CBRE Module 1 Part 3
CBRE Module 1 Part 3
CBRE Module 1 Part 3
Then, the conversion of A after 10s = XA = = 0.4 ( 40% of A has been converted)
The fraction of A which is not converted after 10s = 1- XA = 0.6 (60% of A has not been converted)
Integral Method of Analysis of Data
Integral Method of Analysis of Data
• The integral method of analysis always puts a particular rate equation
to the test by integrating and comparing the predicted C versus t
curve with the experimental C versus t data.
• If the fit is unsatisfactory, another rate equation is guessed and
tested. This procedure is shown and used in the cases next treated.
• It should be noted that the integral method is especially useful for
fitting simple reaction types corresponding to elementary reactions
Irreversible Unimolecular-Type First-Order
• A plot of In (1 - XA) or In (CA/Cao) v
s. t, as shown in Fig. 3.1, gives a
straight line through the origin for
this form of rate of equation.
• If the experimental data seems to
be better fitted by a curve than by
a straight line, try another rate
form because the first-order
reaction does not satisfactorily fit
the data.
Irreversible Bimolecular-Type Second-Order
Consider the reaction
Irreversible Trimolecular-Type Third-Order
• Consider the reaction
Develop the Integrated kinetic expression
using Integral method of analysis