Accreditation Checklist For Submission of Supporting Documents For Skills Development Providers
Accreditation Checklist For Submission of Supporting Documents For Skills Development Providers
Accreditation Checklist For Submission of Supporting Documents For Skills Development Providers
Type of Submission:
Name of Learning Awarded NQF Number Expiry Date Unit Standards / Qualification aligned to Qualification to which the learning program and
programme/Skills Accreditation level of Learning programme unit standards are linked / contextualized
programme status Credits US US Title
Qualification ID:
Qualification Title:
NQF Level:
Registration start date:
Registration end date:
Last date of enrolment:
Last date of achievement:
Staff Details:
Criteria Comments
1. Organisation SSETA is Primary Focus SETA
Background SETA Accreditation Number
There are Company Registration Documents
There is Public Liability Insurance
Valid Tax Clearance Certificate
There is a Vision, Mission and Goals that promote training
There is an organogram that indicates
2. QMS: Outline The Provider operates according to a QMS policy and procedure manual. The following Policies
procedures that implement and Procedures are in place:
quality management Y N
Quality policy and procedure
Strategic management policy and procedure
Registration and accreditation policy and procedure
Marketing policy and procedure
Financial management policy and procedure
Administration and communication policy and procedure
Resource management policy and procedure
Staff selection, appraisal and development policy and procedure
Learner entry, guidance and support policy and procedure
Work site management policy
Learning programme development, delivery and evaluation policy and procedure
Assessment policy and procedure
Moderation policy and procedure
Appeals policy and procedure
Certification policy and procedure
Quality assurance of learner achievements (QALA)
Complaints policy and procedure
Reporting policy and procedure for learners
Document and record management policy and procedure
Health and safety policy and procedure
Recognition of prior learning policy and procedure
CAT Policy
Confidentiality policy
Language of teaching, learning and assessment policy
Special needs policy and procedure
Management system review policy and procedure
HIV/AIDS policy and procedure for learners
Grievance policy and procedure for staff
Grievance policy and procedure for learners
Disciplinary procedure for staff
Disciplinary procedure for learners
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The Provider has a Review Management Policy and Procedure in place as the Y N
3. Review mechanisms: following indicate
Outline the ways in which the Management review meetings have been conducted
implementation of policies The frequency of meetings is indicated
would be monitored There is a review committee in place
The process of reviewing is in place
Reviews are recorded/minuted
There are review reports
Implemented actions are reviewed
4.6 The provider has an Assessment Guide in place for Assessors indicating the following
Planning of Assessment
Preparation of the learner before assessment
Procedures followed during assessment
Feedback to the learner and third parties after the assessment
Model answers to the assessments
Recording and Administration of assessment results
Evaluation and review of the assessment process
Formative and summative assessment activities are clearly delineated
4.7 The provider has a Moderation Guide for Moderators indicating the following;
The Purpose of the moderator guide
Functions of the moderator
Roles and responsibilities of the internal moderator
The moderation process
Documentation to be completed by the moderator (templates for the moderator to
SSETA QMD moderation at Provider level (internal moderation)
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4.8 The provider has a Final Integrated Summative Assessment (FISA) in place for full
qualifications indicating the following
Knowledge Component
Practical Component (Case studies, assignments, projects, in-basket exercises,
Workplace Application Component
Alignment to Exit Level Outcomes (ELOs)
Final Judgement Recording Sheet
Indicate a place for learners, assessors and moderators to sign
4.9 The provider has Learner Portfolio of Evidence in place indicating the following:
Background information and details such as how the PoE will be assessed, how to
prepare your PoE, Appeals procedure, PoE requirements, Assessment
requirements, record of additional questions and responses
Learner Biographical Information form
Learner preparation and assessment preparation declarations, declaration of
authenticity, assessor declaration
Assessment plan
Learner CV, ID, Matric Certificate, Other related certificates
Evidence to be provided (summative assessment tasks) – including Workplace
Learner review of the assessment process
Learner reassessment plan
Learner feedback report
Learner assessment appeal form
Provision for learner, assessor and moderator signatures and dates after each
summative assessment task/activity
The Provider has a suitable Human Resource policies and procedures in place and indicates
5. Staff policies: Outline the following
policies and procedures for Y N
staff selection, appraisal and
development Recruitment and Selection
6.4 The Provider has in place a policy and procedure for capturing and maintaining learner
records according to SAQA NLRD specifications.
Capturing, maintaining, and updating of learner information is done on a regular
Assessment results recorded in both electronic and hard copy formats
The assessment results are signed off by relevant parties i.e. Assessors,
Moderators, and Learner, etc
Confidentiality of learner information is maintained at all times
There is regular and timeous reporting of Learner Achievement to SSETA QMD
Other Comments
6.5 The Provider has in place a learner guidance, support, confidentiality and feedback
policy and procedure which includes the following:
Entry requirements are as open as possible and make provision for RPL
The provider has provision for special needs e.g
Disabled learners
HIV+ learners
Confidentiality is maintained at all times through
There is documentation on how feedback is communicated to the learner
Learners’ complaints are addressed and the procedure is documented and
implemented as follows:
6.6 There is an Appeals and Disputes policy and procedure in place for the
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Types of Assessment
7.2 The Provider has a Moderation policy and procedure in place that indicates the following:
Other Comments
The Provider has pre-moderated their assessment tools and ensures this report is available.
The Provider has a RPL policy and procedure in place that indicates the following:
SAQA principles for RPL are stipulated in the policy and are implemented
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8.1 The provider has in place a Financial Management Policy and Procedure in place.
8. Management system and
policies: Indicate the Y N
financial, administrative and
physical structures and There are proper financial resources, management and budgetary processes
in place to sustain and conclude all contractual obligations in terms of the
resources of the
training provision throughout the accreditation period.
organization, as well as
procedures of accountability The Financial and Business Plan of the provider supports the goals and
within the organization mission and clearly indicates how they will enable the provider to achieve its
goals and objectives.
Financial Documents presented:
• Budget / Financial Statements:
• Confirmation from the Bank or Bank Manager of account:
8.2 The Provider has an Administrative / Resources Policy and Procedure in place.
There are policies and procedures for the accurate capturing, maintenance
and regular updating of learner information and records (i.e. MIS system used
to capture learner information complies with the NLRD requirements);
assessment results and moderation results
Facilities, equipment, and learning materials support the learning process and
are appropriate to the learning that is provided
The Provider makes use of both on-site and off-site premises for training and
uses an OHS checklist to verify the suitability of the premises for training,
assessment and/or moderation. The checklist include:
Air / ventilation, natural light, desks, chairs, equipment, toilets (1
toilet per 10 learners) is all appropriate.
Fire Extinguishers, evacuation plan, access to the First Aid kit i.e.
name/contact number of venue's Safety Officer and name / contact
number of closest ambulance service in the area, access to medical
facilities all available
The venue is conducive to people with special needs e.g. Wheelchair
access to venue, toilet access etc
Public Liability Insurance and Fire and Theft Insurance is in place