Ahtn and Asean
Ahtn and Asean
Ahtn and Asean
General Interpretative Rules (GIRs) Common up to the 8 digit subheading for ALL ASEAN
Section No. and title of the section – for ease of Example: chap 10 cereals
reference only
10.01 wheat
Section notes- with legal bearing, re: classification
The first heading is assigned with the numbers 10.01
Chapter no. and title of the chapter- for ease of
reference only In a heading code, notice that a dot is added after the
2nd digit of the chapter number.
Chapter and subheading notes - with legal bearing, re:
classification Subheading numbers
8 digit ahtn subhdg code HS subheadings in the AHTN that are not further divided
are assigned .00 after the 6th digit example: 1002.10.00
PH alphanumeric code
Similarly, headings in the AHTN with no subheadings are
MFN (most favor) rates per EO’s 20, 21, 23 of 2017 assigned 00.00 after the 4th digit example: 1002.00.00
ATIGA rates per EO’s 892 and 894 of 2010 To incorporate tariff requirements unique to the ph,
alphanumeric subheadings are created and
Column 9 lists which ASEAN member states are
incorporated in the AHTN 2017 example: 8413.91.90A
qualified/not qualified for ATIGA rates
Why? Trading arrangement, preferential duty if may
Brunei BN, Cambodia KH, Indonesia ID, Laos LA, Set of rules followed by countries to determine the
Malaysia MY, Myanmar MM, Philippines PH, Singapore product.
SG, Thailand TH, Vietnam VN
- Set of principles to determine the economic content
All. All member states are eligible to avail the ATIGA and nationality of a product. They are used to ascertain
rate of duty the origin of a good. i.e not where the good has been
Except VN. Imports coming from Vietnam cannot avail shipped from, but where the good has been deemed to
the ATIGA rate of duty have been produced or manufactured.
Only for SG and TH. Only imports coming from Country of Origin – where the goods are manufacture
Singapore and Thailand are eligible to avail the ATIGA Other uses of ROO include:
to implement measures and instruments of
SECTIONS commercial policy such as anti-dumping duties
Section are designated by roman numerals, from I to XXI and quotas
to determine whether imported products shall
Chapters be subjected to MFN or preferential treatment
The numbers/codes are laid down in an ascending for purposes of trade statistics and issuances of
manner. certificate of origin
for the application of labeling and marking
The first chapter is designated by the 2 digit no. 01 requirements
(Chapter 1 – live animals) so on and so forth for public procurement
for process patent
Heading Number
Types of ROO
The numbering/coding pattern is followed in the
headings and, if there are any, in subheadings.
preferential - set of agreed rules by Free Trade Area 𝐹𝑂𝐵−𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑛𝑜𝑛−𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑙𝑠
𝑥 100%
(FTA) partners to determine whether goods traded
between the parties shall be imposed preferential duty Change in tariff classification – under
or not. this criterion, imported materials, parts
or components that are non-originating
Non preferential – rules applied to determine the
must be undergo sufficient working or
country of origin of goods that will be used for
imposition of anti-dumping, countervailing or safeguard
- the FINAL product obtained must be
duties, for statistical purposes, marking etc.
classified under an HS code that is
ORIGIN of Criteria different from the HS code classification
of non-originating materials, parts or
Basic criteria to determine the country of origin of components used.
Levels: CC- change in chapter > product is made from
1. wholly Obtained WO – under the ATIGA, the ff materials classifiable under a different chapter
categories of products are considered wholly
obtained in the exporting country: CC- the HS classification of the non-originating input
materials is different at the first 2 digit level chapter vis-
i. agricultural products harvested there à-vis final product classification EXAMPLE: input marble
ii. animals born and raised there block chap25 to final product original marble statue
iii. products obtained from animals ii chap97
iv. products obtained from hunting and fishing
CTH- change in tariff heading > product is made
v. products obtained of sea fishing and other
from materials classifiable under a different heading
products taken from the sea by its vessel
vi. mineral products extracted from its soil or CTH- the HS classification of the non-originating input
its sealed materials is different at the first 4 digit level heading vis-
vii. products made on board its factory ships à-vis final product classification EXAMPLE: input live
exclusively from the products referred to v Bluefin tunas heading 03.01 to final product chilled tuna
viii. used articles collected there fit only for the heading 03.02
recovery of raw materials
ix. waste and scrap resulting from CTSH- change in tariff subhdg > product is made
manufacturing operation conducted there from materials classifiable under a different subheading
x. products obtained there exclusively from CTSH-- the HS classification of the non-originating input
the products specifies in i to ix materials is different at the first 6 digit level subheading
vis-à-vis final product classification EXAMPLE: input
2. substantial transformation – products fresh potatoes 0710.10.00 to final product potato flour
manufactured from exporting country wholly or 1105.10.00
partly from imported materials or components,
including materials of undetermined or of specific process rule – this criterion
unknown origin, are considered as requires the product to undergo certain
ORIGINATING in that country if these materials manufacturing operations in the
have undergone sufficient working or exporting country (chemical reaction
processing rule)
- it may however require or prohibit the
3 major rules use of certain inputs and/or the use of
Value added rule certain process in the production of the
good. (e.g RVC 40 or CTH, except from
computation of RVC 4809 (4816.90)
> indirect method – computing the Product specific Rules PSR - the product specific rule
percentage value of non-originating applies to goods of a specific tariff classification
materials. The value must be equal to or
less than (1-the VA agreed) - the product specific rules specifies which condition/s a
good must satisfy in order to be considered as an
originating good e.g:
-changes in tariff classification CTC and/or Regional 1. Generalized System of Preferences GSP – form a
Value Content RVC 2. ASEAN Free Trade Area AFTA – form d
3. ASEAN-CHINA Free Trade Area – form e
De Minimis – an FTA may incorporate a de minimis 4. ASEAN-KOREA Free Trade Area – form AK
provision that allows a good to qualify as an originating 5. RP-JAPAN Economic Partnership Agreement –
good provided that the total value of all non originating form JP
materials which do not satisfy the change in tariff 6. ASEAN-JAPAN Comprehensive Economic
classification requirement does not exceed a set Partnership – Form AJ
percentage (usually ranging from 7% to 15%) of the 7. ASEAN-AUSTRALIA-NEWZEALAND Free Trade
free-on-board value of the final good. Area – form AANZ
Minimal Operations 8. ASEAN-INDIA Free Trade Area – form AI