2017 Diamond Catalog
2017 Diamond Catalog
2017 Diamond Catalog
Table Of Contents
Diamond Antenna
Contact the customer service department for Return Authorization number at 770-614-7443.
Mobile Installation Ideas Pg. 21
Merchandise Return
Items returned for warranty repair must have copy of original purchase receipt and be shipped insured & prepaid to the address listed on back of catalog. More Photos Pg. 31
Return Authorization number must be obtained and written on outside of returned package.
Fiberglass antennas must be carefully packaged to protect their surfaces from scratches and abrasions. Any tampering, cutting or attempted adjustment of the antenna beyond our recommendations may void all warranty.
Wrap metal ends of each antenna section to insure against shipping damage to fiberglass.
If you have any questions, please call Diamond Customer Service Department at 770-614-7443
DO NOT SEND MOUNTING HARDWARE. Loose hardware causes damage to fiberglass sections.
Contact the customer service department for Return Authorization and questions pertaining to returns. 770-614-7443.
For More Technical information, radiation patterns, or installation instructions
Diamond® and SUPER GAINER® are registered trademarks of Dai-ichi Denpa Kogya Co., Ltd. Tokyo, Japan ©2013 RF Parts. All rights reserved. please visit www.diamondantenna.net
2 33
Base Station Antennas Monoband Base Antennas
Diamond Antennas’ base station antennas are in a class of their own. Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Wind Height Conn. Element Notes
For decades they have been tested, tortured, and put through the Rating Rating Phasing
CP62 6m(50MHz) 5.5 500 SSB/200 FM 80 22 UHF 2-5/8l, BW: 1.5MHz A, D
worst conditions possible. And in the end, you have a product that CP22E 2m 6.5 200 70 8.9’ UHF 2-5/8l A
stands head and shoulders above the rest. F22A 2m 6.7 200 112 10.5’ UHF 2-7/8l
F22H 144-174 6.7 350 112 10.5’ UHF 2-7/8l C
F23H 144-174 7.8 350 90 15’ UHF 3-5/8l B, C
Our antennas are constructed using heavy-duty fiberglass radomes, or F718A 70cm 11.5 250 90 15’ N 18-1/2l Coaxial Element Antenna.
heavy-duty aluminum sections, making Diamond Antennas the F1230A II 1.2GHz 13.8 100 112 11.5’ N 14-5/8l
BC920 902-928 MHz 9.3 100 135 5.9’ N 5-5/8l
toughest antennas on the market. F142A 222-225 MHz 5.5 150 135 6.0’ UHF 2-5/8l
Wherever you live, whatever the conditions, a Diamond Antenna is the A. Heavy-duty Aluminum. B. High Power C. Tunable 144-174 with cutting chart. D. Adjustable 50-54MHz
best choice.
Heavy duty
Base Station Antennas assembly
4 5
Dualband Base Antennas Triband, Discone Base Antennas
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Wind Height Conn. Element Notes Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Wind Height Conn. Element Notes
Rating Rating (feet) Phasing Rating Rating (feet) Phasing
X30A 2m/70cm 3.0/5.5 150 135 4.5 UHF 2m: 1-1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l X6000A 2m/70cm/23cm 6.5/9/10 100/60 112 10.5 N 2m: 2-5/8l; 70cm: 5-5/8l, 23cm: 6-5/8l
X50A 2m/70cm 4.5/7.2 200 135 5.6 UHF 2m: 3-1/4l; 70cm: 3-5/8l V2000A 6m/2m/70cm 2.1/6.2/8.4 150 110 8.3 UHF 6m: 1/2l; 2m: 2-5/8l; 70cm: 4-5/8l B, D
X50NA 2m/70cm 4.5/7.2 200 135 5.6 N 2m: 3-1/4l; 70cm: 3-5/8lrepeater version B D130J 25-1300 MHz 2 dBi nom. 200 90 5.6 UHF Wideband Discone A, E
X200A 2m/70cm 6.0/8.0 200 112 8.3 UHF 2m: 2-5/8l; 70cm: 4-5/8l D130NJ 25-1300 MHz 2 dBi nom. 200 90 5.6 N Wideband Discone A, E
X300A 2m/70cm 6.5/9.0 200 112 10 UHF 2m: 2-5/8l; 70cm: 5-5/8l D3000N 25-3000 MHz 2 dBi nom. 200 90 5.6 N Wideband Discone A, E
X300NA 2m/70cm 6.5/9.0 200 112 10 N 2m: 2-5/8l; 70cm: 5-5/8l
X2200A 2m/ 1-1/4m 6.0/7.8 150 112 10 UHF 2m: 3/4l C-Load; 1-1/4m: 3-5/8l NOTES:
X510HDM 2m/70cm 8.3/11.7 330/250 90 17.2 UHF 2m: 3-5/8l; 70cm: 8-5/8l A A. Adjustable 50-54MHz. B. 1/4l rated in dBi C. 2m: 146-148MHz D. 6m: 52-54MHz E. 144MHz up: 200 watts, 6m: 20watts FM, 50 watts PEP
X510HDN 2m/70cm 8.3/11.7 330/250 90 17.2 N 2m: 3-5/8l; 70cm: 8-5/8l A, B
X510NJ 144-147/430-440 8.3/11.7 200 90 17.2 N Optimized 143.5-146.5/428-442 MHz
X700HNA 2m/70cm 9.3/13.0 200 90 24 N 2m: 4-5/8l; 70cm: 11-5/8l B
A. High Power. B. Repeater Version (for repeater use, derate power by 50% )
6 7
Multiband, and HF Antennas Multiband, HF, and 6m Antennas,
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Wind Height Conn. Element and Wire Dipole Antennas
Rating Rating (feet) Phasing
BB7V 2-30 MHz - 250 80 5/22 UHF 2-30MHz (tuner required) no radial vertical Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Wind Height Conn. Element Notes
40m/20m/15m/ 150w (SSB 7/14MHz) 13.1 ft. Rating Rating (feet) Phasing
2-5/8l, BW: 1.5MHz
HFV-5 - - UHF Trapped Dipole
10m/6m 200w (SSB 21/28/50MHz) (length) CP62 6m(50MHz) 5.5 500 SSB/200 FM 80 22 UHF A, B
40m/20m/15m/ 200/400/400 5 band trapped vertical antenna with CP610 6m(50MHz)/10m(28MHz) 5.5/3.4 500 SSB/200 FM 80 22 UHF 6m: 2-5/8l; 10m: 5/8l, 6m 50-53MHz B, C
CP-5H - 80 11.8 UHF W-735 80m/40m - 1.2kW P.E.P. - 85.3 UHF
10m/6m 500/500 SSB trapped “counterpoise” radial elements
75m/40m/20m/ 6 band trapped vertical antenna with W-8010 - 1.2kW P.E.P. - 63 UHF
CP6AR-S - 200w P.E.P. 80 15.1 UHF 15m/10m
15m/10m/6m trapped “counterpoise” radial elements
BB7V Multiband CP6AR-S Multiband Trap CP610 Dualband 6m/10m W-8010, W-735
Vertical Antenna Vertical Antennas Vertical Antenna HF Wire Dipole Antennas
Diamond’s BB7V multiband vertical antenna provides Diamond’s CP Series vertical antennas with trap radials are light
coverage from 2 MHz to 30 MHz without radials. weight antennas, which makes them very manageable during the • The W-Series antennas are very easy to assemble. With stranded
The BB7V has 6 telescoping sections that nest in each installation process and will allow for a simple mast solution. The plastic coated hardened wire with low stretch ratio.
• Heavy-duty aluminum
other with a collapsed length of 5 feet and extends to radials can be mounted 360 degrees around the antenna or • Adjustment elements are provided to adjust each band without
• Overlapping outer shells for added
a length of 22 feet when fully deployed. These sec- concentrated on one side if you need to mount it close to a affecting the rest of the bands.
tions are self locking (no hardware to lose) and can structure. • A completely molded wideband balun enables perfect weather
• Stainless steel hardware
be raised or lowered in less than a minute. For Because of its light weight and the option of concentrating radials proof performance.
• Wide band performance
permanent use, each section can be locked in place to one side, the CP Series antennas could be used in an antenna • W-8010 can be tuned to 75m
• Highest gain
with a single screw. The extreme ease of raising restricted situation where the mast was lowered on its side during • High wind rating
and lowering this 4.5 pound antenna will make it daylight, and raised while operating during the evening. • DC grounded
a favorite for those who have antenna Special Features:
Bands: 40m/20m/15m/10m/6m
Mast diameter accepted: .98” to 2.44”
• Power rating: 150W (SSB, 7/14MHz), 200W (SSB, 21/28/50MHz)
• Length: 13.1 ft. Note: Note:
• Weight: 4.3 lbs
• Connector: SO-239 (UHF Female) CP62 is identical, just Cutting adjustment element
• VSWR: Less than 1.5:1 (within resonant frequency band) without 10m trap coil. will raise resonant frequency.
8 9
Yagi, and Beam Antennas Mobile Antennas
Whether you’re sitting in traffic talking with your buddies on 2m
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Wind Length Conn. Element Notes
Rating Rating (inches) Phasing repeaters, or you scour the HF frequencies, Diamond Antenna has an
A502HB 6m 50-54MHz 6.3 400 (PEP) 80 MPH 37.5 UHF 2 Elements antenna that will fit your needs.
A144S5 2m 144-148MHz 9 100 (PEP) 80 MPH 37.5 UHF 5 Elements
A144S10 2m 144-148MHz 11.6 100 (PEP) 80 MPH 83.9 UHF 10 Elements
A430S10 430-440MHz 13 100 (PEP) 80 MPH 43 UHF 10 Elements From high gain monobands to low profile mag mount/antenna
A430S15 430-440MHz 14.8 100 (PEP) 80 MPH 89 UHF 15 Elements
SS770R 2m/70cm - - - UHF Phasing harness for stacking A, B, C
combos, to quad bands and screwdrivers, there is no
MOUNTING BRACKETS AND STACKING BOOMS comparison when it comes to putting a Diamond Antenna on
KB144 2m - - - - - Side mount boom
KB430 430 - - - - - Side mount boom
your vehicle.
SB144 2m - - - - - Dual antenna stacking boom
SB430 430 - - - - - Dual antenna stacking boom With a wide range of different mounts - magnet mounts, SD330
trunk lid, motorized, luggage racks, and more! -The
A. 2m (144) / 70cm (430) B. Input: SO-239/UHF (F) Output x2: PL-259/UHF (M) C. The SS770R will not work with the A430S15 possibilities are endless.
HF Antenna
Mobile Antennas
Mag/antenna combos & Triband Antennas Pg. 15
A502HB Special Features:
• High Gain • Quality Construction Quad/Multiband, HF-VHF Antennas Pg. 16-17
A430S10 x2 • Easy Assembly • Factory adjusted -
Two A430S10s. Mounted with SB430 Stacking Boom, • Great for base or no tuning required.
and SS770R Stacking Transformer.
portable use Handheld HT Antennas Pg. 18
10 11
Monoband Mobile Antennas Dualband Mobile Antennas
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Impedance Length Conn. Element Notes
Rating (watts) (inches) Phasing
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Height Conn. Element Notes
HF6CL 6m 3 250 SSB-80 FM 86.6 UHF 1/2l Radialess. 50-54 MHz A, B, E
Rating (inches) Phasing
1/4l; 70cm: 1/2l
HF10CL 10m - 200 SSB-70 FM 86.6 UHF 1/4l 28-29.7 MHz A,B,D,E
NR72BNMO 2m/70cm 2.15/2.15 100 13.8 NMO 2m: A, B Black
1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l
HF15CL 21MHz - 200 SSB-70 FM 86.6 UHF 1/4l (21 - 21.45MHz) A,B,D,E
NR73BNMO 2m/70cm 2.15/5.3 100 33.5 NMO 2m: Black
1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l
HF17CL 18MHz - 200 SSB-70 FM 86.6 UHF 1/4l (18.068 - 18.168MHz) A,B,D,E
NR770HA 2m/70cm 3.0/5.5 200 38.2 UHF 2m:
1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l
HF20CL 20m - 200 SSB-70 FM 86.6 UHF 1/4l 14-14.35 MHz A,B,D,E
NR770HB 2m/70cm 3.0/5.5 200 38.2 UHF 2m: Black
1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l
HF30CL 10MHz - 200 SSB-70 FM 86.6 UHF 1/4l A,B,D,E
NR770HNMO 2m/70cm 3.0/5.5 200 40.2 NMO 2m:
1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l
HF40CL 40m - 200 SSB-70 FM 86.6 UHF 1/4l 7.0-7.2 MHz A,B,D,E
NR770HBNMO 2m/70cm 3.0/5.5 200 40.2 NMO 2m: Black
1/2l + 1/4l ; 70cm: 3-5/8l
HF80CL 80m - 120 SSB-40 FM 87.5 UHF 1/4l 3.5-3.8 MHz A,B,D,E
NR7900A 2m/70cm 3.7/6.4 300/250 57 UHF 2m: A
NR22L 2m 6 100 96.8 UHF 2-5/8l B
HF6FX 6m 2.15 250 50Ω 44 UHF 1/4l Base loading B, D
M285S 144-172 3.4 200 52.4 UHF 5/8l C
A. Not recommended for Magnet Mount. B. Grounding required
M285SNMO 144-172 3.4 200 52.4 NMO 5/8l C
M685S 6m 2.15 200 50Ω 52.4 UHF 1/4l B, D
M685SNMO 6m 2.15 200 50Ω 52.4 NMO 1/4l B, D *More dualband antennas on pages 14-15
NR124N 23cm 8.4 100 50Ω 25 N 4-5/8l
1/2l + 1/4l
NR124NMO 23cm 8.4 100 25 NMO 4-5/8l
NR140BNMO 222-225 Mhz 3.8 100 50Ω 36.2 NMO Black
NR920 902-928 Mhz 7 50 50Ω 28.9 N 3-5/8l
A. HF Center Loading Series B. Not Recommended for Magnet Mounts C. Tunable w/ cutting chart D. Grounding Required E. Heavy Duty Foldover
12 13
Dualband Mobile Antennas Mag/Antenna Combos and Triband Mobile Antennas
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Height Conn. Element Notes Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Height Conn. Element Notes
Rating (inches) Phasing Rating (inches) Phasing
AZ504SP 2m/70cm 2.15 50 15.5 UHF 2m: 1/4l; 70cm: 1/2l A, B, C MR73SMA 2m/70cm 2.15/3.4 10 19.5 SMA (M) 2m: 1/4l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet Black
AZ507RSP 2m/70cm 2.15/4.9 50 27.5 UHF 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l C MR73SJ Same specs as MR73SA SMA (F) 2m: 1/4l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet Black
SG7000A 2m/70cm 2.15/3.8 100 18.5 UHF 2m: 1/4l; 70cm: 3/8l A, B MR75SA 2m/70cm 2.15/3.4 35 20 SMA (M) 2m: 1/4l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet Black
SG7500A 2m/70cm 3.5/6.0 150 40.6 UHF 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l MR75SJ Same specs as MR75SA SMA (F) 2m: 1/4l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet Black
SG7500NMO 2m/70cm 3.5/6.0 150 41 NMO 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l MR77 2m/70cm 2.15/3.4 70 20 UHF 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet Black
SG7900A 2m/70cm 5.0/7.6 150 62.2 UHF 2m: 2-1/4l + 1-3/8l; 70cm: 3-5/8l A MR77SMA SMA (M) 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet Black
2-1/4l + 1-3/8l; 70cm: 3-5/8l 1/2l; 70cm: 5/8l, Magnet
Same Specs as MR77
SG7900ANMO 2m/70cm 5.0/7.6 150 62.2 NMO 2m: A MR77SMAJ SMA (F) 2m: Black
NR770HRKS HRKS adhesive backed UHF (SO-239) mount with cable (Page 24) and NR770HB antenna (Page 13). Package combo.
NOTES: NR2000NA 2m/70cm/23cm 3.15/6.3/9.7 100 39 N 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l; 23cm: 5-5/8l
A. Not recommended for Magnet Mount. B. Grounding required C. Spring above base CR320A 2m/1-1/4m/70cm 2.15/3.8/5.5 200/200/100 37.4 UHF 2m: 1/4l; 1-1/4m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l A,B, Black
CR320BNMO 2m/1-1/4m/70cm 2.15/3.8/5.5 200/200/100 37.4 NMO 2m: 1/4l; 1-1/4m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l A,B, Black
CR627B 2m/70cm/6m 4.5/7.2/2.15 120 60 UHF 2m: 3-1/4l; 70cm: 3-5/8l; 6m: 1/4l A,B, Black
A. Not recommended for Magnet Mount. B. Grounding required
SG7900A SG7500A SG7000A AZ507RSP AZ504SP MR73SMA MR75S MR77 NR770HRKS NR2000NA CR320A CR627B
14 15
Quad / Multiband HF-VHF Mobile Antennas Diamond HV7A Mobile Antenna System
for HF/VHF Transceivers
The HV7A is a mobile antenna system with 5 band capability: 70cm, 2m, 6m, and 2 HF bands. Ideal for users of Icom
Model Bands Gain/dBi Max Pwr. Height Conn. Element Notes IC706, IC7000 series and Yaesu FT100, FT857, FT8900 and similar transceivers. Addition of MX62M duplexer couples
Rating (inches) Phasing
HF/VHF outputs to single coaxial connection. Unlike other multi-band antennas, the HV7A has no moving of connections,
10m/6m: 1/4l; 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l
2.15(10m/6m/2m) A, B, C,
CR8900A 10m/6m/2m/70cm 60 50 UHF switches, jumpers, etc. Fold-over hinge allows for easy access into low over-head buildings.
5.5(70cm) D, E
2.15(144/904/1200MHz) Wideband Discone
144: 1/4l, 440: 5/8l
D220R 100-1600 MHz 50 27.5 UHF A
SD330 3-30 MHz - 200 (SSB) 66-73 UHF or 3/8x24 1/4l Center Loading Bands Supplied: 10m/6m/2m/70cm
10m/6m: 1/4l; 2m: 1/2l; 70cm: 2-5/8l A, B, D
2.15(10m/6m/2m) HF - 120
HV7A 10m/6m/2m/70cm 54 UHF Optional Loading Coils: 40m/20m/17m/15m
5.5(70cm) VHF - 200
Optional loading coils for HV7A & MV3A Power, P.E.P.: HF 120w/VHF 200w
HVC7 40m Loading Coil Mount Connection: UHF (SO-239)
HVC14 20m Loading Coil Length: 54”
HVC18 17m Loading Coil Optional HF Loading Coils
SWR: 1.5:1 nominal
HVC21 15m Loading Coil
Suggested Mount: K400 Series
A. Not recommended for Magnet Mount. B. Grounding required C. 6m adjustable D. Heavy Duty Foldover E. 6m and 10m FM only. *For best performance antenna needs to be
securely grounded.
CR8900A Tip: For best performance, make sure CR8900A is securely *Each Band may be independently tuned.
grounded to your vehicle before tuning the 6m and 10m
Antenna designed
portions of the antenna.
specifically for the (Side vehicle mounting recommended in most cases)
Yaesu FT8900.
HV7A top section with
The CR8900A is pretuned to give best bandwidth and VSWR over optional loading coil attatched
the FM portions of 10m, 6m, 2m, and 70cm ham bands when
mounted on the side of vehicle (i.e. trunk lid. Not recommended for
through the roof mounts.) Use K400 or K600 series mounts. SD330 / SD330-3/8 Screwdriver Antenna
The SD330 can be used from 3.5-30 MHz. If using element OPE750 (included) instead of original element, it can be used
D220R Mobile from 7-50 MHz.
Band: 10m/6m/2m/70cm
Scanner Antenna
Quad / Multiband HF-VHF Mobile Antennas
The SD330 includes cigarette lighter adapter for the up and down movement
Assembles in just minutes! switch.
Up - down time: Approximately 50 seconds (3-30MHz)
Approximately 20 seconds (7-30MHz)
16 17
Handheld HT Antennas Cable Assemblies & Adapters
Model Bands Gain Power Length Conn. Description
(relative) Rating (inches)
All Diamond C-Series Cables are made in the U.S.A. The C101, C211 and C213 fit all diamond mounts (except K600). Use of very flexible RG-316
RH205 2m +9 dB 10 9.1 / 52.8 BNC 1/4l Retracted / 5/8l extended. 10 stage telescoping. Mil-spec PTFE Coax. With SMA and mini-UHF connectors, wiring your antenna through tight body panels has never been easier.
RH3 2m/70cm -2 dB 10 1.75 BNC “Black Bullet”, + 120-900 receive, compact design. C101 & NMO,C213 & NMO, C101 3/8C Kit, and C211 all have a special low-loss PL-259 adapter included. C110BNC & C110SMA are great cable
RH519 2m/70cm +3 dB 10 8 BNC Flexible slim design extensions for attatching your mobile antenna to your handheld radio!
RH707 2m/70cm +3 dB 10 8.25 BNC Tiltable whip
RH789 VHF/UHF +6/+9 dB 10 7.9 / 31.7 BNC See information at bottom of page. C101
~ ~
Ideal cable assembly for trunk mount/remote head installations.
RH77CA 2m/70cm +6 dB 10 15 BNC High Gain + Receive to 900 MHz - 6.5’ RG316 - SO-239 UHF base for antenna connection - mini-UHF with PL-259 Adapter
RHF40 2m/70cm +6 dB 10 16 BNC High Gain + Receive to 900 MHz Extremely Flexible.
RHF10 2m/70cm - 6 2.75 BNC Air band 150/300/450/800/900 MHz (rec.)
SRH229 222-900 MHz +4 dB 10 13.75 SMA (M) High Gain, Flexible Whip. For ALINCO DJ-G29T C213SMA
Fits all Diamond K-Series mounts (except K600M)
~ ~
SRH519 2m/70cm +3 dB 10 7.75 SMA (M) Flexible slim design - 13.5’ RG316 - SO-239 UHF base for antenna connection - SMA Male with PL-259 Adapter
SRH789 VHF/UHF +6/+9 dB 10 7.9 / 31.7 SMA (M) See information at bottom of page.
SRH77CA 2m/70cm +6 dB 10 15 SMA (M) High Gain + Receive to 900 MHz
SRHF10 2m/70cm - 6 2.75 SMA (M) Air band 150/300/450/800/900 MHz (rec.) C101NMO
~ ~
- 6.5’ RG316 - NMO base for antenna connection - mini-UHF with PL-259 Adapter
SRH320A 2m/1-1/4m/70cm +3 dB 10 13.75 SMA (M) Tri-band, flexible slim design with SMA
SRH701 2m/70cm - 10 7.5 SMA (M) 2m: 1/4l; 70cm 1/2l
SRH779 2m/70cm - 10 6.3 / 17.3 SMA (M) 2m: 1/4l; 70cm 1/2l, telescoping C213SNMO
Fits all Diamond K-Series mounts (except K600, K540 and K550)
~ ~
SRH805 2m/70cm/23cm -2 dB 10 1.75 SMA (M) Tri-band compact design - 13.5’ RG316 - NMO base for antenna connection - SMA Male with PL-259 Adapter
SRH815 2m/70cm/23cm +3 dB 10 6 SMA (M) Tri-band, flexible slim design with SMA
~ ~
SRH940 6m/2m/70cm +3 dB 10 17.75 SMA (M) Tri-band, High Gain
Replacement cable assembly for K400-3/8C mobile antenna mount. - 6.5’ RG316
SRHF40 2m/70cm +6 dB 10 16 SMA (M) High Gain + Receive to 900 MHz Extremely Flexible.
SRH999 6m/2m/70cm/23cm +4 dB 10 19.5 SMA (M) Quadband High Gain C101-3/8C Kit
~ ~
SRJF10 2m/70cm - 6 2.75 SMA (F) Air band 150/300/450/800/900 MHz (rec.) Upgrades any K400 mount to a K400-3/8C -
Includes 3/8x24 hardware, C101-3/8C cable, and PL-259 adapter
SRJ77CA 2m/70cm +6 dB 10 15 SMA (F) High Gain + Receive to 900 MHz
SRJF40 2m/70cm +6 dB 10 16 SMA (F) High Gain + Receive to 900 MHz Extremely Flexible. C110
NOTES: 10’ RG-8X/Mini-8 coax - mini-UHF (M) to mini-UHF (F)
~ ~
Relative gain is Diamonds performance vs. typical stock HT antennas (rated at 0dB) - The SRJ’s are made for radios with SMA male connetor. (BAOFENG, WOUXON) Use with C101, C101NMO, K400C, K400CNMO, K400-3/8C, K412C. and K412CNMO
~ ~
Telescoping Antennas Combination of C101, and C110 cable assemblies. PL-259 Adapter included
~ ~
omnidirectional, telescoping, folds at base
SRH805 RH3
RH789 Connector: BNC
~ ~
SRH789 Connector SMA (M) 10’ RG316 extension cable for any cable ending in mini-UHF (F) - mini-UHF (M) to SMA (M)
~ ~
~ ~
Length: 7.9” (retracted), 31.7” (extended) 4’ extension cable for existing cables with PL-259. RG58/U cable, UHF Female (SO-239) to SMA Male
Handeheld HT Antennas
6 stage telescoping
Weight: 1 oz.
~ ~
5’ extension cable for C101. RG58/U cable with mini-UHF Male to right angle SMA male
Adapter Description
BNCJ-SMAP For SMA radios to use BNC antennas. (SMA(M) - BNC(F))
BNCP-SMAJ For BNC radios to use SMA antennas. (BNC(M) - SMA(F))
(SMA(F) - SMA(F)) For Baofeng, Wouxon, Quansheng radios SMAJ-SMAJ DIA3824 RFU-645
to use SMA(M) HT antennas. Sleek, low profile.
PL-259 to 3/8x24 adapter Adapts a SO-239 connector to a male or female
R H F10
R H 77
FH F 0
H 2
F1 0
5 9
77 C
F4 40
32 29
Here is a K400SNMO and an SG7900ANMO mounted to the tailgate of a
F23H 144-174 MHz 7.8 350 90 15’ UHF A, B Ford Ranger. (some mount modification may be required for this installation)
Multiple Uses! You can use the
F22H 144-174 MHz 6.7 350 112 10.5’ UHF A, B
SMA from the S series mounts to
X50C2 146-155 / 450-465 MHz 4.5/7.2 200 135 5.6’ UHF / N 146MHz: 3-1/4l; 450MHz: 3-5/8l C Whatever vehicle you have, Diamond Antenna can get a mount, and mobile
plug your mobile antenna’s coax
1/2l-5/8l; Radialess, Less than 2.0 VSWR
antenna to fit your needs!
BC103 143-176 MHz 2.5/3.2 300 135 4.1’ UHF D directly into your handheld radio!
M285S 144-172 MHz 3.4 200 - 52.4” UHF 5/8l B
M285SNMO 144-172 MHz 3.4 200 - 52.4” NMO 5/8l B Need a heavy duty mount for your HF whips?
The K400-3/8C or K400-3/8C2 is the perfect mount for you.
Here is one mounted to the hatch of a Jeep Grand Cherokee
NOTES: 4x4. This mount will take all the abuse you can dish out on
A. High Power. B. Tunable with cutting chart C. X50C2 tuned for commercial freq. Avaliable in UHF or Type N D. No Tuning Required your next off-roading adventure!
Commercial Antennas: High power antennas, such as the F23H, F22H and mobile an-
tennas like the M285S and M285SNMO, include cutting charts which allows you to
tune the antenna into the commercial and marine band frequencies.
The X50C2 is our standard X50, but it is factory tuned for commercial use.
The BC103 is wideband and requires no tuning to work within the given frequencies!
Here is a K9000TM mounted with a SG7500
The possibilities are endless!
Commercial Antennas - Mount Brackets - Antenna Masts
Power: 700w; 1-30MHz 13.5 RG-316 Mil-spec PTFE Coax 13.5 RG-316 Mil-spec PTFE Coax
*Use K400-3/8C2 for front radio installation. • Adhesive cable holders • SMA (M) end connection • SMA (M) end connection
For K400-3/8C use C110 for front radio installation • PL-259 adapter. • PL-259 adapter.
• Accepts “Ground Independent” antennas up to
45” in length
• 0-90° Range. Operates from 12VDC with fused SPM35
cigarette plug. Includes 20’ cable to switch.
• Compatible with Diamond C-series SO-239 Availiable Options:
SPM35: SO-239 base, 13’ 3.5D-2V coax & PL-259
cable assemblies.
SPMNMO: NMO base, 13’ 3.5D-2V coax & PL-259
• Recommended antennas: DPK4-NM-N: Type-N female base, 13’ 3.5D-2V coax & Type-N Male
AZ507RSP, NR770 Series, SG7500A,
• NMO compatible with custom NMO cable from
Diamond Antenna SPMNMO
Adhesive Backed Mount
Deluxe Magnet Mount
3M Adhesive backed for flat surface installations
including glass, fiberglass, and metal.
Specifications: Deluxe low profile magnet mount. Combines the holding power of a
Magnet Mounts
- SO-239 base connection magnet and a vacuum suction from specially designed base. For ease
- Two-axis of adjustment of removal, vacuum may be released by lifting tab(shown below).
- Wing nut for fold-over
Aerodynamic styling, large 6 3/8” diameter, 3/4” tall. Recommended
- 13.5 RG-316 Mil-spec PTFE Coax for VHF/UHF antennas up to 50” in height. Includes a thin mylar
- SMA (M) end connection protective sheet to enhance grip and protect paint.
- PL-259 adapter. Availiable Options:
HRKS: Mount with cable assembly Cable: 13’ RG58A/U and PL-259
Recommended antennas: NR770HRKS: Mount, cable assembly, and NR770HB
NR770HA, NR770HB, AZ507RSP K702M
2m/70cm mobile antenna Suction release tab
24 25
Duplexers & Triplexers Power and SWR Meters
Frequency Power Rating Insertion Isolation Mix Port Model Frequency. MHz Power Min. Power Conn. Notes
Model Port Range for SWR Test
MHz (ICAS) Loss dB dB Connection Connections
MX37 LPF 1.6-470 100 100 .25 45 N-Jack (F) PL–259 / 12” 5D cable SX100 1.6-60 30/300/3KW 20W S0-239
HPF 900-1300 50 50 .45 45 N-Male / 12” 5D cable SX200 1.8-200 5/20/200 15W S0-239
MX214 LPF 140-250 150 300 .3 40 SO-239 PL-259 / No cable SX400 140-525 5/20/200 15W S0-239
HPF 200-225 100 200 .4 40 SX600 1.8-160/140-525 5/20/200 15W S0-239
MX62M LPF 1.6-56 200 600 .2 50 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable SX1100 1.8-160/430-450/1240-1300 5/20/200 15W HF-VHF: S0-239 UHF: Type-N(female) Connectors
HPF 76-470* 200 600 .3 50 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable SX20C 3.5-30/50-54/130-150 30/300 5W S0-239
MX72D LPF 1.6-30 400 1 KW .1 60 SO-239 PL–259 / No cable SX40C 144-470 30/300 5W S0-239 220 MHz uses a correction factor.
140-150 150 400 .1 60 SX240C 1.8-54/140-470 30/300/3KW 10W S0-239 220 MHz uses a correction factor. 3KW+HF only.
HPF 400-460 100 250 .2 60 PL–259 / No cable
SX20C and SX40C- 5W minimum, 10W for best accuracy
MX72A Same specifications as MX72N N-Jack (F) PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
MX72H Same specifications as MX72N SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable Diamond Antenna models SX-100 through SX1100 meters measure forward and reflected
MX72N LPF 1.6-30 400 1 KW .1 60 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable power and VSWR. Compact size makes meter useful for testing both base and mobile
140-150 150 400 .1 60 installations. Illuminated meter, switchable r.m.s. or peak power. SX600 and SX1100
HPF 400-460 100 250 .1 60 N–Male / 12” 5D cable have two directional couplers selectable by switch with LED indicators for coupler I.D.
MX324 LPF 1.5-150 400 800 .3 40-50 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable of two transceivers.
BPF 220-225 300 600 .4 40-50 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable 12VDC @ 50mA is required if illuminated display is desired.
HPF 400-550 250 500 .4 40-50 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
SX Meter Dimensions: 6”W x 2”H x 4”D, 2 lbs.
MX610 LPF 1.3-30 200 300 .2 45 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
HPF 49-470 200 600 .25 45 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
MX2000 LPF 1.6-60 400 800 .15 60 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
BPF 110-170 400 800 .2 60 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
HPF 300-950 250 500 .25 60 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
MX2000N LPF 1.6-60 400 800 .15 60 SO-239 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
BPF 110-170 400 800 .2 60 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
HPF 300-950 250 500 .25 60 N-Male / 12” 5D cable
MX3000 LPF 1.6-160 400 800 .15 55 N–Jack (F) PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
BPF 350-500 200 400 .25 55 PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
HPF 850-1300 100 200 .3 55 N–Male / 12” 5D cable
MX3000N LPF 1.6-160 400 800 .2 55 N–Jack (F) PL–259 / 12” 5D cable
BPF 350-500 200 400 .3 55 N–Male / 12” 5D cable
HPF 850-1300 100 200 .4 55 N–Male / 12” 5D cable
NOTES: VSWR: 1.2:1 (nominal) Impedance: 50 ohm *76-120 MHz Receive only
26 27
Switching Mode DC Power Supply Accessories
GZV4000 and GZV6000 DL30
GZV4000 (40 Amp) Compact Dummy Load
GZV4000 Features: - DC - 500 MHz
• Weight: 8 lbs. - 15 Watts continuous, 100 watts peak (intermittent)
- Connector: PL-259 (UHF Male)
- Impedance: 50Ω
• Size 8.25” x 4.5” x 13”
• 40 Amp continuous rating,
100% duty cycle.
- VSWR: 1.15
- 1.18” diameter x 2.95” length
• Variable Voltage Control 5-15 VDC
• Accepts 95-145 VAC input DL30N:
• Overload & short-circuit protection with Voltage - DC - 500 MHz
Foldback at approximately 42 Amp - 15 Watts continuous, 100 watts peak (intermittent)
- Connector: Type-N Male
- Impedance: 50Ω
(see below for additional features)
- VSWR: 1.15
- 1.18” diameter x 2.95” length
CX Series
Heavy Duty Wideband Coax Switches
Both Models Feature: CX210A: CX210N:
• DC-1000MHz • DC-1500MHz
• Voltage Control Knob has center detent at 13.5 VDC • Circuitry yields high RFI protection from • 1.5KW • 1.5KW
Power Supply
• Overheating protection, with automatic variable speed fan. external sources • SO-239 (UHF Female) • Type-N Female
• Meter Selector allows monitoring of voltage & current • AC line filter for EMI protection
Built in 8Ω, .5W speaker
CX210N Connectors CX310A:
• • Standard 3-wire heavy duty line cord • DC-800MHz
• Access to front panel DC terminals and cigarette lighter • Power indicator & overload indicator • 1.5KW: DC-30MHz
jack; high current terminals on rear panel • Ripple & Noise less than 8 mV r.m.s. 1KW: 30-150MHz
• 1 year limited warranty 500W: 150-800MHz
• SO-239 (UHF Female)
CX310A CX210A and CX210N CX210A/CX310A Connectors
28 29
Lightning Surge Protectors More important info
Model Frequency SWR Insertion Max Pwr. Connector I.W.D.V. I.W.D.C. I.W.R.D.C. Insulating Imped
- Mates With -
Loss Rating - Mates With -
SP1000 DC-1000 MHz < 1.1 < 0.2dB 400w PEP UHF (F) to UHF (F) 1000v 6000A DC350v ± 20% Over 10,000M Ω 50Ω
DC350v ± 20% Over 10,000M Ω 50Ω
PL-259 (UHF Male) SO-239 (UHF Female) Type N (Male) Type N (Female)
SP1000PW DC-1000 MHz < 1.2 < 0.3dB 400w PEP UHF (F) to UHF (M) 800v 6000A Note:
SP3000 DC-3000 MHz < 1.1 < 0.2dB 200w PEP N (F) to N (F) 1000v 6000A DC230v ± 20% Over 10,000M Ω 50Ω Trying to mate the wrong connectors can result in broken center pins, and will void all warranty immediately.
SP3000P DC-3000 MHz < 1.2 < 0.3dB 400w PEP N (F) to N (M) 1000v 6000A DC350v ± 20% Over 10,000M Ω 50Ω For base applications you may order pre-made coaxial cable assemblies, or build your own custom cable assemblies. Availiable from RF Parts Company.
SP3000W DC-3000 MHz < 1.1 < 0.2dB 200w PEP N (F) to N (F) 1000v 6000A DC230v ± 20% Over 10,000M Ω 50Ω Here is a power handling/Attenuation chart for a few popular cables used for base applications:
LMR600 LDF4-50A FSJ4-50B LMR400 Belden 9913F7 RG-213 LMR400 Ultraflex Bury Flex LMR240
Frequency Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten. Pwr./Atten.
10 MHz - 11.35 / 0.205 10.14 / 0.318 - 2.68 / 0.6 2.67 / 0.55 - - -
I.W.D.V. = Impluse Wave Discharge Voltage I.W.D.C. = Impulse Wave Discharge Capacity I.W.R.D.C. = Impulse Wave Retention Discharge Capacity
30 MHz 5.51 / 0.4 6.51 / 0.357 5.79 / 0.557 3.33 / 0.7 2.0 / 0.8 1.8 / 1.2 2.77 / 0.8 2.0 / 0.8 1.49 / 1.3
SP1000: SP3000: 50 MHz 4.24 / 0.5 5.02 / 0.463 4.45 / 0.724 2.57 / 0.9 1.46 / 1.1 1.12 / 1.3 2.14 / 1.1 1.6 / 1.1 1.15 / 1.7
• Dimensions: 2.5”W x 1.6”H x 0.8”D • Dimensions: 3.1”W x 1.6”H x 0.8”D 150 MHz 2.41 / 1.0 2.85 / 0.815 2.51 / 1.285 1.47 / 1.5 0.85 / 1.7 0.60 / 2.8 1.22 / 1.8 0.85 / 1.7 0.66 / 3.0
220 MHz 1.97 / 1.2 2.34 / 0.994 2.05 / 1.574 1.20 / 1.9 0.77 / 1.9 0.45 / 3.5 1.00 / 2.2 0.77 / 2.1 0.54 / 3.7
• Weight: 0.18lbs. • Weight: 0.25lbs.
450 MHz 1.35 / 1.7 1.61 / 1.447 1.39 / 2.314 0.83 / 2.7 0.5 / 3.0 0.30 / 5.2 0.69 / 3.3 0.5 / 3.0 0.38 / 5.3
900 MHz 0.93 / 2.5 1.11 / 2.097 0.95 / 3.396 0.58 / 3.9 0.36 / 4.7 0.20 / 7.6 0.48 / 4.7 0.36 / 4.4 0.26 / 7.6
1,500 MHz 0.70 / 3.3 0.84 / 2.771 0.71 / 4.543 0.44 / 5.1 - - 0.36 / 6.2 - 0.20 / 9.9
2,500 MHz 0.52 / 4.4 0.63 / 3.685 0.53 / 6.129 0.33 / 6.8 - - 0.28 / 8.1 - 0.18 / 12.9
Velocity (%) 87 88 81 85 85 66 85 82 84
Power Handling (kW, +40C, Sea Level, Continuous Duty Cycle.) Low Duty Cycle Transmissions - for less than 50% duty cycle. Power rating may be doubled. Attenuation is dB/100ft
SP1000PW: SP3000P:
• Waterproof • Dimensions: 3.0”W x 1.6”H x 0.8”D
• Dimensions: 3.1”W x 2.2”H x 1.0”D • Weight: 0.25lbs. More Photos
• Weight: 0.3lbs.
Tip: Use plate to easily • Waterproof
wall mount the • Dimensions: 3.1”W x 2.2”H x 1.0”D
SP1000PW & SP3000W • Weight: 0.35lbs.
More Photos
Radiation pattern explanation:
The X50 shows the vertical radiation pattern as if you were standing looking directly straight forward at the antenna.
The A430S10 and A502HB radiation patterns shows the pattern looking straight down at the antenna from a birds-eye view.
SG7900 Series antenna CP6AR Multiband Vertical Antenna K412 mount with an AZ507rsp
For more radiation patterns, and further explanation, please visit www.diamondantenna.net Photo Courtesy: Mike Ayala, K4EQE Photo Courtesy: Ian Wilson, ZL1OGX Photo Courtesy: Joel Alderman, G0URK
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Distributed by RF Parts Company
435 S. Pacific St. - San Marcos, CA 92078
Ph: 770-614-7443 - Fx: 770-614-7480
Email: diamond@rfparts.com