Apourusheyatvam of The Vedas (Sri VTVN)
Apourusheyatvam of The Vedas (Sri VTVN)
Apourusheyatvam of The Vedas (Sri VTVN)
Presented by:
V.Prabhakar Rao
Singapore Jan 2015
The objective of this presentation
Over the past one to one and a half years I had been intending to
write this presentation, but each time I sat down to write I realized
that my own grasp of the subject was not good enough. And I
went back to studying it once more. Finally I could write this over
the last couple of days of 2014 and the first couple of days of
It is a deep subject and that too from the work of a Divine Acharya
Purusha. My presentation will be limited by my own humble level
of grasp and if there are any errors there, they are undoubtedly
mine and mine only.
Acharya & Guru Vandanam
Mangalacharana of Sri Vishnu Tattva
I incessantly bow to nArAyaNa ( nArAyaNam sadA vandE ) who is known in a special
way (vijnyEyam) only from sadAgamAs (sadAgamaika ), who is Defectless (nirdOsha),
who is Complete with All Auspicious Attributes (ashEsha-sadguNam ) and who is
beyond jeevas and prakriti (samateeta kshara akshara).
yasmAt ksharam atIto aham aksharAd api cottamah |
ato asmi loke vede ca prathitah purushottamah || B.G.15.18
Udupi Sri Krishna
Only through SadAgamas?
The Taittiriya-sruti says: "No one who does not know the Vedas understands this great
all-experiencing atman, understanding of whom is the way to liberation"
The Katha-sruti says: "This knowledge is neither attainable nor refutable by reasoning.
Only when it is imparted by a teacher it leads to direct realisation"
It is necessary for any religion that accepts the concepts
of Dharma-Adharma to have an authorless scripture that
acts as the authority for Dharma & Adharma.
Charuvaka School
yasya tau nAbhimatau, nAsau samayI -
samayaprayojanAbhAvAt.h || 7 ||
na cha tena lokopakAraH - dharmAdyabhAvajnAne
parasparahiMsAdinA apakArasyaiva prApteH || 8 ||
A thinker who does not admit dharma and adharma is not a philosopher, for, his position
is devoid of the purpose, which all philosophy should subserve. He does not help the
world since he promotes the understanding that there is no dharma or adharma.
Violence will come to prevail in the world and thus he only injures the world.
The Charuvaka school accepts only what is visible and does not accept the
invisible concepts of Dharma-Adharma, Paapa-Punya, Heaven-Hell etc. Since it
does not provide a set of values for the society Srimad Acharya states that it is
not a philosophy (religion) at all. It will only lead to a Free-for-all society that will
result in violence.
Other Schools of Philosophy
Here the limitations of an authored scripture (written by a human
being) is described by Srimad Acharya. If an authored text is used
as the authority (pramANa), such a scripture would reflect the
author’s ignorance and his/her own personal agenda.
Sri Rama of Udipi Palimaru Mutt
Limitations of assuming an Omniscient
author for Vedas
Limitations of assuming an Omniscient
author for Vedas
In order to get over the limitations of a text authored by a normal
human being, it can be assumed to have been authored by an
extraordinary Omniscient human being. Here Srimad Acharya
points out the problems in making such an assumption. A number
of assumptions have to be made viz., (1) that the author is an All-
Knower (2) that he has no personal agenda of his own and (3) that
if such a person had existed, an assumption that he did author the
text. It leads to too many assumptions..
Apourusheyatva – No need for assumptions
apaurushheyavAkyANgIkAre na kiJNchitkalpyam.h || 13 ||
But if the statements are admitted as not the composition of any person, there is
nothing to be postulated.
On the other hand, if an assumption is made that the
scripture is authorless, such a lot of assumptions need
not be made at all.
Apourusheyatvam – Self evident
Further, over such a long time, no author(s) for Vedas
have been found. Hence it is self-evident that Vedas are
not authored by any human being(s).
Sri Hayagriva – Deity at Sode Vadhiraja Mutt
Worldly sentences vs Veda vakhyas
na cha laukikavAkyavatsakartR^ikatvam.h |
tasyAkartR^ikatvaprasiddhyabhAvAt.h || 17 ||
On the analogy of worldly testimony, we cannot argue that the vedic testimony also
must have some personal source, for in the case of the former there is no prevalent
conception that it is authorless (i,e., there is not a single instance to prove its
Worldly texts normally have an author. A parallel should not be
drawn between Vedas and worldly texts to say that Vedas too must
have an author. Because in the case of the worldly texts there is
no concept of authorless texts.
Can anyone’s writing be called Veda?
Need for Parampara
Can anyone write a text and call it Veda? No. Not possible and not
acceptable since Vedas have been learnt over a long tradition.
They can be traced all the way back to the Seer. A text written by
someone will not have a long unbroken line of tradition. The line
will stop with the author of the text.
How about Vedic Seers?
na cha svayampratibhAtavedaiHdR^ishhTamavedavAkyaM
bhavati, paramparAsiddha vedavAkyAnusAritvAt.h |
vedadrashhTR^INAM uktaguNavatvAchcha teshhAm.h || 19 ||
The testimony that is intuited by those to whom the Vedas manifest themselves,
cannot be other than 'Veda' for, what they intuit is one in import with the Veda (that
portion of the Veda which is undisputed) and they do have the merits that are said to
characterize the seers of the Veda
Someone can question that in the case of the particular Veda Mantra the
tradition (of going to the source) stops with them. So they fail the test of
‘Parampara’. No, says Srimad Acharya. He says that the Seers are special ones
whose characteristics are defined in scriptures. And what they saw through
‘intuition’ is indeed Veda only.
Who qualifies as a Vedic Seer?
Here Srimad Acharya quotes from Brahmandapurana and
defines the qualities of such a Seer.
Sri Kaliyamardhana Krishna – Deity at Udupi
Adamar Mutt
Fallacy of Infinite Regress
Vedas (and any similar texts of the highest authority)
cannot have another text that confirms their authority,
because in that case there is no end to it. That is infinite
Self evident to those whose thoughts are
Jai SitaRam