October 10 2019
October 10 2019
October 10 2019
An antique show and sale was held at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre this past weekend. DAN CEARNS The Standard
Singin’ in the Rain
The colours are changing and it's manner, and others would try to chalk
been getting a little colder, but we it up to some over inated ego stroke to
have lots of the year left, and I am give credit to those who made the
thankful for that. effort, in hopes of vicariously take part
The “Season of Thanksgiving”, in being human, but I believe this is a
which starts in late September early betrayal of those who are moved to
O c t o b e r, c o n s i s t s o f respond to need in the lives of others.
Armistice/Remembrance Day and When asked, almost all would say it was
Thanksgiving Day, counting our no big deal, or even be uncomfortable
blessings for a good harvest. with being asked about the reasons
But it continues, and some, who are behind what motivates them.
‘plan ahead people’ may include Black The truth is seless acts are not done as
Friday sales as a relief to the costs and a score keeping measure and giving
pressure of upcoming Christmas buys, public acknowledgement of them
and if taken slowly, spacing purchases almost steals the pure glow one
out may ease the money stress; huh, receives from a loving God for doing
wise people, they can enjoy the these things selessly. The Bible says,
experience as a more reective one, “If you receive your reward from
considering the ones they are giving to, mankind, you lose your reward from
instead of being drawn into the God.” And well, I’d much rather
nancial clamour and frenzy so many experience a “Well done” contribution
experience. to my life, from the Almighty source of
And, oh yes, Christmas season itself, Life, than a temporary pat on the back
if taken on its actual merit, as a from those around. I recognize, God’s
Celebration of a Giving Life, is unend- afrmation sometimes comes through
ingly wonderful, then we have, on other people, mostly privately, inti-
through to New Year and the spring to mately, and genuinely. Sometimes
come. When looked at in the right light,
what a wonderful onslaught of reasons
anonymous, usually no pomp, or
ceremony, just genuine gratefulness of
Blood Donors Needed in Uxbridge
GiveBlood app, call 1-888-2DONATE (1-
to be thankful.
I’ve been watching my neighbours
heart. Often left unspoken. But those
who are skilled in listening for these
Dear Editor 888-236-6283) or book now at blood.ca.
lately and I want to thank God for the promptings to acts of kindness, can also Walk-in appointments are also available.
generous heart they share, returning see the change imparted to the life On behalf of Canadian Blood Services, Where can you donate: In Uxbridge on
dogs, who have breached the yard that’s reached, and that is its own I’d like to encourage the residents of Friday, October 11th from 1:30 to 7:30
boundaries, to their neighbours, many reward. Oshawa and North Durham to support p.m. at the Uxbridge Senior’s Centre (75
times with a smile and conversations For these hearts, for these souls, for Canada’s lifeline by donating blood the Marietta Street), we need your help to ll
ending in thanks and warm “see ya the kindness that rules their lives, I am week before or after Thanksgiving. more than 80 open appointments. Our
laters”, others taking in the blue bins overwhelmed and very thankful. This Thanks and appreciation come in xed donor centre in Oshawa operates
and garbage cans for those who are at motivates me to thank a Loving God many forms. For some, Thanksgiving is every Monday and Tuesday from 3 to 7
work, once the hard working collectors and breathe up a prayer of protection the time to cook up a feast and reconnect p.m., Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
come and gather their contents. Others for a life like this and all the lives that with loved ones. For others, it’s an Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m., Friday from 9
who pick up escaped debris from those need their touch. If I ever miss this opportunity to celebrate health care in a.m. to 1 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m.
same bins without complaint. There when it’s happening, I know there are Canada and help patients in need. to 2 p.m. We will be open and operating
are those who, like when the snow hit others who are moved the same way, Every week, over 250 donations are regular hours Friday through Monday
earlier this month, help to clear the and pray gratefully also, and in their needed in Oshawa. Donations often over the long weekend.
laneways of those who can no longer do prayers they ask God to give me eyes to decrease around the long weekend as Please make an appointment to give
it easily themselves or mostly without see the Love expressed through others, regular donors are away or busy with blood over Thanksgiving. Somewhere, a
remuneration. For money or not, it’s an so I can always be thankful. friends and family. If you are on the road patient and their family will be thankful!
exchange of grace and favour, like In this season, at least from now, over the long weekend, we encourage
when they similarly help with their through Christmas, until New Year, you to give where you go. Sincerely,
lawns in the summer. Occasionally this there are plenty of people, moments, Making an appointment to donate has Jennifer Mathieu Territory Manager,
selessness spills over through others and opportunities, to live thankful in never been easier. To nd a donor centre Oshawa and Area,
helping a neighbour to re-shingle their relation to. So let’s choose to be a close to your destination, download the Canadian Blood Services
leaky roof. That’s no small task and yet Blessing. Let’s try that on for size and
it’s often done for lunches, some cold see if it doesn’t transform your winter
ice tea, or whatever the preference. blahs into a stream of co-working with
I know many won’t acknowledge or God, and warmth in the lives around.
even recognize the gentle nudge of Happy Seasoning
God, prompting them to act in this
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Mayor's Honour
Dear Editor interim Chair of the Region of Dear Diary To my grandfather, Barry
Durham after the unfortunate death CEARRA HOWEY
I am writing regarding the wonderful of Roger Anderson.
honour bestowed upon former Mayor Last December I wrote to interim Grandpa, you have been gone for three you were always there
Bob Shepherd (October 3, Standard) mayor Pat Malloy and asked if years, and my heart aches for you every for me, in the good
and the recognition by Uxbridge anything was being planned to single day. I miss you more than words can times and the bad
Township for his service as a mayor. honour Gerri Lynn. He indicated if he ever express, but I know that one day we times too. You were
Mr. Shepherd is deserving of the was elected mayor he would bring it will meet again. always there for all of
honour and it was nice to see the forward. After the election of Dave I am so proud of the man that you were. your loved ones when
township recognize his contribution Barton as your mayor, I contacted him You had such a fun and accomplished life they needed you. You
to his community. with the same question. He wrote grandpa. You served our country honour- were a seless man and I try to be like that
With this in mind, I must say I am back saying he had been speaking to ably during World War II. You may have too.
very surprised the township has not staff and they were discussing a way to never gone overseas, but you still played a Grandpa, I will never forget all the
been as thoughtful when it comes to recognize her contributions to the huge role. You were ready to sacrice your lessons you taught me. You taught me how
recognizing Uxbridge Township's community. To date nothing has been life for others’, including mine. That is to play most sports and helped me learn
longest serving mayor, Gerri Lynn done. something I will always be proud of. how to skate when you built me the best
O'Connor. Regardless of anyone's This letter is not meant to diminish Grandpa, you had such a loving family. backyard rink ever. I always remember your
political leanings, 38 years as a Mr. Shepherd's deserved recognition. Grandma always took great care of you and most important lesson though. You told me
member of Uxbridge Township It is wholly meant to bring light on was such a loving wife! Dawne made you a many years ago to always do a good job at
council, most of them as the mayor, in something the Township of Uxbridge very lucky man. Your son Scott became so whatever I am doing. That lesson has
my mind deserves recognition. In appears to have overlooked. accomplished in his life, running a busi- guided me every day since then, and it
addition to her unprecedented term ness that is still successful today. I know always will.
on Uxbridge council, she was so how proud of him you must be, all the When you left us, grandpa, you left a hole
Peter Hvidsten
highly respected by her peers at lessons you taught him helped him so down here. A hole in our lives and an even
(brother of Gerri Lynn O'Connor)
Durham Region, she was appointed much in his life, and I know that he is proud bigger hole in our hearts. Not a day goes by
of you too grandpa. You always took great that we don’t remember you and love you
pay a penny. care of your step-grandson, Fraser. Even more than anything in the world.
To the Editor I don't believe our war veterans though he was your step-grandson, you Grandpa, you are a wonderful man who
It seems every Federal election our from Afghanistan, Bosnia, etc are always treated him like he was your own. has helped shaped who I am today; you
political leaders promise to do better going to fare much in the future. I can’t begin to explain how happy I was were a role model to all who knew you, and
by our war veterans. Right now time is Shame on our politicians for their to be your granddaughter. I still remember you have always been my hero. I will love
on their side, they can afford to sit lack of effort in these matters. all the good times we got to share. All the and miss you forever.
back and wait for World War II laughs we had together, and even the tears Forever yours,
Brian Donohue, Port Perry. we shared when I lost my mom. Grandpa, Your granddaughter, Cearra
veterans to die off. They won't have to
UNITED CHURCH Available on Sundays:
Nursery Program - up to 3 years old
The Rev. Ruthanne Ward Sunday School and Catechism Classes
- Priest-in-Charge
office@ascensionportperry.com Other Programs include:
www.ascensionportperry.com • Alpha Program
2210 Hwy. 7A (at Island Rd.) SUNDAY, October 6th • Bible study Wednesday 10 am
Children are always welcome.
905-985-8681 & Thursday 7:30 pm
www.portperrybaptist.ca • GEMS (girls groups)
October 13th - Rev. Jim Clemens, Sr. Pastor Wednesday at 6:30 pm
18th of Pentecost
Josh Bryant, Assistant Pastor ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Thanksgiving Service 1710 Scugog Street, Port Perry
8 a.m. - Said Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Father Marco Testa
10 a.m. - Eucharist (classes for adults, youth & children) MASS
Port Perry and
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship SATURDAY - 5 p.m. Prince Albert
VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTRE Check Website for more information (Jr. Church JK Grade 6; SUNDAY - 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. United Churches
Nursery for ages 2 and under) CONFESSION 905-985-2801
SATURDAY - 4-5 p.m. Rev. Elaine Hall
6:00 p.m. – Evening Worship Rev. Don Willmer
SUNDAY - 30 minutes before 9 a.m. Mass www.portperryunited.com
- 30 minutes before 11 a.m. Mass Sunday, October 6th
For Mass through the week Port Perry United Church
call the Parish at 905-985-7071 294 Queen St., Port Perry
Minister: Stephanie Richmond 9:50 a.m. Morning Worship
905-718-8086 Nursery Care, Child & Youth
ssutchrichmond@gmail.com Program - ages 3-17
Anglican Network in Canada Prince Albert United Church
14460 Simcoe St., Port Perry 23 Jeffrey St., Prince Albert
Phone: (905) 982-2064 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Sunday School
Seagrave www.newsongportperry.ca All Welcome
Service 9:15 a.m.
Greenbank Join us for worship at 10am
Service 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Sunday School
70 Toronto St. North, Uxbridge
All are Welcome! 15 Medd Rd. • 905-852-7054 Father Joseph Rodrigues
Everyone is Welcome
Interim Moderator www.uxbridgefamilyworship.ca Mass - Saturday 5 p.m.
Rev. Dr. Terry Ingram 10am Sunday School Sunday 9 and 11 a.m.
SUNDAY, October 6th To list your church events contact 11am Worship Service Confessions Saturday 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Service at 10 a.m. For Mass through the week
us at 905-985-6985 Engage The Supernatural
call ofce 905-852-6944
7 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca
Cheesecake with
Gingersnap Crust
11/2 cups gingersnap cookie crumbs
1/2 cup nely chopped hazelnuts
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup sugar
MoJacks sink Pirates to take MoJacks goaltender Corey Kuypers gets in position to make a save against
the Picton Pirates at a game at Scugog Arena on Sunday, Oct. 6th.
three of last four games
DAN CEARNS and a half minutes later, a Pirates’ shot
The Standard took a bounce off MoJacks goalie Corey
Kuypers’ pads and into the net,
SCUGOG: With a split in their games increasing the decit to 2-0. But, before
over the weekend, the Port Perry the period was over, Thornton chipped in
MoJacks have now won three of their last a goal, cutting the Pirates’ lead to 2-1.
four games. Almost six minutes into the second
After a couple wins last weekend, the period, the MoJacks pulled even when
MoJacks fell to the Napanee Raiders 8-3 Chokrev-Cerpnjak put a backhand shot
in a road game on Friday, October 4th. into the top right corner of the net. Then,
Port Perry’s goal scorers in the loss with less than four and a half minutes left
were Carter Thornton, Nick Chokrev- on the clock, Spencer Robinson rushed
Cerpnjak and Justin Jacobs. Newly into the offensive zone and put the puck
signed backup goalie Nicholas Dicks through the legs of the Pirates’ goalie,
made 44 saves in the losing effort. giving the MoJacks the 3-2 lead.
But, the MoJacks were able to rebound Port Perry was able to survive an
with a comeback victory against the onslaught of shots in the third period,
Picton Pirates at Scugog Arena on holding on to win 3-2. two points,” he said. their record to 3-5-0
Sunday, October 6th. After the game, MoJacks assistant One Timers - The MoJacks will face off with
To start off the game, there was a coach Jeff St. Pierre told The Standard - The Port Perry MoJacks acquired another Tod Division opponent on
ceremonial puck drop by MP Erin why he felt the team was able to make the veteran defenceman Josh Lemmon in a Saturday, October 12th, as they face the
O’Toole, Scugog Mayor Bobbie Drew and comeback. trade with the Georgina Ice on Thursday, Rebels in Campbellford at 7:30 p.m.
members of the Scugog Fire “We got down a couple goals early and October 3rd. “He’s been great so far,” St. - The Mojacks’ next home game at
Department. we bore down and got back to the basics, Pierre said. “He’s quick, he brings a good Scugog Arena is on Sunday, October 13th
The game didn’t start off well for the getting pucks on net, pucks in deep. I rst pass. He’s been great for us, teaching at 2:25 p.m., with the Napanee Raiders
MoJacks though. Less than four minutes thought we did a good job on our power our young guys stuff on the [defensive] in town.
in, the Pirates struck with a power play play and penalty kill, our special teams side of the puck. He’s a great t.”
goal, putting Port Perry behind 1-0. Five were good today, and we came out with - With the win, Port Perry improved
13 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 THE STANDARD ON SPORTS www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca
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15 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca
Tragically, as a result of an
a c c i d e n t o n Tu e s d a y, SNOW PLOW DRIVERS
October 1, 2019 at age 57.
Brent Shaw, dearly loved
husband of Debbie Kirk. IN MEMORIAM Sunderland & Port Perry
Loved father of Frank and Nov.1/19 - Mar.31/20
Harry. Cherished son of Marion
and the late Mel Shaw. Dear brother Barry Howey $50/day standby pay OFFICE
January 22, 1926 $23/hour while plowing
of Terry (Heather), Pam (Norm) and Galen
(Bonnie). He will be missed by his father and - October 7, 2016 DZ license, clean abstract ASSISTANT
mother-in-law Bill and Margaret Bell, his sisters- Always loved and missed
in-law Kelly and Terry and his brother-in-law Bill. Dawne, Scott, CALL 416-460-5576
Brent will be fondly remembered by his many Fraser, Cearra Duties include reception,
nieces, nephews and friends. The family of Brent
Shaw will receive friends at the WAGG HUB INTERNATIONAL customer service
FUNERAL HOME, "McDermott-Panabaker EQUIPMENT LTD and some bookkeeping.
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30 Hours a week.
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photos and condolences may be shared at October 21st - 26th. an excellent phone manner.
We service both agricultural
www.waggfuneralhome.com Call Nancy for appointment & leave a message and construction equipment.
905-985-4937 To apply please email your
Hours are Mon-Fri 8am-5pm,
alternating Saturdays 8am-12pm. resume to
Aggressive wage compensation
dependent on qualications
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AT REST ADVERTISE Must have a valid drivers license.
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