Letter Request To PSA
Letter Request To PSA
Letter Request To PSA
18 January 2019
Our client tried to secure a certification from the Local Civil Registrar of Marikina to verify if
there was indeed a marriage license issued with No.__________ and if indeed it was issued
on ___________. However, the Local Civil Registrar of Marikina cannot provide a
certification as ALL the records in their office prior to the onslaught of typhoon “Ondoy” last
26 September 2009 were destroyed. A copy of the certification is attached herewith as
Annex “A” and made integral part hereof.
Considering that copies of all marriage license applications were furnished to your good
office, we are respectfully requesting your good office to issue a certification regarding
marriage license issued to our client with No.____________ and if indeed it was issued on
ATTY. ___________________