October 10 2019

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Vol. 15 No.


An antique show and sale was held at the Scugog Community Recreation Centre this past weekend. DAN CEARNS The Standard

Municipal ofcials frustrated by Metrolinx decisions

DAN CEARNS The Standard money saved from
the changes.
SCUGOG: Local politicians expressed their displea- “I don’t believe it
sure with recent decisions made by Metrolinx, at a answers hardly any
meeting of Scugog council on Monday, October 7th. of our questions,”
In the summer, Metrolinx decided to discontinue Go he said. “Those
Bus route 81A. The company attempted to explain the funds are not
change in a letter from CEO Phil Verster to Township returned to our
ofcials, that was included as part of Scugog’s meeting regional partners to
agenda. bolster our service,
“We are always monitoring our services to ensure we and I have no doubt
are making the best use of our resources. After careful those funds are not
consideration of our ridership numbers, we have coming back to us. I
decided to discontinue, reduce and adjust service on would like to see
some GO bus routes to ensure we’re using our them answer the
resources when and where they’re needed more. In the motion I put
case of Route 81 and 81A, the lack of demand could not forward.”
justify continuing the service as it was,” read the letter. In late June,
The correspondence goes on to state “those travelling Scugog council ofcial’s address to council.
between Port Perry and Whitby can continue to use the passed a motion from Councillor McDougall to ask “I really cannot gure out Metrolinx at all,” he said.
service still offered along GO bus Route 81,” and the Metrolinx to restore the 81a bus, to have Metrolinx “I’m discouraged by the way Metrolinx forgets about
Durham Region Transit route 950 is an alternative “present to Council at the Township of Scugog how the the most important item they need, and that’s people.”
option. identied reductions and route elimination of 81a has The Regional Chair stated his frustration with the
But, the letter also noted “service on Route 81 has been formulated,” and to have the Ministry of Trans- company’s decision to all of a sudden look at four
been reduced to four trips daily to better match portation, Metrolinx and Region of Durham “explore different route options for the Bowmanville Go Train.
demand.” the option of commuter parking in Manchester, to assist “I’m equally as frustrated as you are about how
The response didn’t sit right with Ward 1 Scugog multimodal transportation.” Metrolinx is trying to gure out the transit system, and
Councillor Ian McDougall, who felt Metrolinx should Earlier in the meeting, Ward 5 Councillor Lance we continue to ght for the services that our residents
have provided the Region of Durham with the tax Brown asked Regional Chair John Henry his thoughts deserve,” he said.
on Metrolinx’s recent changes during the Regional
2 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Loaves and Fishes Food Bank Double fatal crash in Scugog

facing growing pains
DARRYL KNIGHT The Standard volunteers we do have are not available
during our hours of operation, and in
UXBRIDGE: Facing continued growth general people are just living busier and
in their client base, accessibility issues busier lives and aren’t as interested in a
and a volunteer shortage, the Uxbridge long-term commitment.”
Loaves and Fishes food bank recently The food bank, which has operated out
presented their ongoing challenges at a of the Presbyterian Church since its
recent council meeting. founding 30 years ago in 1989 has seen
On Monday, September 23rd food bank the number of people utilizing its services
co-ordinator Jeff Ross appeared before steadily grow since then. “Our client base
council to outline some challenges being is steadily growing, most recently we’ve
faced by the organization. “Our seen an increase in the number of
main issue is accessibil- single seniors and homes
ity,” Ross explained, with multiple depend-
noting that the food ents, such as younger
bank’s location at children or combined
St. Andrews- families,” added Ross.
Chalmers Presbyte- “The people we serve,
rian Church is only some have suffered an
accessible by stairs. “Our illness or have a continued
clients sometimes suffer from chronic illness and are on
mobility issues, sometimes they need disability, some are underemployed or
walkers or even wheelchairs, and we also precariously employed, some have
have some younger people who are trying suffered a layoff recently or their busi-
to navigate the stairs with a baby in one ness closed, there're many reasons. For
arm and groceries in another.” whatever reason these people are nding SCUGOG: Two people died and an succumbed to his injuries. The 71-year-
The food bank is staffed by a dedicated it difcult to make ends meet, and we are elderly female was transported to old female driver was taken to a Toronto-
team of about 30 volunteers, working there for them when times are tough.” hospital with life-threatening injuries area trauma centre with life-threatening
over 150 hours every month to assist up For additional information on the food after a vehicle crash on Thursday, injuries.
to 150 families that rely on the food bank. bank, or to become a volunteer, please October 3rd in Scugog. Police believe the other driver is male,
“Many of our volunteers have been with contact Loaves and Fishes by calling 905- According to Durham police, at but Constable George Tudos told The
us for many, many years and it’s difcult 852-6262 or you can e-mail them at approximately 8:10 a.m., members of Standard the body was taken to the
to ll those vacancies with the network uxbridgeloavesandshes@hotmail.com. North Division were called to Simcoe Centre of Forensic Sciences for
we have,” Ross explained. “Some of our Street and Old Simcoe Road in the identication because of burns. Police
Township of Scugog for a serious state they will not release the names of
collision involving a white Ford Ranger the victims “as per the family’s request.”
Construction at the intersection and a white Volkswagen sedan. Police “ Police believe speed may be a
of Lake Ridge Road and Regional state the Ford Ranger was travelling
northbound on Simcoe Street when it
contributing factor in this collision,” read
a DRPS release.
Road 13 in Brock lost control and struck the southbound Anyone with new information about
Volkswagen. The Ford Ranger became this investigation or who may have
fully engulfed in ames and the driver witnessed the collision is asked to contact
was pronounced dead at the scene. The Detective/Constable. Mac Duff of the
passenger of the sedan was taken out of DRPS Trafc Services Branch at 1-888-
the vehicle and ofcers performed C.P.R, 579-1520 extension 5267.
but the 71-year-old Lindsay man

Applications for Province’s Con-

necting Links Program Now Open
The Ontario government is putting people 2019-20 to support Connecting Links
rst by helping municipalities make roads projects across Ontario. The funding
and bridges safer, while ensuring Ontario is covers up to 90 per cent of eligible project
open for business and open for jobs. costs, to a maximum of $3 million.
Applications are now open for the next Eligible costs include the design,
round of the Connecting Links program for construction, renewal, rehabilitation and
new projects starting in spring 2020. replacement of municipal roads and
Connecting links are municipal roads or bridges that run through communities and
bridges that connect two ends of a provin- connect to provincial highways.
BROCK: The Region of Durham is and intersection improvements safely.
cial highway through a community or to a
reconstructing the intersection of Lake During construction, the intersection
border crossing. • Through the Connecting Links program,
Ridge Road (Regional Road 23) and will operate as an all-way stop.
"We will continue to invest in municipal Ontario helps municipalities repair
Regional Road 13 in the Township of The Region realizes that the work is
roads and bridges to keep families safe and designated roadways and bridges that
Brock. disruptive and will make every effort to
support jobs and growth in local communi- connect two ends of a provincial highway
Work begins next week and is expected complete the work quickly and
ties," said Transportation Minister Caroline through a community or to a border
to be complete by August 2020. efciently. Drivers are asked to exercise
Mulroney. "These municipal roads and crossing.
Unfavourable weather may inuence the caution for the safety of pedestrians,
bridges are vital links that help connect • Connecting Link projects are reviewed
work schedule. cyclists and the work crews.
people to jobs and make Ontario a more based on technical need and safety
They will stage road closures beginning For information on Regional design,
attractive place to invest and start or considerations such as connecting link
with the north and east approaches to the c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d e n v i ro n m e n t a l
expand a business." bridge and road condition, need for repair
intersection. This project has been assessment projects, visit
The province provided $30 million in in the near term and cost effectiveness.
undertaken to complete reconstruction durham.ca/WorksProjects.
3 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

GREENBANK by Mary Jean Till

The possibility of a strike among the support staff has
been averted, so buses and schools are running as usual.
At last week's Durham Cross Country Area event held at
Lakeridge (Trillium Trails), Greenbank Bantam Boys SEAGRAVE by Jean Short
nished 1st overall, and the Girls 3rd. Individual
winners were Caidance M. - 1st, Smith R. 2Nd, Addy R. We will be celebrating Thanksgiving next weekend. Let Bills can also be rolled into the bottles. All proceeds will
- 3rd, Morgan W. - 3rd, Weston P. - 4th, Brittany P. - 7th. us all thank God for what we have, a roof over our heads, go to Food For the North. Return your containers to the
A total of 12 runners placed really well. Congratulations shoes on our feet, clothes to cover our bodies, and food Church Treasurer by November 3rd. Please attach a
students and coaches. to nourish them. personal address label with your name, address, and
Visiting from Holland for a few days with Muriel As I sit here and reminisce about my life growing up in envelope/par number. Thanks for participating.
Tassie, is her granddaughter who competed October Seagrave, I know that I have had a wonderful life. I can October 12th, 8:30 a.m. - Men's Breakfast Group.
5th, in the World's Pole Gymnastics competition held in remember when we had hydro put in the house. We had Everyone is welcome.
Montreal. to go outside to the bathroom; there was no indoor October 16th, 7:30 p.m. - Congregational Meeting in
Welcome to new neighbour Roberta Green on Hwy plumbing then. We had to go to the pump and get a pail the Friendship Hall.
12, who moved into her apartment more than a month of water, and carry it into the house. Because we lived October 19th, 7:30 p.m. - “Elvis Live” at Seagrave
ago, then had the misfortune of a car accident, resulting on a farm, we had to pump water to water the stock. I United Church. There will be refreshments. Tickets are
in a hospital stay, and injuries that are still healing. As of remember when there was no Robinglade, just my $25 and need to be ordered in advance. Contact Rick at
last week, she is home in her Greenbank apartment. We grandfather’s farm. There was no Mariposa Estates, 905-985-8383, Keith at 905-985-2489, or Linda at 905-
wish Roberta a full recovery. that was my family’s farm. There was no King’s Bay, that 985-8856.
Terry Crawford returned home September 30th from was a Short Farm. I walked to Seagrave to go to school at October 20th, 10:00 a.m. - Worshiping at
Dartmouth, N.S., where he visited with family, and S.S. #17 Reach Public School, a one room school with Vroomanton United Church to celebrate their
sadly attended the funerals of two brothers: Roger who classes from grade 1 to grade 8. When I went to high anniversary. Seagrave United Church will be closed.
had suffered a sudden heart attack, and Lloyd who school, I walked two miles to Ramsey Rd. to catch the Ukulele Class for Beginners is starting at the
battled cancer for four years. Sincere sympathies go to school bus into Lindsay. We never heard of strikes and Seagrave Church. Adult classes are on Wednesday
Terry in his double loss. unions. For anyone who can get to Seagrave Church, evenings at 7:00 p.m. October 23rd. Children 6 years
Church News – The pottery pieces the children made the Friendship Hall has some photos of Seagrave over and up will have lessons during Sunday school time,
in September are lovely. October 13th, Thanksgiving 100 years ago. As I celebrate a milestone birthday, I am beginning Sunday, October 27th. If you are interested in
Sunday, the children will be creating pumpkin so thankful for living in this wonderful area. joining the fun, contact Betty Lou at 905-985-3595.
centrepieces with Jacqueline MacDonald. Holly Smith Brett and Robin Drew have just returned from a two The “Walk with me Group” will be on Wednesdays at
had a special leaf activity October 6th following minister week vacation where they cruised from Vancouver to Seagrave United Church. Meet at the church at 9 a.m..
Stephanie's story time with youth and young at heart, Hawaii and then spent a week on the Islands before Everyone welcome.
which Stephanie shares each week. Eli H. lit the Christ ying home. November 6th - Reserve your tickets for the Annual
Candle for the service of inclusiveness and World Wide Belated Birthday Greetings to Paul Button (October Turkey Supper by calling Ken at 905-985-7778, Betty
Communion. 3rd). Happy Birthday to Glenda Hutcheon (October Lou at 905-985-3595 or Keith at 905-985-2489.
October is Stewardship Month, and people are asked 8th), Ken Sturman (October 11th), and Heath Hodgins If you wish to rent the hall, please call Rick at 985-
to save and donate their toonies for Mission and Service. (October 11th). 8383 or email barberick@sympatico.ca.
The U.C.W.'s are strong supporters of M&S. Please Happy Anniversary to Len and Betty Somerville If you have any news items for this column, please
bring your M&S toonies or offering of your choice on (October 7th), and Jack and Ona Short (October 12th). email grammiejean2010@hotmail.com, or phone Jean
November 3rd. October is Stewardship month. Fill a pill bottle with at 905-985-9921.
The Evening Unit U.C.W. is asking for support of an loonies or toonies. The bottles will hold 25 – 40 coins.
outreach project - “Fill a purse for a sister campaign”,
with personal hygiene items, gloves, a whistle, EPSOM & UTICA by Faye Ashton CAESAREA by Eleanor Colwell
ashlight, scarves, anything a lady needs that will t in a The Epsom-Utica Church Roast Beef supper is Thursday’s euchre winners: Jim Tucker nished in
purse. These donations will be received by the second planned for Thursday October 25th at Utica Hall rst place and also had the most lone hands. Shirley
Sunday on November 10th, and appreciated by Evening from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. We hope you can come and Oldeld and Jim Beatty tied for second. Gail Crawford
U.C.W. enjoy this community time together. was third. Gord Paisley nished in fourth place. Pat
October 26th, 7:30 p.m., is the Ofcial Board Meeting Church this Sunday starts at 10 a.m. at Epsom Allemang and Jacky Atteld tied for fth place. Willy
at Greenbank Church. Church, with minister Alex Jebson taking the Houthys had the low score, and Doreen Sheehey had
Lion News: Fall fertilizer can be delivered free, $30 service. the mid score. Nestleton Euchre is held every Thursday
for a 55 lb bag. If you would like some fertilizer, call Our condolences to the Family of Alice Ross who (except holidays) in the Nestleton Community Centre,
Larry at 905-985-3723, or email passed away October 1st. She lived just south of 3971 Hwy 7A, play starts at 7:30 p.m.
larrydoble@hotmail.com. Utica with her husband Lloyd for many years, but Blackstock Cartwright Lions Club:
It's almost that time of year - Christmas! The Lions more recently resided at Wyneld Long Term Care. What great weather we had for the Fall Festival at
will be hosting a little different Santa event. Instead of A funeral service has been arranged for October 18th Cartwright Fields in Nestleton last Saturday. It was a
breakfast with Santa, children aged 1-8 are invited to at Low and Low Funeral Home in Port Perry. great time for kids and adults alike. Everything from
come to the Hall, Saturday, November 23rd, in the Our condolences also to Reg Philip's wife, Linda vintage vehicles to chili to horse drawn rides to visiting
evening, 6:30 – 8:00 in their pyjamas, for a special night and family. Reg passed away on September 30th. Reg with old friends seemed to involve everyone. Thank you
with Santa, including a cup of milk and cookies. Space is grew up in Utica, attending both public school and to the Nursery School who invited us to participate with
limited to 40 children, so contact Jenn Mantifel at church in his younger years. We will remember each them in making and selling popcorn. We had a fun time.
jennmantifel@gmail.com by Thursday, October 24th, of you. On Wednesday, October 16th, we are proud to host
to reserve a spot. This includes parents and children. It's winery touring season in the Niagara areas, our District's Club Ofcer refresher training. Club
Please call me at 905-985-0535 with news items. and 19 AACA member cars and drivers toured the Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers,
region to enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of the and Membership Committees will have an opportunity
season. to learn more about their role and responsibilities
The fall foliage is turning beautiful and with our within their Club.
rst frost on Friday evening out of the way, I'm sure Do you have your ticket yet for our Lions Hallowe'en
there's some great weather ahead. Dance being held this month on Saturday, October
Please send your Thanksgiving celebrations and 26th? If not, drop by Penny's Mini-Mart in Blackstock or
events of the week to faye.eaglesnest@gmail.com. inquire of any member of our Lions Club. The prots
generated will be donated to the Oakridges Hospice, the
new North Durham Hospice being built in Port Perry.
Watch this column for details about our Christmas
cake fundraiser.
4 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

BLACKSTOCK by Tammy Phillips

The Township of Scugog held a public meeting last
Thursday, October 3rd, to discuss the new Blackstock
Recreation Complex. It was a full house at the recre- Flying is for the birds
ation centre hall with residents and interested stake-
holders who attended to learn more about the culture
and recreation needs that could potentially be accom-
modated in a new recreation complex. CAO Paul Allore I am sitting here, at 32,000 feet, cold when I realized we had to be piercing
welcomed everyone and then introduced Carol surrounded by tons of metal with de-iced again. b a n g
Coleman, Director of Public Works, Parks and the seatbelt light on as we experi- The announcement was that we rocked
Recreation. Following a presentation by consultant ence some pretty severe turbu- were 7th in line and while we the plane. The pilot announced
Robert Lockhart from the ReThink Group, attendees lence. I can no longer type because waited, now nearly two hours that we had lost an engine. People
we are shaking too much, so I behind schedule, a screeching were looking at each other and I
participated in facilitated round-table discussions and
begin to reminisce about my siren suddenly wailed throughout stared out the window, somewhat
then a wish list of ideas were presented for potential
experiences high above the the fuselage. Everyone looked relieved to see the engines were
consideration. Many township council members were
ground. around and a ight attendant ran still attached. He went on to
in attendance, including Mayor Bobbi Drew as well as announce that we would be able to
I have own a great deal and my from the back to the front. From
Wilma Wotten, Regional Councillor; Ian McDougall, busiest year, 2007, had me my vantage point I could see her y to Toronto, but regulations
Councillor Ward 1; Janna Guido, Councillor Ward 2; boarding a total of 108 airliners. banging on the bathroom door, insisted we land as soon as possi-
and Deborah Kiezebrink, Councillor Ward 4. More To say I am familiar with ying without response. She poked at the ble. Yeah, right, I thought. What if
information will become available on the Township’s would be an understatement, but lock and the door opened and I the other engine decides to quit?
website at www.scugog.ca. that certainly does not mean I like howled when I saw an elderly They were after all manufactured
The Blackstock Co-op Nursery School (BCNS) is it. Of course, now that I am writing gentleman sitting, his trousers by the same builder. I think I would
hosting a delicious fall fundraiser with Mom’s Pantry. about it, looking down at nothing around his ankles, casually pufng have been all right if the priest
Mom’s Pantry offers a extensive selection of pastry but water, all of the challenges I on a cigarette as if nothing was beside me had not turned to me
items, cookie dough, mufn mixes, and other baking have encountered come to the amiss. and asked if I wanted him to hear
products as well as appetizers, soups, pizza, protein foreground of my mind. Another hour went by while I my confession.
mixes, tea and seasoning spices. From now through I think one of my best airplane watched the RCMP board the I believe it is a numbers game. I
October 24th, order through any BCNS parent or experiences was a number of years plane and escort the man to the remember hearing that one in
directly online at http://www.mamaspantry.ca. At the ago, ying from Moncton to nether regions of Moncton’s Police sixteen thousand ights has
checkout you will be prompted to use BCNS’ order Toronto on a 737, one of my Station and nally we managed to mechanical problems. I know the
number: 295161, and group pass code: 31015. A favourite aircraft. It was the dead take off. One nal announcement odds of anything bad happening
percentage of each purchase automatically contrib- of winter and the snow was falling explained that the airport in are low and you are much safer in
fast while the wind howled. We had Toronto was closed due to weather an airplane than you are in an
utes to the non-prot school. Orders will be available
just de-iced and were making our so we had to y to Ottawa, which automobile, but all that means
for local pick up at a to-be-advised date in mid-
way to the active runway. The we did and where we sat for nothing when I look down from
plane barrelled along, about to lift another two hours before taking this great height.
Save the date: The School Community Council at
off when the engines made a off. My two hour ight landed at Canada has one of the highest
Cartwright Central Public School is hosting another strange noise and the take-off was three in the morning, only seven safety standards which is comfort-
Take Out Rib Dinner Fundraiser on Thursday aborted. hours late. ing, except the majority of my
November 21st, at the Blackstock Recreation Centre. A moment later an announce- I mentioned I like 737’s mainly ights are international. I took a
At a cost of $20 per person, enjoy: 1/2 rack ribs done by ment explained there was an issue because I am familiar with their Twin Otter across Costa Rica,
Strack's Smokin’ Grill, a baked potato, coleslaw, a bun with a gauge, which had to be quirky noises and strange habits, which was built in 1964 and the
and dessert. Tickets will be available soon through any resolved before we could take off. I like slowing down over Brampton, pilot was proud of the fact. I also
SCC member or by calling Angie Faireld at: (905) certainly have no problem with because of noise restrictions. This had the pleasure of spending an
986-4133, or by email at: angief@ffmltd.com. repairing anything before we y, no happens just af ter take-off, hour in a four-seater en route to
Euchre winners for Tuesday, September 24th: Doug matter how long it takes, but many depending on which runway is New Zealand’s Milford Sound,
Day nished in rst place. Shirley Oldeld nished in people around me failed to share used and it gives the impression where the turbulence was so bad
second place and also had the most lone hands. Ellen my views and became agitated. that the plane is losing power. My my head was constantly banged
Gibson came in third. George Wind was fourth. The plane pulled back to the gate favourite ritual, at that time is to against the ceiling.
Doreen Sheehey came in fth. Lawrence McLaughlin and maintenance did their thing. look around, nd someone with One of the better memories has
had the mid score. Blackstock Euchre is held every Unfortunately, there is a rule on fear in their eyes, and pretend to to be on board a Russian Aeroot
Tuesday evening at 7:30 p.m. (except holidays) in the the books, which states the door share their sentiment, secretly DC-8, travelling from St. Peters-
Blackstock United Church Hall. Everyone is welcome. has to be open while the plane is giggling to myself. burg to Moscow. The plane was
Blackstock community news items can be emailed to parked. A long, icy thirty minutes I remember ying from half full and every conceivable part
passed before they were ready to Edmonton to Toronto, sitting next shook while it endlessly barrelled
link2tammy@gmail.com by 12 noon on Monday prior
roll and I was shivering from the to a priest, when a loud, ear- along the runway. Upon take off
to publication.
the empty aisle seat beside me
PONTYPOOL by Coralee MacDonald began to move, shake and fall
directly into the aisle. No one
Bethany Fire department is hosting a grand opening on seemed upset and when we landed
October 20th, from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 88 Ski Hill Rd. (safely, thank goodness) people
There will be a BBQ, refreshments, kids actives, hall simply stepped over it and
and truck tours. Come out and have some fun. continued on their way.
Don't forget the Community Lasagna dinner on Well, the seatbelt sign is still lit
Saturday, October 19th, from 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. at the and we are still shaking violently, as
Bethany Community Hub (Bethany Church), 3 George we maneuver this turbulence.
St. Bethany. Admission is $10 for adults, $5 for chil- Most people are watching the
dren. There is limited seating. Tickets available at movie or reading a book, but I am
Wi liams Design, or Bethany Church ofce Tuesday sitting here nervously glancing
and Wednesday, 9:30 – 4:00 p.m. around, thinking only that this
Community care presents a new location in October thing was built by the lowest
for a community lunch, at Bethany United Church. bidder.
This event will be held on the third Thursday of each Jonathan van Bilsen is a
month, starting October 17th. The cost $8. For more published author, an award
information, or to reserve your spot, call 705-324-7323 winning photographer, columnist
and keynote speaker. Follow his
ext. 654. If we were meant to y we would have been born with wings adventures at photosNtravel.com.
Continued on page 7
5 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Singin’ in the Rain
The colours are changing and it's manner, and others would try to chalk
been getting a little colder, but we it up to some over inated ego stroke to
have lots of the year left, and I am give credit to those who made the
thankful for that. effort, in hopes of vicariously take part
The “Season of Thanksgiving”, in being human, but I believe this is a
which starts in late September early betrayal of those who are moved to
O c t o b e r, c o n s i s t s o f respond to need in the lives of others.
Armistice/Remembrance Day and When asked, almost all would say it was
Thanksgiving Day, counting our no big deal, or even be uncomfortable
blessings for a good harvest. with being asked about the reasons
But it continues, and some, who are behind what motivates them.
‘plan ahead people’ may include Black The truth is seless acts are not done as
Friday sales as a relief to the costs and a score keeping measure and giving
pressure of upcoming Christmas buys, public acknowledgement of them
and if taken slowly, spacing purchases almost steals the pure glow one
out may ease the money stress; huh, receives from a loving God for doing
wise people, they can enjoy the these things selessly. The Bible says,
experience as a more reective one, “If you receive your reward from
considering the ones they are giving to, mankind, you lose your reward from
instead of being drawn into the God.” And well, I’d much rather
nancial clamour and frenzy so many experience a “Well done” contribution
experience. to my life, from the Almighty source of
And, oh yes, Christmas season itself, Life, than a temporary pat on the back
if taken on its actual merit, as a from those around. I recognize, God’s
Celebration of a Giving Life, is unend- afrmation sometimes comes through
ingly wonderful, then we have, on other people, mostly privately, inti-
through to New Year and the spring to mately, and genuinely. Sometimes
come. When looked at in the right light,
what a wonderful onslaught of reasons
anonymous, usually no pomp, or
ceremony, just genuine gratefulness of
Blood Donors Needed in Uxbridge
GiveBlood app, call 1-888-2DONATE (1-
to be thankful.
I’ve been watching my neighbours
heart. Often left unspoken. But those
who are skilled in listening for these
Dear Editor 888-236-6283) or book now at blood.ca.
lately and I want to thank God for the promptings to acts of kindness, can also Walk-in appointments are also available.
generous heart they share, returning see the change imparted to the life On behalf of Canadian Blood Services, Where can you donate: In Uxbridge on
dogs, who have breached the yard that’s reached, and that is its own I’d like to encourage the residents of Friday, October 11th from 1:30 to 7:30
boundaries, to their neighbours, many reward. Oshawa and North Durham to support p.m. at the Uxbridge Senior’s Centre (75
times with a smile and conversations For these hearts, for these souls, for Canada’s lifeline by donating blood the Marietta Street), we need your help to ll
ending in thanks and warm “see ya the kindness that rules their lives, I am week before or after Thanksgiving. more than 80 open appointments. Our
laters”, others taking in the blue bins overwhelmed and very thankful. This Thanks and appreciation come in xed donor centre in Oshawa operates
and garbage cans for those who are at motivates me to thank a Loving God many forms. For some, Thanksgiving is every Monday and Tuesday from 3 to 7
work, once the hard working collectors and breathe up a prayer of protection the time to cook up a feast and reconnect p.m., Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.,
come and gather their contents. Others for a life like this and all the lives that with loved ones. For others, it’s an Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m., Friday from 9
who pick up escaped debris from those need their touch. If I ever miss this opportunity to celebrate health care in a.m. to 1 p.m. and Saturday from 8 a.m.
same bins without complaint. There when it’s happening, I know there are Canada and help patients in need. to 2 p.m. We will be open and operating
are those who, like when the snow hit others who are moved the same way, Every week, over 250 donations are regular hours Friday through Monday
earlier this month, help to clear the and pray gratefully also, and in their needed in Oshawa. Donations often over the long weekend.
laneways of those who can no longer do prayers they ask God to give me eyes to decrease around the long weekend as Please make an appointment to give
it easily themselves or mostly without see the Love expressed through others, regular donors are away or busy with blood over Thanksgiving. Somewhere, a
remuneration. For money or not, it’s an so I can always be thankful. friends and family. If you are on the road patient and their family will be thankful!
exchange of grace and favour, like In this season, at least from now, over the long weekend, we encourage
when they similarly help with their through Christmas, until New Year, you to give where you go. Sincerely,
lawns in the summer. Occasionally this there are plenty of people, moments, Making an appointment to donate has Jennifer Mathieu Territory Manager,
selessness spills over through others and opportunities, to live thankful in never been easier. To nd a donor centre Oshawa and Area,
helping a neighbour to re-shingle their relation to. So let’s choose to be a close to your destination, download the Canadian Blood Services
leaky roof. That’s no small task and yet Blessing. Let’s try that on for size and
it’s often done for lunches, some cold see if it doesn’t transform your winter
ice tea, or whatever the preference. blahs into a stream of co-working with
I know many won’t acknowledge or God, and warmth in the lives around.
even recognize the gentle nudge of Happy Seasoning
God, prompting them to act in this

Publisher .................................Colleen Green

Editor...........................................Todd Green
...........................Dan Cearns, Cearra Howey
.......................Claudia Sytsma, Darryl Knight
Sales Manager ...........................James Craig

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6 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Mayor's Honour
Dear Editor interim Chair of the Region of Dear Diary To my grandfather, Barry
Durham after the unfortunate death CEARRA HOWEY
I am writing regarding the wonderful of Roger Anderson.
honour bestowed upon former Mayor Last December I wrote to interim Grandpa, you have been gone for three you were always there
Bob Shepherd (October 3, Standard) mayor Pat Malloy and asked if years, and my heart aches for you every for me, in the good
and the recognition by Uxbridge anything was being planned to single day. I miss you more than words can times and the bad
Township for his service as a mayor. honour Gerri Lynn. He indicated if he ever express, but I know that one day we times too. You were
Mr. Shepherd is deserving of the was elected mayor he would bring it will meet again. always there for all of
honour and it was nice to see the forward. After the election of Dave I am so proud of the man that you were. your loved ones when
township recognize his contribution Barton as your mayor, I contacted him You had such a fun and accomplished life they needed you. You
to his community. with the same question. He wrote grandpa. You served our country honour- were a seless man and I try to be like that
With this in mind, I must say I am back saying he had been speaking to ably during World War II. You may have too.
very surprised the township has not staff and they were discussing a way to never gone overseas, but you still played a Grandpa, I will never forget all the
been as thoughtful when it comes to recognize her contributions to the huge role. You were ready to sacrice your lessons you taught me. You taught me how
recognizing Uxbridge Township's community. To date nothing has been life for others’, including mine. That is to play most sports and helped me learn
longest serving mayor, Gerri Lynn done. something I will always be proud of. how to skate when you built me the best
O'Connor. Regardless of anyone's This letter is not meant to diminish Grandpa, you had such a loving family. backyard rink ever. I always remember your
political leanings, 38 years as a Mr. Shepherd's deserved recognition. Grandma always took great care of you and most important lesson though. You told me
member of Uxbridge Township It is wholly meant to bring light on was such a loving wife! Dawne made you a many years ago to always do a good job at
council, most of them as the mayor, in something the Township of Uxbridge very lucky man. Your son Scott became so whatever I am doing. That lesson has
my mind deserves recognition. In appears to have overlooked. accomplished in his life, running a busi- guided me every day since then, and it
addition to her unprecedented term ness that is still successful today. I know always will.
on Uxbridge council, she was so how proud of him you must be, all the When you left us, grandpa, you left a hole
Peter Hvidsten
highly respected by her peers at lessons you taught him helped him so down here. A hole in our lives and an even
(brother of Gerri Lynn O'Connor)
Durham Region, she was appointed much in his life, and I know that he is proud bigger hole in our hearts. Not a day goes by
of you too grandpa. You always took great that we don’t remember you and love you
pay a penny. care of your step-grandson, Fraser. Even more than anything in the world.
To the Editor I don't believe our war veterans though he was your step-grandson, you Grandpa, you are a wonderful man who
It seems every Federal election our from Afghanistan, Bosnia, etc are always treated him like he was your own. has helped shaped who I am today; you
political leaders promise to do better going to fare much in the future. I can’t begin to explain how happy I was were a role model to all who knew you, and
by our war veterans. Right now time is Shame on our politicians for their to be your granddaughter. I still remember you have always been my hero. I will love
on their side, they can afford to sit lack of effort in these matters. all the good times we got to share. All the and miss you forever.
back and wait for World War II laughs we had together, and even the tears Forever yours,
Brian Donohue, Port Perry. we shared when I lost my mom. Grandpa, Your granddaughter, Cearra
veterans to die off. They won't have to

UNITED CHURCH Available on Sundays:
Nursery Program - up to 3 years old
The Rev. Ruthanne Ward Sunday School and Catechism Classes
- Priest-in-Charge
office@ascensionportperry.com Other Programs include:
www.ascensionportperry.com • Alpha Program
2210 Hwy. 7A (at Island Rd.) SUNDAY, October 6th • Bible study Wednesday 10 am
Children are always welcome.
905-985-8681 & Thursday 7:30 pm
www.portperrybaptist.ca • GEMS (girls groups)
October 13th - Rev. Jim Clemens, Sr. Pastor Wednesday at 6:30 pm
18th of Pentecost
Josh Bryant, Assistant Pastor ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH
Thanksgiving Service 1710 Scugog Street, Port Perry
8 a.m. - Said Eucharist 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Father Marco Testa
10 a.m. - Eucharist (classes for adults, youth & children) MASS
Port Perry and
10:30 a.m. Morning Worship SATURDAY - 5 p.m. Prince Albert
VICTORY CHRISTIAN CENTRE Check Website for more information (Jr. Church JK Grade 6; SUNDAY - 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. United Churches
Nursery for ages 2 and under) CONFESSION 905-985-2801
SATURDAY - 4-5 p.m. Rev. Elaine Hall
6:00 p.m. – Evening Worship Rev. Don Willmer
SUNDAY - 30 minutes before 9 a.m. Mass www.portperryunited.com
- 30 minutes before 11 a.m. Mass Sunday, October 6th
For Mass through the week Port Perry United Church
call the Parish at 905-985-7071 294 Queen St., Port Perry
Minister: Stephanie Richmond 9:50 a.m. Morning Worship
905-718-8086 Nursery Care, Child & Youth
ssutchrichmond@gmail.com Program - ages 3-17
Anglican Network in Canada Prince Albert United Church
14460 Simcoe St., Port Perry 23 Jeffrey St., Prince Albert
Phone: (905) 982-2064 11:30 a.m. Morning Worship
Sunday School
Seagrave www.newsongportperry.ca All Welcome
Service 9:15 a.m.
Greenbank Join us for worship at 10am
Service 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Sunday School
70 Toronto St. North, Uxbridge
All are Welcome! 15 Medd Rd. • 905-852-7054 Father Joseph Rodrigues
Everyone is Welcome
Interim Moderator www.uxbridgefamilyworship.ca Mass - Saturday 5 p.m.
Rev. Dr. Terry Ingram 10am Sunday School Sunday 9 and 11 a.m.
SUNDAY, October 6th To list your church events contact 11am Worship Service Confessions Saturday 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Service at 10 a.m. For Mass through the week
us at 905-985-6985 Engage The Supernatural
call ofce 905-852-6944
7 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca


Our rst frost! The damage was inconsistent, with some and added to, and will soon be available on the Uxbridge Sunday was a very busy day. Church was at Sandford,
gardens in town being destroyed while many both North Library site to assist with your family research. Thanks to and will be again next week at 10 a.m., with Carol O'Neil
and South of the town suffered only minor burns. Only her and all those who have been helping her with this as our worship leader, and Karen Ritchie at the piano.
the impatience Plants, which were in full bloom on my mammoth task. Next week Nancy Wolf will be playing.
deck, were touched and a couple of tops from coleus and Happy anniversary to LeeAnn and David Ball who have Following church I went to the Foster. Friday nights are
some squash leaves. We should be alright for the next few been married for 23 years. Best wishes also to Kim nished but this was a Jazz and Blues concert, which was
weeks now, but I hate the thought of having to bring my Lendvay and Geoff Carpentier celebrating 16 years excellent, and featured many of the ones who have
myriad of plants inside when they are just beginning to together, with lots of travel spicing things up. performed separately but are fantastic together. One
really bloom well. Bill and Sheila Richardson have returned from 3 weeks more event is the “A Christmas Carol” to be performed
October has started out as a very busy month with so in Nova Scotia and had a wonderful time. Many people November 3rd.
many activities all around, many associated with harvest think autumn is the prime time to travel in Canada. The Pine Grove Historic Church held their Harvest
time and fall. Some folks who went on colour tours up On Monday evening the Masons hosted the Uxbridge Home this afternoon at 3 p.m. There wasn't as big a
north have declared the colours quite beautiful already Historical Society and many friends, at the Masonic crowd as usual but it was a lovely service led by Helen
but around here things are just beginning to boast some lodge for an evening of information, about the Masons in Johnson and guest speaker Rev. Kim Lawrence of Mount
colour; perhaps that is one thing the frost will do, hurry general, and the Uxbridge Branch in particular. It was a Zion church. Two ladies provided some beautiful violin
up the painting process. very informative evening and it was surprising to learn music.
Happy birthday wishes go out this week to Jean Scott that there are 51 men enrolled in the Uxbridge Branch On October 18th, the Sandford 16th Musical Gala will
Sopel. Jean is a very hard-working young lady, always but not all come from Uxbridge area but from further take place at the church, at 7:30 p.m., with a great line-
willing to help and very involved with her job at the aeld in other communities. up of participants including Carol Gibson and Jennifer
courthouse. Linda Boyd also celebrated a birthday. Linda On Thursday afternoon Trinity United Church Neveu-Campall, Bella Nove, Casey Spencer, Terry Paul,
is a past chair of the Uxbridge Genealogy Group and the Women hosted their monthly meeting to which mem- Bethany McGillivray, Lee Collingwood, Alyna and Emma
inspiration and driving force behind the digitizing of the bers from Goodwood and Sandford attended. Cindy Mathewson. Ken Welsh will be the MC. Tickets are $20.
cemetery records and newspaper accounts. Although Findlay chaired the meeting. Guest speaker was Cpl. Please come and enjoy!
they were on the internet before, they have been revised Anin Marharaj of the Durham Police Force. Ofcer On October 22nd, Theatre on the Ridge will return to
Marharaj was there to talk about the scams to which the Museum. This group does stage reading but they are
PONTYPOOL by Coralee MacDonald many people, particularly older ones, might fall prey. It excellent so don't miss them.
Continued from page 4 was denitely a serious topic but he infused it with a good Zephyr's anniversary is October 27th, with Rev. Carol
deal of humour. Baggett-McKinley as guest minister, and Erin Blackstock
Community Care is offering a foot care clinic on the Friday was the night for the play reading of “It Can't guest entertainer.
1st Tuesday of each month, from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Happen Here”. There was quite a large cast, many of On November 3rd, Zephyr community will be holding
Call community care at 705-879-4100, push 1 for whom remained on stage for most of the time. It was very a craft and bake sale at the hall. The church will be selling
the Community Health Centre to book a appoint- well done and almost eerie. This play was written in 1935 peameal on a bun as a fundraiser and need your support.
ment. and rst staged in 1937 but it could have been written On November 2nd the craft Show “Pearls and Lace”
Don't forget the Pontypool Community Centre has today, since it is so close to what is happening in the world will be at Goodwood Hall. This is a fundraiser for the
a playgroup every Tuesday from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. around us. I am sure it made a lot of people think of Foster so please support.
where we are headed.
8 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca


Monday, October 21st
What you need to know about
voting in the federal election
Canada is only a few weeks into the do this in one of three ways: When and where can I vote?
federal election and already controver- There are several ways to vote in the
sies have loomed large, but the most 1. Bring one piece of ID federal election aside from voting on
important day will be October 21st, when • Your driver’s license election day at your polling location. Here
voters head to the ballot box. • Any other card issued by a Canadian is a full list of the ways when and where
What you need to know about voting in government (federal, provincial or you can vote:
the federal election: municipal) that contains your name,
address and photo. 1. Vote in your polling location on election
Who am I voting for? 2. Show two pieces of ID day, October 21st, 2019. The polling
You will be voting for a member of • Both must have your name and at location will be printed on your voter
parliament who is a member of a specic least one must have your current information card that you receive in
party. address. EX. voter information card the mail.
and bank card or utility bill and 2. Vote at your advance poll location on
Your Who can vote?
In order to vote in this year’s federal
election, you need to:
student ID card
3. If you don’t have ID
• According to the Elections Canada
October 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th.
The location will also be printed on
your voter information card.
• be a Canadian citizen;

VOTE • be at least 18 years old on election

day, Monday, October 21st;
• prove your identity and address.
website, you can still vote without ID if
you declare your identity and address
in writing and have someone who
knows you and who is assigned to your
3. You can vote now in person at any
Elections Canada ofce until October
15th with a special ballot
4. You can vote by mail as long as you

Counts! What do I need to vote?

In order to vote in the federal election,
you need to prove your identity and
polling station vouch for you. The
voucher must be able to prove their
identity and address.
apply no later than 6 p.m. Eastern
Standard Time on October 15th.

address. The government requires you to

Erin O’Toole Jonathan Sarah

Incumbent Giancroce Whalen-
Current Durham Conservative
MP Erin O’Toole is hoping voters
25 year old Jonathan Giancroce
is hoping Durham residents vote
in the riding will allow him Liberal in the 2019 federal Sarah Whalen-Wright is the
another opportunity to be their election. federal NDP candidate for the
voice at the federal level. Mr. Giancroce is the riding’s Durham riding.
Mr. O’Toole has been Durham’s Liberal candidate. “Durham Region is my home, Ms. Whalen-Wright told The
MP for six years. During that time, he has served and I want to do better for Durham,” he said. Standard while she loves her job as a teacher, she
both as a member of a Conservative majority Mr. Giancroce was previously an intern at the saw the effects cuts by the Ontario Conservative
government and a member of the ofcial constituency ofce of Nathaniel Erskine-Smith. government to the education sector had, and felt
opposition. “ That’s where he learned that Members of her voice could be useful on a “bigger platform.”
“I consider it an honour every time I stand in the Parliament must put the interests of all their One of the parts of the NDP’s platform Ms.
House of Commons. I consider it an honour to constituents rst and constantly stand up for their Whalen-Wright pointed to as important is the
represent my hometown,” Mr. O’Toole said. “I’m communities,” read a post on Mr. Giancroce’s Green New Deal.
very proud of my roots. I try to be a good and ethical website. “ We have a whole population that green
representative.” Mr. Giancroce talked about what he feels are his technologies could make a really big difference for,”
Mr. O’Toole was critical of how the current Liberal she said.
strengths in this race. “My youth comes with a lot of
government has treated small businesses. Ms. Whalen-Wright explained her role as an
energy. I’m a hard worker. I’m a great listener,” he
“We’ve got to end the Liberal war on small educator has given her experience with people
explained. Specically, he says if elected, he will
businesses. The Liberals have been antithetical to from all walks of life, and has taught her how to
bring a “hardworking” nature to the job of
small business,” he said. “More and more people work “with people who may not always agree.”
Durham’s MP.
are starting their own business or working at a small She also promised North Durham will not be an
Mr. Giancroce said the Liberals have “a real plan”
business. We can’t be driving them away.” afterthought in her campaign.
to combat climate change and added the party is
Right now, one of the biggest concerns Mr. O’Toole “I want to show that we care about all parts of the
also looking to make life easier for the rst time
has heard from residents is affordability. riding,” she said. “I’m willing to work with any
home buyers. “Our goal is to help people,” he said.
“We see an affordability crisis out there. Costs constituent if elected.”
He also pointed to the fact the party has made
are going up dramatically,” he said, adding a
large investments in transit. “Transit is a big issue
Conservative government would provide relief to
in the North. I want to champion bringing more
residents to help with the rising cost of living.
transit, more investments in transit to Durham.”

Do you have your voter card?

9 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca


Monday, October 21st
9:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Scugog Polling Stations Scugog Polling Stations Brock Polling Stations
Blackstock Nestleton Station Beaverton
Blackstock Recreation Centre Nestleton Community Centre Holy Family Catholic School
3440 Church Street West 3971 Highway 7A 720 Simcoe Street
Blackstock Nestleton Beaverton

Caesarea Price Albert Sunderland

Blackstock Recreation Centre Prince Albert Public School Sunderland Memorial Arena
3440 Church Street West 13700 Old Simcoe Road 20 Park Street
Blackstock Prince Albert Sunderland

Greenbank Port Perry

Greenbank Public School Scugog Community Recreation Centre
1325 Cragg Road 1655 Reach Street
Greenbank Port Perry

Manchester Scugog Island

Scugog Community Recreation Centre Port Perry Baptist Church
1655 Reach Street 2210 Highway 7A
Port Perry Port Perry

Evan Price Brenda Virtue Cameron

Evan Price is hoping voters in the
Durham riding will consider the
Durham riding People’s Party of
Canada (PPC) candidate Brenda
Fairchild No
Green Party of Canada “a real Virtue thinks the new party Candidate was unavailable photo was
contender” in the 2019 federal election in October. stands a better chance in this election than recent for comment. available
“Evan Price supports policies and legislation that popularity polls have shown. for this
increase freedoms and protections for children, “I think our chances are excellent because we are a candidate.
women, immigrants, and minority groups. He is different voice,” she explained.
especially passionate about election reform and the What separates the People’s Party from the other
Green Party’s call for proportional representation to big political parties in Canada, according to Ms.
ensure Canadians are accurately being represented Virtue, is the PPC are “running on principle, not
in government, as well as developing more opportuni- pandering to special interest groups and polls..”
ties for youth engagement,” read a press release from She explained why she decided to run for the PPC
the Green Party. in this election.
Mr. Price said, while the Green Party has not had a “I’m really disappointed by the Conservative Party
lot of success in Durham in the past, he feels that as a of Canada,” she said. “I felt I had to stand up and
24 year-old candidate, he can inspire the younger have a voice for people.”
voter demographic. Since the PPC launched, Ms. Virtue said she’s
He also stated his intention to be accessible to heard from some residents, who have read the PPC’s
North Durham voters in the riding he is running in, platform, that think this is “the rst time they’ve
and committed to having a constituency ofce in been excited about politics.”
Scugog, if he is elected the MP for the area. “The more people hear what we stand for, the
Mr. Price asked voters to consider electing him as more that will rise up. The party will only grow with
MP. support,” she said.
“As a lifelong resident of Durham Region, I’m proud Specically, Ms. Virtue said people seem to be most
to call this community my home,” he said. “What can excited about their promise to lower taxes.
somebody young like me bring to the table? A full She promised if elected she would represent
understanding of the issues and emotional motivation Durham residents with “integrity and honesty” and
to x these issues.” would protect peoples’ right to free speech.
“We are for the people of Canada,” Ms. Virtue said. “We are for the people of Canada,” Ms. Virtue said.
“We’re the best country in the world, and I want to “We’re the best country in the world, and I want to
see it get better. I want to see Durham thrive.” see it get better. I want to see Durham thrive.”

Do you have your voter card?

10 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Cheesecake with
Gingersnap Crust
11/2 cups gingersnap cookie crumbs
1/2 cup nely chopped hazelnuts
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1/4 cup sugar

Filling 12 tbsp (11/2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened

11/2 pounds cream cheese, at room temperature Herb-Roasted Turkey 1/4 cup packed fresh at-leaf parsley leaves, chopped,
1/2 cup packed light brown sugar plus 4 whole sprigs
1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 large sprig fresh rosemary, leaves chopped,
2 large eggs plus 2 whole sprigs
2 large egg yolks 1 tbsp chopped fresh thyme, plus 4 whole sprigs
11/2 tablespoons all-purpose our 15 leaves fresh sage, chopped, plus 3 whole leaves
2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 3/4 tsp kosher salt, plus more for the turkey
1 cup solid-pack pumpkin purée (not pumpkin pie mix) 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper,
1/2 cup créme fraîche, homemade (see below) or store- plus more for the turkey
bought, or sour cream 1 15-pound turkey
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 lemon quartered
8 shallots peeled and halved
1. Preheat the oven to 350 F. Lightly butter an 8- or 1 head garlic cloves separated and peeled
81/2-inch springform pan. 4 cups low-sodium chicken broth or stock
2. To make the crust: Stir together all of the 2/3 cup dry white wine
ingredients in a medium bowl until the crumbs are 3 tbsp all-purpose our
moistened. Press the mixture over the bottom and up
the sides of the pan. Bake the crust for 10 minutes. 1. In a small bowl, combine the butter, chopped 1 hour longer, until it's golden brown and a thermome-
Let cool completely on a wire rack. Increase the oven parsley, chopped rosemary, chopped thyme, chopped ter inserted into the thickest part of the thigh registers
temperature to 425 F. sage, salt, and pepper, and mix well. 165 F. Transfer the turkey to a platter and brush with 1
3. To make the lling: With an electric mixer on 2. Position a rack in the bottom third of the oven and tablespoon of the herb butter. Tent it loosely with foil
medium speed, beat the cream cheese, brown sugar preheat the oven to 450 F. Sprinkle the main cavity of and let it rest for 20 minutes before carving.
and granulated sugar in a large deep bowl until light the turkey with salt and pepper. Place the whole sprigs 6. Using a slotted spoon, transfer the shallots and garlic
and uffy. Beat in the eggs and then the egg yolks one of parsley, rosemary and thyme and the sage leaves into from the roasting pan to a plate. Transfer the pan juices
at a time, beating well after each addition. Add the the cavity. Add the lemon, 4 shallot halves and half of to a medium bowl, then skim off and discard the fat. Set
our and pumpkin pie spice and beat on low speed the garlic cloves. the pan over two burners on medium-high heat.
until just combined. Add the pumpkin purée, créme 3. Starting at the neck end, carefully slide a hand Deglaze the pan with the wine and 1 cup of chicken
fraîche and vanilla, and beat until just combined. between the skin and the breast meat to loosen the skin. broth, scraping up any browned bits. Bring the sauce to
Pour the lling into the shell. Spread 3 tablespoons of the herb butter over the breast a boil, reduce the heat to medium, and cook until it's
4. Place the cheesecake on a baking sheet and bake meat under the skin. Tuck the wing tips under the skin, reduced by half, about 4 minutes. Pour the sauce into a
for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 250 and tie the legs together to hold the shape. Season the large measuring glass. Add the degreased pan juices,
F and continue baking for 1 hour. turkey generously all over with salt and pepper. and broth, if necessary, to equal 3 cups of liquid.
5. Turn the oven off and let the cheesecake cool in the 4. Place the turkey on a wire rack set in a large roasting 7. Blend the our into the remaining herb butter until
oven for 21/2 hours. Then transfer to a wire rack and pan. Rub 4 tablespoons of the herb butter over the combined. Pour the broth mixture into a medium
let cool to room temperature. Refrigerate, tightly turkey. Roast about 30 minutes, until golden brown, saucepan and bring to a boil. Gradually whisk in the
covered, for at least 10 hours, until thoroughly chilled and reduce the heat to 350 F. Baste the turkey with 1/2 herb-butter mixture. Add any accumulated juices from
and set, or for up to 2 days. cup of the broth. Cover only the breast area with a sheet the turkey platter and boil until the gravy thickens
6. To serve, run a knife around the side of the of heavy-duty aluminum foil. Scatter the remaining enough to coat a spoon, whisking occasionally, about 6
cheesecake and remove the side of the pan. Serve shallots and garlic cloves in the pan around the turkey. minutes. Add the remaining shallots and garlic to the
slightly chilled or at room temperature, cut into thin 5. Continue to roast the turkey for about 11/2 hours, gravy and simmer for 1 minute. Taste and adjust the
wedges with a sharp knife dipped into hot water and basting with 1/2 cup of broth every 30 minutes. Remove seasonings, if necessary. Serve the turkey with the
wiped dry after each cut. the foil from the turkey breast. Continue to roast the gravy.
Serves 8 to 10 turkey, basting with pan juices every 20 minutes, about Serves 10
11 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

MoJacks sink Pirates to take MoJacks goaltender Corey Kuypers gets in position to make a save against
the Picton Pirates at a game at Scugog Arena on Sunday, Oct. 6th.
three of last four games
DAN CEARNS and a half minutes later, a Pirates’ shot
The Standard took a bounce off MoJacks goalie Corey
Kuypers’ pads and into the net,
SCUGOG: With a split in their games increasing the decit to 2-0. But, before
over the weekend, the Port Perry the period was over, Thornton chipped in
MoJacks have now won three of their last a goal, cutting the Pirates’ lead to 2-1.
four games. Almost six minutes into the second
After a couple wins last weekend, the period, the MoJacks pulled even when
MoJacks fell to the Napanee Raiders 8-3 Chokrev-Cerpnjak put a backhand shot
in a road game on Friday, October 4th. into the top right corner of the net. Then,
Port Perry’s goal scorers in the loss with less than four and a half minutes left
were Carter Thornton, Nick Chokrev- on the clock, Spencer Robinson rushed
Cerpnjak and Justin Jacobs. Newly into the offensive zone and put the puck
signed backup goalie Nicholas Dicks through the legs of the Pirates’ goalie,
made 44 saves in the losing effort. giving the MoJacks the 3-2 lead.
But, the MoJacks were able to rebound Port Perry was able to survive an
with a comeback victory against the onslaught of shots in the third period,
Picton Pirates at Scugog Arena on holding on to win 3-2. two points,” he said. their record to 3-5-0
Sunday, October 6th. After the game, MoJacks assistant One Timers - The MoJacks will face off with
To start off the game, there was a coach Jeff St. Pierre told The Standard - The Port Perry MoJacks acquired another Tod Division opponent on
ceremonial puck drop by MP Erin why he felt the team was able to make the veteran defenceman Josh Lemmon in a Saturday, October 12th, as they face the
O’Toole, Scugog Mayor Bobbie Drew and comeback. trade with the Georgina Ice on Thursday, Rebels in Campbellford at 7:30 p.m.
members of the Scugog Fire “We got down a couple goals early and October 3rd. “He’s been great so far,” St. - The Mojacks’ next home game at
Department. we bore down and got back to the basics, Pierre said. “He’s quick, he brings a good Scugog Arena is on Sunday, October 13th
The game didn’t start off well for the getting pucks on net, pucks in deep. I rst pass. He’s been great for us, teaching at 2:25 p.m., with the Napanee Raiders
MoJacks though. Less than four minutes thought we did a good job on our power our young guys stuff on the [defensive] in town.
in, the Pirates struck with a power play play and penalty kill, our special teams side of the puck. He’s a great t.”
goal, putting Port Perry behind 1-0. Five were good today, and we came out with - With the win, Port Perry improved

Bruins looking to bounce back with weekend triple header

MARLO STANFIELD the scoring just over three minutes into within a goal. However, the Bruins’ Knights riding into town for the rst
Special to The Standard the action. A power play goal by captain offence would be stymied down the time this season. Game time is 7:45
Adam Turner put the Bruins back stretch, and Lakeeld would score p.m.
The Uxbridge Bruins will have three ahead 2-1 with just over 12 minutes twice more to seal a 7-4 victory. • The Bruins’ busy weekend wraps up
opportunities to get back to winning played in the opening frame. on Sunday night in Gananoque against
ways this weekend following a recent Lakeeld netted a pair of goals early Bear Necessities: the Islanders.
home-ice loss to the Lakeeld Chiefs. in the second period to take a two-goal • On Thursday night, the Bruins
Facing their rst Orr Division foe of lead before a late power play goal by Josh head to Bowmanville for a 7:30 p.m.
the 2019-20 PJHL season, both teams Cammalleri drew the Bruins to within game against the Clarington Eagles.
came out with tremendous enthusiasm one heading into the third period. • It’s a rematch of last season’s
in the rst period, trading goals as the After an early Chiefs goal, Cougar Cup Orr Division
score was deadlocked 2-2 through 20 Cammalleri scored his second of the championship round on Friday night at
minutes of play. Brendan Reid opened evening to bring Uxbridge back to the Bear Den, with the North Kawartha
12 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 THE STANDARD ON SPORTS www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Lindsay Muskies vs Mississauga Chargers Friday Night

CRAIG SCHROTER chest of a Mississauga player in front of
Special to The Standard the goal and wound up in the back of the
net to tie the game. They credited Darius
KAWARTHA LAKES: Lady luck was Vitug with the unassisted goal.
not on the side of the Lindsay Muskies as In the third the Muskies seemed to
a good shot at two points slipped away in nd their stride a bit again and were
a 3-2 loss to Mississauga Friday night. coming up the ice on a power play when
The Muskies got off to their best start the puck carrying Muskie defender was
of the season so far, opening up a two goal hauled down from behind. There was no
lead on a pair of goals by rst year Muskie call on the play and the result was a two
Duncan Scullion. The forward (pictured on nothing, shorthanded breakaway for
with fans after the game) picked up his t h e C h a rg e r s w h i c h s a w D e v l i n
2nd and 3rd goals of the season. The rst Shanahan feed the puck over to Matteo
came from Adam Miwa, and Logan Pecchia for what would end up being the
Maunder, while the helpers on the winning goal. The Muskies pressed late
second came from Noah Vandervinne, in the game and got some good chances
and Tucker Firth. but a late shot block from a Mississauga
Early in the second frame the defender took away the best chance with
Chargers looked to climb back into the just seconds left on the clock.
game with a shorthanded breakaway but After the game Scullion said he was
Muskies goaltender Dean Buchholz who just in the right place at the right time for
has been red hot of late came up big to the two that went in, but he was
maintain the two goal lead. Scullion lamenting the one that hit the iron when
would come within inches of his hat trick it could have put his team up by three.
moments later when he rattled a shot off Head Coach Dan West also mentioned
of the goalpost behind Frank Boal. That his team’s inability to put Mississauga
seemed to be a turning point in the away with a third goal.
match as the Chargers began to turn the “It’s hard to lose after being up 2-0.” he
tables a little. At 11:11 Taylor Barnett said. “Those were valuable points, but a
nished off a nice passing play in front of young team has to learn from that.”
the goal, with the assists going to The next action for Lindsay is
Matthew Sop and Chase Strychaulk. Thursday night when they make their
Then a bad break for the Fish as a puck rst ever trip to Brantford.
appeared to change directions off the
Duncan Scullion andfans.

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Carrier Team today!
Routes available in;
Port Perry
Contact The Standard Circulation Department.

13 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 THE STANDARD ON SPORTS www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Mondays p.m. 705-324-7323 to reserve.

Monday Morning Singers-9:15-11:30am, Circle of Hope for the Bereaved, 2 Kent
St. Paul's Anglican Church, 65 Toronto St. W., Lindsay, noon to 1:30 p.m. 705-
Street, Uxbridge. Begins January 22nd. 879-4123 for information or to register.
N o a u d i t i o n s . Vi s i t Saturday, October 20th
[www.mmsingers.org]www.mmsingers.or 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Port Perry Seniors Club
g 647-476-2138 Autumn Bazaar Home made crafts,
Pineridge Chorus, a friendly place for baked goods, draws, $5 lunch Latcham
women who like to sing. Mondays, 7:15 Centre, 121 Queen Street 905-982-2192
pm, Uxbridge Music Hall, 905-852-6327. Tuesday, October 23th
2nd & 4th Wednesday Adult Day program at Little Britain
of each Month United Church (1022 Little Britain Rd.).
Are you 50+? Join the Port Perry Seniors 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 705-324-7323.
Club. $15 now or $20 after Oct 31st. Wednesday, October 24th
Latcham Centre, 121 Queen St. 905- Caregiver Support Group. Free to attend.
982-2181 or portpsc101@gmail.com. At 2 Kent St. W., Lindsay, 2 - 3:30 p.m.
As part of the annual Fire Prevention Week, members of Scugog Fire Services, Friday, October 12th 705-324-7323 ext 503 to register or for
along with Sparky the Fire Dog attended the Port Perry MoJacks’ free family skate Talent Auction at Greenbank United more information.
on Sunday, October 6th. DAN CEARNS The Standard Church. Come out for a fun lled 5-7 p.m. Port Perry Seniors Monthly
evening with local auctioneer Carl Po t L u c k D i n n e r D i n n e r 5 : 0 0
Phoenix. Entertainment: The "DUKES" (Durham
Special Protection for Viewing from 6-7 p.m. with auction
beginning at 7 p.m. Contact Kim 905-
Ukulele Klub) 6:00 Latcham Centre, 121
Queen Street 905-982-2192.
Ontario Food Terminal for 985-2522, kjthomson1980@outlook.ca Thursday, October 25th
o r Va l e r i e 9 0 5 - 9 8 5 - 3 5 8 6 , "Shorebirds of James Bay and their
Decades to Come valerieaprilhunter@gmail.com for Ecology" with Jean Iron, at 7 p.m.,
further information. Scugog Memorial Library, 231 Water
The Ontario government is protecting Hogarth. "It is part of our past, and this Sunday, October 14th Street, Port Perry. Jean Iron is one of
jobs by naming the Ontario Food designation will help secure its future Mushroom Walk at Crows Pass Ontario’s most active birders and an
Ter minal lands as a P rovincially and long-term prosperity for decades to Conservation Area at 10 a.m. Patricia international bird tour guide, well known
Signicant Employment Zone — an come." Burchell fungi expert with the Toronto for her stunning bird photographs.
identication that protects lands that are Provincially Signicant Employment Mycological Society will be leading the Saturday, October 27th
critically important both locally and to Zone lands that are designated as hike. Meet at corner of Middlemarch Hope Church is Port Perry is hosting a
the province for jobs and economic employment areas in ofcial plans Road and Woodbridge Circle (1.5 km concert by Sean Dayton. The musical
growth. cannot be changed from employment west of Ashburn Road) genres will include: folk songs, church
Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal uses without provincial approval. Monday, October 15th music, and the Beatles. The time is 7
A ffairs and Housing, made the "The Food Terminal's strength is that it Living with Cancer support group, 2 Kent p.m., at Hope Church, 14480 Old
announcement today with Er nie provides a central marketplace for all the St. W., Lindsay, 2 p.m. No charge. 705- Simcoe Rd., Port Perry. Admission is by
Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, Food good things that grow in Ontario," said 879-4123. donation.
and Rural A ffairs, and Christine Minister Hardeman. "Recognizing the Tuesday, October 16th Monday, October 29th
Hogarth, Member of P rovincial Ontario Food Terminal lands as a Monthly Diners Club seniors luncheon Living with Illness Support Group, 2 Kent
Parliament (MPP) for Etobicoke- Provincially Signicant Employment presented by Community Care at the St. W., Lindsay, 2 p.m. A group for cancer
Lakeshore. Zone will help protect its role as a key Woodville Arena, noon. 705-324-7323 to survivors and those living with cancer. No
"The Ontario Food Terminal is a key economic driver in our agriculture reserve. charge. 705-879-4123.
provincial economic hub," said Minister sector." Free blood pressure monitoring service Tuesday, October 30th
Clark. "I know many jobs rely on the " D e s i g n a t i n g t h e O n t a r i o Fo o d provided by Community Care, at Adult Day program at Little Britain
terminal's success, including farmers, Terminal as a Provincially Signicant Woodville arena, 11 a.m. to noon. No United Church (1022 Little Britain Rd.).
distributors, retailers, grocers and many Employment Zone will help ensure its appointment necessary. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 705-324-7323.
more." long-term viability and certainty," said Adult Day program at Little Britain Saturday, November 3rd
The Province has identied Steve Bamford, Vice-President of the United Church (1022 Little Britain Rd.). Port Perry United Church Fall Auction.
Provincially Signicant Employment Toronto Wholesale Produce Association. 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 705-324-7323. Silent Auction from 11:00 am – 12:45
Zones as areas that are signicant to the "Committing to the Food Terminal at its Lindsay Garden Club meeting for pm, Live Auction starts at 1:00 pm. Bake
provincial economy. Lands in these current location and as an employment October will be held at 7.30 pm. St Paul's Table and Lunch Available.
zones may meet one or more of these zone will help everyone at the Terminal Anglican Church Hall, 45 Russell St. W, ReachView Village LTC in Uxbridge will
criteria: prosper and grow." speakers will be Karen Durnin & Gini be hosting a Christmas Bazaar on
Ÿ they play a strategic economic Sage of the Durham Master Gardeners Saturday November 3rd from 9:00 am -
development role locally and provin- on the subject of Hydrangeas. 3:00 pm. There will be a variety of
cially Ÿ The Ontario Food Ter minal is 6.00 p.m. Out To Dinner at Seagrave vendors, bake sale, and craft sale, as well
Ÿ they are located near major transpor-Canada’s largest wholesale fruit and Church. Menu: scalloped potatoes, ham, as a chili lunch for $5. Everyone is
produce terminal and ranks among
tation infrastructure, like highways veggies, salad and dessert. Please bring a welcome to attend (905) 852-5191 ex 107
Ÿ they support industrial uses that maythe top four terminal markets in non perishable food item for the Scugog Wednesday, November 7th
Canada and the United States by
be vulnerable to conversion for other Food Bank. Call Jean at 905-985-9921 Port Perry Seniors Club Armistice
uses, like residential development,volume of produce distributed by Oct. 13th to reserve a seat at the table. Luncheon Wednesday, November 7th at
and (approximately 2 billion pounds Thursday, October 18th 12:30. Beef stew, dinner roll, WWI War
Ÿ they have a high concentration of annually). Monthly Diners Club seniors luncheon Cake, coffee/tea $5 advance tickets.
employment or signicant employ- Ÿ The number of people who rely on the presented by Community Care at the Latcham. Centre, 121 Queen Street.
ment potential. Ontario Food Terminal for employ- Oakwood Community Centre, 12:30 905-982-2192.
ment is estimated to be around
"As MPP for Etobicoke-Lakeshore, I 100,000. Happenings is a community service of The Standard reserved for Charitable and Non-Prot
know how important the Food Terminal Ÿ Over 5,000 businesses buy produce events. We endeavour to run all eligible items as space allows. For a full list of Happenings
is to our community," said Christine from the Ontario Food Terminal. go online to www.thestandardnewspaper.ca/happenings.html
14 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

Advertise your
business here.
Affordable Rates,
Local Service

15 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca


IN MEMORY OF IN MEMORY OF IN MEMORY OF Wanted – Part Time/Casual Hours
Peacefully, on Tuesday, August 27, 2019, at the S u d d e n l y, o n F r i d a y, Servicing Port Perry, Uxbridge
Lakeridge Health Centre in Port Perry, at age 86. October 4, 2019 at age 37. Unexpectedly, on Thursday,
Shirley Hope, though she was disabled as a Beau Jolicoeur, dearly September 5, 2019 at the For details call 647-202-3325 or email
paraplegic at a very young age, she became a loved husband of Jaimie Lakeridge Health Centre in comfortablyhome.psw@gmail.com
woman ahead of her time. Through Crippled (nee Wagg). Loved father of Oshawa, at age 87. Orie
Civilians, she moved to Toronto and took training Jordain and Travis. Cherished Robinson of Nestleton,
to become a switchboard operator. She was then son of Carolyn and her husband beloved husband of Helen (nee
hired by the Toronto Star where she remained until Harry James and the late John
her retirement. Shirley was always self -
supporting and independent. She jokingly said
Jolicoeur. Dear brother of Michelle Pogue (Ryan)
and Aimee Jamieson (Jon), Jenna Wagg (Todd),
Garrison). Loved father of Barbara
Robinson, Debbie Robinson, the late Mary Lou
Hurren and the late Gary Robinson. A Service to
“she had a good life, even though she didn’t look
like it”. Her sense of humour and honesty will be
Crystal Wagg (Ryan), Jessie Wagg and Christine
James. Survived by his grandmother Ruby
celebrate the life of Orie Robinson was held at the
Pine Grove Cemetery in Prince Albert, on Monday,
missed by many. Rested at the WAGG FUNERAL
HOME, 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905-985-
2171). Private interment Pine Grove Cemetery,
Musseau and grandfather Jack Webb. Loving
uncle of many nieces, nephews. Beau will be
missed by his father-in-law Danny Wagg (Diane),
October 7th at 11 a.m. If desired, memorial
donations may be made by cheque through the
WAGG FUNERAL HOME, 216 Queen Street in
Prince Albert. If desired, memorial donations may
be made by cheque to War Amps Ontario.
his mother-in-law Sherry Pustai (Scott) and his
many aunts, uncles, cousins and friends. A
Port Perry (905-985-2171) to the Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Ontario. Memories, photos and
One day
Memories, photos and condolences may be shared gathering to celebrate his life will be held at the condolences may be shared at
at www.waggfuneralhome.com Port Perry Legion on Thursday October 10th from www.waggfuneralhome.com
4 - 8 p.m. (sharing of stories at 6 p.m. followed by a
reception). If desired, memorial donations may be
deposited in a trust account for Beau's children.
(Account Number - 8926336 CIBC #03442 or by
Must have
e-transfer to jtjolicoeurtrust@gmail.com)
Memories, photos and condolences may be shared
own van.
at www.waggfuneralhome.com

Tragically, as a result of an
a c c i d e n t o n Tu e s d a y, SNOW PLOW DRIVERS
October 1, 2019 at age 57.
Brent Shaw, dearly loved
husband of Debbie Kirk. IN MEMORIAM Sunderland & Port Perry
Loved father of Frank and Nov.1/19 - Mar.31/20
Harry. Cherished son of Marion
and the late Mel Shaw. Dear brother Barry Howey $50/day standby pay OFFICE
January 22, 1926 $23/hour while plowing
of Terry (Heather), Pam (Norm) and Galen
(Bonnie). He will be missed by his father and - October 7, 2016 DZ license, clean abstract ASSISTANT
mother-in-law Bill and Margaret Bell, his sisters- Always loved and missed
in-law Kelly and Terry and his brother-in-law Bill. Dawne, Scott, CALL 416-460-5576
Brent will be fondly remembered by his many Fraser, Cearra Duties include reception,
nieces, nephews and friends. The family of Brent
Shaw will receive friends at the WAGG HUB INTERNATIONAL customer service
FUNERAL HOME, "McDermott-Panabaker EQUIPMENT LTD and some bookkeeping.
Chapel", 216 Queen Street in Port Perry (905-985- AT REST
PIANO TUNER has positions available for
2171) on Saturday, October 12th from 2 – 4 p.m. If
30 Hours a week.
desired, memorial donations may be made by PIANO TUNER BOB PERSALL Heavy Equipment Must be organized and have
cheque to the Charity of your Choice. Memories, is coming to Port Perry Technicians
photos and condolences may be shared at October 21st - 26th. an excellent phone manner.
We service both agricultural
www.waggfuneralhome.com Call Nancy for appointment & leave a message and construction equipment.
905-985-4937 To apply please email your
Hours are Mon-Fri 8am-5pm,
alternating Saturdays 8am-12pm. resume to
Aggressive wage compensation
dependent on qualications
and experience.
AT REST ADVERTISE Must have a valid drivers license.
Please email resumes to


is seeking a The Standard
Full Time Staff Member
for our Parts Department. office will be
The applicant must have computer
skills, great customer service skills
and a willingness to learn.
closed on
Lifting is a requirement of this job.
Hours are Mon-Fri 8am-5pm,
October 14th for
alternating Saturdays 8am-12pm.
Hourly wages will be Thanksgiving
determined upon qualications.
Please submit resume to Day.
16 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca


Is your vehicle ready for winter?

Here’s a checklist
(NC) The winter months can be hard on vehicles. The most common one you’ll
your vehicle – think slushy, hard-to- see is an SLI (starting, lighting and
drive-on roads and freezing tempera- ignition) battery that takes care of your
tures making your engine work harder. ignition, lights, radio and overall start-
Protect your investment with these up. Lithium-ion batteries are also
maintenance tips from the auto experts gaining popularity in hybrid and electric
at OK Tire. vehicles, storing more energy and
Winterize your wheels. We know all- weighing less. Whatever battery your car
season tires just won’t cut it when it runs on, the sub-zero weather means it
comes to tackling cold weather but will need a little more energy to get
changing over your wheels is also going. Get a test done to ensure your
important. Winter wheels are made of battery is performing at its best and
steel, providing a low maintenance, doesn’t need to be replaced.
durable solution for the colder months. Stay slick. Oil is your vehicle’s life- need two to four oil changes per year, but crucial to safe driving, so why not make
They are less likely to oxidize from road blood, and in the winter it needs a little this may increase in winter. sure things are optimized for a clear view
salt, plus their heavier weight allows more love than usual. Oil can thicken in Top up uids. Things like wiper uid, of the road ahead? Opt for a winter uid
them to hold up in snowy conditions. the cold, so consider synthetic oil that oil, and brake uids should all be topped to avoid freezing and sun glare on your
Treat yourself to a pair of winter wheels ows smoothly through the engine up ahead of winter. Wiper uid is windshield.
when you take care of your tire change- lubrication system in sub-zero tempera- especially important as you’ll likely be Find more safety tips and to book a
over. tures. Finally, make sure to keep up on dealing with a lot more dirt and salt from winter maintenance check at
Charge up. Batteries vary across oil changes. On average a vehicle will the roads at this time of year. Visibility is oktire.com.

Transit Executive Committee

Motorists spend hours
behind the wheel and
before choosing tires for
their vehicles. Many
offered in touring and
passenger types. Touring
spend lots of money on vehicles come off the lot will provide lower road
maintenance to ensure with all-season passenger noise and better handing, DURHAM: Yesterday afternoon, the students start the 2019 school year
their vehicles are in top tires because these tires while passenger varieties Durham Region Transit Executive off right by saving $20 a month,
working order. But tires are among the most offer a smooth ride and Committee received ridership updates contributing to an increase of 45
are one area of mainte- versatile. However, if you longevity.
for various Durham Region Transit percent in total youth pass sales
nance that often goes live in a particular climate These tires are designed
(DRT) services offered across the from 2018. The Y10 promotion
unchecked, even by the or do a lot of driving that using several different
Region. continues through to June 2020.
most diligent automobile requires specic traction t y p e s o f r u b b e r, a n d
DRT fare incentives and service Ÿ In the rst month of the On Demand
owners. or maneuverability, all- feature tread designs that
Tires undergo a lot of season tires may not be the maximize traction during expansion contributed to signicant s e r v i c e e x p a n s i o n i n t o B ro c k
wear and tear, which only best bet. The following are inclement conditions. ridership growth: Township, DRT experienced a 375
highlights the importance descriptions of common Winter tires also come in Ÿ Year to date ridership is up 1.8 percent increase in trips delivered.
of proper tire mainte- tire types and the condi- various subcategories. percent, with July ridership seeing a
DRT is also gathering feedback from
nance. But many drivers tions in which they might Studdable winter tires strong increase of 9.3 percent above
customers and residents to help shape
do not give tires a passing make the best t. provide the extra security 2018.
the future of transit in rural Durham
thought until there is a All-season tires provide of added studs to enhance Ÿ The Kids ride free incentive, a pilot
with the Rural Transit Review. An
problem, such as a at or all-season versatility, good traction on ice. Perfor- program launched May 1 and is still
excessive wear. Also, some wear and ride comfort. mance winter tires offer online survey closed September 30th
ongoing, contributed to strong
drivers think that all tires They can be dependable better dry road handling, and focus groups will be held later this
growth in child ridership over the
are the same, failing to tires and offer light snow but traction on snow and month in Brock, Clarington, Scugog
summer months, with July ridership
realize that the kind of traction as well. ice may be compromised. and Uxbridge.
doubling for children ages 12 and
tires vehicles need All-season tires provide Drivers looking for Visit durhamregiontransit.com to
depends on various adequate protection in better performance from learn more about current and upcom-
Ÿ Offered for the second year, the 2-
factors. In addition to the many conditions, but do their tires should speak ing fare incentives that help visitors and
size and type of vehicle, not offer specic benets with a tire retailer about for-1 summer youth pass incentive
residents of the Region get where they
drivers should consider in any one area. They're the options available to for July and August led to a 12
need to go safely, reliably and afford-
the type of driving they do likely to be satisfactory for them. percent increase in the number of
and the driving conditions a vast array of drivers. All- youth pass sales compared to 2018.
they routinely encounter season tires are typically Ÿ The Y10 youth pass helped over 480
17 ● Thursday, October 10, 2019 www.TheStandardNewspaper.ca

G-Moms to hold literary event Statement on mental

Jonathan health and addictions
van Bilsen
on mental
illness aware-ness
Today, Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister
of Health, and Michael Tibollo, Associate Minister of
Mental Health and Addictions, issued the following
statement on Mental Illness Awareness Week:
Every year, 2.5 million Ontarians experience mental
health and addictions challenges. Most of us know
friends, family members or colleagues that face these
challenges, which can have a serious impact on a
person’s quality of life. Mental health is a signicant
health concern in our province, across Canada, and
around the world.
This week is Mental Illness Awareness Week in
Lucy E.M. Black Canada, which coincides with World Mental Health
Day focusing on suicide prevention on October 10th.
DAN CEARNS Scugog Memorial Public adventures and photos Perry. A post on the G- It’s an opportunity for us to come together to raise
The Standard Library from 1:30 p.m. h e ’ s t a ke n i n A f r i c a . Moms website states all awareness about mental health and suicide and to
until 4 p.m. During the event, there proceeds go to “the learn more about prevention, resources and
SCUGOG: The G-Moms Author Lucy E.M. Black will be tea, coffee and S t e p h e n L e w i s community-based supports.
of Port Perry will celebrate will talk about the treats. Fo u n d a t i o n g r a s s ro o t We know how important it is for Ontario families to
local authors at an event in research she did for her Tickets are $25, and can projects in aid of African feel supported throughout their mental health journey
Port Perry coming up next historical ction novel be bought at Presents, grandmothers who are by ensuring that services are there to support them,
weekend. On Saturday, titled ‘Eleanor Courtown’. P resents, P resents in raising their AIDS when and where they need them. Our government is
October 19th, the group Then, Jonathan van Bilsen Uxbridge and Royal orphaned grandchildren. making mental health a priority and will invest $3.8
will hold an event at the will give a talk about his LePage Real Estate in Port billion over 10 years to build a mental health and
addictions system where high-quality services are
easier to nd and focused on better outcomes for all
Ontario is celebrating the 21st good things that grow in Ontario.” for your Thanksgiving feast - check By working together, we can better support Ontarians
Agriculture Week from October 7th As you prepare for Thanksgiving out these seasonal recipes featured facing mental health and addictions challenges and
to 13th, 2019. This year, we thank this weekend, there are many ways by Foodland Ontario. help prevent suicides. Our government has consulted
our hardworking farmers for to recognize and support Ontario’s Make it possible for other Ontario with hundreds of mental health organizations,
growing and making the food we farmers: families to enjoy a Thanksgiving frontline staff providing services, hospitals, advocates,
enjoy throughout the year. Visit a farmers’ market, on-farm meal by donating food items, money experts and people with lived experience to develop a
“Agriculture week is an excellent market, pick-your-own farm or or time to your local food bank, food plan to improve mental health services in Ontario.
opportunity to celebrate our farmgate. Don’t forget, you can also program or another charitable We’re continuing to invest more in these important
hardworking farmers,” said Ernie pick up Ontario wines and Craft organization. services and we’ll continue to listen to the people who
Hardeman, Minister of Agriculture, ciders at farmers’ markets. Check Buying local food supports and are impacted the most.
Food and Rural A ffairs. “Our the map for a location close to you. shows appreciation for farmers, During this week, we are encouraging all Ontarians
government is proud to support Look for the Foodland Ontario logo strengthens communities, supports to learn more about mental health and join the
Ontario’s agri-food industry. As when you’re shopping in local a sustainable environment, creates conversation on social media using the hashtag
major contributors to our province’s grocery stores to know you’re buying jobs and boosts the economy. #MIAW19 to raise awareness and reduce stigma.
economy, I encourage everyone to Ontario.
support our farmers and buy the Find a classic or try a new recipe

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