Chapter 1
A Comparative Analysis of
Application of CEDAW
in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
Adopted at New York on December 18, 1979; Entered into force on 3
September 1981. UN GA Res. 34/180, 34 GAOR, Supp. (No.46) 194, UN
Doc. A/34/46, at 193 (1979), 2 U.K.T.S. (1989); 19 I.L.M. (1980) 33.
2 accessed on July
19, 2006. As of July 19, 2006, CEDAW has attracted 98 Signatures/183
ratifications, accessions and successions. The latest accession is Brunei
Darrusalam which acceded on May 24, 2006.
issue is one of normative conflict between equality and non-
discrimination as espoused in CEDAW and other human rights
instruments on the one hand, and right to freedom of religion
and belief as enunciated in the UN declaration on the Elimination
of all Forms of Intolerance and of Discrimination based on
Religion or Belief (the Religious Tolerance Declaration) and
economic, social and cultural rights and rights of ethnic minorities
on the other. Equality among the sexes is perceived by many, as
diametrically opposed to the right to practice one’s religion or
belief and culture as one perceives it. Thus, where religious
traditions and customary practices have been used to create gender
hierarchies, the right to freedom of religion, belief and culture
is said to legitimise these inequalities. Second, at the level of
domestic law, complications arise due to the interface between
state law, customary norms and religious injunctions often
resulting in the application of the most patriarchal and non-
egalitarian face of all these regulatory norms.
The objective of the present study is to highlight some of these
complexities through its focus on Bangladesh, India and Pakistan
and create an increased awareness of the potential of CEDAW
as a universal human rights instrument to advance women’s rights
within these jurisdictions. Whereas Bangladesh and Pakistan are
defined as ‘Muslim’ countries by virtue of the fact that the
predominant population espouse the Muslim faith, India, an
avowedly secular country is home to one of the largest Muslim
populations in the world. How does the intersection of
constitutional and statutory laws, CEDAW, customary practices
and social spaces impact on women’s human rights within these
varied jurisdictions? Are state and legal responses to the discourse
on rights and entitlements of women significantly different in an
‘Islamic’ country as opposed to a secular one?
In addressing issues of effective implementation of CEDAW in
the countries under review, the distinction between state and
non-state law is also noted to pose the question of what it
means to implement CEDAW in non-state bodies of dispute
resolution and adjudication (for example, panchayat 3 and jirga 4)?
This is important since the translation of CEDAW objectives
into state law has met with opposition from non-state bodies.
Women appeal to multiple jurisdictions and often face a plurality
of legal subjection from state institutions as well as non-state
dispute resolution forums. Lower courts are often in alliance
with the family or local bodies of dispute resolution resulting in
conditions which make justice impossible for women.5
Traditional dispute resolution forum in many parts of India and Pakistan.
Panch means five indicating the membership of the forum usually drawn from
amongst the most influential men of the area. The presiding member is known
as Sar Panch. Some panchayats are a part of the legal structures of the state
while others are ‘informal’ in nature.
A traditional dispute resolution forum in the North West Frontier province
of Pakistan as well as Balochistan (also in Afghanistan). In Bangladesh, the
equivalent of the panchayat and jirga would be a saalish (literally meaning
See for instance reviews of Pakistani case law on Hudood where lower courts
have invariably convicted women (and men) of adultery and fornication whereas
their convictions have been set aside by Appellate Courts on appeal. See
Shaheen Sardar Ali, ‘Interpretative Strategies for Women’s Human Rights in a
Plural Legal Framework: Exploring Judicial and State Responses to Hudood
Laws in Pakistan’ in Anne Hellum, Shaheen Sardar Ali, Julie Stewart & Amy
Tsanga (eds.), Paths are Made by Walking. Human Rights: Intersecting Plural Legalities
and Gendered Realities (Harare: Weaver Books, forthcoming 2006).
and even rape by using their knowledge of state law, a framework
of women’s rights in international law and using techniques of
shaming and social pressure to implement their decisions (ICRW
Report). Likewise in Pakistan, local bodies have a critical mass
of women councillors who are being sensitised and trained to
raise issues pertaining to their female constituents. Such
experiments demonstrate the way transnational categories of
women’s rights as outlined in CEDAW are translated into the
creation of non-state bodies of dispute resolution to address the
need for women centred bodies of dispute resolution at the
local level. In a sense, the objective to study the application of
CEDAW in a comparative perspective in the three jurisdictions
must reckon with the vexatious problem of translating the
objectives of CEDAW in plural jurisdictions, rather than limit
the discussion to state law.
The present study attempts to initiate a process of dialogue and
engagement with state and civil society in order to promote a
learning oriented and future oriented approach to human/
women’s rights in the region. Specifically the study expects to:
i) Enhance understanding of the link between ‘religious’ and
customary processes in the marginalisation of women.
ii) Provide a background document for a dialogue between
religious scholars, human rights activists and government
functionaries on the point of convergence/divergence
between CEDAW and these practices.
iii) Become a base for an effective advocacy strategy for legal
reform with clear prioritisation and an agreed agenda for
legislative and policy change in the area of personal laws
relating to property, inheritance, marriage, guardianship.
iv) To create an increased awareness of CEDAW.
Bangladesh study (Chapter 2) by Mahmuda Islam sets out to
explore the possibilities of full implementation of CEDAW in
that jurisdiction. It attempts “to ascertain and promote public
opinion so as to help create a favourable condition and
environment that will enable the government to completely
withdraw its reservations to CEDAW.”6 The Indian study (Chapter
3) undertaken by Kirti Singh, Sumaiya Musharraf and Maimoona
Mollah engages in a comparative analysis of CEDAW and Muslim
Personal Law with a view to ascertaining Muslim women’s status
as members of a minority community in secular India. The
Pakistan study (Chapter 4) by Fatimah Ihsan and Yasmin Zaidi
looks at the interplay of CEDAW, national laws and customary
practices in Pakistan through a literature review and focussed
group discussions (FGDs).
The three studies presented here are complementary in nature
and speak of country contexts that place Muslim women as
members of majority communities (as in Bangladesh and Pakistan)
or, as members of a minority group (as in India). The aim of
this introductory chapter is to highlight the complexities inherent
in application of plural legal norms (including CEDAW) to women
in diverse socio-political and locational contexts. Section 3
provides an overview of the international and Islamic norms of
non-discrimination on the basis of sex and women’s human rights.
Section 2 presents an overview of the three studies by locating
them in some of the main conceptual frameworks animating the
Mahmuda Islam, ‘CEDAW and Bangladesh: A Study to Explore the
Possibilities of Full Implementation of CEDAW in Bangladesh’ in S. S. Ali
(ed.) Conceptualising Islamic Law, CEDAW and Women’s Human Rights in Plural
Legal Settings: A Comparative Analysis of Application of CEDAW in Bangladesh,
India and Pakistan.
concerns underling the research and highlighting their salient
See W. McKean, Equality and Discrimination Under International Law (Oxford:
Clarendon, 1983); N. Lerner, Group Rights and Discrimination in International Law
(Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991).
According to Article 53 of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of
Treaties, a treaty is void if, at the time of its conclusion, it conflicts with a
peremptory norm of general international law. For the purposes of the present
convention, a peremptory norm of general international law is a norm accepted
and recognised by the international community of states as a whole as a norm
from which no derogation is permitted and which can be modified only by a
subsequent norm of general international law having the same character. For
a consideration of the meaning of jus cogens see also Article 64 and E. Schwelb,
‘Some Aspects of International Jus Cogens as Formulated by the International
Law Commission’, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 61, 1967
pp. 1-946.
Lerner, 1991, p. 25; M. Craven, The International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights: A Perspective on its Development (Oxford: Clarendon 1995) p.
154. Also see Judge Tanaka’s dissenting opinion in South West Africa (Second
Phase) ICJ Report, 1996, p. 6.
means of creating real and meaningful equality including the
true efficacy of affirmative action policies as a means of
overcoming past inequality. The limits of formal law have been
questioned in countries where despite formal equality; substantive
equality continues to elude millions of women, and other
vulnerable groups. In the view of some Muslim states for instance,
the concept of ‘complementarity’ is being advanced as the
‘synonym’ or ‘parallel’ notion to ‘equality and non-
discrimination’.10 The legitimacy and universal nature of CEDAW
and other human rights instruments is also called to question by
some Muslim states on the basis of Sharia’ being the sole divine
source of law. This section attempts to place the discussion of
this study into perspective by presenting a brief account of
women’s human rights in Islam and development of the
international norm of non-discrimination on the basis of sex
culminating in CEDAW.
See Egypt’s reservations to Article 16 of CEDAW where ‘complementarity’
is stated to ensure ‘true’ equality between the spouses.
2.1 Human Rights in Islam11
Rights afforded to women in the Islamic tradition emanate from
its main sources, i.e., the Quran12 , Hadith13, Ijma14 and Qiyas15. An
important source of Sharia’, but one which is usually known as
a juristic technique in Islamic jurisprudential terms is ijtihad. In
the literal sense, the term implies striving hard or strenuousness,
but technically it means exercising independent juristic reasoning
to provide answers when the Quran and Sunna are silent on a
particular subject. Ijtihad was meant to occupy a central place in
juristic deduction. A person qualified to carry out ijtihad is known
This section is based on S. S. Ali, Gender and Human Rights in Islam and
International Law Equal Before Allah, Unequal Before Man? (The Hague: Kluwer
Law International, 2000) pp. 42-91.
The Quran is the primary source of law in Islam and is believed by Muslims
to be the word of God revealed through the Angel Gabriel over a period of
approximately 23 years. It has 6,666 verses, divided into 114 chapters and 30
The Hadith, i.e. the custom or usage of the Prophet Mohammed is known
as Sunna; i.e. his words and deeds. Hadith, means the traditions of the Prophet
Mohammed—the records of his actions and his sayings. Unlike the Quran,
which was written and compiled during the lifetime of the Prophet Mohammed,
the Ahadith (plural of Hadith), were not so compiled. It was after the death of
the Prophet that the community realised that in addition to the Quran, the
sayings and actions of the Prophet were guiding principles for Muslims.
Ijma or consensus of opinion has been defined as agreement among the
Muslim jurists in a particular age on a question of law. A. Rahim, Muhammadan
Jurisprudence (Lahore: Mansoor Book House, 1995) p. 97. Rahim cites the
following authorities: ‘Taudih’, p. 498; ‘Mukhtasar’, Vol. II, p. 29; ‘Jam’ul-
Jawami’, Vol. III. p. 288.
Qiyas, translated as analogical deduction is the fourth source of Islamic law.
As a source of law, it comes into operation in matters which have not been
covered by a text of the Quran or tradition (the term tradition is used
interchangeably with the Hadith of the Prophet Mohammed), nor determined
by consensus of opinion. The law is, thus, deduced from what has been laid
down by any of these authorities, by the use of Qiyas.
as mujtahid. It is in the doctrine of ijtihad that the Islamic legal
doctrine was meant to find its evolutionary path. Historically,
however, with the emergence of the four schools of juristic
thought, it was declared that ‘the doors of ijtihad had closed
forever’ and that independent juristic reasoning and hence legal
development in keeping with the times, was precluded forever.
This position has been challenged by many Muslim scholars who
believe that ijtihad is an ongoing intellectual pursuit and cannot
be discontinued.16
Over the centuries, Islamic law developed by drawing upon the
above sources and juristic techniques. Sharia’ which is now used
interchangeably with the phrase Islamic law, became rigid and
less amenable to changing needs. Since the Sharia’ drew heavily
upon the two primary sources, the Quran and Sunna for its
formulations, in due course of time, the entire corpus of the
Sharia’ was elevated to the status of divine law, immutable. Hence,
beyond evolution and change. Sharia’, it may be argued, by its
very definition has evolution built into its meaning and cannot
be rigid. (The term Sharia’ means a watering place, a flowing
stream, where both animals and humans comes to drink water.
Stagnant and standing water is not Sharia’ ).17 How is it then, that
a concept that has mobility built into its meaning is perceived as
being averse to developing new legal concepts such as human
rights? It is submitted that Muslim scholars have failed to make
use of the inbuilt dynamism and flexibility in the Sharia’; neither
Cf. Bangladesh study where majority of respondents stated that in their
view, ijtihad was not a relevant or desirable way forward in terms of discussions
on Islamic law and CEDAW.
In the opinion of An-Na’im, Sharia’ was constructed by Muslim jurists and
although derived from the Quran and Sunna, is not divine because it is the
product of human interpretations of those sources. An-Na’im, Towards an
Islamic Reformation (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1990).
have those juristic techniques where principles of one school are
applied to litigants who in theory belong to another school of
Islamic juristic thought.18 In this context, responsibility for under-
utilisation probably also stems from the lack of appreciation of
how Islamic law and jurisprudence works and has evolved over
the centuries. It also reveals the fact that writers professing a
static view of Sharia’, are unaware of the plurality of legal
tradition in Islam or simply impatient with its complexities and
desire them to ‘will them away’ by refusing to engage in a
discussion on the subject.19 If Muslim scholars (and indeed this
movement must come from within the Muslim community)
succeed in overcoming this psychological barrier of not being
able to work on reforming the Sharia’ which they perceive as
being divine law, whole new vistas for evolving concepts such as
human rights in cross-cultural discourse would open up.
Such as the doctrines of Taqlid and Talfik.
There is some evidence to suggest that this plurality irritated the colonial
authorities in nineteenth century India, for example, who wanted to ‘apply’ a
cut and dried Islamic law in the courts. For an interesting discussion on the
subject see, M. Anderson, ‘Islamic Law and the Colonial Encounter in British
India’ in C. Mallat and J. Connors (eds.,) Islamic Family Law (London: Graham
and Trotman, 1990).
It has been argued that the basic tone and complexion of Islam
is reformative, enjoining upon people equity and justice for all.20
The ethical voice of the Quran is said to be egalitarian and non-
discriminatory.21 At the same time, it concedes to resourceful,
adult Muslim men, as the privileged members of society,
responsibility to care for (and exercise authority over), women,
children, orphans, and the needy. The Quran, therefore, also
contains verses validating the creation and reinforcement of
hierarchies based on gender and resources. But these verses are
very few, not exceeding 6 out of a total of 6,666 that make up
the text of the Quran. Yet it is difficult to understand why and
how these 6 verses outweigh the remaining 6,660, and the position
of women in Islam appears to be determined solely on rules
derived from a literal and restrictive reading of these few verses.22
For this line of argumentation see generally, F. Rahman, ‘Status of Women
in the Quran’ in G. Nashat (ed.,) Women and Revolution in Iran (Boulder: Westview
Press, 1983); J. L. Esposito, Women in Muslim Family Law (Syracuse: Syracuse
University Press, 1982); A. al-Hibri, ‘A Study of Islamic Herstory: Or How
Did we Ever Get into this Mess?’ Women Studies International Forum, Vol. 5,
1982 B. Utas (ed.,) Women in Islamic Societies (London: Curzon Press, 1983); F.
Hussain (ed.,) Muslim Women (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1984); F. Mernissi,
Beyond the Veil (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987); F. Mernissi, Women
and Islam Translated by Mary Jo Lakeland, (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1991); L.
Ahmed, Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate (New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1992); An-Nai’m, 1990; R. Hassan, ‘An Islamic
Perspective’ in J. Belcher (ed.,) Women, Religion and Sexuality (Geneva: WCC
Publications, 1990).
These Quranic verses include the following: 2:221; 2:228; 2:282; 24:30; 4:3;
4:34 and will be dealt with in the study.
commentators and interpreters of the religious texts as well as
legislators, jurists and judges and people in power.23 It has also
been observed that latter day legal, political and economic
developments in the Muslim world too contributed to a
perpetuation of an Islamic legal tradition seeking to uphold
gender inequality as the dominant theme of the Quran.24 These
scholars have attempted to present alternative interpretations to
the Quranic verses that declare the inherent superiority of Muslim
men by arguing for a radically different construction to be placed
on them.
A Conceptual Analysis25
Ibid 20.
The Muslim world has had more than its fair share of authoritarian regimes
where the voice of the people was rarely heard. Traditionally, women were
confined to the home and public life, i.e., matters of state, government and
making interventions in public life was considered outside her domain. The
last three centuries also saw the vast majority of Muslim countries colonised
and hence suppressed under alien rule. The post-colonial era brought its own
political and economic problems. It is not surprising, therefore, that in countries
where the male population found itself unable to share in governance, women’s
participation and empowerment was far more problematic.
This section draws upon S. S. Ali, 2000, pp. 42-91.
Ibid pp. 42-91.
framework by combining Esposito’s hierarchical notion of rights
and Hevener’s categorisation of rights and applying this to
women’s human rights in Islam.
Esposito, 1982 pp. 107-108.
Ibid, citing I. R. al-Faruqi, ‘Towards a New Methodology of Quranic Exegesis’
Islamic Studies, 1962, p. 35.
Ibid., pp. 107-108.
Verses from the Quran have been used by different factions to
support a woman’s subservience to a man and to defend her
rights to equality. This seeming contradiction can, therefore, be
resolved by an analysis of the relevant Quranic verses through
a system of ‘hierarchisation of Quranic values’ used by Esposito
to deal with human rights of women in Islam. This method, it
is stated, is reminiscent of the process by which Quranic values
were first applied to newly encountered social situations in the
formative period of Islam by differentiating between the socio-
economic and the ethic-religious categories in Quranic legislation.30
While women’s status is inferior to men in the former, they are
full equals in the latter as to the spiritual and moral obligations
imposed upon them, in their relationship to their Creator, and
in the compensation prepared for them in the Hereafter.31 While
the status difference of men and women in the socio-economic
sphere belongs to the category of Muamalaat (social relations),
which are subject to change, their moral and religious equality
belongs to the category of Ibadaat (religious duties towards God),
which are immutable. 32 By applying the principle of
‘hierarchisation’ of Quranic values, the Muslim reformers argue
that the moral and religious equality of men and women
“represents the highest expression of the value of equality”33
and, therefore, constitutes the most important aspect of the
Quranic paradigm on the issue. Keeping this scheme of
For example, as stated in Quranic verses 33:35; 9:71; 40:40; 9:72; 48:5;
57:12; 3:195; and others.
Esposito, 1982 pp. 107-108.
Ibid., pp. 107-108.
‘hierarchisation’ in mind, it is possible then to categorise women’s
human rights in Islam.34
Alongside Esposito’s hierarchisation of rights, Hevener classifies
international human rights instruments relating to women, as
having undergone a progressive journey through three stages,
each representing international consensus on women’s human
rights.35 These categories are: protective, corrective, and non-
discriminatory. The protective category is one where laws are
formulated which reflect a societal conceptualisation of women
as a group which either should not or cannot engage in specified
activities. They imply that women are a subordinate, weak and
disadvantaged group in society; hence the need to extend
protection of unlimited duration.36 The second category is the
corrective category, which also identifies women as a separate
group which needs separate treatment. But the aim of the
corrective provisions is “to alter and improve specific treatment
that women are receiving, without making any overt comparison
to the treatment of men in the area. They may be of limited
duration, depending on the time period required to achieve the
alteration desired.”37 Finally, the non-discriminatory, sex-neutral,
category includes provisions, which reject a conceptualisation of
women as a separate group, and rather reflect one of men and
A word of caution here. Although Esposito’s attempt at hierarchisation of
rights within the Islamic tradition is an important step in his endeavour to
develop a modern framework for achieving equality for the sexes, we must not
lose sight of the fact that in his attempt to realise the legislative value of
Quranic verses, he places emphasis on exegesis or tafsir. As is evident from
literature on the subject, the process of exegesis itself resulted in some
restrictive interpretations to Quranic verses regarding the status of women.
See N. Hevener, International Law and the Status of Women (Boulder: Westview
Press, 1983.
Ibid., p. 4.
women as entitled to equal treatment. The concept is one that
holds that biological differences should not be a basis for the
social and political allocation of benefits and burdens within a
society. These provisions treat women in the same manner as
men.38 For the purpose of analysing women’s human rights in
Islam, it is proposed to add here a fourth category, i.e., the
discriminatory category wherein certain injunctions, rules and
regulations of the Quran and Hadith literature may be placed,
where women and men clearly appear unequal. In the remaining
part of this section, it is proposed to use a combination of the
methods of ‘hierarchisation’ and ‘categorisation’ of women’s
human rights to discuss these within the Islamic tradition.
The non-discriminatory category of rights which is akin to the
Ibadaat hierarchy proposed by Esposito comes closest to women’s
rights to equality and non-discrimination in CEDAW. This equality
comes across most prominently in issues such as the creation of
man and woman, moral and spiritual obligations, and reward
and punishment. The Islamic tradition is clear that God created
men and women from one fundamental substance. As the Quran
The Quran, verse 39:6.
over a black person: Only God-fearing people merit a preference
with God. Thus men and women are equal. 40
In the Quran, Adam and Eve are held jointly responsible for the
transgression and consequent expulsion from paradise.41 Verse
7:18-26 is self-explanatory in this regard:
For Muslim men and Muslim women, for believing men and
believing women, for devout men and devout women, for true
men and true women, for men and women who are patient and
The last address of the Prophet Mohammed to the Muslims on the occasion
of the Hajjat-ul-Wida (the last pilgrimage).
B. Stowasser, ‘Religious Ideology, Women, and Family’ in B. F. Stowasser
(ed.,) The Islamic Impulse (London: Croom Helm, 1987) pp. 22-23.
See Esposito, 1982; M. M. Taha, The Second Message of Islam, translated by A.
A. An-Nai’m (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1987) p. 139. Here he argues
that Islam’s original precept is complete equality between men and women.
constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men
and women who give charity, for men and women who guard
their chastity, and for men and women who engage in God’s
praise, for them has God prepared forgiveness and great reward.43
The Quran, verse 33:35. Taha, in support of the equality argument also cites
other Quranic verses. These include 40:17: “Today each soul is rewarded for
what it earned, without unfairness. Surely, God is swift at reckoning.” Verse
74:38 “Every soul is pledged for what it has earned.” Verse 6:164 “Nor does
any bearer of burden bear the burden of another, no matter how overburdened
and not even of a kin. You are to warn (those) who sincerely fear God and
perform the prayer. And who pay alms (zakah) is cleansing himself, and to
God (you) shall return.”
The Quran, verse 16:97.
The adulterer shall not Marry,
Save an adulteress
Or an idolatress, and the
Adultress none shall marry,
None save an adulterer or an idolater.
All that is forbidden unto believers.
Even though the Quranic verse 2:282 has been used to lay down
a rule that the value of the testimony that a woman given in
court in financial transactions has to be corroborated by another
woman, thus leading to the commonly-held notion that the
evidence of two women is equal to that of a single male, yet
there are instances where the evidence of one woman outweighs
that of a man. A woman’s oath in cases where her husband
accuses her of adultery is enough to avert punishment. Verses
24:6-9 state the following:
As for those who accuse their wives but have no witnesses
except themselves; let the testimony of one of them be four
testimonies, (swearing) by Allah that he is of those who speak
the truth; and yet a fifth, invoking the curse of Allah on him if
he is of those who lie. And it shall avert the punishment from
her if she bear witness before Allah four times that the thing he
sayeth is indeed false. And a fifth (time) that the wrath of Allah
be upon her if he speaketh the truth.
Islam has accorded women civil and property rights, including
rights of inheritance. She has been guaranteed complete control
over what she earns and possesses:
And their Lord hath heard them (and He sayeth): Lo! I suffer
not the work of any worker, male or female, to be lost. Ye
proceed one from another 45
The Quran, verse 3:285.
Unto the men belongeth a share of that which parents and
kindred leave, and unto the women a share of that which parents
and near kindred leave.46
Unto men a fortune from that which they have earned, and unto
women a fortune from that which they have earned.47
The above-mentioned Quranic verses thus create a hierarchy of
non-discriminatory rights. Some other examples of non-
discriminatory laws granting Muslim women complete equality
with men are: that she is sui juris (legal person) and can make
independent decisions as regards entering into a contract, and
the acquisition, disposal and alienation of property. The property
laws of the Quran guarantee women the right to have full
possession and control of their wealth including dower, during
marriage and after divorce.48 In the sphere of family law too,
certain provisions afford women complete equality. For example,
the right to enter marriage of her own will, on attaining
adulthood, without an intermediary (wali).49
The Quran, verse 4:7.
The Quran, verse 4:32.
The Quran, verses 4:7; 4:11; and 4:12 as regards inheritance and bequeathal
rights of women. and 4:4; 4:24; 4:20; 4:21; 2:229 for full possession and
control over their wealth.
This, however, is a controversial right since under Shafei law a women always
needs a guardian to contract her in marriage even on attaining puberty. Even
under Hanafi law it is subject to debate as seen in the recent Pakistani case
Asma Jehangir vs Abdul Waheed, PLD 1997 Lah. 301. For a detailed discussion,
see chapter 4 of this study.
some professions as out of bounds for women, one such being
that of head of state. For instance, one of the most oft-quoted
Hadith runs thus: “Those who entrust their affairs to a woman
will never know prosperity.”50 This Hadith barring women from
public life first appeared on the Muslim political scene about 25
years after the death of the Prophet Mohammed and was narrated
by one Abu Bakra. He recollected this Hadith at a highly
opportune moment—the entry into Basra of the Caliph Ali
after defeating Aisha (wife of the Prophet Mohammed) at the
Battle of the Camel! Abu Bakra was among the notables of
Basra who had refused to participate on either side in the civil
war and was fearing a reprisal from the Caliph Ali. Conveniently
recalling such a Hadith obviously meant soliciting political favour
with a victorious leader at the cost of the vanquished foe. But
this seemingly benign act of political expediency had far reaching
consequences on the status of women and how they would
henceforth be perceived, for in this case, the defeated insurgent
leader happened to be a woman. Hadith being a source of Islamic
law, has to be compiled scientifically along stringent rules to sift
the authentic ones from those that have been fabricated or those
that do not fulfil the rules laid down for determining authenticity
of traditions.51 One such rule is uprightness of character of the
narrator. Applying this rule to Abu Bakra, he allegedly stands
disqualified as he was convicted and flogged for false testimony
Bukhari, Sahih, Vol. 4, p.226. The Sahih by Bukhari, along with five other
Hadith collections, rank as the “Six” authentic compilations of the words and
deeds of the Prophet Mohammed. These include Hadith collections of Muslim
ibn’l Hajjaj; Timidhi; Abu Daud; Ibn Majah and Nisa’i. For details of works
see A. Rahim, 1995, pp. 1-31.
For a comprehensive discussion on classification of Hadith, and rules for
authenticity see Ibid., pp. 58-65.
(Qadhf), by the second Caliph, Umar Ibn-Al-Khattab.52 Despite
this questionable background, many Muslims quote this Hadith
as “authority” for excluding women from decision-making and
public life.
Ibn al-Athir, Usd al-Ghabrafi tamyiz al-sahaba, Vol. 5, (Beirut: Daral-Fikr) p.38.
For a detailed discussion of the circumstances surrounding narration of this
Hadith, see Mernissi, Women and Islam, 1987. For a critique of Mernissi’s analysis
see R. Afshari, ‘Egalitarian Islam and Misogynist Islamic Tradition: A Critique
of the Feminist reinterpretation of Islamic History and Heritage’, Critique,
Vol. 4, 1994, pp. 13-33.
A. Hameed, Mabadi-e-Nazam ul Hukam Al Islami, cited in Stowasser 1987 pp.
constituent of the Muslim community and indeed expected to
participate in political life is borne out by the fact that women
as a group participated in the initial pledge of allegiance (bay’a)
extended to the Prophet Mohammed by the Muslims.54 This
practice was continued in later years as well, making it an integral
part of the political process.55
Stowasser, 1987
L. P. Sayeh & A. M. Morse Jr., ‘Islam and the Treatment of Women: An
Incomplete Understanding of Gradualism’ Texas International Law Journal,
Vol. 30, 1995, pp. 311-323 and accompanying footnotes.
Ibid., pp. 322-323 and accompanying footnotes. For an interesting account
of the life and personality of Aisha, wife of the Prophet Mohammed see, N.
Abbott, Aishah the Beloved of Mohammed (New York: Arno Press, 1973). For a
more recent account see, D. A. Spellberg, Politics, Gender, and the Islamic Past.
The Legacy of Aisha Bint Abi Bakr (New York: Columbia University Press,
Rahman, 1983.
Quranic verses aimed at ameliorating the plight of the
downtrodden classes, and women in particular stand out
prominently. At the same time it has to be conceded that no
matter how revolutionary the philosophy of Islam may have
been, in order to take root among a tribal, patriarchal society, an
outright break with the past would not have served any useful
purpose. It is perhaps difficult to appreciate today, in the closing
years of the twentieth century, the extent of reform brought
about by Islam fourteen hundred years ago in laying the
foundations of an egalitarian society based on the principles of
social justice. Therefore, a number of rights discussed in this
section will no doubt come across as half-measures and incapable
of according women the same degree of importance as men.
In Hevener’s categorisation of rights, the protective category is deemed of
unlimited duration whereas rights placed in the corrective category may be of
limited duration and no longer required when men and women achieve
complete equality.
Rahman, 1983.
protective and corrective rights into the non-discriminatory
When one of them is given the glad tidings of (the birth of) a
female, his face darkens as he tries to suppress his chagrin. He
hides from people out of a sense of disgrace of the news he has
been given and he ponders whether to keep her in disgrace or
shove her under the earth. Evil is, indeed, what they judge.62
It is here that my views on Hevener’s categorisation differ to the extent that
in applying these I perceive all four categories as a continuum flowing one
from the other.
Rahman, 1983, p. 37; Rahim, 1995.
The Quran, verse 16:58-59.
The Quran, verse 17:31. Similarly, in verse 6:151 the same commandment
is repeated in these words: “Kill not your children on a plea of poverty we
provide for you and for them.”
Hadith literature also contains a number of incidents and sayings
of the Prophet Mohammed that are reflective of the concern
that female infanticide gave rise to. Since pre-Islamic Arabia
regarded the birth of a girl-child as a punishment and humiliation
from the gods it was important that pronouncements be made
to reinforce the Quranic statements prohibiting the practice and
removing the prevalent misgivings entrenched in the Arab mind.
These Ahadith were corrective of the social norm of female
infanticide by engendering sentiments of love, affection and
mercy for the girl-child in the hearts of their parents.64
The pre-Islamic practice of zihar whereby an Arab husband
would make a pronouncement of divorce upon his wife by
comparing her with the back of his mother (and therefore
prohibited to him), was also abolished.65 This prohibition came
in the light of the humiliation caused to the woman as a result
of this particular form of divorce. Verse 33:4 of the Quran
God has not put two hearts in any man’s breast: He has not
made your wives with whom you do zihar your mothers, nor has
He made your so-called (i.e., adopted) sons your real sons.
It is related from Aisha, wife of the Prophet Mohammed, “If daughters are
born to a parent and he treats them benevolently and beneficently, he will be
secured from the fire of Hell.” Anas bin Malik reports, “He who brings up
two girls and they attain puberty, will come on the day of judgement and he
and I will be like this”. Saying this the Prophet joined his fingers. Abdullah
reports, “If a girl child is born to someone and he brings her up well and
educates and trains her well and whatever mercy is shown to him by Allah is
showered by him on his daughter, that girl will be a screen and curtain for him
from the fire of Hell.” Cited in A. Hussain, Status of Women in Islam (Lahore:
Law Publishing Company, 1987) appendix, pp. 1-10.
For a discussion of the various kinds of divorce in pre-Islamic Arabia, see
Rahim, 1995, pp. 8-9; Rahman, 1983.
Another corrective measure in the Quranic text relates to a pagan
custom whereby a son inherited his stepmother as part of his
father’s legacy. The son could either force her to marry him or,
debar her from remarrying anyone else for the rest of her life.
In the absence of a son, the next male kin of the deceased had
the same power over her.66
Rahim, 1995; Rahman, 1983. The prohibition came in verse 4:19 of the
The Quran, verse 4:11.
P. S. Ali, Human Rights in Islam (Lahore: Aziz Publishers, 1980) p.120.
It is submitted with respect to Perveen Shaukat Ali’s argument,
that men too inherit from other sources. They inherit from the
mother, wife, and daughter and in most cases their share is
double that of the woman’s.69 Inheritance rights of women may
be placed in the protective category by virtue of the fact that
Quranic injunctions ensure to women a basic minimum share,
recognising the reality that they will always be a class of persons
in need of protection. This is borne out by centuries of
oppression where women have not and in all likelihood, will not
in the foreseeable future be able to attain substantive economic
parity with their male counterparts. At the same time, however,
this minimum share does not preclude an enhanced share or a
share equal to or more than that of a male. A parent, spouse or
any other person may, by executing a valid gift deed, give away
his/her entire wealth to a woman to the exclusion of all expectant
male heirs. Similarly, a husband may, under a stipulation in the
marriage contract, be divested of his entire possessions by way
of dower, as there is no maximum limit to what may be given
as dower to a wife.
In the area of family law, human rights of women are for the
most part of the corrective/protective category although as
mentioned above the initial premise of entering into the marriage
contract is one of complete equality. However, once the contract
is made, then inequality between the contracting parties emerges.
For instance, under the “protective” right of dower as a
For example, as a wife who has children, a woman inherits one eighth of
her husband’s estate; one-fourth if she is childless. A husband on the other
hand inherits one-fourth from his wife if they have children, one half if they
are childless. For a detailed exposition of the Islamic law of inheritance see,
M. A. Mannan, Principles of Muhammadan Law (Lahore: PLD Publishers, 1995)
chapter 6, 7, and 8.
“consideration” for the marriage contract, the husband becomes
the protector and the wife, the protected. She retains the dower
(or the right over it if not paid already), so long as she remains
the wife or the husband dissolves the marriage tie by talaq.70 But
if the wife is desirous of terminating the contract,71 then this
protection of dower money or property must be returned to the
husband to “ransom herself from her husband”.72
The unilateral right to terminate the marriage contract belongs to the husband
under Islamic law which is technically known as talaq. The husband has to pay
the wife the dower on pronouncement of talaq.
The concept of the wife being able to “buy” her freedom by returning her
dower is technically known as khula which affords a woman the right to get
out of an undesirable union.
The Quran, verse 2:229.
The Quran, verse 4:20.
Haeri sums up this reform in family law in the following words:
S. Haeri, ‘Divorce in Contemporary Iran: A Male Prerogative in Self-Will’
in Islamic Family Law (London: Graham & Trotman, 1990) p. 56.
In a famous Pakistani case, Khurshid Bibi vs Mohammed Amin PLD 1967 SC
97, their Lordships were of the view that talaq is not an unfettered right of
the husband as the Quran in 4:35, provides for the appointment of arbiters to
curtail the unbridled exercise of this right. These fetters are hardly effective
if the husband is determined to go ahead with the pronouncement of divorce.
Despite this privilege accorded to the husband in traditional Islamic law,
many Muslim countries have legislated certain procedural requirements that
have to be undertaken to finalise the divorce. See for instance, the Muslim
Family Laws Ordinance, 1961 of Pakistan.
with the difference that the woman has to convince the court of
her fixed aversion and irretrievable breakdown of the marriage
(khula)77. Although some leading judgements from the superior
courts of Pakistan have tried to equate the right to pronounce
talaq by the husband with the right of khula available to the
woman,78 yet it is submitted that there are major differences
between these two modes of dissolution of marriage. No matter
what obstacles one places in the husband’s right to give talaq, at
the end of the day by its very definition, talaq may be pronounced
with or without the intervention of a court of law. On the other
hand, if a woman fails to convince the judge of the genuineness
of her case for khula, she cannot unilaterally terminate the
marriage contract.79 It is with these drawbacks in mind that the
right of khula is being placed in the protective/corrective category
of women’s human rights rather than in the non-discriminatory
A further protective right as regards dissolution of marriage, is
talaq-i-tafwid or delegated right of divorce given to the wife in
the contract of marriage. Muslim women may take advantage of
the fact that marriage is a civil contract and stipulations limiting
or even prohibiting the husband from dissolving the marriage tie
can be incorporated in it. An effort at achieving some measure
of equality may thus be successful.80
PLD 1967 SC 97.
For example in Safia Begum vs Khadim Hussain 1985 CLC 1869 and Syed
Mohammed Rizwan vs Mst. Samina Khatoon 1989 SMCR 25.
For instance, see Aali vs Additional District Judge I, Quetta 1987 CLC 27,
Raisa Begum vs Mohammed Hussain 1986 MLD 1418 and many others.
Here a note of caution as regards these stipulations favourable to women.
Societal pressure strongly discourages use of these rights afforded to women.
For details, see S. S. Ali, ‘An Analysis of the Trends of the Superior Courts
of Pakistan in Matters Relating to Marriage, Dower, Divorce’, Working Paper
for the Women and Law Project, Women Living Under Muslim Laws, 1993.
The right of the wife to be properly fed and clothed at the
husband’s expense is another protective right afforded to the
woman.81 This right is available to her even though she may be
wealthier than the husband and capable of maintaining not only
herself but him as well.82
For example as enjoined in the Quran, verse 4:34.
But this protective right to be maintained ceases as soon as the woman is
divorced or is widowed. For the issue of post-divorce maintenance, see the
famous Indian case of Mohammed Ahmed Khan vs Shah Bano Begum and others
AIR 1985 SC 945.
There are three modes of pronouncing talaq. Talaq-i-Ahsan, Talaq-i-Hasan
and Talaq-ul-Biddat. The first two offer some scope for reconciliation as the
divorce does not become irrevocable for some time. The time afforded before
the divorce becomes irrevocable is the first kind of waiting period. Then
there is the period of iddat, which is a period during which a woman whose
marriage has been terminated either by death or divorce may not remarry.
Talaq-ul-Biddat (the third kind mode), is an irrevocable divorce as soon as it is
pronounced and there is no chance of reconciliation. This mode is not the
one sanctioned by the Prophet Mohammed, and hence rejected by some
While breastfeeding and its duration is recommended, the
modalities are to be decided by “mutual consultation” of both
parents. If the mother is unable to fulfil her duty, the father is
under an obligation to make alternate arrangements, e.g., hiring
a wet nurse etc. Where the parents are divorced and the mother
has custody, the father is bound to feed, maintain, and pay the
mother as he would any wet nurse for performing this job.84
This placing of the monetary responsibility for the welfare of
the child and the nursing mother, although within the protective
category of human rights, reinforces the stereotype roles of men
as providers and women as passive consumers and men’s liability.
“Nor should he (father) to whom the child is born
(be made to suffer) because of his child.
(An heir shall be chargeable in the same way
If they both decide on weaning)
If they desire to wean the child by mutual consent,
And, (after) consultation, it is no sin for them,
And if you wish to give your children out to
Nurse, it is no sin for you provided ye pay
(the nursing woman as hired).
What is due from you (i.e., money that has been either
Fixed or according to common practice)
Observe your duty to Allah, and know that Allah
Is Seer of what ye do.”
Also see discussion on this point in S. S. Ali and B. Jamil, The United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child, Islamic Law and Pakistan Legislation: A
Comparative Study (Peshawar: Shaheen Printing Press, 1994).
puberty.85 After that period, custody reverts to the father who is
generally known as the “natural guardian” of his children. The
mother cannot, under traditional Islamic law be recognised as
the legal guardian of her own children. One does not come
across any verse of the Quran establishing the father as the sole
legal guardian of his children to the exclusion of the mother.
However, there is a saying of the Prophet, which is an extract
of his sermon on the occasion of the Last Pilgrimage (Hajjat-
ul-Wida), to the effect that “the child belongs to him/her on
whose bed it is born”. In the patriarchal social organisation it is
the man who has to provide the household effects (including the
bed on which the child is born). It has thus been inferred over
the centuries that the child “belongs” to the father. This is also
in line with the above mentioned principle of Islamic law where
the father is made to pay for feeding and rearing the child, even
if it is by the child’s own mother. But what is very important to
realise is that these recommendations/injunctions are always
prefaced by the economic superiority of the man. The question
posed here is: What would be the position if one were to reverse
situations and the woman/mother was the breadwinner/provider
of the family?
These are not uniformly applicable rules as only the Hanafi Sunni school of
thought adheres to them. Under Shia law, a mother is only entitled to custody
of her minor children up to the age of 2 years in case of a male child and
7 years in case of a female. See Mannan, 1995.
scholars and theologians86 are challenging the male-oriented
interpretation of some of these verses). In this section it is
proposed to analyse these Quranic verses that arguably establish
and reinforce gender hierarchies within the Islamic tradition.
Although the most oft-quoted verse in this regard is verse 4:34
of the Quran, yet male dominance and priority is determined by
this verse used in conjunction with verse 2:282 (testimony of
women), verses permitting polygamy, superior right of the male
to terminate marriage etc. Each of these verses used over the
centuries as sources of positive law on the subject in various
Muslim jurisdictions are open to diverse interpretations to the
point where they have even been used to promote women’s
rights. (see discussion below).
See for instance the work of Riffat Hassan who is to the author’s knowledge
the first and one of the very few female theologians in the Muslim world and
has written prolifically on the subject. Some of the more relevant to our
present discussion are: R. Hassan, ‘The Role and Responsibilities of Women
in the Legal and Ritual Tradition of Islam,’ Paper presented at a bi-annual
meeting of a Trialogue of Jewish-Christian-Muslim Scholars at the Joseph and
Rose Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Washington, DC, on October 14, 1980; R.
Hassan, ‘On Human Rights and the Quranic Perspective’ in A. Swidler (ed.),
Human Rights in Religious Traditions (New York: Pilgrim Press, 1982); R. Hassan,
‘An Islamic Perspective’ in J. Becher (ed.,) Women, Religion and Sexuality (Geneva:
WCC Publications, 1990).
B. Stowasser, 1987, p. 293.
superiority (or at least perceived as such by most Muslims) is the
The Quran, verse 4:34.
a linguistically, and philosophically/theologically accurate
interpretation of this passage would lead to radically different
conclusions. In simple words, what this passage is saying is that
since only women bear children (which is not to say either that
all women should bear children or that women’s sole function is
to bear children) — a function whose importance in the survival
of any community cannot be questioned — they should not
have the additional obligation of being breadwinners whilst they
perform this function. Thus, during the period of a woman’s
child-bearing, the function must be performed by men (not just
husbands) in the Muslim “Ummah”.... It enjoins men in general
to assume responsibility for women in general when they are
performing the vitally important function of child-bearing.89
R. Hassan, extract from a paper presented at a Quranic interpretation meeting
held in Karachi, Pakistan (8th-13th July 1990), under the auspices of Women
Living Under Muslim Laws.
This argument needs further research and refinement.
beating the woman (women) in their charge. According to her
view all three stages of admonishment are invokable only if
women (en masse), refuse to procreate. However, it has to be said
that neither a textual reading of the verse nor any contextual
evidence leads one to this inference of the said verse as presented
by Hassan.91
Aziza Al-Hibri, another Muslim scholar analyses verse 4:34 in
the following manner: “Men are qawwamun over women in matters
where God gave some of them more than others, and in what
they spend of their money.” Al-Hibri argues that the problematic
concept here is qawwamun, which is difficult to translate. She says
that while some writers translate it as ‘protectors’ and ‘maintainers’
(eg. A.Y. Ali’s translation), this is not quite accurate as the basic
notion involved here is one of moral guidance and caring.92 The
‘standard’ interpretation of the above passage declares men as
being in charge of women’s affairs because men were created by
God as superior to woman (in strength and reason) and because
they provided for women (they spend their money on them). Al-
Hibri challenges it on two counts; that it is unwarranted and that
it is inconsistent with other Islamic teachings.93 She concludes
therefore that:
Nowhere in the passage is there a reference to the male’s physical
or intellectual superiority. Secondly, since men are qawwamun over
women in matters where God gave some of the men more than
some of the women, and in what the men spend of their money,
then clearly men as a class are not qawwamun over women as a
Al-Hibri, A ‘Study of Islamic Herstory or How Did We Ever Get into this
Mess?’ Women Studies International Forum, Vol 5, 1982, p. 207.
class. The conditions of being qawwamun as specified in the
passage are two:
that the man be someone whom God gave more in the matter
at hand than the woman and that he be her provider
If either condition fails, then the man is not qawwamun over that
woman. If both obtain, then all it entitles him to is caring for
her and providing her with moral guidance. For, only under
extreme conditions (for example insanity) does the Muslim woman
lose her right to self-determination, including entering any kind
of business contract without permission from her husband. It is
worth noting that the passage does not even assert that some
men are inherently superior to some women. It only states that
in certain matters some men may have more than some women.94
The believers, men and women, are awliya, one of the another
Ibid., p. 218.
men if men are superior to women in both physical and
intellectual strength? And, how could women be in charge of
men who have absolute authority over them?”96
Ibid. Hibri also quotes a saying of the Prophet Mohammed where he spoke
in favour of equality of the sexes: “All people are equal, as equal as the teeth
of a comb. There is no claim of merit of an Arab over a non-Arab, or of a
white over a black person, or of a male over a female. Only God-fearing
people merit a preference with God” citing M. A. Rauf, The Islamic View of
Women and Family (New York: Speller, 1997) p. 21.
Esposito, 1982.
M. M. Pickthall, trans., The Meaning of the Glorious Koran (New York: Mentor)
p. 83.
their duty to defend and support their extended family members,
enjoyed more rights and subsequently a different status in Muslim
society. This understanding of man’s role is illustrated by another
possible translation of the same Quranic verse:
Esposito, 1982.
Stowasser, 1987, quoting R. Levy, The Social Structure of Islam (Cambridge:
The earliest comment on verse 4:34 cited by Stowasser is taken
from Abu Jafar Mohammed Jarir al-Tabari’s (d. 923) work. He
says that:
Men are in charge of their women with respect to disciplining (or
chastising) them, and to providing them with restrictive guidance
concerning their duties towards God and themselves (i.e., the
men); by virtue of that by which God has given excellence (or preference)
to the men over their wives: i.e., payment of their dowers to them,
spending of their wealth on them, and providing for them in
full. This is how God has given excellence to (the men) over (the
women), and hence (the men) have come to be in charge of (the
women) and hold authority over them in those of their matters
with which God has entrusted them.
Tabari’s interpretation of this verse is very literal and specifically
endowing men with authority over their women in the family
setting coupled with the obligation to provide for their women
by way of material support.101
The second commentary of verse 4:34 is taken from Nasir al-
Din Abu aI-Khayr’Abd Allah ibn Umar al-Baydawi (d.1286). This
interpretation following some 350 years after Tabari, becomes
more detailed and restrictive, and sanctioning the view of women
as creatures incapable of and unfit for public duties.102
Ibid., p. 26.
out of (divine) commands. Hence to men have been confined
prophecy, religious leadership (‘imama), saintship (wilaya), the
performance of religious rites, the giving of evidence in law
courts, the duties of the Holy War, and worship (in the mosque)
on Friday etc., the privilege of electing chiefs, the larger share of
inheritance, and discretion in matters of divorce, by virtue of
that which they spend of their wealth, in marrying (the women)
such as their dowers and cost of their maintenance.103
for physically chastising a ‘disobedient’ woman. Very little
comment in this regard has been offered by any of the writers
mentioned above including Riffat Hassan, Al-Hibri or Esposito.106
Fazlur Rahman however, does take up the issue and offers the
justification that:
…the Quran appears to be saying that since men are the primary
socially operative factors and bread-winners, they have been
wholly charged with the responsibility of defraying household
expenditure and upkeep of their womenfolk. For their duties
and economic struggles and experiences they have become
entitled to manage women’s affairs and, in case of recalcitrance
on the part of women, to admonish them, leave them alone in
their beds and as a last resort, beat them.107
Mernissi, 1987. She has dealt with the issue at some length in her work,
where she argues that the verse was revealed at a point in time when the newly
formed Muslim (male) community feared that the Prophet Mohammed by
prohibiting violence against women, was encouraging a ‘female rebellion’. Verse
4:34 seems to have quelled those fears forever and reinstated male superiority.
Rahman, 1983.
Section 17 of the Qanoon-i-Shahadat Order, 1984.
And get two witnesses,
Out of your own men,
And if there are not two men,
Then a man and two women,
Such as ye choose,
For witnesses,
So that if one of them errs,
The other can remind her.109
Hadith literature has further presented this inequality in the value
of evidence of a woman as reflecting an innate inferiority of
women as opposed to superiority of men. As mentioned above,
a Hadith quotes the Prophet Mohammed as having stated that
women were inferior both in matters of religion and intelligence.
The reason the Prophet Mohammed is supposed to have cited
for a woman’s inferiority in intelligence is that the value of her
evidence is half that of a man’s.110 Fazlur Rahman, in analysing
this Hadith appears to be questioning its authenticity when he
argues that it (Hadith) presupposes the development of the law
of evidence in early Islam.111 As regards verse 2:282, he is of the
The Quran, verse 2:282.
But some writers have stated that the intellectual status of a Muslim woman
is “neither marred nor degraded by the commandments of the Quranic verse”.
See R. El-Nimr, ‘Women in Islamic Law’ in M. Yamani (ed.,) Feminism and
Islam (Reading: Ithaca Press, 1996) p. 95. El-Nimr’s views appear to be
representative of many Muslim writers including Mawdudi who argue in a
defensive, apologetic vein. She describes reasons of emotional, physical and
psychological strain as disabling women from acting as competent witnesses.
It may be pertinent to point out with reference to this statement of Fazlur
Rahman that while he is not explicitly setting it out, he appears to be challenging
the authenticity of this Hadith.
opinion that the Quran is not stating any general law of the
evidentiary value of male and female statements as the law.
If the Quran did really regard a woman’s evidence as half that
of a man’s, why should it not allow the evidence of four females
to be equivalent to that of two males and why should it say that
only one of the males may be replaced by two females? The
intention of the Quran apparently was that since it is a question
of financial transaction and since women usually do not deal
with such matters or with business affairs in general, it would be
better to have two women rather than one — if one had to have
women — and that, if possible at all, one must have at least one
Fazlur Rahman then goes on to state that one can simply not
deduce from verse 2:282 a general law to the effect that under
all circumstances and for all purposes, a woman’s evidence is
inferior to a man’s. He is convinced that this verse does not have
the slightest intention of proving any rational deficiency in women
vis-à-vis men. As an example, Fazlur Rahman cites the example
of classical Islamic law regarding women with knowledge of
gynaecology as the most competent witnesses in cases involving
gynaecological issues. 113 Finally, he also puts forward the
suggestion that even if a law could be formulated on the basis
of such a generalisation, then may we not change the law when
social circumstances so change that women are not only educated
equally with men but are also conversant with business and
financial transactions?114
Rahman, 1983.
With respect to the arguments presented by Fazlur Rahman, it
is submitted that looking at the formulation of the verse under
discussion in its socio-economic perspective, one is inclined to
argue that against the background of the social milieu of 7th
century tribal Arabia, involving a woman as witness in an activity
that clearly lay within the public sphere of life and was until that
time out of bounds for women, may be regarded as an important
first step. It was without doubt corrective of complete non-
recognition of women as legal persons capable of participating
in financial transactions reduced to writing. However, what is a
matter for concern is the fact that this step towards according
woman greater autonomy and legal personality was frozen in
time and not taken forward towards achieving equality.
Furthermore, one has to acknowledge that this incapacity (of
women to give evidence) is not only confined to commercial
transactions reduced to writing. In fact, in cases wherever hadd
punishment115 may be inflicted, the testimony of women and
non-Muslims is not even accepted.116 A further example is that
of the contract of marriage in Islam which is also in the nature
of a financial transaction, and here too, women who witness
signing of the marriage deed suffer from the same disability.117
Hadd means limit. In legal terms it means mandatory punishment limits
which have been laid down in the Quran.
For details, see for example, the Hudood Ordinances, 1979 promulgated by
General Zia of Pakistan. For adverse implications and human rights violations
of women as a result of these laws see, A. Jehangir and H. Jilani, The Hudood
Ordinances: A Divine Sanction? (Lahore: Rohtas Books, 1990); R. Mehdi, ‘The
Offence of Rape in the Islamic Law of Pakistan’ International Journal of Sociology
of Law, Vol. 18, 1990, pp. 19-29; S. S. Ali, ‘Gender, Islamic Fundamentalism
and Human Rights: A Case Study of Pakistan’, Women Against Fundamentalism
Journal Vol. 18, 1990, pp. 1-9.
C. Hamilton, The Hedaya (Karachi: Darul-Ishrat, 1989) p. 74.
But it may be argued that verse 2:282 is not necessarily of
general universal application. This may be inferred from verse
24:6-9 of the Quran where a woman’s oath by which she defends
herself against her husband’s accusation of adultery outweighs
that of the man’s (her husband’s) in the absence of witnesses.
Mernissi, 1991.
Rahman, 1983
These views are based on personal communications with a wide range of
people as well as readings on the subject. For a recent empirical study on the
subject see S. S. Ali, ‘Using Law for Women in Pakistan’ in A. Stewart (ed.,)
Gender, Law and Social Justice (London: Blackstone, 2000).
a) women are not providers for households, while men are;
hence greater burden requiring greater share;
b) Quranic injunctions do not require a Muslim wife to share
her resources with her spouse or spend it on household
expenses even though the husband may be destitute. On
the other hand, a wife may seek a decree for dissolution of
her marriage on the grounds that her husband is incapable
of, or will not maintain her;
c) a husband is required to pay his wife a sum of money or
other property as dower as part of the marriage contract,
therefore, in addition to her half share in inheritance, she
also receives a further share as dower.
Polygamy: An Acknowledgement of ‘Different Needs’ or
Statement of Male Superiority?
The third issue to be addressed in the discriminatory category
of rights is that of restrictions imposed on women within the
institution of marriage without corresponding limitations on men.
Thus Quranic injunctions enjoin strict monogamy on women
and also confine her to a Muslim spouse, while men may marry
up to four wives at any one time from among kitabia121 women.122
Polygamy is permitted in Islam although as the Quranic verse
allowing it states, it is with certain provisos:
Marry women of your choice, two, three or four, but if you fear
that you shall not be able to deal justly (with them) then only
The debate around polygamy raises a number of questions. Does,
for instance, the Quranic verse create an obligation for all male
Muslims to emulate the practice or, is it a qualified ‘right’ to be
exercised under certain ‘controlled’ circumstances set out in the
Kitab literally means book. Kitabia means women of the book. Here it
implies women professing one of the revealed religions i.e., Christianity, and
The Quran, verse 2:221 and 5:5.
The Quran, verse 4:3.
verse above?124 Al-Hibri, is of the opinion that the mere fact that
the Prophet Mohammed was polygamous in his later life is no
evidence of a ‘right’ of Muslim men to also be polygamous. She
argues on the basis of the Quranic verses that state quite clearly
that neither the Prophet nor his wives are like other men and
women.125 Secondly, the passage in the Quran which has been
used to justify polygamy also attaches a condition for such action
i.e., requiring the man to make an undertaking to deal justly with
all his wives. Reinforcing this condition is the Quranic (verse
4:129) statement that “Ye are never able to be fair and just
among women even if you tried hard.” ‘Modernist’ Muslim
scholars are of the opinion that for evolving a rule of law
relating to polygamy these two Quranic verses must be read and
A. R. I. Doi, in his book entitled Shariah: The Islamic Law (London: Ta Ha
Publishers, 1984) p. 146, outlines the various circumstances for which he
considers polygamy to be the ‘best solution’. These situations include the wife
suffering from a serious disease; where the wife is barren; is of unsound mind,
where the wife is old and infirm; where the wife is of ‘bad character’ and
cannot be reformed; where the wife moves away from her husband’s place of
residence, is disobedient and difficult to live with; as a result of many men
dying during war leaving behind a large number of widows. The final reason
that Doi advances is that of the husband feels that he simply cannot do without
another wife and is capable of providing equal support to the existing wife(ves),
then he is justified in doing so. Doi has in effect provided a carte blance to
the man to marry if he feels like it. This hardly appears in consonance with
the contextual rationale behind the Quranic verse.
The Quran, verse 33:32, 50. For example, while the Prophet encouraged
widows and divorcees to remarry, his own wives were not be remarried after
his death. They were considered ‘the mothers of all believers’, and no believer
may marry his mother. However, as the Prophet grew older, he gave his wives
the choice to leave and marry another male more fulfilling perhaps of husbandly
duties. All but one wife refused to leave him. See, al-Hibri, 1982, p. 216, citing
J. Al-Afghani (1945) p.79.
interpreted together.126 The implication of the combined passages
in the opinion of Al-Hibri would be as follows:
a) If you can be just and fair among women, then you can
marry four wives
b) If you cannot be just and fair among women, then you may
marry only one
c) You cannot be just and fair among women; From which
follows: i.e. you may marry only one wife. Furthermore,
given (c) the condition for (a) is never satisfied, so that we
can never conclude: You may marry four wives.127
al-Hibri, 1982, p. 216; Rahman, 1983, pp. 45-49. Law reform in Muslim
jurisdictions in the twentieth century has relied upon this interpretation.
al-Hibri, 1982, p.216. Taha’s arguments follow a similar line. He states that
polygamy is not an original precept in Islam and a combined reading of verse
4:3 and 4:129 leads to an implied prohibition of polygamy. See Taha, 1987, p.
al-Hibri, 1982 and accompanying footnotes.
Doi, 1984.
residence, food, clothes to co-wives. So long as a man can provide
these, he is seen as being just between women.130
Let them lower their gaze before the men at whom it is not
lawful to look, and let them guard their private parts by veiling
them, or by bewaring of (or guarding against) fornication.
For a feminist interpretation of Quranic verses enjoining veiling and
segregation, see Mernissi, 1991; Ahmed, 1992.
Stowasser, 1987.
The lowering of the glances is presented because the glance
is the messenger of fornication. And let them not display of
their adornment such as jewellery, dress, make-up — let
alone the parts where they are worn or applied — to those
to whom (such display) is not lawful.... what is meant by
adornment is the place where adornment is put (or worn)….133
As to the opinion that the prohibition to display does not include
the face and hands, because they are not pudendal, Baydawi
argues clearly “this applies to prayer only, not appearance, because
the whole body of a free woman is pudendal, and it is illicit for
anyone (except the husband or the dhawu mahram)134 to look at
any part of her except by necessity such as (medical) treatment,
or the bearing of witness.”
Later commentaries such as al-Khafaji’s Hashiya on al-Baydawi,
this restrictive interpretation is further heightened. al-Khafaji
justifies the complete ‘disappearance’ of women behind the veil
on the authority of al-Shafei declaring categorically: “the whole
body of the woman is pudendal, even face and hand, without
exception (absolutely).”
Since this interpretation so obviously contradicts the Quranic
exemption ‘except that which is apparent,’ al-Khafaji and others
deal with it by interpreting this verse as:
a command of exception from the established rule, which
applies to such exceptional circumstances as the giving of
evidence in law courts and medical treatment only.
Ibid., p. 26-27.
A male within the prohibited degrees of relationship with whom a Muslim
woman cannot lawfully enter into a contract of marriage. In addition, the
husband who is her mahram, these include a father, brother, son, uncle, whether
paternal or maternal, grandfather, whether paternal or maternal.
Among the twentieth century Muslim scholars, Mawdudi is
perhaps the most vocal in his restrictive treatment of veiling as
an ‘Islamic’ institution. In his much-read and publicised book
entitled Purdah,135 he argues vociferously for the institution on
the basis that segregation will prevent ‘loose western morals’
from creeping into Islamic society, and keep the family intact.136
In the discussion on the sphere of operation of women and
segregation, he initiates the debate by stating that women are
rulers of their household and accountable for their actions within
it. They (women) have been released from certain religious
obligations (that men must fulfil). As example, Mawdudi cites
the Friday congregation as not being obligatory on women,
neither is participating in the holy war (jihad) compulsory on her.
A woman may not travel without her mahram. In short, he states
that Islam abhors the venturing out of the home of a woman
unless it is absolutely imperative such as to earn a living.137
Mawdudi, Purdah (Lahore: Islamic Publications, 1997).
Ibid. This study uses the Urdu version and all page numbers referred to are
taken from this edition.
Ibid., pp. 235-239.
Rahman, 1983.
Hence the need to place some ground rules for male-female
interaction. If segregation of the sexes existed, there would have
been no point in asking the sexes to behave with modesty. The
Quran states in verse 24:31:
the Prophet Mohammed’s household must “draw tight their outer
garments” when they go out at night “so that they can be
recognised as Muslim women and not molested” and the
“Hypocrites”142 who are said to have molested women are
threatened with exile if they do not refrain from such actions.
Fazlur Rahman is of the opinion that there is nothing in these
verses that calls for the veil as such.143 In the same chapter verse
33:30 warns the wives of the Prophet Mohammed against any
suggestions of immodesty and are threatened with a “double
punishment” if they are immodest; verse 33:32 states that the
“Hypocrites” are eager to spread rumours about the Prophet
Mohammed’s wives who are advised “not to speak in an inaudible
voice to any male — if you are God-fearing — lest he in whose
heart there is sickness covets to exploit the opportunity”. This
verse, however, is a special case addressed to the Prophet
Mohammed’s wives, whom the Quran declares to be “Mothers
of the Faithful” in verse 33:6. On the strength of these Quranic
verses it may be argued that segregation and veiling has roots
deeper than and preceding Islam and is also strongly linked to
class, acting primarily in its present manifestation as a symbol of
honour or status.144
The Hypocrites were certain inhabitants of Medina who had reluctantly
converted to Islam, but were engaged in subverting it.
Rahman, 1983.
Taha, 1987.
believes that Islam’s original precept is al-sufur because in his
opinion the “purpose of Islam is chastity, emanating from within
men and women, and not imposed through closed doors.”146
The veil, Taha further argues, was imposed as a transitional
requisite and would become redundant when inner chastity is
achieved through education and discipline.147 Women Muslim
scholars in recent years have questioned the restrictive
interpretation of Quranic injunctions on veiling and segregation
of the sexes.148 Nazirah Zein-Ed-Din sums up the feeling of
outrage and frustration of the Muslim women in her excellent
work entitled As-Sufur wal Hijab in the following words:
What is this unjust law (of veiling) which is permeated with the
spirit of tyranny and oppression? It is in violation of the Book
of God and His Prophet may God bless his soul. This law is the
law of the victor, the man who subdued the woman with physical
force. Man tampered with God’s book to make this law. He
prided himself on his tyranny and oppression, even as those
hurt him too. He made the law independently, not permitting
the women to share in a single letter. So, it came out in accordance
with his desires and contrary to the will of God.149
Mernissi, 1991; Ahmed, 1992
N. Zein-Ed-Din, As-Sufur wal Hijab (Beirut: 1928) p.140 cf. al-Hibri, 1982.
Cf N. Zein Ed-Din, “Removing the Veil and Veiling Lectures and Reflections
Towards Women’s Liberation and Social Reform” (1982) Vol. 5 Women Studies
International Forum 221.
positive law and rights? Are competing sets of norms in the
Quranic text equally valid, and if so, might we base a rule of law
on either, in the light of the general principles of naskh
(abrogation) laid down by Muslim jurists regarding the order of
revelation of the Quran? A book of Divine revelation such as
the Quran coming together over twenty-three years, is by its very
nature open to varying interpretations. But how much space is
one afforded to discuss and critique laws derived by jurists taking
account of the historicity of events, particularly norms that may
be completely out of line with contemporary needs of society?
And finally, where does one seek legitimation for alternative
human rights schemes and categories within the Islamic
framework, such as the ones discussed in the present section.
It is also evident that restrictive rules of interpretation of the
Quran, Hadith literature and the process of law-making based on
these sources combined to push into the background whatever
norm of equality and egalitarianism Islam represented. Leila
Ahmed presents the view that:
Even as Islam instituted, in the initiatory society, a hierarchical
structure as the basis of relations between men and women, it
also preached, in its ethical voice (and this is the case with
Judaism and Christianity as well), the moral and spiritual equality
of all human beings. Arguably, therefore, even as it instituted a
sexual hierarchy, it laid the ground, in its ethical voice, for the
subversion of the hierarchy.150
Is it this principle of ‘subversion’ present in the ethical Quranic
norms that may, after all be employed to justify a framework for
women’s human rights in Islam today?
Ahmed, 1992.
A common feature of the various frameworks of women’s human
rights discussed above is that these highlight the fact that no
matter what methodology one attempts to employ, there appears
no escape from certain clear Quranic verses creating gender
hierarchies. When we concede to every word of the Quran, law-
making authority, how can one deny to one group of Muslims
the right to legislate on the basis of verses that discriminate
against women, just as another group would aspire to invoke the
non-discriminatory verses in order to create laws affording
complete equality between the sexes?
Whether it is Esposito’s hierarchisation of Quranic values or
Hevener’s categorisation of rights, complete equality as the term
has come to be understood in modern day usage is difficult to
infer from any of these schemes. It might be strategically
opportune to seek a rigorous implementation of all the
protective/corrective category of rights before embarking upon
the ‘equality’ and non-discrimination path. By applying the Islamic
paradigm of equality of human dignity and worth, and requiring
‘those in authority’ i.e., men and the State to accept responsibility
for fulfilling the material needs of women, children and other
disadvantaged sections of society in their charge, and provide
them access and control over resources, a move towards
substantive as opposed to mere formal equality for all may be
to life, liberty and property.”151 Leading philosophers, such as
John Locke in the 17th century and Jean Jacques Rousseau in
the 18th century defined men as individuals innately possessed
of certain “natural rights”.152 Women, on the other hand, were
defined not as individuals, but as members of men’s households
and thus, along with their offspring, under male control.153
See e.g., J. Locke, ‘An Essay Concerning the True Original Extent and End
of Civil Government’ and J. J. Rousseau, ‘From the Social Contract’, in S.
Commins and R. Linscott (eds.), The World’s Great Thinkers: Man and the State
(New York: Random House, 1947); the Preamble to the US Declaration of
Ibid. See Rousseau.
R. Eisler, ‘Human Rights. Towards an Integrated Theory for Action’, Human
Rights Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1987, p. 287.
Among these women were, Mary Wollstonecraft and Abigail Adams in the
18th century and Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Sojourner Truth in the 19th
century. In the 20th century, these numbers have swelled beyond enumeration
as women’s rights movement has grown in every country of the world.
have, therefore, been marginalised both institutionally and
conceptually from national and international human rights
movements.155 Steiner and Alston sum up this inadequacy of the
human rights movement in addressing women’s human rights’
issues by stating that “Of the several blind spots in the
development of the human rights movement from 1945 to the
present, none is as striking as the movement’s failure to give to
violations of women’s (human) rights the attention, and in some
respects the priority, that they require.”156
For a detailed discussion of how the human rights of women have been
split off from the mainstream of the international human rights movement
see the special issue entitled ‘Symposium: Women and International Human
Rights’, ed., F. P. Hosken Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 3, 1981.
H. J. Steiner & P. Alston (eds.,) International Human Rights in Context: Law
Politics Morals (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1996) p. 887. Also see C. Bunch,
‘Women’s Rights as Human Rights Human Rights Quaterly, Vol. 12, 1990, pp.
486-498 ; J. Rehman, ‘Women’s Rights: The International Law Perspective
with Reference to Pakistan’ in R. Mehdi & F. Shaheed (eds.,) Women’s Law in
Legal Education and Practice in Pakistan: North South Co-operation (Copenhagen:
New Social Science Monographs, 1997) p. 109; R. J. Cook, ‘Women’ in C. C.
Joyner (ed.,) The United Nations and International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press and American Society of International Law, 1997) p. 182; C.
Bunch, ‘Transforming Human Rights from a Feminist Perspective’ in J. Peters
and A. Wolper (eds.,) Women’s Rights Human Rights: International Feminist Perspectives
(London: Routledge, 1995) pp. 11-15.
level of governments, NGOs and the international community.157
A wide array of human rights instruments have been promulgated
by the UN and regional organisations for the protection of
women’s rights and non-discrimination on the basis of sex.158
One of the earliest and ground-breaking article on the subject is H.
Charlesworth, C. Chinkin and S. Wright, ‘Feminist Approaches to International
Law’ American Journal of International Law, Vol. 85, 1991, p. 613. Over the past
decade, an impressive range of writings on feminist approaches to international
law, feminist legal theory, concerns of third world women have emerged.
These include, A. Byrnes, ‘Women, Feminism and International Human Rights
Law—Methodological Myopia, Fundamental Flaws or Meaningful
Marginalisation?’ Australian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 12, 1989-90,
p. 207; S. Wright, ‘Economic Rights and Social Justice: A Feminist Analysis of
Some International Human Rights Conventions’ Australian Yearbook of
International Law; Vol. 12, 1989-90; D. Dallmeyer (ed.,) Reconceiving Reality: Women
and International Law (Washington, DC: The American Society of International
Law; 1993); C. Mohanty, ‘Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and
Colonial Discourses’ Feminist Review, Vol. 30, 1988, p. 61; Bartlett, ‘Feminist
Legal Methods’ Harvard Law Review, Vol. 103, 1990, p. 831; C. MacKinnon,
Toward a Feminist Theory of the State (Cambridge: Harvard University Press,
1989); C. Gould (ed.,) Beyond Domination: New Perspectives on Women and Philosophy
(Totowa, NJ: Rowman & Allanheld, 1983).
For a list of human rights documents adopted by the UN and regional
institutions for the protection of human rights see, I. Brownlie, Basic Documents
on Human Rights, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992); P. R. Ghandhi,
International Human Rights Documents (London: Blackstone, 1995).
Cook, 1997.
UNTS XVI; UKTS 67 (1946); Cmnd 7015.
treaty to spell out the principle of equality in specific terms. The
Preamble to the Charter affirms “the equal rights of men and
women” and gives priority to human rights before the rights of
states. In addition to the Preamble, the goal of achieving equality
between the sexes is reiterated in several Charter provisions with
Article 1(3) outlining the purposes of the UN to include
“promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for
fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex,
language, or religion.”161
This affirmation is repeated in subsequent articles. Article 8 demands that
there be no restrictions on eligibility of women to participate in any capacity
in UN affairs; Article 13(1) declares that the General Assembly shall initiate
studies to promote international economic and social co-operation without
distinction as to . . . sex; Articles 55(c) and 56 provide that the UN and its
members shall promote respect for international economic and social co-
operation without distinction as to . . . sex; Article 62(2) states that the Economic
and Social Council shall promote respect for human rights and fundamental
freedoms for all; and Article 76(c) lays down that the UN Trusteeship system
shall encourage respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all
without distinction as to . . . sex.
Rehman, 1983.
discrimination.163 In the opinion of Charlesworth, Chinkin and
Wright, the inclusion of Article 8 in the UN Charter (no
restrictions on eligibility of women to participate in UN affairs
in any capacity) presents an example of how gender-blind the
vast majority of the participants were:164
A. D. Renteln, International Human Rights Universalism versus Relativism (Newbury
Park, California: Sage Publications, 1990) p. 219.
Charlesworth et al, 1991.
Ibid. Laura Reanda notes on this point, “It should be stressed . . . that
although at San Francisco a consensus was achieved on including in its Charter
the principle of equality between the sexes, there was no common
understanding of its meaning nor agreement on the concrete measures to be
taken.” See L. Reanda, ‘The Commission on the Status of Women’ in P. Alston
(ed.,) The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal (Clarendon:
Oxford University Press, 1992) pp. 265-303.
Adopted on December 10, 1948, GA Res. 217A (III), UN Doc. A/810,
meaning of human rights.”167 The UDHR found legal force
through two covenants, namely the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)168 and the International
Covenant of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).169
Both covenants reiterate the norm of non-discrimination by
stating that a State party undertakes to respect the individuals’
rights recognised in each covenant “without distinction of any
kind, such as race, colour, sex . . . or other status.”170 Non-
discrimination on grounds, among others of sex, appears at
several points in each of the two covenants, in particular in
Article 26 of the ICCPR requiring equality before the law and
equal protection of the law.171
Cook, 1997, p. 184. Also see, A. Eide, G. Alfredsson, G. Melander, L. A.
Rehof and A. Rosas (eds.,) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights A Commentary
(Oslo: Scandinavian University Press, 1992). For discussion on the UDHR as
constituting part of customary international law see, R. B. Lillich, ‘Civil Rights’
in T. Meron (ed.,) Human Rights in International Law Legal and Policy Issues, (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1984) Chapter 4; H. Hannum, ‘Human Rights’ in C. C. Joyner
(ed.,) The United Nations and International Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 1997) Chapter 5.
GA Res. 2200 (XXI), UN GOAR, 21st Sess., Supp. No. 16, at 52, UN Doc.
A/6316 (1966), reprinted in 999 UNTS 171 and 6 ILM 368 (1967). The
ICCPR entered into force on March 23, 1976.
GA Res. 2200 (XXI), UN GOAR, 21st Sess., Supp. No. 16, at 52, UN Doc.
A/6316 (1966), reprinted in 993 UNTS 3 and 6 ILM 360 (1967). The ICESCR
entered into force on January 3, 1976.
ICCPR article 2(1); ICESCR, Article 2(2).
Specific prohibition of discrimination appears in the ICCPR in Article 3
(equal rights of men and women with respect to the rights set forth in the
Covenant; Article 4 (measures derogating from the obligations cannot involve
discrimination on grounds of . . . sex); Article 14 (equality before the law);
Article 23 (equality of rights and responsibilities of spouses as to marriage,
during marriage and at its dissolution); Article 24 (equal protection of the
child irrespective of . . . sex) and Article 25 (equal rights of citizens without
distinction on grounds of . . . sex with respect to voting, public service and
public representation). See also ICESCR, article 3 (equal rights of men and
women with respect to rights set forth in the Covenant) and Article 7 (equal
pay for work of equal value).
Very soon after the adoption of the UN Charter in 1945,
establishment of a body with a mandate to study and prepare
recommendations on issues of special concern to women was
proposed. The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
was, therefore, established by the Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC) in 1946 in accordance with Article 68 of the UN
Charter. 172 Its function is two-fold: first, to prepare
recommendations and reports to ECOSOC on promoting
women’s rights in political, economic, civil, social and educational
fields. Second, to make recommendations to ECOSOC on urgent
problems requiring immediate attention in the field of women’s
rights with the object of implementing the principle that men
and women shall have equal rights and to develop proposals to
give effect to such recommendations.173 Views on the degree of
success of the CSW in advancing the international norm of
non-discrimination on the basis of sex by placing it on the
human rights agenda, are not uniform. It has been argued by
some writers that while the purpose of establishing the CSW
was to bring women’s rights concern into focus, yet this strategy
has in itself been counter-productive.174 In the words of Laura
Reanda, “the adoption of separate instruments and the
establishment of specialised machinery to deal with specific
women’s rights has resulted in a narrowing of the global human
In all, six functional commissions were established. In addition to the CSW,
there were five others including the Commission on Human Rights, Commission
on Social Development, the Population Commission, the Sustainable
Development Commission, and the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.
S. Davidson, Human Rights (Buckingham: Open University Press, 1993) p.
72; Cook, 1997.
M. Karl, Women and Empowerment. Participation and Decision Making (London:
Zed Books, 1995) p. 122. See H. Pietila & J. Vickers, Making Women Matter. The
Role of the United Nations (London: Zed Books, 1994) pp. 118-119 who are of
the view that at first the creation of the CSW drew some criticism, but the
work it has carried out over the years has amply demonstrated its importance.
rights perspective, in a ‘ghettoisation’ of questions relating to
women and their relegation to structures endowed with less power
and resources than the general human rights structures.”175
The CSW has enjoyed most of its success in the area of setting
international standards of women’s human rights and a number
of international conventions have been formulated under its
sponsorship. These include the Convention for the Suppression
of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the
Prostitution of Others, 1949,176 the Convention on the Political
Rights of Women, 1952,177 the Convention on the Nationality
of Married Women, 1957,178 and the Convention on Consent to
Marriage, Minimum Age for Marriage and Registration of
Marriages, 1962.179 Moreover, the CSW has assisted a number of
specialised UN agencies, particularly the International Labour
Organisation (ILO) and the United Nations Educational, Social
and Cultural Organisation, (UNESCO), in developing
international instruments to improve the conditions of women
in employment, education and retirement. The ILO has a history
predating the UN of setting standards for the specific protection
of women in the workforce. These include matters such as
maternity protection (1919) night work (1919), employment in
underground mines (1935), and the Convention Concerning
Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of
L. Reanda, ‘Human Rights and Women’s Rights: The United Nations
Approach’ Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 3, 1981, p. 12.
96 UNTS 272 (1950). Although this Convention refers equally to men and
women, but in practice applies mainly to women because they are the
overwhelming majority of victims of such traffic and exploitation. See on this
point, Pietila and Vickers, 1994.
193 UNTS 135 (1953).
309 UNTS 65 (1957).
521 UNTS 231 (1962).
Equal Value.180 UNESCO adopted the Convention Against
Discrimination in Education.181
ILO Convention No. 100, reprinted in 165 UNTS 303 (1951). In this
Convention, the ILO pioneered the principle of women’s entitlement to equal
pay for work of equal value to that performed by men.
429 UNTS 93 (1960).
For a detailed description and analysis of international human rights
instruments relating to women, see N. Hevener, p. 983.
GA Resolution 2263 (XXII), UN Doc. A/6717 (1967).
CEDAW: Substantive Provisions and Implementation
A. Hellum, Women’s Human Rights and Legal Pluralism in Africa (Oslo: Tano
Aschehoug 1999).
R. Cook, ‘Introduction: The Way Forward’ in R. Cook (ed.), Human Rights
of Women: National and International Perspectives (Philadelphia: University of
Pennsylvania Press, 1994) p. 47.
discrimination in instruments such as the UDHR, the ICCPR,
the ICESCR and regional human rights conventions. CEDAW,
as the third stage of this development, addresses the structural
nature of violation of women’s human rights. As such, Hellum
argues that the convention is informed by various theories that
address women’s roles in development processes, including the
women in development (WID) and gender and development
(GAD) approaches.187
Hellum, 1999, p. 23.
through covering in Part III the arena of socio-economic rights,
including those of education and employment. These rights are
stabilised within a legal regime of equal rights in civil law (Part
See, the work of the International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia
Pacific (IWRAW-Asia Pacific).
A. Byrnes, 1989–90, p. 207.
“for the purpose of considering the progress made in the
implementation of the Convention” (Article 17(1)). This is to be
carried out through the examination of reports submitted by
States Parties. These reports are to be submitted every four years
or whenever the committee requests them. However, unlike the
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial
Discrimination (on which CEDAW is closely modelled), no
provision was made for one State to complain of a violation by
another State. Until very recently, there was no provision for an
individual who claims to have suffered a violation of the
convention to submit a complaint against a State Party.190 The
In June 1993, the World Human Rights Conference in Vienna emphasised
the need for “the adoption of new procedures to strengthen implementation
of the commitment to women’s equality and the human rights of women.” It
called upon the CSW and CEDAW to examine the possibility of introducing
the right of petition through the preparation of an optional protocol to the
Women’s Convention. Since January 1994, efforts were underway towards the
achievement of this goal, as a result of which an optional protocol has been
adopted. See further A. Byrnes and J. Connors, ‘Enforcing the Human Rights
of Women: A Complaints Process for the Women’s Convention?’ Brooklyn
Journal of International Law, Vol. 21, 1996, pp. 682 . Amnesty International,
‘Claiming Women’s Rights: The Optional Protocol to the UN Women’s
Convention’, March, 2001; Amnesty International, ‘The Optional Protocol to
the Women’s Convention: Enabling Women to Claim their Rights at the
International Level’, December 1997; A. Byrnes, ‘Slow and Steady Wins the
Race? The Development of an Optional Protocol to the Women’s Convention’
Proceedings of the 91 st Annual Meeting of the American Society of
International Law, 1997, p. 383; S. Cartwright, ‘Rights and Remedies: the
Drafting of an optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women’ Otago Law Review, Vol. 9, 1998, p.
239; U. O’Hare, ‘Ending the ‘Ghettoisation: The Right of Individual Petition
to the Women’s Convention’ Web Journal of Current Legal Issues, Vol. 5, 1997;
M. Roche, ‘The Proposed Optional Protocol to the Convention on the
Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women’ Human Rights Law
and Practice, March 3, 1993, p. 268; A. Wörgetter, ‘The Draft Optional Protocol
to the Law on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women’
Austrian Review of International and European Law, Vol. 2, 1997, p. 261.
approach taken to enforcement of the convention was one of
“progressive implementation” rather than a requirement of
immediate action on part of States Parties. Rather than formally
pronouncing a State Party to be in violation of the convention,
the committee preferred to engage in a “constructive dialogue”
with States Parties. The result of this has been that while, on the
one hand, countries remain party to the convention, and are not
alienated within that system, on the other, however, they do not
feel under any immediate pressure to implement and conform to
the requirements of the convention.
accessed on July 19, 2006.
The full OP text is available at
cedaw/protocol/text.htm accessed on 19th July 2006.
The committee adopted its first decision under Article 2 of the OP in July
2004. Some of the cases decided include: B.J. v. Germany 1/2003; A.T. v.
Hungary 2/2003; Rahime Kayhan v. Turkey 8/2005.
Bangladesh signed the OP but no case has thus far been
reported.195 The present study, therefore, does not include the
OP as part of the discussion towards effective implementation
of CEDAW but will raise it as one of the issues in the concluding
Bangladesh ratified the OP on September 6, 2000.
Adopted by the UNGA Resolution 44/25 of November 20, 1989. Entered
into force on September 2, 1990. Reprinted in 28 ILM 1448 (1989).
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, para 18.
gender inequality cannot be addressed without linking women’s
issues to the issue of equality of the girl child.”198
S. Goonesekere, ‘The Links Between the Human Rights of Women and
Children: Issues and Directions’, Key note address at the consultation meeting
of UNICEF, IWRAW, Save the Children Alliance, New York. January 21,
1998, p. 8.
Information accessed from UN documents on the internet. See
Depts/Treaty/final/ts2/newfiles/part_boo/iv boo/ iv_11.html
CEDAW in 1993 and Pakistan acceded to the convention on
March 12, 1996. Bangladesh initially entered reservations on
Articles 2, 13(a) and 16.1(c) and (f) on the basis that it conflicts
with Sharia law based on the Sunna and the Holy Quran. Pakistan
entered a general declaration that the provisions of the convention
are subject to the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan; it also has a specific reservation on Art 29(1) (on the
arbitration of disputes).
The subject of reservations to the Women’s Convention in general and
those entered by Muslim states in particular have been the focus of a number
of scholarly articles and books and lies beyond the scope of the present
article. Muslim states’ reservations and declarations are here used to illustrate
the argument that there appears an inherent normative conflict between the
Women’s Convention and the Religious Freedom Declaration. Previous writings
include S. S. Ali, A Comparative Study of the United Nations Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Islamic Law and the Laws
of Pakistan (Peshawar: Shaheen Printing Press, 1995); A. E. Mayer, ‘Islamic
Reservations to Human Rights Conventions: A Critical Assessment’ Recht van
de Islam, Vol. 15, 1998, p. 25.
Table 1
subservient to the overriding supremacy of constitutional,
religious and cultural norms (in this case Islamic law and
traditions) and exigencies of state policy (in the case of India).
In the context of our present study, it also highlights the extent
of the normative conflict between the right to equality enshrined
in CEDAW and notions of religious freedom as well as
expressions of custom, culture and tradition. A commonality of
approach is clearly visible in the body of reservations and
declarations entered by the three countries despite the disparate
ideological and political positions of these jurisdictions.
Until 1947, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan formed part of the Indian
subcontinent, prior to which they were under British colonial rule for one and
half century. After 1947, India was divided to become two sovereign states,
India and Pakistan (Bangladesh was called East Pakistan). In 1971, Pakistan
was further divided into Bangladesh and Pakistan.
This war was marred by violence against women and allegations of
widespread abuse of Bengali women by the Pakistan Army.
immovable property was excluded from the purview of Islamic
law in order to ‘escape’ sharing their property with female heirs
as demanded by Islamic law of inheritance.
This is evident from the Shah Bano case referred to in the Indian study.
An-Na’im, ‘Islam, Islamic Law and the Dilemma of Cultural Legitimacy for
Universal Human Rights’ in C. E. Welch, Jr. and V. A. Leary (eds.), Asian
Perspectives on Human Rights (Boulder: Westview, 1990) pp. 31–32.
of a country like India, that does not fall within the definition
of a Muslim country, remains in line with some of the most
conservative, literalist positions adopted within the Islamic legal
tradition. An-Na’im makes a particularly incisive point in this
regard. He states that, “it is important to note that Islamic norms
may be more influential at an informal, almost subconscious
psychological level than they are at the official legal or policy
level. One should not, therefore, underestimate the Islamic factor
simply because the particular state is not constituted as an Islamic
state, or because its legal system does not purport to comply
with historical Islamic law, commonly known as Shari’a.
Conversely, one should not overestimate the Islamic factor simply
because the State and legal system are publicly identified as such.
This is particularly important from a human rights point of view
where underlying social and political attitudes and values may
defeat or frustrate the declared policy and formal legal
An-Na’im, Toward an Islamic Reformation (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press
1990) p. 185.
that while Shari’a represents the human endeavour to understand
and implement the core values and principles specifically referred
to in the Qur’an, and has a religious nature, it is not immutable
or unchangeable as is the Qur’an itself.207 The true essence of the
Shari’a is brought out by Parwez who describes it thus:
The Shari’a refers to a straight and clear path and also to a
watering place where both humans and animals come to drink
water, provided the source of water is a flowing stream or
spring.208 It is, therefore, as Hassan so forcefully argues: no slight
irony and tragedy that the Shari’a, which has the idea of mobility
built into its very meaning, should have become a symbol of
rigidity for so many in the Muslim world.209
Thus, restrictive and literal interpretation of the religious text in
Islam became the norm when (in a controversial and much-
debated subject), some scholars adopted and advanced the view
that the “doors of ijtihad” were closed forever.210 On the other
hand, a number of writers have argued against this ‘closure’ of
ijtihad stating that, “The notion that at the end of the third
century (or shortly thereafter) the doctors of Islam reached an
immutable consensus of opinion that further ijtihad was
unnecessary is untenable.” 211
Ibid. The distinction is usually drawn between the Shari’a (defined as the
totality of divine categorisation of human acts and fiqh (the science of
jurisprudence). We have pointedly made the difference between the Qur’an as
words of God and Shari’a as the human formulation of that divine will. See,
B. Weiss, The Spirit of Islamic Law (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1998)
p. 18.
G. A. Parwez, Lughat-ul-Quran (Lahore: Adara Tulu-e-Islam, 1960) p. 941.
Hassan, 1980, p. 4.
Rahim, 1995, p. 142.
Weiss, 1998, supra n. 38, p. 208. See in particular W. Hallaq, ‘Was the Gate
of Ijtihad Closed?’ International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 16, 1984,
p. 3; F. Vogel, ‘The Closing of the Door of Ijtihad and the Application of the
Law’ American Journal of Islamic Sciences, Vol. 10, 1993, p. 3961.
Women became the greatest victims of the abandonment of the
Shari’a as an emancipatory and creative force since in the area
of family law, which affected them acutely, need for reform or
accommodation was neither felt nor forced. On the other hand,
in the male and ‘public’ sphere, including structures of governance
and financial matters, the pressures of a changing world forced
modification in traditional Islamic norms.
Instances include the practice of female circumcision in Egypt, Sudan and
other African countries; denial of inheritance rights to women, requirement
of covering the face for women when venturing outside the home, accepting
money as bride-price for a woman, accepting a woman in exchange for resolving
a blood feud and so on.
In particular, the North West Frontier Province and Balochistan province
of Pakistan. Rural Sindh and rural Punjab also practice similar norms.
Daudi Bohras – an Ismaili Shia sect – a community of approximately
half a million, settled in port towns of Karachi (Pakistan) and
Bombay (India) are exceptions in this regard. The argument of
‘cultural Islam’ with regard to female circumcision is further
strengthened by the Egyptian connection of the Bohra
community.214 The varying shades of interpretation of Shari’a
result in divergent views on what constitute ‘Islamic’ values and
norms, thus paving the way for national governments to use
religion as an escape route from domestic and international legal
For a discussion on the practice of female circumcision among Bohras see
R. Ghadially, ‘All for Izzat. The Practice of Female Circumcision among Bohra
Muslims in India’ in M. Helie-Lucas and H. Kapoor (eds.) Dossier 16, Grabels:
Women Living Under Muslim Laws 1996 pp. 13-20.
The identifying criteria for Muslim countries vary. One criterion is to
consider those countries where Muslims constitute over 70 per cent of the
total population as Muslim countries. For statistics, see R. V. Weeks (ed.),
Muslim Peoples: A World Ethnographic Survey (Westport CT: Greenwood, 1984) p.
882. In this study, the list of member states of the Organisation of Islamic
countries (OIC), as the determining criteria for identifying states with large
numbers of Muslim populations has been used.
S.S. Ali and S. Mullally, ‘Women’s Rights and Human Rights in Muslim
Countries: A Case Study’ in H. Hinds, A. Phoenix and J. Stacey (eds.), Working
Out: New Directions for Women’s Studies (London: Falmer, 1992) pp. 113-117, cite
ten Muslim states who have ratified the Women’s Convention and one that has
signed it.
the Women’s Convention.217 Of these countries, the signature
and ratification of Algeria, Bangladesh, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco,
Pakistan, Tunisia and Turkey are subject to substantial reservations.
Albania, Azerbaijan, Benin, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Burkina Faso,
Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea
Bissau, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone,
Surinam, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uganda and Uzbekistan
have become party to the Women’s Convention without entering
any reservations while the reservations of Indonesia and Yemen
are confined to Article 29(1) relating to the settlement of disputes
which may arise concerning the application or interpretation of
the Women’s Convention.218
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Benin, Bosnia and
Herzogovnia, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Comoros, Egypt, Gabon,
Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan,
Lebonan, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Morocco,
Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Suriname, Tajikistan,
Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Yemen. Muslim
countries that have so far refrained from signature/ratification of the Women’s
Convention include, Brunei, Qatar, Iran, Somalia, Sudan. Updated information
on signatures, ratifications and accessions are available at gopher://
http.// (accessed on November 1, 2003).
We have noted that CEDAW is undoubtedly a huge milestone
in attaining equality for women. The convention nevertheless
has it weaknesses, and its substantive provisions are emasculated
by a range of reservations – many of these based on the apparent
incompatibility with religious norms and beliefs. Islamic states
have relied upon their construction of the Shari’a to enter
reservations to the convention, although as indicated above, there
are inconsistencies and contradictions in these practices. Thus
some Islamic states accept the provisions of the conventions,
whereas others have objected to several provisions on the basis
that these conflict with the Sharia.
See H. Charlesworth, C. Chinkin and S. Wright, ‘Feminist Approaches to
International Law’, American Journal of International Law, Vol. 85, 1991, p. 613;
A. Hellum, 1999, supra n. 24, p. 412.
discrimination cast within the western liberal framework equally
beneficial for all women? For example, the point has been made
that in the African and Asian contexts most women rely on
entitlements embodied in family and community relationships
that do not relate to the “equal rights” language. Similarly, religion
forms an important part of many women’s identity. They are not
comfortable with being asked to frame their identities within a
discourse that is avowedly secular. Is the monolithic and
individualistic concept of abstract equality able to meet the
everyday needs of such women? Critiques of CEDAW pointed
to the presence of conflicting human rights principles such as
gender equality on the one hand and the right to freedom of
religion, culture, and custom on the other. Indeed, it was argued
that the Religious Tolerance Declaration of 1981, in conjunction
with Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and Articles 18, 26 and 27 of the International Convention of
Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), creates an invisible hierarchy
of human rights by placing freedom of religion at a higher level
than right to equality irrespective of sex and gender. It follows,
therefore, that if the freedom to manifest and practice one’s
religion or belief led to discrimination against women, such
discrimination could be upheld on the basis of the right to
practice one’s religion or belief. Thus, despite its holistic approach
toward questions of women’s empowerment through human
rights, CEDAW was said to have failed in providing a clear
methodology to resolve these conflicting rights.
that by making that statement in law, equality and non-
discrimination would follow in practice. This interpretation and
manifestation of the concept was flawed on a number of counts.
Equality was perceived and defined as being like a man. As
Catherine Mackinnon writes, “man has become the measure of
all things.” Over the decades and with inputs from human rights
scholars, activists, human rights treaty bodies and domestic courts,
the non-discrimination norm and equality has achieved a more
nuanced and sophisticated position. It now includes within its
meaning the interconnectedness of various human rights to give
it substantive content. Equal rights to health, employment and
education may imply different and unequal measures – in order
to arrive at equal access for all. Where the norm remains to be
developed and firmed up is in the area of allocation of resources,
both human and material. Most importantly, measures such as
gender budgeting need to be introduced as an integral component
of any planning, monitoring and evaluation aspect of government
Men and women start the race for equal rights from totally
different starting points. As illustrated in the case studies in the
present collection, there prevails deep inter connectivity and inter
relation between civil and political rights (the issue of non-
discrimination and equal access both as women belonging to
majority and minority communities), with economic social and
cultural rights (safe transport for women to access an educational
institution, a health facility and the workplace or simply access
to a toilet within the public space).220 Women’s disadvantages are
Rights’ in Anne Hellum, S. S. Ali, Julie Stewart & Amy Tsanga (eds.,) Paths are
made by Walking: Human Rights, Intersecting Plural Legalities and Gendered Realities
(Harare: Weaver Books, forthcoming 2006).
often based on structural injustice and rethinking human rights
through innovative applicatory mechanisms, may afford
opportunities to address those structural injustices and make
women’s human rights a reality.
meant that the issue of discrimination against women in the
personal laws has been usurped for a politics of identity in
India. This was starkly evident through the events surrounding
the famous Shah Bano case in the 1980s in India.
History of Personal Laws under British India: An Overview
Archana Parashar, Women and Family Law Reform in India: Uniform Civil Code
and Gender Equality (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1992) p 46.
Ibid; M. Anderson, Islamic Law and Colonial Encounter in British India (London:
Curzon Press Ltd., 1993); J. Nair, Women and Law in Colonial India: A Social
History (New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1996); Flavia Agnes, Law and Gender
Inequality: The Politics of Women’s Rights in India (New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 1999).
plan also provided for maulvis and pandits to advise the courts on
matters of Islamic and Hindu law, respectively. In effect, as
Parashar suggests, the Hastings Plan laid out the foundation for
the British differentiation between laws applicable to personal
and to other matters, as well as a policy of non-interference in
the private affairs of the various communities by British law-
making, by what Parashar terms ‘saving for’ the Hindus and
Muslim communities the right to apply their own religious laws
in these matters.223
Parashar, 1992.
Thirdly, Parashar argues that this policy of non-interference did
not extend to the legislative powers of the state.226 Janaki Nair
contextualises the argument that Parashar makes by suggesting
that the colonial state in India passed through at least three
identifiable stages:
Nair, 1996.
Parashar, 1992.
English civil law.230 Over a period of time, however, some matters
initially considered ‘personal’ were legislated upon. For instance,
contract laws were later made the subject of a separate code;
and famously, the practice of sati was legislated upon.231 Further,
there were legislations enacted on the ‘personal’ matters of other
minority communities such as the Christians and Parsis. Hindus
(communities such as Sikhs and Jains were considered Hindus)
and Muslims were excluded from the purview of legislations
such as the Married Women’s Property Act of 1874.
Flavia Agnes, in her work on law and gender equality also makes
several arguments about the British engagement with personal
laws. She suggests that with the British categorisation of
communities based on their religion, a legal fiction was created
that the laws of Hindus and Muslims are rooted in their respective
scriptures, leading to the Brahminisation and Islamisation of
laws. A further assumption that was cemented through this
process, she suggests, was that Hindus and Muslims were
homogeneous communities following uniform laws.232 Michael
Anderson takes the critique even further and suggests that the
binary categorisation of Hindu and Muslim was inadequate to
contain the diversity of legal life on the subcontinent.233
Agnes, 1999; Anderson, 1993.
Anderson, 1993.
homogeneity of the communities was augmented and a scriptural
view of Hindu and Muslim laws was imposed leading to the
Brahminisation and Islamisation of the laws. Towards the end
of the colonial period, especially in the 1930s, several laws were
passed regarding the personal laws of both Hindu and Muslim
communities. As a stark result of all of these processes, ‘what
were called “personal laws” at the moment of independence,
were often seriously modified laws, amounting in some cases, to
nothing more than State enactments’.234
It has been widely noted that the colonial period was a gradual
period of Islamisation for Muslim personal laws in India (Parashar,
1992; Anderson, 1993; Nair, 1996; Agnes, 1999). Anderson makes
several arguments in relation to Islamic identity and the processes
of Islamisation during the colonial intervention. Firstly, he
suggests that the British worked with the presumption that the
Shariat was authoritative for Islamic scholars, consequently, they
Nair, 1996.
glossed over its internal contradictions and set about applying it
as a more or less homogeneous set of rules. In the process of
looking for a unified ‘Muhammad’ law, administrators, therefore,
made the mistake of treating certain classical Islamic texts as
binding legal codes. Secondly, he argues that under the colonial
state, the category of Muslim or Muhammadan took on a new
fixity and certainty,
The further arguments that Anderson makes in relation to the
colonial impacts on Islamic law are in relation to the laws of
evidence. He argues that the amplification of the process of
documentation and the role of the scribe slowly chipped away
at the primacy of the oral testimony, especially in criminal law.
The culmination of processes of change in evidentiary law was
the enactment of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC) of 1861
and the Indian Evidence Act (IEA) of 1872 (Anderson, 1993:
18). Agnes, on the other hand, contextualises the changes in
Islamic law in terms of the regulation of the ‘public’ domain by
the British. She speaks of the enactment of the Indian Penal
Code of 1860 and the Indian Contract Act of 1860 which laid
down uniform laws regulating the spheres of crime and
punishment and economic transactions, in terms of the regulation
of the public domain (Agnes, 1999: 60).
laws, such as the Criminal Procedure Code, did infringe on
personal matters.
The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 was a further
act that was enacted prior to independence. The argument based
on which it was enacted was that the Hanafi School applicable
in much of the subcontinent, allowed for Muslim women’s right
to dissolution only on apostasy. Troubled by this, the ulema through
a series of processes culminating in the enactment of the
legislation, which was based instead on the Maliki School,
provided limited rights to Muslim women to dissolve their
marriage. Under this act, a wife is entitled to judicial divorce on
neglect or failure of the husband to provide maintenance for
two years. However, if the wife ‘refuses herself ’ to her husband
without any lawful excuse and deserts her husband, she has no
right to claim maintenance and cannot obtain a decree for
dissolution of marriage on non-payment of maintenance.235 The
act also differentiated between men and women in terms of
apostasy as a ground for dissolution. After the act was passed,
apostasy of the wife does not dissolve the marriage, whereas
apostasy of the man does. Further, Muslim men’s right to
unilateral divorce was not affected by the reform. (See Parashar,
1992; Nair, 1996 and Agnes, 1999).
The two acts of 1937 and 1939 used the language of the situation
of Muslim women in order to carry out reforms in Muslim
personal law. The Shariat Act had the added objective of securing
uniformity of law amongst Muslims throughout British India.
But as we have seen, these processes were by no means evenly
applied and whilst the gains for women were limited, they seem
to have strengthened the processes of Islamisation of Muslim
personal law (See Parashar, 1992; Nair, 1996 and Agnes, 1999).
M. H. Kamali, Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence (Cambridge:Islamic Text Society,
Post-Independence: The Politics of Muslim Identity in
India, Pakistan and Bangladesh
Parashar, 1992.
Therefore, in the sliding scale of rights, the legal rights of minority
women were superseded by the overwhelming need to integrate
the minorities into the national mainstream (Parashar, 1992, 159).
However, although there has been very little reform of Muslim
personal law in India since Independence, the question of reforms
to Muslim personal law has come up from time to time since the
Constituent Assembly debates on the uniform civil code. Agnes
points out that the Special Marriage Act of 1954 is the only
‘significant move in post-independence period to secularise family
laws’ (Agnes, 1999: 95-96). She suggests that the opposition to
the act from religious communities was struck down with the
argument that it was a facilitatory act, as individuals were not
bound by its provisions, unless they chose to be (Agnes, 1999:
96). However, Parashar makes the argument that it was with the
debate around the Special Marriage Act of 1954, and its
applicability to Muslim communities, that the issue came to be
crystallised in terms of the sentiments of Muslim communities.
However, the question of the similarity of treatment in reform
initiatives across communities continued to rear its ugly head, to
which the government response was that the reform initiatives
were one step towards the normative ideal of the uniform civil
code (Parashar, 1992: 163-164).
did was to establish the government’s acceptance of the religio-
political leaders as the true spokespersons of the entire community
and conceded to their posture that no Muslim would have the
opportunity of rejecting Islamic law through a state enactment
(Agnes, 1999: 99-100).
unjustified tampering of classical laws. In 1961, the Muslim Family
Laws Ordinance, which drew on some of the recommendations
of the commission, was passed. The MFLO overhauled Muslim
personal law in East and West Pakistan and legislated on many
important areas such as polygamy and talaq. Under this ordinance,
although polygamy was not prohibited, it was regulated by
requiring a man to apply to the local union council for permission
to carry out another marriage, as well as to notify them of
existing wife or wives. Similarly, the ordinance provided for the
regulation of talaq. It treated every utterance of talaq in any
form whatsoever (except the third of three) as having the effect
of being single and revocable. Thereby it formalised the process
of talaq.
When Bangladesh secured Independence from Pakistan in 1971,
secularism was one of the precepts that were central to
Fundamental Principles of State Policy of the Constitution of
1972. However, in 1977, the Constitution was amended to remove
the term ‘secularism’ and in 1988, Islam was declared the state
religion. However, this was done along with the principle that
other religions be practised in peace and harmony. The principle
of separate personal laws for the various communities of
Bangladesh continues to be enforced. However, there are several
laws that have affected the personal laws of the various
communities. Some personal laws initiated in the colonial era,
continued to apply after the Independence of the country in
1947 when it was East Pakistan. These included the Shariat
Application Act, 1937, the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages
1939 and the Child Marriages Restraint Act 1929. Likewise,
although the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance was passed when
Bangladesh was still East Pakistan, it continues to operate in
Bangladesh, with some modifications. This ordinance made the
registration of Muslim marriages compulsory, and similar
provisions have been made by the Muslim Marriage and Divorce
Registration Act of 1974. Under the 1974 Act, documentation
and registration of marriage contracts mentioning the amount
of dower is provided for. Further, the Muslim Family Laws
Ordinance provided for the payment of ‘prompt dower’— dower
which is payable immediately on demand by the wife. Also, this
claim is not lost when the marriage is dissolved by court at the
instance of the wife or when the wife exercises the right to
divorce (See Kamali, 1989).
marriage and divorce, restitution of conjugal rights, recovery of
dower, maintenance and custody of children. Provisions have
been made for mediation and quick disposal of cases.
Part II
Chapter 2
Mahmuda Islam
1. Introduction
much as there is discrimination between men and women in
personal family matters like inheritance, guardianship (Article 2)
and in marriage and dissolution of marriage (Article 16.1(c).
The present study thus originates from the need to create the
conditions and environment for enabling the government to
withdraw the reservations. Comprehensive knowledge and reliable
information are pre-requisites to awareness about the provisions
of CEDAW, its importance and significance, and crystallisation
of a well-informed, effective public opinion. This study is,
therefore, designed to circulate all relevant documents on CEDAW
and existing personal laws to a cross section of the population
holding different shades of opinions, beliefs and specialisations
and to ascertain, analyse and document their knowledge, ideas,
views and experience on the issue.
See questionnaire in Appendix III.
Number of Respondents
Total 175
Category of Respondents238
Category Number
Religious thinkers 18
University level teachers including
faculties of Law 21
Political Parties 04
Lawyers 10
Journalists 04
Students 05
Total 97
About 21per cent of the respondents are from outside the capital Dhaka
and 29 per cent are women.
applicable to every body. The actual situation is that there
are different laws for different communities and different
religious laws continue to be applicable to citizens professing
different religions;
Appellate Division
Sessions Court
The judicial system is the only legal forum for hearing cases,
disposing of disputes and providing interpretation in all matters
arising out of the legal system including the Constitution, civil
and criminal laws and personal laws. There are no religious courts;
Fatwa given by a religious authority has no validity in law and
Hudood239 is not recognised by the legal system.240 Any body
trying to enforce Hudood will be liable to prosecution under the
criminal law of the country. The issue of Hudood and Fatwa has
been settled by verdicts of the high court which describes it as
Literally means ‘limit’; As a term of jurisprudence it means an offence for
which a prescribed punishment is set out in the Islamic legal tradition.
Hudood refers to crimes for which the Quran clearly specifies the procedure
of trial and evidence and prescribes the punishment. Adultery is such a crime
for which the Quran clearly lays down system of trial and punishment. In
Bangladesh, these Hudood laws laid down in the Quran are not enforceable.
Bangladesh has specific laws of crimes, trial, evidence and punishment which
are totally different Hudood laws and have nothing to do with the Quran.
Hudood is not, therefore, legal in Bangladesh. However, in Pakistan legislature
passed a specific law with the view to enforce Quranic laws on crime especially
ensure participation of women in all spheres of national life and
to adopt effective measures to ensure equitable distribution of
wealth among citizens. Further, the Constitution authorised the
state to make special provision for women for their advancement
and on that authority, has introduced special quota for women
in employment. Despite this progressive trend within the
constitutional document, there is provision for thee state to
exclude women from jobs, which by its nature is unsuited to
them. But the state has not taken any step to exclude women
from any employment including the armed forces.
For juristic schools of thought in Islam see discussion on Chapter 1.
commonly held perception is that polygyny is allowed to husband,
but bigamy is punishable for women; a son has double the share
of daughter in parental inheritance and bequest of property to
children by will is not permissible. The husband is the guardian
of the wife and the children, and can divorce the wife any time
without assigning any reason and without being required to go
through any divorce proceedings. 242 Women do not have
corresponding rights and normally have no right to divorce
husband except through an elaborate legal proceedings in which
she has to justify her claim by showing grounds acceptable to
the court.243 If a person is survived by at least one son the
property of the deceased is retained by the son, and daughter,
if any. But if a person is survived by daughters only and leaves
no son behind, daughters inherit only a part of the property and
a part goes to the male kin to the deprivation of the daughters.244
This is clearly a perception as opposed to an actual Quranic injunction as
stated in its Chapter 4 entitled Women.
Women have a right to khula i.e., dissolution of the marriage contract at the
initiative of the wife and by agreeing to give up her mahr.
As regards inheritance, Islamic law prevails in Bangladesh. Muslims in the
world are broadly divided into two sects —Sunni & Shia & there are differences
in the practices followed by the two sects. One such area of difference is the
practices of inheritance. Muslim in the subcontinent including Bangladesh are
overwhelmingly Sunni and follow the Sunni Hanafi School, Shias follow Shia
for consideration of well being of people and society. These
laws including the Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929, the
Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939, the Muslim Family
Laws Ordinance 1961 and the Muslim Marriage and Divorce
(Registration) Act 1974 have, arguably, made inroads into the
Islamic traditions of polygyny, divorce and inheritance.
Women can be members of Parliament, speaker, prime minister
or president. Both the prime minister and the leader of the
Opposition in the Parliamentary democracy of Bangladesh have
been women.
Similar experiences are reported from other countries in this collection.
5. Women’s Rights in CEDAW and the Sharia:
Perspectives from the Respondents
the domain of religious laws, for example, restricting polygamy,
revising religious precepts on inheritance, providing arbitration
by such civil authority like Municipal Corporation in divorce
matters. The Ulema accepted the situation ostensibly because
they could not muster public support to oppose the legislation.
One respondent pointed out that the Ulema in Bangladesh are
divided and there is rivalry and even hostility among them so
they cannot carry the people with them. In the vacuum, political
decisions can and do play a decisive role. A bold and firm
political will is the need of the hour and is capable of delivering
the goods. One respondent went so far as to say that neither the
public nor the Ulema have at any stage voiced effective opposition
to CEDAW and, therefore, delay in its complete ratification is a
political stunt on the part of the government.
over CEDAW and, Allah being the better guide, any change in
religious law will be harmful.
laws inconsistent with the Constitution are void and inoperative
and claimed that personal laws are void and inoperative as they
violate constitutional guarantee of equality between men and
women, especially the Article 28(2) which states, “Women shall
have equal rights with men in all spheres of the state and public
life”. Some respondents disagree on the ground that the word,
‘family life’, does not appear in and is not covered by this article
of the Constitution and as such Islamic laws regulating personal,
family life cannot be called unconstitutional. This view has been
considered by some respondents as narrow and misleading. Family
is considered the ideal centre for fullest development of
individuality of the human species and a child brought up in an
unequal family environment will not be able to adjust to equality
in state and public affairs. Family life is not, therefore, separable
from public life. Moreover, the Constitution aims at removal of
discrimination and its spirit clearly and unequivocally against
See Appendix 1 for text of CEDAW.
identified by the name of parents and not necessarily by their
husband’s identity. Names of both parents must appear in all
official documents. Women need not adopt surname of husband
and may continue maiden name. Women can opt for parents’
household as permanent address and need not adopt in-law’s
Note: Rights presented in this paragraph are recognised as fairly non-
controversial within the Islamic legal tradition.
The Quran, Chapter 4, verse 34.
superiority or leadership. Moreover, there are Quranic verses (Al
Baqura, 228; Al Tawba, 71) which state that men and women
have rights over one another and are protectors of one another.
Thus, a rational, liberal and practical interpretation of the Islamic
laws will support equality between man and woman. The
government in ratifying Article 16.1(d) and (f) has accepted this
liberal interpretation which is reflective of the contemporary
situation and prevailing conditions in society.
It needs to be pointed out here that the reality on the ground
is not as narrated by our respondent. The Islamic law of
inheritance no longer applies in full in Bangladesh and has been
substantially modified by the enactment of the Muslim Family
Laws Ordinance in 1961. The Hanafi School of Jurisprudence
which prevails in Bangladesh ordains that children of pre-
deceased son/daughter are not entitled to share in the property
of grandparents. Application of this position of Hanafi
interpretation of the Quranic verses on inheritance led to
problems for orphan grandchildren. The law enacted in 1961
gave such children share as if the son survived the parents, thus
overriding the Hanafi tradition. The legally effected change has
been justified on considerations of well being of people and
society as it mitigates the gross hardship caused to the children
by the Hanafi tradition. Similar hardship is imposed on daughters
by the Hanafi law that gives daughters smaller share than sons
and deprives daughters of full patrimony if the parents had no
son. Daughters are no longer married early and they are given
education as much as the sons; needs of unmarried daughters
are as much as the unmarried sons and as a result extreme
hardship is caused to unmarried daughters and their upbringing,
their future is adversely affected due to denial of equitable share
in the parental property. Justice demands that the rationale of
hardship and considerations of well being of people and society
is extended to the case of the daughters and the Islamic tradition
be rationalised. This is the view of the majority of the
Views of Respondents on Article 2
wife at will at any time by just uttering the word divorce three
times and without assigning any reason; but wife can only seek
divorce through the court and on specified reasons to be
scrutinised by the court. Views of the respondents also centered
round these two issues.
West and such social behavior is destructive of human values
and cannot be approved. They consider approval of polygyny in
Islam as a safety clause and not an open permission to marry
Some among those who opposed ratification, held the view that
while provisions of the Quran and Sunna are not alterable, it is
always possible to find, within the parameters of religious laws,
solution to new problems as they arise depending on their
intensity, dimension and urgency.
One respondent further added that those who disagree are not
aware of the true precepts of Islam. The general consensus
among these respondents is that since the Quran accords equal
rights to man and woman, they should have equal rights in
marriage and divorce.
and are being enforced by the courts of law. The truth is,
therefore, that the government can ratify CEDAW without any
fear of opposition provided it has the will and conviction.
Ratification forthwith 79
Conditional ratification 03
5.4 The Hermeneutics of the Legal Process: Ijtihad on
Another point raised against ijtihad is that there is no undisputed
religious leader within the Islamic legal tradition who is acceptable
to all Muslims. The ulema are divided leading to a division amongst
their followers. It is impossible to obtain a unanimous verdict
and time will be wasted in verbose debates. In the process,
implementation of CEDAW will be unnecessarily delayed.
A further point suggested by some respondents is that education
of the ulema in general is restricted to a very narrow horizon;
they have never exposed themselves to the vast store of
knowledge that has accumulated worldwide. They, thus, lack the
broad, universal and liberal bent of mind to reinterpret equality
and equal rights in the perspective of changing time, condition,
environment and thought process. Ijtihad in such situation of the
ulema will not yield practical, down-to-earth, rational solution. In
this vacuum, only political decisions can provide solutions to
legal issues.
Another fact noted by some respondents is that in the past the
government has legislated in the domain of religious laws without
any ijtihad. Considerations of well being of people and society
involving removal of hardship, public interest, justice and equity
were the guiding principles in such legislations. None of these
laws have been rejected by the public. What is required is following
up these principles to the logical denouement by completely
ratifying the CEDAW. A strong political will and rational political
decision is the need and not ijtihad. Finally, it was the view of
some respondents that whatever equality and rights have been
gained over the past years were the result of demands of
contemporary time and situation and not the product of ijtihad.
6. Conclusion
and possibilities of full and effective implementation of CEDAW
in Bangladesh. Our research indicates that respondents generally
agreed that there is no substantive or ideological conflict between
Sharia laws and CEDAW with respect to concern for equality
and equal rights of women with men. There are, however,
differences in actual application of both legal frameworks. The
majority opinion is that differences can be resolved by adopting
a liberal, progressive, rational reinterpretation of the Islamic
tradition keeping in view the exigencies of time, circumstances
and contemporary thinking. The majority of respondents
recommend immediate ratification of CEDAW including Articles
2 and 16.1(c) without delay. Since this majority represents a
cross section of the population, the government may consider
their views as reflective of effective public opinion and ratify the
CEDAW in full. There is a small minority opposing ratification
but we interpret this opposition as a sign of democracy and
unanimity in legislative matters is unlikely. The majority will,
however, should prevail.
Finally, the view may be advanced that in the past, the government
of Bangladesh has passed laws in what is claimed as the domain
of religious laws and these have been accepted as based on the
considerations of well being of people, society and in the larger
public interest. CEDAW may thus be ratified in full by applying
these principles. Society at large does not appear to go down the
path of ijtihad. What is necessary is political will and rational
decision on the part of the government.
Chapter 3
The Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, 2005. This was amended to give equal
rights in ancestral property to daughters.
The Indian Divorce Act, 1869.
Shariat or Sharia is the religious law followed by the Muslims.
CEDAW. This report attempts to study the extent of compatibility
between Muslim personal law and the manner in which it is
applied in India, against the backdrop of CEDAW. The
Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination
Against Women (CEDAW) provides a framework for addressing
women’s human rights to protect and enhance women’s equality
and status.
affect and mandates State parties “to make the registration of
marriages in an official register compulsory” is even less
convincing. The government’s declaration has stated that though
in principle it fully supports compulsory registration of marriages,
it is “not practical in a vast country like India with its variety of
customs, religions and level of literacy” to accept this part of
the article. This declaration shows the lack of seriousness with
which the state has dealt with the issue.
groups and activists and other liberal sections within the
community in terms of the constitutional provisions of equality
and non-discrimination on the grounds of sex. After the Shah
Bano Judgment,252 these groups plus certain committees launched
a campaign and asked for retention of divorced Muslim women’s
rights to maintenance on the grounds that the Shariat allowed
this and the equality clauses of the Constitution of India entitled
them to this. More recently, about two years ago, there were
discussions between the women’s organisations Muslim women’s
groups and the Muslim Personal Law Board253 about making a
standard Nikahnama254 with pro women stipulations. Muslim
Personal Law in India is based on the Shariat and customs.
While the Shariat Application Act abolished the use of customary
law in certain areas, customary practices continued to prevail in
certain areas like adoption and making of wills etc. Further
legislation regarding agricultural land and the tenancy laws etc.
modified the Shariat. Common laws like the Dowry Prohibition
Act, 1961, The Child Marriage Restrain Act, 1929 and all the
provisions regarding violence against women in the Indian Penal
Code apart from other common laws, have to varying extents,
made inroads into the Shariat. Judicial interpretation has also
played a part in defining the Muslim Personal Law. Finally and
most importantly, the manner in which the Muslim Personal
Law has been practiced in India has in significant ways been
stated to be against the spirit of Shariat and contrary to its basic
tenets of equality and justice for women.
Mohammad Ahmad Khan vs Shah Bano Begum, 1985, 2 SCC 556.
The All India Muslim Personal Law Board was formally established at a
meeting held at Hyderabad on April 7, 1973 ostensibly to save the Sharia Law.
The board meets from time to time.
Muslim contract of marriage.
Against the backdrop of the social and economic conditions in
which Muslim women live in India and the various political,
economic and social issues that impact Muslim women’s rights,
this study attempts to evaluate the application of Muslim Personal
Law, alongside the principles laid down by CEDAW.
financial status and inheritance rights of Muslim women within
the family and at the time of separation and divorce. Section 5
discusses the custody guardianship and adoption rights regarding
children in the Muslim Personal Law. Section 6 discusses the
problem of child marriage. It also discusses the laws relating to
abortion for Indian women, including Muslim women. Section
7 compares and contrasts the Muslim Personal Law and CEDAW
and makes recommendations.
M. Hidayatullah & A. Hidayatullah, Mulla’s Principles of Mahomedan Law in the
Nineteenth Century (Butterworths: London, 2004) pp. 1-2.
Large sections of both Muslim and Hindu women as a norm do not practice
purdah or wear burqas (veils), though in the past they did so.
from the courts, interpretations of Muslim Personal Law (MPL)
by religious clerics like the Ulema257 and Kazis258 and in religious
panchayats and Shariat courts259 on issues of marriage and divorce
have had an impact on MPL and the rights of women. In India,
these extra legal interpretations by religious clerics and scholars
have primarily been based on patriarchal readings of the Shariat
and are biased against women. Further, though these
interpretations are not legally binding they have influenced and
continue to influence significant sections of the Muslim
population in India for a variety of reasons.
Ulemas are religious scholars.
Kazi is the one who decides cases on the basis of religious laws.
Religious panchayats/Shariat Courts – A recent case in point is the case
which was heavily publicised. The case related to a woman who was raped by
her father-in-law. A fatwa was passed against her saying that she has now become
the mother of her own husband as she has been violated by the father-in-law.
Each state in India is headed by a high court. Below the high courts are the
district courts.
Muslim Personal Law Board, Darul-uloom (fatwa against women contesting
elections, supporting triple talaq, against women working, against watching
A.A. Fayzee, Outlines of Muhhamedan Law (New Delhi: OUP, 2003).
exists today is the result of a continuous process of development
during the fourteen centuries of the development of Islam”.
Similarly, other reformers in the 1960s and 1970s who had argued
for reform in the personal laws in India had stressed on the
dynamic nature of the MPL. They had argued that MPL had
developed in different countries in response to the “changing
needs of time”. Most liberal and progressive Indian women’s
organisations and groups till the mid 1980s had talked of reform
of all personal laws by the introduction of a Uniform Civil
Code for all Indian women to ensure equal rights in the home.
Amongst other reasons, they justified their demand on the basis
of the Indian Constitution, which guaranteed the fundamental
right of equality to all Indian citizens. However, after the Shah
Bano judgment by the Supreme Court of India in 1985 and the
passing of the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights and Divorce)
Act, 1986 the demand for a uniform civil code was dropped by
the most progressive and liberal women’s organisations and groups
who then started emphasising on reform within various personal
laws. Most of these organisations still based their demands on
the equal rights enshrined in the Constitution and simultaneously
argued that the Shariat envisages gender equality and had been
deliberately misinterpreted by patriarchal and fundamentalist
2.2 Impact of British Rule on MPL
Archana Parashar, Women and Family Law Reform in India: Uniform Civil Code
and Gender Equality (New Delhi: Sage Publications, 1992), p.62.
Ibid., p. 63. See also Agnes 1999, p.41.
of the various communities. However this explanation is said to
be not entirely correct as the British not only at this stage did
not extend this concern to other religious communities such as
the Parsis in India, but also introduced legislation for other
minorities. 265 The British also introduced legislation in various
aspects of civil and criminal law other than family law.
Ibid. p. 65. However, gradually the Parsis and the Christians secured the
enactment of specific laws for marriage and divorce.
Mohammad Ismail v Lala Sheomukh AIR 1922 PC 59.
Punjab Laws Act of 1872 introduced custom as the primary rule of decision
in family matters, gifts, partitions and any religious usage and institution. The
Elphinstone Code of 1827, Section 26 of regulation IV stated that all suits be
governed by usage of the country in the absence of an act of Parliament.
the application of religious laws to personal laws of the
Parashar, 1992, p.69.
Various charters had allowed the application of these principles from the
early days of British Rule.
Parashar, 1992, pp. 72-73.
and usages. This was because the courts initially relied on Pundits
and Maulvis to interpret scriptures rather than local customs.
Even though this system was discounted in 1864 and the courts
increasingly recognised customs, textual laws remained
prominent.271 Moreover, customs to be recognised had to fulfil
the strict requirements of proof set down in English law. Finally,
once a custom had been recognised, it became part of law and
a binding precedent. This stopped the recognition of further
developments in personal laws.
Ibid. p. 73.
Ibid. p. 74.
again gave protection to agrarian interests whose members were
a part of the provincial governments and benefited from the
partnership. This also impacted on MPL, whilst subjecting Muslim
women to a more rigorous control of the ‘high culture Islamic
Ibid. p. 75.
under contract or gift…marriage, dissolution of
marriage…maintenance dower, guardianship”. The purpose and
scope of the section, therefore, was to abrogate custom and
usage in so far as these had displaced the rules of Islamic law.274
The act, however, did not apply to agricultural land, which was
to be governed by existing customs or future legislation. Since
99.5 per cent of all property in India at that time was agricultural
land this exemption in effect severely curtailed Muslim women’s
right to inherit property. This was because the state gave
protection to wealthy Muslim landholders (Zamindars). Further,
in certain areas an option was given to Muslims to be governed
either by the Shariat or by their customary law in the matter of
adoption, wills and legacies.275
M. Hidayatullah & A. Hidayatullah, 2004, p 3.
Section 2 and 3 of the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act,
Parashar 1992, p. 150.
V. Narian, Gender and Community Muslims Women’s Rights in India (University
of Toronto Press, 2001) p. 19.
The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 was another
enactment introduced during the British time by the Ulema. The
background to this act is that Muslim women were resorting to
religious conversion to get a divorce since it was difficult to
obtain one under the Hanafi law which, however, dissolved the
marriage upon apostasy. The Ulema were unhappy with this trend
of Muslim women apostacising from Islam. The Dissolution of
Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 applied the laws of the Maliki School
to all Muslim women, since this school was most favourable to
women and allowed them to dissolve the marriage on certain
grounds278. Prior to the passing of this act in the courts, following
the Hanafi interpretation had denied to Muslim women the rights
of dissolution available to them under the Shariat.279 The act
recognised for the first time the right of a Muslim woman to get
a divorce on various grounds including cruelty and desertion
and any other ground recognised by MPL.280 However, the act
specifically exempted apostasy as a ground for divorce.
While this act was generally seen as one of the most progressive
enactments passed by the legislature, some authors have argued
that the Shariat Act as well as this act represents the influence of
the scripturalist understanding of Islam. The Shariat Act is said
M. Hidayatullah & A. Hidayatullah, 2004, p. 267.
Narian, 2001 p. 169.
The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939. Section 2.
Ibid., p 21.
to have been of particular significance to understanding the
manner in which women’s rights were used to construct identity
as a fundamentally political process and personal law was used
to assert an understanding of religion and community, which
were essentially political rather than spiritual. For the Ulema, the
Shariat Act was a means to assert control of the Muslim
Apart from these two acts, the other legislations, which impacted
on MPL were the Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929283 and
the Caste Disparities Removal Act 1859284 (also known as the
Freedom of Religion Act). In the area of civil and criminal laws
and in laws relating to commerce and trade the British legislated
common laws to govern all communities regardless of religion.
This was necessary for the British to govern the country and
consolidate their rule. Equally the retention of religion based
laws was also dictated by the political needs of the British and
facilitated their policy of divide and rule since different
communities would owe allegiance to different religious
communities, caste and sect.285
Ibid., p.20.
See Section 7 of this chapter Child Marriage and Abortion Laws.
T. Mehmood, Civil Marriage Law, Perspectives and Prospects (New Delhi:
N.M.Tripathi Pvt. Ltd.1978) p.2. “The Act abrogated so much of all laws and
usages prevailing in India as inflicted on any person forfeiture of rights or
property or impaired or affected any right of inheritance “by reason of his or
her becoming renouncing, or having been excluded from the communion of
nay religion, or being deprived of caste”. According to Prof. Mahmood, a
main reason for the passing of this act was that in 1830s many low-caste
Hindus under the influence of Christain missionaries wished to get converted
to Christianity but were scared of loosing their property on conversion.
This, amongst other reasons, including that the British administration was
not interested in Social Reforms are often cited by certain authorities. See K.
Singh, ‘The Constitution and Muslim Personal Law in Forging Identities:
Gender, Communities and the State’ in Z. Hassan (ed.), (New Delhi: Kali for
Women, 1994); Narain, 2001, p. 14.
The British policy of privileging religious personal law above
territorial and secular laws only in the area of the family resulted
in family related personal law becoming synonymous with religion.
This policy furthered the construction of identity on the basis
of religion and community and sought to obfuscate the plurality
of identities within each community and between different
regions. The retention and protection of the regime of personal
law also laid the foundation of how MPL would develop or not
develop in future in the Indian subcontinent.
Article 44 of the Constitution of India.
any two Indians to marry under the act, without renouncing
their religion. Muslim political parties and religious organisations
opposed this law and pleaded that no Muslim should be allowed
to marry under it. These political parties included the Muslim
League and the Congress backed Jamaat-e-Ulema-i-Hind.287 In 1972,
another enabling legislation, the Indian Adoption Bill was
introduced in the Parliament, which sought to initiate a uniform
law regarding adoption of children irrespective of the religion
of the foster parents or the child. This was again vehemently
opposed by the three Muslim members of the Joint Select
Committee of the Parliament to which the bill was referred and
witnesses before the Select Committee, mainly on the ground
that the adoption was prohibited in Islam and the bill would
interfere with the law of inheritance/succession and of marriage
amongst Muslims.288 It is pertinent to mention, however, that
during the debate in the Constituent Assembly and in subsequent
discussions surrounding the Civil Law of Marriage (The Special
Marriage Act, 1954), and the Uniform Law of Adoption, liberal
Muslim intellectuals, women’s rights activists and others289 argued
for the proposed reforms.
Singh, 1994, p. 97.
Ibid., p. 98.
This included the All India Women’s Conference which was supported by
the Congress Party.
they could now inherit on equal terms with the male heirs.
However, they did not get equal rights to inherit joint family
property and agricultural land was again excluded from the
operation of this law. Under the Hindu Adoption and
Maintenance Act, 1956, daughters were allowed to be adopted
for the first time while the Hindu wife’s right to separate residence
and maintenance in certain circumstances was recognised. The
Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956, however continued
to recognise the father as the natural guardian of the minor
child with the proviso that a child would ordinarily remain with
the mother till the age of five. A clause which incorporated
certain rights of the child stipulated that in deciding cases related
to children, the main criterion would be the welfare of the
child.290 These reforms stopped far short of giving equal rights
to women or removing all discrimination against them. One of
the main reasons for this was that there was substantial opposition
to these reforms from conservative sections within the Congress
and from the Hindu right wing party, the Hindu Mahasabha. It
has also been said that the Congress Party was more committed
to the idea of having a uniform law that would apply to all
Hindus than to notions of equality and, therefore, ensuring that
women got equal rights was not its priority.291 After the 1950s,
successive central governments have also not initiated any reforms
in personal laws barring a few amendments in the Hindu Personal
Law to make divorce easier and some significant amendments in
the Parsi marriage and divorce law. Some changes were also
For a detailed discussion on the changes in Hindu Personal Law see Kirti
Singh, ‘The Question of Reform in Personal Law’ in Gyanendra Pandey (ed.),
The Hindus and Others, A Question of Identity in India Today (New Delhi: Penguin,
Parashar, 1992, p.77.
made in the Indian Divorce Act governing Christian liberalising
the grounds of divorce. While no justification has been given
as to why Hindu law has not been amended to give better rights
to women, as far as Muslim and Christian personal law are
concerned, successive governments have always taken the stand
that the issue of reform should be at the initiate of the concerned
community and that they will not act against the will of any of
the religious communities. However, the Indian state seems to
have defined community in an extremely narrow sense to mean
only the religious leaders and organisations like the Jamait-e-Islami
and the Muslim League who have successfully resisted any positive
reform from taking place in either general personal law applicable
to all communities like a uniform adoption law or in Muslim
Personal Law. These parties along with the Ulema have also
successfully launched a campaign against reform in personal law
amongst fairly large sections of the Muslim population. Not
only this, they have also successfully managed to lobby with the
state and get retrogressive amendments introduced in the laws
relating to maintenance and financial support of women and
children.292 The Indian State has allowed itself to be persuaded
as it has largely been concerned with issues of political expediency
and electoral advantage and have been willing to subordinate
Muslim women’s rights to these issues.
Apart from the optional civil law of marriage and divorce, certain
other personal laws were introduced by the Indian State that was
applicable to all communities. The first of these laws was the
Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961, which sought to curb and punish
the practice of dowry apart from providing for return of dowry
The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986 was passed to
deny divorced Muslim women their right to maintenance after the iddat period.
items to the wife. It later was amended in 1983 and 1986 to
strengthen it further. Sections were also introduced in the Indian
Penal Code to punish harassment for dowry and other forms of
cruelty293 and to recognise a new species of murder called dowry
Sec. 498 A, Indian Penal Code.
only of religion, race, caste and sex in matters of employment.
The other fundamental rights including freedom of speech and
expression, movement, assembly, etc. in the Indian Constitution
have important implications for women in general. Additionally,
Article 21 of the Fundamental Rights, which deals with the
protection of life and personal liberty, has been interpreted by
the high courts in different states and the Supreme Court of
India to include the rights to live with dignity and in an
atmosphere free from violence.295 The Directive Principles of
State Policy in the Constitution direct the State to enforce women’s
rights in various spheres. Thus various provisions of the Indian
Constitution, although not as detailed or gender specific as clauses
in CEDAW, are in general consonance with the provisions of
CEDAW. However, the courts have been extremely reluctant to
strike down discriminatory personal laws, though no law is
supposed to exist, if it conflicts with the fundamental rights
chapter of the Indian Constitution.296
Sec. 304 B, Indian Penal Code.
AIR 1983 AP 356 and subsequent judgments of the Supreme Court of
is recommending this to further gender-just laws because it feels
that uniformity per se between communities would be in the
‘national interest’.297
The Constitution of India, Article 13.
Sarla Mudgal v. UOI (1995) 3 SCC 635.
Ahmadabad Women Action Group and others vs UOI (1997) 3 SCC 573.
(1992) 1 SCC 102.
(1986) 2 SCC 209.
(1999) 2 SCC 228.
in India has been the large number of cases,302 which have been
filed and won in the courts. In all these cases, women have cited
feminist and liberal interpretations of the Shariat and persuaded
the court to adopt these rather than the patriarchal interpretations
urged by their spouses or on occasion by groups like the Muslim
Personal Law Board.
These cases have been discussed in Section 4—The Rights of Muslim
Women within the Family; Section 5—Economic and Financial Rights of
Muslim Women within the Family and at the time of separation; Section 6—
Muslim Personal Law regarding Custody, Guardianship and Adoption of
Children, of this chapter.
The Protection of Muslim Women (Rights on Divorce) Act, 1986.
Singh, 1994, p.101.
that it has been practiced in, there is nothing in Islam to stop
further reforms from taking place.
women have been unable to final democratic spaces in which
they can fight for justice. Despite such hurdles in the justice
delivery system, they have managed to access the courts for
justice in mattes relating to matrimony and the family. They have
done so by arguing on the basis of the non-discriminatory
provisions of the Constitution of India as well as on the basis
of feminist interpretations other than Shariat. They have also,
along with the broader women’s movement been able to bring
about reform through the introduction of uniform laws in certain
areas like dowry and domestic violence.
3.1 Introduction
The section also draws upon available studies such as the National
Family Health Survey -2 and other national studies. It is also
based on four regional workshops that were conducted by the
Indian School of Women’s Studies and Development in Bhopal,
Bangalore, Kolkata and Kanpur in which a total number of 174
Muslim women participated (See Appendix – IV). The aim of
the workshops was to ascertain the ground realities about Muslim
women’s lives in different regions and hear their views. There
were different sessions in each workshop dealing with violence
within the home, the impact of communalism and their economic
status. The workshops were conducted for qualitative information
on relevant issues. The nature of the proceedings in the workshop
was of free discussion with comments and interventions by all
the participants.
In the country, 82 per cent of the households are Hindus, 12 per cent are
Muslims, 3 per cent are Christian and 2 per cent are Sikhs. However, in urban
areas, 15 per cent of the households are Muslims: National Family Health
Survey (NFHS-2) 1998-99, p. xix.
S. Kazi, Muslim Women in India Minority Rights Group International Report,
1999, p. 24.
Article 14 and 15, 16, The Constitution of India.
provision, laws and reservation of seats for women in local
bodies or any educational institution and special laws for backward
classes of citizen (this category includes backward classes amongst
Muslims too) and the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
Article 16(4) also provides for reservation of appointments of
posts in favour of any backward class of citizens, which in the
opinion of the state is not adequately represented in the services
under the state.
living. Further, except for the rural East, upper caste Hindus
across all zones had the highest average standard of living.310
For example, the per capita income of Muslims and their low
socio-economic status has been highlighted by certain studies.
The table below shows that the level of income of Muslims was
below the average income in India.
The standard of living index for assessing the socio-economic status
considered variables like the type of house, toilet facilities, source of lighting,
points for electricity, main fuel for cooking, source of drinking water, ownership
of agricultural land, ownership of livestock, ownership of durable goods and
ownership of house. “For the Muslim communities the best outcomes on
most indicators are in the urban west and urban south zones” (Hasan and
Menon, 2004, p. 25). It is clear that location of women in terms of rural and
urban residence is extremely important in determining the level of opportunities
available to them.
work in the un-organised sector (60 per cent),311 in home based
industry – doing embroidery work like zardozi, chikan work, beedi
making and traditional occupation and enterprises, where the
middlemen pay them abysmally low wages. It has also been
reported that compared to Christian (51.5 per cent) and Hindu
women (27.7 per cent) only 15.7 per cent Muslim women were
employed in regular salaried jobs. This shows the marginal
presence of Muslim women as workers in the formal economy.312
However, very little current data is available and much more
work needs to be done in the area.
3.3 Education
Kazi, 1999 p.24.
Ibid., p.25.
Hasan & Menon, 2004, pp. 71-72.
3.4 Women’s Autonomy and Political Participation
The study done by Hasan and Menon points out that women
in their sample turned out to be keen voters, with Muslim women
being keener than Hindu women. They further point out that
“three quarters of respondents supported reservations for women
in legislatures, expressed interest in contesting elections especially
at the local level.” However, they point out that the urban
educated women are more aware of rights and policies and are
more likely to decide on their own as to which party they should
vote for.315
NFHS-2 Survey p. 68.
Hasan & Menon, 2004, pp. 218-219.
The use or rather misuse of religion for political power..
homogeneous group but also ignores the manner in which
communal tension impacts on the daily lives of Muslim women
and results in Muslim Women being denied access to various
benefits available to women from other communities from the
state. One such propaganda by the votaries of Hindutva is
regarding the growth rate of Muslim population in India, which
they claim will overtake the growth rate amongst Hindus. This
claim contradicts recent studies which have clearly shown that
not only is there a decline in the total fertility rates amongst
Muslims but that regional differences were more important in
influencing fertility rates in India than religion. The study has
also shown that the Hindu / Muslim differential treatment cannot
be divorced from the repeated communal riots that have taken
place, affecting the access to family planning and health care
services provided by the government.317
During the workshops held for the present study, the impact of
the growth of communalism over the last few years was discussed
at great length. Women reported how communalism had affected
their daily lives and how difficult it was for Muslim women to
raise issues of equality within the community when the lives and
livelihood of a large number of members of their community
was in danger.
R.P. Bhagat, P. Prabharaj, ‘Hindu-Muslim Fertility Differentials’ Economic
and Political Weekly, January 29, 2005, Vol. 104 No.5, p.412.
Participants from Kerala and Karnataka stated how
fundamentalists from the Muslim community are forcing women
to wear burqah or the veil. Girls were not allowed to attend
English or co-education schools and participate in cultural and
extra-curricular activities.
“And if you fear that you cannot do justice to orphans, marry such women as seems good
to you, two, or three, or four, but if you fear that you will not do justice then (marry) only
one or that your which your right hand possess. This is more proper that you may not do
injustice.” (4:3).
Report of the Committee on the Status of Women, Govt. of India, 1975.
Hasan & Menon, 2004, pp. 72-84.
that Muslim women are commonly divorced or deserted on
account of polygamy and unilateral divorce.321
Hasan & Menon, 2004, p. 83. In a survey of 15,000 Muslim women in 46
districts of India in 1993-95 it was reported that only 5 per cent of the total
sample had been either divorced, separated or remarried.
Hasan & Menon, 2004, pp. 131.
(1995) 3 SCC 635.
Reformists and feminists argue that taking more than one wife
or up to four wives is not generally allowed in the Quran. The
permission for polygamy was granted only in a specific context
when more than one tenth of the Muslim population was wiped
out in war with non-believers, leaving behind many widows and
orphans. Even then what was emphasised was that a man had
to treat all his wives justly, and if this could not be done he
should stick to one wife only.324
Asghar Ali Engineer, The Rights of Women in Islam (New Delhi: Steerling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1992) p. 155.
1919 I.L.R 46 Calcutta 141.
The restitution of conjugal rights was a medieval European (Christian)
remedy which had been incorporated in the English Matrimonial Statues in
1875. This was applied by the English judges to both the Muslims and Hindus
in India by reinterpreting their ancient legal texts. The ‘relief ’ of the restitution
of conjugal rights is still available to both Muslims and Hindus in India. It was
incorporated in the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Husbands generally use this
section to defeat a claim for maintenance or separate living by the wife. Though
in one petition this relief was held as violative of the Fundamental Rights in
the Constitution of India by the Andhra Pradesh High Court, the Supreme
Court of India held that the ‘relief ’ aids in reconciliation. However, even if
a decree of restitution is passed against a spouse that spouse cannot be
compelled to live with the petitioning spouse.
was no longer his wife. The court accepted the validity of her
dissolution of the marriage and dismissed the husband’s suit.
Reported decisions of cases concerning a delegation of the right
of talaq to the wife in the event that her husband should marry
a second wife go back at least to the early 1870s.
The Calcutta High Court in the case mentioned above cited the
Hedaya and Baillie’s Digest of Mohammedan Law to establish the
fact that a Muslim husband may validly delegate the right of
talaq to his wife, thereby entitling her to dissolve the marriage
extra-judicially. In the marriage contract, the husband had made
such a delegation to the wife and she was entitled, under the
agreement, to exercise this right if he should marry a second
wife without her consent. That contingency having been proved,
the wife’s exercise of talaq-i-tafweed was valid and the high court
decreed her suit.
In addition to the delegation of the right of talaq to the wife in
the event of certain contingencies, the husband under MPL may
himself pronounce a suspended talaq, which will automatically
come into effect should the stated contingency occur. Thus, in
Muhammad Amin vs Mst. Aimna Bibi 327 the husband executed an
agreement that he shall not marry another woman in the presence
of Mst. Aimna Bibi, and if he does so, she will be held to have
been divorced by him, on account of the second marriage. The
high court upheld the validity of the document and concluded
that it operated automatically as a deed of divorce upon the
husband’s marriage to a second wife. The husband’s suit for
restitution of conjugal rights was accordingly dismissed.
Lucy Caroll and Harsh Kapoor, (eds.), Talaq-i-Tafwid, Women Living Under
Muslim Law, (France: 1996) quotes this case cited as AIR 1931 Lahore 134, on
p. 61.
In both pre and post-nuptial agreements, the suspended talaq
would appear to be much less common than the delegated right
of talaq (talaq-I-tafweed). In general, the provision for the exercise
of talaq-i-tafweed is probably more beneficial to the wife, as it
allows her, in the event of the contingency arising, to consider
the entire situation and to decide whether to effect a divorce or
not. If the stipulation is enforced by a suspended talaq, she is
automatically divorced whether or not she may wish to be.
4.2 Remarriage
It has been reported that Hindu and Muslim women face similar
hardships after divorce contrary to the popular belief that it is
easier for a Muslim woman to marry again. Thus, while there is
no bar against remarriage for a divorced Muslim woman, the
ground realities are quite complicated. While there are significant
variations in attitudes to “re-marriage across classes, it is easier
amongst the lower classes as in the higher and middle classes
remarriage is often looked down upon”.328 Ahmed also observes
that unless the divorced woman is very young and a suitable
match is available, remarriage hardly takes place. He goes on to
observe, “Since remarriage is not universal, the question of
sustenance of the divorced wife remains. Her only option is to
revert back to her parents or brothers. This is less of a problem
I. Ahmad (ed.) Divorce & Remarriage among Muslims in India (New Delhi:
in economically well-off families as they have the means to
shoulder the burden of maintaining their divorced daughter and
her children, if they have accompanied her after divorce, though
even in such cases she has to make compromises and adjust to
the taunts and curses of her family members, especially her
sister-in-laws who look upon her as an intruder and a burden on
the family resources. However, in the case of women from
lower class families, this poses serious problems. Lower class
families are already leading a hand to mouth existence and
reversion of a divorced daughter and her children puts severe
strain on their meager resources. In such families, the divorced
women has to face considerable humiliation and is often blamed
for adding to the already difficult situation of the family.”329
Ibid., p. 36.
The Muslim Personal Law stipulates that there can be no remarriage between
divorced spouses. In case the husband is repentant, then the wife has to get
married to another man and get divorced by him, before remarrying her
former husband.
Both the Sunni and Shia Muslim women in India are affected by
this unilateral form of divorce. The most common form of
divorce in India is talaq-i-biddat in which a man by pronouncing
talaq thrice at one sitting can divorce his wife, even though it is
not the acceptable form of divorce as far as Shariat is concerned.
The prevalence of this mode of divorce highlights the grip of
patriarchal values over the interpretations of the Shariat, as even
the local Kazis had taken the husband’s side and refused to help
Then if you fear that they cannot keep within the limits of
Allah, there is no blame on them for what she gives up to
become free thereby.
Engineer, 1992, pp. 136-137.
wife who wishes to initiate the process to do so through an
intermediary, a Kazi or other religious leaders, the local mosque
committee or an advocate. If the negotiations fail i.e., if the
husband neither pronounces the talaq nor agrees to sign the
Khula agreement, the only option for a woman who is determined
to end the marriage is to file for divorce under the Dissolution
of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939.332
After being thus empowered, she (i.e. the wife, recipient of the
delegation in the example being discussed) stands as a principle
in the execution of the divorce, and not as an agent; …a
commission of agency may be annulled at the pleasure, whereas
the power devolved to another to act, as a principle cannot be
S.Vatuk, ‘Muslim Women and Personal Law’ in Z. Hasan & R. Menon
(eds.), In a Minority: Essays on Muslim Women in India (New Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 2005), p. 38.
H. Kapoor (ed.), Dossier 16. Grabels, Women Living Under Muslim Laws,
Like the husbands pronouncement of talaq, the wife’s
pronouncement under authority delegated to her by the husband
(talaq-i-tafweed) dissolves the marriage without the intervention
of the court.
Fayzee, 2003.
In may be stated that, while Muslim men in India can practice
polygamy, it is not as widespread as is commonly believed. By
approaching the courts, women have been able to stop this
practice in certain circumstances. The courts have also recognised
conditions in the Nikahnama, which allow divorce in certain
contingencies. The problem, however, is that Nikahnamas which
contain these conditions or the delegated rights of divorce are
not the norm. Moreover, to defeat the claims of their wives and
to force women to submit, men have resorted to filing petitions
for restitution of conjugal rights, a barbaric remedy which was
adopted in colonial times and women have to fight these cases
often without any resources. If women want a divorce, they are
often forced to agree to a Khula and give up their right to Mahr
and maintenance and perhaps custody of their children.
5.1 Introduction
natal families for financial support and suffer a huge decline in
the standard of living.
Since this is the only support, however inadequate, that they can
get, Muslim women have waged a long struggle in India to
retain this right to maintenance. This is obvious from the number
of cases that Muslim women have filed and are filing throughout
the country to ask for maintenance after separation and divorce
in spite of a law passed by the government which was meant to
curb this right. 337
Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce ) Act, 1986.
which must be paid to them. Hence, a provision in addition to
her dowry is recommended to the divorced women.338 Another
commentator, Muhammad Asad, according to Engineer says:
“This obviously relates to women who are divorced without any
legal fault on their part. The amount of alimony—payable unless
and until they remarry—has been left unspecified since it must
depend on the husband’s financial circumstances and on the
social conditions of the times.” 339
Engineer, 1992, p. 129.
Section 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code in India, provides for maintenance
to all Indian women regardless of religion. This section was amended in 1973
to include within the definition of women, divorced women also.
intervener in the Shah Bano case, and the members of the
Jamaat-e-Islami, maintenance beyond this period was contrary
to the Sharia.
It is ironic that though the act was passed to stop divorced
Muslim women from getting maintenance, women again
continued to ask for maintenance beyond the period of iddat
from the courts. This is evident by the large numbers of petitions
that were filed under the act and the large number of judgments
available under the act. The act sought to restrict the right of
maintenance to the iddat period.341 While certain high courts
interpreted the issue to mean that divorced Muslim women are
entitled to both a reasonable and fair provision for life and to
maintenance which should be paid to her before the iddat period
expires,342 others343 held that a divorced Muslim woman is only
entitled to maintenance for the iddat period and is not entitled
Sec. 3 (1) Mahr or other properties of Muslim women to be given to her
at the time of divorce – (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other
law for the time being in force, a divorced woman shall be entitled to – i) a
reasonable and fair provision and maintenance to be made and paid to her
within the iddat period by her former husband;
ii) an amount equal to the sum of mahr or dower agreed to be paid to her at
the time of her marriage or at any time thereafter according to the Muslim
iii) and all the properties given to her before or at the time of marriage or
father her marriage by her relatives or friends or the husband or any relatives
of the husband or his friends.
Mohammad Ahmad Khan vs Shah Bano Begum (1985)2 SCC 556; Bai Tahira vs
Ali Hussain (1979) 2SCC 316; Fazlu Bai vs K.Khader Vali (1980) 4SCC125 ;
Arab Ahmadia Abdullah Arab Bail Mohmuna Saiyadbhai AIR 1988 Guj 141 ;
Ali vs Sufaira, (1988) 3 Crimes 147 ; K. Kuhammad Hazi vs K.Amina 1995 Cri
LJ 3371(Ker) ; K. Junaiddin vs Amena Begum (1998) 2 DMC 468 (Mad) ; Karim
Abdul Rehman Sheikh vs Shehnaz Karim Sheikh 2000 Cri LJ 3560 ; Jaitun Bai
Mubarak Sheikh vs Mubara Fakruddin Sheikh (1999) 3 Mh LJ 694; Kaka vs Hasan
Bano (1998 ) 2 DMC 85 ( P&H).
Usman Khan Bahmani vs Fathimunnisa Begum, (1999)Cri LJ 1364 ; Abdul Rashid
vs Sultana Begum (1992) Cri LJ 76 Cal; Abdul Haq vs Yasmin Talat, (1998)Cri LJ
3433 (MP) ; Md.Marahim vs Raiza Begum (1993) 1 DMC 60; Shahida Begum vs
Abdul Majid I (1998) DMC 584; Bibi Sahnaz vs State of Bihar and another AIR
1999(1) HLR 137.
to any separate amount by way of “a reasonable and fair
provision”. Under the first set of judgments, the Muslim women
started getting lumpsum amounts as spousal support.
Finally, while upholding the validity of the Muslim Women’s
(Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act 1986, the Supreme Court
in its landmark judgment in Danial Latifi & Anr. vs UOI344 settled
the law regarding the right of maintenance of a divorced Muslim
woman. The Supreme Court held that the wording of Section
3 indicated that the husband had two separate and distinct
obligations: (1) to make “a reasonable and fair provision” for his
divorced wife; and (2) to provide “maintenance” for her. It
further held that both these payments had to be made within
the iddat period. Stating that whether the word mata was
interpreted as maintenance or provision had little relevance, except
that mata was a right of the divorced Muslim woman distinct
from and in addition to mahr and maintenance during the iddat
period. The court held that the words ‘reasonable and fair’ had
reference to the needs of the divorced woman, the means of
the husband and the standard of the living the woman enjoyed
during the marriage. The court accepted the analysis of the
Supreme Court Constitutional judgment in the Shah Bano case
of ‘Suras 241-42 of Chapter II of The Holy Quran and the other
textual material’.
Finally, the Supreme Court held that any other interpretation of
Section-3 of the Muslim Women’s Act would lead the court to
declare the section unconstitutional since such an interpretation
‘would not be reasonable, just and fair’345 and would be violative
In the Daniel Latifi case, the court referred to the Indian society as male
dominated and went on to talk of the sacrifices that all classes of women
make for the welfare of the family.
of Article 14 and 15 of the Constitution of India. The central
government, the Muslim Personal Law Board and the Islamic
Shariat Board all appeared in the case and argued that a divorced
Muslim woman was not entitled to maintenance.
Under Hanafi law, the legal heirs are divided into three categories:
the agnates mostly males, Quranic heirs mostly females and
‘distant kindred’ who are either women or are connected through
a female link. The Shia law, however, besides being slightly
different from the Sunni law seeks to give equal rights to both
the male and female heirs. Cognates and agnates are put on
equal footings. ‘Males and females who are linked to the deceased
in equal blood and degree inherit together.’
clause excluding agricultural land but in certain parts of the
country such as Tamil Nadu, parts of Karnataka and Andhra
Pradesh women were given a share in the agricultural land in the
year 1949. However, in most of the northern states such as
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh, customs regarding
devolution of the property still prevail. Thus, inequality is
perpetuated among men and women as agricultural land is the
most important form of property.346
The ground reality is that women in India do not even get the
property that they inherit. They are often deprived of their rights
in parental property through various stratagems such as being
forced to relinquish their shares for her family members, thus
left with any security or assets in their name.
B. Agarwal, Gender and Legal Rights in Landed Property in India (New Delhi:
6. Muslim Personal Law regarding Custody, Guardianship
and Adoption of Children
6.1 Introduction
Section 7, 8 and 10 of the Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956.
custody proceedings for all communities though judges have the
power to decide individual cases, based on the personal law of
the parties approaching them. All the personal laws including
the Muslim Personal Law do not recognise the mother as an
equal guardian. The Guardian and Wards Act privileges the rights
of the male guardian above those of the child and the mother
and in Section 19 states no one can be appointed a guardian of
a child if the father is living and is not unfit.
P. Diwan, Muslim Law in Modern India (Allahabad Law Agency, 1999) p. 106;
During the controversy surrounding the bill leading Muslim
intellectuals opposed the fundamentalist position and wanted
adoption laws for the Muslims as well.349
The Muslim law givers and jurist do not use the expression
‘natural guardian’, but it seems to be clear that in all schools, the
father is recognised as a guardian—which term in the context is
equivalent to natural guardian, and the mother in all schools of
Muslim law is not recognised as the guardian, natural or otherwise,
even after the death of the father. Since the mother is not the
legal guardian of her minor children, she has no right to enter
into a contract to alienate the minor’s property. The father’s
right of guardianship exists even when the mother, or any other
female, is entitled to the custody of the minor. The father’s right
to control the education and religion of the minor children is
recognised. He also has the right to control the upbringing and
the movement of his minor children. So long as the father is
alive, he is the sole and supreme guardian of his minor children.
See V. Dhagamwar, Towards the Uniform Civil Code (New Delhi: N.M.Tripathi
Pvt. Ltd., 1989) for a detailed discussion on the issue.
Diwan, 1999, p.108.
Among the Sunnis, the father is the only natural guardian of the
minor children. After the death of the father, the guardianship
passes on to his executor. Among the Shias, after the death of
the father the guardianship passes on to the grandfather, even if
the father of the minor has appointed an executor, the executor
of the father becomes the guardian only in the absence of the
guardian, and in the absence of the grandfather. It appears that
the Shias consider the father as a natural guardian, and in his
absence, the grandfather is considered to be the natural guardian.
No other person can be the natural guardian, not even the
brother. In the absence of the grandfather, the guardianship
belongs to the grandfather’s executor, if any. Thus, under all
laws, the natural guardian of the child is the father.
Elizebeth Dinshaw vs. Arvand M. Dinshaw (1987) 1 SCC 42.
Chandrakala Menon vs. Vipin Menon (1993) 2 SCC 6.
workshop it was argued that a woman should get custody only
if she wants.353
7.1 Introduction
Muslim Personal Law and Women, A Report of the National Conference,
1999, p. 49.
AIWC was set up in 1927 from within the congress party.
powerless they were when it came to implementing
legislation.355Through the years, the act has been most ineffective
in curbing child marriage. Also surprisingly child marriage has
not been declared invalid even for children below a certain age.
Currently, the Indian government has introduced a bill to amend
this act, but has still not outlawed child marriage even in this bill.
J. Nair, Women and Law in Colonial India (New Delhi: Kali for Women, 1996).
The entire discussion on child marriage has been based on pages 80-83 of the
See Bhagat 2005, pp. 411-418 for a discussion on the entire issue.
Ibid., p. 417.
The Sharia does not lay down any age for marriage. It only
envisages that the parties to the marriage contract should be in
a position to enter into contract. Muslim Personal Law does not
expressly bar or allow child marriage but has allowed the guardians
of the child to contract their marriage on their behalves. The
child is given a right to repudiate such a marriage on attaining
Gauna is the ceremony when the girl is sent to her husband’s house for co-
habitation. It was and still is customary in many parts of the country to marry
a girl and then not allow her to leave her parental home till menarche and
often later.
Kirti Singh and Divya Kapur, ‘Law, Violence and the Girl Child’, Health and
Human Rights Vol. 5 No. 2, 2001, p.17.
years360. The mean age at marriage for upper cast rural women
across India is lower than that for Muslim women.
However, in Islamic law, the couple has the freedom and right
to choose to practice child spacing or family planning. This
decision should, however, be reached with the couple’s mutual
consent and in the present social set up this seems to be an
impossibility as apart from various factors like poverty, illiteracy,
Hasan & Menon, 2004, p 76.
Munshi Ram vs. Emperor AIR 1936 All 11.
lack of economic development and social attitudes it is mainly
the women who bear the major brunt of child rearing.
8. Conclusion
Though large constituents of the Indian women’s movement has
been trying to argue for reform of personal law to make it just
and equal, their struggle has been long and difficult. Muslim
Personal Law as it is practiced in India contravenes CEDAW in
several respects. Muslim women do not have equal rights regarding
marriage as Muslim men in India can marry upto four times.
They do not have equal rights to divorce as Muslim men continue
to exercise an unilateral right to divorce. The right to freely
choose a spouse is also not available to them. Their contribution
to the building up of the matrimonial home is not recognised
and they are discriminated against at the time of dissolution of
marriage since they do not have an equal right to matrimonial
property. Though their right to maintenance has been established
through court cases, the maintenance amount is invariably
insufficient for their survival. They are not equal guardians of
their children inspite of being the primary care takers in the
matrimonial home. Child marriage has not been invalidated under
Indian law and this has major consequences for women’s health.
Their access to family planning and reproductive rights is limited
by virtue of them being both members of a minority community
and women.
was, however, appropriated by the Hindu Right363 which was
mainly concerned with the introduction of a uniform code to
homogenise different communities and was not interested in the
equal rights of women. For the Hindu Right, Hindu women
already enjoyed equal rights through the amendments in the
1950s. They wanted to impose these amendments on all
communities.364 Some sections of the Muslim community were
also against the imposition of a uniform civil code in India. The
stand of the Hindu Right made them even more apprehensive
of the code as they feared that a Hindu Code might be thrust
upon them. This stand also suited the fundamentalists within the
Muslim community who raised the cry of Islam being in danger
as they were in any case against reform.
The Bharatiya Janata Party, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Rashtriya Swayam
Sewak Sangh, Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal ( see the 1998 election manifesto of
the BJP).
K.Singh, 1994.
Muslim Personal Law Board, women’s groups365 demanded a
standard Nikahnama which would include a clause denying the
man the “right” to a triple talaq and the right to polygamy and
would contain a provision for talaq-i- tawafiz. These groups have
also demanded that the mahr be set slab-wise according to the
difference in income. When the Muslim Personal Law Board
circulated a model Nikahnama which did not contain these and
other demands, women’s groups again demanded that the
standard Nikahnama be changed to remove all discriminatory
provisions and include the rights demanded by them. Thus having
a standard Nikahnama is one way of bringing about reforms in
Reform through legislation particularly in areas in which no law
exists is another way. Women’s organisations have suggested a
law for compulsory registration of marriage and a civil law on
domestic violence which would also contain a provision of
residence for separated/divorced women366. In this way, secular
laws which advance women’s equality rights will be strengthened.
In India there are already certain common laws like the Dowry
Prohibition Act 1961 and others can be introduced provided the
state cooperates.
In the meantime, Muslim women have won certain victories
from the court and will continue their struggle for justice and
equal rights through the legal system.
The AIDWA, the Action India—Delhi, Awaaz-Enisawan—Mumbai, the
CWDS, the COVA—Hyderabad , Stri Mukti Sangathan—Mumbai, Majlis—
Mumbai, the Masum—Poona, Sahr Waru Sanchetana–Ahmedabad, Suruchi
Sampati—Kolkata, the Vikas Adhyayan Kendra—Ahmedabad, Women’s
Research and Action Group—Mumbai, the National Federation of Indian
Women, the PUCL, the Joint Women’s Programme, the National Alliance of
Women—Delhi, Bazm-e-niswan—Bangalore, the Tamzeen-ul-Mohsinat,
Bangalore, the Federation of Legal Aid Committee—Jamshedpur.
Equal Rights Equal Laws, AIDWA, New Delhi, 2000.
Chapter 4
2. Methodology
and Sharia and what they see as factors that uphold or
minimise these rights.
by social and cultural norms and attitudes.367 This is the case
even though women constitute a significant 48 per cent of the
The sections that follow will analyse the social, economic and
political rights with reference to the informal law or customary
Human Rights Watch Report, 1999.
An initial report and subsequent reports every four years.
practices, Islamic law and formal laws and in order to situate
women’s human rights in the complexities that surround it,
throughout her life. The following table presents gender indicators
of Pakistan in a comparative global perspective and highlights
the inequities experienced by women in various spheres of life.
Figures taken from Human Development Report 2003.
3.1 Economic Rights
Progress of South Asian Women, 2003.
Access to credit for women might vary between the four provinces
and in urban and rural areas, but on the whole it is low in
Pakistan. However, some positive steps taken by the government
include establishment of industrial homes to impart training of
traditional skills and provision of loan facilities for women.372
The First Women’s Bank and the Khushali Bank provide loan
facilities to women.
Women, Law and Society, An Action Manual for NGOs, 2003.
There is now a noticeable trend of women increasingly
demanding their inheritance.376
Mumtaz, Khawar, and Shaheed, Farida, (eds.), Women of Pakistan: Two Steps
Forward, One Step Back? (Lahore: Vanguard, 1987).
also emphasised that those who violate women’s right to choose
her own partner, should be punished. (Balchin: 1996).
A study of the Interplay of Formal and Customary Laws on Women,
Punjab and Sindh Study, 2003, Raasta Development Consultants.
can bring charges of Zina (see more under customary and Sharia)
against her alleging that she did not contract a valid marriage.381
Several women who have sought divorce through the courts
have either been injured or in some cases killed.382 In the same
vein, women can also be killed for being raped since they become
a social stigma for their family and tribe and therefore have to
be gotten rid of.
Ibid., p. 15.
In 1999, 29-year-old Saima Sarwar was killed in the lawyer’s office in Lahore.
Hina Jillani, ‘Violence Against Women: The Legal System and Institutional
Responses in Pakistan’ (draft document, AGHS, Lahore, 2000).
burnt area of the victim’s body exceeds 30 per cent and can be
as much as 60–70 per cent. According to medical experts, in a
stove-burn case, arms, abdomen and legs get burnt, however, in
most such cases, women’s genitalia are also found to be burnt.
Therefore, the nature of injuries, status of victim in the family
and the frequency with which these so-called ‘accidents’ occur,
point to a serious pattern that these women are not burnt by
accident, but are victims of pre-meditated murder. 384
The literacy rates for women are abysmally low with about 70
per cent being deprived of the right to education. However, the
present government is in the process of taking some positive
steps (refer to the National Policy for the Development and
Empowerment of Women and the NPA) such as announcing
the Education Sector Reforms (ESR) and the emphasis on primary
school enrolment for girls as well as provision of quality
Education For All (EFA).386
Trial by Fire, Report by Progressive Women’s Association, 1998.
Yasmin Zaidi, National Scan on Violence Against Women, UNIFEM, 2002.
Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Women’s Development, National Policy
on Development and Empowerment for Women, 2002.
3.3 Political Rights
S. S. Ali, A Comparative Study of the United Nations Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Islamic Law & the Laws of Pakistan,
(unpublished paper, 1995), p. 62.
However, under the present government, initially, seven women
were inducted into the government as ministers. In addition to
this, the government also reserved about 33 per cent seats for
women in the different levels of local government. As a result
of this, more than 40,000 women are at present members of
local government institutions; of these, over a large number of
women came through constituency-based direct elections at the
union council level and a sizeable number of women are at the
higher tiers of the local government. Many women contested
elections for the seats of Nazim (mayor), Naib Nazim (deputy-
mayor) at different levels and 16 of them were successful. In
addition to this, 126 women, mostly Christians were elected on
reserved seats for minorities.388 Most of the women had no
experience of contesting elections before (79 per cent) and more
than half of them are illiterate. Currently, the government and
the civil society organisations are involved in the training of the
new councilors and legislators.
Women’s Participation in Local Government 2000-2001 (Lahore: Aurat Foundation,
Interplay of Customary and Formal Laws: Punjab-Sindh (Raasta, 2003)
Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Women’s Development, Pakistan
Country Paper, Commemorating Beijing Meeting, 2003.
quota has also been fixed for women in the judicial services.391
At present, some women also hold ambassadorial positions.
It is obvious from the current political participation and
representation of women that some positive changes have indeed
come about. Whereas, some women have been elected into
positions of decision-making and power, most of the rural
women continue to be subsumed by their lack of independent
decision-making (see under Social Rights, marriage, etc).
A review of the social, political and economic rights of women
indicates that there is a persistent gap in what the national laws
have accorded women in theory and what is actually practiced.
Laws pertaining to women’s economic rights need to be updated
and amended to reflect current realities of more women entering
the workforce. Under the current political set up women are
represented at all levels, however, this initiative requires a
constitutional safeguard. The Election Commission of Pakistan
should be an independent body, which needs to be empowered
to take action against those who undermine women’s right to
vote and ostracise their political participation.
Law pertaining to violence against women, particularly on
domestic violence (which should include martial rape) needs to
be adopted. Women’s access to justice and the right to mobility
also need to be safeguarded through enforcing existing laws and
abolishing any discriminatory customary practices.
Ali, 1995.
well as responsibilities as contributing members of the society.
When considering women’s legal position in Pakistan, it is
imperative to consider the whole range of laws as well as
customary practices, tribal codes and the social measures
undertaken to form legislation favorable to women (Kamal:
2002:18). At the legal level, women’s status in Pakistan is totally
unequal to that of men, despite several constitutional guarantees
of “equality before law and equal protection of law”, non-
discrimination and affirmative action. There are some formal
laws that have placed women in a highly disadvantaged position
such as the Hudood Ordinances392 (discussed later in the chapter).
Shehla Zia, Shehnaz Ahmed, and Naeem Mirza, Legal Literacy in Pakistan
(Islamabad: Aurat Publication and Information Service Foundation, 2002).
Fareeda Shaheed, Cassandra Balchin, Soohail Warraich, and Ayesha Gazdar,
(eds.), Shaping Women’s Lives: Laws, Practices & Strategies in Pakistan (Lahore:
Shirkat Gah, 1998).
they were based on religious practices and traditions and were
commonly known as personal laws. In 1937, the British enacted
the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat) Application Act to override
existing customary practices, which controlled the ‘private’ lives
of Muslims. The demand to change this situation came from
both Muslim men and women since they believed that most
customary practices were incongruent with Islamic laws. Thus
personal law was applied to marriage, dissolution, divorce,
maintenance, dower, gifts, trust, etc, but, inheritance to agricultural
property was excluded.394
In addition, the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939, was
enacted to provide relief to Muslim women from stringent
customary laws. Since child marriages were common in the
subcontinent, the Child Marriage Restraint Act, 1929, further
assuaged the sufferings of Muslim women.395
Jillani, Jehangir and Zia, points out that in the period after
independence, personal laws regarding guardianship, marriage,
divorce, inheritance and other marital rights were based on
religious traditions. The 1955 Rashid Commission produced a
report on the rights of marriage, divorce, etc remaining very
much within the ambit of Islam, but attempting to give it a
somewhat liberal flavor. This report found no popular support
among the orthodox Muslims who dubbed the report as being
un-Islamic. Due to this, the report was not implemented until
the military government of Field Marshal Ayub Khan who
promulgated an ordinance – Muslim Family Laws Ordinance
(MFLO) – which included some of the recommendations of
the Rashid Commission.396
Ibid., p. 98.
Jehangir, Jillani and Zia “Muslim Family Laws and their Implementation in
Pakistan,” (Lahore: 1988).
Ibid., p. 101.
The MFLO was meant to curb erratic divorce practices and
second marriages. However, where it does provide for some
safeguard for the woman against her husband who wants to
contract a second marriage, it does not ban polygamy.
Furthermore, as pointed out by Jillani and others, “…the penalty
provisions are too inadequate to act as an effective deterrent.
Similarly, though the procedure for divorce is to be rigidly
followed, yet no effective method was formulated to get the
aggrieved woman compensation like dower and maintenance
speedily and effectively.”
Women’s Rights in Muslim Family Law in Pakistan: 45 Years of
Recommendations vs. the FSC judgment (January 2000) Shirkat Gah Women’s
Resource Center.
have continued to challenge it during its life of over 45 years.
Presently, there are some amendments being suggested to the
MFLO; however, most of these are procedural to bring it in line
with the Local Government Ordinance, 2000.
Balchin, Shaheed, Warraich, Gazdar, 1998.
For details see, S. S. Ali and K. Arif, Blind Justice for All: Parallel Judicial Systems
in Pakistan: Implications and Consequences for Human Rights (Lahore: Shirkat Gah,
a number of them applicable to the entire country. According to
Ali and Arif, these include.401
Ali and Arif make the point that the Federal Shariat Court and
the Shariat Appellate Bench were forced as part of a package
into the Constitution in order to provide legal cover to Zia-ul
Haq’s martial law since it was only partially recognised by the
Supreme Court of Pakistan. When there was no moral justification
left to extend his rule, Zia-ul Haq used Islamisation as a crutch
(since this was the major opposition to Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s
People’s Party in the 1977 elections). The Council of Islamic
Ideology (CII), was reactivated and given the task to codify the
Hudood Laws, which were promulgated in 1979. In order to
enforce these laws a system of courts was required, which were
subsequently constituted through the addition of Chapter 3-A
to the Constitution. Thus, the legal provision was set in place for
creation of Shariat Benches in the High Courts as well as a
Shariat Appellate Bench in the Supreme Court.403
Ibid., pp. 5-6.
The Council of Islamic Ideology already performs the function entrusted
to the Federal Shariat Court.
Balchin, Gazdar, Shaheed, Warraich, 1998.
The task of these newly created forums was to assess petitions
on their Islamic merit and if they were deemed not to be so,
were struck down. In 1980, Chapter 3-A of the Constitution
was replaced which legitimised the formation of the Federal
Shariat Court (FSC). Through this, the General had an upper
hand whereby he could appoint judges to the FSC, which
essentially became the appellate forum of trial under Hudood
Laws. The FSC and the Shariat Appellate Bench consist of some
religious scholars as well who may or may not be well versed in
law and, “moreover, Pakistani Ulema are notorious for their
misogynistic views and are unlikely to interpret Islamic law in a
manner favorable to women’s rights.”(Ali and Arif: 37)
Asma Jehangir, Hina Jillani, The Hudood Ordinances: A Divine Sanction (Lahore:
Rohtas Books, 1990), p.23.
Ibid., p. 85.
of Zina.406 The hadd407(limit; carrying a mandatory punishment)
punishment for a married person committing Zina is rajm (stoning
to death) and for an unmarried person is a hundred lashes in a
public place. The other category of punishment is tazir
(discretionary punishment), which basically means that if the
crime cannot be proved under hadd, then the person is liable for
punishment under tazir.
Means the limit – for details on hadd and tazir.
Women and Law , National Report for Pakistan (Lahore: Shirkat Gah, 1994).
Most of the cases that have appeared before the FSC relate to
the offence of Zina. Empirical evidence has shown that the
addition of Zina Ordinance has changed the mode of handling
sexual crimes.410 There are many cases of women complaining
of rape (Zina-bil-jabar) who have become pregnant as a result
and are accused of the offence of Zina by the police. In some
cases, the court has given the benefit of doubt to the co-accused
male and set him free whereas the woman is unable to prove
rape to the satisfaction of the court (as it requires the testimony
of four adult Muslim male witnesses for rape).411
Interplay of Customary, Formal and Informal Laws on Women: Punjab, Raasta
Developmetn Consultants, 2002.
R. Patel, Islamisation of the Laws in Pakistan (Karachi: Faiza Publishers, 1990)
p. 25.
Interplay of Customary, Formal and Informal Laws on Women: Punjab, Raasta
Development Consultants, 2002.
women are not applicable for minorities since these laws pertain
only to Muslim women. The present commission on the Status
of Women (2000) has indicated that it will look into the laws
affecting minorities.413
Ahmadis (or Qadianis as they are often called), follow the Hanafi
law with some minor modifications. Marriage, divorce, custody
of children and succession are dealt with according to this school
of jurisprudence. However, after Bhutto’s government declared
Ahmadis as non-Muslims, the administration of these matters is
handled by a local Kazi, or an appellant board or Khalifa located
at Rabwah.414 In terms of personal laws, the fiqah Ahmadiya (the
published Ahmadi Law) is applied and not the MFLO.415
Debrah deFina, (ed.), Papers of Seminar on Family Laws in Pakistan, AGHS
Legal Aid Cell, 1990. Case law, however, does indicate that not all cases are
dealt with by the Rabwah board and the MFLO is still invoked.
Child Marriage Restraint Act of 1929, which is still enforced in
Pakistan, defines child as a male under the age of 18 years and
female under 14 years. However, the validity of marriages
between children is not affected by this act. The MFLO amended
the age for females to 16 years, but other minorities do not
benefit from this change since they do not come under the
MFLO. Therefore, there is a need to look at the personal laws
of minorities as well. In Hinduism, marriage is a sacrament and
there is no divorce law for Hindus living in Pakistan. This is also
the case in inheritance, where Hindu women are left to their
own devices. There is a great need for laws relating to divorce
and inheritance for Hindus to be promulgated in Pakistan.419
For the Parsi community, the Parsi Marriage & Divorce Act of
1939 is applicable. The most important aspect of a Parsi marriage
is that the man and woman have to belong to the Parsi faith.
Polygamy is strictly forbidden under Parsi personal laws and a
divorce virtually impossible for both the spouses.420
See Chapter 3 of this study regarding changes to Hindu family law.
Interplay of Customary, Formal and Informal Laws on Women: Sindh, Raasta
as well as some Muslims in order to victimise opponents or
rivals. The present government took a brave step forward by
announcing some procedural changes in this law, but had to
back down immediately due to pressure from the religious sections
of society.
Voice of the Asia Pacific Human Rights Network,
This section is based primarily on the findings from the focus group
discussions conducted specifically to ascertain women’s perceptions of their
rights, and the following documents: Ali, 1995; Interplay of Formal &
Customary Laws on Women (Raasta study covering the 4 provinces of Pakistan
patterns need to be identified and made more visible, so that
‘culture’ or ‘custom’ is not seen as immutable. In order to
understand customary practices, and to uproot ones laden with
gender discrimination, it is important to separate them from the
web of religion.
The secular view takes a cautious stand in that it shies away from
placing rights solely within a religious framework. This is due to
the misuse and discrimination that has been carried out under
Ali, 1995. p. 45.
the guise of ‘religion’. Despite this caveat, it is difficult not to
advocate for rights within a certain context and since the overall
framework of Pakistan is religious, the proponents of secularism
also use religion as a point of departure. Therefore, there is an
inherent similarity in the two points of view; both ignore the
fact that the present status of women is not necessarily due to
‘religion’, but rather stringent patriarchal customs and traditions.
In many tribal parts of Pakistan, the importance of tribal and
ethnic identity precedes that of religious (Islamic) identity thereby
giving way to customary laws and practices.
Farida Shaheed, ‘Engagements of Culture, Customs and Law: Women’s
Lives and Activism,’ in Fareeda Shaheed, Cassandra Balchin, Soohail Warraich,
and Ayesha Gazdar (eds.), Shaping Women’s Lives ( Lahore: Shirkat Gah, 1998).
CEDAW Articles 2(c)To establish legal protection of the rights of women
on an equal basis with men and to ensure through competent national tribunals
and other public institutions the effective protection of women against any act
of discrimination; (d) To refrain from engaging in any act or practice of
discrimination against women and to ensure that public authorities and
institutions shall act in conformity with this obligation.
to the failure of the state to create a cohesive, nationally integrated
Age of Majority
Right to Marriage
between two consenting adults and women have the right to
make their own decisions and set the terms of their contract. In
practice, however, a girl’s biological ability to bear children, even
if it is fragile at such a young age is seen as enough, especially
in tribal society. Here the consideration is the concept of honor,
and the premium placed on virginity. Families will send a young
daughter who has begun menstruation, off to her prospective
bridegrooms home (regardless of whether he is underage, or
perhaps much older) since then they will not have to vouch for
her virginity and purity since the groom’s family is now
responsible. Incidents are known where these young girls are
raped by older members of the family or by the groom himself
if he is in his teens or beyond.
The bride price or vulvar as it is known in the NWFP is also a
means of trafficking women. One woman, can be re-sold by
successive ‘husbands’, much like property. However, as the Raasta
study points out, the practice of vulvar, while it is more prevalent
in the rural areas, is on the decline and is found in only 12 per
cent of urban households. The practice is also confined to a few
areas. In order to address this issue, an anti-trafficking legislation
has been promulgated but strict enforcement of the law needs
to be taken in this regard.
avoiding having to give up two girls).427 This practice is increasingly
being seen as unacceptable, and Section 310 of the Pakistan
Penal Code (PPC) actually rejects this practice. However it has
been construed to be acceptable since it is a part of the 1991
amendment that incorporates the Qisas and Diyat Ordinances428.
Discussion with NGO activist working on Wanni.
A Bill on honor killing was passed by Parliament in 2004; while it was
diluted and compromises women’s rights on a number of key points, it has
recognised the practice of swara as unislamic and also a crime.
preferred to divorce, especially where the marriage is within the
family (also for economic reasons: even if they are poor, women
believe in the male as the provider; similarly the male provides
personal security to a woman).
the children; with the increase in nuclear families, this right is
being ceded to mothers more often.
Reproductive Rights
of physical protection (fear of rape i.e. dishonor) restricts women’s
mobility. Mobility varies with class, age and marital status. Article
15 of the Constitution guarantees freedom of movement to
‘every citizen’ and Article 26 provides for non-discrimination in
respect of access to public places (other than religious places).
Women can take up work only with permission from their male
family members. In rural Pakistan, a large majority of women
work in the fields; there are some professions/occupations seen
as compatible with a women’s perceived primary role of home-
maker. Compensation for work, whether informal, formal or
agricultural, is not equivalent to a male worker’s. In general,
women in paid work are acceptable only because of economic
necessity, and can also be seen as a sign of shame for the man
who is supposed to be the provider. This attitude is slowly
changing, especially in the urban areas, and also because the
rising incidence of poverty has forced families to send their
young daughters out to work. Women will often conceal the
fact that they are working, by saying that they are attending
‘classes’ in various socially accepted skills (cooking, stitching etc).
Notwithstanding the critique, the increase in micro-credit
programs (First Women’s Bank, Khushali Bank, and through
NGOs), have assisted women to make small investments in their
productive capabilities.
Property Rights
basic needs (food, shelter) are taken care of. Fortunately, this
practice is now rare.
election in the elections of 2000-2001. Although this has been
brought to the notice of the Election Commission, no measures
appear to have been taken.
The discussion focussed around the following themes and issues:
1. Recognising discrimination in social, economic and political
i) What kinds of discrimination exist against women?
ii) Are these discriminations a threat to women?
iii) Are there any mechanisms that support women’s rights?
What are they? Note examples (legal, social etc).
iv) Do women have any rights according to:
a) customs,
b) the Sharia
c) national (Pakistan’s) laws.
v) Which are they familiar with?
vi) What needs to be done to promote women’s rights? Who
should do it? With whom?
2. Obtaining support:
i) What are the problems involved in finding support to ensure
ii) Where do women go if they want to get their rights
iii) Who/What supports them in seeking redressal
iv) What are the costs associated with seeking redressal? How
are these met?
v) Are these seen as affordable?
Focus group 1 and 2 were held in District Gujjar Khan, in a
peri-urban and rural community respectively. The first group
venue was a centre for vocational training and special education,
along the main highway between Islamabad and Lahore. Focus
group 2 was a village, deep in rural Gujjar Khan, and the venue
was the home of a local woman. An NGO that has been working
with these communities facilitated the logistics etc. Focus group
3 was held in Peshawar; here again a local NGO had invited
women from rural and urban areas from around Peshawar. The
women were from communities that had access to means of
communication (radio, some had television, though not necessarily
in their homes).
7. NGO worker 7. Union 7. Union
Councilor Councilor/
8. Teacher 8. Primary School
9. Homemaker 9. Project Worker
10. High School 10. NGO Worker
11. Homemaker 11. NGO Worker
12. Homemaker 12. Parliamentarian
(MNA) and
Legal Aid
13. Homemaker
14. Union
“Sometimes it is the extended family the biradari that creates
hurdles and we do not get any rights.” [#2-4 Union (Labour)
Councilor, rural Gujjar Khan].
“We cannot raise our voices or fight for other women’s rights
even within the family, because husbands do not permit us to.
We don’t have the right to speak, how can we speak for others?”
(# 3-6, agricultural worker/homemaker, Peshawar).
When asked why, if these rights were there they were unable to
exercise them, the overwhelming response was “I think there is
too much ignorance; a woman is not given any respect; she is
not allowed to go anywhere, they just want her to do the
housework”. (# 1-1 District Councilor).
At the same time, there is a clear recognition that the customs
and norms have changed with time:
One woman shared how as young girls, she and her sister were
the first ones in the village to be educated; how their grandfather,
a religious scholar, encouraged them; they faced so much criticism
that they moved to a hostel for some time; but had to curtail
their studies without completing college. With a slight touch of
bitterness she added, “Now the daughters of same people who
criticised us, have become doctors…I feel bad, but then I also
take pride in it that we were the first, and it is because of us that
others could follow”. (# 3-11, NGO worker, Peshawar).
Women are told, don’t talk…this is men’s work. “Saaf mana’a kar
daitey hain…keh auratoun ka faisaloun mein koi dakhl nahin.” They
forbid us clearly, women have no role in decision-making. (3-4,
agricultural worker/ homemaker, Peshawar).
Nowhere else does this come across so clearly as in the right to
education, to marriage and inheritance rights. In each of these
cases women quoted personal examples of how the restrictions
were changed or lifted if the men of the family (the husband/
father/ brother) so wished. With male support they were able to
‘ignore’ resistance from the community as well.
“When my first daughter went to school I was ordered by my
husband to accompany her; I had to sit all day at school waiting
for her; sometimes she had extra classes; we would come back
late in the afternoon; I had three other younger daughters to
look after; it was so difficult to manage the household
responsibilities, making arrangements for the other children to
be cared for etc. When my second daughter went to school, my
husband had softened by that time and did not insist that I go;
it was a relief.” (Pause; then angrily…) “It is the men’s wish and
ideas that we have to obey: it has nothing to do with religion!
They can make and change the rules as they like!” (3-1, District
Councilor, Peshawar).
“Yes, women have a right to marry of their own choice, the last
wasn’t accepted before, now that is changing.” (#1-3, homemaker,
Gujjar Khan).
Where rights are recognised and allowed to be exercises, they are
constrained by male/societal discrimination and limits:
“Religion gives us the right to property and ownership of assets;
but those who have it are not allowed to sell it.” (# 2-15, rural
Gujjar Khan).
“My brother is afraid that the property will be divided so he is
not marrying his daughters.” (#3-1 District Councilor Peshawar).
An older woman said, “I still have to take whoever is in the
house, often my small nephew with me; sometimes it is not even
a male, it is a small girl.” Another piped up, “That is because
they will ask the child where you went, who you met etc. It is
not protecting you; it is controlling you and keeping an eye on
all your movements!”(Peshawar) All the women laughed and
“Women and men can marry of their own accord, but they
should include their elders and parents because they can guide
them. There are customs and traditions but if we go against
them, we need the support of men. Education is essential.
Rebellion is not the answer.” (#3-1, District Councilor, Peshawar).
In NWFP, during the focus group discussions, women of a
village related the extreme lengths that denial of their property
rights can go to. Property and inheritance rights of women are
recognised and protected by the Sharia, and people are aware of
it. However, brothers will often only ‘loan’ the property to the
married sister (often if it is agricultural land it provided some
subsistence farming for the family and their food needs are
fulfilled). She has to return it, or purchase it at market rates from
her brother. Often, the women narrated, conflict arises because
their husbands refuse to pay the brothers back, as they insist that
it is their wives’ right to inherit a share of the family property.
The brothers will stop at nothing to regain the value of their
property, and in case of resistance, often shoot their brother-in-
laws, widowing their sisters, and making her children orphans.
We are scared that if we ask for help, the situation will get
There is a (female) doctor who contracted a nikah (marriage)
without her parents knowledge with a colleague; she is unable to
tell her parents that she is already married…so they arranged her
marriage with someone else. She has committed a religious
transgression rather than face the consequences of a social one!”
“Women councilors could help, but they are women and helpless
as well.”
“[If a woman’s husband does not help her, how can the law help
her (Uski qanoon kya madad karey ga)?” (# 2-15, Union Councilor,
rural Gujjar Khan).
issues, but usually there is a focus on compromise that does not
provide them any relief; the councilors can help, if they were
empowered enough themselves; but mainly it was the government
that was seen as being able to expedite delivery of justice, if it
would enforce its own laws, would penalise rights violations, and
if it could be more accessible.
“We ask for a jirga, get the elders to mediate and discuss it.
Otherwise it will have to be the thana and the courts.” (#3-2
Union Councilor).
“Women councilors can help. However, they are limited because
they have limited space in the council itself…no secretarial
support; the Nazim and other government functionaries are not
helpful, they are not available at their offices. Women should be
able to go to the Nazim and get help.” (# 3-1, District Councilor,
social sanctions against those women who tried to assert their
rights were very harsh. The example of the woman, a doctor
(and not some uneducated woman), who married twice against
her religious beliefs, to avoid the social sanctions she would face
if she disclosed that she had married of her own choice, is a
vivid example of the fear instilled in the women.
The control of customary practices over women’s lives is slowly
decreasing, as literacy and access to mass media increases.
Exposure through mass media to different systems and practices
within the country will allow them to question discriminatory
practices seen as unchallengeable. The state fails when it does
not provide them with legal literacy, and also the means to meet
their legal needs without fear or threat from their social structures.
At the same time, statutory law that has caused confusion, and
also replaced parts of the PPC, which were protective (as the
Hudood laws have done) need to be repealed.
Women are also constrained to accept discriminatory practices
because their access to justice is limited. Firstly, they are not
aware of their legal rights; secondly, their restricted mobility
prevents them from reaching formal institutions of justice. Lastly,
these institutions are not perceived as being objective or protecting
their rights; rather, women feel that they become vulnerable to
exploitation because they have left the (imagined) protection of
the home and family, and are now at the mercy of insensitive
institutions and functionaries; legal proceedings take months and
years; women can be remanded to government shelters, that
function almost as subjails.
The terms Sharia, Shari’a and Shariat are used interchangeably in this chapter
according to the sources from which they were taken, and all stand for the
originally Arabic term ‘Shari’ah’, the historic legal tradition in Islam.
struggle that can be waged within the parameters of Islam or
should the call for equality be based on secular principles? As Ali
and Mullally point out, at a strategic level, it may be wise to wage
the battle within the confines of Islamic reform since
secularisation can alienate and exclude women. At the same
time, if one opts for secularisation, it may mean relegating the
field to fundamentalist who would continue to promote their
own version of Sharia.430 Jillani and others, explicate that the re-
formulation of the legal system in Pakistan under the Islamisation
process has an inherent weakness in that the status of women
has suffered immense corrosion and their powerlessness to
injustice has only increased.431
Shaheen Sardar Ali, Siobhan Mullally, ‘Women’s Rights and Human Rights
in Muslim Countries: A Case Study,’ in H. Phoenix, A., Stacey J. (eds.) Working
Out new Directions for Women’s Studies Falmer, 1992) pp. 113-123.
Jillani, Jehangir and Zia, 1988.
worthwhile to recount some of the processes of Islamisation
that have hit and continue to affect Pakistan. It would also be
within the ambit of this chapter to delve into different perceptions
regarding Islam and human rights and the debate on Islamic
Patel, 1990.
thus, passed the Hudood Laws in 1979, the Qisas and Diyat
Law and the Law of Evidence (discussed in detail above). These
laws were and are extremely regressive and discriminatory for
women as well as minorities. As has been mentioned in the
previous chapters, Zia’s campaign of Islamisation was
accompanied by the creation of a parallel judicial system, the
Sharia’a Courts, in order to implement the ordinances.
Since the writing of this report, certain steps have been taken: Parliament
passed a bill on honor killings, the discriminatory Hudood laws have been sent
to the CII for review etc.
followed. An accompanying bill, the Hasba (Accountability) Bill,
which is being debated in the same provincial assembly, chalks
out a plan to enforce the “Islamisation in the NWFP” project,
envisaging the creation of a “parallel system for judicial, police
and accountability functions”.437 This, if enacted, would create
yet another layer of parallel legal systems present in the country.
This is not the first time that Sharia has been imposed in the
NWFP. In Dir district and Malakand Agency, Sharia has been
implemented forcefully. According to the State of Human Rights
in 2000, in the village of Dhog Darra Valley of Dir District, 73
cases were decided by the Shariat court set up in the area. Most
villagers were filing cases before this court rather than making
complaints to the police. There are accounts of how the Sharia
I. A. Rehman, “Look at the Hasba Bill Now,” Dawn, July 25, 2003.
court was established that clearly challenge the constitutional
Riffat Hassan has challenged the notion that “human rights can
exist only within a secular context and not within the framework
of religion.”440 While Hassan has pointed out that there are
many sources that form the ‘Islamic Tradition’, she underscores
that the Qu’ran is the ‘Magna Carta’ of human rights and that a
large part of its concern is to free human beings from various
forms of oppression. Hassan talks about ‘General Rights’ that
Islam accords to all humanity; one of these is the Right to
Work— she quotes from the Quran, to illustrate the principle of
equality of the sexes thus established:
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, The State of Human Rights in 2000,
February, 2001.
Riffat Hassan, ‘Are Human Rights Compatible with Islam? The Issue of the
Rights of Women in Muslim Communities,’ http://www.religious 2.htm
She goes on to say that while the Qu’ran includes women’s rights
that are favorable, many of its women-related teachings have
been used against women rather than for them.441 Hassan asserts
that “rights created or given by God cannot be abolished by any
temporal ruler or human agency. Eternal and immutable, they
ought to be exercised since everything that God does is for ‘a
just purpose.’”
A.A. An-Na’im, Toward an Islamic Reformation: Civil Liberties, Human Rights,
and International Law, (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1990).
Ibid., p.51.
to it and consider it inviolable and sacred, while following modern
secular law in their everyday lives.
Ibid., p.33.
Ibid., p.27.
The status of women is highly debated amongst those Pakistanis
advocating the application of Sharia. While the “Absolutists and
Mawdudi see the whole of Sharia and jurisprudence as directly
applicable, Asad, Perwez, Hakim, and Javid Iqbal speak of the
Quran and Sunna as the basis of the law with room for
contemporary human discretion in its interpretation and
application.”446 Thus the Absolutists and Mawdudi agree on a
‘divine sanction’ to segregate women— even though the former
consider women completely outside the framework of public
life, and Mawdudi would allow them a limited participation
considering that segregation would be respected. Both these
positions are consistent with historic Sharia. In contrast, the
positions of the others allow women full participation in public
life on an equal footing with men—An-Nai’m argues that while
this represents the aspirations of many Muslims today, the stance
cannot be considered as representing the ‘correct’ view of historic
Ibid., p.38.
In inheritance, a Muslim woman receives less than the share of
a Muslim man when both have equal degree of relationship to
the deceased person.
At the same time, writers like Riffat Hassan, and Shaheen Sardar
Ali have noted that Islam grants a whole range of social,
economic and political rights to women that are not practiced,
and are also viewed in narrow terms as being definitive. In fact,
some of these rights can be seen as laying down normative
Ibid., p. 176.
In appendix V, a comparative analysis has been undertaken
between CEDAW, formal laws, customary practices and Sharia’a
to show that there are many points of convergence between the
women’s convention and Islam and some formal laws.
See S.S. Ali, ‘Conceptualising Islamic Law, CEDAW and Women’s Human
Rights in Plural Legal Settings: A Comparative Analysis of Application of
CEDAW in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan.’
are relevant to the 16 substantive articles of CEDAW. Therefore,
this analysis is by no means exhaustive.
All three sets of laws reviewed i.e., formal laws, Islamic laws and
CEDAW, have a common aspect in that all laws are categorised
as ‘protective’, ‘corrective’ and ‘non-discriminatory’ (see definitions
of each above). However, where they do vary from each other
is the degree to which laws are deemed protective and in their
duration. While most CEDAW articles come under the ‘non-
discriminatory’ heading, most of the constitutional and Islamic
come under the ‘protective’ or corrective category. CEDAW also
limits the duration of protective laws whereas, there is no such
time limit in terms of National and so-called Islamic laws.
responsibilities that are a part of it. It also means that Pakistan
has agreed to be scrutinised by the CEDAW Committee and to
submit a report every four years on the implementation status
of CEDAW. The procedure of reporting to the committee every
four years also means that the responsible authorities could use
this as a useful internal monitoring tool for gauging the status of
women’s rights on a regular basis.
According to the Constitution of Pakistan and Islam, there are
no prohibitions on women’s right to earn or to have control
over their income. The government of Pakistan has taken some
positive steps in this direction, such as the signing of the ILO
convention 100 for equal remuneration and the provision of
credit to women in rural areas through the Kushali Bank and the
First Women’s Bank. Article 11 of CEDAW pertains to economic
rights of women and emphasises the necessity of maternity
benefits, safe working conditions and the right to employment
of women, etc. Although both CEDAW and the National Laws
of Pakistan provide some safeguards to the rights of women
working in the formal sector, there are no existing laws (or
CEDAW articles) that can be applied to the informal sector. It
is primarily this sector, which affects poor women (and men).
Due to the fact that the majority of women do not have the
necessary qualifications or ‘approval’ from their families to enter
certain professions, they resort to menial jobs and domestic labour,
which do not come under any law.
not given their share of the property or are married (against
their wishes) within the family to retain control over the estate.
While Pakistan has shown its good will by signing CEDAW, it
must follow through on its commitment and institute proper
mechanisms to implement the substantive provisions of CEDAW,
enforce existing laws favorable to women, and repeal all
discriminatory legislation.
Any ‘protective’ legislation should be constituted for a limited
time and not entail any bans for the sake of protecting women
from certain kinds of jobs. The state should invest in devising
an enabling environment for women in this regard. There is a
need for more ‘corrective legislation’ with regard to women,
however, it should be kept in mind that the inherent challenge
in this is to be able to take note of differences between men and
women and to decide which measures to take that will in fact
facilitate equal access, control and equal results.
Since the constitution defines women as full and equal citizens
of Pakistan, no legal protection or safeguard under the guise of
‘Islam’ should be accorded to any customary practice that is
discriminatory towards women or any other disadvantaged group.
Furthermore, all barriers to women’s mobility and accessibility to
resources (economic, social, legal and political) need to be
removed, in order to allow them to participate as equal citizens
in the all spheres of life. Similarly, family laws need to be revised
to ensure women their rights. For example, the Nikahnama, a
legal contract can be incorporated to ensure an equitable
distribution of property at the time of divorce.450
Simi Kamal, The Interplay of Customary, Formal and Informal Laws on Women,
Also, there is a great and immediate need of providing legal
literacy to women about their rights. The government should
also take concrete measures against the tribal jirgas, panchayats
and faislos that dispense injustice to women, with special focus
on issues that pertain to the private domain such as domestic
violence, marriage, divorce and inheritance.
Part III
Implementation of CEDAW in
Bangladesh, India and Pakistan:
The post-colonial era has been marked by a war between India and Pakistan
on Bangladesh – the histories of violence within the region has affected women
in the three countries; and whilst there are similarities there are discontinuities,
ruptures and silences as well where women’s histories lie buried and are equally
important to examine. These issues are important as they do not form the
subject of the present research.
of civil society towards human rights treaties emanating from
the UN and the fluid and fluctuating nature of women’s rights
and entitlements in South Asia. It also reinforces the assumption
that in plural legal systems, women-friendly spaces are few and
far between, and women’s human rights to equality and non-
discrimination remains a contested terrain despite ratification of
CEDAW by governments.
But, as reflected in the three case studies, it is the inner and most
tenacious ‘layer’ of custom, culture and tradition that discriminates
against women as a group. Customary practices are the key factor
in women’s disempowerment and violence against women and
killing in the name of honour are often justified or condoned
under the umbrella of customary law. It is pertinent to highlight
here the double-edged sword of devolution of political power
to local institutions. Whilst there is evidence that increasing
number of women are members of local councils, yet in a number
of instances, informal dispute resolution forums such as panchayats,
jirgas and faislo are being increasingly used to settle disputes that
they were never meant to adjudicate. The sole purpose of this
system was to settle petty disputes and not criminal offenses.
From the point of view of women’s access to justice, it is alarming
for these bodies to exercise the power bestowed on them because
the ‘justice’ and ‘law’ informing decisions of these bodies is
patriarchal and misogynist customary practices.
Indian government is loathe to intervene in family law matters
impacting on the lives of its Muslim citizens on the basis that
the Indian notion of secularism is an inclusive one and implies
non-interference in the personal status laws of religious minorities.
In all three jurisdictions, personal status laws governing marriage,
divorce, custody and guardianship, inheritance and succession
remains the last bastion of ‘Muslim’ identity whereas matters of
public life have been overtaken by ‘secular’ formulations of law.
Having said that, personal law has not remained static and while
legislation in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan has remained
minimal, all three case studies provide important insights into
the role of the judiciary in interpreting personal status laws.
inflexible and inward looking approach of the so-called religious
leaders within the Muslim community who raised the cry of
Islam being in danger as they were in any case against reform.
Though large constituents of the Indian women’s movement has
been trying to argue for reform of personal law to make it just
and equal, their struggle has been long and difficult. For instance,
the infamous triple talaq is one of the most unjust formulations
of so-called Islamic law causing distress to numerous Muslim
women in India. In Pakistan, however, the Muslim Family Laws
Ordinance, 1961, outlaws the triple talaq. It is suggested that a
more proactive sharing of progressive interpretations of Islamic
law be introduced among the Muslim communities in India.
In summing up this analysis of the implementation of CEDAW
in plural legal systems of the South Asian region, it has to be
admitted that the journey on the road to equal rights for men
and women within the UN system and the countries round the
world has indeed come a long way. As the Indian chapter states,
this is a process where women are inching their way towards the
goal of equality and non-discrimination. At the international
level, from modest beginnings in the UN Charter and the UDHR,
the ICCPR and the ICESCR expanded on the concept. The
decades of the seventies, eighties and nineties lent tremendous
impetus to these initiatives and women’s human rights are
incapable of being ignored any more. The UN efforts were
greatly facilitated by the NGO community world wide though
timely interventions, particularly at the four world conferences
on women. Each conference expanded the boundaries of what
was the substantive content of women’s human rights to reach
in the final years of the 20th century, a point where virtually
every aspect of women’s lives are touched by the rights discourse.
CEDAW today is hailed as the International bill on women’s
rights and synthesises the numerous documents advancing
women’s rights. Although many problems persist, the major ones
relating to state sovereignty and weak and ineffective enforcement
mechanisms, yet a beginning has been made.
Muslim women themselves. Whilst the path is uphill and the
task of challenging deeply held conviction delicate, a dent has
been made in an all male version of religion. From now on it
is a matter of consistent and persistent exploration of the
egalitarian and equitable spirit of the Islamic tradition of women’s
human rights and translating it into action.
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Georgia Press.
Whitman, J. 1998. ‘What is Wrong with Inflicting Shame
Sanctions?’, Yale Law Journal , Vol. 107 No 4.
WLUML, Balchin, C. (ed.), 1999. Reaching Out, Changing Our Lives:
Outreach Strategies and Women Living Under Muslim Laws, Colombo:
Muslim Women’s Research and Action Forum.
WLUML, Dossier 22.
Wörgetter A., 1997. ‘The Draft Optional Protocol to the Law
on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women’
Austrian Review of International and European Law, Vol. 2 , p. 261.
Wright, S. 1992. ‘Economic Rights and Social Justice: A Feminist
Analysis of Some International Human Rights Conventions’
(1988-90) Australian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 12, p. 242.
Zaidi, Yasmin 2002. National Scan on Violence Against Women –
Pakistan, UNIFEM South Asia.
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Zubeida Sultana, 1991. Khawateen Aur Qanoon, Lahore: Nirali
About the Authors
Co-authored with Javaid Rehman; ‘Sigh of the Oppressed?
Islamisation of Laws in Pakistan: A case Study of the NWFP’
Yearbook of Islamic and Middle Eastern Law, Vol. 10, 2005; ‘Freedom
of Religion versus Equality in International Human Rights Law:
Conflicting Norms or Hierarchical Human Rights? (A case study
of Pakistan)’ Nordic Journal for Human Rights, Vol 21, 2003. Co-
authored with Javaid Rehman.
networks and is a founding member of Mubariza, the national
network of gender trainers and activists in Pakistan, and of
SANGAT which works at the regional level in South Asia. An
active gender trainer and researcher, she has been part of a
number of studies on reproductive health and gender concerns,
in particular violence against women. Zaidi works as a consultant
and has designed, reviewed and monitored programs and projects
from a gender perspective in areas of rural development, health,
education and governance.
Text of CEDAW
Recalling that discrimination against women violates the principles
of equality of rights and respect for human dignity, is an obstacle
to the participation of women, on equal terms with men, in the
political, social, economic and cultural life of their countries,
hampers the growth of the prosperity of society and the family
and makes more difficult the full development of the potentialities
of women in the service of their countries and of humanity,
Concerned that in situations of poverty women have the least
access to food, health, education, training and opportunities for
employment and other needs,
Convinced that the establishment of the new international
economic order based on equity and justice will contribute
significantly towards the promotion of equality between men
and women,
Emphasizing that the eradication of apartheid, all forms of
racism, racial discrimination, colonialism, neo-colonialism,
aggression, foreign occupation and domination and interference
in the internal affairs of States is essential to the full enjoyment
of the rights of men and women,
Affirming that the strengthening of international peace and
security, the relaxation of international tension, mutual co-
operation among all States irrespective of their social and
economic systems, general and complete disarmament, in
particular nuclear disarmament under strict and effective
international control, the affirmation of the principles of justice,
equality and mutual benefit in relations among countries and the
realization of the right of peoples under alien and colonial
domination and foreign occupation to self-determination and
independence, as well as respect for national sovereignty and
territorial integrity, will promote social progress and development
and as a consequence will contribute to the attainment of full
equality between men and women,
Convinced that the full and complete development of a country,
the welfare of the world and the cause of peace require the
maximum participation of women on equal terms with men in
all fields,
Bearing in mind the great contribution of women to the welfare
of the family and to the development of society, so far not fully
recognized, the social significance of maternity and the role of
both parents in the family and in the upbringing of children,
and aware that the role of women in procreation should not be
a basis for discrimination but that the upbringing of children
requires a sharing of responsibility between men and women
and society as a whole,
Aware that a change in the traditional role of men as well as the
role of women in society and in the family is needed to achieve
full equality between men and women,
Determined to implement the principles set forth in the
Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
and, for that purpose, to adopt the measures required for the
elimination of such discrimination in all its forms and
Have agreed on the following:
Article I
enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of their marital
status, on a basis of equality of men and women, of human
rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social,
cultural, civil or any other field.
Article 2
(f) To take all appropriate measures, including legislation, to
modify or abolish existing laws, regulations, customs and
practices which constitute discrimination against women;
(g) To repeal all national penal provisions which constitute
discrimination against women.
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
(a) To modify the social and cultural patterns of conduct of
men and women, with a view to achieving the elimination
of prejudices and customary and all other practices which
are based on the idea of the inferiority or the superiority of
either of the sexes or on stereotyped roles for men and
Article 6
Article 7
(c) To participate in non-governmental organizations and
associations concerned with the public and political life of
the country.
Article 8
Article 9
1. States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men to
acquire, change or retain their nationality. They shall ensure
in particular that neither marriage to an alien nor change of
nationality by the husband during marriage shall automatically
change the nationality of the wife, render her stateless or
force upon her the nationality of the husband.
2. States Parties shall grant women equal rights with men with
respect to the nationality of their children.
Article 10
school, general, technical, professional and higher technical
education, as well as in all types of vocational training;
(b) Access to the same curricula, the same examinations, teaching
staff with qualifications of the same standard and school
premises and equipment of the same quality;
(c) The elimination of any stereotyped concept of the roles of
men and women at all levels and in all forms of education
by encouraging coeducation and other types of education
which will help to achieve this aim and, in particular, by the
revision of textbooks and school programmes and the
adaptation of teaching methods;
(d) The same opportunities to benefit from scholarships and
other study grants;
(e) The same opportunities for access to programmes of
continuing education, including adult and functional literacy
programmes, particulary those aimed at reducing, at the
earliest possible time, any gap in education existing between
men and women;
(f) The reduction of female student drop-out rates and the
organization of programmes for girls and women who have
left school prematurely;
Article 11
order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women,
the same rights, in particular:
(a) The right to work as an inalienable right of all human
(b) The right to the same employment opportunities, including
the application of the same criteria for selection in matters
of employment;
(c) The right to free choice of profession and employment, the
right to promotion, job security and all benefits and
conditions of service and the right to receive vocational
training and retraining, including apprenticeships, advanced
vocational training and recurrent training;
(d) The right to equal remuneration, including benefits, and to
equal treatment in respect of work of equal value, as well
as equality of treatment in the evaluation of the quality of
(e) The right to social security, particularly in cases of retirement,
unemployment, sickness, invalidity and old age and other
incapacity to work, as well as the right to paid leave;
(f) The right to protection of health and to safety in working
conditions, including the safeguarding of the function of
(c) To encourage the provision of the necessary supporting
social services to enable parents to combine family
obligations with work responsibilities and participation in
public life, in particular through promoting the establishment
and development of a network of child-care facilities;
(d) To provide special protection to women during pregnancy
in types of work proved to be harmful to them.
3. Protective legislation relating to matters covered in this article
shall be reviewed periodically in the light of scientific and
technological knowledge and shall be revised, repealed or
extended as necessary.
Article 12
1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
discrimination against women in the field of health care in
order to ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women,
access to health care services, including those related to
family planning.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph I of this article,
States Parties shall ensure to women appropriate services in
connection with pregnancy, confinement and the post-natal
period, granting free services where necessary, as well as
adequate nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.
Article 13
(c) The right to participate in recreational activities, sports and
all aspects of cultural life.
Article 14
1. States Parties shall take into account the particular problems
faced by rural women and the significant roles which rural
women play in the economic survival of their families,
including their work in the non-monetized sectors of the
economy, and shall take all appropriate measures to ensure
the application of the provisions of the present Convention
to women in rural areas.
2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
discrimination against women in rural areas in order to
ensure, on a basis of equality of men and women, that they
participate in and benefit from rural development and, in
particular, shall ensure to such women the right:
(a) To participate in the elaboration and implementation of
development planning at all levels;
(b) To have access to adequate health care facilities, including
information, counselling and services in family planning;
(c) To benefit directly from social security programmes;
(d) To obtain all types of training and education, formal and
non-formal, including that relating to functional literacy, as
well as, inter alia, the benefit of all community and extension
services, in order to increase their technical proficiency;
(e) To organize self-help groups and co-operatives in order to
obtain equal access to economic opportunities through
employment or self employment;
(f) To participate in all community activities;
(g) To have access to agricultural credit and loans, marketing
facilities, appropriate technology and equal treatment in land
and agrarian reform as well as in land resettlement schemes;
(h) To enjoy adequate living conditions, particularly in relation
to housing, sanitation, electricity and water supply, transport
and communications.
Article 15
1. States Parties shall accord to women equality with men before
the law.
2. States Parties shall accord to women, in civil matters, a legal
capacity identical to that of men and the same opportunities
to exercise that capacity. In particular, they shall give women
equal rights to conclude contracts and to administer property
and shall treat them equally in all stages of procedure in
courts and tribunals.
3. States Parties agree that all contracts and all other private
instruments of any kind with a legal effect which is directed
at restricting the legal capacity of women shall be deemed
null and void.
4. States Parties shall accord to men and women the same
rights with regard to the law relating to the movement of
persons and the freedom to choose their residence and
Article 16
1. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to eliminate
discrimination against women in all matters relating to
marriage and family relations and in particular shall ensure,
on a basis of equality of men and women:
(a) The same right to enter into marriage;
(b) The same right freely to choose a spouse and to enter into
marriage only with their free and full consent;
(c) The same rights and responsibilities during marriage and at
its dissolution;
(d) The same rights and responsibilities as parents, irrespective
of their marital status, in matters relating to their children;
in all cases the interests of the children shall be paramount;
(e) The same rights to decide freely and responsibly on the
number and spacing of their children and to have access to
the information, education and means to enable them to
exercise these rights;
(f) The same rights and responsibilities with regard to
guardianship, wardship, trusteeship and adoption of children,
or similar institutions where these concepts exist in national
legislation; in all cases the interests of the children shall be
(g) The same personal rights as husband and wife, including
the right to choose a family name, a profession and an
(h) The same rights for both spouses in respect of the ownership,
acquisition, management, administration, enjoyment and
disposition of property, whether free of charge or for a
valuable consideration.
2. The betrothal and the marriage of a child shall have no
legal effect, and all necessary action, including legislation,
shall be taken to specify a minimum age for marriage and
to make the registration of marriages in an official registry
Article 17
1. For the purpose of considering the progress made in the
implementation of the present Convention, there shall be
established a Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women (hereinafter referred to as
the Committee) consisting, at the time of entry into force
of the Convention, of eighteen and, after ratification of or
accession to the Convention by the thirty-fifth State Party,
of twenty-three experts of high moral standing and
competence in the field covered by the Convention. The
experts shall be elected by States Parties from among their
nationals and shall serve in their personal capacity,
consideration being given to equitable geographical
distribution and to the representation of the different forms
of civilization as well as the principal legal systems.
2. The members of the Committee shall be elected by secret
ballot from a list of persons nominated by States Parties.
Each State Party may nominate one person from among its
own nationals.
3. The initial election shall be held six months after the date
of the entry into force of the present Convention. At least
three months before the date of each election the Secretary-
General of the United Nations shall address a letter to the
States Parties inviting them to submit their nominations
within two months. The Secretary-General shall prepare a
list in alphabetical order of all persons thus nominated,
indicating the States Parties which have nominated them,
and shall submit it to the States Parties.
4. Elections of the members of the Committee shall be held
at a meeting of States Parties convened by the Secretary-
General at United Nations Headquarters. At that meeting,
for which two thirds of the States Parties shall constitute a
quorum, the persons elected to the Committee shall be those
nominees who obtain the largest number of votes and an
absolute majority of the votes of the representatives of
States Parties present and voting.
5. The members of the Committee shall be elected for a term
of four years. However, the terms of nine of the members
elected at the first election shall expire at the end of two
years; immediately after the first election the names of these
nine members shall be chosen by lot by the Chairman of
the Committee.
6. The election of the five additional members of the
Committee shall be held in accordance with the provisions
of paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this article, following the thirty-
fifth ratification or accession. The terms of two of the
additional members elected on this occasion shall expire at
the end of two years, the names of these two members
having been chosen by lot by the Chairman of the
7. For the filling of casual vacancies, the State Party whose
expert has ceased to function as a member of the Committee
shall appoint another expert from among its nationals, subject
to the approval of the Committee.
8. The members of the Committee shall, with the approval of
the General Assembly, receive emoluments from United
Nations resources on such terms and conditions as the
Assembly may decide, having regard to the importance of
the Committee’s responsibilities.
Article 18
1. States Parties undertake to submit to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations, for consideration by the Committee,
a report on the legislative, judicial, administrative or other
measures which they have adopted to give effect to the
provisions of the present Convention and on the progress
made in this respect:
(a) Within one year after the entry into force for the State
(b) Thereafter at least every four years and further whenever
the Committee so requests.
2. Reports may indicate factors and difficulties affecting the
degree of fulfilment of obligations under the present
Article 19
1. The Committee shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
2. The Committee shall elect its officers for a term of two
Article 20
1. The Committee shall normally meet for a period of not
more than two weeks annually in order to consider the
reports submitted in accordance with article 18 of the present
2. The meetings of the Committee shall normally be held at
United Nations Headquarters or at any other convenient
place as determined by the Committee. (amendment, status
of ratification)
Article 21
1. The Committee shall, through the Economic and Social
Council, report annually to the General Assembly of the
United Nations on its activities and may make suggestions
and general recommendations based on the examination of
reports and information received from the States Parties.
Such suggestions and general recommendations shall be
included in the report of the Committee together with
comments, if any, from States Parties.
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall transmit
the reports of the Committee to the Commission on the
Status of Women for its information.
Article 22
Article 23
Article 24
Article 25
1. The present Convention shall be open for signature by all
2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is designated
as the depositary of the present Convention.
3. The present Convention is subject to ratification. Instruments
of ratification shall be deposited with the Secretary-General
of the United Nations.
4. The present Convention shall be open to accession by all
States. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an
instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of the
United Nations.
Article 26
1. A request for the revision of the present Convention may
be made at any time by any State Party by means of a
notification in writing addressed to the Secretary-General
of the United Nations.
2. The General Assembly of the United Nations shall decide
upon the steps, if any, to be taken in respect of such a
Article 27
1. The present Convention shall enter into force on the thirtieth
day after the date of deposit with the Secretary-General of
the United Nations of the twentieth instrument of
ratification or accession.
2. For each State ratifying the present Convention or acceding
to it after the deposit of the twentieth instrument of
ratification or accession, the Convention shall enter into
force on the thirtieth day after the date of the deposit of
its own instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 28
1. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall receive
and circulate to all States the text of reservations made by
States at the time of ratification or accession.
2. A reservation incompatible with the object and purpose of
the present Convention shall not be permitted.
3. Reservations may be withdrawn at any time by notification
to this effect addressed to the Secretary-General of the
United Nations, who shall then inform all States thereof.
Such notification shall take effect on the date on which it
is received.
Article 29
1. Any dispute between two or more States Parties concerning
the interpretation or application of the present Convention
which is not settled by negotiation shall, at the request of
one of them, be submitted to arbitration. If within six
months from the date of the request for arbitration the
parties are unable to agree on the organization of the
arbitration, any one of those parties may refer the dispute
to the International Court of Justice by request in conformity
with the Statute of the Court.
2. Each State Party may at the time of signature or ratification
of the present Convention or accession thereto declare that
it does not consider itself bound by paragraph I of this
article. The other States Parties shall not be bound by that
paragraph with respect to any State Party which has made
such a reservation.
3. Any State Party which has made a reservation in accordance
with paragraph 2 of this article may at any time withdraw
that reservation by notification to the Secretary-General of
the United Nations.
Article 30
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
1. The Committee shall not consider a communication unless
it has ascertained that all available domestic remedies have
been exhausted unless the application of such remedies is
unreasonably prolonged or unlikely to bring effective relief.
2. The Committee shall declare a communication inadmissible
(a) The same matter has already been examined by the
Committee or has been or is being examined under another
procedure of international investigation or settlement;
(b) It is incompatible with the provisions of the Convention;
(c) It is manifestly ill-founded or not sufficiently substantiated;
(d) It is an abuse of the right to submit a communication;
(e) The facts that are the subject of the communication occurred
prior to the entry into force of the present Protocol for the
State Party concerned unless those facts continued after
that date.
Article 5
1. At any time after the receipt of a communication and before
a determination on the merits has been reached, the
Committee may transmit to the State Party concerned for
its urgent consideration a request that the State Party take
such interim measures as may be necessary to avoid possible
irreparable damage to the victim or victims of the alleged
2. Where the Committee exercises its discretion under
paragraph 1 of the present article, this does not imply a
determination on admissibility or on the merits of the
Article 6
1. Unless the Committee considers a communication
inadmissible without reference to the State Party concerned,
and provided that the individual or individuals consent to
the disclosure of their identity to that State Party, the
Committee shall bring any communication submitted to it
under the present Protocol confidentially to the attention
of the State Party concerned.
2. Within six months, the receiving State Party shall submit to
the Committee written explanations or statements clarifying
the matter and the remedy, if any, that may have been
provided by that State Party.
Article 7
1. The Committee shall consider communications received
under the present Protocol in the light of all information
made available to it by or on behalf of individuals or groups
of individuals and by the State Party concerned, provided
that this information is transmitted to the parties concerned.
2. The Committee shall hold closed meetings when examining
communications under the present Protocol.
3. After examining a communication, the Committee shall
transmit its views on the communication, together with its
recommendations, if any, to the parties concerned.
4. The State Party shall give due consideration to the views of
the Committee, together with its recommendations, if any,
and shall submit to the Committee, within six months, a
written response, including information on any action taken
in the light of the views and recommendations of the
5. The Committee may invite the State Party to submit further
information about any measures the State Party has taken
in response to its views or recommendations, if any, including
as deemed appropriate by the Committee, in the State Party’s
subsequent reports under article 18 of the Convention.
Article 8
1. If the Committee receives reliable information indicating
grave or systematic violations by a State Party of rights set
forth in the Convention, the Committee shall invite that
State Party to cooperate in the examination of the
information and to this end to submit observations with
regard to the information concerned.
2. Taking into account any observations that may have been
submitted by the State Party concerned as well as any other
reliable information available to it, the Committee may
designate one or more of its members to conduct an inquiry
and to report urgently to the Committee. Where warranted
and with the consent of the State Party, the inquiry may
include a visit to its territory.
3. After examining the findings of such an inquiry, the
Committee shall transmit these findings to the State Party
concerned together with any comments and
4. The State Party concerned shall, within six months of
receiving the findings, comments and recommendations
transmitted by the Committee, submit its observations to
the Committee.
5. Such an inquiry shall be conducted confidentially and the
cooperation of the State Party shall be sought at all stages
of the proceedings.
Article 9
1. The Committee may invite the State Party concerned to
include in its report under article 18 of the Convention
details of any measures taken in response to an inquiry
conducted under article 8 of the present Protocol.
2. The Committee may, if necessary, after the end of the period
of six months referred to in article 8.4, invite the State
Party concerned to inform it of the measures taken in
response to such an inquiry.
Article 10
1. Each State Party may, at the time of signature or ratification
of the present Protocol or accession thereto, declare that it
does not recognize the competence of the Committee
provided for in articles 8 and 9.
2. Any State Party having made a declaration in accordance
with paragraph 1 of the present article may, at any time,
withdraw this declaration by notification to the Secretary-
Article 11
Article 12
Article 13
Article 14
Article 15
1. The present Protocol shall be open for signature by any
State that has signed, ratified or acceded to the Convention.
2. The present Protocol shall be subject to ratification by any
State that has ratified or acceded to the Convention.
Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
3. The present Protocol shall be open to accession by any
State that has ratified or acceded to the Convention.
4. Accession shall be effected by the deposit of an instrument
of accession with the Secretary-General of the United
Article 16
1. The present Protocol shall enter into force three months
after the date of the deposit with the Secretary-General of
the United Nations of the tenth instrument of ratification
or accession.
2. For each State ratifying the present Protocol or acceding to
it after its entry into force, the present Protocol shall enter
into force three months after the date of the deposit of its
own instrument of ratification or accession.
Article 17
Article 18
1. Any State Party may propose an amendment to the present
Protocol and file it with the Secretary-General of the United
Nations. The Secretary-General shall thereupon communicate
any proposed amendments to the States Parties with a request
that they notify her or him whether they favour a conference
of States Parties for the purpose of considering and voting
on the proposal. In the event that at least one third of the
States Parties favour such a conference, the Secretary-General
shall convene the conference under the auspices of the
United Nations. Any amendment adopted by a majority of
the States Parties present and voting at the conference shall
be submitted to the General Assembly of the United Nations
for approval.
2. Amendments shall come into force when they have been
approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations
and accepted by a two-thirds majority of the States Parties
to the present Protocol in accordance with their respective
constitutional processes.
3. When amendments come into force, they shall be binding
on those States Parties that have accepted them, other States
Parties still being bound by the provisions of the present
Protocol and any earlier amendments that they have
Article 19
1. Any State Party may denounce the present Protocol at any
time by written notification addressed to the Secretary-
General of the United Nations. Denunciation shall take
effect six months after the date of receipt of the notification
by the Secretary-General.
2. Denunciation shall be without prejudice to the continued
application of the provisions of the present Protocol to any
communication submitted under article 2 or any inquiry
initiated under article 8 before the effective date of
Article 20
Article 21
Article 2
(1) In the Holy Quran, verse 228, Sura Al-Baquara, says, “And as
men have rights on women, so women have rights on men,
according to rules”. The interpreter says, “In this verse,
equality of rights and obligations of men and women has
been declared.” It is, therefore, clear that equality of man
and woman is a gift of Allah and Islam grants equal rights
to man and woman.
(2) In Sura Al-Tawba, Allah says, “The believers, men and
women, are protectors of one another: they enjoin what is
just and forbid what is evil: they observe regular prayers,
practice regular charity, and obey Allah and His Messenger.”
Thus in worldly affairs they help each other and they are
equal. For the world after, they have the same position;
both preach religion. Both have equal rights to education
because the Islamic injunctions of prayer, fasting, pilgrimage
to Mecca, charity and Kalima apply equally to both.
Interpreter interprets, “All men are not superior to all women
in status. Because criterion of status to Allah is Iman (belief)
and true observance of Allah’s instructions (Amal). It is
possible that some women are more eligible for status before
Allah than many men.”
(4) In Sura Al-Nissa, verse 34, Allah says, “Men are guardians
of women because Allah has given special characteristic to
one over the other, because men spend their money for
women.” This verse is usually cited as evidence of
subordination of women to men. But what is often lost
sight of is that the guardianship is not unrestrained, but is
contingent on specific reason. The interpreter says, “Men
have been made guardians of women for two reasons. Firstly,
men have knowledge and ability which cannot be attained
by women. Secondly, men ensure fulfillment of all wants
and needs of women from their income or their assets.”
Are the reasons valid in the changed social, economic and
political situation now prevailing?
(i) Women were never behind men in knowledge. Bibi Ayesha,
wife of the Prophet, and Rabia Basri were head and shoulder
above men of their time. The Quran is full of praise for the
contributions and superiority of the Virgin Mary. Women
fell behind because of lack of opportunity. With the limited
opportunity now opened up, women are showing their merit
in education and knowledge and the girls in the country
have fared better than the boys in the recently held public
(ii) The days of excellence of manual ability and strength are
long gone. Technological knowledge and professional skill
are now the source of human power. Ability is now
technology and talent based and physical strength can no
longer be considered as the yardstick of superiority.
(iii) In the past, women were dependent on men because of
restriction to their economic activity outside home. It is
now recognised that women’s work as homemaker is no less
important economically than out-of-home work of men.
Moreover, time and situation have changed; women are
entering the labour market in increasing number and are
proving their worth as bread earners. There are families in
which women’s income is the main source of subsistance.
There are families in which women earn more than men. In
poverty-stricken Bangladesh, the income of the wife is now
increasingly recognised as essential for maintenance of the
family. Men can no longer boast of being maintainers of
The two reasons cited for male guardianship no longer hold
good. Thus, the interpretation of male guardianship given
by the Ulemas at a time when women were behind men in
education and ability and were dependent on men for
maintenance is antiquated and there is need for
reinterpretation in the changed circumstances.
(7) If women can be the guardians of the state, why can’t they
be guardians of the family? If a woman can take decisions
of the state, why should they be debarred from taking
decisions in the family?
The guardianship issue has, therefore, been settled in favour of
CEDAW and the government is now obligated to pass legislation
giving effect to equality of the husband and wife in matters of
guardianship. The government has already issued a circular stating
that the name of the mother must occur side by side with the
name of the father in all documents and papers.
On the other hand, the wife has no right to divorce. She can
divorce in a similar manner only and if only the husband delegates
his power to divorce to wife. Such delegation must take place
before the marriage and must form part of the marriage contract.
In Bangladesh, such delegation had never taken place in the past
and is of recent occurrence. In the absence of such delegation,
the wife must go to the court which may repudiate the marriage
on specific grounds approved by Sharia laws. Due to the cost of
legal proceedings and the lengthy process involved, dependant
wives seldom went to court.
Polygamy of Men
If there is any apprehension in his mind about justice and equality,
he must be satisfied with one wife only. For man apprehensive
of observing the condition, only one wife is sanctioned.
A man can have as many slave girls as possible and may have
sexual relations with them.
This is a poor country. For most husbands, it is difficult to make
both ends meet even with one wife. Many wives now work for
an income in addition to the husbands to support the family in
both rural and urban areas. It is impossible for a husband to
maintain more than one wife not to speak of maintaining them
equally. So for Bangladeshi husbands, condition (iii) is a stark
reality and monogamy should be enforced by law to protect
people from taking rash, thoughtless, fickle-minded and foolhardy
decisions to marry a second wife and thus to save them from
the wrath of Allah.
obedient, do not seek any other solution.” It is clear from the
verse that divorce is not permissible in anger or on the spur of
the moment. If there is any conflict between a couple, it cannot
be solved by instantaneous divorce. There must be reasonable
ground for divorce. Steps must be taken to remove the reason
and compromise must be sought. If and only if compromise is
not possible, divorce may be resorted to.
the same process preferably in a family court already created by
law in Bangladesh.
In the perspective of the facts and circumstances narrated above:
Do you agree that the Article 16.1 (c) of CEDAW should be
If no, please cite reasons.
Islam is a progressive religion and as it extended to new people
and new territories and came across new situation and
developmenst, Islamic jurists and the Ulema brought in
reinterpretation, reorientation and readjustment in religious
matters. Ijtihad is recognised a valid means of interpreting and
readjusting Islamic principles.
Society in Bangladesh is confronting change in all spheres of
life. Globalisation has added new horizon of change and
adjustment. In the international field, CEDAW is a development
that we cannot ignore.
Bangladesh does not want to live in isolation; but wants to play
a dignified role in the international community. More than 100
countries have already ratified CEDAW. Failure to ratify it will
make Bangladesh an outcast. In the past, in the days of Caliphs
and afterwards, their followers have given newer and newer
decisions and faced challenges of time creditably.
In the perspective of globalisation and the need to play a
significant role in the international community,
(i) Do you think that Ijtihad is necessary in the changed
condition that CEDAW has given rise to?
(ii) If no, cite reasons.
2. Details of the Workshops
In all the four workshops, the group was a mixed caste group.
In India, the deeply ingrained caste system among Hindus has
influenced other religious communities, including Muslims where
caste has no religious sanction. Women from different castes
attended the workshop. The socio-economic profile of the
participants was also mixed with workers, rural women, urban
middle-class professional women attending. For example, there
was representation from among the ladaaf (Tamil Nadu), bidi
workers (Karnataka), chikan workers (Uttar Pradesh), zardozi
workers (Delhi), lawyers, doctors, teachers, peasant women and
The table below gives the details of workshops
Economic rights of Muslim women — the socio-economic
conditions in which women live; economic and social issues that
might impact on women’s rights.
2.3 Findings
insensitivity of most sections of the clergy towards their
rights within Islamic law. Women almost felt that the
interpretation of Islamic law could be more gender-sensitive.
There appeared to be a difference within socio-economic
groups on how they perceived their legal rights — the poorer
sections of working women were more concerned about
their immediate problems and solutions regardless of what
is sanctioned by personal law.
actions. Furthermore, Article 35 states that
“the State shall protect the marriage, the
family, the mother and the child”, and
Article 37(e) which calls upon the State
to provide secure, just and human
conditions of work for women and
children as well as women’s maternity
benefits. (Fauri: 14) Female Infanticide
Prevention Act, 1870, Maternity Benefit
Ordinance, 1958 and the Mines and
Maternity Benefit Act, 1941, the Provincial
Employees Social Security Ordinance,
1965, (Ali: 15-16).
Corrective Laws:
any overt comparison to the treatment of men. These may
be of limited duration depending on the time period
required to achieve the desired result.
open to Ijtihad depending on the context,
the time and place.” (Fauri: 14) According
to the Quran, “Allah commands justice,
the doing of good.” Al-Nahil: 90 (Fauri:
Non-Discriminatory Laws:
FORMAL LAWS Article 25 of the Constitution states that
“(i) All citizens are equal before law and
are entitled to equal protection of law452
(ii) There shall be no discrimination on
the basis of sex alone.” National Policy
for Development and Empowerment of
Women, 2002, National Plan of Action.
The Constitution of Pakistan provides
complete equality and is reiterated in the
chapter on fundamental rights and those
accorded in the Principles of Policy. See
Articles 26(1), (2) which states, “Non-
discrimination in respect of access to
public place”, and Article 27 which
prohibits discrimination in services. (see
also under protective since some of the
protective laws are also non-
According to S. Sardar Ali and Kamran Arif, in ‘Blind Justice to All’,
equality before law has a somewhat negative connotation that indicates the
absence of any special favor to any individual and equal subjection of all
classes to ordinary law. However, equal protection of laws means that no
person or class of persons shall be denied the same protection of laws which
is enjoyed by other persons or classes in like circumstances.” (pg.1)
Nawal Fauri, An Overview of Women’s Human Rights in Shari’a Stipulations and
CEDAW Articles, (Jordan: UNIFEM).
scattered (like seeds) countless men and
women; revere Allah, through whom ye
demand your mutual (rights), and
(reverence) the wombs (that bore you):
for Allah ever watches over you.” Al
Nisa’:1. “For Muslim men and Muslim
women, for believing men and women,
for devout men and devout women, for
the true men and true women, for men
and women who are patient and constant,
for men and women who are humble
themselves, for men and women who give
charity, for men and women who guard
their chastity, and for men and women
who engage in God’s praise, for them has
God prepared forgiveness and great
reward.” Verse XXXIII:35. “Ye are one
from another.” Al-Nisa 25 (Fauri).
According to S. Ali, on the occasion of
the Last Haj, the Prophet (SAW) is quoted
to have said, “All people are equal, as equal
as the teeth of a comb. There is no claim
of merit of an Arab over a non-Arab or
a white over a black person. Only God
fearing people merit a preference with
CEDAW ARTICLE 2 State Parties condemn discrimination
against women in all its forms, agree to
pursue by all appropriate means and
without delay a policy of eliminating
discrimination against women and to this
end, undertake: To embody the principle
of the equality of men and women in
their national constitutions or other
appropriate legislation if not yet
incorporated therein and to ensure,
through law and other appropriate means,
the practical realisation of this principle;
To adopt appropriate legislative and other
measures, including sanctions where
appropriate, prohibiting all discrimination
against women; To establish legal
protection of the rights of women on an
equal basis with men and to ensure
through competent national tribunals and
other public institutions the effective
protection of women against any act of
discrimination; To refrain from engaging
in any act or practice of discrimination
against women and to ensure that public
authorities and institutions shall act in
conformity with this obligation; To take
all appropriate measures to eliminate
discrimination against women by any
person, organisation or enterprise; To take
all appropriate measures, including
legislation, to modify or abolish existing
laws, regulations, customs and practices
which constitute discrimination against
women; To repeal all national penal
provisions which constitute discrimination
against women.
women, for devout men and women, for
the true men and true women, for men
and women who are patient and constant,
for men and women who are who humble
themselves, for men and women who give
charity, for men and women who guard
their chastity and for men and women
who engage in God’s praise, for them has
God prepared forgiveness and great
reward.” Verse XXXIII:35 “Ye are one
from another.” Al-Nisa 25 (Fauri).
women in the local bodies election. There
is a 5% quota for women in public
education includes a proper understanding
of maternity as a social function and the
recognition of the common responsibility
of men and women in the upbringing and
development of their children, it being
understood that the interest of the
children is the primordial consideration
in all cases.
CUSTOMARY To date, no law has been passed against
PRACTICES the practice of honor killings. Increasingly,
the so-called Islamic Laws of General Zia-
ul Haq are used to perpetrate violence
against women and use women to settle
scores among men and their disputes.
are also trafficked through the custom of
be contested through direct elections.455
The number of women who have been
elected through this is 36,105.456 (Local
Government Ordinance, 2000).
Legislative Watch, January-February 2001.
Naeem Mizra, Women’s Participation in Local Government Elections 2000-2001,
2000, p. 2.
CEDAW ARTICLE 8 State Parties shall take all appropriate
measures to ensure to women, on equal
ter ms with men, and without
discrimination, the opportunity to
represent their governments at the
international level and to participate in
the work of international organisations.
participate. Of course, in most cases
women are not allowed to carry out
certain kinds of responsibilities.
equal facility for the foreign spouse of a
Pakistani woman.457
Legislative Watch, January–February 2001.
educational establishments of all
categories in rural as well as urban areas;
this equality shall be ensured in pre-school,
general, technical, professional and higher
technical education, as well as in all types
of vocation training; Access to the same
curricula, the same examinations, teaching
staff with qualifications of the same
standard and school premises and
equipment of the same quality; The
elimination of any stereotyped concept
of the roles of men and women at all
levels and in all forms of education by
encouraging co-education and other types
of education which will help achieve this
aim and in particular, by the revision of
text books and school programmes and
the adaptation of teaching methods; The
same opportunities to benefits from
scholarships and other study grants; The
same opportunities for access to
programmes of continuing education,
including adult and functional literacy
programmes, particularly those aimed at
reducing, at the earliest possible time, any
gap in education existing between men
and women; The reduction of female
student drop-out rates and the
organisation of programmes for girls and
women who have left school prematurely;
The same opportunities to participate
actively in sports and physical education;
Access to specific educational information
to help to ensure the health and well being
of families, including information and
advice on family planning.
which promote equal access to education
regardless of their sex. (Fauri: 16). Ali
quotes the following Ahadith: “Educate
your children for they are born for a time
that is not yours.” And, “Seek knowledge
even if you have to go to China. Seek
knowledge from the cradle to the grave.”
“To seek knowledge is obligatory for every
Muslim male and female.”
the same criteria for selection in matters
of employment.
maternity leave and discrimination in
dismissals on the basis of marital status.
To introduce maternity leave with pay or
with comparable social benefits without
loss of former employment, seniority or
social allowances.To encourage the
provision of the necessary supporting
social services to enable parents to
combine family obligations with work
responsibilities and participation in public
life, in particular through promoting the
establishment and development of a
network of child-care facilities.To provide
special protecting to women during
pregnancy in types of work proved to be
harmful to them.