Critical Role of Creativity in Research
Critical Role of Creativity in Research
Critical Role of Creativity in Research
Katherine L. Van Aken, doctoral student at A.J. Drexel Nanomaterials Institute, Drexel University
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About 30 years ago, when raw IQ scores judgment, and I said: “Isn't it a shame one of the world’s most pressing issues.
were analyzed, James Flynn discovered that with the tremendous amount of You will never know unless you try.
that the scores had been increasing over work you have done you haven't been Six tips toward increasing scientific
time.1 This led to the “Flynn effect,” a able to get any results?” Edison turned creativity:
on me like a flash, and with a smile re-
concept suggesting that people are get- 1. Knowledge is the basis for which cre-
plied: “Results! Why, man, I have gotten
ting smarter with each new generation. ativity and innovation can develop.
lots of results! I know several thousand
There are many suggested reasons for things that won't work!”
Make sure you are open to learning
this trend, including increased levels new things at all stages of the prob-
of nutrition, longer years of schooling, In science and especially research, getting lem-solving process, since new infor-
and more stimulating environments. it wrong is just as important as getting it mation might be the key to finding a
About 50 years ago, E. Paul Torrance right. Once we are able to accept that our creative solution.
developed a similar test to measure the creative idea might not work, but that is 2. Take a break from the problem state-
creative intelligence of a person (Test okay, we can unleash a whole new poten- ment and let your mind wander.
of Creative Thinking). This test is also tial of creativity and innovation toward Research shows that by giving your
standardized to compare individuals solving the world’s problems. mind time to focus on something
with their peers. Recently at The Col- Knowing that our environment and else or to relax, you free your mind
lege of William and Mary, raw emo- the wealth of accessible information to come up with a newly innovative
tional quotient scores were analyzed are acting against our potential creative idea. In 1869, struggling to organize
over time, revealing that people are skills is only partly helpful. Acknowl- the chemical elements, Dmitri Men-
becoming less creative with each new edging that one can be more creative in deleev took a nap at his desk. While
generation.2 Despite the positive trend the lab is great, but thinking creatively is he slept, his subconscious mind kept
of the Flynn effect, a reverse trend is often a departure from the norm. A good working. In a dream he “saw a table
seen in creativity, suggesting that the example of creative science is some- where all the elements fell into place
technology and ease at which we can thing that has a large impact on the field as required,” and this was the basis of
gather information today has reduced and is simple enough that many people our current Periodic Table.
our need to think creatively. have had the chance to make the same 3. Open your mind. Perceptions and
A major factor that limits one’s desire discovery. For example, the isolation of judgments can limit the information
to take creative risks in their field is the graphene sheets from graphite has both you take in. Don’t let these feelings
fear of getting it wrong. We are repeat- of these characteristics. In 2004, Geim close your mind to a potentially cre-
edly taught that there is a correct answer and Novoselov received a Nobel Prize ative idea.
to every problem, and anything else is for their work, so it was definitely influ- 4. Rewrite the problem in a completely
wrong. Therefore, trying something new ential to the field of materials science.4 different way. You might see the solu-
and creative could seem difficult to sci- On the other hand, it was a very simple tion from this perspective. Or ask a
entists who are used to solving issues solution, consisting of simply cleaving friend for help! Another pair of eyes
with a single focus. However, one of the layers of graphite using Scotch tape. It may be able to see the problem in a
most important discoveries was made was something any scientist could have different light.
after thousands of failed attempts. In a done without expensive equipment, but 5. Try things others are not trying and look
biography3 of Thomas Edison, the author only these scientists did it, making their where they are not looking. Sometimes
interviews Edison’s associate Walter S. discovery creative. So next time when the answer is a creative twist on what
Mallory about these experiments: you are running a routine experiment people have not tried. Don’t be afraid
This [the research] had been going that you have done a thousand times, to be the one to give it a shot.
on more than five months, seven days stop to consider a new way you could 6. Don’t be afraid to get it wrong. Re-
a week, when I was called down to the do it, or daydream about different ap- search is the best avenue for taking
laboratory to see him [Edison]. I found plications that could benefit from your risks because of the freedom you have
him at a bench about three feet wide new materials. But most of all, don’t to solve problems that no one has
and twelve feet long, on which there forget to learn as much as you can both solved before. Edison made several
were hundreds of little test cells that had inside and outside of your field. Do not thousand attempts before he discov-
been made up by his corps of chemists
let the scientific process and busy ex- ered the one that worked.
and experimenters. I then learned that
periment schedules keep you from try-
he had thus made over nine thousand References
ing crazy, out-of-the-box ideas. There
experiments in trying to devise this 1. J.R. Flynn, Psychol. Bull. 101 (2), 171 (1987).
new type of storage battery, but had
is no better time or place to be creative 2. K.H. Kim, Creat. Res. J. 23, 285 (2011).
not produced a single thing that prom- than a research lab. 3. F. Dyer, T.C. Martin, Edison: His Life and Inventions
ised to solve the question. In view of I am providing some tips to increase (Harper and Brothers, New York, 1910).
4. K.S. Novoselov, A.K. Geim, S.V. Morozov, D. Jiang,
this immense amount of thought and your ability to be creative and innova- Y. Zhang, S.V. Dubonos, I.V. Grigorieva, A.A. Firsov,
labor, my sympathy got the better of my tive. Who knows, maybe you will solve Science 306 (5696), 666 (2004).
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