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 SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP 7.4 Support Package 5 (or higher) running on SAP HANA
 SAP HANA Appliance Software SPS 05 (or higher)

 SAP HANA DB SQLScript V2.0 (or higher)

 ABAP Development Tools for SAP NetWeaver (version 2.19)

To create an AMDP you need to use at least ABAP Development Tools in Eclipse 2.19
It is of course still possible to open an AMDP with se80 /se24, but you won’t be able to edit it

ABAP Managed Database Procedures are a new feature in AS ABAP allowing developers to write database procedures
directly in ABAP.

Using AMDP allows developers to create and execute those database procedures in the ABAP environment using
ABAP methods and ABAP data types.

There are some limitations, but only based on the parameters:

The parameters have to meet the following prerequisites:

 Exporting, importing and changing parameters are allowed

 Methods with returning parameters cannot be implemented as AMDPs

 Method parameters have to be tables or scalar types

 Method parameters have to be passed as values

Step-by-Step Procedure
Step 1: Create an AMDP Class
In this step, you will create a regular global class and then mark it as AMDP class by specifying the tag interface for the
SAP HANA database platform.

1. Start the ABAP Development Tools (aka ABAP in Eclipse) – or your SAP HANA Studio – and open the
ABAP perspective by selecting menu entry WindowOpen perspectiveOthers, and choosing
the ABAP entry in the appearing dialog box.
2. Go to your ABAP project in the Project Explorer and create a new class in the package of your choice by
selecting the context menu entry New… > ABAP Class

3. Maintain the required information (e.g. ZCL_OIA_TOPANDFLOP as name and “EPM OIA: Best and Worst
Customers” as description) and click on Next.
Select a transport request if required and confirm the creation dialog.

4. Now go to the class definition and insert following line directly after PUBLIC SECTION:
5. Save.

You’ve just created your first AMDP class!

Step 2: Declare an AMDP Method

You will now declare the method get_top_and_flop which will be implemented as AMDP method later on. This
method has an importing parameter for specifying the number of customers to be retrieved for each category (top and
flop), and two exporting parameters getting for the two requested result sets.

Info: An AMDP class can contain both regular ABAP methods and AMDP methods. An AMDP is declared like a regular static method or
instance method in any visibility section. An AMDP method cannot be identified as such in the declaration part of the class. Nevertheless,
the parameter interface of an AMDP method has to fulfill specific prerequisites. For example the parameters must be declared
using VALUE for pass by value and return values cannot be declared using RETURNING.

Before going ahead with the method definition, we first have to defined the type of the result sets.

1. Define the two types ty_bupa_selection and tt_bupa_selection in the PUBLIC SECTION of the
class definition – With ty_bupa_selection defining the table line of our return set,
and tt_bupa_selection defining the type of the returned tables.
For that just copy the below coding after the interface declaration done in the previous steps:

BEGIN OF ty_bupa_selection,
company_name TYPE c LENGTH 80,
gross_amount TYPE p LENGTH 8 DECIMALS 2,
END OF ty_bupa_selection.
tt_bupa_selection TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_bupa_selection WITH EMPTY KEY.
2. Now define the public static method get_top_and_flop.
Just copy and pase the coding below directly after the type definitions in the public section:

CLASS-METHODS get_top_and_flop
VALUE(iv_client) TYPE mandt
VALUE(iv_number) TYPE i
VALUE(et_top) TYPE tt_bupa_selection
VALUE(et_flop) TYPE tt_bupa_selection.

Info: Analog to native SQL with ADBC and EXEC, the AMDP framework does not support automatic client handling. It means that in case
of client-specific computations, the client context has to be passed to the AMDP method and used appropriately in the SQLScript coding.

3. An error will be displayed in the editor due to the missing method implementation. Just use the Quick Fix
(Ctrl+1) function “Add implementation for get_top_and_flop” to quickly solved this issue.
4. Save your AMDP class.

Step 3: Implement the AMDP Method

You will now implement a relatively simple SQLScript-based AMDP method, which retrieves the best
and worst customers depending on the gross amount of open invoices.
Info: Whether a method is implemented as ABAP or as AMDP method is not decided in the class definition, but rather in the
class implementation.
An AMDP method is indicated as an AMDP method in the implementation part of the class using the addition BY DATABASE
PROCEDURE of the statement METHOD. At the same time, the database platform where the method is used and the programming
language used to implement the method are respectively specified with the additions FOR and LANGUAGE. Further additions are
1. Mark the method implementation as an AMDP method.
Go to the class definition and enhance the method with the required additions as displayed below:


USING snwd_so_i snwd_so snwd_bpa.

The compiler now knows, that the implementation of the method get_top_and_flop of the
class ZCL_OIA_TOPANDFLOP is a SQLScript-based AMDP for the HANA database platform. The
addition USING contains the name of the DDIC tables which will be used in the implementation.
2. Now implement the database procedure by copying the SQLScript source below

–retrieve the best customers

et_top = select top :iv_number bp.company_name as company_name,sum(soi.gross_amount)
as gross_amount
from snwd_so_i as soi
inner join snwd_so as so
on so.node_key = soi.parent_key and so.client = soi.client
inner join snwd_bpa as bp
on bp.node_key = so.buyer_guid and bp.client = so.client
group by company_name
order by gross_amount desc;

–retrieve the worst customers

et_flop = select top :iv_number bp.company_name as company_name,sum(soi.gross_amount)
as gross_amount
from snwd_so_i as soi
inner join snwd_so as so
on so.node_key = soi.parent_key and so.client = soi.client
inner join snwd_bpa as bp
on bp.node_key = so.buyer_guid and bp.client = so.client
group by company_name
order by gross_amount asc;
Note: The purpose of this tutorial is not to introduce the SQLScript programming language or to demonstrate how complex
the logic of a database procedure can be. The above procedure implements a relatively simple data-intensive function, but of
course very complex logic (making even use of the advanced HANA features and functions such as data mining and
predictive analysis) can be implemented.
As already stated, in case of client-specific computation, the client context has to be passed to the AMDP method and used
appropriately in the SQLScript coding. You may have a look at the SAP HANA SQLScript Reference.

Info: In order to quickly visualize whether a class contains AMDP methods and where, it is recommended to set a different

background color for embedded languages – such as native SQL and SQLScript.

To achieve this, go to the ADT menu entry Windows > Preferences and select the path General > Appearance

> Color and Fonts > ABAP > Syntax Coloring > Embedded Languages (background

color) and set the background color of your choice.

3. Save and activate your AMDP class
You’re now ready to test your AMDP method!
Step 4: Create an ABAP Report consuming the AMDP method
We will now create and implement a simple ABAP report which call the AMDP method and display the
result sets on the screen.
Info: An AMDP method is called like any other method in ABAP Objects. This requires, however, that the central database of the current
AS ABAP is managed by the database system for which the AMDP method is implemented – meaning SAP HANA in our case. If not, a
runtime error is produced. Detailed analysis of such error can be done using the tools of the ABAP Dump Analysis (ST22).

1. Create the ABAP program ZR_OIA_TOPANDFLOP.

Select the package of your choice, right-click on it and choose context menu entry New > ABAP Program.

Enter the required information (name, a description – e.g. “Retrieve and Display Sales Order with
Open Days and BuPa Data”-) and press Next.
Select a transport request if required and press Finish to confirm the creation dialog.
2. Now implement the report.
For this purpose, just copy & paste the source code below into the ABAP editor.


DATA: lv_number TYPE i.

* set the value of the procedure input parameter

lv_number = pnumber.
* call AMDP methods
EXPORTING iv_number = lv_number
iv_client = sy-mandt
IMPORTING et_top = data(lt_top)
et_flop = data(lt_flop) ).
* display the returned itab with TOP customers
WRITE: / ‘Best customers:’ COLOR COL_POSITIVE.
WRITE:/ <f>-company_name , <f>-gross_amount.
* display the returned itab with FLOP customers
WRITE: ‘ Worst customers:’ COLOR COL_NEGATIVE.
WRITE:/ <g>-company_name , <g>-gross_amount .
3. Save and activate your test report.
4. You can now run the report (press F8) and see the result of your effort.
Congratulations! You have just experienced how easy it is to implement an SQLScript-based AMDP and consume it in

Regarding the transport aspect, AMDP classes are transported similarly to regular ABAP classes using the standard
ABAP transport mechanism. No HANA artifacts have to be transported. This means that the HANA transport container
and the HANA delivery units are not involved in this process.

You can have a look at video tutorials demonstrating how to create an AMDP and how to debug an AMDP here.
Tipp: As direct comparison to this “Top-Down”-approach, you can have a look at another step-by-step

tutorialshowing the “Bottom-Up”-approach for consuming the same HANA database procedures

using an ABAP database procedure proxy.

Related Content
 Find more content under ABAP for SAP HANA,SCN space
 ABAP for SAP HANA Reference Scenario, SCN document

 SAP HANA SQLScript Reference, SAP Help Guide

Modification-free Enhancement of AMDP in AS ABAP 7.4 SP08
CDS View Definition Features

• View-on-View
– View can have other views as data basis
– No restriction on the number of layers

• CDS View Extensions

Extend base views with new fields

• CDS View with input parameters

 Comma-separated list of scalar input parameters and corresponding type
 Supported parameter types:
–Predefined data type like abap.char(char_len)
–Name of a data element
Consumption in a CDS View

• Consumption via OpenSQL

• Check if the feature is supported
• Provide (mandatory) input parameter(s)
• Suppress syntax warning using the pragma
• Provide a “fallback“ implementation / some error handling

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