Chapter 66 - Shock
Chapter 66 - Shock
Chapter 66 - Shock
Types of Shock
• Cardiogenic - systolic or diastolic dysfunction that results in reduced cardiac output (CO).
• Hypovolemic – increased Loss of blood or body fluids
• Distributive – Neurogenic, Anaphylactic, Septic
• Obstructive
• See Table 66-1 for more information.
• Although the cause, initial presentation, and management strategies vary for each type of shock, the physiologic responses
of the cells to hypoperfusion are similar.
I. Cardiogenic Shock
- Myocardial infarction
- Cardiomyopathy
- Blunt cardiac injury
- Severe systemic or pulmonary hypertension
- Cardiac tamponade
- Myocardial depression from metabolic problems
- Whether the first event is myocardial dysfunction, a structural problem (e.g., valvular disorder, ventricular septal rupture),
or dysrhythmias, the physiologic responses are similar.
- The patient experiences impaired tissue perfusion and cellular metabolism because of cardiogenic shock.
- Tachycardia
- Hypotension
- Narrowed pulse pressure
- ↑ Myocardial O2 consumption
- The early clinical presentation of a patient with cardiogenic shock is similar to that of a patient with acute decompensated
heart failure.
- The heart’s inability to pump blood forward will result in a low CO (<4 L/min) and cardiac index (<2.5 L/min/m 2).
- Tachypnea, pulmonary congestion
- Pallor and cool, clammy skin
- Decreased capillary refill time
- Anxiety, confusion, agitation
- Decreased renal perfusion and urinary output
Care Management
- Overall goal: restore blood flow to myocardium by restoring balance between O 2 supply and demand
- Reperfusion with thrombolytics - within 30minutes – thrombolytics –streptokinase, Urokinase, Altepase
- Angioplasty with stenting – cardiac catheterization, balloon angioplasty – within 90minutes
- Emergency revascularization – CABG – bypass graft
- Valve replacement
- Cardiac catheterization is performed as soon as possible after the initial insult.
- Specific measures to restore blood flow include angioplasty with stenting, emergency revascularization, and valve
replacement (see Chapter 33).
- Until these interventions are performed, the heart must be supported to optimize stroke volume and CO to achieve optimal
- ABC then treat cause
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Drug therapy
o Nitrates to dilate coronary arteries
o Diuretics to reduce preload – HF, pulmonary edema
o Vasodilators to reduce afterload - nitroprusside
o β-adrenergic blockers to reduce HR – if there’s BP
o **Dobutamine to increase myocardial contractility thereby increase CO (Table 66-8)
o Drugs can be used to decrease the workload of the heart by dilating coronary arteries (e.g., nitrates), reducing
preload (e.g., diuretics), reducing afterload (e.g., vasodilators), and reducing heart rate and contractility (e.g., β-
adrenergic blockers).
II. Hypovolemic Shock
- Absolute hypovolemia: loss of blood & body fluids
o Hemorrhage
o GI loss (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea)
o Fistula drainage
o Diabetes insipidus
o Diuresis
- Relative hypovolemia
o Results when fluid volume moves out of the vascular space into extravascular space (e.g., intracavitary space)
o Termed third spacing
o One example of relative volume loss is leakage of fluid from the vascular space to the interstitial space from
increased capillary permeability, as seen in burns.
- Anxiety
- Tachypnea
- Tachycardia
- Decrease in CO
- Decrease in stroke volume, urinary output
- If loss is >30%, blood volume is replaced
- If volume loss is greater than 30%, compensatory mechanisms may fail and immediate replacement with blood products
should be started.
- Loss of autoregulation in the microcirculation and irreversible tissue destruction occur with loss of more than 40% of total
blood volume.
- Common laboratory studies and assessments that are done include serial measurements of hemoglobin and hematocrit
levels, electrolytes, lactate, blood gases, central venous oxygenation (SvO 2), and hourly urine outputs.
Care Management
- Management focuses on stopping loss of fluid and restoring the circulating volume
- Fluid resuscitation is calculated using a 3:1 rule (3 mL of isotonic crystalloid for every 1 mL of estimated blood loss)p. 1601
- If hypotension persists and patient is no longer fluid responsive, vasopressors may be added. First drug of choice is
norepinephrine. p. 1601
- selecting appropriate fluids for replacement
- Table 66-7 delineates the different types of fluid used for volume resuscitation, the mechanisms of action, and specific
nursing implications for each fluid type.
- SIGN CONSENT when giving blood – by physician – positive cannot have negative blood. AB+ universal recipient,
Stages of Shock
- Initial
o Usually not clinically apparent
o Metabolism changes at cellular level from aerobic to anaerobic
Lactic acid builds up and must be removed by liver
Process requires O2, unavailable due to decreased tissue perfusion
- Compensatory
o Attempt to overcome consequences of anaerobic metabolism and maintain homeostasis
o body’s responses to the imbalance in oxygen supply and demand
o The patient’s clinical presentation begins to reflect the body’s responses to the imbalance in oxygen supply and
o Impaired GI motility
Risk for paralytic ileus
o Cool, clammy skin
Except septic patient who is warm and flushed
o ↓ Blood to kidneys activates renin–angiotensin system causes vasoconstriction
o The decrease in blood flow to the GI tract results in impaired motility and a slowing of peristalsis. This increases
the risk for the development of a paralytic ileus.
o Decreased blood flow to the skin results in the patient feeling cool and clammy. The exception is the patient in
early septic shock who may feel warm and flushed due to a hyperdynamic state.
o Body is able to compensate for changes in tissue perfusion
o If cause of shock is corrected, patient recovers with little or no residual effects
o If cause of shock is not corrected, patient enters progressive stage
o Distinguishing features of ↓ cellular perfusion and altered capillary permeability
Leakage of protein into interstitial space
↑ Systemic interstitial edema
o The cardiovascular system is profoundly affected in the progressive stage of shock.
o CO begins to fall, resulting in hypoperfusion and myocardial dysfunction
o ↓ Blood flow to pulmonary capillaries
o The cardiovascular system is profoundly affected in the progressive stage of shock.
o CO begins to fall, resulting in a decrease in BP and coronary artery, cerebral, and peripheral perfusion.
- Progressive
o Movement of fluid from pulmonary vasculature to interstitium
Pulmonary edema
↓ Functional residual capacity
Tachypnea, dyspnea, crackles
o Respiratory failure, Ac kidney injury
o Liver failure
o Another key response in the lungs is the movement of fluid from the pulmonary vasculature into the interstitial
o As capillary permeability increases, the movement of fluid to the interstitial spaces results in interstitial edema,
bronchoconstriction, and a decrease in functional residual capacity.
- Refractory
o Exacerbation of anaerobic metabolism
o Accumulation of lactic acid
o ↑ Capillary permeability
o Profound hypotension and hypoxemia
o Tachycardia worsens
o Failure of one organ system affects others
o Recovery unlikely
o In the final stage of shock, the refractory stage, decreased perfusion from peripheral vasoconstriction and
decreased CO exacerbate anaerobic metabolism.
o Increased capillary permeability allows fluid and plasma proteins to leave the vascular space and move to the
interstitial space.
o Blood pools in the capillary beds secondary to the constricted venules and dilated arterioles.
o Loss of intravascular volume worsens hypotension and tachycardia and decreases coronary blood flow.
o Decreased coronary blood flow leads to worsening myocardial depression and a further decline in CO.
o See next slide for figure.
- Thorough history and physical examination
- No single study to determine shock
o Blood studies
Elevation of lactate
Base deficit
- 12-lead ECG, continuous ECG monitoring
- Chest x-ray
- Hemodynamic monitoring
- Obtaining a thorough medical and surgical history, and a history of recent events (e.g., surgery, chest pain, trauma)
provides valuable data.
- Table 66-2 summarizes laboratory findings seen in shock.
- Additional diagnostic studies include a 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG), continuous ECG monitoring, chest x-ray,
continuous pulse oximetry, and invasive and noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring.
Care Management
- Successful management
o Identification of patients at risk for developing shock p. 1602
o Interventions to control or eliminate cause of decreased perfusion
o Protection of target and distal organs from dysfunction
o Provision of multisystem supportive care
- General management strategies
o Ensure a patent airway
o Maximize oxygen delivery, mechanical ventilation as needed
o Optimize CO with fluid replacement or drugs
o Increase hemoglobin by transfusion
o Table 66-6 provides an overview of initial assessment findings and interventions for the emergency care of patients
in shock.
o Supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation may be necessary to maintain an arterial oxygen saturation of
90% (PaO2 >60 mm Hg) to avoid hypoxemia.
- Cornerstone of therapy for septic, hypovolemic, and anaphylactic shock = volume expansion via fluid resuscitation
o One or two large-bore IV catheters , intraosseous access device, or central venous catheter
o Isotonic crystalloids (e.g., normal saline, lactated Ringers) and colloids (e.g., albumin)
o Before beginning fluid resuscitation, the nurse should insert two large-bore (e.g., 14- to 16-gauge) IV catheters, an
intraosseous (IO) access device; or a central venous catheter.
o Both crystalloids (e.g., normal saline, lactated ringers) and colloids (e.g., albumin) have a role in fluid resuscitation.
p. 1596 (Table 66-; see Table 16-17).
- Volume expansion
o Fluid responsiveness is determined by clinical assessment
Vital signs
Capillary refill
Skin temperature
Urine output – 30 – 50mL/hr
Cardiac and respiratory assessment
o Hemodynamic parameters, such as SVV or CO, are also used.
o Monitor trends in BP with an automatic BP cuff or an arterial catheter to assess the patient's response.
o Use an indwelling bladder catheter to monitor urine output during resuscitation.
o Two major complications of large volumes
o Hypothermia - Warm crystalloid and colloid solution
o Coagulopathy - Replace clotting factors
o Persistent hypotension after adequate fluids
o Vasopressor may be added
o When large amounts of fluids are required, you must protect the patient against two major complications:
hypothermia and coagulopathy.
o If the patient has persistent hypotension after adequate fluid resuscitation, a vasopressor (e.g., norepinephrine
[Levophed], dopamine [Intropin]) and/or an inotrope (e.g., dobutamine [Dobutrex]) may be added. The goal for
fluid resuscitation is restoration of tissue perfusion.
- Primary goal of drug therapy = correction of decreased tissue perfusion
- Vasopressor drugs (e.g., norepinephrine)
o Achieve/maintain MAP >60 to 65 mm Hg
o Reserved for patients unresponsive to fluid resuscitation
o Continuously monitor end-organ perfusion
o Vasodilator therapy (e.g., nitroglycerin, nitroprusside, dobutamine – cardiogenic shock to BP) may be needed in
cardiogenic shock to Decrease afterload
o Drugs used to improve perfusion in shock are given intravenously via an infusion pump and a central venous line.
o Drugs that mimic the action of the SNS are termed sympathomimetic. The effects of these drugs are mediated
through their binding to α-adrenergic or β-adrenergic receptors.
o These drugs have the potential to cause severe peripheral vasoconstriction and an increase in SVR. These further
risks tissue perfusion. The increased SVR increases the workload of the heart. This can harm a patient in
cardiogenic shock by causing further myocardial damage.
- Nutrition is vital to decreasing morbidity from shock
o Start enteral nutrition within first 24 hours - PEG or NG tube,
o Parenteral nutrition used only if enteral feedings contraindicated
TPN – total parenteral nutrition – 2 RNs need to check. only 24hrs
sometimes need to add insulin – BLOOD GLUCOSE q6h
o Weigh patient daily
o Monitor serum protein, total albumin, prealbumin, BUN, glucose, electrolytes: CBC and BMP
o Protein-calorie malnutrition is one of the main manifestations of hypermetabolism in shock.
o Enteral nutrition should be started within the first 24 hours. However, full calorie replacement is not
recommended for previously well-nourished adults early on in critical illness.
o Generally, parenteral nutrition is used only if enteral feedings are contraindicated.
Nursing Assessment
- ABCs
o Airway
o Breathing
o Circulation
- Focused assessment of tissue perfusion
o Vital signs
o Peripheral pulses
o Level of consciousness
o Capillary refill
o Skin (e.g., temperature, color, moisture)
o Urine output
- As shock progresses, the patient’s skin becomes cooler and mottled, urine output will decrease, peripheral pulses will
diminish, and neurologic status will decline.
- Brief history
o Events leading to shock
o Onset and duration of symptoms
- Health history
o Medications
o Allergies
o Vaccinations, recent travel
- Diagnoses
o Ineffective peripheral tissue perfusion and risk for decreased cardiac tissue perfusion, ineffective cerebral tissue
perfusion, ineffective renal perfusion, impaired liver function, and ineffective GI perfusion related to low blood
flow or maldistribution of blood
o Anxiety related to severity of condition and hypoxemia
- Shock Planning
o Goals
Evidence of adequate tissue perfusion
Restoration of normal or baseline BP
Recovery of organ function
Avoidance of complications from prolonged states of hypoperfusion
Also included may be prevention of health care–acquired complications of disease management and care.
- Health Promotion
o Identify patients at risk
Older patients
Those who are immunocompromised
Those with chronic illness
Surgery or trauma patients
o In general, patients who are older, are immunocompromised, or have chronic illnesses are at an increased risk.
o Any person who has surgery or trauma is at risk for shock resulting from hemorrhage, spinal cord injury, sepsis, or
other conditions.
o Planning to prevent shock
Monitoring fluid balance to prevent hypovolemic shock
Maintenance of hand washing to prevent spread of infection
o For example, a person with an acute anterior wall MI is at high risk for cardiogenic shock.
o The primary goal for this patient is to limit the infarct size.
o This is done by restoring coronary blood flow through percutaneous coronary intervention, thrombolytic therapy,
or surgical revascularization.
o Rest, analgesics, and sedation can reduce the myocardial demand for oxygen.
o Acute Care
Plan and implement nursing interventions and therapy
o Monitor patient’s ongoing physical and emotional status
o Identify trends to detect changes in patient’s condition
o Evaluate patient’s response to therapy
o Provide emotional support to patient and caregiver
o Collaborate with other members of interprofessional team to coordinate care
o Neurologic Status
Assess orientation and level of consciousness, clinical manifestations
Orient to person, place, time, events
o Cardiovascular status
Continuous ECG monitoring
Monitor for dysrhythmias
o Assess the patient’s neurologic status, using a valid tool, at least every 1 to 2 hours.
o The patient’s neurologic status is the best indicator of cerebral blood flow. Be aware of the clinical manifestations
that may indicate neurologic involvement (e.g., changes in behavior, restlessness, hyperalertness, blurred vision,
confusion, paresthesia).
o Respiratory status
Respiratory rate, depth, and rhythm
Breath sounds
Continuous pulse oximetry
Arterial blood gases
Many patients will be intubated and on mechanical ventilation
o Initially monitor the rate, depth, and rhythm of respirations as frequently as every 15 to 30 minutes. Increased rate
and depth provide information regarding the patient’s attempts to correct metabolic acidosis.
o Pulse oximetry using a patient’s finger may not be accurate in a shock state because of poor peripheral circulation.
Instead, attach the probe to the ear, nose, or forehead (according to the manufacturer’s guidelines) to increase
o Arterial blood gases (ABGs) provide definitive information on ventilation and oxygenation status and acid-base
balance. Initial interpretation of ABGs is often your responsibility. A PaO 2 below 60 mm Hg (in the absence of
chronic lung disease) indicates hypoxemia and the need for higher oxygen concentrations or for a different mode
of oxygen administration. Low PaCO2 with a low pH and low bicarbonate level may indicate that the patient is
attempting to compensate for metabolic acidosis from increasing lactate levels.
o A rising PaCO2 with a persistently low pH and PaO2 indicates the need for advanced pulmonary management.
Many patients in shock are intubated and on mechanical ventilation. Maintaining a patent airway and monitoring
for ventilator-related complications are critical.
o Renal status
Urine output
Serum creatinine
o Body temperature and skin changes
Core temperature
Skin: temperature, pallor, flushing, cyanosis, diaphoresis, piloerection
o Urine output of <0.5 mL/kg/hr may indicate inadequate perfusion of the kidneys.
o Also use trends in serum creatinine values to assess renal function.
o Monitor temperature every 4 hours if normal. In the presence of an elevated or subnormal temperature, obtain
hourly core temperatures (e.g., urinary, central line, PA catheter).
o Monitor the patient's skin (e.g., upper and lower extremities) for signs of adequate perfusion. Changes in
temperature, pallor, flushing, cyanosis, diaphoresis, and piloerection may indicate hypoperfusion.
o Gastrointestinal status
Auscultate bowel sounds
NG drainage/stools for occult blood
o Personal hygiene
Perform bathing, nursing measures carefully
Turn every 1 to 2 hours
Passive/active range of motion
o Auscultate bowel sounds at least every 4 hours, and monitor for abdominal distention. If a nasogastric tube is
present, measure drainage and check for occult blood. Similarly, check all stools for occult blood.
o Hygiene is especially important for the patient in shock because impaired tissue perfusion predisposes the patient
to skin breakdown and infection. Perform bathing and other nursing measures carefully because a patient in shock
is experiencing problems with oxygen delivery to tissues.
o Monitor trends in oxygen consumption (e.g., SpO 2, ScvO2/SvO2) during all nursing interventions to assess the
patient's tolerance of activity.
o Emotional support and comfort
Assess level of anxiety, fear, pain
Drugs PRN
Talk to patient
Give simple explanations of all procedures
Visit from clergy
Caregiver involvement
Call light within reach
o Fear, anxiety, and pain may aggravate respiratory distress and promote the release of catecholamines.
o Provide drugs to decrease anxiety and pain as appropriate. Continuous infusions of a benzodiazepine (e.g.,
lorazepam [Ativan]) and an opioid or sedative (e.g., morphine, propofol [Diprivan]) are extremely helpful in
decreasing anxiety and pain.
o Talk to the patient and encourage the caregiver to talk to the patient, even if the patient is intubated, is sedated,
or appears comatose. Hearing is often the last sense to decrease.
o Give the patient simple explanations of all procedures before you carry them out, as well as information regarding
the current plan of care.
o Do not overlook the patient's spiritual needs. Patients may desire a visit from a chaplain, priest, rabbi, or minister.
Ambulatory Care
- Rehabilitation of patient requires
o Correction of precipitating cause
o Prevention or early treatment of complications
o Teaching focused on disease management or prevention of recurrence
- Continue to monitor the patient for indications of complications throughout the recovery period. These may include
decreased range of motion, muscle weakness, decreased physical endurance, acute kidney injury (acute tubular necrosis)
(see Chapter 46), and fibrotic lung disease (from ARDS) (see Chapter 67).
- Patients recovering from shock often require diverse services after discharge. These can include admission to transitional
care units (e.g., for mechanical ventilation weaning), rehabilitation centers (inpatient or outpatient), or home health care
agencies. Start planning for a safe transition from hospital to home as soon as the patient is admitted to the hospital.