the pre-test and post-test. To analyze the data, the researcher applies an
appropriate technique to find out the influence of both variables of this research.
(Wijaya, 2009) defines that statistic analysis divide into two classifications are
descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. The descriptive analysis is used to
describe the variable in this research. The statistics used are mean, standard
deviation, mode, median, range, lowest score, and highest score.
Then, the inferential analysis is used to conclude the hypothesis. The
researcher applies homogeneity, analysis, normality analysis, and npar tests
mann-whitney test to make the analysis more reliable. This analysis is used to
know whether the use of application demonstration method is effectiveness on
students’ speaking skill or not on the eighth grade students of SMPN 2
Arjawinangun in the academic years of 2015/2016.
Since it is an experimental method using treatment and control groups, so
the writer chooses the data analyzes that is started by (Sudijono, 2010). The
formula is as follows:

Mx – My
to =
SEMx – My

to = tobservasi
Mx–My = mean of experiment group and control group
SEMx – My = standard error mean sample of experiment group and control group

The formula of degrees of freedom (dfor db) as follows:

df= (N1 + N2) – 2

df = degrees of freedom
N1 = sample of subject experiment group
N2 = sample of subject control group

The Research Finding and Discussion

1. Research Finding
After doing the research, the researcher would discuss the result of the pre
test and post test has been done. Pre test was conducted without teacher’s
application of demonstration method. While post test was conducted with
teacher’s application of demonstration method. In this study, there are two
variables X and Y, the variable X is control class and the variable Y is experiment
class. Then, to find out how far the significant effect with teacher’s application of
demonstration method on increasing speaking skill at the eighth grade students of
SMPN 2 Arjawinangun.The researcher analyzed the data using T-test formula.
The experimental class was X variable and the control class was Y variable.
The researcher calculated based on the step of the t-test, as follows:
1) Determining Mean of Variable X, with formula:
Mx = ∑X = 1076 = 29.9
N 36
2) Determining Mean of Variable Y, with formula:
My = ∑Y= 640 = 17.8
N 36

3) Determining of Standard of Deviation Score of Variable X, with

SDx = ∑ X 2 = 15.8 = 0.439 = 0.66
√ N √ 36 √
4) Determining of Standard of Deviation Score of Variable Y, with formula:
SDy = ∑Y 2 = 4.45 = 0.124 = 0.38
√ N √ 36 √
5) Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable X, with formula:
SEMx = SDx = 0.66 = 0.66 = 0.66 = 0.11
√N–1 √ 36 – 1 √ 35 5.91
6) Determining Standard Error Mean of Variable Y, with formula:
SEMy = SDy = 0.38 = 0.38 = 0.38 = 0.1
√N–1 √ 36 – 1 √ 35 5.91
1) Determining Standard Error Mean of Difference Mean of Variable X and
Mean of Variable Y, with formula:
SEMx – My = √ SEMx2+ SEMy2 = √ (0.11)2 + (0.1)2
= √ 0.0121 + 0.01
= √ 0.131
= 0.36
2) Determining to with formula:
to = Mx– My = 29.9–17.8 = 12.1 = 33.6
SEMx – My 0.36 0.36

3) Determining t-table in significant level 5% and 1% with df.

df =(N1 + N2) – 2 = (36 + 36) – 2
= 72 – 2
= 70

df = 70 (see the table of “t” values at the degree of significant of 5% and 1%).
The researcher uses the value to 70 as degree of freedom (df). The value of 70
mentioned in the table of “t” as follows:
t-table(tt) at significance 5% = 2.00
t-table(tt) at significance 1% = 2.65
Based on the calculation above, it is known that the result of t-test from
control group and experiment group is 33.6, the degree of freedom is 70 (see the
table of “t” values at the degree of significant of 5%). The value of 70 mentioned
in the table of (ttable 5% = 2.00 and 1% = 2.65), so 2.00<33.6>2.65. It means that
to higher that tt (to>tt) and Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So, there is
positive and significant effect of teacher’s application of demonstration method
on student’ speaking skill.

2. Discussion
Based on the result of the study, the following interpretations and
discussions are presented to strength the value of the study. First, the result of
the study showed a statistically significant difference in speaking skill
achievement between the students who were taught application of
demonstration method and those who were not. It was proven by the mean
score posttest of experimental group (83) was higher than the mean score
posttest of control group (68.11). It was also assumed that demonstration
method gave significant contribution in increasing students’ speaking skill.
Second, the alternative hypothesis claimed that demonstration method is
effective for teaching speaking skill which is marked by the successful learning
and students’ mastery. It could strength the previous theory which state by
Garcia (1989: 109), ”demonstration method is a method of teaching that relies
heavily upon showing the learner a performance that he should match or pass
after he has seen presentation that is live, filmed or electronically operated.”
demonstration can be an effective way to teach speaking and improves the
students in speaking.
Third, the null hypothesis which claimed that demonstration method is
an effective for learning speaking skill is proven. So the result of this result
received. In conclusion, this method is effective for teaching speaking skill,
because it has many benefits for students and make the teaching process more
active and interested. Students more interested, they feel easy to understand
the meaning of vocabulary which they speaking. Because exactly students
difficult to can speaking same with native speaker which students fell more
difficult to understand. Then, demonstration method can help the students to
increase their knowledge, easy to learn English especially speaking.

Conclusion And Suggestion

1. Conclusion
The result findings shows that there were a significant improvement in
speaking skill in the pre-test and post-test. The result was obtained through
comparing means score of experimental class and control class in the post-
test which were 83 and 68.11. In addition, it was proven that the independent
t-test result which depicts that the value of significant or probability was
lower than 0.05 (0.000 < 0.05). Although the scores of both groups was
increased, the experimental class shows greater growth on speaking skill
from the pre-test and pot-test. Thus, the hypothesis proven that there was a
significant effect of demonstration method on the students’ speaking skill at
the Eighth grade of SMPN 2 Arjawinangun, Cirebon. In other word, the
Alternative Hypothesis (Ha) is accepted and the Null Hypothesis (Ho) is

2. Suggestion
a. For Teacher
The English teachers should give authentic models and construc
assignment that allow students to get them contex, not just merely giving
reading text. The finding showed that students were interested with
demonstration method in speaking activity.

b. For Students
The students should motivate themselves to learn English more serious
not only during the lesson in the classroom but also outside the classroom as
well. As the finding showed that the students’ speaking ability was
interested after demonstration method was applied which gave students
more chances and practices to speak their idea spontaneously.

c. For the Institution

The institution should give the chance to make some creations in
teaching English by preparing the facility needed in the class activity, give
the media and facility in order to make better progress achievement of
English, and make teaching-learning more effective.

d. For the future researcher

It has been known from the result of the study that used of
demonstration method can make students effective on speaking skill. It was
an appropriate method in teaching speaking based on the finding that
students’ scores, motivation, confidence and their speaking skill. The
researcher expected that other researchers would do better research related
with teaching English by demonstration method.

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