Msc2017 Aess Samples
Msc2017 Aess Samples
Msc2017 Aess Samples
November 2017
Sample AESS Specification To serve as visual examples of each AESS category, AISC
Prior to the publication of the 2016 AISC Code of Standard has developed a set of five small connection sculptures. One
Practice, the most frequently referenced resource used by de- sculpture demonstrates the characteristics of standard struc-
signers in specifying architecturally exposed structural steel tural steel, and the remaining four demonstrate the characteris-
(AESS) was a sample specification and an accompanying cost tics AESS 1-4. The sculptures allow invested parties to see the
matrix, both developed by the joint Steel Committee of the range of possible appearance levels corresponding to the char-
Rocky Mountain Steel Construction Association and the Struc- acteristics of each AESS category. Standardized shop drawings
tural Engineers Association of Colorado and originally pub- for the sculptures have been developed by AISC, with the hope
lished as a supplement to the May 2003 issue of Modern Steel that professional organizations across the country will embrace
Construction. These resources were updated this year. the concept and fund fabrications that can be accessed locally.
The below sample specification builds on the 2003 version, The sculptures were fabricated by Newport Industrial Fabrica-
with the intent of allowing the specifier to more clearly identify tion, and the drawings were produced by The Steel Detailers,
the desired appearance requirements of a project’s AESS ele- Inc. (both are AISC members).
ments. This is accomplished by including coordinated referenc- These resources have been developed with the goal of im-
es to the AESS category system now adopted by the AISC Code. proving the AESS process from conception and design through
Also suggested in the sample specification are requirements for fabrication and erection. The intent is that applicable combina-
a mock-up demonstrating applicable AESS characteristics and/ tion of the sample specification, category matrix, updated Code,
or physical samples to be fabricated and submitted. The 2016 model photos and the preceding article will provide insight
Code requires that a mock-up be provided for all of the AESS regarding levels of achievable appearances, correlated with
categories, and this is repeated in the sample specification. For expected cost ranges, to help owners and architects make in-
AESS Category 1 and 2 elements, the sample specification sug- formed decisions; assist architects and engineers in identifying
gests that the specifier consider requiring either a full mock-up and coordinating expectations; and facilitate the preparation
or samples of specific AESS characteristics. The sample speci- of contract documents that will clearly communicate desired
fication contains a list of nine suggested requirements for the appearances so that AESS elements can be accurately priced,
mock-up, with the objective of ensuring that it will accurately detailed, fabricated and erected.
represent the in-place AESS elements on a project. —Robert V. Leberer, Anderson & Hastings Consultants, Inc.
The updated AESS Category Matrix uses the five new AESS
categories (AESS 1, 2, 3, 4 and C—Custom) with sets of character- Note that both the sample specification below and the cost matrix that
istics specific to each category. It also incorporates a range of esti- follows (page 52) were produced by the Structural Engineers Associa-
mated cost premiums for each category and characteristic within, tion of Colorado and Rocky Mountain Steel Construction Association
which are based on a recent survey of participating fabricators. Steel Liaison Committee. They are not products of AISC.
40 NOVEMBER 2017
From left to right: Standard structural steel (SSS), AESS 1, AESS 2, AESS 3 and AESS 4.
Sample Specification, Section 05 12 13: Editor’s Note: Narratively describe the areas on the drawings that
Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel have been designated as AESS 1, AESS 2, AESS 3, AESS 4 and
AESS C. Delete sentences where the AESS category is not used for
the project. The specifier may consider using AESS C. Refer to the
1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS Editor’s Note to Section 1.3.
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, B. Related Sections: The following Sections contain
including General and Supplementary Conditions and requirements that relate to this Section:
Division 1 Specification Sections, apply to the Section.
1. Division 1
a. Section 01 22 00 “Submittal Procedures”
Editor’s Note: It is critical to define to the bidders what members will for Fabrication Documents, Product Data,
be considered as Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (AESS) and Samples
and what category of AESS applies to each area. Furthermore,
b. Section 01 43 00”Quality Assurance” for
any variations to the requirements of the American Institute of
fabricator and installer qualifications independent
Steel Construction (AISC) Code of Standard Practice for Steel
testing agency procedures and administrative
Buildings and Bridges ANSI/AISC 303-16 (COSP) must be
spelled out. Delete references to AESS categories not required for
the project. c. Section 01 45 00 “Quality Control” for Source and
Field quality control requirements.
A. This Section includes requirements regarding the
appearance and surface preparation of Architecturally 2. Division 5 Sections 05 12 00 “Structural Steel
Exposed Structural Steel (AESS). Refer to Division 5 Framing “Sections 05 20 00 “Steel Joist Framing”
Section “Structural Steel” for all other requirements for metal joist requirements.
regarding steel work not included in this Section.
Editor’s Note: Address alignment and location of bridging where
Requirements of Section 05 12 23 also apply to material
joists are visible in Division 5 Section “Open Web Metal Joists.”
covered under this Section.
This Section applies to any members noted on 3. Division 5 Sections 05 30 00 “Metal Decking” for
Architectural [and Structural] drawings as AESS 1, AESS erection requirements relating to exposed steel
2, AESS 3, AESS 4 and AESS C; and in the areas defined decking and its connections
as AESS below.
Editor’s Note: Address fastener spacing and weld show through in
1. The following structural steel elements and connections areas where decking is visible in the finished structure. Coordinate
are to be supplied and erected per AESS 1: paint system requirements with that of AESS.
2. The following structural steel elements and connections 4. Division 5 Sections 05 50 00 “Metal Fabrications”
are to be supplied and erected per AESS 2: for loose steel bearing plates and miscellaneous
steel framing.
3. The following structural steel elements and connections
are to be supplied and erected per AESS 3: 5. Division 9 Sections 09 97 00 “Special Coatings” for
finish coat requirements and coordination with primer
4. The following structural steel elements and connections
and surface preparation specified in this Section.
are to be supplied and erected per AESS 4:
5. The following structural steel elements and connections
are to be supplied and erected per AESS C:
AESS 3: Joint gap tolerances minimized, butt and plug welds AESS 4: Surfaces filed and sanded.
ground smooth and filled.
42 NOVEMBER 2017
SSS: Weld backing bar in place and non-uniform welds. AESS 1: Welds uniform and smooth and backing bars removed.
6. Clearly indicate which surfaces or edges are exposed a. Approved mockups in an undisturbed condition at
and what class of surface preparation is being used. the time of Substantial Completion may become
part of the completed work.
7. Indicate special tolerances and erection requirements
as noted on the drawings or defined herein. Editor’s Note: The contract documents (architectural drawings)
need to indicate the framing to be submitted as a mock up. The
8. Indicate vent or drainage holes for HSS members.
Architect must define the size and extent of the pieces required
D. Mock Up: Provide mock ups of the nature and extent and what specific finishes must be demonstrated. The typical
indicated on the contract documents. mock up is a standalone item that is not incorporated into the
final work. However, the specifier may designate a larger mock
1. Locate mockups on-site or in the fabricator’s shop as
up that is incorporated into the final work. This intent must be
directed by Architect. Mockups shall be full size unless
clearly indicated on the architectural drawings and the specifier
the Architect approves smaller models. Alternatively,
should consult with the fabricator and contractor regarding the
when a mockup is not practical, the first piece of an
practicality and sequencing of incorporating a mock up into the
element or connection can be used to determine
final work.
Mock ups are only required for AESS 3, AESS 4 and AESS C.
2. Notify the Architect one week in advance of the dates Delete “D” for AESS 1 and 2.
and times when mockups will be available for review.
E. Samples: Provide samples of specific AESS characteristics
3. Demonstrate all applicable AESS characteristics for Samples may be small size samples or components of
the specified category of AESS on the elements and conventional structural steel demonstrating the following
joints in the mock up. specific AESS characteristics.
4. Build mockups using member sizes and materials 1. Continuous weld appearance
indicated for final Work.
2. Sharp edges ground smooth
5. The mock up shall demonstrate weld quality and
3. Surface preparation
contouring of the welds at the aligned walls of the
members. 4. Fabrication mark removal
6. The mock up shall demonstrate the specified surface 5. Weld show through.
preparation and finish coating.
Editor’s Note: Delete samples for AESS 3, 4 and C where a mock
7. HSS members shall extend at least 6 in. from the joint up is used. Section E provides the editor with the option to obtain
in the mock-up. samples for AESS 1 and 2 without requirement for a full mock up.
Delete Section E if samples are not desired. Consider expanding
8. Obtain Architect’s written approval of mockups before
Section E to include AESS 3 and 4 characteristics if a full-scale
starting fabrication
mock up is not used for AESS 3 and 4.
9. Retain and maintain mockups during construction in
an undisturbed condition as a standard for judging the
completed work.
44 NOVEMBER 2017
SSS: Intermittent/stitch weld between bottom flange and AESS 1: Continuous weld appearance.
cover plate.
H. Finish Coating: Field apply intermediate and top coats B. The permissible tolerances for member depth, width, out
per Section 09 97 00. of square, and camber and sweep shall be as specified in
ASTM A6/A6M-2014 Standard Specification for General
Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates,
When possible, finish coating should be done in the field after
Shapes, and Sheet Piling (ASTM A6/A6M), ASTM A500/
erection. Finish coats applied in the shop almost always incur
A500M-2013 Standard Specification for Cold-Formed
damage from handling in shipping and erection. This often results
Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in
in applying an additional finish coat in the field or completing
Rounds and Shapes (ASTM A500/A500M), and Standard
costly touch up which often does not blend in with the original
Specification for Cold-Formed Welded Carbon Steel Structural
finish. Finish coats for aggressive environments such as swimming
Sections (HSS) (ASTM A1085/A1085M).
pools may require special preparation of the steel, primer and finish
coating. Consult with a manufacturer’s representative for such C. Fabricate and assemble AESS in the shop to the greatest
special conditions. extent possible. Locate field joints in AESS assemblies
at concealed locations or as approved by the Architect.
*Note—If finish painting is to be done prior to delivery of the steel,
Detail AESS assemblies to minimize field handling and
special Sections should be added to ensure proper handling and
expedite erection.
minimize damage.
Common Finish coatings for commercial projects with AESS D. Remove blemishes or unsightly surfaces resulting from
fall into the following categories. temporary braces or fixtures.
Alkyds (Oil-based): Acceptable finish coat for interior E. Remove all backing and run out tabs.
applications and some exterior application. Dries to hard
F. Grind all sharp edges smooth, including all sheared,
durable finish. When applied specified for exterior use, alkyds
punched or flame cut edges
will chalk and fade with UV exposure in a relatively brief
period. Can be brush, roll or spray applied. G. Provide a continuous appearance to all welded joints includ-
ing tack welds. Provide joint filler at intermittent welds.
Acrylics (Waterborne): Acceptable finish coat for both interior
and exterior service. Acrylics provide good color and gloss H. Bolted Connections: Make in accordance with Section 05
retention under UV exposure. Can be easily applied by brush, 12 00. Provide bolt type and finish as noted herein.
roller or spray. Low odor and VOC for interior application.
I. Weld Connections: Comply with AWS D1.1 and Section
Epoxy: Can be applied as a finish for interior use where 05 12 00. Appearance and quality of welds shall be
abrasion resistance is required. The high build nature of film consistent. Assemble and weld built-up Sections by
can help cover imperfections in the steel. It will chalk and fade methods that will maintain alignment of members
with UV exposure. without warp exceeding the tolerance of this Section.
Polyurethane: Provides high performance protection with J. Install all bolts on the same side of the connection.
excellent color and gloss retention. It has a higher film build Oriented uniformly in the direction indicated Consistent
than alkyd or acrylic will help cover imperfections in the steel. from one connection to another.
Should be spray applied for best appearance.
K. Remove all weld spatter, slivers and similar surface
2.3 FABRICATION AESS 1 discontinuities.
A. Use special care in handling and shipping of AESS both L. Grind off projections larger than 1∕16 in. at butt and
before and after shop painting minimize damage to any plug welds.
shop finish. Use Nylon type slings or softeners when
using chains or wire rope slings.
46 NOVEMBER 2017
AESS 3: A contoured weld. AESS 4: In addition to a contoured and blended appearance,
weld transitions also are contoured and blended.
M. Continuous Weld Appearance: Where continuous F. Mill marks shall not be exposed to view. If it is not possible
welding is noted on the drawings, provide welds of a to hide mill marks, then the mill marks are to be removed
uniform size and profile by appropriate length cutting of mill material. If this is
not possible, the fabricator shall remove the mill mark,
N. Seal Welds: Seal weld open ends of round and rectangular
grind, and fill the surface to be consistent with the
hollow structural Section with 3∕8 in. closure plates.
approved mock up.
Provide venting as required for galvanized members.
G. The matching of abutting cross Sections is required
Editor’s Note: drainage and venting holes need to be coordinated to
account for the galvanizing process and in-service drainage. 2.6 FABRICATION AESS 4
2.4 FABRICATION AESS 2 A. Fabricate to the requirements of 2.5 and as follows.
A. Fabricate to Requirements of 2.3 and as follows B. Contouring and blending of welds: Where welds are indi-
cated to be ground contoured, or blended, oversize welds
B. The as-fabricated straightness tolerance shall be one-
as required and grind to provide a smooth transition and
half of that specified in ASTM A6/A6M, ASTM A500/
match profile on approved mock-up.
A500M, or ASTM A1085/A1085M.
C. Minimize Weld Show Through: At locations where weld-
C. For curved structural members, whether composed of a
ing on the opposite side of an exposed connection creates
single standard structural shape or built-up, the as-fab-
distortion, weld show through shall be minimized to con-
ricated variation from the theoretical curvature shall be
form to the approved mock up.
equal to or less than the standard camber and sweep tol-
erances permitted for straight members in the applicable D. Open holes shall be filled with weld metal or body filler
ASTM standard. and smoothed by grinding or filling to the standards ap-
plicable to the shop fabrication of the materials.
D. The tolerance on overall profile dimensions of welded built-
up members shall one-half of that specified in AWS D1.1/ 2.7 FABRICATION AESS C
D1.1M: 2015 Structural Welding Code – Steel (AWS D1.1).
Editor’s Note: This Section is for customized projects, hence the lack of
E. Provide hidden part marks or piece marks that may be specific language.
fully removed after erection.
A. X
B. X
A. Fabricate to Requirements of 2.4 and as follows
C. X
B. Fabricate AESS with exposed surfaces smooth, square and
Editor’s Note: Refer to the Editor’s Note to Paragraph 1.3
of surface quality consistent with the approved mock up.
C. Grind projections at butt and plug welds to be smooth
with the adjacent surface. A. Provide surface preparations to SSPC-SP6. Coordinate the
required surface profile with the approved paint submittal
D. Orientation of HSS seams shall be as shown.
prior to beginning surface preparation. Prior to blasting
E. Copes, miters, and cuts in surfaces exposed to view shall remove any grease and oil using solvent cleaning to meet
have a maximum gap of 1∕8 in. in an open joint. If the gap SSPC-SP 1. Weld spatter, slivers and similar surface
is shown to be in contact, the contact shall be uniform discontinuities shall be removed. Sharp corners resulting
within 1∕16 in. from shearing, flame cutting or grinding shall be eased.
B. Place weld tabs for temporary bracing and safety cabling K. Grind off projections larger than 1∕16 in. at field butt and
at points concealed from view in the completed structure plug welds.
or where approved by the Architect during the pre-
L. Continuous Welds: Where continuous welding is noted
installation meeting. Methods of removing temporary
on the drawings, provide continuous welds of a uniform
erection devices and finishing the AESS members shall be
size and profile.
approved by the Architect prior to erection.
M. Do not enlarge holes in members by burning or by using
C. AESS Erection tolerances: Erection tolerances shall meet
drift pins. Ream holes that must be enlarged to admit
the requirements of standard frame tolerances for struc-
bolts. Replace connection plates that are misaligned where
tural steel per Chapter 7 of ANSI/AISC 303-16.
holes cannot be aligned with acceptable final appearance.
Editor’s Note: ANSI/AISC 303-16 specifies that AESS 2 and
N. Splice members only where indicated.
above framing shall be fabricated to one-half the tolerance of typical
structural steel frames. This requirement is intended to improve O. Obtain permission for any torch cutting or field fabri-
fit up when the exposed steel interfaces with other materials such cation from the Architect. Finish Sections thermally cut
as curtain wall masonry, etc. The variations permitted under the during erection to a surface appearance consistent with
standard frame tolerances noted in Chapter 7 will typically be the mock up.
acceptable when viewed by eye (without instruments). Therefore,
standard frame tolerances are allowed for Erection tolerances.
Adjust if tighter tolerances are required. A. Erect to the requirements of 3.3 and as follows.
D. Set AESS accurately in locations and to elevations indi- B. AESS Erection Tolerances: Erect to standard frame
cated and according to AISC specifications referenced in tolerances for structural steel per Chapter 7 of ANSI/
this Section. AISC 303-16.
E. Remove blemishes or unsightly surfaces resulting from 3.5 ERECTION AESS 3
temporary braces or fixtures.
A. Erect to the requirements of 3.4 and as follows.
F. Remove all backing and run out tabs.
B. Field Welding: Weld profile, quality, and finish shall be
G. When temporary braces or fixtures are required to facili- consistent with mock-ups approved prior to fabrication.
tate erection, care shall be taken to avoid any blemishes,
C. Provide a continuous appearance to all welded joints
holes or unsightly surfaces resulting from the use or re-
including tack welds. Provide joint filler at intermittent
moval of such temporary elements.
H. Bolted Connections: Align bolt heads on the same side of
the connection as indicated on the approved fabrication
or erection documents. A. Erect to the requirements of 3.5 and as follows.
I. Weld Connections: Comply with AWS D1.1 and B. Welds ground smooth: Erector shall grind welds smooth.
Section 05 12 00. Appearance and quality of welds
shall be consistent. Employ methods that will maintain C. Minimize Weld Show Through: At locations where
alignment of members without warp exceeding the welding on the far side of an exposed connection creates
tolerance of this Section. distortion, grind distortion and marking of the steel to a
smooth profile with adjacent material.
J. Remove all weld spatter exposed to view.
50 NOVEMBER 2017
D. Filling of weld access holes: Where holes must be cut in
the web at the interSection with flanges on W shapes and
structural tees to permit field welding of the flanges, they
Visit to access a variety of
shall be filled with joint filler.
AESS reources:
E. Where welds are indicated to be ground, contoured, or ➤ The 2016 Code of Standard Practice for
blended, oversize welds as required and grind to provide a Steel Buildings and Bridges (ANSI/AISC
smooth transition and match profile on approved mock-up. 303-16) provides a framework for a common
understanding of the acceptable standards
3.7 ERECTION AESS C when contracting for structural steel. Section
Editor’s Note: This Section is for customized projects, hence the lack of 10 deals explicitly with AESS.
specific language. ➤ The AESS sample specification (also on the
preceding pages) is an editable sample spec
A. …. that you can update and insert into your
B. ….. individual project specifications.
➤ The AESS Cost Matrix (also on the following
C. ….. page) is an editable matrix that you can
3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AND QUALITY update to anticipate cost implications by
ASSURANCE AESS 1 and 2 specifying various levels of AESS on
your project.
C. Structural requirements: ➤ Shop drawings of the five AESS sculptures,
3. Conform to Quality Control requirements per ANSI/ which you can download and use to fabricate
AISC 360-16 Specification for Structural Steel Buildings your own versions. Or reach out to the AISC
Chapter N and ANSI/AISC 303-16, Code of Standard Steel Solutions Center at
Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, Section 10. Refer if you’d like us to put you in touch with a local
to Section 05 12 00 “Structural Steel” for additional fabricator to purchase your own sculptures!
You can also visit to view
4. Owner will engage a Quality Assurance agency per the articles on the photos and projects that appeared
requirements of ANSI/AISC 360-16 Specification for in this section:
Structural Steel Buildings Chapter N and ANSI/AISC 303- ➤ Terri Meyer Boake’s favorite exposed
16, Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges, connections: “Fun is in the Details,”
Section 10 March 2016
➤ Kline Fitness Center addition at Dickinson
D. AESS acceptance: The Architect shall observe the AESS
College: “Squashing the Competition,”
steel in place and determine acceptability based on the
January 2016
qualification data and submittals. The Quality Assurance ➤ Technology Tower at North Carolina State
Agency shall have no responsibility for enforcing the University’s Talley Center:
requirements of this Section. “Tower of Technology,” June 2015
3.9 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL AESS 3, 4, and C ➤ Anaheim Regional Transportation Intermodal
Center (ARTIC): IDEAS2 Awards article,
A. Conform to 3.7 and as follows. May 2015
➤ Denver Union Station: IDEAS2 Awards article,
B. AESS acceptance: The Architect shall observe the AESS steel
May 2015
in place and determine acceptability based on the approved
➤ Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO)
mock up. The Quality Assurance Agency shall have no
at the University of Arizona’s Biosphere
responsibility for enforcing the requirements of this Section. 2 research facility: “Under the Dome,”
➤ United Therapeutics Pedestrian Connector:
A. Touchup Painting: Cleaning and touchup painting of field IDEAS2 Awards article, May 2014
welds, bolted connections, and abraded areas of shop paint ➤ Queen Richmond Centre West:
shall be completed to blend with the adjacent surfaces of “Jacks of All Trades,” March 2014
AESS. Such touch up work shall be done in accordance with ➤ Solar Canopy: IDEAS2 Awards article,
manufacturer’s instructions and as specified in Division 9, May 2013
Section “Painting.” ➤ National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency:
IDEAS2 Awards article, May 2013
B. Galvanized Surfaces: Clean field welds, bolted connections, ➤ The Tea House, “What’s Cool in Steel,”
and abraded area. Any repairs to galvanized surfaces August 2012
shall comply with ASTM A780/A780M – 2015 Standard ➤ Sprint Center: “Bending Around
Practice for Repair of Damaged and Uncoated Areas of Hot Dip (Sprint Center),” July 2008
Galvanized Coatings.
1.4.D, 1.4.E 10.1.1, 10.1.2 2.1 Visual Samples mock-up required mock-up required
2.4.B 10.4.3(b), 10.4.5 2.2 One-half standard fabrication tolerances × ×
2.4.E 10.4.1 2.3 Fabrication marks not apparent × ×
** ** 2.4 Welds uniform and smooth × ×
1.7.B, 2.3.A,
10.5, 10.6 Special care in fabrication and erection × × ×
Footnote A. Cost premium for SSPC-SP6 is included in values provided for Primer and Finish Coatings, Finish B through Finish D.
Disclaimer: Cost premiums shown here are for informational purposes, and are not intended to be used for cost estimating purposes.
Every project is unique, and budgeting must be performed on a project-by-project basis.
52 NOVEMBER 2017
ELEMENTS NOT BASIC RANGE 1.1 Surface preparation to Grease, oil, weld spatter and surface
IN CLOSE VIEW ELEMENTS TO AESS SSPC-SP 6 discontinuities are removed
view distance > 20 ft (Relative to non-AESS) 1.2 Sharp edges Rough surfaces are deburred and ground
ground smooth smooth. Sharp edges resulting from flame
× × footnote A
cutting, grinding and especially shearing
× × 1% – 10% are softened.
× × 1% – 10% 1.3 Continuous weld Intermittent welds are made to appear
× × 1% – 5% appearance continuous, either with additional welding,
caulking or body filler. For corrosive
× × 1% – 5% environments, all joints are seal welded.
Seams of hollow structural sections are
optional 5% – 25% acceptable as produced.
1.4 Standard structural bolts All bolt heads in connections are on the
× 5% – 15%
same side, as specified, and consistent
× 5% – 15% from one connection to another.
× 5% – 15% 1.5 Weld spatters removed Weld spatter, slivers, surface
discontinuities are removed.
Weld projection up to 1⁄16 in. (2 mm)
5% – 15%
is acceptable for butt and plug
5% – 10% welded joints.
1% – 5%
5% – 15% 2.1 Visual Samples Visual samples are either a 3D rendering,
5% – 10% a physical sample, a first-off inspection, a
scaled mock-up or a full-scale mock-up,
15% – 30% as specified in the contract documents.
Mock-ups are optional in AESS 2.
5% – 20% 2.2 One-half standard These tolerances are one-half of those for
fabrication tolerances standard structural steel as specified in
25% – 40%
this Code.
30% – 50%
2.3 Fabrication marks not Members markings during the fabrication
5% – 20% apparent and erection processes are not to be
visible to view.
2.4 Welds uniform Welds are to be uniform and smooth.
and smooth
3.1 Mill marks removed Mill marks are to be removed from view.
3.2 Butt and plug welds Caulking or body filler is acceptable.
ground smooth and filled
3.3 HSS weld seam oriented Seams are oriented away from view or as
per contract documents indicated in the contract documents.
× × XX% to XX%
3.4 Cross sectional abutting The matching of abutting cross sections is
surface aligned required.
3.5 Joint gap tolerances This characteristic is similar to 2.2 above.
low to moderate low minimized A clear distance between abutting
members of 1⁄8 in. (3 mm) is required.
25% – 35% 10% – 20% 3.6 All welded connections Hidden bolts may be considered.
4.1 HSS seam not apparent Seams on HSS members are treated so
they are not apparent.
XX% to XX% XX% to XX% 4.2 Welds contoured In addition to a contoured and blended
and blended appearance, welded transitions between
members also are contoured and blended.
4.3 Surfaces filled Surfaces are to be filled with weld metal
5% – 15% and sanded or body filler, smoothed and sanded to
15% – 30% achieve a smooth surface.
20% – 40% 4.4 Weld show-through Weld show-through on the back side of
minimized a welded element can be minimized by
30% – 50% hand grinding the back side surface. The
20% – 40% degree of weld-through is a function of
weld size and material.
XX% to XX% XX% to XX% C Custom elements Additional characteristics may be added
for custom elements. The AESS matrix
XX% to XX% XX% to XX%
included in Table 10.1 of the 2016
AISC Code of Standard Practice shall
be used to specify the required treatment
of the elements.