People vs. Laog

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654 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED VOL. 688, OCTOBER 5, 2011 655 People ve. Lang (OR. No. 78021. Ocaber, 201, PROPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plsintistappeloe, vt CCONRADO LAOG y RAMIN, accused. appellant. Chiminl Laws, neat uiprdene har cred that the anus of cred of wtnenc is quent eres © the ‘rovint of the ial net bana of raga pantion of hace (Ried iis oe ema ine of he ey ‘parent fhe on she ing whieh opotunyi den ‘ithe apa tort Appellant rnp tacks the eats Gf peoscatio witoeas AR Segre ha dered Ct he ‘Sous of euiy often" Questo bent reve oth Srviow ofthe fal cout benav of unique pon of having ‘ferred hat elusive and incmamanae wena f he nthe ‘fpentmet othe stand wie tetivg hich eprint sd Sint te the apelta cours” and “abe oy futon rear ‘tsk wold ey the once fe cles ssearents ad Tinsostonn, the poring nut gonerlly uty the fro fining, posits hon bo sigan fea and ican {i eto have buon oversee se aregatdel hich when cr [Sisal would have alec the olen ofthe sce” Tie rl ‘Sheu mar singe ppd if he appellate our concurred ith ‘ho sac ‘Sane; Same Ali cre aie dentfation of eo: asd, hen sug d Cnstent and without ay hog of {mse the rt of th eye tering, sald prea ar thet sm deta of he coed oe tony i at ato {tty star and ontning een n to cher hand, apes ‘ray iateryond eSfenoe of ial nae eid tht {he te office, be aot house with hs cee sd enw coking dwar’ His ten, howere it povall er the eagterrard tn cede tertinony wf AAA who postive Mente hm sete parptator of tho tarde nd ape Tie ‘esas we hove eld at porte orien of he essed, hen nepsnel and cnsetent ae without an shoring ofl maie on ‘She por of the eonoe eeihng, shoal peril oer che abi FIRSTDINISION. People ws Lage Tad dein of he pln whom einony io abated by ‘Sas and condo eines AAA wes fom ad snsletng in fining to splat nate ope tho stacked her aed Seo. abbing te se eat btere roping AAA. shold be ated {hat AAA know appllant wll rine hey were lie y ay ‘acetyl Wy the Coy with AA amity 20 posit ‘ih the apple during he commit fhe ety be on {ion a pplant old tb dou miro in acy AAA, ‘hon eacousarog appl, tren saya be nerer haope ‘frown els meld harm hr and hr na reer, the met Sacral ein ef icine af lence ee tie to ne apat™ face of he porpetatrs of the eine and ler th in Ib ‘rea ta coe tela costed, Taree evden fo shave {ay inpopor mote eo the pace of AAA to tery fae guint ‘Sppllane wo fly peace I i th comminatn of ene. ‘Th the leat educate eon le Work ofl faith ae ree ‘Sams; Sane; Raps; cannot bearers ha th re if rag in inh alti a i ove undrese her compleely—her lus and re were fey ied up nar while hr ndergansest ee jst pulled dea, ‘ich thorfre exclaine ye il nd ha cts on whe se Tino tor grains fron Nenetaecs, hs war rend ‘pr appelat ite ior detail whieh had thing to Jo Wit th tlement of te exe of ape. Discrpsnes een a to nar “cali nd coleralrntes—nt to te central et fhe cne = inact fi the vracy or tre! fer the eval ely of| ‘rneeme”doaations, rlng as thee are chert eta {aly Bestia on She ws Fora chewpansy or neatly In ‘he tamtmony of witout serve bal for coq must fstalia tegen doubt the rocence othe appellant forthe ete ‘arse I swaoe be exerphasie tat he ery fa vape tie ersten . Sums; San; Som The foremor cote in the proms tion of ape ita tn’ tina onl a the nn te a (Eola officers to te fact tat the pagecen who exined ‘AAA re ube howl ai netted te teal we nd ht {ial ote proetion’s ease, Te mst be were tat te be: 656. SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED People. Lang ‘pos alertion in he proeeaton of rape is the iis tne ‘Be al no the Scag the medina eI ty 8 ed ‘Ereanninstion othe cm i ot idiaponao ins promis far eng; the ins tesimony lee, seal, le ellent fo (oovies Ths we hve ruled tht» medi eatnation of eve {ag wel ant madi! evifente ie aly eoneoratie In ‘ktbetar and eo an dipenabl lent fr comet Ia rape ‘het it ingot fe tat the sestinony of porte clans ‘ent th ineont x sae equal and cee a what we find inhi Sams Rope with Homi; Complex Crime; Spucal Comptes ‘rimey (Compute Chines Words end Parent Compost ermes [tent of the so gal bol no ae the ae oo ‘ls erimestn vice #8 the Rana Pena Coe sin them Pec ofa sale ac ging to ore ote ree roe ‘ince fond evans) no they nto an ofr at 8 fesse ean commit ater fools crime proper rie 8B ofthe vied Foal Code or emer prvides ly sae penal for ihe componte oto rape end the ling coed ty eon arom he cocaine rope pec comple erie, ‘nove propery somes ime, Has os dein ad spel nny ve te vial Pana Cae, amend, Juste Repo ED'Sjee Open ithe cat of People Barns 4b SCRA 312 (fooe) enn! tt compost car alr ese egal Shi terse terse ample eines in Arie 48 Ue ‘Revista Ce see thy do att aig ing ie tote or mare gravee en ove ln compo ins t= do thay tone flows tng Sean oan to com ote {ccnp erie proper However, jst ho th eu cmple rites (ol dhe peu ee of apne eal poses of rar nly ‘Sle pny ingest onc a ue xpos rinse alone foetus ftw or mtv has” Arde 2661 of th sd Pun PS sen pee. nl rb ote Sums are Same Same I ap with homie tisimmate rial thet he porto ile esoane har tar the wre tin of ‘he rape=the faces etblithed showed that the const el tress af ave th hamid more corona nd ite Fl that he pose ln! i nse soteaoe er than he VoL. 658, OCTOBER 5, 3011 657 Paple ve. Lace ‘Toman vam of a rape. An analogy may be dra fom or rl {sin nen of bles ith home, where the omorent sets of ‘tld, ppia injariee an ther nese bn etme Upson oon fh osaonc eer. Same; Sams; Same; Some; Agprovating Catone Wee a Pra Inthe cope ofp ct aie he ‘Murder and ight pose! ines commited By ann en eo of tera At th ee of robbery wih hd, he agra ‘dag ccctane of tracker) fo he snadeed a2 poeic epeiating sreanetnceelgein the pail explo cae of ‘Spe eith omit tm Chom” be anertod ne ‘toes tenes, sod ncaior more and lt yi infer cmanited byrne ren anon oe rape Hae even ano ‘BTet the ccamstancee (racer, abuse euro tenth ald ‘rides peering in heir have Wee uly (Stead by the provost, th sume ald uot ua tho Hl {eto murder and the che comaited Wy pelt i al ape ‘Se homie Ania tear of rebery wi omit zara Ing urmtance af reacery ot be tnaheed a gone agar ‘ing erumtance ce ‘Same; Same; Sam; Same Some: Abus of Superior Strength; ‘Dre aggrovtingeoeumatanee of abun of ersten cori tied thence! tree nis nai of fren Peston the tin and the ogressor te sein end obit adoetegran Ip te aggrcotend perp ucleed or tate elena of 0 fctate the cormison of the eine ~The agprvaing ia ‘noe of abuse of uperie stent x onder whenever ther ove equ Fes between the icin ad the atest tht ny ad hry ‘rats he pee te Popes anasto ker svestage fo liste the cmon UFike cone. Its tken io aout wenore the sega Por. feony taal scene foc that eto proportion te maa ‘som onan he poman sce, Same: Same: emeges: Buemplary Daag Ben ito the texdace of egeoveingsvoumatonas, expiry damage ey {te enard hr the reunatanee of te eave the "hGNy Ipohoathle ar otragensconaue fh fae Tho fle ‘he paca te lege nthe etston AAA wltionty fo (658 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED VoL. 658, OCTOBER 5, 2011 659 People x aoe “ton wil pot arte coieatin of the nd decane a RSE iil ney enon ‘Riese of agarvsting cremate, exemplary dass ah Si eterded whee toe smear of ce thw te Mialymenenee or osteo nit of he eder™ _ABPRAL from a dassion ofthe Court af Appeals “The tes are stated inthe opaicn of the Cour ‘The Solicitor General fr paitift-appeliee. Public Attorney's Offi for sensed appellant, VILLARAMA,JE., J er oo evi the March 2, 2007 Deo! ofthe Curt oc Appa (ON ta CAO. CRA No, 004 whith ‘ppuls ometon for ore in Criminal Case Ne 2162 AM Botd and rape in Criminal Case, 29084200. ‘pela Conrado Lang Ramin was charged with mur cnr ie Regional Tra Cure (RPC), Beane 11 of Malls Silken Tbe tation” which was ected se Cinna Cage Ne 2162-200, lege tat ns! he ay oe, 208, te pti sa piso cc pi, nt an SRE STAD Ware stir boreal ee ame Sl pe Uh ol oe Soi eon 2 state iyi day Rogar nwa a tre sah me ee. Sa Bean Te nd pp the Se Hoth see hay nbcng upon tl eg otros SANT Mal rch cy sed or nt Contrary tos” "lo, pp 9-16, Ponned by Aaocate Jtico Noa G. Tis with Abbett Justice Vee SE, Wen and Sean E, Vib ears, Vole Feaple ws. Laag Ho was likewise charged before the vame court withthe time of rapa of AAA” The second Information’ which was ‘chated wt Criminal Cave No. 2906-2000, loge “That no stot the day ofa, 210, he mia fan Raa prone of aoc, Papin, en wn ee ‘aon of ths Honorable Cour the sbveamer acme, [Ere een, y ees fy ince an int at tyrateckng aed Ring wir a ea ie ora (AAA wich reed ta her een ern pa en tae sme sc er sh and wh rach ends sation, then tad there Sveum tnoingn of AaA cra elect Cena ote” When arraigned, appellant pleaded aot guilty & both chargee The to eaces were therenter tid jitlybeenace ho arose fom the same incident, ‘The proscution presented a8 It principal witness AAA, ‘the rape vietim who wa 19 yeas old atthe time of the Ini. dent. Tor testimony was earroborated by her puandfies ‘BBB, De, wan Richard Vay, and her neighbor COC. ‘AAA tected thet at around six sleek in th evening of June 6, 2000, she and har Send, dennifr Patawaras foal, ‘wer walking along the sce padaios om thir we to spl for ‘work ato canton near the National Higheray in Sapsl, ‘San Rafel, Bulan Sudesly, appellant, who was bolding sniee pick anda Ted pie, aya them and feribly brea them toa grassy area at tho bask os eencrete wall, Witheat ‘warning, appellant suck AAA in the head with the lad ine * Consistent with our cision i Fpl Cabos, GR. No, 187696, Sepember 10,2008, 302 SCHA 419 thn rel nn af the rape ii nthe cae withhld a etend Ses tal te ed to repent her. Alo the pero! ramtance fhe tic a any che maton enng to etahnh or eapeoine or datos well a tht ahr immer amo howl "Senhrs fe mt led i Sec, “toords, Vl pL 660 SUPRENE COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED People we Lang ‘ausig er to fel dizey wn to fall down, When Jenifer saw {hia she ered out for help but appellant als hie hor onthe Ihead with tho lead: pipe, knceking ber down. Appellant abbod Jennifer arveral des withthe le pick and trea! ter covered her bay with thick grass.” Appelant then tarned 1 AAA. He hit AAA inthe head erveral times tore with the Isad pipe and stabbed her on the face. While AAA wae in sith eat dost spon AAs testimony, anguing that ie lacked some detale va hw, after she was taped and stabbed by appellant she was stil able to ‘uton er elothes and eral to her grandfather’ arm, "The appeal lacks merit Appellant principally alts the erediblity of powecuton witness AAA Jurpradenee has dacros thatthe fsue of tredility of witnesne ie "a question best addresed tothe province of the tial cour because of ite unique postion af Having observed that ease incommeniable widens af tho witnesses’ doportment on the stand mila sting which ‘opportunity 46 deniod tothe appellate eourte™ and *abent ty substantial reason which would jst the reversal of the tea our’ assessments snd canlasons, the reviewing curt 4s gonerally Hound hy the former’ findings, parialarly when ouigniGeant fate and cucumstauces ae sows to have been ‘overlooked or disregarded which when considered would bate ™ Pople Nit, GR No, 27776, Match 8 2008, 547 SORA 666 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED NOL. 888, OCTOBER 6, 2011 eet Poop os Laas People wm Lac “fected the oulcome of the eua™ This rule is even more feringetly aplind if the appliteeourt concurred with the fri court “Here both the tial and appellate courts gave credence and fall probative nelght tothe testimony of AAA, the lone ye | Mas to Sennifer ling and washers brtlly attacked Ty appellant who also raped her. Appellant had net shown fay sucently weighty reasons for to distr the tal ‘oust evaluation of the provecion eyewitness ereiiy In pardeala, we defer tothe tial court Hirsthand ober Uedt'on AAA's deportment while tertifying and its veritable Seoament ter ered, 1 Wt rm the moment [AAA to he stan, thle Cont ha oe to scr abe th epson woman ected wh about 18 eum the nde se ad gone through She ook her oath ith ates pand herve am and sl harly nile, Peo vr, er yea ware cnaantyfand 9a the Door, a8 If svsdiag one ‘isa wth the mma ats about fo ee agaist. tar «fn ‘Gamtog in dc the etn bllig up sion her eat he {Eres do bua it eos bay shaken, ww canine a ‘Sct wath he esting. unin detract gad ‘SEs ha Court hae to dtr br fressexaranaton. Viens ate ‘Sak hovever to clin with hor abrtd questing sn asa end alee diet ad sighttorrat in bet nara, ‘MTwenges of ub en ber eet vanishel™ Ioveed, records boar oat that AAA became so tense ant nervous when she tok the witness stand forthe fist time {hat the tral court hed o cut sort hor iil ret exarins- Lon. Howeves, during the next hoering se wae able to nar fate her harrowing eedeal in lear and straightforward ‘anoer, deserbing in tal how appellant waylid them and People Domingues, dr, GR No, 10814, Nove 2, zono,g08 SERA 184 16h Sa = CA Rot, pp. 8 epee heer oud ae whale Sh lr pik betre rping ber. We que the pertinent Pr tions of her testimony: . pete & Dusing soar previous testimony, Madam Vitae, you ‘ld tha youre mot al to reach your pe a eon See tat he mene sy ac a: Wewere wav hinarang by Coord Lae. mbar wt sou wali by Coa Lag eens ag ith ip oy Wheeo worsen win you wert? Meow waking tang et pda Your “Honor, “ peides ‘Ad what happened to yeu wher you meet with the lend pio y era Laos? dw ac esse ey, & & Noms agpen not an? g ® heard dean ei al And you ard denier bu i ou ssa? ie Hianbee me nt Fo aon Seat, wc ws wa you bead bar nd wit wa Gone Lag hin AC Ho appcoached Jennifer, sir. " © Tham hat opened nat? 2 EAP ea & Apdnat hagpendto deonr? 2 Seno (668 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED YOU G68, OCTOBER 8, 2 9, People. Laas “Wadi Goo lag nat? estbbod deni ‘Aten Conrado Lag satied Jenner, what hapened ‘i covered Jenifer with grace, st ‘An after hawt dil Conrad Lac 0? Tip came takes When Cnr Lang ome ac to 30H, what i you de, Baa Het mo ith he pip oor ise. ‘hn what tapene oyu? ‘Mo at, be ule osm my ng ont st. He ‘moved my pana my lowe 8nd bea [Afr att id be at? ‘Rod then, he wen en tep ie. ‘he, what hagpene ‘Hecke my beat And afr hat?. THe wae ising is pn ito mwa, le id he suelo in ting ip it our vagina? or how long di the soe Canesdo Lave inst hit ‘Aira, wt happens? ‘Aer tha, etd ys Andwhare did be wt ‘Ne that hover me wih eases (An afer what id on do? Pa inconeiam "Now fCanrodo Logins the vortraom, wil you ‘ets pninetohia nore ORE Ree Bree ERE ORO RD ROPE People ve. Laos Tater ‘Witness pntng toa man wosrng a mass ue farm and wisn sled fi sama nner Conrado Teen. On the ether hand, appellant merely intarpesed the de. fons of donal and ali. Ha claimed that at tho time of the Sneident, he was at le house with hi children and nephew ‘ooking dizer. His defense, however, cannot prevail aver the Stesightforvard and ere tostinany of AAA who poatvely Hdentifed him ae the perpetrator of the mutdet and rape ‘ime and again, we have held that peste icentfestin of the sceused, when categorical and consistent and withest any showing of il motive onthe pat ofthe eyewitness tating, thould prevail over the abi ad denial of the appellant ‘ehowe tstimony is not eubstantsted by cear and convincing (idea AAA wer frm an unrelenting i picting to ap Pollan as tho one who ausckod her and Jennifer, abba the later vo death before raping AAA. I ahould be noted that ‘AAA lew appellant well since they were relatives by afn- ly, As correctly held by the CA, with AAA familiarity and proximiy wath the appellant dusing the commission of the trim, her identintion of appllant auld not be desberd or ‘lstaken. Infact, AAA, upon enceuntering appellant, id ot ‘tn avay as she never thanght her en uncle would barn ber tnd her friend. Moreover, the mest natural esctian of ime st vnkenos is fo strive to see the appearance ofthe perp tors af the crime and abstr the maanor in which the eine is being committed” There is no eviatce ta how any ine proper motive on the part of AAA ts tently fala aguinet TN, ne 20, ONC, 8-8. Papo Cahada, CR. No S87, Qober 2, 2009, 612 sscpa gate “eplet. Howa, dr GR, Net, 1801246, September 6, orn, gHt Gena SE ing op. ature Ne oe, 670. SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED VOL. 658, OCTOBER 6, 2011 en Ten Fenn ati A ean em [a Gen deta aim Tony oye RiSecoan iia sea aan meaty soe iid otal et ee Sects Seay ce te vel neil me me sree anaes meee virimras Wraero cured eas Sem ce es Ebaackounpecerasaee ‘ronson Ee rans oasnash been Giese Dac oA oe, pln nb rd gee eaten matics Piet ener cca, rain ats be {Ghcrpalewhun thes pein entific of he aed by ‘Tile wines. Leth re hates ght proper at “ough fo fave i th tel has hn omer oe era ] which therefore explane why she atl hat her othes os | when she erie a her grandfather's farm: Nonetelee his se ne oer nas maleate tea ecm eects rat be tapers win te yok ing todo with he elements ofthe ere af rape, Dscepsses cnr ‘ingen Bea and coe eae Sermon aa ds cas co aun ae Apnea aoc is i every of teat fom th trl odie sha er ee ae aes i ase at na Sin eke ea eas isso sSeon to wht Perw anergy semen Seer lara aera sane es tay ees tte cnn Sas aahaecay tes wee Groene Shot en sat tens ema SE caste a ith cine rpm ume he eel Poahcane er escheat ve emma fe Fyn tn Ta view of the credible testimony of AAA, appellants do- | ‘As othe fact thatthe physician who extmined AAA athe fenes of tenia! sad lb deverve no consideration. We atest homital didnot testy during te el, we fn hs ht fated that these weak defenses cannot stand agsinst the pesitive tothe prosecation's ease, Sentification ad eatogoricl tasting of rape vt oonle © Suaret, GR. Ne, 159801.78, Ape 15, 2005, 86 RA.329, 318, See People Maes, GR, No, 186724, Jann 6,208, 565 * Pople. Viarin, GR. No. 185012 Mare 5, 2010, 614 ee SRA 972,887 ting Pepi. empl OR, No 519%, Desa ‘pe note 2438p. £77528, 10, aoas, 7 SCRA Sr we Pople Orande GR Nov M1242, November 2, 2008, (A Pople oi, GR. No, 12484, ly 29, 2008, $88 SCRA, 1s SRA 69,78, 12. 672 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED VOL. 658, OCTOBER 6, 2011 613 Poople ws Lang Tt mst be underscored that che foremost consideration in the proeeuion of rape isthe vitin'stotimony and not the findings af the mediendegsloievr. In facta medical exami pation of the victim ir not Snepencablo in a prosecution for per the vet's txtimony alo, i eodile i eulient Couvies Thus we have led that 9 medical examination cf {he ict, as wll as the medica erties, is merely e- {borative in sheraeter and isnot an indispensable element Toreonvction in rape, What i important is thatthe testimony private complainent sbnut the indents clear, unequive: aand eee a what ore nd Ln this ase. ‘Wiile we concur with the tral courts consusion that ap pellant indeed was the one ho raped AAA and killed Jenn fer, find that appellant shoud not have been convicted of the sepaeate crimes of murder and rapo. An appeal in (imal ease opens the entire cigs for revit oo BY qUoe lon, ining ane not reed by the parties” Tho fate a Teged and proven eloniy show that tbe crime committed ky fppellat i rape with homicide, «spell complex crime peo ‘ide under Aile 256-8, paragraph 8 of the Revied Pens] ‘Coa as send by Repulio Act (RA) No. 8958." In People, Larronage,* hia Court explained the concept of asada complex rime, o llows: Pape Cadap, GR. No 180538, Jy 8, 2010, 62 SCRA 85, 66, ting People v Bipio, Jr, GR. No 1762, Jone IT, m0, 6 SCRA 682,70. ‘Sept e Tumann, Gi. No 188655, Deemer 8,201 637 SCRA ott Bt ching Fool Aina, GB. No. 176086, Ap 2, See gt SORA Aas 4686, ope adel, OR. No. 17670, February 4, 2010, 614 ‘SORA oes bi2. G14 cong Raquoda Pople, No. 17022 ume 18 200, 889 SCRA $0, 6. ie nee Le of 107, whieh tok ftom steer 28, * Now 12867475, Fobronry 9, 2004, 421 SCRA 130, ple v8 Lao Zea se enone nee cae hreasaai ane aaa Senta Sy Sere crch a mah mae cs na meatal BE reai Sian Epo gin nt Seinen Sete ‘amet ar erer mee No 150 mated re SES odes cetera len woe nia Sian tence es ‘the oocasion thervof:" Considering that the prosscution was. toe, erase eaten nora asa Sean A epi somple sion, or ore prope sompeie cee ha se dfs th sel pena Bae ‘ed mal Cd nme ater Reps, nh Sip ‘te Opin th co Po Baron expla ht om dest inset of i sae oa bt or et BOs omoln cine in Arce tthe Rend Fat rah se they to et cot os ale et gig eo crmore gar ar grove foe enna ced the ivie an esse ing 9 aerrry ean Sma moter empl ere proper Howes ie he eit Simplex eine nth ree cve of eure eg pe ‘sui fee only engl penal yond ec Sat 880, (Gi, Now 0117-08, Jun 2, 1095, 245 SRA S18, 223.692, 614 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Prope oe Loos Tack copponit cies although composed of wo or mare of no Article 2668 of che Revised Banal Cade, as amended, pr vides only a single penalty for the compete acts of rape aad {be llingcomniies fy season orn the ccsion of here ARE, 2668, Portis —Rapo unde parnran Lo the et preceding rich al be arse by elon Pret "Whenever the raphe commited with the we of a deals seeapn ory fe ore parson, tb Peal shall be recon ‘hen ty retaa of ont acai of tho ap, he vin hae cr nae tbe pony sl ees perpets ada ‘When the rape fs stomped ad a omic i omit ay reason of the aon sheet Se penal shal be reason mies ‘commas the penalty shall be death Teens Epa cule’) Considering that the prosecution inthis ease wos ble to ove both the rope of AAA and the iiling of Jennifer both orperated by appellact hei lable for rape with homicide ‘Sador the above proven, There is no doubt Ut appellant Lld Jonafer to prevent her from aiding AAA or ealing for help once che i ableton say and alo to lence her com Tietaly an she may not witess the rape of AAA, the original {fuentof appellant. Hie camal desire aving buen said, ‘ppellant purposely covered AAA's bey with grass, ox be did “avi with dennifere body, so that it may nt be easly no- tied ar san hy passersby. Appellant indeed though thatthe ‘Stage bows he had infisted on AAA Were enough tn exuse ‘Re leath ae wit Jonnior. But AAA survived and appellan's ‘erbere deeds wore soon enough dover, raat. 2800 NOL. 68, OCTOBER 8, 2001 we Pele Lao The cts wialced showed tt he onsite ol snate of ape with Homito war snnumeatd, and iis materia Cat the pad in ths ce someon ‘ter ante wom vin th ope, An eam be ‘roe fn tr rng ns be oman ‘tire the component act of Nn, yal nee ad ‘her oftase fare en tommied by ann aro te ce Son fiber. In People De Laon we emeunded on te ‘pei compo cin ter whens ar es “In ory wit bond, the signal rnin desig ofthe ‘leat is to comt ery wth homie perp! om the Seca by sean f Sw rbbry, The inet ncn tery ‘art prose th akg of amine a. Th Baie aya pace efi ring o ear ie abbey. es only Se ser san Without rrenee or datincon the crue, cee of [at or pruarintereeing in tht smc othe le tht Isto be ten to cnicaton ‘hare mek acy a ery ‘ld halide though mle prudence ste topes, immaterial that the death woeld sapervene by ‘mere aceident ov thatthe viet of hemieide leet than {he icin fri, or that for more persons a kil, Sut as, can yee ain tie soe atthe robles te fbny would stil be rary ih Tomiie, Once = homeides committed yor om the easton ‘ofthe robbery, the felony commited ix tober) with hom ‘ie. All he felonies committed by reason of or onthe ove fon of the robbery are integrated into one and Indie felony of rovery with homelde- The orb” ae in is enue gene Homicide, hus, acaton made, pars, nad Intille Bran opal} $6.35 17989, Jane 25,200, 91 SCRA 18 1 a8 pp. 10210 ching Prope Sarr OR. No, 9985, ‘Augt ‘IL Tor, 277 SCRA 6 Pope ws Adnoen, GH. Nes T1285, 876. SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Pople ve Laon Ta dhe epeial comploe cine of rope with homicide, the teem homies to be uaderstaed ints generis sense, end Inctodee murder snd light physical injuries commited by eaegn or on oeeasion of te rae." Hence, even fan ora of the ereumstanoee (reaches, abuse of superior strongth and evident premeditation) alleged in the information have been Gly established bythe prosecution, che same would not qual {ty the hiling to order nnd the crime committod by appel nat ell ape wits hemi. As inthe eas of robbery with ‘homie, the aggravating ecumstance of treachery is fo be fomuidored asa generic aggravating srcametance oly. Thor ‘we tule in Peoples Mecables™ Finally, appallnte contend ha he teal ene ere in et lati ont foe agpavtingseametance of acy Ie pei ‘Theyaver that veachery splice comes aint peo aed {octane guna property Howswes wind atthe al eo ‘gence nro craceined wostery a= gesre arsine father hen qukijingy iwummtanc, gel wr ented haps ‘appt in deondingHimelf he hn aa ore Bald ye Fiat attaches bree wa sad th 2 ae by applet ‘rable, cei eer compan sarounéed ther In Pople Spr edn sc ce ai IERREDS Cpr eerevstng Seaman. Raby Simi a compen lar wih is wn detiiion ond rpc ‘ly inthe Reso Penal Code. Thee fe no special complex {rime ofobbery with murder under the Revised Penal Cade ‘tere; treachery forme part of the ereumbtanees proven com rning tho nciual cnmiston ofthe complex rime Loge mer 198, 219 SCRA SE, 59; Ppl Pncane, GR No. {ata Dewber & B81, 204 SCRA 67, 90a Perle Mea {hay a 8 Pi 98, 993908. "Pepi. Nan GI No, 17209, Avot 21, 2001, 958 SCRA 452 46017, cle Pele, Pt, O-No- 6679, noe fy 3, 1682, 208 SCRA Se 64 and Page Sequto, OF. No. ‘ey, November 1,190, 264 SCRA 78, 10 “TQ No 11116, Desmber 2006, 247 SCRA 220, NOL, 658, OCTOBER §, 2001 a People va Looe ‘ally Wt could wot qualify the homiide to murder but as go erie aggravating circumstance, hege determine the pers Aly tobe imped.” aust upped ‘ho aerating cecumstanc of suse of soperorsrength is consitored whonover there is trun ieceaity of ea Sete the wi te geo ta pal nc cunly advantageous tothe aguestr sod purposely clad {then advantage of to fact the comin of the erie = {Es taken nto acount whenever the aggressor purposely sed exesie fr thats out of propose lo the ee of Actense avaiable the prvon etek" In this cue, an prsuallywitaeed ty AAA, spelt stsuk Jenifer in We hod witha la ip then stable hr ‘peated unl sha was den Clearly, te manne by which tppelant had raaly sli Jeomir with seal weapon, by fst biting erin the bend with ed pipe fo Feder ber dkteasloe and vunerle etre vabbing er repenady ‘mistaabiy showed at appellt ntatonally une See force ot of propor fo the cman of lege al le hn warmed vin A py ered ty the spp “Tehas ong boon crablsed that ah atic made by & men with a deny weapon Upat as unarmed and efecto nomn ‘bores the teumance of abuse 9 Yt sper wi ha ‘exand the weap aed th nc afd aya om whch the ‘oma was una todfend bers Unie i acy, where the ‘einem he pry to ead ple ‘areaen, taking advantage af spear sng dee ot ees ‘he the icin was eoleay defers: Abe f open termined bythe wos of the mates aural oon fet on ah Meee Pole Saute, 08 No. 112 Tooo1g ay, 104,220 ced gen gag es OR Bet Pepe Bega, GR No STIS, Angut 8, 200, 627 ‘sera 2,24 ie 678 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTA People aoe Sat fe in, ceri ie meena pn ol ie emplament of means reskening the dean oop Donulng By detteretlyexplyng deadly weapons ans {i's lad pie, llevan lpelnt ey tnk avantge ot Spent which bis strength, sex and weapon gave hi ver fis “inset atin Tho esse apelin’ odden stack ceaghthe ‘tin of ganed randerin hr dtl Abuse of superior strength in this cage therefore ie marly 1 generic aggravating ceeumstance to be considered in the {imposition ofthe penalty. The penalty provided in Article 296- Bot the Revised Penal Cate, ts amended, Is death However, fm wiew of the pasrage on dune 24, 2006 of RA. No. 94%, cattle “An Act Prohibiting the Imposition ofthe Dee Pex flyin the Philippines the Court is mandated to impose on ‘ho appellant the penalty of relusion perpetua without eligi baity fr parle ‘Tho aggravatinglgunlfing reumctances of abuse of sep sor seength and une of denly weapon ave greater tele ‘ance facie 88 the itil aspect of this cave i concerned ‘While the tral court and CA were corset in holding that both ‘the vietim of the ling (Jennifer snd the pe victim (ANA) are entitled tothe award of exemplary damages, the bare fr ‘ch award needs Gurthorclarbention, Atle 2229 and 2290 ofthe Gil Code provide: “an. 2220, Baenplny or eave damase are pone y ‘neyo numa be sores fre able grin ain fot ‘Dor comperaty uated or componente age, ‘An. 2230, "In emi ates, xamplary damage a art of he ciency mayb gon whe th rane seman ‘ren one or mare aggravating seaman St dose ae pst and diet om fins and shal be aid to te olde far pp 1814, ple Marin, spr ot 6a, 980 YOU. 668, OCTOBER 5, 2011 wre People vs Lana ‘thew ofthe presence of nas of wapeton rena the ‘iling of eae, her ees are ented wo exemplary damn ‘ges pursuant to cle 2250, With reepect tothe tape ee mite gina AAA, AMicle 266-5 ofthe Resi te smended, provides thst a man who shall have camil ‘nowledge of & woman through fre, threat or itimidaten under Artile 266A (a), whenever such rape ir sormiied withthe use of a dendly weepen ee by tivo er move persons, ‘he penalty shel be recluson perpetua to deat, Snes the od ofa dendly weapon raves the penalty forthe rape, this Gr umstance would justify the award of exemplary desea to the offended party (AAA! alan in cordance wih het Be lace with Article Ail 256.3 heise provides forte potion of death bensly if the eine of ap commited wis ay af ak Eertnpmunvingccistaten cate eres ‘nau these vametanes ion othe ted fod ‘relationship to the offender: * a 2) Woe ander es {he ata bn pets snd ear fat is rie by nee Eo thet ea ang cgay rte pena ts doses es Adds maton natant, wn nh nl ya 4, wa ot alleged tn ation Se eed lant when he testified in court: a Dingcr Bxanawartow oF (CONRAD LADS By ty. Ragu 4 Deyoulnwra perv bythe name f AAA? warm me Way deseo know he? actus ae eer hb. Herbause Jot daca to 630 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED Pople on Haag “How are you selon oAAAT? 2 Bat imoter nd my wis ae te @ Boaheixyouralecedntav? Yeti sxx mph ped) “The flue ofthe prosecution to allege in the information AAA relationship to appellant il net bar the emsideration hehe said sieumstance in the determination af his evi i Ubi. Ta any case, even withow! the ttendanoe of agernvat- {hy ekcametaness exemplary damages may sil be awarded ‘where the sreumstancer of the case show the “highly repre Tensile or autegeoss conduct of the offender.” Citing air ring in the cae of Pople ». Catubg,” this Court ‘lari in People. Daisy eine to the civ Revind Run of Coal roe ure cut general tured exepor damages nial es SXo; Skeet ceumetnce eter olan aula tein ptven nv ata th commit she inv {Piscean war wt loge ne itrmaton, Ti in nxrtace siete te 20 Hover, iho mon ‘ances qt slloged sad prov n he deteraaton of the pealy SOT US wun damage, Youn ven ian enerting cree Mes At ee poet ne ck age ure o ad TREE Afnnpes Penn ar te wing soto ale 0 Nevertheless, Prope Catubig laid down the principe tha courts may sl rad exemplary damages Das on the Mlorementonod Arle Bah even the aguravatng ereume ‘nce as not been sllegedy so long as has Doan proven. {ciminal soos istated before the ffoctvity ofthe Revied alee which remained pending thoreafter. Catubig reswnet GaN 1m, agua i, 2001, 568 SCRA SL GR No, 28106 Novwober 5, 00,605 SORA Sr. VOL. 888, OCTOBER 6, 2011 681 People ve. Laws Ue ie reece eppkaion of te Revel Ree dal wt esl ante tod eh oh ended iy “Thon wean or bly frre iil te, say ann etme ering caniy SiS chon hn se on ‘ay oven tn i faster eardag ce Sie chmagee al fan wapatng creme ha bh bern [loge and pore sowing te Reed Ru, Aen es Srrsetar Rope «tate, Pop Vie pel, Po few Clan Rees eganas, plo he Phe ‘rate Abiny Pode, Ppt cP ee Categ dinencr, i Rope Pipers sul Menta ts costae Flop ne, Pope ofthe Pilger Dens Eraauny Pr and Pops te Phpplace Bose Me Aan, {hetero shen tn cas senate tare or fer th ey the Revd ie Norrtn,bfting oly Al 290 te gl = sis tha grat ey amen nto cat Egy ‘Began ofan sggundingctamaane asec ot ‘eine urs have Eight evry as wy cue Scispe mare. Gari nlghclagco Spice ‘Als known at “ple” or “vind” damages, ‘tterentto sorte wrong doing and ndcton of ttedue rferagh and wanton fost of th tight a istration et dict Toren an scaly se end ite Sis" comme ior tw i feces int ose crema ‘Saag whe he tae Seu fr ey to ling 2k torte ven ot naga nd aman ed be poe tonne a re of a njry that has toe mallee fd ‘Panini ified te very tg tnt ve eel fe epee ‘etn firth rt ean yt hghiy ropes tc ‘Stminaeencted hth Greatest ies ‘Sino, malo, Bowe eggs or rect, Spence Sma gr Onoda ines or hey, The terms ‘univ or vindetive damages tre often sued to seer to 682 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTAT VOL 658, OCTOBER 6, 2011 588, People va. bang ‘People we Laos Those vpecis of damages that say be awarded agin ‘ioe pani han rhs outrage condct im het Persad damages aro intended i Food mosure to der {hESuseeicr and thers like hint rom snl condact i ie rors — ig corrective in ature, exomplary damages, cere ore, Can be nrured, not oni in the Peewnce of as feagemamstane, but ino where the creumstances of he ‘SoRowahe hi ercenutie ow otageue condo of Peewee exemplary Sonages tay te ever, Arie 22, ‘SED Sve, ye doe th ey te te va Thon rein Meimoniy the’ Cort pone exemplary camagee 1 Fem er ore wih porwr tnd o arr seat Sar er een asym nutter Ale Poe reise Gout vended npr cage on a i eon, perry ond kno toe sce 18 ‘Sdifasntrs pmot mtd ome Roo Foe sia Silene Cnn Gedo, Pre of the Phiene Je Rae a rhe Ppt of he Pipe Lares Les sete Gut svarde enempiay dong fmt pb expe Srsake Gldnaman cee wn une aadoray he mth od {Spee tbelatter om ean abe: eco be mtd thon hn ics he Csr be 8 sis a ae Ait 280, tly the ad cere Tetadae ind, to borrow Sune, Carpio Soa arpa opm i Pep he Pheer Doe parle aplzatin oe Ar 280 ofthe Cri Cae or pe meatus ann he promt nea he ae ie ply tlie ihe ed em daager= Writs nang oe cametin ore pe eed mths che kl manna wich plan cated cnt hag agent racecar had aoa ett unl woul ty hrm tober end sa kl iene ewan oenempary dames Apel nee ot pee astm SAK ee ‘coms ou Toe ed la eal ge be ang ee Hane ‘oil Se fl town, rind ting eros and Wiause an ‘pling down her undergarments vaping her while she wasn Such a dfensclase position, covering her bedy with grees tnd abandoning be vo de in gray feldwartraly deep: fable end outrageous. Such viciue amacle was made even ‘more reprehensible a italia vctiiced Jennifer, who sue. tained more stab wounds aod beatings casing her went heath Arile 2229 of tho Cis Coda allows the atard of oe templar damsagr in order ts deter the comission of nae {2 nu allow the courte to forestall beavor that would pase grave and deleterious consequents tei. Ta line ‘with Eueent jurisprudence, the mnount of 700,000 wah fx ‘AAA nd the beirs of Jenner ar exemplary damages was Correctly awarded by the tal cour We aloo aie the rial court ad Ain ordering appellant to pay the bers of Jennifer Patawaran-Rosal the amounts of 60,000 as moral damazos. In cass of murder and horse the avard of moral damages ie mandatory, without need ef tllegatian and proof other hun the death of the: vieim.” ‘nent the award af ei indemnity, the same is increased to $15,000 to conform with cant joripradencn As to ex. ‘poses incored fr the fneral ad burl of Jennifer, the CA fume awarded her bits the aunt of B25 000 ne act) ‘damages, raid amount having heen stipulated by the patie ‘bring the tna. Lastly, we air the award of B50,000 to AAA. as evi i demnity forthe vim ofrape, a well 8th sare of BED000 ‘as moral damagea Civil indormity ex deli in mandatory ‘pon finding of the fact of rape while moral damages ere ‘searded upon such Seding without need uf futher poo, "Peoples. Vilar, gpa 8 at 30, “Pople Domingo, Gi No, 10%, March 2, 2008, 560 ‘sora, 457 Poole Nees cna 96,08 no, GM No, 18015, August 9,201,627 681 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTA NOL. GH, OCHO, 18H eH People on Lane ‘icunme fis aaramed that rope stim as actualy euflered ‘oval juss entiting dhe wc to such award” ‘WHEREFORE, the apple DISMISSED for lack of merit ‘The March 21,2607 Decision ofthe Court of Appeals in CA: Git OR HC Ne. 00296 ie AFFIRMED with, MODIFICA- HONS. Acrused-appllant Conrado Laog y Ramin i hereby [pond GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of Rape With Homi ‘Ge under Acticle 260.8 of the Tevisd Penal Code, ‘mended by R.A. No, 6355, and is ncerdingly rentenced to ‘ier the penalty of elas perpetua witoct eligi for parle “Accusouappellant is herlyondered to pay tho heir of JenniforPatewaranosal P15,000 as chil indemity ex ‘elze, 290,000 ae moral danger, 825,00 as actual dan ger an 900,000 as exemplary damages. Ho is farther or {sea to pay tothe victims AAA the sume of PS0,000 as cil {dernty x delet, PBOOOO 2¢ moral damages and B80.000 ‘ssenemplary damage. ‘With cuts agent the seeucedappelisnt ‘SO ORDERED. Corona (Cal Chirpersn, Lonard Costa, Berean sun Del Cal, J, cone. ‘Agpea dsmeed, judgment offre ith mdifetios. Notes—Distne! pensitce presrbed by law in spelal complex emer it in reogaition of the primacy given (0 SRE Satent over the overt aoe that ave done to achieve ‘at itent Viteg J Separate opinion in People rm. Bec, ‘Je 400 SCRA 608 12003) ‘Bven i two or more partons are killed and a oman it aped nod physical injuries ae inflicted em anther, om the ‘resign or by reat of robbery, tore is only one speci Pepa ve Tepe ‘omg eime of vbbery with homie, (People ve, Daniela, SOLSCRA SIO OOS} Whee the tow gree ole seal fi to ae component ofenses, the resulting crime i elled a special fomplex crime. (apple os. Larataga, 421 SCRA 830 (2008) a PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, planittappele, ee PA- TRICIOTAGUIBUYA soameppalast = mona a; Rope, Ws The dnt eprint rs front te on cut tain ties oe eg ‘so ht ha nor, on Se ne ene hy sce in wth aed stab lds lang te asset oe nots ofthe wines ho ‘Set nea We goer cnt eta Fangs, cepcallybecas the GA ex the seviing ‘buna firmed them, Sud Gongs ar or eofed le pront eh aed ‘espe io ctclustvenen fer we sept tat th rer wat inthe lat pation a the ai tur he fat nna diet oso unr wie ten tn the sams re tha reeertve verona the ees tt tae the screens ‘oosiutng te ngelients af hoofs share. The cre a eset tna ase are weil. Yo cfs ein ett ese the nem 6 tne thoy tse Wit te accused erensely dence wing th he RTC ad the CA overlie fat tet Stherwse would change The butom o mietprete & Ss ‘lance ef onsequner in tnt sun ef fw sedi of emesis espe versions he Couns Uther revere erento Sodingsastoetaga RST DIVISION

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