Engineering Structures: Saman Bagheri, Vahid Rahmani-Dabbagh

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Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

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Seismic response control with inelastic tuned mass dampers T

Saman Bagheri , Vahid Rahmani-Dabbagh
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran


Keywords: An elasto-plastic spring is utilized in a tuned mass damper (TMD) with eliminating its viscous damper to es-
Tuned mass damper tablish a new seismic response control system. A novel method to find the most appropriate parameters of the
Passive control proposed elasto-plastic TMD (P-TMD) including its initial stiffness/frequency and yield strength is presented so
Inelastic behavior as to reduce the seismic response of the main system with the P-TMD to a level of that obtained with a previously
Seismic response
suggested optimum TMD. The parameters are used to compute the responses of several main structures in the
Energy dissipation
form of single-degree of freedom systems with the proposed P-TMD under different earthquake excitations. To
evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed device and tuning method, maximum displacements and accelerations
are compared to those of optimum TMD systems as well as those obtained from uncontrolled ones. The nu-
merical results show that the proposed device, when using the introduced procedure for selecting its design
parameters, reduces the seismic responses significantly and can be used instead of the optimum TMD without the
need for a viscous damper.

1. Introduction Performance of single TMD systems, however, in structures subjected to

earthquake loads, which possess many frequency components, is ex-
The tuned mass damper (TMD) is a typical passive control device pected to be different and to depend on the ground motion properties
attached to the main system with the goal of reducing vibrations of [9–11]. While effectiveness of a TMD will be greatest when a real
mechanical and structural systems under the action of external loads. structure with a number of degrees of freedom oscillates around a
This device consists of a mass, a spring and a viscous damper which all predominant mode, this device does not reduce the structural response
should be selected properly according to the properties of the main to a great extent when several modes contribute significantly to the
system and the applied loads. Because of its simple and reliable im- main system response. Nevertheless, several successful studies have
plementation, TMD has been widely used and studied. Effectiveness of been devoted to improve the seismic performance of TMDs in different
TMDs depends on their properties, such as mass ratio, frequency and structural systems [12–16].
damping ratios, hence various studies have been carried out to obtain The well-known high modal damping criterion was used by some
the optimal parameters of these devices. researchers such as Sadek et al. [12] and Miranda [13,14] to determine
Den Hartog [1] derived closed-form expressions for the optimum the optimum parameters of TMDs for the purpose of seismic response
TMD parameters for undamped single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) main reduction. Some other criteria (or objective functions) have also been
systems under harmonic external forces. Simple expressions for op- considered for this purpose [15–18].
timum TMD parameters are also derived by Warburton [2] for un- Most of the studies on TMDs including those discussed above have
damped main systems subjected to external forces or support accel- employed the devices with elastic springs and linear behavior.
erations in the forms of harmonic and white noise random excitations. However, the nonlinear behavior in TMDs has been considered for more
The effect of light damping in the main system on the optimum para- effective control of unwanted vibrations in some investigations. The
meters of the TMD has also been investigated in [2] for random ex- nonlinearity can be achieved with some simple implementation of
citations and in [3,4] for harmonic force excitations. Tsai and Lin [5] practical engineering options such as combined action of several elastic
developed a numerical searching procedure to find the optimum tuning and linear springs coming into action sequentially [19], equipping with
frequency and damping ratio of the TMD for minimizing steady-state friction-spring elements [20], using nonlinear viscous damping ele-
response of damped main systems subjected to harmonic support mo- ments [21], and using Duffing spring for stiffness element of TMD
tions. In addition to harmonic excitations, the effectiveness of TMDs for [22,23]. Contrary to these sources of nonlinearity, here the nonlinear
wind loads has also been confirmed by several investigations [6–8]. behavior of a TMD arising from inelastic behavior of its spring is of

Corresponding author at: Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Tabriz, P. O. Box: 51666-16471, Tabriz, Iran.
E-mail address: (S. Bagheri).
Received 22 November 2017; Received in revised form 8 May 2018; Accepted 17 June 2018
0141-0296/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Nomenclature md mass of the mass damper (TMD and/or P-TMD)

T natural period of the main system, = 2π/ω
apb acceleration ratio of the P-TMD, = üb0/ay u0 resonant response amplitude of the mass damper (TMD
ay yield acceleration of the P-TMD, = Fy/md = ωp2uy and/or P-TMD)
c damping coefficient of the main system uy yield deformation of the P-TMD
cd damping coefficient of the TMD üb0 acceleration amplitude in the base of the P-TMD
f frequency (tuning) ratio of the TMD, = ωd/ω γ mass ratio of the mass damper (TMD and/or P-
fp frequency (tuning) ratio of the P-TMD, = ωp/ω TMD), = md/m
Fy yield strength of the P-TMD, = kpuy ζ damping ratio of the main system, = c/2mω
k stiffness of the main system ζd damping ratio of the TMD, = cd/2mdωd
kd stiffness of the TMD ω natural circular frequency of the main system, = (k/m)0.5
keff secant stiffness of the P-TMD at u0 ωd natural circular frequency of the TMD, = (kd/md)0.5
kp initial stiffness of the P-TMD ωp natural circular frequency of the P-TMD vibrating within
m mass of the main system its linearly elastic range, = (kp/md)0.5

particular interest. different structural systems. There are several simple and economical
Jaiswal et al. [24] examined the effectiveness of an elasto-plastic types of these devices with large deformation capacities and good low
TMD in controlling the seismic response of SDOF systems. For such a cycle fatigue performances such as U-shaped steel strips [25–27] and
TMD, they used the same parameters that had already been suggested crawler steel damper [28] among others. The energy dissipating steel
for the optimum elastic TMD with a limited parameter study on that elements of such devices can be easily calibrated to obtain the desired
TMD. It was seen that such an elasto-plastic TMD became more efficient initial elastic stiffness and the plastic threshold, as well as to undergo as
than the elastic one only in certain frequency range of base excitations, large as desired displacements. Furthermore, the elastic-perfectly
while it became less effective in the other frequency ranges. However, plastic behavior can be achieved with a combination of a conventional
they did not propose an approach to identify the optimum parameters linear spring in series with a friction element. Such friction elements
of this TMD for seismic applications and highlighted the need for more have wide structural applications such as those used as friction dampers
rigorous studies on this issue. Moreover, to the best of our knowledge, in series with the bracing elements in building structures.
any approach to determine optimum parameters of an elasto-plastic It should be noted that both above-mentioned ideas to achieve the
TMD has not previously been reported in the literature. Here, as a first elasto-plastic behavior have already been used in the base isolation
attempt to establish a framework for utilizing the elasto-plastic beha- systems. Of course, other practical suggestions can be made to achieve
vior of the spring of TMDs, we try to present a novel method for esti- this behavior in the theoretical proposition of the P-TMD.
mating the most appropriate parameters of the elasto-plastic TMD The natural frequency of the P-TMD vibrating within its linearly
(hereafter referred to as P-TMD) under seismic loads and to assess the elastic range is ωp = (kp/md)0.5. Assuming Fy = mday, the yield accel-
effectiveness of the proposed technique. The proposed P-TMD consists eration of the proposed device becomes ay = ωp2uy which can be in-
of a mass and an elasto-plastic spring without the need to employ a terpreted as the acceleration of the mass md to produce the yield force
supplementary viscous damper which is essential in the traditional/ similar to that defined in a general inelastic SDOF system [29].
optimal TMDs. Therefore, the proposed P-TMD can be characterized in terms of non-
It is important to note that the inelastic behavior of the TMD not dimensional parameters of mass ratio γ = md/m, frequency (tuning)
only is proposed to be utilized in a new passive control device in the
present study, but also can be activated in traditional TMDs undergoing
large displacements during severe earthquake events. From this point of
view, inelastic response analysis of TMDs is also of practical interest in
structural and earthquake engineering.

2. Mathematical model of the tuned mass dampers

A SDOF system with a TMD as shown in Fig. 1(a) is modeled by two

masses, springs and viscous dampers where m, k, and c are the mass,
stiffness and damping coefficient of the main system. For this system,
ω = (k/m)0.5 and ζ = c/2mω are the natural frequency and damping
ratio of the main system, respectively. The parameters of the TMD are
the mass, md, stiffness, kd, and damping coefficient, cd. The natural
frequency and damping ratio of the TMD are ωd = (kd/md)0.5 and
ζd = cd/2mdωd, respectively. A TMD is usually characterized in terms of
mass ratio γ = md/m, frequency (tuning) ratio f = ωd/ω, and damping
ratio ζd.
The P-TMD suggested in this paper consists of only a mass and an
elasto-plastic spring as shown in Fig. 1(b). The idealized elastic-per-
fectly plastic behavior of the spring is shown in Fig. 2. The spring has an
initial stiffness of kp, a yield deformation of uy and a yield strength of
Fy = kpuy.
The spring of the proposed P-TMD with an idealized elastic-per-
fectly plastic behavior is representative of a structural element having
elasto-plastic behavior with a negligible hardening. A well-known class
of such devices has already been used as metallic-yielding dampers in Fig. 1. Mass dampers attached to main systems.

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Table 1
Optimum TMD parameters suggested by Sadek et al. [12].
Mass ratio γ ζ = 0.00 ζ = 0.02 ζ = 0.05

f ζd f ζd f ζd

0.005 0.9950 0.0705 0.9936 0.0904 0.9915 0.1199

0.01 0.9901 0.0995 0.9881 0.1193 0.9852 0.1488
0.02 0.9804 0.1400 0.9776 0.1596 0.9735 0.1889
0.03 0.9709 0.1707 0.9676 0.1900 0.9626 0.2190
0.04 0.9615 0.1961 0.9578 0.2153 0.9521 0.2440
0.05 0.9524 0.2182 0.9482 0.2372 0.9420 0.2656
0.06 0.9434 0.2379 0.9389 0.2567 0.9322 0.2848
0.07 0.9346 0.2558 0.9298 0.2744 0.9226 0.3022
0.08 0.9259 0.2722 0.9209 0.2906 0.9133 0.3181
0.09 0.9174 0.2873 0.9122 0.3056 0.9042 0.3329
0.10 0.9091 0.3015 0.9036 0.3196 0.8954 0.3466
0.11 0.9009 0.3148 0.8952 0.3328 0.8867 0.3595
Fig. 2. Elasto-plastic behavior of P-TMD spring. 0.12 0.8929 0.3273 0.8870 0.3451 0.8782 0.3716
0.13 0.8850 0.3392 0.8790 0.3568 0.8699 0.3831
0.14 0.8772 0.3504 0.8710 0.3679 0.8618 0.3939
ratio fp = ωp/ω, and acceleration ratio apb = üb0/ay, where üb0 is the 0.15 0.8696 0.3612 0.8633 0.3785 0.8538 0.4042
acceleration amplitude in the base of the proposed mass damper (see
Fig. 3). The non-dimensional parameter apb represents the ratio be-
tween the base acceleration and a measure of the yield strength of the Table 2
proposed mass damper. It is noted that using such a non-dimensional Proposed P-TMD parameters.
ratio is often unavoidable in the parametric study of the seismic re- Mass ratio γ ζ=0 ζ = 0.02 ζ = 0.05
sponse of inelastic systems [29].
For the new device, energy dissipation through inelastic deforma- fp apb fp apb fp apb

tions of the elasto-plastic spring is considered to be a replacement for 0.005 1.0551 0.1410 1.0727 0.1808 1.1005 0.2398
the contribution of the eliminated viscous damper. It should be noted 0.01 1.0779 0.1990 1.0961 0.2386 1.1255 0.2976
that the main structure is considered to remain elastic in both above 0.02 1.1100 0.2800 1.1294 0.3192 1.1608 0.3778
mentioned systems. 0.03 1.1349 0.3414 1.1552 0.3800 1.1885 0.4380
0.04 1.1559 0.3922 1.1774 0.4306 1.2124 0.4880
0.05 1.1748 0.4364 1.1971 0.4744 1.2339 0.5312
0.06 1.1921 0.4758 1.2154 0.5134 1.2540 0.5696
3. A method of estimating parameters of proposed P-TMD 0.07 1.2084 0.5116 1.2327 0.5488 1.2729 0.6044
0.08 1.2238 0.5444 1.2491 0.5812 1.2912 0.6362
There exist several methods to determine the equivalent viscous 0.09 1.2385 0.5746 1.2650 0.6112 1.3091 0.6658
damping for a yielding structure. Jennings [30] has addressed and ex- 0.10 1.2530 0.6030 1.2805 0.6392 1.3266 0.6932
0.11 1.2671 0.6296 1.2958 0.6656 1.3439 0.7190
amined in detail some of these methods based on the assumption of 0.12 1.2810 0.6546 1.3108 0.6902 1.3611 0.7432
harmonic response behavior. The application of the concept of 0.13 1.2948 0.6784 1.3258 0.7136 1.3785 0.7662
equivalent viscous damping to seismic response of yielding structures is 0.14 1.3082 0.7008 1.3406 0.7358 1.3957 0.7878
also examined by him. In the current study, an inverse procedure is 0.15 1.3221 0.7224 1.3558 0.7570 1.4131 0.8084
proposed in which the elsto-plastic system called P-TMD (Fig. 3(a)) can
be obtained as an equivalent to the elastic TMD with viscous damper
method, i.e. Geometric Stiffness (GS) method, leads to quite satisfactory
(Fig. 3(b)). It is evident that yielding response is different from linear
results for the purpose of this study. In most of the other linearization
response, and therefore only limited success can be obtained by using
methods, the maximum equivalent viscous damping is usually limited
such approximate methods; however, it will be shown that the adopted

(a) P-TMD (b) TMD

Fig. 3. A sketch showing P-TMD and TMD characteristics.

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Fig. 4. Estimated P-TMD parameters for different mass and damping ratios.

Fig. 5. Acceleration time history of the artificial record used in this study.

u0 =
2ωd2 ζd (1)

(iii) The stiffness of the associated linear system (i.e. kd) is fixed by the
geometry of the hysteresis loops of the elasto-plastic system. This is
accomplished by using the secant stiffness of the elasto-plastic
system at u0, as the effective linear system stiffness, i.e. kd = keff.
This gives
uy u0
kd = kp → kp = kd
u0 uy (2)

(iv) The energies dissipated per cycle by the two systems are equated at
resonance. With the aid of Eq. (2), this condition simplifies to

2 ⎛ uy ⎞ π
ζd = ⎜ 1− ⎟ → u y = u 0 ⎛1− ζd⎞
Fig. 6. Response spectrum of the artificial record used in this study. π ⎝ u0 ⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎠ (3)

Now, we can obtain a closed-form solution for the proposed P-TMD

while being less than the optimum damping of TMDs. They are thus not
parameters as follows:
appropriate for the aim of this study.
Substituting Eq. (3) into Eq. (2) leads to an expression for the initial
According to the GS method, the following four conditions should
stiffness of the P-TMD in terms of the equivalent linear TMD para-
be applied:
meters. Then, the natural frequency (ωp = kp/ md ) and the non-di-
mensional tuning frequency (fp = ωp/ω) of the P-TMD are respectively
(i) The masses of the elasto-plastic system (P-TMD) and associated
given as
linear system (TMD) are taken to be equal (i.e. md).
(ii) The resonant response amplitudes of the two systems are also as- ωd
ωp = π
sumed to be the same (i.e. u0) which can be written as 1− 2 ζd (4)

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Fig. 7. Reduction effect of P-TMD on a system with ζ = 0.02 and γ = 0.1 under the artificial record using different values for üb0.

uy =
2ωp2 ζd (7)
Thus, the acceleration ratio (apb = üb0/ay = üb0/ωp uy) is given as

apb = 2ζd (8)

Therefore, as a final outcome of the above procedure, the non-di-

mensional parameters of the proposed P-TMD, i.e. fp and apb, are ob-
tained as Eqs. (5) and (8) in terms of the elastic TMD parameters, i.e. f
and ζd. These two equations indeed allow us to use the proposed P-TMD
as an equivalent to any given elastic TMD. It is self-evident that the
most proper P-TMD will correspond to an optimum TMD. Hereafter, the
optimum TMD suggested by Sadek et al. [12] for seismic applications is
considered as a reference TMD; however, one may consider any other
Fig. 8. Proposed values of üb0 for a system with different mass and damping previously suggested TMD.
ratios subjected to the considered design motion.
The optimum TMD parameters suggested by Sadek et al. [12] are
listed in Table 1, while the parameters of the equivalent P-TMD ac-
f cording to Eqs. (5) and (8) are presented in Table 2 for different mass
fp = π
1− 2 ζd ratios, γ, between 0.005 and 0.15, and three different damping ratios of
the main system, ζ = 0, 0.02 and 0.05. The proposed parameters of the
It now remains to determine the second non-dimensional parameter P-TMD are also plotted in Fig. 4 as functions of mass ratio for the three
of the P-TMD, i.e. acceleration ratio, apb. Substituting Eq. (1) into Eq. damping ratios of the main system. It is seen that the higher the main
(3) leads to an expression for the yield deformation of the P-TMD in system’s damping, the higher both the tuning ratio, fp, and acceleration
terms of the equivalent linear TMD parameters and base acceleration ratio, apb, of the P-TMD. Fig. 4 also reveals that increasing the mass
amplitude as ratio, γ, requires high values of fp and apb.
u¨b0 π Unlike the optimum values for the tuning ratio of the linear TMD
uy = ⎛1− ζ ⎞ which are less than unity (see Table 1), the estimated ratios for the P-
2ωd2 ζd ⎝ 2 d⎠ (6)
TMD appear to be always greater than one. This implies that a P-TMD
Using Eq. (4), Eq. (6) can be rewritten as typically requires a spring with a higher initial stiffness compared to the

Fig. 9. Displacement responses of a main structure with ζ = 0.02, γ = 0.1 and T = 1 s under the artificial record.

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Fig. 10. Displacement responses of mass dampers relative to the main structure with ζ = 0.02, γ = 0.1 and T = 1 s under the artificial record.

Fig. 11. Energy responses of a system with ζ = 0.02, γ = 0.1 and T = 1 s under the artificial record, equipped with optimum TMD and proposed P-TMD.

corresponding linear TMD. The overall reason for this stems from the γ
fact that we obtained the P-TMD (with elasto-plastic behavior) as an fp =
equivalent to the elastic TMD: since the effective (secant) stiffness of the π ζ
(1 + γ ) 1− 2 ⎛ 1 + ζ + γ ⎞
1+γ (9)
P-TMD is assumed to be equal to the stiffness of the corresponding ⎝ ⎠
elastic TMD, the initial stiffness of the P-TMD will be greater than the
stiffness of the optimum TMD. 2ζ γ
apb = +2
In addition to the tabulated results, simple equations were derived 1+γ 1+γ (10)
through a curve fitting procedure to represent the optimum TMD
parameters in [12]. Substituting those equations into Eqs. (5) and (8) After estimating the non-dimensional parameters for a given set of
leads to the following relations for the proposed P-TMD parameters, fp mass and damping ratios of the main system, initial stiffness of the P-
and apb, in terms of γ and ζ, which give very close approximations to the TMD spring can be directly obtained from the value of the first para-
values in Table 2. meter, i.e. fp; however, to determine its yield level from the value of the
second parameter, i.e. apb, the acceleration amplitude in the base of the

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Table 3
Earthquake records used for numerical studies.
Earthquake Date Station Component Significant Duration Arias Intensity Housner Intensity Specific Energy Density PGA PGV Scale Factor
(s) (m/s) (m) (m2/s) (g) (m/s)

W. Washington 1949 325 N04W 25.8 0.75 0.75 0.169 0.17 0.18 2.74
N86E 18.1 1.13 0.80 0.104 0.28 0.17

Eureka 1954 022 N11W 14.2 0.34 0.84 0.133 0.17 0.30 1.74
N79E 9.9 0.71 0.87 0.102 0.26 0.30

San Fernando 1971 241 N00W 16.6 1.28 1.55 0.369 0.25 0.30 1.96
S90W 21.7 0.68 1.18 0.301 0.13 0.24

San Fernando 1971 458 S00W 26.4 0.55 1.06 0.394 0.12 0.30 2.22
S90W 28.2 0.52 1.25 0.288 0.11 0.29

Loma Prieta 1989 Gilroy 2 90 9.9 1.23 1.84 0.179 0.32 0.39 1.07
0 11.0 1.20 1.20 0.092 0.35 0.33

Loma Prieta 1989 Hollister 90 29.7 0.79 1.09 0.443 0.18 0.31 1.46
0 16.4 2.22 2.52 0.660 0.37 0.63

Landers 1992 Yermo 360 21.4 0.69 0.91 0.216 0.15 0.29 1.28
270 19.4 0.94 1.49 0.515 0.25 0.51

Landers 1992 Joshua 90 28.2 2.41 1.64 0.395 0.28 0.43 1.48
0 30.8 1.68 1.27 0.205 0.27 0.27

Northridge 1994 Moorpark 180 14.9 0.94 0.78 0.063 0.29 0.20 2.61
90 17.0 0.78 0.82 0.069 0.19 0.20

Northridge 1994 Century 90 13.6 1.19 1.05 0.116 0.26 0.21 2.27
360 14.7 0.76 0.98 0.083 0.23 0.25

mass damper, üb0, needs to be known a priori. In other words, in order different natural periods over the range of 0.1–2.0 s subjected to the
to specify the value of uy (or Fy) for this device, it seems that the in- above-considered earthquake. In a same manner, similar diagrams can
tensity level of the input motions should be prescribed, which may be obtained for other design spectrums.
introduce a difficulty in the design of this device in comparison to the Now, we can show and assess the time history results obtained from
design of traditional TMDs. It is, however, noticeable that the seismic the proposed method of estimating design parameters of the P-TMD for
excitation is applied at the base of the main system but not at the base the above example. Fig. 9 shows the displacement time history of a
of the device; hence the value of üb0 will be a function of both input main system with the natural period of 1.0 s in three different cases:
motion and system properties. Therefore, a trial and error approach is without mass damper, with P-TMD, and with optimum TMD suggested
required to determine üb0 for a system subjected to the specified by Sadek et al. [12]. As can be seen from this figure, the mass dampers,
earthquake ground motion. For design purposes, one may obtain the both TMD and P-TMD, are quite effective in reducing the seismic re-
desired seismic response of the main system and the reduction effect of sponse of the main system and the responses match reasonably together
the P-TMD for a reasonable range of values of üb0 under the design as expected. The maximum response of the main structure decreases
earthquake motion which may be represented by a single or a set of real from 0.250 m to 0.120 m when using the optimum TMD, and to 0.128 m
or artificial earthquake record(s) compatible with the design spectrum. when using the proposed P-TMD, indicating ∼50% reduction effect for
Then, a value is chosen for üb0 so as to make the seismic response of the both mass dampers in this example. Displacements of the mass dampers
P-TMD system a minimum. relative to the main structure (stroke lengths) are compared in Fig. 10.
Since the proposed P-TMD has elasto-plastic behavior, the permanent
4. A practical example for validation of the method deformation in the mass damper occurs, as observed in Fig. 10. This
may require replacement of the P-TMD spring after severe earthquake
To illustrate the proposed approach with a practical example, an events. Energy responses of the considered system equipped with the
artificial earthquake record compatible with the design spectrum of TMD and P-TMD are shown in Fig. 11. It is seen that the input energies
ASCE7-10 [31] for Site Class D, with SDS of 1.0g and SD1 of 0.6g is imposed on the system by the artificial earthquake are almost the same
generated using the software SIMQKE [32]. The acceleration time his- when using either TMD or equivalent P-TMD. This figure also indicates
tory of this artificial record is shown in Fig. 5 and the response spec- that the hysteretic behavior of P-TMD can dissipate remarkable seismic
trum of the record for 5% damping is compared with ASCE's design energy which is equivalent to the energy dissipated by the viscous
spectrum in Fig. 6. Here, displacements of the main systems with nat- damper of TMD. Therefore, this example indeed confirms the concept of
ural periods over the range of 0.1–2.0 s are considered as the responses an equivalent elasto-plastic TMD to a previously suggested optimum
to be reduced as much as possible. Thus, the seismic response ratio due TMD.
to the utilization of P-TMD can be computed as the ratio of the peak
displacement response of the main system with P-TMD to the peak re- 5. Numerical studies
sponse without P-TMD. For example, in Fig. 7, this effect is shown for
four different values of üb0 in a system with damping ratio of 0.02 and To examine the effectiveness of the proposed device (P-TMD) in
mass ratio of 0.1. This figure also shows that the effectiveness of the P- reducing the structural responses, SDOF structures with natural periods
TMD is not very sensitive to small variations in üb0 as long as the values between 0.1 and 2.0 s with increments of 0.1 s are considered as the
do not lie in a physically unreasonable range. However, for a specified main systems. The structures are assumed to have damping ratios ζ = 0,
system, one can find the best value among the examined values of üb0. 0.02 and 0.05 and the mass ratios are taken to be γ = 0.01, 0.02, 0.04,
Fig. 8 shows the obtained values for the acceleration amplitude in the 0.06, 0.08 and 0.10. The seismic responses of the uncontrolled systems
base of the mass damper, üb0, which lead to the best reduction effects of and controlled ones by the proposed P-TMDs as well as by the optimum
P-TMDs on the mean displacement responses of the main systems with TMDs are obtained and then for the purpose of comparison, the

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Fig. 12. Mean displacement response ratios of structures with TMDs and P-TMDs.

displacement (relative to the ground) and acceleration (absolute) re- for soil type of C-D. This target spectrum is similar to the aforemen-
sponse ratios are computed as the ratio of the peak response of the tioned design spectrum of ASCE7-10, hence the curves of Fig. 8 can be
structure with mass damper to the peak response without mass damper. used to estimate üb0 for these input motions. The complete list of the
The TMD and P-TMD parameters used are those presented in Tables 1 earthquake records is given in Table 3.
and 2, respectively. The mean displacement response ratios of the 20 scaled records are
shown in Fig. 12 for the three different damping ratios of the main
system. The effectiveness of the proposed P-TMD in reducing dis-
5.1. Response to design basis earthquake (DBE) ground motions
placement demands can be compared with that of the optimum TMD in
this figure. Although less displacement of the main system is the main
The twenty horizontal components of the ten earthquake motions
purpose of using mass dampers, less acceleration would be desirable.
used by Tsopelas et al. [33] are adopted here for linear and nonlinear
Thus, similar comparisons are made for acceleration demands in
dynamic analyses. Each of these earthquakes has a magnitude larger
Fig. 13. It is seen from Figs. 12 and 13 that reductions in displacement
than 6.5, an epicentral distance between 10 and 20 km, and site con-
and acceleration demands can be achieved by the proposed P-TMD for
ditions of soft rock to stiff soil. The ground motions were scaled by
structural systems with different values of ζ, T and γ. It is also evident in
Tsopelas et al. [33] so that the average of the 20 scaled records re-
these figures that the effectiveness of the P-TMD in reducing the seismic
presented well the design spectrum, which was 1994 NEHRP spectrum

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Fig. 13. Mean acceleration response ratios of structures with TMDs and P-TMDs.

responses is about the same as that of the optimum TMD. This is, of maximum and minimum averages in the following. When using either
course, the expected outcome of the proposed method for determining the optimum TMD or the proposed P-TMD it is found that: (i) the
the P-TMD parameters. Therefore, observations on the seismic perfor- maximum reduction effect in displacement response is achieved in the
mance of the P-TMD in terms of system properties are similar to those undamped main system and in the maximum assumed mass ratio (i.e.
reported by Sadek et al. [12] for the optimum TMD. The most important γ = 0.1) with averaged response ratio of 0.54 for the TMD and 0.59 for
ones are: (a) increase of the mass ratio can reduce the displacement and the P-TMD; (ii) the lowest reduction is observed in ζ = 5% and γ = 0.01
acceleration responses of the main system, and consequently, can en- with averaged response ratios of 0.95 and 0.96 for the TMD and P-TMD,
hance the effectiveness of the proposed mass damper; (b) the effec- respectively. Reduction effects of both mass dampers on the accelera-
tiveness of the mass damper also increases as the damping ratio of the tion response are also similar to those found in the displacement re-
main system decreases; (c) for damped structures with very low per- sponse. The averaged acceleration response ratios for utilizing the op-
iods, the mass dampers are no longer effective. timum TMD and the proposed P-TMD are 0.50 and 0.58, respectively, at
As a quantitative confirmation of the above findings, the mean re- the maximum reduction level, whereas they are 0.95 for both of TMD
sponse ratios (displacement and acceleration) averaged over the con- and P-TMD, at the minimum level.
sidered period range (i.e. 0.1–2.0 s) are calculated and compared for the
analyzed systems. To simplify this discussion, we only consider the

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

Fig. 15. Mean acceleration response ratios of structures with P-TMDs under
Fig. 14. Mean displacement response ratios of structures with P-TMDs under MCE ground motions.
MCE ground motions.
both displacement and acceleration.
5.2. Response to maximum considered earthquake (MCE) ground motions
6. Conclusions
As mentioned before, the acceleration amplitude in the base of the
mass damper, üb0, which should be known to determine the yield The present study can be summarized as follows:
strength of the P-TMD spring, can be best estimated by a trial and error
process, as a function of input motion and system properties. For the • A new approach for seismic response control of structures with the
purpose of practical application, however, it is useful to evaluate the elasto-plastic TMD (P-TMD), which consists of a mass and an elasto-
effectiveness of the above-designed P-TMDs (Section 5.1) in controlling plastic spring without the need for a viscous damper, has been
the responses of structures at a higher seismic hazard level such as MCE. presented in this paper.
The ground acceleration data of the MCE ground motions are con- • A simple yet effective method to estimate the design parameters of
sidered to be 1.5 times that of the DBE records according to ASCE7-10 the device was developed and applied to the structural systems
[31]. The previous structural models with and without P-TMDs have subjected to the seismic excitations. The proposed procedure has
been analyzed again under these MCE ground motions and the mean resulted in the explicit formulas to compute the tuning and accel-
displacement and acceleration response ratios are presented in Figs. 14 eration ratios of the device for a given set of mass and damping
and 15, respectively. ratios of the main system so that the inelastic behavior of the P-TMD
It is seen that the P-TMDs designed for DBE ground motions, are also can be equivalent to the visco-elastic behavior of a given optimum
effective in reducing both displacement and acceleration responses at TMD.
the MCE seismic hazard level. These response reduction effects are si- • For the purpose of comparative analysis, the suggested optimum
milar to those obtained for DBE records; that is, the maximum reduc- TMD by Sadek et al. [12] was then considered as a reference TMD.
tion effect on both displacement and acceleration responses is achieved Comparison of the energy responses of a structural system equipped
in the undamped main system and in the maximum assumed mass ratio with P-TMD and optimum TMD shows that hysteretic behavior of P-
(i.e. γ = 0.1) with averaged response ratio of 0.61 for the displacement TMD dissipates nearly the same energy as that dissipated by the
and 0.60 for the acceleration, whereas the minimum reduction is ob- viscous damper of TMD.
served in ζ = 5% and γ = 0.01 with averaged response ratio of 0.96 for • In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the P-TMD when designed

S. Bagheri, V. Rahmani-Dabbagh Engineering Structures 172 (2018) 712–722

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