Investigation of Lightning Strike Effects On Wind Turbine Critical Components
Investigation of Lightning Strike Effects On Wind Turbine Critical Components
Investigation of Lightning Strike Effects On Wind Turbine Critical Components
Abstract: Wind energy is a renewable, pure form of energy investigated the effects of such hit in the wind turbine key
that does not contribute on the environment pollution and in CO2 components.
emissions and is inexhaustible. Wind turbines are usually located
at high altitude areas as well as in flat terrains, where there is II. DESCRIPTION OF THE MODEL
usually increased number of lightning strikes that could cause
operational problems in a power plant. Lightning can be Wind turbine under investigation is imported in the software
considered as current source and its main parameters are the platform. Since COMSOL architecture design capabilities have
peak current, lightning current steepness, charge transferred and specific limitations the wind turbine model was used based on
specific energy which are linked with thermal, mechanical and available models in Solidworks platform. The technical data
electromagnetic effects on the affected structure or even live
beings. In the current paper is simulated a large-scale wind have been adapted in COMSOL in order simulations to be run.
turbine and is investigated the impact of a lightning strike on its The focus of the current paper is not to design the wind turbine
critical components focusing on the blades, the nacelle, the tower in detail but to reflect the main components in the software in
and the base. The simulation is executed on a software platform simplified geometry without affecting the accuracy of the
that can extend conventional models of physics into models that extracted results.
solve simultaneously coupled physics phenomena. With the use of
COMSOL software it is simulated a lightning strike which hits
the surface of a wind turbine and is investigated its effect on many A. Blades design
other critical points to understand the risk to which these are
exposed and to prove the necessity of the design of a reliable The design of the blades is very complicated since
lightning protection. It is presented the wind turbine model and incorporate aerodynamic rules while the software that is used
the definition of physical and mathematical models in the
simulated lightning simulation program environment. The does not provide the specific capability. For that purpose, it
assessment is based on specific and realistic scenarios and the was used a generic model of wind turbine blades mounted on
simulation results are presented. The extracts are demonstrated the hub. The blades and hub are depicted in Fig.1 hereto. The
either in 2D or 3D on the geometry of the wind turbine and at length of the blade was considered 24 m. The blade material is
predetermined times. These will drive the proposal of a reliable glass reinforced plastic (GRP) with conductivity () 0.004 S/m.
lightning protection system for the wind turbine focusing on the
most vulnerable points which are blade tips and the back of the At the blade tip the lightning receptors are made by aluminum
nacelle. The simulation results show the importance of material (= 3.77*107 S/m).
continuity and limited changes in the conductors’ direction in
order the reliable protection of the wind turbine to be ensured.
The continuous development of wind energy has led to an
increase of the size of the wind turbines and rotor diameters.
Consequently, wind turbines become taller while these are
operating in areas where the geographical and the
environmental conditions, are such which cause them
vulnerable to lightning strikes. According to [1-2] the high
probability point of attack is the blade and follows nacelle and
tower (side flash). The wind turbine lightning protection
system shall be protected against lightning strikes via lightning Figure 1. Wind turbine blades and hub imported in COMSOL.
protection level I as per [3-5]. In the current paper are
investigated the lightning strike effects on wind turbine basic B. Nacelle design (including hub)
components focusing mainly on the blades and nacelle. For the
investigation, COMSOL Multiphysics software is used based The wind turbine nacelle is designed considering a nacelle of
on Finite Element Method (FEM). It will be simulated a 6-meter length, 6-meter width and 6-meter height constructed
lightning strike that hits a wind turbine blade and will be by three layers. The external layer is constructed from glass
978-1-5386-5086-8/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE
reinforced plastic (GRP) and is of 12 cm thickness. The middle
layer represents the electromagnetic shield of the wind turbine,
is made by iron with = 1.12*107 S/m and is of 2 cm thickness
and the last one is considered the air. Apart from these, the
nacelle is reinforced with a metallic frame for supporting
C. Tower design
Figure 2. Wind turbine tower modelled in COMSOL. missing the equipotential design that is ensured with extended
earthing grid and electrodes. The final wind turbine model in
D. Physics the software is depicted in Fig.3 hereto.
To simulate the generation and propagation of the lightning The wind turbine lightning withstand capability and its
strike on the surface of the wind turbine, we need the AC / DC possible effects is studied with the finite element method by
Module, from which we select the Electric Currents interface. discriminating the model in several segments on which the
Since we have a phenomenon that unfolds over time, we basic mathematical formulas are applied. The more the
choose Time Dependent Study. Then, we select the algorithm discrimination, the more accurate the extracted results. The
with which the problem will be solved. There are two general simulation will use as lightning current Ip=100 kA with
categories of resolution methods, direct and iterative. The waveform 10/350s which is aligned with international
preferred algorithm was PARDISO, a direct type of solver, standards for test and measurements of high voltages. The
which works on generally linear systems of form A * x = b and lightning strike and its effects will be simulated for 1000 s
uses LU derivatization in table A to calculate the solution. while the sampling rate will be 3 s. With the use of software
will be investigated the electric field intensity and current
E. Model considerations density at specific points of the wind turbine.
Close to nacelle
WT yaw system
The results are summarized in Table I hereto: The purpose of this specific simulation is to compare the
TABLE I currents along the lightning path and basically in the down
ELECTRICAL FIELD conductors and to estimate the magnetic field at wind turbine
Ip=100kA (10/350s) specific points. The selected points of the simulation
Point measurements are: a) attachment point between foundation and
Position V/m Result
Tower base – surrounding tower, b) joint of the down conductor and the tower, c) joint of
A 8600 Ground potential rise
Ground and tower base
B Yaw system 6000 High field – risk
C Inside blade 500 Low field – low risk
D Nacelle 0,0001 No field – no risk
Current density (A/m3)
Down conductor
From the simulation results it is extracted that at the tower base and tower
Authors would like to express their gratitude to Professor
Ricardo Albarracín, Dept. of Electrical, Electronic and
Automation Engineering and Applied Physics, Universidad
Politécnica de Madrid, for granting access to department’s
COMSOL Multiphysics platform in order the current paper to
be accomplished.