Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer 130 Points
Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer 130 Points
Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer 130 Points
130 points
BS Front Side Rear HP
Vindicator 4 13 11 10 3
Power Capacitor
The vehicle’s internal volume, which is normally taken up with a munitions store for
the more common Vindicator’s demolisher cannon, is instead occupied by a bulky
reactor-charged power capacitor whose energy stores can be used to greatly increase
the laser destroyer’s rate of fire. Stability is required for this overcharged firing however,
and it is possible for the capacitor to overload the vehicle’s energy grid with disastrous
Capacitor Fire: If the Vindicator Tank Destroyer has not moved this turn, the laser
destroyer array becomes an Ordnance 2, Twin-linked weapon.
Overcharged Fire: The owning player may declare an overcharged volley if the vehicle
has not moved this turn, in which case the laser destroyer array becomes Ordnance 3,
Twin-linked. However, after the weapon is fired in this mode, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, the
Vindicator suffers a single Hull Point of damage.
A Deimos Pattern Vindicator Tank Destroyer may be taken as a Heavy Support choice for any Space
Marines Faction Codex (including Dark Angels, Blood Angels, etc,.) as well as the Chaos Space
Marines Faction.
BS Front Side Rear HP
Kharybdis Assault Claw 4 12 12 12 5
When a model with this rule arrives via Deep Strike, or later Weapon Range Str AP Special
when operating as a skimmer in Hover mode, it may if its Kharybdis
controlling player wishes inflict a Heat Blast attack. If it does storm launcher 24" 6 5 Heavy 2, Pinning,
so, then models it is transporting may not disembark or Twin-linked
embark on the turn this attack is used.