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Root Growth and Gossypol Content in Gossypium Hirsutum L. Root and Hairy Root Cultures

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Multidisciplinary Studies

Full Paper Proceeding MTAR-2014, Vol. 1, 223-234

ISBN: 978-969-9948-22-0


Root Growth and Gossypol Content in Gossypium hirsutum L. Root and Hairy
Root Cultures.
Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1 , and Ahmad Sahroni2
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung 40132, Indonesia.

Experiment was conducted to optimize gossypol production as well as root and hairy root growth based on the
concentration of LS mediu m. Hairy root was induced by Agrobacterium rh izogenes strain ATCC-15834. There
were four treatment applied 1) Fu ll-strength LS mediu m for normal roots culture (LNT), 2) Full-strength LS for
hairy roots culture (LT), 3) Half-strength LS for normal roots culture (1/2NT), 4) Half-strength LS for hairy
roots culture (1/2T). A ll treat ment produced the highest root growth on days 20th, but the highest dry weight of
roots was obtained at 1/2T treat ment. The h ighest gossypol content in roots was obtained on days 16th for all
treatments and all were growth associated, while the amount of gossypol that was secreted into culture medium
were obtained on days 20th for all treat ments. Highest gossypol content was also achieved in 1/2T, both in hairy
roots and mediu m. According to these results, it could be concluded that 1/2T represented the best treatment
combination fo r growth as well as gossypol production in root and mediu m.

© 2014 The Authors. Published by Global Illuminators. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific & Review committee of MTAR-2014.

Keywords― Gossypium hirsutum L., Root growth, Gossypol, Hairy root, LS concentration.


Gossypol is a di-sesquiterpene yellowish pigments, present in various parts of cotton

plants (Marchlewski,1899). It exhibits multiple biological properties, including male anti
fertility activity (Endress, 1994), anti tumor activity (Duke, 1987) and insect icidal activity
(Rogers, 1995). Gossypol in the cottonseed can also be used as dietary supplement in broilers
to increase their weight (Bailey et al., 2000). In the past few decades, effort have been made
to produce valuable plant metabolites using different biotechnological tools, among them is
the application of in vitro culture techniques, i.e. by growing plant tissues, organs or
undifferentiated cells, which will then be used to induce secondary metabolite synthesis and
accumulation, by not using the plant in vivo (Zarate, 1999).

The synthetic capacity of dedifferentiated tissues often differs substantially from that of
fully differentiated tissue, both quantitatively and qualitatively (Suzuki et al., 1987). A
number of attempts have been made to produce gossypol by callus culture, however its
production ability was not satisfactory. Yulia (1999) even found low gossypol content in
callus culture of Gossypium hirsutum L. which was elicitated by Rhizoctonia solani.
*All correspondence related to this article should be directed to Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti, Institute of Technology,
Bandung 40132, Indonesia.
Email: rizkita@sith.itb.ac.id

© 2015 The Authors. Published by Global Illuminators. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Scientific & Review committee of MTAR-2015.
Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Many important plant secondary metabolites are synthesized in root tissues which can
then be stored in situ or transported to other plant organs (Waller and Nowacki, 1978).
Gossypol is abundance in the roots of G. hirsutum L. (Nomeir and Abou-donia, 1982).
Recently, the roots of several species transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes were
capable of quite rapid growth in in vitro defined nutrient medium without the requirement for
exogenous phytohormones (Tepfer and Tempe, 1981; Wilmitzer et al., 1982). Therefore,
increasing of gossypol content in plant organ culture could be conducted by using hairy roots
culture technique transformed by A. rhizogenes (Drewes and Staden, 1995). Several studies
on the biosynthesis of the secondary metabolite using hairy root cultures showed that tropane
alkaloid was produced in the Hyoscyamus muticus culture (Flores and Filner, 1985), tropane
alcaloid in the Atropa baetica culture (Zarate, 1999) and puerarin in the Pueraria
phaseoloides culture (Shi and Kintzios, 2003).

Changes in hairy root metabolite formation and morphology were influenced by

physical and chemical stimuli, including nutrient limitation, illumination, and hormone
concentration (Tone et al., 1994a, 1994b). Some researches on the influence of medium to
the production of secondary metabolite in the hairy root culture have been conducted. In the
culture of red beet (Beta vulgaris) hairy roots, phosphate is the key nutrient for increasing the
accumulation of betanin pigment in the roots. Normal root growth, which was parallel with
enhanced pigment formation, was achieved even in medium without phosphate (Taya et al.,
1994b). Flota et al. (1994) found high biomass of root Catharanthus roseus with specific
nitrate/ammonium ratio. Higher tropane alkaloids was achieved in hairy roots of A. baetica
transformed by A. rhizogenes strain ATCC-15834 cultivated in half Murashige-Skoog
medium (Zarate, 1999). Pramudiyanti and Rizkita (2004) reported that there were parallel
relationship between root growth and gossypol content in the root culture of G. hirsutum L.
cv. tamcot. Therefore, this research will study the effect of a half and full-strength nutrition
concentration of Linsmaier-Skoog (LS) medium in order to get optimal root growth and
gossypol content in Gossypium hirsutum untransformed and hairy root culture.

Research Methods

Hairy root induction

Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain ATCC-15834 (48 h, old) was used to initiate hairy
root on G. hirsutum L. cv. kanesia 7 culture, cultured on LS full-strength solid medium.
Cultures were decontaminated with cefotaxime followed by culturing in the dark for 30 days
in LS agar medium supplemented with cefotaxime. The hairy roots emerged and confirmed
7-10 days after infection (Rizkita and Wardani, 2003). Hairy roots were excised from the
explants and transferred to flasks containing either half or full-strength concentration of LS
liquid medium. The culture flasks were then placed on an orbital shaker at 120 rpm in dark
condition and temperature of 26±2ºC (Kusumadewi, 2004). The established hairy root culture
was sub-cultured every 10 days. Three replicate flasks from each nutrient medium were
harvested every 4 days over a culture period of 36 days to determine the root growth (dry
weight) and gossypol content from both hairy roots and liquid medium

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Root (nontransformed) culture

Non-transformed roots were obtained from 3 days old sterile seedlings of G. hirsutum
L. cv. kanesia 7. Roots were cut ±2cm from the tip and cultured in two different liquid media
(LS medium with half and full- strength concentration). The culture conditions were the same
as the hairy roots culture conditions. (Nurchayati and Rizkita , 2006).

Roots growth parameter

Time course of growth was observed by sampling roots every 4 days during the culture cycle
of 36 days, and dry weight was evaluated as parameter of root growth

Extraction and determination of gossypol

The quantification of gossypol in hairy roots and non-transformed roots was

conducted by tissue extraction using modified Nomeir and Abou-donia (1982) method. The
extract was separated by reversed phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC
from Shimadzu Ltd., Japan) using a Shimpack VP-ODS C-18 (4.6 mmx150 mm) coloumn in
a solvent system of CH3 OH:H2 O (9:1) isocratic, by adding 0.1% phosphoric acid, at λ 230
nm. Standard gossypol was purchased as gossypol-acetic acid from sigma, its purity was
determined by HPLC to be 99.5%. Data processor was a chromatopac CR-7A plus
(Shimadzu Ltd., Japan). The data processor was used to measure the retention time, peak
areas, and the percentage of each peak in the chromatogram.

Results and Discussion

Root Growth

Hairy roots was successfully initiated in solid and liquid LS medium (Figure 1a and
b), while nontransformed (normal) root was in LS liquid medium (Figure 2). The result
showed that nutrition concentrations influenced the root growth pattern (Figure 3a and b).
Roots entered the growth phase immediately and achieved highest dry weight on days 20 th
(late logarithmic phase) for all treatment combinations. Highest dry weight of roots was
obtained on 1/2T treatment combination (0.1740±0.0036 gDW). Taya et al. (1994) found a
normal root growth and formation of betanin in medium without phosphate.

Figure 1(a). Hairy roots (30 days), cultured in solid LS medium.

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Figure:1(b) Hairy roots in liquid LS medium.

A half-strength nutrition concentration (A), Full-strength nutrition concentration (B).

Figure:2. Normal roots culture .

A half-strength nutrition concentration (A), Full-strength nutrition concentration (B).

0.14 0.2
Dry Weight (g)

Dry Weight (g)

0.12 0.16
0.1 0.12
0.08 0.08
0.06 0.06
0.04 0.02
0 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 Harvesting Time (d)

Harvesting Time (d)
A B root on LT root on 1/2T
root on LNT root on 1/2NT

Figure:3. Root growth pattern in normal root cultures (a) and hairy root cultures (b).

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Results of this experiment showed that dry weight of roots on treatment combinations
of a full-strength nutrition concentration (LT, LNT) was lower than that on a half-strength
nutrition concentration (1/2NT,1/2T), data was presented in Table 1. Muranaka et al. (1992)
reported that high nitrate (NO 3 -) concentration in KNO 3 caused several toxic effects in the
root cultures physiological conditions. Franklin and Dixon (1994) also reported that
concentration of KNO 3 more than 15 mM in MS medium could reduce rapid growth in the
culture. It was indicated that low ammonium (NH4 +) and nitrate (NO 3 -) ratio was favorable to
roots growth.

Nutrition concentration caused a significant effect on root growth, while the type of
root factor and interaction between the two factors did not reveal significant effects. These
results indicated that root growth patterns in normal roots culture and hairy roots culture were

Table 1:
The effect of nutrition concentration and root type on root dry weight for all treatment

Treatment Dry Weight (g)

(LNT) 0.1224±0.0137 a

(1/2NT) 0.1382±0.0187 b

(LT) 0.1171±0.0203 a

(1/2T) 0.1351±0.0175 b

Bulgakov et al. (2002) investigated carbohydrase enzyme activity that caused rolC gene
insertion in Panax ginseng culture, and found obvious result from his research, that rolC
gene could affect carbohydrase enzymes activity such as 1,3-β-D-glucanase. However,
authors suggested that 1,4-β-D-glucanase enzyme expression was suppressed, therefore root
growth (hairy roots) was delayed.
Gossypol content in roots

The highest gossypol content in roots was obtained on days 16 th for all treatment
combinations (Figure 4). Based on statistical analysis, it was found that nutrition
concentration caused a significant effect on gossypol content in roots, while type of root
factor did not show a significant effect. Interaction between the two factors revealed a
significant effects. These results indicated that the two factors could be applied together, so
that treatment with type of root factor could be elevated by nutrition concentration factor.
1/2T treatment combination represented the best treatment combination and significantly
different to other treatment combinations (12.6479±0.2992 mg/gDW) (Table 2).

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Gossypol content in roots 12
(mg/gDW) 10
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Harvesting Time (d)

Root LNT Root 1/2NT Root 1/2T Root LT

Figure :4. Gossypol content in roots for all treatment combinations. L: Nutrition
concentration (Full-strength), ½: (Half-strength), T: Transforman roots, NT: Non
transforman roots .

Table 2.

The effect of nutrition concentration and root types on gossypol content in roots for all
treatment combinations. Data were transformed to logarithmic (10 log).

Treatment Gossypol content in roots (mg/gDW)

(LNT) 0.4854±0.0862 b

(1/2NT) 0.5421±0.0467 b

(LT) 0.3552±0.1161 a

(1/2T) 0.6963±0.2334 c

This result was similar to Zarate (1999) which found high accumulation of atropine
and scopolamine in hairy roots culture of Atropa baetica that were cultured in a half nutrition
concentration of MS medium. Baiza et al. (1998) investigated hyoscyamine content in
normal roots culture of Datura stramonium which found high hyoscyamine content on days
16th (logarithmic phase) using half nutrition concentration of MS medium. Khan and
Harborne (1990) reported that low concentration of potassium (K) could increase alkaloid
tropane synthesis in Atropa acuminata hairy roots culture. Higher alkaloid accumulation also
occurred when nitrogen supply was lowered. According to Hammond-Kosack and Jones
(1996), synthesis of phytoalexins secondary metabolite such as terpenoid (gossypol) and
flavonoid was a consequence from plant-pathogen interaction. Bulgakov et al. (2003)
investigated key processes of defense reactions in Rubia cordifolia callus culture which was
transformed by Agrobacterium rhizogenes contained rolB and rolC genes. That result
indicated a higher increment of anthraquinone synthesis in transformed culture compare to
that of non transformed culture.

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Significant positive correlation (r=0.725) between means of gossypol content in roots

and dry weight at 1/2T treatment combination indicated parallel relationship i.e gossypol
content in roots increased when dry weight of roots was also increase, and conversely.
According to Endress (1994), Pramudiyanti and Rizkita (2004), Rizkita and Wardhani
(2003), and Nurchayati and Rizkita (2006), gossypol accumulation in roots culture was
parallel to dry weight.

Gossypol secretion into culture medium

The highest gossypol production into culture medium were obtained on days 20 th for
all treatment combinations (Figure 5). Statistical analysis showed a significant effect of
nutrition concentration factor, type of root and interaction between the two factors to the
gossypol secretion into culture medium. 1/2T treatment combination repres ented the best
treatment combination, gossypol was secreted more into culture medium (11.4740±0.3304
mg/L) (Table 3).
gossypol secretion into
culture medium (mg/L)

4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Harvesting Time (d)
LNT 1/2NT 1/2T LT

Figure 5. Gossypol secretion into culture medium for all treatment combinations. L:
Nutrition concentration (Full- strength), ½: (Half-strength), T: Transforman roots, NT: Non
transforman roots.

Nussbaumer et al. (1998) reported that hairy roots culture of Datura candida X
Datura aurea cultured in a half-strength nutrition concentration of B5 (normal ratio of
nitrate/ammonium: 25/2) medium secreted higher tropane alkaloid into culture medium
compare to the medium with nitrate/ammonium ratio such as 25/5; 37/2; 50/2; 75/2; 40/2. So
nitrate/ammonium optimal ratio influenced secondary metabolite production. The highest
secretion of gossypol into culture medium was achieved on 1/2T treatment combination at
pH of medium 4.57 (11.4740±0.3304 mg/L) (Figure 6). At the lowest pH of medium (3.45)
secretion of gossypol was c.a 2.8764±0.0591 mg/L. However, Alvarez and Giuletti (2000)
found that the highest alkaloid secretion into culture medium of the root culuture of
Brugmansia candida was at 4.5 pH of medium, not at the lowest pH of a medium (3.5).
Therefore they concluded that there was other mechanism which influenced the secretion of
metabolite beside of pH in medium and cell necrosis.

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

Table :3.

The effect of nutrition concentration and root types on gossypol secretion into culture
medium. Data were transformed to logarithmic (10 log).

Treatment Gossypol in medium (mg/L)

(LNT) 0.7282±0.1988 a

(1/2NT) 0.6026±0.1720 a

(LT) 0.9034±0.3257 b

(1/2T) 1.2511±0.4123 c

14 6
Gossypol secretion into

culture medium (mg/L)

10 4.5
8 3.5

6 2.5
4 2
2 1
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Harvesting Time (d)
Medium 1/2T Medium LT
pH 1/2T pH LT

Figure 6. (a) Gossypol secretion into culture medium and pH of medium pattern in the hairy
roots culture (1/2T, LT). L: Nutrition concentration (Full- strength), ½: (Half-strength), T:
Transforman roots.

Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)

Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

6 6
Gossypol secretion into
culture medium (mg/L)
5 5
4 4

3 LNT3
2 2
1 1
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Harvesting Time (d)

Figure 6. (b). Gossypol secretion into culture medium and pH of medium pattern in the
normal roots culture (1/2NT, LNT). L: Nutrition concentration (Full-strength), ½: (Half-
strength), NT: Non transforman roots.


1/2T treatment combination represented the best treatment combination. The highest
Gossypol content in all roots type was achieved on days 16 th . There was a parallel
relationship between gossypol content in roots to growth of roots (dry weight). The highest
dry weight of roots occurred on days 20 th . Roots growth was affected by nutrition
concentration. Gossypol was secreted into culture medium in the largest amount on days 20 th .
Hairy roots culture released more gossypol into culture medium compare to that in normal
untransformed roots culture.

The authors wish to thank Dr. Ermayanti, T.M. (Puslit Biotek LIPI Bogor Indonesia)
for preparing isolate of Agrobacterium rhizogenes strain ATCC-15834., Ir. Siwi sumartini
(BALITTAS, Malang Indonesia) for providing seeds of Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. kanesia 7


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Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti /MTAR-2015/Full Paper Proceeding/Vol-1,223-234

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Interna tional Conference on Mul tidisciplina ry Trends in Academi c Resea rch” (MTAR - 2015)


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