NSTP Reviewer
NSTP Reviewer
NSTP Reviewer
1. Greek ideal of moderation or meden agan, The 4. Values in the sense of historical consciousness
Roman in medio stat virtus, and the Confucian had evolved among the Filipino people leading
and Buddhist doctrine of the middle way or to the concept of justice evolving from
path, find their Filipino value in “walang labis”, inequality to equality and to human dignity.
“walang kulang”
Some highlights from “A Moral Recovery Program:
Building a People- Building a Nation” by Patricia
From Historical Perspective: Licuanan (1988)
- The question ask about Filipino values is “Ganito kami 1. The Family and Home
noon: paano kayo ngayon?” Environment
- We need both external structural and internal culture - Child bearing practices, family relations and family
change. attitudes and orientation are the main components of
Good Citizenship Values 2. The Social Environment
- Main components are social structures and social
1. Love for God or Pagkamaka-Dyos system such as interpersonal, religious and community
- Philippine is the only Christian Nation in Asia. interaction.
- Religious is a prime Filipino value. - Social environment of the Filipino characterized by a
FEUDAL STRUCTURE with great gaps between the
2. Love for Fellowmen or Pagkamaka-Tao rich minority and the poor majority.
- St. PAUL define loves in a different way: - This feudal develops dependence and passivity.
Love is Patient - Sensitivity about hurting established relationships
Love is never fails controls our behaviour.
Love is eternal 3. Culture and Language
- It is the strongest force within the human community. - Cultural values such as warmth and person orientation ,
devotion to family and sense of joy and humor.
3. Love for Country or Pagkamaka- Bayan - Filipno culture are also characterized by openness to the
4. Love for Environment outside world which easily incorporates foreign
- Human interventions are important to derive the full elements without a basic consciousness of our cultural
benefits from natural resources but such intervention core.
have at times gone beyond the limit. - Introduction of English as the medium od education de-
Filipinized the youth and taught them to regard
American culture as superior.
- Contribute also to a lack of self-confidenceon the part
Roots of the Filipino Character of the Filipino.
5. History 10. Mass Media
- We are the product of colonial history, regarded by - Reinforce colonial mentality
many as the culprit behind our lack of nationalism and - The tendency of media to produce escapist movie, soap
our colonial mentality operas, comics etc feed the Filipinos’ passivity. Rather
- Colonialism developed a mindset in the Filipino which than confront our poverty and o[[[ression, we fantasize
encourage us to think of the colonial power as superior instead.
and more powerful. - The propensity to use flashy sets, designer, clothes,
superstar and other bongga features reinforce Porma.
6. The Educational System
- The lack of suitable local textbooks and dependence on 11. Leadership and Role Model
foreign textbooks, particularly in the higher school - Filipinos look up to their leaders as role models.
levels. - Political leaders are the main models, but all other
- Aside from influences of the formal curriculum, there leaders serve as role model as well.
are the influences of the “hidden curriculum”
7. Religion
- Root of the Filipino optimism and capacity to accept Nationalism and Patriotism
life’s hardship.
8. The Economic Environment
- Many local traits are rooted in the poverty and hard life - Is generally used to describe to things.
that is the lot of most Filipinos. - First, is the attitude of the members towards member of
- Our difficulties drive us to take a risk, impel us to work nation which includes the concepts of national identity,
very hard. Poverty has also become an excuse for graft origin, ethnicity and cultural ties.
and corruption. - Second, Is the action that the members of a nation take
when seeking to achieve or stustain full statehood .
9. The Political Environment
- Characterized by a centralization of power. Patriotism
- Political power is concentrated in the hands of the elite
and the participation of most Filipinos often limited to - Is love of and devotion to one’s county.
voting in election.
- Comes from the Greek word “Patris” meaning social activities experienced during the five stages of
“fatherland” human being’s life.
- Nationalism is not necessarily considered an inherent - According to Encyclopedia Britannica (2012) states
part of patriotism. that the human being have a typical life course